
Defines functions predict.stan_nma

Documented in predict.stan_nma

#' Predictions of absolute effects from NMA models
#' Obtain predictions of absolute effects from NMA models fitted with [nma()].
#' For example, if a model is fitted to binary data with a logit link, predicted
#' outcome probabilities or log odds can be produced.
#' @param object A `stan_nma` object created by [nma()].
#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to [uniroot()] for regression models
#'   if `baseline_level = "aggregate"`.
#' @param baseline An optional [distr()] distribution for the baseline response
#'   (i.e. intercept), about which to produce absolute effects. If `NULL`,
#'   predictions are produced using the baseline response for each study in the
#'   network with IPD or arm-based AgD.
#'   For regression models, this may be a list of [distr()] distributions of the
#'   same length as the number of studies in `newdata` (possibly named by the
#'   study names, or otherwise in order of appearance in `newdata`).
#'   Use the `baseline_type` and `baseline_level` arguments to specify whether
#'   this distribution is on the response or linear predictor scale, and (for
#'   ML-NMR or models including IPD) whether this applies to an individual at
#'   the reference level of the covariates or over the entire `newdata`
#'   population, respectively. For example, in a model with a logit link with
#'   `baseline_type = "link"`, this would be a distribution for the baseline log
#'   odds of an event.
#'   Use the `trt_ref` argument to specify which treatment this distribution
#'   applies to.
#' @param newdata Only required if a regression model is fitted and `baseline`
#'   is specified. A data frame of covariate details, for which to produce
#'   predictions. Column names must match variables in the regression model.
#'   If `level = "aggregate"` this should either be a data frame with integration
#'   points as produced by [add_integration()] (one row per study), or a data
#'   frame with individual covariate values (one row per individual) which are
#'   summarised over.
#'   If `level = "individual"` this should be a data frame of individual
#'   covariate values, one row per individual.
#'   If `NULL`, predictions are produced for all studies with IPD and/or
#'   arm-based AgD in the network, depending on the value of `level`.
#' @param study Column of `newdata` which specifies study names or IDs. When not
#'   specified: if `newdata` contains integration points produced by
#'   [add_integration()], studies will be labelled sequentially by row;
#'   otherwise data will be assumed to come from a single study.
#' @param trt_ref Treatment to which the `baseline` response distribution
#'   refers, if `baseline` is specified. By default, the baseline response
#'   distribution will refer to the network reference treatment. Coerced to
#'   character string.
#' @param type Whether to produce predictions on the `"link"` scale (the
#'   default, e.g. log odds) or `"response"` scale (e.g. probabilities).
#' @param level The level at which predictions are produced, either
#'   `"aggregate"` (the default), or `"individual"`. If `baseline` is not
#'   specified, predictions are produced for all IPD studies in the network if
#'   `level` is `"individual"` or `"aggregate"`, and for all arm-based AgD
#'   studies in the network if `level` is `"aggregate"`.
#' @param baseline_type When a `baseline` distribution is given, specifies
#'   whether this corresponds to the `"link"` scale (the default, e.g. log odds)
#'   or `"response"` scale (e.g. probabilities).
#' @param baseline_level When a `baseline` distribution is given, specifies
#'   whether this corresponds to an individual at the reference level of the
#'   covariates (`"individual"`, the default), or from an (unadjusted) average
#'   outcome on the reference treatment in the `newdata` population
#'   (`"aggregate"`). Ignored for AgD NMA, since the only option is
#'   `"aggregate"` in this instance.
#' @param probs Numeric vector of quantiles of interest to present in computed
#'   summary, default `c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)`
#' @param predictive_distribution Logical, when a random effects model has been
#'   fitted, should the predictive distribution for absolute effects in a new
#'   study be returned? Default `FALSE`.
#' @param summary Logical, calculate posterior summaries? Default `TRUE`.
#' @return A [nma_summary] object if `summary = TRUE`, otherwise a list
#'   containing a 3D MCMC array of samples and (for regression models) a data
#'   frame of study information.
#' @export
#' @seealso [plot.nma_summary()] for plotting the predictions.
#' @examples ## Smoking cessation
#' @template ex_smoking_nma_re_example
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # Predicted log odds of success in each study in the network
#' predict(smk_fit_RE)
#' # Predicted probabilities of success in each study in the network
#' predict(smk_fit_RE, type = "response")
#' # Predicted probabilities in a population with 67 observed events out of 566
#' # individuals on No Intervention, corresponding to a Beta(67, 566 - 67)
#' # distribution on the baseline probability of response, using
#' # `baseline_type = "response"`
#' (smk_pred_RE <- predict(smk_fit_RE,
#'                         baseline = distr(qbeta, 67, 566 - 67),
#'                         baseline_type = "response",
#'                         type = "response"))
#' plot(smk_pred_RE, ref_line = c(0, 1))
#' # Predicted probabilities in a population with a baseline log odds of
#' # response on No Intervention given a Normal distribution with mean -2
#' # and SD 0.13, using `baseline_type = "link"` (the default)
#' # Note: this is approximately equivalent to the above Beta distribution on
#' # the baseline probability
#' (smk_pred_RE2 <- predict(smk_fit_RE,
#'                          baseline = distr(qnorm, mean = -2, sd = 0.13),
#'                          type = "response"))
#' plot(smk_pred_RE2, ref_line = c(0, 1))
#' }
#' ## Plaque psoriasis ML-NMR
#' @template ex_plaque_psoriasis_mlnmr_example
#' @examples \donttest{
#' # Predicted probabilities of response in each study in the network
#' (pso_pred <- predict(pso_fit, type = "response"))
#' plot(pso_pred, ref_line = c(0, 1))
#' # Predicted probabilites of response in a new target population, with means
#' # and SDs or proportions given by
#' new_agd_int <- data.frame(
#'   bsa_mean = 0.6,
#'   bsa_sd = 0.3,
#'   prevsys = 0.1,
#'   psa = 0.2,
#'   weight_mean = 10,
#'   weight_sd = 1,
#'   durnpso_mean = 3,
#'   durnpso_sd = 1
#' )
#' # We need to add integration points to this data frame of new data
#' # We use the weighted mean correlation matrix computed from the IPD studies
#' new_agd_int <- add_integration(new_agd_int,
#'                                durnpso = distr(qgamma, mean = durnpso_mean, sd = durnpso_sd),
#'                                prevsys = distr(qbern, prob = prevsys),
#'                                bsa = distr(qlogitnorm, mean = bsa_mean, sd = bsa_sd),
#'                                weight = distr(qgamma, mean = weight_mean, sd = weight_sd),
#'                                psa = distr(qbern, prob = psa),
#'                                cor = pso_net$int_cor,
#'                                n_int = 1000)
#' # Predicted probabilities of achieving PASI 75 in this target population, given
#' # a Normal(-1.75, 0.08^2) distribution on the baseline probit-probability of
#' # response on Placebo (at the reference levels of the covariates), are given by
#' (pso_pred_new <- predict(pso_fit,
#'                          type = "response",
#'                          newdata = new_agd_int,
#'                          baseline = distr(qnorm, -1.75, 0.08)))
#' plot(pso_pred_new, ref_line = c(0, 1))
#' }
predict.stan_nma <- function(object, ...,
                             baseline = NULL, newdata = NULL, study = NULL, trt_ref = NULL,
                             type = c("link", "response"),
                             level = c("aggregate", "individual"),
                             baseline_type = c("link", "response"),
                             baseline_level = c("individual", "aggregate"),
                             probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975),
                             predictive_distribution = FALSE,
                             summary = TRUE) {
  # Checks
  if (!inherits(object, "stan_nma")) abort("Expecting a `stan_nma` object, as returned by nma().")

  type <- rlang::arg_match(type)
  level <- rlang::arg_match(level)

  baseline_type <- rlang::arg_match(baseline_type)
  baseline_level <- rlang::arg_match(baseline_level)

  # Get network reference treatment
  nrt <- levels(object$network$treatments)[1]

  if (!is.null(trt_ref)) {
    if (is.null(baseline)) {
      # warn("Ignoring `trt_ref` since `baseline` is not given.")
      trt_ref <- nrt
    } else {
      if (length(trt_ref) > 1) abort("`trt_ref` must be length 1.")
      trt_ref <- as.character(trt_ref)
      lvls_trt <- levels(object$network$treatments)
      if (! trt_ref %in% lvls_trt)
        abort(sprintf("`trt_ref` does not match a treatment in the network.\nSuitable values are: %s",
                      ifelse(length(lvls_trt) <= 5,
                             paste0(lvls_trt, collapse = ", "),
                             paste0(paste0(lvls_trt[1:5], collapse = ", "), ", ..."))))
  } else {
    # Set trt_ref to network reference treatment if unset
    trt_ref <- nrt

  if (xor(is.null(newdata), is.null(baseline)) && !is.null(object$regression))
    abort("Specify both `newdata` and `baseline`, or neither.")

  if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    if (!is.data.frame(newdata)) abort("`newdata` is not a data frame.")

    .study <- pull_non_null(newdata, enquo(study))
    if (is.null(.study)) {
      if (inherits(object, "integration_tbl"))
        newdata$.study <- nfactor(paste("New", seq_len(nrow(newdata))))
        newdata$.study <- nfactor("New 1")
    } else {
      newdata <- dplyr::mutate(newdata, .study = nfactor(.study))

  if (!rlang::is_bool(summary))
    abort("`summary` should be TRUE or FALSE.")


  # Cannot produce predictions for inconsistency models
  if (object$consistency != "consistency")
    abort(glue::glue("Cannot produce predictions under inconsistency '{object$consistency}' model."))

  # Get NMA formula
  nma_formula <- make_nma_formula(object$regression,
                                  consistency = object$consistency,
                                  classes = !is.null(object$network$classes),
                                  class_interactions = object$class_interactions)

  # Without regression model
  if (is.null(object$regression)) {

    if (!is.null(baseline)) {
      if (!inherits(baseline, "distr"))
        abort("Baseline response `baseline` should be specified using distr(), or NULL.")

    if (level == "individual")
      abort("Cannot produce individual predictions without a regression model.")

    # Without baseline specified
    if (is.null(baseline)) {

      if (!has_ipd(object$network) && !has_agd_arm(object$network)) {
        abort("No arm-based data (IPD or AgD) in network. Specify `baseline` to produce predictions of absolute effects.")
      } else {

        # Make design matrix of all studies with baselines, and all treatments
        studies <- forcats::fct_unique(forcats::fct_drop(forcats::fct_c(
          if (has_ipd(object$network)) object$network$ipd$.study else factor(),
          if (has_agd_arm(object$network)) object$network$agd_arm$.study else factor()
        preddat <- tidyr::expand_grid(.study = studies, .trt = object$network$treatments)

        # Add in .trtclass if defined in network
        if (!is.null(object$network$classes)) {
          preddat$.trtclass <- object$network$classes[as.numeric(preddat$.trt)]

        # Design matrix, just treating all data as AgD arm
        X_list <- make_nma_model_matrix(nma_formula,
                                        dat_agd_arm = preddat,
                                        xbar = object$xbar,
                                        consistency = object$consistency,
                                        classes = !is.null(object$network$classes),
                                        newdata = TRUE)
        X_all <- X_list$X_agd_arm
        rownames(X_all) <- paste0("pred[", preddat$.study, ": ", preddat$.trt, "]")

        # Get posterior samples
        post <- as.array(object, pars = c("mu", "d"))
        if (predictive_distribution) {
          # For predictive distribution, use delta_new instead of d
          delta_new <- get_delta_new(object)
          post[ , , dimnames(delta_new)[[3]]] <- delta_new

        # Get prediction array
        pred_array <- tcrossprod_mcmc_array(post, X_all)

    # With baseline specified
    } else {

      # Make design matrix of SINGLE study, and all treatments
      preddat <- tibble::tibble(.study = factor("..dummy.."), .trt = object$network$treatments)

      # Add in .trtclass if defined in network
      if (!is.null(object$network$classes)) {
        preddat$.trtclass <- object$network$classes[as.numeric(preddat$.trt)]

      # Design matrix, just treating all data as AgD arm
      X_list <- make_nma_model_matrix(nma_formula,
                                      dat_agd_arm = preddat,
                                      xbar = object$xbar,
                                      consistency = object$consistency,
                                      classes = !is.null(object$network$classes),
                                      newdata = TRUE)
      X_all <- X_list$X_agd_arm
      rownames(X_all) <- paste0("pred[", preddat$.trt, "]")

      # Get posterior samples
      d <- as.array(object, pars = "d")

      # Generate baseline samples
      dim_d <- dim(d)
      dim_mu <- c(dim_d[1:2], 1)
      u <- runif(prod(dim_mu))
      mu <- array(rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::call2(baseline$qfun, p = u, !!! baseline$args)),
                  dim = dim_mu)

      # Convert to linear predictor scale if baseline_type = "response"
      if (baseline_type == "response") {
        mu <- link_fun(mu, link = object$link)

      # Convert to samples on network ref trt if trt_ref given
      if (trt_ref != nrt) {
        mu <- mu - d[ , , paste0("d[", trt_ref, "]"), drop = FALSE]

      # Combine mu and d
      dim_post <- c(dim_d[1:2], dim_d[3] + 1)
      post <- array(NA_real_, dim = dim_post)
      post[ , , 1] <- mu
      if (!predictive_distribution) {
        post[ , , 2:dim_post[3]] <- d
      } else {
        # For predictive distribution, use delta_new instead of d
        post[ , , 2:dim_post[3]] <- get_delta_new(object)

      # Get prediction array
      pred_array <- tcrossprod_mcmc_array(post, X_all)


    # Get predictions for each category for ordered models
    if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
      cc <- as.array(object, pars = "cc")
      n_cc <- dim(cc)[3]
      l_cc <- stringr::str_replace(dimnames(cc)[[3]], "^cc\\[(.+)\\]$", "\\1")

      # Apply cutoffs
      d_p <- d_pt <- dim(pred_array)
      d_pt[3] <- d_p[3]*n_cc
      dn_p <- dn_pt <- dimnames(pred_array)
      dn_pt[[3]] <- rep(dn_p[[3]], each = n_cc)
      pred_temp <- array(dim = d_pt, dimnames = dn_pt)

      for (i in 1:d_p[3]) {
        pred_temp[ , , (i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- sweep(cc, 1:2, pred_array[ , , i, drop = FALSE],
                                                     FUN = function(x, y) {y - x})
        dn_pt[[3]][(i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(dn_p[[3]][i], start = 1, end = -2),
                                                  ", ", l_cc, "]")
      dimnames(pred_temp) <- dn_pt
      pred_array <- pred_temp

    # Transform predictions if type = "response"
    if (type == "response") {
      pred_array <- inverse_link(pred_array, link = object$link)

    # Produce nma_summary
    if (summary) {
      pred_summary <- summary_mcmc_array(pred_array, probs)

      if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
        pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                           .trt = rep(preddat$.trt, each = n_cc),
                                           .category = rep(l_cc, times = nrow(preddat)),
                                           .before = 1)
      } else {
        pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                           .trt = preddat$.trt,
                                           .before = 1)

      if (is.null(baseline)) {
        if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
          pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                             .study = rep(preddat$.study, each = n_cc),
                                             .before = 1)
        } else {
          pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                             .study = preddat$.study,
                                             .before = 1)

      out <- list(summary = pred_summary, sims = pred_array)
    } else {
      out <- list(sims = pred_array)

  # With regression model
  } else {

    if (!is.null(baseline)) {
      if (!(inherits(baseline, "distr") || (rlang::is_list(baseline) && all(purrr::map_lgl(baseline, inherits, what = "distr")))))
        abort("Baseline response `baseline` should be a single distr() specification, a list of distr() specifications, or NULL.")

    # Without baseline and newdata specified
    if (is.null(baseline) && is.null(newdata)) {

      # Get data for prediction
      if (level == "individual") {
        if (!has_ipd(object$network))
          abort(paste("No IPD in network to produce individual predictions for.",
                      "  - Specify IPD in `newdata` for which to produce predictions, or",
                      '  - Produce aggregate predictions with level = "aggregate"',
                      sep = "\n"))

        preddat <- object$network$ipd

      } else {

        if (!has_ipd(object$network) && !has_agd_arm(object$network)) {
          abort("No arm-based data (IPD or AgD) in network. Specify `baseline` and `newdata` to produce predictions of absolute effects.")

        if ((has_agd_arm(object$network) || has_agd_contrast(object$network)) && !has_agd_sample_size(object$network))
            paste("AgD study sample sizes not specified in network, cannot calculate aggregate predictions.",
                  "  - Specify `sample_size` in set_agd_*(), or",
                  "  - Specify covariate values using the `newdata` argument",
                  sep = "\n"))

        if (has_agd_arm(object$network)) {
          if (inherits(object$network, "mlnmr_data")) {
            dat_agd_arm <- .unnest_integration(object$network$agd_arm) %>%
              dplyr::mutate(.sample_size = .data$.sample_size / object$network$n_int)
          } else {
            dat_agd_arm <- object$network$agd_arm

          # Only take necessary columns
          dat_agd_arm <- get_model_data_columns(dat_agd_arm, regression = object$regression, label = "AgD (arm-based)")
        } else {
          dat_agd_arm <- tibble::tibble()

        if (has_ipd(object$network)) {
          dat_ipd <- object$network$ipd

          # Only take necessary columns
          dat_ipd <- get_model_data_columns(dat_ipd, regression = object$regression, label = "IPD")

          dat_ipd$.sample_size <- 1
        } else {
          dat_ipd <- tibble::tibble()

        preddat <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat_ipd, dat_agd_arm)

      # Produce predictions on every treatment for each observed arm/individual
      if (packageVersion("dplyr") >= "1.1.1") {
        preddat <- preddat %>%
          dplyr::rename(.trt_old = ".trt") %>%
          dplyr::left_join(tidyr::expand(., .study = .data$.study,
                                            .trt = .data$.trt_old),
                           by = ".study",
                           relationship = "many-to-many")
      } else {
        preddat <- preddat %>%
          dplyr::rename(.trt_old = ".trt") %>%
          dplyr::left_join(tidyr::expand(., .study = .data$.study,
                                         .trt = .data$.trt_old),
                           by = ".study")

      # If producing aggregate-level predictions, output these in factor order
      # Individual-level predictions will be in the order of the input data
      if (level == "aggregate") {
        preddat <- dplyr::arrange(preddat, .data$.study, .data$.trt)

      # Add in .trtclass if defined in network
      if (!is.null(object$network$classes)) {
        preddat$.trtclass <- object$network$classes[as.numeric(preddat$.trt)]

      if (has_agd_contrast(object$network)) {
        dat_agd_contrast <- object$network$agd_contrast
      } else {
        dat_agd_contrast <- tibble::tibble()

      # Design matrix, just treating all data as IPD
      # Contrast data is included just so that the correct columns are excluded
      X_list <- make_nma_model_matrix(nma_formula,
                                      dat_ipd = preddat,
                                      dat_agd_contrast = dat_agd_contrast,
                                      xbar = object$xbar,
                                      consistency = object$consistency,
                                      classes = !is.null(object$network$classes),
                                      newdata = TRUE)
      X_all <- X_list$X_ipd
      rownames(X_all) <- paste0("pred[", preddat$.study, ": ", preddat$.trt, "]")

      offset_all <- X_list$offset_ipd

      # Get posterior samples
      post <- as.array(object, pars = c("mu", "d", "beta"))

    # With baseline and newdata specified
    } else {

      if (level == "individual") {
        if (!has_ipd(object$network))
          warn("Producing individual predictions from an aggregate-level regression. Interpret with great caution!")

        preddat <- newdata
      } else {
        if (inherits(object, "stan_mlnmr")) {
          if (!inherits(newdata, "integration_tbl")) {
            abort("No integration points found in `newdata`. Specify integration points using add_integration().")
          } else {
            preddat <- .unnest_integration(newdata)
        } else {
          if (has_ipd(object$network) && inherits(newdata, "integration_tbl")) {
            # Allow integration of IPD model over aggregate population
            preddat <- .unnest_integration(newdata)
          } else {
            preddat <- newdata

      # Check all variables are present
      predreg <- get_model_data_columns(preddat, regression = object$regression, label = "`newdata`")

      preddat$.sample_size <- 1

      # Make design matrix of all studies and all treatments
      if (rlang::has_name(preddat, ".trt")) preddat <- dplyr::select(preddat, -".trt")
      if (packageVersion("dplyr") >= "1.1.1") {
        preddat <- dplyr::left_join(preddat,
                                                  .study = .data$.study,
                                                  .trt = object$network$treatments),
                                    by = ".study",
                                    relationship = "many-to-many")
      } else {
        preddat <- dplyr::left_join(preddat,
                                                  .study = .data$.study,
                                                  .trt = object$network$treatments),
                                    by = ".study")

      # Add in .trtclass if defined in network
      if (!is.null(object$network$classes)) {
        preddat$.trtclass <- object$network$classes[as.numeric(preddat$.trt)]

      # Design matrix, just treating all data as IPD
      X_list <- make_nma_model_matrix(nma_formula,
                                      dat_ipd = preddat,
                                      xbar = object$xbar,
                                      consistency = object$consistency,
                                      classes = !is.null(object$network$classes),
                                      newdata = TRUE)
      X_all <- X_list$X_ipd
      rownames(X_all) <- paste0("pred[", preddat$.study, ": ", preddat$.trt, "]")

      offset_all <- X_list$offset_ipd

      # Get posterior samples
      post_temp <- as.array(object, pars = c("d", "beta"))

      # Check baseline
      studies <- unique(preddat$.study)
      n_studies <- length(studies)

      if (!inherits(baseline, "distr")) {
        if (!length(baseline) %in% c(1, n_studies))
          abort(sprintf("`baseline` must be a single distr() distribution, or a list of length %d (number of `newdata` studies)", n_studies))
        if (length(baseline) == 1) {
          baseline <- baseline[[1]]
        } else {
          if (!rlang::is_named(baseline)) {
            names(baseline) <- studies
          } else {
            bl_names <- names(baseline)
            if (dplyr::n_distinct(bl_names) != n_studies)
              abort("`baseline` list names must be distinct study names from `newdata`")
            if (length(bad_bl_names <- setdiff(bl_names, studies)))
              abort(glue::glue("`baseline` list names must match all study names from `newdata`.\n",
                               "Unmatched list names: ",
                               glue::glue_collapse(glue::double_quote(bad_bl_names), sep = ", ", width = 30),
                               "Unmatched `newdata` study names: ",
                               glue::glue_collapse(glue::double_quote(setdiff(studies, bl_names)), sep = ", ", width = 30),

      # Generate baseline samples
      dim_post_temp <- dim(post_temp)
      dim_mu <- c(dim_post_temp[1:2], n_studies)
      dimnames_mu <- c(dimnames(post_temp)[1:2], list(parameters = paste0("mu[", levels(studies), "]")))

      if (inherits(baseline, "distr")) {
        u <- runif(prod(dim_mu))
        mu <- array(rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::call2(baseline$qfun, p = u, !!! baseline$args)),
                    dim = dim_mu, dimnames = dimnames_mu)
      } else {
        u <- array(runif(prod(dim_mu)), dim = dim_mu)
        mu <- array(NA_real_, dim = dim_mu, dimnames = dimnames_mu)
        for (s in 1:n_studies) {
          # NOTE: mu must be in *factor order* for later multiplication with design matrix, not observation order
          ss <- levels(studies)[s]
          mu[ , , s] <- array(rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::call2(baseline[[ss]]$qfun, p = u[ , , s], !!! baseline[[ss]]$args)),
                              dim = c(dim_mu[1:2], 1))

      # Convert baseline samples as necessary

      if (!inherits(object, "stan_mlnmr") && !has_ipd(object$network)) {
        # AgD-only regression, ignore baseline_level = "individual"
        # if (baseline_level == "individual")
        #   inform('Setting baseline_level = "aggregate", model intercepts are aggregate level for AgD meta-regression.')

        # Convert to linear predictor scale if baseline_type = "response"
        if (baseline_type == "response") {
          mu <- link_fun(mu, link = object$link)

        # Convert to samples on network ref trt if trt_ref given
        if (trt_ref != nrt) {
          mu <- sweep(mu, 1:2, post_temp[ , , paste0("d[", trt_ref, "]"), drop = FALSE], FUN = "-")
      } else { # ML-NMR or IPD NMR
        if (baseline_level == "individual") {

          # Convert to linear predictor scale if baseline_type = "response"
          if (baseline_type == "response") {
            mu <- link_fun(mu, link = object$link)

          # Convert to samples on network ref trt if trt_ref given
          if (trt_ref != nrt) {
            mu <- sweep(mu, 1:2, post_temp[ , , paste0("d[", trt_ref, "]"), drop = FALSE], FUN = "-")

        } else { # Aggregate baselines

          # Assume that aggregate baselines are *unadjusted*, ie. are crude poolings over reference arm outcomes
          # In this case, we need to marginalise over the natural outcome scale

          if (baseline_type == "link") {
            mu0 <- inverse_link(mu, link = object$link)
          } else {
            mu0 <- mu

          preddat_trt_ref <- dplyr::filter(preddat, .data$.trt == trt_ref)

          # Get posterior samples of betas and d[trt_ref]
          post_beta <- as.array(object, pars = "beta")
          if (trt_ref == nrt) {
            post_d <- 0
          } else {
            post_d <- as.array(object, pars = paste0("d[", trt_ref, "]"))

          # Get design matrix for regression for trt_ref
          X_trt_ref <- X_all[preddat$.trt == trt_ref, , drop = FALSE]
          X_beta_trt_ref <- X_trt_ref[ , !grepl("^(\\.study|\\.trt|\\.contr)[^:]+$", colnames(X_trt_ref)), drop = FALSE]

          if (!is.null(offset_all)) offset_trt_ref <- offset_all[preddat$.trt == trt_ref]

          range_mu <- range(as.array(object, pars = "mu"))

          # Aggregate response on natural scale, use numerical solver
          # Define function to solve for mu
          mu_solve <- function(mu, mu0, post_beta, post_d, X_beta, offset, link) {
            lp <- mu + X_beta %*% post_beta + post_d + offset
            ginv_lp <- inverse_link(lp, link = link)
            return(mu0 - mean(ginv_lp))

          for (s in 1:n_studies) {
            # NOTE: mu must be in *factor order* for later multiplication with design matrix, not observation order

            # Study select
            ss <- preddat_trt_ref$.study == levels(studies)[s]

            s_X_beta <- X_beta_trt_ref[ss, , drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(offset_all)) s_offset <- offset_trt_ref[ss]

            for (i_iter in 1:dim_post_temp[1]) {
              for (i_chain in 1:dim_post_temp[2]) {
                rtsolve <- uniroot(mu_solve, interval = range_mu, extendInt = "yes", ...,
                                   mu0 = mu0[i_iter, i_chain, s, drop = TRUE],
                                   post_beta = post_beta[i_iter, i_chain, , drop = TRUE],
                                   post_d = if (trt_ref == nrt) 0 else post_d[i_iter, i_chain, , drop = TRUE],
                                   X_beta = s_X_beta,
                                   offset = if (!is.null(offset_all)) s_offset else 0,
                                   link = object$link)
                mu[i_iter, i_chain, s] <- rtsolve$root

      # Combine mu, d, and beta
      dim_post <- c(dim_post_temp[1:2], dim_mu[3] + dim_post_temp[3])
      dimnames_post <- c(dimnames(post_temp)[1:2], list(parameters = c(dimnames(mu)[[3]], dimnames(post_temp)[[3]])))
      post <- array(NA_real_, dim = dim_post, dimnames = dimnames_post)
      post[ , , 1:dim_mu[3]] <- mu
      post[ , , dim_mu[3] + 1:dim_post_temp[3]] <- post_temp


    # For predictive distribution, use delta_new instead of d
    if (predictive_distribution) {
      delta_new <- get_delta_new(object)
      post[ , , dimnames(delta_new)[[3]]] <- delta_new

    # Get cutoffs for ordered models
    if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
      cc <- as.array(object, pars = "cc")
      n_cc <- dim(cc)[3]
      l_cc <- stringr::str_replace(dimnames(cc)[[3]], "^cc\\[(.+)\\]$", "\\1")

    if (level == "individual") {

      # Get prediction array
      pred_array <- tcrossprod_mcmc_array(post, X_all)

      if (!is.null(offset_all))
        pred_array <- sweep(pred_array, 3, offset_all, FUN = "+")

      # Get predictions for each category for ordered models
      if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
        # Apply cutoffs
        d_p <- d_pt <- dim(pred_array)
        d_pt[3] <- d_p[3]*n_cc
        dn_p <- dn_pt <- dimnames(pred_array)
        dn_pt[[3]] <- rep(dn_p[[3]], each = n_cc)
        pred_temp <- array(dim = d_pt, dimnames = dn_pt)

        for (i in 1:d_p[3]) {
          pred_temp[ , , (i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- sweep(cc, 1:2, pred_array[ , , i, drop = FALSE],
                                                       FUN = function(x, y) {y - x})
          dn_pt[[3]][(i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(dn_p[[3]][i], start = 1, end = -2),
                                                    ", ", l_cc, "]")
        dimnames(pred_temp) <- dn_pt
        pred_array <- pred_temp

      # Transform predictions if type = "response"
      if (type == "response") {
        pred_array <- inverse_link(pred_array, link = object$link)

    } else { # Predictions aggregated over each population

      # Produce aggregated predictions study by study - more memory efficient
      outdat <- dplyr::distinct(preddat, .data$.study, .data$.trt)

      if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
        outdat <- tibble::tibble(.study = rep(outdat$.study, each = n_cc),
                                 .trt = rep(outdat$.trt, each = n_cc),
                                 .cc = rep(l_cc, times = nrow(outdat)))

      studies <- unique(outdat$.study)
      n_studies <- length(studies)
      treatments <- unique(outdat$.trt)
      n_trt <- length(treatments)

      dim_pred_array <- dim(post)
      dim_pred_array[3] <- nrow(outdat)
      dimnames_pred_array <- dimnames(post)
      if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
        dimnames_pred_array[[3]] <- paste0("pred[", outdat$.study, ": ", outdat$.trt, ", ", outdat$.cc, "]")
      } else {
        dimnames_pred_array[[3]] <- paste0("pred[", outdat$.study, ": ", outdat$.trt, "]")

      pred_array <- array(NA_real_,
                          dim = dim_pred_array,
                          dimnames = dimnames_pred_array)

      ss <- vector(length = nrow(outdat))

      for (s in 1:n_studies) {

        # Study select
        ss <- preddat$.study == studies[s]

        # Get prediction array for this study
        s_pred_array <- tcrossprod_mcmc_array(post, X_all[ss, , drop = FALSE])

        if (!is.null(offset_all))
          s_pred_array <- sweep(s_pred_array, 3, offset_all[ss], FUN = "+")

        # Get predictions for each category for ordered models
        if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
          # Apply cutoffs
          d_p <- d_pt <- dim(s_pred_array)
          d_pt[3] <- d_p[3]*n_cc
          dn_p <- dn_pt <- dimnames(s_pred_array)
          dn_pt[[3]] <- rep(dn_p[[3]], each = n_cc)
          pred_temp <- array(dim = d_pt, dimnames = dn_pt)

          for (i in 1:d_p[3]) {
            pred_temp[ , , (i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- sweep(cc, 1:2, s_pred_array[ , , i, drop = FALSE],
                                                         FUN = function(x, y) {y - x})
            dn_pt[[3]][(i-1)*n_cc + 1:n_cc] <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(dn_p[[3]][i], start = 1, end = -2),
                                                      ", ", l_cc, "]")
          dimnames(pred_temp) <- dn_pt
          s_pred_array <- pred_temp

        # Transform predictions if type = "response"
        if (type == "response") {
          s_pred_array <- inverse_link(s_pred_array, link = object$link)

        # Aggregate predictions since level = "aggregate"
        if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
          s_preddat <- preddat[ss, c(".study", ".trt", ".sample_size")] %>%
            dplyr::slice(rep(seq_len(nrow(.)), each = n_cc)) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.study = forcats::fct_inorder(forcats::fct_drop(.data$.study)),
                          .trt = forcats::fct_inorder(.data$.trt),
                          .cc = forcats::fct_inorder(rep_len(l_cc, nrow(.)))) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(.data$.study, .data$.trt, .data$.cc) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.weights = .data$.sample_size / sum(.data$.sample_size))

          X_weighted_mean <- matrix(0, ncol = dim(s_pred_array)[3], nrow = n_trt * n_cc)

                                1:dim(s_pred_array)[3])] <- s_preddat$.weights
        } else {
          s_preddat <- preddat[ss, c(".study", ".trt", ".sample_size")] %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.study = forcats::fct_inorder(forcats::fct_drop(.data$.study)),
                          .trt = forcats::fct_inorder(.data$.trt)) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(.data$.study, .data$.trt) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(.weights = .data$.sample_size / sum(.data$.sample_size))

          X_weighted_mean <- matrix(0, ncol = dim(s_pred_array)[3], nrow = n_trt)

                                1:dim(s_pred_array)[3])] <- s_preddat$.weights

        pred_array[ , , outdat$.study == studies[s]] <- tcrossprod_mcmc_array(s_pred_array, X_weighted_mean)


      preddat <- dplyr::distinct(preddat, .data$.study, .data$.trt)

    # Produce nma_summary
    if (summary) {
      pred_summary <- summary_mcmc_array(pred_array, probs)
      if (object$likelihood == "ordered") {
        pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                           .study = rep(preddat$.study, each = n_cc),
                                           .trt = rep(preddat$.trt, each = n_cc),
                                           .category = rep(l_cc, times = nrow(preddat)),
                                           .before = 1)
      } else {
        pred_summary <- tibble::add_column(pred_summary,
                                           .study = preddat$.study,
                                           .trt = preddat$.trt,
                                           .before = 1)
      out <- list(summary = pred_summary, sims = pred_array)
    } else {
      out <- list(sims = pred_array)


  if (summary) {
    if (object$likelihood == "ordered")
      class(out) <- c("ordered_nma_summary", "nma_summary")
      class(out) <- "nma_summary"
    attr(out, "xlab") <- "Treatment"
    attr(out, "ylab") <- get_scale_name(likelihood = object$likelihood,
                                        link = object$link,
                                        measure = "absolute",
                                        type = type)

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multinma documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:46 p.m.