
Defines functions footRaster

Documented in footRaster

#' @title Extract eddy covariance footprint data from HDF5 format

#' @author
#' Claire Lunch \email{clunch@battelleecology.org}

#' @description
#' Create a raster of flux footprint data. Specific to expanded package of eddy covariance data product: DP4.00200.001
#' For definition of a footprint, see Glossary of Meteorology: https://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Footprint
#' For background information about flux footprints and considerations around the time scale of footprint calculations, see Amiro 1998: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
#' @param filepath One of: a folder containing NEON EC H5 files, a zip file of DP4.00200.001 data downloaded from the NEON data portal, a folder of DP4.00200.001 data downloaded by the neonUtilities::zipsByProduct() function, or a single NEON EC H5 file. Filepath can only contain files for a single site. [character]

#' @details Given a filepath containing H5 files of expanded package DP4.00200.001 data, extracts flux footprint data and creates a raster.

#' @return A rasterStack object containing all the footprints in the input files, plus one layer (the first in the stack) containing the mean footprint.

#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To run the function on a zip file downloaded from the NEON data portal:
#' ftprnt <- footRaster(filepath="~/NEON_eddy-flux.zip")
#' }

#' @references
#' License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007

#' @export

# changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   2019-07-04 (Claire Lunch): created
#   2020-03-06 (Claire Lunch and Chris Florian): updated to apply coordinate system to output raster
#   2021-05-03 (Claire Lunch): correction; matrix transposed before creating raster
#   2023-05-05 (Claire Lunch): Modified coordinate reference code to use sf and terra packages instead of sp and raster


footRaster <- function(filepath) {
  # first check for rhdf5 package
  if(!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly=T)) {
    stop("Package rhdf5 is required for this function to work.
         \nrhdf5 is a Bioconductor package. To install, use:\ninstall.packages('BiocManager')\nBiocManager::install('rhdf5')\n")
  # also check for terra package
  if(!requireNamespace("terra", quietly=T)) {
    stop("Package terra is required for this function to work. Install and re-try.")
  files <- NA
  # check for vector of files as input
  if(length(filepath)>1) {
    if(length(grep(".h5$", filepath))==length(filepath)) {
      files <- filepath
    } else {
      stop("Input list of files must be .h5 files.")
    if(any(!file.exists(files))) {
      stop("Files not found in specified filepaths. Check that the input list contains the full filepaths.")
  # get list of files, unzipping if necessary
  if(any(is.na(files)) & identical(substring(filepath, nchar(filepath)-3, nchar(filepath)), ".zip")) {
    outpath <- gsub(".zip", "", filepath)
    if(!dir.exists(outpath)) {
    if(length(grep(".zip", utils::unzip(filepath, list=T)$Name, fixed=T))>0) {
      utils::unzip(filepath, exdir=outpath)
    } else {
      utils::unzip(filepath, exdir=outpath, junkpaths=T)
    filepath <- outpath
  # allow for a single H5 file
  if(any(is.na(files)) & identical(substring(filepath, nchar(filepath)-2, nchar(filepath)), ".h5")) {
    files <- filepath
  } else {
    if(any(is.na(files))) {
      files <- list.files(filepath, recursive=F, full.names=T)
  # unzip files if necessary
  if(length(grep(".zip", files))==length(files)) {
    lapply(files, function(x) {
      utils::unzip(x, exdir=filepath)
    files <- list.files(filepath, recursive=F, full.names=T)
  # after unzipping, check for .gz
  if(length(grep(".h5.gz", files))>0) {
    lapply(files[grep(".h5.gz", files)], function(x) {
    files <- list.files(filepath, recursive=F, full.names=T)
  # only need the H5 files for data extraction
  files <- files[grep(".h5$", files)]
  # check for duplicate files and use the most recent
  fileDups <- gsub("[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}Z.h5", "", files)
  if(any(base::duplicated(fileDups))) {
    maxFiles <- character()
    for(i in unique(fileDups)) {
      maxFiles <- c(maxFiles, 
                    max(files[grep(i, files)]))
    files <- maxFiles
  # make empty, named list for the footprint grids
  gridList <- vector("list", length(files))
  names(gridList) <- substring(files, 1, nchar(files)-3)
  # make empty list for location/dimension data
  locAttr <- list()
  # make empty messages
  messages <- character()
  # set up progress bar
  writeLines(paste0("Extracting data"))
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
  utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)

  # extract footprint data from each file
  for(i in 1:length(files)) {
    listObj <- base::try(rhdf5::h5ls(files[i]), silent=T)
    if(base::inherits(listObj, "try-error")) {
      stop(paste("\n", files[i], " could not be read.", sep=""))
    listDataObj <- listObj[listObj$otype == "H5I_DATASET",]
    listDataName <- base::paste(listDataObj$group, listDataObj$name, sep = "/")
    # filter by variable/level selections
    levelInd <- grep("dp04", listDataName)
    # get only the footprint grid data
    if(length(grep("foot/grid", listDataName))==0) {
      stop("No footprint data available.")
    } else {
      gridInd <- grep("foot/grid", listDataName)
    ind <- intersect(levelInd, gridInd)
    # check that you haven't filtered to nothing
    if(length(ind)==0) {
      stop("No footprint data available.")
    listDataName <- listDataName[ind]
    # get footprints for each half hour
    gridList[[i]] <- base::lapply(listDataName, rhdf5::h5read, 
                                 file=files[i], read.attributes=T)
    base::names(gridList[[i]]) <- substring(listDataName, 2, nchar(listDataName))
    # transpose: eddy4R transposes the data to make them compatible with Python and other systems; need to be transposed back in R
    gridList[[i]] <- base::lapply(gridList[[i]], base::t)
    # get location data on first pass
    if(i==1) {
      locAttr <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(file=files[i], name=listObj$group[2])
      # get grid cell dimensions
      oriAttr <- rhdf5::h5read(file=files[i],
                                          'stat', sep='/'))
      # check for internal consistency
      if(length(unique(oriAttr$distReso))!=1) {
        messages <- c(messages,'Resolution attribute is inconsistent. Rasters are unscaled.\n')
        locAttr$distReso <- 0
      } else {
        locAttr$distReso <- unique(oriAttr$distReso)
    # after first pass, check for consistency
    if(i!=1) {
      newAttr <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(file=files[i], name=listObj$group[2])
      newOri <- rhdf5::h5read(file=files[i],
                                          'stat', sep='/'))
      newAttr$distReso <- newOri$distReso
      if(unique(newOri$distReso)!=locAttr$distReso) {
        messages <- c(messages, 'Resolution attribute is inconsistent. Rasters are unscaled.\nCheck input data, inputs may have included multiple sites.\n')
        locAttr$distReso <- 0
      } else {
        if(!all(c(newAttr$LatTow, newAttr$LonTow, 
                                      locAttr$ZoneUtm))) {
          messages <- c(messages, 'Resolution attribute is inconsistent. Rasters are unscaled.\nCheck input data, inputs may have included multiple sites.\n')
          locAttr$distReso <- 0
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/length(files))
  allGrids <- unlist(gridList, recursive=F)
  # check that data come from only one site
  site <- unique(base::gsub( pattern = ".*([A-Z]{4})[.DP4].*", "\\1", names(allGrids)))
  if(length(site)>1) {
    stop(paste(filepath, " contains files from more than one site.", sep=""))
  # make raster stack of everything
  rasterList <- lapply(allGrids, terra::rast)
  masterRaster <- terra::rast(rasterList)
  # if location data were consistent, apply scaling to stack
  if(locAttr$distReso!=0) {
    # set up location data to scale rasters
    LatLong <- cbind(longitude = locAttr$LonTow, latitude = locAttr$LatTow)
    LatLong <- terra::vect(LatLong, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
    epsg.z <- relevant_EPSG$code[grep(paste("+proj=utm +zone=", 
                                            locAttr$ZoneUtm, " ", sep=""), 
                                      relevant_EPSG$prj4, fixed=T)]
    utmTow <- terra::project(LatLong, y=paste("EPSG:", epsg.z, sep=""))

    # adjust extent and coordinate system of raster stack
    terra::ext(masterRaster) <- c(xmn = terra::ext(utmTow)[1] - 150.5*locAttr$distReso, 
                                  xmx = terra::ext(utmTow)[2] + 150.5*locAttr$distReso,
                                  ymn = terra::ext(utmTow)[3] - 150.5*locAttr$distReso, 
                                  ymx = terra::ext(utmTow)[4] + 150.5*locAttr$distReso)
    terra::crs(masterRaster) <- paste("EPSG:", epsg.z, sep="")
  # add top layer raster to stack: mean of all layers
  summaryRaster <- terra::mean(masterRaster, na.rm=T)
  masterRaster <- c(summaryRaster, masterRaster)
  names(masterRaster)[1] <- paste(site, "summary", sep=".")

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neonUtilities documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 9:09 a.m.