bounds: Specify a domain over which a function is to be graphed

View source: R/domain.R

boundsR Documentation

Specify a domain over which a function is to be graphed


domain() is used with slice_plot(), contour_plot(), or interactive_plot() to describe the plotting region. There is a standard syntax for domain() (see the first example) but there are also shortcuts. In the shorthand syntaxes, you can but don't have to specify the name of the input. If it's not specified, the plotting programs will try to do something sensible. But better to specify the names explicitly.






One or more expression of the form x = -5:5


The colon operator is masked so that, for instance, x = 0.5:1.3 literally means "0.5 to 1.3", and not just 0.5 as the base colon operator would give.


a list with one component for each element in ...


## Not run: 
contour_plot(x / y ~ x + y, bounds(x=-5:5, y=1:4))
slice_plot(x^2 ~ x, bounds(x = 2.5:4.2)) # overrides colon operator
slice_plot(x^2 ~ x, bounds(x = c(2.5, 4.2)))
slice_plot(x^2 ~ x, bounds(x = 1 %pm% 0.5))

## End(Not run)

mosaicCalc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.