
Defines functions filterThinFun2

setGeneric("thinTrackTime", function(x, interval = NA, tolerance = NA, criteria = c("closest", "first", "all"), ...) {
  f = "thinTrackTime",
  signature = c(x = ".MoveTrackSingle"),
  definition = function(x, interval = NA, tolerance = NA, criteria = c("closest", "first", "all"), ...) {
    if (inherits(interval, "difftime")) {
      interval <- as.numeric(interval, units = "secs")
    if (inherits(tolerance, "difftime")) {
      tolerance <- as.numeric(tolerance, units = "secs")
    criteria <- match.arg(criteria)
    stopifnot(length(interval) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(tolerance) == 1)
    tvec <-
      filt <- filterThinFun2(as.numeric(timestamps(x)), interval, tolerance, criteria, ...)
    res <- lapply(attr(filt, "t"), function(t, x) {
      x <- x[unclass(timestamps(x)) %in% unclass(t), ]
      j <- c("notSelected", "selected")[1 + (timeLag(x, units = "secs") <= interval + tolerance & timeLag(x, units = "secs") >= interval - tolerance)]
      burst(x, factor(j, levels = c("notSelected", "selected")))
    }, x = x)
    stopifnot(all(unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(res, burst), table), "[", "selected")) == filt))
    if (criteria != "all") {
      res <- res[[1]]

setGeneric("thinDistanceAlongTrack", function(x, interval = NA, tolerance = NA, criteria = c("closest", "first", "all"), ...) {
  f = "thinDistanceAlongTrack",
  signature = c(x = ".MoveTrackSingle"),
  definition = function(x, interval = NA, tolerance = NA, criteria = c("closest", "first", "all"), ...) {
    criteria <- match.arg(criteria)
    stopifnot(length(interval) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(tolerance) == 1)
    filt <- filterThinFun2(c(0, cumsum(distance(x))), interval, tolerance, criteria, ...)
    res <- lapply(attr(filt, "t"), function(t, x) {
      a <- unlist(lapply(split(distance(x), head(cumsum(c(T, cumsum(distance(x))) %in% t), -1)), sum))
      x <- x[c(0, cumsum(distance(x))) %in% t, ]
      j <- c("notSelected", "selected")[1 + (a <= interval + tolerance & a >= interval - tolerance)]
      burst(x, factor(j, levels = c("notSelected", "selected")))
    }, x = x)
    stopifnot(all(unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(res, burst), table), "[", "selected")) == filt))
    if (criteria != "all") {
      res <- res[[1]]

filterThinFun2 <- function(x, d, t, selType = c("closest", "first", "all")) {
  xs <- split(x, cumsum(c(F, diff(x) > (d + t))))
  res <- lapply(xs, filterThinFun, d = d, t = t, selType = selType)

  if (selType[1] != "all") {
    stopifnot(all(unlist(lapply(a <- lapply(res, attr, "t"), length)) == 1))
    a <- unlist(a)
    da <- diff(a)
    s <- da <= (d + t) & da >= (d - t)
    a <- a[c(T, !(head(!s, -1) & tail(!s, -1)), T)]
    names(a) <- NULL
    a <- list(a)
    ss <- sum(s)
  } else {
    e <- unlist(ee <- lapply(a <- lapply(res, attr, "t"), length))
    w <- do.call("expand.grid", lapply(lapply(ee, ":", to = 1), sort)[length(e):1])[, length(e):1]
    aa <- lapply(split(w, 1:nrow(w)), function(x, y) unlist(mapply("[[", y, x)), y = a)
    a <- (lapply(aa, function(a) {
      da <- diff(a)
      s <- da <= (d + t) & da >= (d - t)
      a <- a[c(T, !(head(!s, -1) & tail(!s, -1)), T)]
      names(a) <- NULL
    ss <- sum(diff(a[[1]]) <= (d + t) & diff(a[[1]]) >= (d - t))
  names(a) <- NULL

  attr(ss, "t") <- a
filterThinFun <- memoise(function(x, d, t, selType = c("closest", "first", "all")) {
  if (length(x) > 100) {
    filterThinFun(tail(x, 100 * ((length(x) - 1) %/% 100)), d = d, t = t, selType = selType)
  } # first run sub sections to prevent stack overflow
  if (length(x) == 1) {
    return(structure(0, t = list(x)))
  } # return 0 at end
  s <- 2:Position(function(xx, v = x[1] + d + t) {
    xx > v
  }, x, nomatch = length(x)) # only investigate intervals upto rounded up interval length (these are the guesses of possible solutions
  int <- abs(x[s] - x[1] - d) <= t # find what intervals are good
  r <- lapply(lapply(length(x) + 1 - (s), tail, x = x), filterThinFun, d = d, t = t, selType = selType) # get the intervals for the trailing bits
  wm <- max(v <- unlist(m <- mapply("+", int, r, SIMPLIFY = F))) # combine intervals  and find max
  m <- m[v == wm] # select all those that have maximal number of intervals
  mm <- m[[1]] # the max number of ints
  m <- m[switch(selType[1], # select solutions
    closest = which.min(unlist(lapply(unlist(recursive = F, lapply(m, attr, "t")), function(xx) {
      a <- abs(diff(c(x[1], xx)) - d)
      sum(a[a <= t])
    }))), # check if there is a way to do this without adding an n^2 not sure how bad this problem is
    first = 1,
    all = T
  tm <- unique(lapply(lapply(lapply(unlist(lapply(m, attr, "t"), recursive = F), c, x[1]), sort), function(x) {
    if (length(x) < 3) {
    if (all(abs(diff(head(x, 3)) - d) > t)) {
  })) # omit time values that do not add valid intervals
  attr(mm, "t") <- tm
# filterThinFun(z<-c(1, 6:9, 16:19+(-1:2)/10, 22),10,1,'closest')
# require(testthat)
# require(memoise)

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.