Defines functions testBUGSmodel

Documented in testBUGSmodel

# infrastructure code for nimble testing; it uses readBUGSmodel() for the heavy lifting of reading in the model information

# May 2014 (revised June 2014)
# Chris Paciorek

#' Tests BUGS examples in the NIMBLE system
#' \code{testBUGSmodel} builds a BUGS model in the NIMBLE system and simulates from the model, comparing the values of the nodes and their log probabilities in the uncompiled and compiled versions of the model
#' @param example (optional) example character vector indicating name of BUGS example to test; can be null if \code{model} is provided
#' @param dir (optional) character vector indicating directory in which files are contained, by default the classic-bugs directory if the installed package is used; to use the current working directory, set this to ""
#' @param model (optional) one of (1) a character string giving the file name containing the BUGS model code, (2) an R function whose body is the BUGS model code, or (3) the output of \code{nimbleCode}. If a file name, the file can contain a 'var' block and 'data' block in the manner of the JAGS versions of the BUGS examples but should not contain references to other input data files nor a const block. The '.bug' or '.txt' extension can be excluded.
#' @param data (optional) one of (1) character string giving the file name for an R file providing the input constants and data as R code [assigning individual objects or as a named list] or (2) a named list providing the input constants and data. If neither is provided, the function will look for a file named \code{example}-data including extensions .R, .r, or .txt.
#' @param inits (optional) (1) character string giving the file name for an R file providing the initial values for parameters as R code [assigning individual objects or as a named list] or (2) a named list providing the values. If neither is provided, the function will look for a file named \code{example}-init or \code{example}-inits including extensions .R, .r, or .txt.
#' @param useInits boolean indicating whether to test model with initial values provided via \code{inits}.
#' @param expectModelWarning boolean indicating whether \code{nimbleModel} is expected to produce a warning or character string giving part of expected warning.
#' @param debug logical indicating whether to put the user in a browser for debugging when \code{testBUGSmodel} calls \code{readBUGSmodel}.  Intended for developer use.
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print additional logging information
#' @author Christopher Paciorek
#' @details
#' Note that testing without initial values may cause warnings when parameters are sampled from improper or fat-tailed distributions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' testBUGSmodel('pump')
#' }
testBUGSmodel <- function(example = NULL, dir = NULL, model = NULL, data = NULL, inits = NULL, useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = FALSE, debug = FALSE, verbose = nimbleOptions('verbose')) {
  if(requireNamespace('testthat', quietly = TRUE)) {
    if(!is.null(example) && !is.character(example))
      stop("testBUGSmodel: 'example' argument should be a character vector referring to an existing BUGS example or NULL if provided via the 'model' argument")

    testthat::test_that(paste0(example, ": model building"), {
        if(is.null(dir)) {
                stop("testBUGSmodel: 'example' is not provided; if not using an example from the BUGS manual examples, set 'dir' to \"\"")
            examplesDir <- system.file("classic-bugs", package = "nimble")
            if(file.exists(normalizePath(file.path(examplesDir, 'vol1', example), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE))) {
                vol <- 1
            } else if(file.exists(normalizePath(file.path(examplesDir, 'vol2', example), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE))) {
                vol <- 2
            } else {
                stop(paste0("Example: ", example, " not found in Classic BUGS examples; to use your current working directory or if passing inputs as R objects, set 'dir' to be \"\""))
            if(verbose) cat("Using example in BUGS example directory of the NIMBLE package.\n")
            dir <- normalizePath(file.path(examplesDir, paste0('vol', vol), example), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
        if(is.null(model)) model <- example
            stop("testBUGSmodel: one of 'example' or 'model' must be provided")
        if(is.character(expectModelWarning) || expectModelWarning) {
                expectModelWarning <- NULL
            testthat::expect_message(Rmodel <- readBUGSmodel(model = model, data = data, inits = inits, dir = dir, useInits = useInits, debug = debug, check = FALSE, calculate = FALSE), expectModelWarning)
        } else Rmodel <- readBUGSmodel(model = model, data = data, inits = inits, dir = dir, useInits = useInits, debug = debug, check = FALSE, calculate = FALSE)
        ## setting check and calculate to FALSE because check() and calculate() in some cases (e.g., ice, kidney) causes initialization of values such that inits as passed in do not match values in R or C model and failure of test of whether initial values are maintained
        skip.file.path <- is.null(dir) || (!is.null(dir) && dir == "") ## previously we could have file.path(NULL, ...) and file.path("",...) cases.  Modifications from here down follow those in readBUGSmodel for Windows compatibility
        if(useInits) {
            ## kludgey as this code is in readBUGSmodel() but no nice way to get it out if I want readBUGSmodel to return the R model; one possibility is to have the inits be embedded in the R model...
            initsFile <- NULL
            if(is.character(inits)) {
                initsFile <- if(skip.file.path) inits else normalizePath(file.path(dir, inits), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
                    stop("testBUGSmodel: 'inits' input does not reference an existing file.")
            if(is.null(inits)) {
                modelName <- gsub("\\..*", "", model)
                possibleNames <- paste0(modelName, c("-init.R", "-inits.R", "-init.txt", "-inits.txt", "-init", "inits"))
                if(!Sys.info()['sysname'] %in% c("Darwin", "Windows")) # UNIX-like is case-sensitive
                    possibleNames <- c(possibleNames, paste0(modelName, c('-init.r','-inits.r')))
                if(!skip.file.path) possibleNames <- normalizePath(file.path(dir, possibleNames), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
                fileExistence <- file.exists(possibleNames)
                if(!sum(fileExistence)) {
                    stop("testBUGSmodel: 'inits' argument does not reference an existing file.")
                } else {
                    if(sum(fileExistence) > 1)
                        stop("testBUGSmodel: multiple possible initial value files; please pass as explicit 'inits' argument.")
                    initsFile <- possibleNames[which(fileExistence)[1]]
            if(!is.null(initsFile)) {
                inits <- new.env()
                source(initsFile, inits)
                inits <- as.list(inits)
        if(useInits && is.null(inits))
            warning("testBUGSmodel: 'useInits' is TRUE but 'inits' is NULL and could not find file of initial values in directory provided; proceeding without initial values.")
        project <- nimbleProjectClass(NULL, name = 'foo')
        Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel, project = project)
                                        # topo-sorted nodes
        nodeNames <- Rmodel$getNodeNames()
        detNodeNames <- Rmodel$getNodeNames(determOnly = TRUE)
        ## simulate/calculate in topological order
        for(nodeName in nodeNames) {
            varName <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", nodeName)
            if(!(varName %in% names(inits)) && !Rmodel$isData(nodeName))  # only if not initialized and not data node
                simulate(Rmodel, nodeName)
            if(!(nodeName %in% detNodeNames && varName %in% names(inits))) # don't overwrite det nodes that have init values
                calculate(Rmodel, nodeName)
        for(nodeName in nodeNames) {
            varName <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", nodeName)
            if(!(varName %in% names(inits)) && !Rmodel$isData(nodeName))   # only if not initialized and not data node
                simulate(Cmodel, nodeName)
            if(!(nodeName %in% detNodeNames && varName %in% names(inits))) # don't overwrite det nodes that have init values
                calculate(Cmodel, nodeName)
        ## test that vals are maintained at their initial values
        if(useInits && !is.null(inits)) {
            varNames <- names(inits)[names(inits) %in% Rmodel$getVarNames()]
            for(varName in varNames) {
                Rvals <- Rmodel[[varName]][!Rmodel$isData(varName)]
                Cvals <- Cmodel[[varName]][!Rmodel$isData(varName)]
                initsVals <- inits[[varName]][!Rmodel$isData(varName)]
                attributes(Rvals) <- attributes(Cvals) <- attributes(initsVals) <- NULL
                testthat::expect_equal(Rvals, initsVals, info = paste0('Initial value not maintained in R model for variable ', varName))
                testthat::expect_equal(Cvals, initsVals, info = paste0('Initial value not maintained in C model for variable ', varName))
        ## test that vals and logprobs are equal
        for(nodeName in nodeNames) {
            Rvals <- Rmodel[[nodeName]]
            Cvals <- Cmodel[[nodeName]]
            attributes(Rvals) <- attributes(Cvals) <- NULL
            testthat::expect_equal(Rvals, Cvals, info = paste0('Unexpected result for variable ', nodeName))

        for(nodeName in nodeNames)  {
            Rvals <- getLogProb(Rmodel, nodeName)
            Cvals <- getLogProb(Cmodel, nodeName)
            attributes(Rvals) <- attributes(Cvals) <- NULL
            testthat::expect_equal(Rvals, Cvals, info = paste0('Unexpected result for variable ', nodeName))

        if(.Platform$OS.type != 'windows')
    if(debug) browser()
  } else warning("testBUGSmodel: testthat package is required.")

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nimble documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:49 a.m.