
Defines functions residuals.sopls plot.cvanova summary.cvanova print.cvanova cvanova.sopls cvanova.default pcp.default pcp.sopls RMSEP.sopls R2.sopls classify.sopls classify summary.sopls print.sopls coef.sopls predict.sopls

Documented in classify classify.sopls coef.sopls cvanova.default cvanova.sopls pcp.default pcp.sopls plot.cvanova predict.sopls print.cvanova print.sopls R2.sopls residuals.sopls RMSEP.sopls summary.cvanova summary.sopls

#' @name sopls_results
#' @title Result functions for SO-PLS models
#' @aliases predict.sopls coef.sopls print.sopls summary.sopls pcp.sopls R2.sopls classify.sopls RMSEP.sopls cvanova.sopls cvanova
#' @param object A \code{sopls} object.
#' @param x A \code{sopls} object.
#' @param newdata Optional new data with the same types of predictor blocks as the ones used for fitting the object.
#' @param ncomp An \code{integer} vector giving the exact components to apply.
#' @param type A \code{character} for \code{predict} indicating if responses or scores should be predicted (default = "response", or "scores"), for \code{summary} indicating which type of explained variance to compute (default = "train", alternative = "CV").
#' @param na.action Function determining what to do with missing values in \code{newdata}.
#' @param intercept A \code{logical} indicating if coefficients for the intercept should be included (default = FALSE).
#' @param what A \code{character} indicating if summary should include all, validation or training.
#' @param digits The number of digits used for printing.
#' @param print.gap Gap between columns when printing.
#' @param classes A \code{character} vector of class labels.
#' @param LQ A \code{character} indicating if 'max' (maximum score value), 'lda' or 'qda' should be used when classifying.
#' @param estimate A \code{character} indicating if 'train', 'CV' or 'test' results should be displayed.
#' @param individual A \code{logical} indicating if results for individual responses should be displayed.
#' @param X A \code{list} of data blocks.
#' @param pred An object holding the CV-predicted values (\code{sopls}, \code{matrix} or \code{list} of vectors)
#' @param true A \code{numeric} of true response values for CVANOVA.
#' @param absRes A \code{logical} indicating if absolute (TRUE) or squared (FALSE) residuals should be computed.
#' @param comps An \code{integer} vector giving the exact components to apply.
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Currently not implemented.
#' @return Returns depend on method used, e.g. \code{predict.sopls} returns predicted responses 
#' or scores depending on inputs, \code{coef.sopls} return regression coefficients, while print and summary methods return the object invisibly.
#' @description Standard result functions for SO-PLS (\code{\link{sopls}}).
#' @details The parameter \code{ncomp} controls
#' which components to apply/extract, resulting in the sequence of components leading up to the specific choice, i.e.
#' \code{ncomp = c(2,2,1)} results in the sequence 1,0,0; 2,0,0; 2,1,0; 2,2,0; 2,2,1.
#' Usage of the functions are shown using generics in the examples below. 
#' Prediction, regression coefficients, object printing and summary are available through: 
#' \code{predict.sopls}, \code{coef.sopls}, \code{print.sopls} and \code{summary.sopls}.
#' Explained variances and RMSEP are available through \code{R2.sopls} and \code{RMSEP.sopls}.
#' Principal components of predictions are available through \code{pcp.sopls}. Finally, there is work in progress on classifcation
#' support through \code{classify.sopls}.
#' @references Jørgensen K, Mevik BH, Næs T. Combining designed experiments with several blocks of spectroscopic data. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst. 2007;88(2): 154–166.
#' @examples
#' data(potato)
#' mod <- sopls(Sensory[,1] ~ ., data = potato[c(1:3,9)], ncomp = 5, subset = 1:20)
#' testset <- potato[-(1:20),]; testset$Sensory <- testset$Sensory[,1,drop=FALSE]
#' predict(mod, testset, ncomp=c(2,1,2))
#' dim(coef(mod, ncomp=c(3,0,1))) # <variables x responses x components>
#' R2(mod, ncomp = c(4,1,2))
#' print(mod)
#' summary(mod)
#' # PCP from sopls object
#' modMulti <- sopls(Sensory ~ ., data = potato[c(1:3,9)], ncomp = 5, validation = "CV", segment = 5)
#' (PCP <- pcp(modMulti, c(2,1,2)))
#' scoreplot(PCP)
#' # PCP from matrices
#' preds <- modMulti$validation$Ypred[,,"2,1,2"]
#' PCP_default <- pcp(preds, potato[1:3])
#' modCV <- sopls(Sensory[,1] ~ ., data = potato[c(1:3,9)], ncomp = 5, validation = "CV", segment = 5)
#' summary(cva <- cvanova(modCV, "2,1,2"))
#' plot(cva)
#' @seealso Overviews of available methods, \code{\link{multiblock}}, and methods organised by main structure: \code{\link{basic}}, \code{\link{unsupervised}}, \code{\link{asca}}, \code{\link{supervised}} and \code{\link{complex}}.
#' Common functions for plotting are found in \code{\link{sopls_plots}}.
#' @importFrom mixlm simple.glht cld
#' @importFrom stats anova lm
#' @export
predict.sopls <- function(object, newdata, ncomp = object$ncomp,
                          type = c("response", "scores"), na.action = na.pass, ...){
  if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)){
    newdata <- object$data$X
  } else {
    newdata <- model.frame(formula(object), data = newdata)
    newdata <- newdata[-1]
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(!is.character(ncomp) && sum(ncomp) > object$max_comp)
    stop(paste0("Selected components (",paste(ncomp,collapse=","),") is outside range of fitted model."))
  if (type == "response") {
    return(sopls_prediction(object, newdata, ncomp, FALSE))
  } else {
    return(sopls_prediction(object, newdata, ncomp, TRUE))

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
coef.sopls <- function(object, ncomp = object$ncomp, intercept = FALSE,
  if(sum(ncomp) > object$max_comp)
    stop(paste0("Selected components (",paste(ncomp,collapse=","),") is outside range of fitted model."))
  X <- object$data$X
  Y <- object$data$Y
  n    <- dim(X[[1]])[1]
  nblock  <- length(X)
  nresp   <- dim(Y)[2]
  selComp <- pathComp(ncomp, object$decomp$compList)
  tot_comp <- nrow(selComp$path)
  Cr <- Crval <- 0
  for(i in 1:nblock){
      X[[i]]    <- as.matrix(X[[i]])
      X[[i]]    <- X[[i]]    - rep(colMeans(X[[i]]), each = n)
      Cr    <- Cr    + tcrossprodQ(X[[i]], X[[i]])    %*% object$decomp$Ry[, selComp$hits, drop=FALSE]
  Xconcat <- do.call(cbind, X)
  # XW(P'W)^-1, ie. WB without Q
  no_Q <- crossprod(Xconcat, object$decomp$Ry[,selComp$hits,drop=FALSE]) %*% solve(crossprodQ(object$decomp$T[,selComp$hits,drop=FALSE], Cr))
  # Coefficients per response
  B <- array(0, c(ncol(Xconcat), nresp, tot_comp))  
  for(r in 1:nresp){
    B[,r,] <- t(apply(no_Q * object$decomp$Q[r,selComp$hits], 1, cumsum))
  dimnames(B) <- list(colnames(Xconcat), colnames(Y), apply(selComp$path,1,paste,collapse=","))

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
print.sopls <- function(x, ...) {
  ana <- "Sequential and Orthogonalized Partial Least Squares"
  alg <- "PKPLS"
  cat(ana, ", fitted with the ", alg, " algorithm.", sep="")
  if (!is.null(x$validation))
    cat("\nCross-validated using", length(x$validation$segments),
        attr(x$validation$segments, "type"), "segments.")
  cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
summary.sopls <- function(object, what = c("all", "validation", "training"),
                          digits = 4, print.gap = 2, ...)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if (what == "all") what <- c("validation", "training")
  if (is.null(object$validation)) what <- "training"
  nobj <- nrow(object$decomp$T)
  nresp <- nrow(object$decomp$Q)
  yvarnames <- rownames(object$decomp$Q)
  cat("Data: \tX dimension:", nobj, sum(unlist(lapply(object$decom$X, ncol))),
      "\n\tY dimension:", nobj, nresp)
  cat("\nFit method:", object$method)
  cat("\nNumber of components considered:", object$max_comps)
  for (wh in what) {
    if (wh == "training") {
      cat("\nTRAINING: % variance explained\n")
      Xcat <- scale(do.call(cbind, object$data$X), scale=FALSE)
      P <- crossprod(object$decomp$T, Xcat)
      ssxx <- 100 * apply(P^2,1,sum)/sum(Xcat^2)
      xve <- ssxx
      for(i in 1:length(xve)){
        xve[i] <- sum(ssxx[pathComp(object$decomp$compList[i,], object$decomp$compList)$hits])
      ssyy <- 100 * object$decomp$Q^2/apply(as.matrix(object$model[[1]]),2,function(x){x <- x-mean(x); sum(x^2)})
      yve <- ssyy
      for(i in 1:ncol(yve)){
        yve[,i] <- rowSums(ssyy[, pathComp(object$decomp$compList[i,], object$decomp$compList)$hits, drop=FALSE])
      tbl <- rbind(xve, yve)
      rownames(tbl)[1] <- "X"
      print(tbl, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...)
    } else {
      cat("\n\nVALIDATION: RMSEP")
      cat("\nCross-validated using", length(object$validation$segments),
          attr(object$validation$segments, "type"), "segments.\n")
      print(object$validation$RMSECV, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...)

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
classify <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("classify")

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @importFrom MASS lda qda
#' @export
classify.sopls <- function(object, classes, newdata, ncomp, LQ = "LDA", ...){
  if(LQ == "max"){
    labels  <- names(table(classes))
    predVal <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, ncomp = 1:ncomp) # Njei. Ikke sånn
    class   <- apply(predVal,c(1,3),which.max)
    for(i in 1:ncol(class)){
      class[[i]]   <- labels[class[[i]]]
    colnames(class) <- paste("Comp.", 1:ncomp, sep="")
  } else { # LDA or QDA
    # Extract and predict scores
    scoresCal <- scores(object, ncomp = ncomp)
    scoresVal <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "scores", ncomp = ncomp)
    # Prepare for storage
    N <- dim(scoresVal)
    class <- matrix(0, N[1],ncomp)
    # Create ncomp lda models and predict classes
    for(i in 1:ncomp){
      if(LQ == "lda"){
        ldai <- lda(scoresCal[, 1:i, drop = FALSE], classes, tol = 1.0e-10)
      if(LQ == "qda"){
        ldai <- qda(scoresCal[, 1:i, drop = FALSE], classes, tol = 1.0e-10)
      class[, i] <- predict(ldai, scoresVal[, 1:i, drop = FALSE])$class
    colnames(class) <- paste("Comp.", 1:ncomp, sep="")

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
R2.sopls <- function(object, estimate, newdata, ncomp = "all", individual = FALSE, ...){
  if (missing(estimate)) {
    ## Select the `best' available estimate
    if (!missing(newdata)) {
      estimate = "test"
    } else {
      if (!is.null(object$validation)) {
        estimate = "CV"
      } else {
        estimate = "train"
  if(!(estimate %in% c("train","CV","test")))
    stop(paste0("'estimate' = ", estimate, " not supported"))
  selComp <- pathComp(ncomp, object$decomp$compList)
  if(estimate == "CV"){
      return(object$validation$expl_var_ind[, selComp$hits])
  } else {
    if(estimate == "train"){
      y <- t(object$data$Y)
      yc <- array(object$data$Y, c(dim(object$fitted)))
      sst <- rowSums((y - rowMeans(y))^2)
      ssr <- apply((yc - object$fitted)^2,2:3,sum)
        r2  <- 1 - ssr/sst
        return(r2[, selComp$hits, drop=FALSE])}
        r2  <- 1 - colSums(ssr)/sum(sst)
        return(r2[selComp$hits, drop=FALSE])}
    } else {
      # estimate = "test"
      newdata <- model.frame(formula(object), data = newdata)
      preds <- predict(object, newdata, ncomp = ncomp)
      y <- t(as.matrix(model.response(newdata)))
      yc <- array(t(y), c(dim(preds)))
      sst <- rowSums((y - rowMeans(y))^2)
      ssr <- apply((yc - preds)^2,2:3,sum)
        r2  <- 1 - ssr/sst
        r2  <- 1 - colSums(ssr)/sum(sst)

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
RMSEP.sopls <- function(object, estimate, newdata, ncomp = "all", individual = FALSE, ...){
  if (missing(estimate)) {
    ## Select the `best' available estimate
    if (!missing(newdata)) {
      estimate = "test"
    } else {
      if (!is.null(object$validation)) {
        estimate = "CV"
      } else {
        estimate = "train"
  if(!(estimate %in% c("train","CV","test")))
    stop(paste0("'estimate' = ", estimate, " not supported"))
  selComp <- pathComp(ncomp, object$decomp$compList)
  if(estimate == "CV"){
      return(object$validation$RMSECV_ind[, selComp$hits])
  } else {
    if(estimate == "train"){
      y <- t(object$data$Y)
      yc <- array(object$data$Y, c(dim(object$fitted)))
      MSEP <- apply((yc - object$fitted)^2,2:3,mean)
        rmsep  <- sqrt(MSEP)
        return(rmsep[, selComp$hits, drop=FALSE])}
        rmsep <- sqrt(colMeans(MSEP))
        return(rmsep[selComp$hits, drop=FALSE])}
    } else {
      # estimate = "test"
      preds <- predict(object, newdata, ncomp = ncomp)
      newdata <- model.frame(formula(object), data = newdata)
      y <- t(as.matrix(model.response(newdata)))
      yc <- array(t(y), c(dim(preds)))
      MSEP <- apply((yc - preds)^2,2:3,mean)
        rmsep  <- sqrt(MSEP)
        rmsep <- sqrt(colMeans(MSEP))

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
pcp <- function (object, ...) {
  UseMethod("pcp", object)

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
pcp.sopls <- function(object, ncomp, ...){
    stop("The 'sopls' object has been created without validation")
    stop("The argument 'ncomp' must be supplied.")

  compName <- paste0(ncomp, collapse = ",")
  preds <- object$validation$Ypred[,,compName,drop=FALSE]
  dim(preds) <- dim(object$validation$Ypred)[1:2]
  dimnames(preds) <- dimnames(object$validation$Ypred)[1:2]
  PCP <- pca(preds, ncomp = min(ncol(preds),nrow(preds)-1))
  PCP$data = object$data
  PCP$loadings <- PCP$loadings * rep(sqrt(colSums(PCP$scores^2)),each=nrow(PCP$loadings))
  PCP$scores <- PCP$scores / rep(sqrt(colSums(PCP$scores^2)),each=nrow(PCP$scores))
  PCP$blockLoadings <- lapply(lapply(object$data$X, function(x)x-rep(colMeans(x),each=nrow(x))),function(x)crossprod(x,PCP$scores))
  PCP$info <- list(method = "Principal Components of Predictions", 
                   scores = "Scores", loadings = "Loadings",
                   blockScores = "not used", blockLoadings = "Block loadings")
  PCP$call <- match.call()
  class(PCP) <- c('multiblock','list')

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
pcp.default <- function(object, X, ...){
  # Assumes object to be a matrix/data.frame of predictions (possibly CV)
  PCP <- pca(object, ncomp = min(ncol(object),nrow(object)-1))
  PCP$loadings <- PCP$loadings * rep(sqrt(colSums(PCP$scores^2)),each=nrow(PCP$loadings))
  PCP$scores <- PCP$scores / rep(sqrt(colSums(PCP$scores^2)),each=nrow(PCP$scores))
  PCP$info <- list(method = "Principal Components of Predictions", 
                   scores = "Scores", loadings = "Loadings",
                   blockScores = "not used", blockLoadings = "not used")
    PCP$blockLoadings <- lapply(lapply(X, function(x)x-rep(colMeans(x),each=nrow(x))),function(x)crossprod(x,PCP$scores))
    PCP$info$blockLoadings <- "Block loadings"
    PCP$data <- X
  PCP$call <- match.call()
  class(PCP) <- c('multiblock','list')

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
cvanova <- function (pred, ...) {
  UseMethod("cvanova", pred)

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
cvanova.default <- function(pred, true, absRes = TRUE, ...){
  if(!is.null(dim(true)) && dim(true)[2]>1)
    stop("'cvanova' only supports single response models")
  if(inherits(pred, 'list'))
    pred <- do.call(cbind, pred)
  modNames <- 1:ncol(pred)
    modNames <- colnames(pred)
  DF <- data.frame('Model' = factor(rep(modNames, each=length(true))), 'Object' = factor(1:length(true)), 'Residual' = c(abs(true-pred)))
    DF[['Residual']] <- DF[['Residual']]^2
  mod <- list()
  mod$lm <- lm(Residual ~ Model + Object, data = DF)
  mod$anova <- anova(mod$lm)
  mod$tukey <- simple.glht(mod$lm,'Model')
  class(mod) <- c('cvanova','list')

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
cvanova.sopls <- function(pred, comps, absRes = TRUE, ...){
    stop("The 'sopls' object has been created without validation")
  if(!is.null(dim(pred$data$Y)) && dim(pred$data$Y)[2]>1)
    stop("'cvanova' only supports single response models")
  compSplit <- strsplit(comps, ",")[[1]]
  nBlock <- length(compSplit)
  compVec <- character(nBlock)
  for(i in 1:nBlock){
    zeros <- rep("0", nBlock-i)
    compVec[i] <- paste0(c(compSplit[1:i],zeros), collapse = ",")
  preds <- pred$validation$Ypred[,1,compVec]
  trues <- c(pred$data$Y)
  return(cvanova(preds, trues, absRes))

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
print.cvanova <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
summary.cvanova <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
plot.cvanova <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname sopls_results
#' @export
residuals.sopls <- function(object, ...){
  res <- object$fitted
  for(j in 1:dim(res)[3])
    res[,,j] <- object$data$Y - object$fitted[,,j]

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