Runners: Running times

RunnersR Documentation

Running times


A longitudinal record of running times. There are 5977 individual runners included here, each with a unique id. Each runner ran the 10-mile race (See mosaicData::TenMileRace) on multiple occasions.




Data frame with 24,334 rows

  • year the occasion on which the runner ran the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler

  • age the runners age at the time of that occasion

  • gun the time (in minutes) from the gun to crossing the finish line.

  • net time between crossing the start line and crossing the finish line. Sometimes this is missing. It's typically smaller than gun because it takes time to reach the starting line.

  • sex as recorded by the race organizers.

  • previous How many previous occasions did this person run the race.

  • nruns The total number of runs recorded for this person (including future runs)

  • start_position A qualitative indication of how close to the front of the pack the person was positioned at the time the gun went off.


Daniel Kaplan


Scraped from the Cherry Blossom web site by patient, unremunerated toil of the author.

mosaicCalc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.