
Defines functions remotesync.neuronlistfh remotesync.default remotesync write.neuronlistfh read.neuronlistfh fillMissing as.list.neuronlistfh as.neuronlist.neuronlistfh as.neuronlistfh.neuronlist as.neuronlistfh is.neuronlistfh neuronlistfh

Documented in as.neuronlistfh as.neuronlistfh.neuronlist as.neuronlist.neuronlistfh is.neuronlistfh neuronlistfh read.neuronlistfh remotesync remotesync.neuronlistfh write.neuronlistfh

# define neuronlistfh, that looks like a regular in memory neuronlist
# but is actually backed by an on disk filehash structure

#' neuronlistfh - List of neurons loaded on demand from disk or remote website
#' @description \code{neuronlistfh} objects consist of a list of neuron objects 
#'   along with an optional attached dataframe containing information about the 
#'   neurons. In contrast to \code{neuronlist} objects the neurons are not 
#'   present in memory but are instead dynamically loaded from disk as required.
#'   \code{neuronlistfh} objects also inherit from \code{neuronlist} and 
#'   therefore any appropriate methods e.g. \code{plot3d.neuronlist} can also be
#'   used on \code{neuronlistfh} objects.
#'   \code{neuronlistfh} constructs a neuronlistfh object from a 
#'   \code{filehash}, \code{data.frame} and \code{keyfilemap}. End users will 
#'   \strong{not} typically use this function to make a \code{neuronlistfh}. 
#'   They will usually read them using \code{read.neuronlistfh} and sometimes 
#'   create them by using \code{as.neuronlistfh} on a \code{neuronlist} object.
#' @section Implementation details: neuronlistfh objects are a hybrid between 
#'   regular \code{neuronlist} objects that organise data and metadata for 
#'   collections of neurons and a backing \code{filehash} object. Instead of 
#'   keeping objects in memory, they are \emph{always} loaded from disk. 
#'   Although this sounds like it might be slow, for nearly all practical 
#'   purposes (e.g. plotting neurons) the time to read the neuron from disk is 
#'   small compared with the time to plot the neuron; the OS will cache repeated
#'   reads of the same file. The benefits in memory and startup time (<1s vs 
#'   100s for our 16,000 neuron database) are vital for collections of 1000s of 
#'   neurons e.g. for dynamic report generation using knitr or for users with 
#'   <8Gb RAM or running 32 bit R.
#'   neuronlistfh objects include: \describe{
#'   \item{attr("keyfilemap")}{ A named character vector that determines the 
#'   ordering of objects in the neuronlist and translates keys in R to filenames
#'   on disk. For objects created by \code{as.neuronlistfh} the filenames will 
#'   be the md5 hash of the object as calculated using \code{digest}. This 
#'   design means that the same key can be used to refer to multiple distinct 
#'   objects on disk. Objects are effecitvely versioned by their contents. So if
#'   an updated neuronlistfh object is posted to a website and then fetched by a
#'   user it will result in the automated download of any updated objects to 
#'   which it refers.}
#'   \item{attr("db")}{ The backing database - typically of class 
#'   \code{filehashRDS}. This manages the loading of objects from disk.}
#'   \item{attr(x,"df")}{ The data.frame of metadata which can be used to select
#'   and plot neurons. See \code{\link{neuronlist}} for examples.}
#'   \item{attr(x,"hashmap")}{ (Optional) a hashed environment which can be used
#'   for rapid lookup using key names (rather than numeric/logical indices). 
#'   There is a space potential to pay for this redundant lookup method, but it 
#'   is normally worth while given that the dataframe object is typically 
#'   considerably larger. To give some numbers, the additional environment might
#'   occupy ~ 1% of a 16,000 object neuronlistfh object and reduce mean lookup 
#'   time from 0.5 ms to 1us. Having located the object, on my machine it can 
#'   take as little as 0.1ms to load from disk, so these savings are relevant.}
#'   }
#'   Presently only backing objects which extend the \code{filehash} class are 
#'   supported (although in theory other backing objects could be added). These 
#'   include: \itemize{
#'   \item filehash RDS
#'   \item filehash RDS2 (experimental)}
#'   We have also implemented a simple remote access protocol (currently only 
#'   for the \code{RDS} format). This allows a neuronlistfh object to be read 
#'   from a url and downloaded to a local path. Subsequent attempts to access 
#'   neurons stored in this list will result in automated download of the 
#'   requested neuron to the local cache.
#'   An alternative backend, the experimental \code{RDS2} format is supported 
#'   (available at \url{https://github.com/jefferis/filehash}). This is likely 
#'   to be the most effective for large (5,000-500,000) collections of neurons, 
#'   especially when using network filesystems (nfs, afp) which are typically 
#'   very slow at listing large directories.
#'   Note that objects are stored in a filehash, which by definition does not 
#'   have any ordering of its elements. However neuronlist objects (like lists) 
#'   do have an ordering. Therefore the names of a neuronlistfh object are not 
#'   necessarily the same as the result of calling \code{names()} on the 
#'   underlying filehash object.
#' @name neuronlistfh
#' @family neuronlistfh
#' @family neuronlist
#' @seealso \code{\link[filehash]{filehash-class}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kcnl=read.neuronlistfh('http://jefferislab.org/si/nblast/flycircuit/kcs20.rds',
#' 'path/to/my/project/folder')
#' # this will automatically download the neurons from the web the first time
#' # it is run
#' plot3d(kcnl)
#' }
#' @export
#' @param db a \code{filehash} object that manages an on disk database of neuron
#'   objects. See Implementation details.
#' @param keyfilemap A named character vector in which the elements are 
#'   filenames on disk (managed by the filehash object) and the names are the 
#'   keys used in R to refer to the neuron objects. Note that the keyfilemap 
#'   defines the order of objects in the neuronlist and will be used to reorder 
#'   the dataframe if necessary.
#' @param hashmap A logical indicating whether to add a hashed environment for 
#'   rapid object lookup by name or an integer or an integer definining a 
#'   threhsold number of objects when this will happen (see Implementation 
#'   details).
#' @importClassesFrom filehash filehash filehashRDS
#' @importMethodsFrom filehash [[
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return a \code{neuronlistfh} object which is a character \code{vector} with 
#'   classes \code{neuronlistfh, neuronlist} and attributes \code{db, df}. See 
#'   Implementation details.
neuronlistfh<-function(db, df, keyfilemap, hashmap=1000L){
    stop("Unknown/unsupported backing db class. See ?neuronlistfh for help.")

  if(!is.character(keyfilemap) || is.null(names(keyfilemap)) || 
    stop("keyfilemap must have as many unique names as elements")
  if(is.numeric(hashmap)) hashmap = length(keyfilemap)>=hashmap
  if(!missing(df) && !is.null(df)) {
      stop("data.frame is missing information about ",nmissing," elements of db")
    # reorder dataframe using keyfilemap

#' @description \code{is.neuronlistfh} test if an object is a neuronlistfh
#' @param nl Object to test
#' @name neuronlistfh
#' @aliases is.neuronlistfh
is.neuronlistfh<-function(nl) {

#' @description \code{as.neuronlistfh} generic function to convert an object to 
#'   neuronlistfh
#' @param x Object to convert
#' @param df Optional dataframe, where each row describes one neuron
#' @param ... Additional arguments for methods, eventually passed to
#'   \code{neuronlistfh()} constructor.
#' @export
#' @rdname neuronlistfh
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create neuronlistfh object backed by filehash with one file per neuron
#' # by convention we create a subfolder called data in which the objects live
#' kcs20fh=as.neuronlistfh(kcs20, dbdir='/path/to/my/kcdb/data')
#' plot3d(subset(kcs20fh,type=='gamma'))
#' # ... and, again by convention, save the neuronlisfh object next to filehash 
#' # backing database
#' write.neuronlistfh(kcs20fh, file='/path/to/my/kcdb/kcdb.rds')
#' # in a new session
#' read.neuronlistfh("/path/to/my/kcdb/kcdb.rds")
#' plot3d(subset(kcs20fh, type=='gamma'))
#' }
as.neuronlistfh<-function(x, df, ...)

#' @param dbdir The path to the underlying \code{filehash} database on disk. By
#'   convention this should be a path whose final element is 'data'
#' @param dbClass The \code{filehash} database class. Defaults to \code{RDS}.
#' @param remote The url pointing to a remote repository containing files for 
#'   each neuron.
#' @param WriteObjects Whether to write objects to disk. Missing implies that 
#'   existing objects will not be overwritten. Default \code{"yes"}.
#' @description \code{as.neuronlistfh.neuronlist} converts a regular neuronlist 
#'   to one backed by a filehash object with an on disk representation
#' @method as.neuronlistfh neuronlist
#' @export
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @rdname neuronlistfh
as.neuronlistfh.neuronlist<-function(x, df=attr(x,'df'), dbdir=NULL,
                                     dbClass=c('RDS','RDS2'), remote=NULL, 
                                     WriteObjects=c("yes",'no','missing'), ...){
    warning("giving default names to elements of x")
  if(WriteObjects!='yes' && dbClass!='RDS')
    stop("Must always write objects when dbClass!='RDS'")
  if(dbClass!='RDS' && !is.null(remote))
    stop("remote download only implemented for RDS class at the moment")
  # md5 by default. Should we use something else?
    db=filehash::dumpList(x, dbName=dbdir, type=dbClass)
  } else {
    if(!filehash::dbCreate(dbdir)) stop("Error creating database at location: ",dbdir)
    db=filehash::dbInit(dbdir, type=dbClass)
    if(WriteObjects=='missing') {
      # figure out which objects we need to dump
        db=filehash::dumpList(x[objects_missing], dbName=dbdir, type=dbClass)
  res <- neuronlistfh(db, df, keyfilemap, ...)
  attr(res, 'remote') <- remote

#' convert neuronlistfh to a regular (in memory) neuronlist
#' @method as.neuronlist neuronlistfh
#' @export
#' @inheritParams as.neuronlist
as.neuronlist.neuronlistfh<-function(l, ...){
  # get the overloaded subscripting operator to do the work

#' @export

  # we need to translate the incoming key to the md5 hash
  # if a hashmap is available, that will be faster for lookup by names
  if(is.character(i) && !is.null(hm<-attr(x,'hashmap'))){
    i = mget(i,envir=hm, inherits=FALSE, ifnotfound = list(NA))[[1]]
  } else i = attr(x,'keyfilemap')[i]

    # no remote specified, just treat as normal
    attr(x, 'db')[[i, ...]]
  }, error = function(e) {
    fillMissing(i, x)
      attr(x, 'db')[[i, ...]]
    }, error = function(e) {
      "Unable to download file."

#' @export
as.list.neuronlistfh<-function(x, ...) x

#' Extract from neuronlistfh object or its attached data.frame
#' @description \code{[.neuronlistfh} extracts either a sublist from a 
#'   neuronlistfh (converting it to a regular in memory list in the process) 
#'   \emph{or} its attached data.frame.
#' @details Note that if i is a numeric or logical indexing vector, it will be 
#'   converted internally to a vector of names by using the (sorted) names of 
#'   the objects in x (i.e. names(x)[i])
#' @param x A neuronlistfh object
#' @param i,j elements to extract or replace. Numeric, logical  or character or,
#'   for the [ get method, empty. See details and the help for 
#'   \code{\link{[.data.frame}}.
#' @inheritParams base::`[.data.frame`
#' @return A new in-memory \code{neuronlist} or when using two subscripts, a 
#'   \code{data.frame} - see examples.
#' @export
#' @family neuronlistfh
#' @seealso \code{\link{neuronlistfh}}, \code{\link{[.neuronlist}}, 
#'   \code{\link{[.data.frame}}, \code{\link{[<-.data.frame}},
#' @examples 
#' # make a test neuronlistfh backed by a temporary folder on disk
#' tf=tempfile('kcs20fh')
#' kcs20fh<-as.neuronlistfh(kcs20, dbdir=tf)
#' # get first neurons as an in memory neuronlist
#' class(kcs20fh[1:3])
#' # extract attached data.frame
#' str(kcs20fh[,])
#' # or part of the data.frame
#' str(kcs20fh[1:2,1:3])
#' # data.frame assignment (this one changes nothing)
#' kcs20fh[1:2,'gene_name'] <- kcs20fh[1:2,'gene_name']
#' # clean up
#' unlink(tf, recursive=TRUE)
"[.neuronlistfh" <- function(x, i, j, drop) {
  # treat like a data.frame
  if(nargs()>2) {
  if(!is.character(i)) i=names(x)[i]
  l=sapply(i, function(n) x[[n]], simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)
  new=as.neuronlist(l, df=attr(x, 'df')[i, , drop=FALSE])
  copy_nl_attributes(new, x, ignoremore=c("keyfilemap", "db"))

# Called if some objects in the filehash object are not available locally
# @param missing A list of missing objects
# @param fh The neuronlistfh object that needs filling in
# @param quiet Whether to show download progress for each neuron
# @param progress Whether to show download progress for all requested neuron
#   (default: TRUE when >=5 neurons to download)
fillMissing <- function(missing, fh, quiet=progress, progress=length(missing)>=5) {
  objDir <- attr(fh, 'db')@dir
  if (!file.exists(objDir)) dir.create(objDir)
  if(progress) {
    message('Downloading ',length(missing),' missing neurons from ',
            attr(fh, 'remote'))
  for(i in seq_along(missing)){
    download.file(url=paste0(attr(fh, 'remote'), missing[i]),
                  quiet=quiet, mode = 'wb')
    if(progress) setTxtProgressBar(tpb,i)

#' Read a local, or remote, neuronlistfh object saved to a file.
#' @details When reading a remote \code{neuronlistfh} object, it is downloaded 
#'   and cached to \code{localdir}. If there is already a cached file at the 
#'   appropriate location and \code{update=TRUE} then the md5sums are checked 
#'   and the downloaded file will be copied on top of the original copy if they 
#'   are different; if \code{udpate=FALSE}, the default, then no action will be 
#'   taken. After downloading a remote \code{neuronlistfh} object, a check is 
#'   made for the existence of the \code{data} directory that will be used to 
#'   individual objects. If this does not exist it will be created.
#'   Note also that there is a \emph{strict convention} for the layout of the 
#'   files on disk. The neuronlistfh object will be saved in R's \code{RDS} 
#'   format and will be placed next to a folder called \code{data} which will 
#'   contain the data objects, also saved in RDS format. For example if 
#'   \code{myneurons.rds} is downloaded to 
#'   \code{localdir="\\path\\to\\localdir"} the resultant file layout will be as
#'   follows:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\\path\\to\\localdir\\myneurons.rds}
#'   \item \code{\\path\\to\\localdir\\data\\2f88e16c4f21bfcb290b2a8288c05bd0}
#'   \item \code{\\path\\to\\localdir\\data\\5b58e040ee35f3bcc6023fb7836c842e}
#'   \item \code{\\path\\to\\localdir\\data\... etc}
#'   }
#'   Given this arrangment, the data directory should always be at a fixed 
#'   location with respect to the saved neuronlistfh object and this is enforced
#'   on download and the default behaviour on read and write. However it does 
#'   remain possible (if not recommended) to site the neuronlistfh and filehash 
#'   database directory in different relative locations; if the neuronlistfh 
#'   object specified by file does not have a filehash database with a valid 
#'   \code{dir} slot and there is no 'data' directory adjacent to the 
#'   neuronlistfh object, an error will result.
#' @param file The file path of the neuronlistfh object. Can be local, or remote
#'   (via http or ftp).
#' @param localdir If the file is to be fetched from a remote location, this is 
#'   the folder in which downloaded RDS file will be saved. The default value of
#'   \code{NULL} will save to a folder in the current R sessions temporary
#'   folder. See details.
#' @param update Whether to update local copy of neuronlistfh (default: FALSE, 
#'   see details)
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to \code{download.file}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @family neuronlistfh
read.neuronlistfh <- function(file, localdir=NULL, update=FALSE, ...) {
  if (substr(file, 1, 7) == "http://" || substr(file, 1, 6) == "ftp://") {
    if(is.null(localdir)) {
      localdir=file.path(tempdir(), 'nat')
      message("localdir not specified. Using a temporary folder for this R session!")
    if(!file.exists(localdir)) dir.create(localdir, recursive=TRUE)

    if(!file.exists(cached.neuronlistfh) || update){
      tmpFile <- tempfile()
      download.file(url=file, destfile=tmpFile, mode='wb', ...)
      obj <- readRDS(tmpFile)
      # fix paths in our new object
      dbdir<- file.path(localdir,'data')
      attr(obj, 'db')@dir <- dbdir
      # make the local directory that will contain in
      if(!file.exists(dbdir)) dir.create(dbdir, recursive=TRUE)
      attr(obj, 'remote') <- paste0(dirname(file), '/data/')
      attr(obj, 'file') <- cached.neuronlistfh
      # save it to disk
      # and copy / replace existing copy
      if(!file.exists(cached.neuronlistfh) || 
        message("Updating cached neuronlistfh: ",basename(cached.neuronlistfh))
    } else {
      file = cached.neuronlistfh
  # fix path to filehash in object that we have read from disk just to be safe
  dbdir=attr(obj, 'db')@dir
    dbdir2 <- file.path(dirname(file),'data')
      stop("Unable to locate data directory at: ", dbdir, ' or: ', dbdir2)
    attr(obj, 'db')@dir <- dbdir2
  attr(obj, 'file') <- file

#' Write out a neuronlistfh object to an RDS file
#' @details This function writes the main neuronlistfh object to disk, but makes
#'   no attempt to touch/verify the associated object files.
#'   if \code{file} is not specified, then the function will first check if 
#'   \code{x} has a \code{'file'} attribute. If that does not exist, then 
#'   \code{attr(x,'db')@@dir}, the backing \code{filehash} database directory, 
#'   is inspected. The save path \code{file} will then be constructed by taking 
#'   the directory one up from the database directory and using the name of the 
#'   neuronlistfh object with the suffix '.rds'. e.g. write.neuronlistfh(kcs20) 
#'   with db directory '/my/path/dps/data' will be saved as 
#'   '/my/path/dps/kcs20.rds'
#'   Note that if x has a \code{'file'} attribute (set by 
#'   \code{read.neuronlistfh}) then this will be removed before the file is 
#'   saved (since the file attribute must be set on read to ensure that we know 
#'   exactly which file on disk was the source of the object in memory).
#' @param x The neuronlistfh object to write out
#' @param file Path where the file will be written (see details)
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing file
#' @param \dots Additional paramaters passed to \code{saveRDS}
#' @seealso \code{\link{saveRDS}}
#' @family neuronlistfh
#' @export
write.neuronlistfh<-function(x, file=attr(x,'file'), overwrite=FALSE, ...){
  if(is.null(file)) {
    dbdir=attr(x, 'db')@dir
    file=file.path(dirname(dbdir), paste0(as.character(substitute(x)),'.rds'))
  # check that we can write to this location
  if(!dir_exists) stop("output directory does not exist")
  if(file.exists(file) && !overwrite) 
    stop("Set overwrite=TRUE to overwrite existing neuronlistfh")
  # set file attribute to NULL on way out
  if(!is.null(attr(x,'file'))) attr(x,'file')=NULL
  saveRDS(x, file=file, ...)

#' Synchronise a remote object
#' @param x Object to synchronise with a remote URL
#' @param remote The remote URL to update from
#' @param download.missing Whether to download missing objects (default TRUE)
#' @param delete.extra Whether to delete objects (default TRUE)
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to methods
#' @export
#' @family neuronlistfh
remotesync<-function(x, remote=attr(x,'remote'), download.missing=TRUE, 
                     delete.extra=FALSE, ...) UseMethod("remotesync")

#' @export
remotesync.default<-function(x, remote=attr(x,'remote'), download.missing=TRUE,
                             delete.extra=FALSE, ...){
  if(is.character(x)) x=read.neuronlistfh(x)
    stop("Unable to update object of class", class(x))
  remotesync(x, remote=remote, download.missing=download.missing,
             delete.extra=delete.extra, ...)

#' @export
#' @param indices Character vector naming neurons to update (default
#'   \code{indices=NULL} implies all neurons).
#' @param update.object Whether to update the \code{neuronlistfh} object itself 
#'   on disk (default TRUE). Note that this assumes that the \code{neuronlistfh}
#'   object has not been renamed after it was downloaded.
#' @return The updated \code{neuronlistfh} object (invisibly)
#' @rdname remotesync
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' kcs20=read.neuronlistfh('http://flybrain.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/si/nblast/flycircuit/kcs20.rds')
#' # update object from the web
#' kcs20=remotesync(kcs20)
#' # download all neurons with significant innervation of the vertical lobe
#' mbvl_neurons=subset(kcs20, (MB_VL_R+MB_VL_L)>200, rval='names')
#' kcs20=remotesync(kcs20, indices=mbvl_neurons, download.missing=TRUE)
#' }
remotesync.neuronlistfh<-function(x, remote=attr(x,'remote'),
                                  download.missing=FALSE, delete.extra=FALSE,
                                  indices=NULL, update.object=TRUE, ...) {
  # first update the neuronlist object on disk
    # construct url to neuronlistfh object from remote data directory
    x=read.neuronlistfh(remoteurl_nlfh, localdir=dirname(attr(x,'file')), update=TRUE)
  if(download.missing || delete.extra) {
    db=attr(x, 'db')
    keyfilemap=attr(x, 'keyfilemap')
      keyfilemap=keyfilemap[intersect(names(keyfilemap), indices)]

      objects_missing=setdiff(keyfilemap, objects_present)
        fillMissing(objects_missing, x)
      objects_extra=setdiff(objects_present, keyfilemap)
        unlink(file.path(db@dir, objects_extra))

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