create_num_antiD: Create a numerical anti-derivative function which can be...

View source: R/create_num_antiD.R

create_num_antiDR Documentation

Create a numerical anti-derivative function which can be called with one or many values of the w.r.t. input


This will typically be called directly from antiD() when an integral can't be handled symbolically.


create_num_antiD(tilde, ..., lower = NULL, .tol = 1e-04)



Tilde expression for the function to be anti-differentiated. Right-hand side will be the w.r.t. variable


arguments and parameters to the function described by tilde


Optional lower bound of integration. Useful to avoid domain problems with the function being integrated, but not generally needed.


Numerical tolerance for the integration


a function with the w.r.t. variable as the first argument. The function is a wrapper around numerical integration routines.

mosaicCalc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.