
predict.naive_bayes <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("class", "prob"),
                                 threshold = 0.001, eps = 0, ...) {
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        newdata <- object$data$x
    } else {
        if (is.matrix(newdata) | is.data.frame(newdata)) {
            newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
        } else {
            stop("predict.naive_bayes(): newdata must be either a matrix or a data.frame.\n", call. = FALSE)

    if (threshold < 0)
        stop("predict.naive_bayes(): threshold must be non-negative.", call. = FALSE)
    if (eps < 0)
        stop("predict.naive_bayes(): eps must be non-negative.", call. = FALSE)

    na <- sapply(newdata, anyNA)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    lev <- object$levels
    n_lev <- length(lev)
    n_obs <- dim(newdata)[1L]
    usekernel <- object$usekernel
    usepoisson <- ifelse(is.null(object$usepoisson), FALSE, object$usepoisson)
    prior <- as.double(object$prior)
    tables <- object$tables
    features <- names(newdata)[names(newdata) %in% names(tables)]
    n_features <- length(features)
    n_tables <- length(tables)
    n_features_newdata <- ncol(newdata)

    if (n_features < n_tables) {
        warning(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): only ", n_features, " feature(s) out of ", n_tables,
                       " defined in the naive_bayes object \"", substitute(object),
                       "\" are used for prediction.\n"), call. = FALSE)
    if (n_features_newdata > n_tables) {
        warning(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): ",
                       "more features in the newdata are provided ",
                       "as there are probability tables in the object. ",
                       "Calculation is performed based on features to be found in the tables."),
                call. = FALSE)
        newdata <- newdata[ ,features, drop = FALSE]
    ind_factor <- sapply(newdata, class) == "factor" & names(newdata) %in% names(tables)
    ind_factor <- names(which(ind_factor != 0))
    if (length(ind_factor) > 0) {
        ind_missing_levels <- which((sapply(newdata[ind_factor],
                                            nlevels) != sapply(tables[ind_factor], nrow)) == TRUE)
        nm <- length(ind_missing_levels)
        if (nm > 0) {
            stop(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): \n\n", nm, ifelse(nm == 1, " feature ", " features "),
                        ifelse(nm == 1, "is discrete, ",
                               "are discrete, "), "and compared to the corresponding probability ",
                        ifelse(nm == 1, "table ", "tables "),
                        ifelse(nm == 1, "it misses some levels or has more levels.",
                               "some of them miss levels or have more levels."),
                        "Other possibility: there is type mismatch between training data and newdata",
                        " (for instance, some variable should be numeric but is character/factor).\n\n"),
                 call. = FALSE)
    log_sum <- matrix(log(prior), ncol = n_lev, nrow = n_obs, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(log_sum) <- lev
    for (var in features) {
        V <- newdata[[var]]
        tab <- tables[[var]]
        a <- attr(tab, "cond_dist")
        if (is.numeric(V)) {
            if (!is.null(a)) {
                if (!a %in% c("Gaussian", "KDE", "Poisson")) {
                    stop(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): type mismatch between ",
                                "training and newdata for the feature ",
                                var, " - it was not numeric in the training dataset."),
                         call. = FALSE)
            if (is.integer(V) & usepoisson) {
                p <- sapply(lev, function(lambda) {
                    stats::dpois(V, lambda = tab[ ,lambda])
                p[p <= eps] <- threshold
                if (na[var])
                    p[is.na(p)] <- 1
                log_sum <- log_sum + log(p)
            } else {
                if (usekernel) {
                    p <- sapply(lev, function(z) {
                        dens <- tab[[z]]
                        stats::approx(dens$x, dens$y, xout = V, rule = 2, ties = "ordered")$y
                    p[p <= eps] <- threshold
                    if (na[var])
                        p[is.na(p)] <- 1
                    log_sum <- log_sum + log(p)
                } else {
                    dimnames(tab) <- NULL
                    s <- tab[2, ]
                    s[s <= eps] <- threshold
                    p <- sapply(seq_along(lev), function(z) {
                        stats::dnorm(V, tab[1, z], s[z])
                    p[p <= 0] <- threshold
                    if (na[var])
                        p[is.na(p)] <- 1
                    log_sum <- log_sum + log(p)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(a)) {
                if (!a %in% c("Bernoulli", "Categorical")) {
                    stop(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): type mismatch between ",
                                "training and newdata for the feature ",
                                var, " - it was numeric in the training dataset."),
                         call. = FALSE)
            if (inherits(V, "logical"))
                V <- as.character(V)
            if (object$laplace == 0)
                tab[tab <= eps] <- threshold
            tab <- log(tab)
            if (na[var]) {
                na_ind <- which(is.na(V))
                V[na_ind] <- attributes(tab)$dimnames[[1]][1]
                logp <- tab[V, ]
                if (n_obs == 1)
                    logp <- 0
                else logp[na_ind, ] <- 0
                log_sum <- log_sum + logp
            } else {
                log_sum <- log_sum + tab[V, ]
    if (type == "class") {
        if (n_features == 0) {
            warning(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): ",
                           "no feature in the newdata corresponds to ",
                           "probability tables in the object. ",
                           "Classification is done based on the prior probabilities"),
                    call. = FALSE)
            return(factor(rep(lev[which.max(prior)], n_obs),
                          levels = lev))
        if (n_obs == 1) {
            return(factor(lev[which.max(log_sum)], levels = lev))
        } else {
            return(factor(lev[max.col(log_sum, "first")], levels = lev))
    } else {
        if (n_features == 0) {
            warning(paste0("predict.naive_bayes(): ",
                           "no feature in the newdata corresponds to ",
                           "probability tables in the object. ",
                           "Posterior probabilities are equal to prior probabilities."),
                    call. = FALSE)
            return(matrix(prior, ncol = n_lev, nrow = n_obs,
                          byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, lev)))
        if (n_obs == 1) {
            post <- sapply(log_sum, function(x) { 1 / sum(exp(log_sum - x)) })
            mat <- t(as.matrix(post))
            colnames(mat) <- lev
        } else {
            return(apply(log_sum, 2, function(x) { 1 / rowSums(exp(log_sum - x)) }))

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