Defines functions FCPCA print.FCPCA

Documented in FCPCA

#' @title Flury's Common Principal Component Analysis
#' @description 
#' Common principal component Analysis 
#' @param Data a numeric matrix or data frame
#' @param Group a vector of factors associated with group structure
#' @param Scale scaling variables, by default is False. By default data are centered within groups. 
#' @param graph should loading and component be plotted
#' @return list with the following results:
#' @return \item{Data}{Original data}
#' @return \item{Con.Data}{Concatenated centered data}
#' @return \item{split.Data}{Group centered data}
#' @return \item{Group}{Group as a factor vector}
#' @return \item{loadings.common}{Matrix of common loadings}
#' @return \item{lambda}{The specific variances of group}
#' @return \item{exp.var}{Percentages of total variance recovered associated with each dimension }
#' @seealso \code{\link{mgPCA}}, \code{\link{DGPA}}, \code{\link{DCCSWA}}, \code{\link{DSTATIS}}, \code{\link{BGC}}, \code{\link{summarize}}, \code{\link{TBWvariance}}, \code{\link{loadingsplot}}, \code{\link{scoreplot}}, \code{\link{iris}}  
#' @export
#' @references B. N. Flury (1984). Common principal components in k groups.
#'  \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 79, 892-898.
#' A. Eslami, E. M. Qannari, A. Kohler and S. Bougeard (2013). General overview
#'  of methods of analysis of multi-group datasets,
#'  \emph{Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information}, 25, 108-123.
#' @examples
#' Data = iris[,-5]
#' Group = iris[,5]
#' res.FCPCA = FCPCA(Data, Group, graph=TRUE)
#' loadingsplot(res.FCPCA, axes=c(1,2))
#' scoreplot(res.FCPCA, axes=c(1,2)) 
FCPCA <-function(Data, Group, Scale=FALSE, graph=FALSE){
  #                             1. Checking the inputs
  check(Data, Group)
  #                              2. preparing Data
  if (is.data.frame(Data) == TRUE) {
   if(is.null(colnames(Data))) {
    colnames(Data) = paste('V', 1:ncol(Data), sep='')
  Group = as.factor(Group)
  rownames(Data) = Group                 #---- rownames of data=groups
  M = length(levels(Group))              #----number of groups: M
  P = dim(Data)[2]                       #----number of variables: P
  n = as.vector(table(Group))            #----number of individuals in each group
  N = sum(n)                             #----number of individuals
  split.Data = split(Data,Group)         #----split Data to M parts 
  # centering and scaling if TRUE
  for(m in 1:M){  
    split.Data[[m]] = matrix(split.Data[[m]], nrow=n[m])
    split.Data[[m]] = scale(split.Data[[m]], center=TRUE, scale=Scale)

  # concatinated dataset by row as groups
  Con.Data = split.Data[[1]]  
  for(m in 2:M) {
    Con.Data = rbind(Con.Data, split.Data[[m]])
  rownames(Con.Data) = Group
  colnames(Con.Data) = colnames(Data)

  # Variance-covariance matrix for each group
  cov.Group = vector("list", M)
  for(m in 1:M){    
    cov.Group[[m]] = t(split.Data[[m]]) %*% split.Data[[m]] / n[m]
  #      		                      3. FG algorithm  
  FG <- function(cov.Group,L,P,M){
    #------ F step
    k = M
    K = M
    B = diag(P)
    Bold = diag(P)
    C = cov.Group
    T = vector("list",k)
    d1 = c(rep(0,k))
    d2 = c(rep(0,k))
    for(l in 1:L){
      for(p in 1:(P-1)){
        for(e in (p+1):P){
          #------ G step    
          for(k in 1:K){
            M = M + (d1[k]-d2[k])/(d1[k]*d2[k])*T[[k]]
          eig <- eigen(M)

  W =FG(cov.Group,15,P,M)
  #                              4.  Explained variance 
  #                              variance of each loading 
  #                lambda = t(common loading)*(t(Xm)* Xm) * common loading
  lambda = matrix(0, nrow=M, ncol=P)
  for(m in 1:M){
    lambda[m,] = round(diag(t(W) %*% cov.Group[[m]] %*% W),3)
  #    			                      5. Outputs
  res <- list(
    Data = Data,
    Con.Data   = Con.Data,
    split.Data = split.Data,
  res$loadings.common = W  
  rownames(res$loadings.common) = colnames(Data)
  colnames(res$loadings.common) = paste("Dim", 1:P, sep="")
  res$lambda = lambda
  rownames(res$lambda) = levels(Group)
  colnames(res$lambda) = paste("Dim", 1:P, sep="")

  ncomp = ncol(res$lambda) 
  exp.var = matrix(0,M,ncomp)
  for(m in 1:M){
    exp.var[m,] = 100 * lambda[m,]/ sum(diag(cov.Group[[m]]))
  res$exp.var = exp.var
  rownames(res$exp.var) = levels(Group)
  colnames(res$exp.var) = paste("Dim", 1:ncomp, sep="")
  if(graph) {plot.mg(res)}
  class(res) = c("FCPCA", "mg")

#' @S3method print FCPCA
print.FCPCA <- function(x, ...)
  cat("\nCommon Principal Component Analysis\n")
  cat(rep("-",43), sep="")
  cat("\n$lambda            ", "variance for each group")
  cat("\n$loadings.common   ", "common loadings")
  cat("\n$Data              ", "Data set")

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