EbolaAll: Case numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014

EbolaAllR Documentation

Case numbers in an Ebola outbreak in 2014


In December 2013, an 18-month-old boy from a village in Guinea suffered fatal diarrhea. Over the next months a broader outbreak was discovered, and in mid-March 2014, the Pasteur Institute in France confirmed the illness as Ebola-Virus Disease caused by the Zaire ebolavirus. Although the outbreak was first recognized in Guinea, it eventually encompassed Liberia and Sierra Leone as well. By July 2014, the outbreak spread to the capitals of all three countries.





A dataframe with 182 rows. Each row is a daily report during a period of over 18 months during 2014 and 2015. Each report gives the number of new cases and disease-related deaths since the last report in each or three countries: Sierra Leon, Liberia, and Guinea. These values have been calculated from the raw, cumulative data. The data have been scrubbed to remove obvious errors.

  • Date: Date when the World Health Organization issued the report

  • Gcases: Number of new cases in Guinea

  • Gdeaths: Number of new deaths in Guinea

  • Lcases: Number of new cases in Liberia

  • Ldeaths: Number of new deaths in Liberia

  • SLcases: Number of new cases in Sierra Leone

  • SLdeaths: Number of new deaths in Sierra Leone

  • TotCases: Cumulative number of cases across all three countries

  • TotDeaths: Cumulative number of deaths across all three countries Added in EbolaGuinea

  • Days: When the report was issued in terms of a count of days from the initial report.

  • G7Rcases: Number of new cases in Guinea averaged across 7 reports

  • G7Rdeaths: Number of new deaths in Guinea averaged across 7 reports

An object of class spec_tbl_df (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 182 rows and 6 columns.


  • EbolaAll gives daily reports for Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

  • EbolaGuinea contains just the Guinea data, but adds columns containing a 7-day moving average.


US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

mosaicCalc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.