integrateODE: Integrate ordinary differential equations

View source: R/integrateODE.R

integrateODER Documentation

Integrate ordinary differential equations


A formula interface to integration of an ODE with respect to "t"





A dynamics object (see makeODE()) and/or arguments giving additional formulas for dynamics in other variables, assignments of parameters, assignments of initial conditions, the start and end times of the integration (through domain()), and the step size (through ⁠dt=⁠).


The equations must be in first-order form. Each dynamical equation uses a formula interface with the variable name given on the left-hand side of the formula, preceded by a d, so use dx~-k*x for exponential decay. All parameters (such as k) must be assigned numerical values in the argument list. All dynamical variables must be assigned initial conditions in the argument list. The returned value will be a list with one component named after each dynamical variable. The component will be a spline-generated function of t.


a list with splined function of time for each dynamical variable


soln = integrateODE(dx~r*x*(1-x/k), k=10, r=.5, domain(t=0:20), x=1)
soln$x(30) # outside the time interval for integration
traj_plot(x(t)~t, soln, domain(t=0:10)) 
soln2 = integrateODE(dx~y, dy~-x, x=1, y=0, domain(t=0:10))
traj_plot(y(t)~t, soln2)
SIR <- makeODE(dS~ -a*S*I, dI ~ a*S*I - b*I, a=0.0026, b=.5, S=762, I=1)
epi = integrateODE(SIR, domain(t=0:20)) 
traj_plot(I(t) ~ t, epi)

mosaicCalc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.