
Defines functions pointsinside.default pointsinside subset.hxsurf as.hxsurf.mesh3d as.hxsurf as.mesh3d.hxsurf plot3d.hxsurf write.hxsurf read.hxsurf

Documented in as.hxsurf as.hxsurf.mesh3d as.mesh3d.hxsurf plot3d.hxsurf pointsinside pointsinside.default read.hxsurf subset.hxsurf write.hxsurf

#' Read Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) files into hxsurf object
#' @details Note that when \code{RegionChoice="both"} or 
#'   \code{RegionChoice=c("Inner", "Outer")} both polygons in inner and outer 
#'   regions will be added to named regions. To understand the significance of 
#'   this, consider two adjacent regions, A and B, with a shared surface. For 
#'   the polygons in both A and B, Amira will have a patch with (say) 
#'   InnerRegion A and OuterRegion B. This avoids duplication in the file. 
#'   However, it might be convenient to add these polygons to both regions when 
#'   we read them into R, so that regions A and B in our R object are both 
#'   closed surfaces. To achieve this when \code{RegionChoice="both"}, 
#'   \code{read.hxsurf} adds these polygons to region B (as well as region A) 
#'   but swaps the order of the vertices defining the polygon to ensure that the
#'   surface directionality is correct.
#'   As a rule of thumb, stick with \code{RegionChoice="both"}. If you get more 
#'   regions than you wanted, then try switching to \code{RegionChoice="Inner"}
#'   or \code{RegionChoice="Outer"}.
#' @param filename Character vector defining path to file
#' @param RegionNames Character vector specifying which regions should be read 
#'   from file. Default value of \code{NULL} => all regions.
#' @param RegionChoice Whether the \emph{Inner} or \emph{Outer} material, or 
#'   \emph{both} (default), should define the material of the patch. See 
#'   details.
#' @param FallbackRegionCol Colour to set regions when no colour is defined
#' @param Verbose Print status messages during parsing when \code{TRUE}
#' @return A list with S3 class hxsurf with elements \describe{
#'   \item{Vertices}{ A data.frame with columns \code{X, Y, Z, PointNo}}
#'   \item{Regions}{ A list with 3 column data.frames specifying triplets of 
#'   vertices for each region (with reference to \code{PointNo} column in 
#'   \code{Vertices} element)}
#'   \item{RegionList}{ Character vector of region names (should match names of 
#'   \code{Regions} element)}
#'   \item{RegionColourList}{ Character vector specifying default colour to plot
#'   each region in R's \code{\link{rgb}} format}
#'   }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot3d.hxsurf}, \link{rgb}}
#' @aliases hxsurf
#' @family amira
#' @family hxsurf
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' read.hxsurf("my.surf", RegionChoice="both")
#' }
  # Check for header confirming file type
    stop(filename," does not appear to be an Amira HyperSurface ASCII file!")
  initialcaps<-function(x) {substr(x,1,1)=toupper(substr(x,1,1)); x}
  RegionChoice=match.arg(initialcaps(RegionChoice), c("Inner", "Outer", "Both"), 
                         several.ok = TRUE)
  if(RegionChoice[1]=="Both") RegionChoice=c("Inner", "Outer")
  if(Verbose) cat(nLines,"lines of text to parse\n")
  # Find the start of the Vertices
  if(Verbose) cat("Data start line =",dataStart,"\n")
  getfield=function(fName,textLines=headerLines,pos=2) unlist(strsplit(trimws(textLines[grep(fName,textLines)]),"\\s+",perl=TRUE))[pos]
  if(Verbose) cat("nVertices =",nVertices,"\n")
  d$Regions <- list()
  if(Verbose) cat("Finished processing Vertices\n")
  # Now read in Triangles that define patches:
  if(Verbose) cat("PatchDefLine =",PatchDefLine,"\n")
  if(Verbose) cat("nPatches =",nPatches,"\n")
  if(length(PatchStarts)>nPatches) PatchStarts=PatchStarts[1:nPatches]
  if(length(PatchEnds)>nPatches) PatchEnds=PatchEnds[1:nPatches]
    stop("Incorrect number of Triangle definition lines in",filename,"\n")
  for(i in 1:nPatches){
    if(Verbose) cat("TriangleDefline =",TriangleDeflines[i],"\n")
    # remove any opening braces - these would cause a problem if on same line
    # convert all whitespace to single spaces
    PatchHeader=gsub("\\s+"," ",PatchHeader)
    if(Verbose) cat("PatchHeader is",length(PatchHeader),"lines long\n")
    # note use of RegionChoice to switch naming between inner and outer
    for(RegChoice in RegionChoice) {
      if(nTriangles<0 || nTriangles>100000) stop("Bad triangle number: ", nTriangles)
      if(Verbose) cat("nTriangles =",nTriangles,"for patch =",i,"\n")
      # Check if we want to load in this region
      if( is.null(RegionNames) || RegionName%in%RegionNames ){
        # Ensure we do not try to add no triangles, or the exterior region
        if(nTriangles == 0 || RegionName == "Exterior") next
        if(getfield(paste(RegChoice,"Region",sep=""),PatchHeader,1) == "OuterRegion") {
          thispatch <- thispatch[, c(1,3,2)]
          if(Verbose) message("Permuting vertices for ", RegionName, "...")
          colnames(thispatch) <- c("V1","V2","V3")
        # scan no quicker in these circs, problem is repeated file access
        # specifying text directly also does not help dues to very slow textConnection

        # check if we have already loaded a patch in this name
          # add to the old patch
          if(Verbose) cat("Adding to patch name",RegionName,"\n")
        } else {
          # new patch
          if(Verbose) cat("Making new patch name",RegionName,"\n")
  # Handle colours for regions
  d$RegionColourList <- vector(length=length(d$RegionList))
  closeBraces <- grep("}", headerLines)
  for(regionName in d$RegionList) {
    # Find section in headerLines corresponding to this region
    headerSecStart <- grep(paste0("^\\s*", regionName, "(\\s+ \\{){0,1}"), headerLines)[1]
    headerSecEnd <- closeBraces[closeBraces > headerSecStart][1]
    # Extract colour information
    colorLine <- grep("Color", headerLines[headerSecStart:headerSecEnd], value=T)
    if(length(colorLine) > 0) {
      rgbValues <- strsplit(regmatches(colorLine, gregexpr("[0-9]$|[0-9][^\\.]|[0-9]\\.[0-9]+", colorLine, perl=T))[[1]], " ")
      # clean up any trailing commas
      rgbValues <- gsub("[,}]","", rgbValues)
      color <- rgb(rgbValues[[1]], rgbValues[[2]], rgbValues[[3]])
    } else {
      color <- FallbackRegionCol
    d$RegionColourList[which(d$RegionList == regionName)] <- color
  class(d) <- c('hxsurf',class(d))

#' Write Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) into .surf file.
#' @param surf hxsurf object to write to file.
#' @param filename character vector defining path to file.
#' @return \code{NULL} or integer status from \code{\link{close}}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot3d.hxsurf}},\code{\link{read.hxsurf}}, \code{\link{rgb}}
#' @family amira
#' @family hxsurf
write.hxsurf <- function(surf, filename) {
  fc <- file(filename, open="at")
  cat("# HyperSurface 0.1 ASCII\n\n", file=fc)
  cat("Parameters {\n", file=fc)
  cat("    Materials {\n", file=fc)
  cat("        Exterior {\n            Id 1\n        }\n", file=fc)
  regionData <- cbind(surf$RegionList, surf$RegionColourList)
  for (i in 1:nrow(regionData)) {
    cat("        ", regionData[i, 1], " {\n", sep="", file=fc)
    cat("            Id ", i+1, ",\n", sep="", file=fc)
    cat("            Color ", paste(zapsmall(col2rgb(regionData[i, 2])/255), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="", file=fc)
    cat("        }\n", file=fc)
  cat("    }\n", file=fc)
  cat("    BoundaryIds {\n        Name \"BoundaryConditions\"\n    }\n", file=fc)
  cat("}\n\n", file=fc)
  cat("Vertices ", nrow(surf$Vertices), "\n", sep="", file=fc)
  apply(surf$Vertices[, 1:3], 1, function(x) cat("    ", sprintf(x[1], fmt="%.6f"), " ", sprintf(x[2], fmt="%.6f"), " ", sprintf(x[3], fmt="%.6f"), "\n", sep="", file=fc))
  cat("NBranchingPoints 0\nNVerticesOnCurves 0\nBoundaryCurves 0\n", file=fc)
  cat("Patches ", length(surf$Regions), "\n", sep="", file=fc)
  for(i in 1:length(surf$Regions)) {
    region <- surf$Regions[[i]]
    cat("{\n", file=fc)
    cat("InnerRegion ", names(surf$Regions[i]), "\n", sep="", file=fc)
    cat("OuterRegion Exterior\n", file=fc)
    cat("BoundaryId 0\n", file=fc)
    cat("BranchingPoints 0\n\n", file=fc)
    cat("Triangles ", nrow(region), "\n", sep="", file=fc)
    apply(region, 1, function(x) cat("    ", paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n", sep="", file=fc))
    cat("}\n", file=fc)

#' Plot amira surface objects in 3D using rgl
#' @param x An hxsurf surface object
#' @param materials Character vector or \code{\link[base]{regex}} naming materials to
#'   plot (defaults to all materials in x). See \code{\link{subset.hxsurf}}.
#' @param col Character vector specifying colors for the materials, or a 
#'   function that will be called with the number of materials to plot. When 
#'   \code{NULL} (default) will use meterial colours defined in Amira (if 
#'   available), or \code{rainbow} otherwise.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
#' @export
#' @method plot3d hxsurf
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.hxsurf}}
#' @family hxsurf
#' @examples 
#' plot3d(kcs20)
#' plot3d(MBL.surf)
#' \donttest{
#' # plot only vertical lobe
#' clear3d()
#' plot3d(MBL.surf, materials="VL", alpha=0.3)
#' # everything except vertical lobe
#' clear3d()
#' plot3d(MBL.surf, alpha=0.3, 
#'   materials=grep("VL", MBL.surf$RegionList, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE))
#' }
plot3d.hxsurf<-function(x, materials=NULL, col=NULL, ...){
  # skip so that the scene is updated only once per hxsurf object
  skip <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  materials=subset(x, subset = materials, rval='names')
  if(is.null(col)) {
    } else col=rainbow
  if(is.function(col)) col=col(length(materials))
  if(is.factor(col)) col=rainbow(nlevels(col))[as.integer(col)]
  if(length(col)==1 && length(materials)>1) col=rep(col,length(materials))
  for(mat in materials){
    # get order triangle vertices

#' Convert an object to an rgl mesh3d
#' Note that this provides a link to the Rvcg package
#' @param x Object to convert to mesh3d
#' @param ... Additional arguments for methods
#' @param Regions Character vector or regions to select from \code{hxsurf}
#'   object
#' @param material rgl materials such as \code{color}
#' @param drop Whether to drop unused vertices (default TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname as.mesh3d
#' @seealso \code{\link[rgl]{as.mesh3d}}, \code{\link[rgl]{tmesh3d}},
#'   \code{\link{as.hxsurf}}, \code{\link{read.hxsurf}}
#' @family hxsurf
as.mesh3d.hxsurf<-function(x, Regions=NULL, material=NULL, drop=TRUE, ...){
  if(is.null(Regions)) {
  x=subset(x, Regions, drop=drop)
  if(length(Regions)==1 && is.null(material)){
    # find colour
  inds=t(data.matrix(do.call(rbind, x$Regions)))
  tmesh3d(vertices=verts, indices=inds, homogeneous = FALSE, material = material, ...)

#' Convert an object to a nat hxsurf object
#' @details \code{hxsurf} objects are based on the format of Amira's surface 
#'   objects (see \code{\link{read.hxsurf}}). They have the ability to include 
#'   multiple distinct regions. However, at the moment the only method that we 
#'   provide converts \code{mesh3d} objects, which can only include one region.
#' @param x A surface object
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods
#' @return A new surface object of class \code{hxsurf} (see 
#'   \code{\link{read.hxsurf}}) for details.
#' @export
#' @family hxsurf
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.mesh3d}}
#' @examples
#' tet=tetrahedron3d(col='red')
#' teth=as.hxsurf(tet)
#' \donttest{
#' plot3d(teth)
#' }
as.hxsurf <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('as.hxsurf')

#' @param region The default name for the surface region
#' @param col The surface colour (default value of NULL implies the colour
#'   specified in mesh3d object or \code{grey} when the \code{mesh3d} object has
#'   no colour.)
#' @export
#' @rdname as.hxsurf
as.hxsurf.mesh3d <- function(x, region="Interior", col=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(x$it))
    stop("This method only works for triangular mesh3d objects!")
  if(is.null(col)) col=x$material$col
  h$RegionColourList <- if(!is.null(col)) col else 'grey'

#' Subset hxsurf object to specified regions
#' @param x A dotprops object
#' @param subset Character vector specifying regions to keep. Interpreted as 
#'   \code{\link[base]{regex}} if of length 1 and no fixed match.
#' @param drop Whether to drop unused vertices after subsetting (default:
#'   \code{TRUE})
#' @param rval Whether to return a new \code{hxsurf} object or just the names of
#'   the matching regions
#' @param ... Additional parameters (currently ignored)
#' @return subsetted hxsurf object
#' @method subset hxsurf
#' @export
#' @family hxsurf
#' @examples
#' # plot only vertical lobe
#' vertical_lobe=subset(MBL.surf, "VL")
#' \donttest{
#' plot3d(vertical_lobe, alpha=0.3)
#' plot3d(kcs20)
#' # there is also a shortcut for this
#' clear3d()
#' plot3d(MBL.surf, "VL", alpha=0.3)
#' }
subset.hxsurf<-function(x, subset=NULL, drop=TRUE, rval=c("hxsurf","names"), ...){
      if(is.na(tokeep[1]) && length(subset)==1){
        # try as regex
    if(!length(tokeep) || any(is.na(tokeep)))
      stop("Invalid subset! See ?subset.hxsurf")
    if(rval=='names') return(x$RegionList[tokeep])
  } else if(rval=='names') return(x$RegionList)
    # see if we need to drop any vertices
    # a vector where each position is the old vertex id and the value is the
    # new one i.e. newid=vert_table[oldid]
    vert_table=match(seq_len(nrow(x$Vertices)), vertstokeep)
    # convert all vertex ids from old to new sequence
    for(r in x$RegionList){
      for(i in seq_len(ncol(x$Regions[[r]]))){
    # drop unused vertices
    x$Vertices=x$Vertices[vertstokeep, ]

#' Subset methods for different nat objects
#' These methods enable subsets of some nat objects including neurons and 
#' neuronlists to be obtained. See the help for each individual method for 
#' details.
#' @name subset
#' @seealso \code{\link{subset.neuron}}, \code{\link{subset.dotprops}},
#'   \code{\link{subset.hxsurf}}, \code{\link{subset.neuronlist}}

#' Find which points of an object are inside a surface
#' @details Note that \code{hxsurf} surface objects will be converted to 
#'   \code{mesh3d} before being passed to \code{Rvcg::vcgClostKD}, so if you are 
#'   testing repeatedly against the same surface, it may make sense to 
#'   pre-convert.
#'   \code{pointsinside} depends on the face normals for each face pointing out 
#'   of the object (see example). The face normals are defined by the order of 
#'   the three vertices making up a triangular face. You can flip the face 
#'   normal for a face by permuting the vertices (i.e. 1,2,3 -> 1,3,2). If you 
#'   find for a given surface that points are outside when you expect them to be
#'   inside then the face normals are probably all the wrong way round. You can 
#'   invert them yourself or use the \code{Morpho::invertFaces} function to fix 
#'   this.
#'   If you find that some points but not all points are not behaving as you 
#'   would expect, then it may be that some faces are not coherently oriented. 
#'   The \code{Rvcg::\link[Rvcg]{vcgClean}} function can sometimes be used to 
#'   correct the orientation of the faces. Fixing more problematic cases may be 
#'   possible by generating a new surface using 
#'   \code{alphashape3d::\link[alphashape3d]{ashape3d}} (see examples).
#' @param x an object with 3D points.
#' @param surf The reference surface - either a \code{mesh3d} object or any 
#'   object that can be converted using \code{as.mesh3d} including \code{hxsurf}
#'   and \code{ashape3d} objects.
#' @param ... additional arguments for methods, eventually passed to as.mesh3d.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # check if the vertices in these neurons are inside the mushroom body calyx
#' # surface object
#' inout=pointsinside(kcs20, surf=subset(MBL.surf, "MB_CA_L"))
#' table(inout)
#' # be a bit more lenient and include points less than 5 microns from surface
#' MBCAL=subset(MBL.surf, "MB_CA_L")
#' inout5=pointsinside(kcs20, surf=MBCAL, rval='distance') > -5
#' table(inout5)
#' # show which points are in or out
#' # Hmm seems like there are a few red points in the vertical lobe
#' # that are well outside the calyx
#' points3d(xyzmatrix(kcs20), col=ifelse(inout5, 'red', 'black'))
#' plot3d(MBL.surf, alpha=.3)
#' # Let's try to make an alphashape for the mesh to clean it up
#' library(alphashape3d)
#' MBCAL.as=ashape3d(xyzmatrix(MBCAL), alpha = 10)
#' # Plotting the points, we can see that is much better behaved
#' points3d(xyzmatrix(kcs20), 
#'   col=ifelse(pointsinside(kcs20, MBCAL.as), 'red', 'black'))
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # Show the face normals for a surface
#' if(require('Morpho')) {
#'   # convert to a mesh3d object used by rgl and Morpho packge
#'   MBCAL.mesh=as.mesh3d(subset(MBL.surf, "MB_CA_L"))
#'   fn=facenormals(MBCAL.mesh)
#'   wire3d(MBCAL.mesh)
#'   # show that the normals point out of the object
#'   plotNormals(fn, long=5, col='red')
#'   # invert the faces of the mesh and show that normals point in
#'   MBCAL.inv=invertFaces(MBCAL.mesh)
#'   plotNormals(facenormals(MBCAL.inv), long=5, col='cyan')
#' }
#' }
pointsinside<-function(x, surf, ...) UseMethod('pointsinside')

#' @export
#' @param rval what to return.
#' @return A vector of logical values or distances (positive inside, negative
#'   outside) equal to the number of points in x or the \code{mesh3d} object
#'   returned by \code{Rvcg::vcgClostKD}.
#' @rdname pointsinside
pointsinside.default<-function(x, surf, ..., rval=c('logical','distance', 'mesh3d')) {
  if(!requireNamespace('Rvcg', quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Please install suggested library Rvcg to use pointsinside")
  if(!inherits(surf,'mesh3d')) {
    surf=as.mesh3d(surf, ...)
  rmesh=Rvcg::vcgClostKD(pts, surf, sign = TRUE)
  switch(rval, logical=rmesh$quality>=0, distance=rmesh$quality, mesh3d=rmesh)

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nat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:36 a.m.