
Defines functions processDistributionAliases getParamNames getType getParamID getDimension isMixedSizes pqDefined isUserDefined isDiscrete BUGSdistToRdist stripPrefix evalInDistsMatchCallEnv getAllDistributionsInfo getDistributionInfo getDistributionList deregisterDistributions registerDistributions checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo addDefaultDistributionInfo checkDistributionInput

Documented in deregisterDistributions getDimension getDistributionInfo getParamNames getType isDiscrete isUserDefined pqDefined registerDistributions

distributionsClass <- setRefClass(
    Class = 'distributionsClass',
    fields = list(
        distObjects   = 'ANY',		#'list',      ## a list of distClass objects, names of each element are the BUGS distribution name
        namesVector   = 'ANY',		#'character',      ## a character vector of the (BUGS) names of all distributions
        namesExprList = 'ANY',		#'list',   ## a list of the expressions of the (BUGS) names of all distributions
        matchCallEnv  = 'ANY',		#'environment',   ## an environment containing distribution functions which run match.call()
        translations  = 'ANY'		#'list'   ## a list of the (R) d-dist and r-dist function names. element names are BUGS distributions
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(dil, builtin = FALSE) {
            distObjects <<- list()
            namesExprList <<- list()
            translations <<- list()
            if(builtin) dil <- lapply(dil, addDefaultDistributionInfo)
            for(i in seq_along(dil))     distObjects[[i]] <<- distClass(dil[[i]], names(dil)[i])
            names(distObjects) <<- names(dil)
            namesVector <<- names(dil)
            namesExprList <<- lapply(namesVector, as.name)
            matchCallEnv <<- new.env()
            for(distName in namesVector)     assign(distName, distObjects[[distName]]$makeMatchCallFunction(), matchCallEnv)
            translations <<- lapply(distObjects, function(d) c(d$densityName, d$simulateName))

        add = function(dil) {
              distObjectsNew <- list()
              nms <- names(dil)
              dupl <- which(nms %in% getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector', userOnly = TRUE))
              if(length(dupl)) {
                  for(i in seq_along(dupl)) {
                  ## distObjects[dupl] <<- NULL
                  ## namesVector <<- namesVector[-dupl]
                  ## namesExprList[dupl] <<- NULL
                  ## translations[dupl] <<- NULL
                  nmsDuplicated <- paste0(nms[dupl], collapse = ', ')
                  messageIfVerbose("  [Note] Overwriting the following user-supplied distributions: ", nmsDuplicated, ".")
              for(i in seq_along(dil))     distObjectsNew[[i]] <- distClass(dil[[i]], nms[i])
              names(distObjectsNew) <- nms
              translations <<- c(translations, lapply(distObjectsNew, function(d) c(d$densityName, d$simulateName)))

              distObjects <<- c(distObjects, distObjectsNew)
              namesVector <<- c(namesVector, nms)
              namesExprList <<- c(namesExprList, lapply(nms, as.name))
              for(distName in nms) assign(distName, distObjects[[distName]]$makeMatchCallFunction(), matchCallEnv)

        remove = function(dn) {
            namesVector <<- namesVector[!namesVector %in% dn]
            namesExprList[namesExprList == as.name(dn)] <<- NULL
            eval(substitute(rm(x, envir = matchCallEnv), list(x = dn)))
            translations[dn] <<- NULL
            distObjects[dn] <<- NULL

setMethod('[[',   'distributionsClass',
          function(x, i) {

setMethod('[',   'distributionsClass',
          function(x, i) {

## nested_change_dist_prefix <- function(from = 'd', to = 'r', name) {
##   dsfrom <- paste0('\\$', from)
##   if(grepl(dsfrom, name)) {
##     sub(dsfrom, paste0('\\$', to), name)
##   } else {
##     sub(paste0('^',from), to, name)
##   }
## }

distClass <- setRefClass(
    Class = 'distClass',
    fields = list(
        BUGSdistName = 'ANY',	#'character',   ## the (BUGS) name of the distribution
        BUGSdistExpr = 'ANY',   # the BUGS distribution expression, as provided in the original inputs list, with all possible parameter names
        RdistExprList = 'ANY',	#'list',  ## a list of the R distribution expressions, along with their parameters and re-parametrizations
        numAlts = 'ANY',	#'numeric',   ## the number of alternate reparametrizations provided
        alts = 'ANY',		#'list',
        exprs = 'ANY',		#'list',
        reqdArgs = 'ANY',	#'character',   ## chracter vector of the required arguments in our R implementation of each distribution; we always reparametrize to this
        densityName = 'ANY',	#'character',   ## the (R) name of the d-dist function, e.g. 'dnorm'
        density_code = 'ANY',
        simulateName = 'ANY',	#'character',   ## the (R) name of the r-dist function, e.g. 'rnorm'
        sim_code = 'ANY',
        altParams = 'ANY',	#'list',    ## the (named) list of alternate parameters we'll have available, list elements are the expressions for each parameter 
        discrete = 'ANY',	#'logical',   ## logical, if the distribution is discrete
        pqAvail = 'ANY',        #'logical', ## if the p (CDF) and q (inverse CDF/quantile) functions are available
        cdf_code = 'ANY',
        quantile_code = 'ANY',
        mixedSizes = 'ANY',     ##   if TRUE, then parameters of this distribution could have varied sizes, and is exempted from this check in model$checkBasics()
        range = 'ANY',          #'numeric',  ## lower and upper limits of distribution domain
        types = 'ANY',		#'list',     ## named list (names are 'node', ALL reqdArgs, and ALL altParams), each element is a named list: list(type = 'double', nDim = 0) <- default values
        paramIDs = 'ANY',        #'integer'   ## named vector of unique integer ID for each parameter
        buildDerivs = 'ANY'     # could be FALSE, TRUE, or a list
### typesForVirtualNodeFunction = 'ANY'		#'list'  ## version of 'types' for making the virtualNodeFunction definiton.  same as above, except without 'value'
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(distInputList, BUGSdistName) {
            RdistExprList <<- list()
            altParams <<- list()
            types <<- list()
            BUGSdistName <<- BUGSdistName
            BUGSdistExpr <<- parse(text=distInputList$BUGSdist)[[1]]
            if(safeDeparse(BUGSdistExpr[[1]]) != BUGSdistName)   stop(paste0('inconsistent BUGS distribution names for distribution: ', BUGSdistName))
            RdistTextVector <- if(is.null(distInputList$Rdist)) character() else distInputList$Rdist
            RdistExprList <<- lapply(RdistTextVector, function(t) parse(text=t)[[1]])
            numAlts <<- length(alts)

            # Not clear if the is.null case should ever be invoked:
            density_code <<- if(is.null(distInputList$density_code)) BUGSdistExpr else distInputList$density_code
            sim_code <<- distInputList$sim_code
            cdf_code <<- distInputList$cdf_code
            quantile_code <<- distInputList$quantile_code

            simulateName <<- safeDeparse(sim_code) #if(!is.null(distInputList$simulateName)) { distInputList$simulateName
                                          # } else {nested_change_dist_prefix('d', 'r', densityName)}
            discrete <<- if(is.null(distInputList$discrete))    FALSE    else    distInputList$discrete
            pqAvail <<- if(is.null(distInputList$pqAvail))    FALSE    else    distInputList$pqAvail
            mixedSizes <<- if(is.null(distInputList$mixedSizes))    FALSE    else    distInputList$mixedSizes
              buildDerivs <<- if(is.null(distInputList$buildDerivs)) FALSE else distInputList$buildDerivs
              buildDerivs <<- FALSE
        init_altsExprsReqdArgs = function() {
            alts <<- list()
            exprs <<- list()
            if(length(RdistExprList) == 0) {
                params <- as.list(BUGSdistExpr[-1])   # removes the distribution name
                paramsText <- lapply(params, deparse)
                reqdArgs <<- sapply(paramsText, function(pt) init_getReqdArgs(pt))
                densityName <<- safeDeparse(BUGSdistExpr[[1]])
            } else {
                params <- lapply(RdistExprList, `[`, -1)        # removes the distribution names
                paramsText <- lapply(params, function(x) lapply(x, deparse))
                reqdArgsList <- lapply(paramsText, function(pt) init_getReqdArgs(pt))
                densityNamesList <- lapply(RdistExprList, function(expr) safeDeparse(expr[[1]]))
                if(length(unique(lapply(reqdArgsList, sort))) > 1)
                    stop('R/NIMBLE parameter names and order not consistent across alternative parameterizations')
                if(length(unique(densityNamesList)) > 1)
                    stop('R/NIMBLE density names not consistent across alternative parameterizations')
                reqdArgs <<- reqdArgsList[[1]]
                densityName <<- densityNamesList[[1]]
                for(i in seq_along(params)) {
                    boolNoDefault <- if (is.null(names(paramsText[[i]]))) rep(TRUE, length(paramsText[[i]])) else names(paramsText[[i]]) == ''
                    if(sum(!boolNoDefault)) {
                        exprs[[i]] <<- lapply(params[[i]][!boolNoDefault], function(x) {names(x) <- NULL; x})
                        BUGSargs <- unique(unlist(c(lapply(exprs[[i]], all.vars), paramsText[[i]][boolNoDefault])))
                        names(BUGSargs) <- NULL
                        if(!identical(sort(BUGSargs), sort(reqdArgs))) alts[[i]] <<- BUGSargs
                    } else {
                        if(!identical(sort(unlist(paramsText[[i]])), sort(reqdArgs)))   stop(paste0('reparametization number ', i, ' for ', BUGSdistName, ' with no default argument values must exactly match arguments of canonical parameterization'))
        init_getReqdArgs = function(x) {
            args <- if(is.null(names(x))) rep('', length(x)) else names(x)
            args[args == ''] <- unlist(x[args == ''])
        init_range = function(distInputList) {
            if(!is.null(distInputList$range)) {
                if(length(distInputList$range) != 2)
                    stop("'Range' element of ", BUGSdistName, " must be a vector of length two.")
                if(is.numeric(distInputList$range)) {
                    range <<-list(lower = distInputList$range[1], upper = distInputList$range[2])
                } else {  
                    parsedRangeArg <- lapply(distInputList$range, function(x) parse(text=x)[[1]])
                    range <<- lapply(parsedRangeArg, function(x) x[[3]])
                    names(range) <<- unlist(lapply(parsedRangeArg, function(x) x[[2]]))
                    if(!identical(names(range), c('lower', 'upper')))
                        stop("'Range' element of ", BUGSdistName, " expected to contain 'lower' and 'upper'.")
            } else range <<- list(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)

        init_altParams = function(distInputList) {
            altParams <<- list()
            if(!is.null(distInputList$altParams)) {
                parsedAltParamArg <- lapply(distInputList$altParams, function(x) parse(text=x)[[1]])
                altParams <<- lapply(parsedAltParamArg, function(x) x[[3]])
                names(altParams) <<- unlist(lapply(parsedAltParamArg, function(x) x[[2]]))
        init_types = function(distInputList) {
            typeArgCharVector <- if(!is.null(distInputList$types)) distInputList$types else character(0)
            typeArgList <- init_types_makeArgList(typeArgCharVector)
            if('value' %in% c(reqdArgs, names(altParams)))    stop('going to have a name conflict with \'value\' in distribution declaration')
            allTypeNames <- c('value', reqdArgs, names(altParams))
            for(typeName in allTypeNames) {
                typeList <- if(typeName %in% names(typeArgList))     typeArgList[[typeName]]     else     list(type='double', nDim=0)   # default type
                if(!(typeList$type %in% c('double', 'integer', 'logical')))     stop(paste0('unknown type specified in distribution: ', typeList$type))
                if(typeList$nDim > 0 && typeList$type != 'double') 
                    stop("Non-scalar integer or logical found in distribution function.\nPlease use type 'double' for all non-scalars in distribution functions.")
                if(!(typeList$nDim %in% 0:1000))     stop(paste0('unknown nDim specified in distribution: ', typeList$nDim))  ## yes, specificying maximum dimension of 1000
                types[[typeName]] <<- typeList

        init_paramIDs = function() {
            paramIDs <<- seq_along(types)
            names(paramIDs) <<- names(types)
        init_types_makeArgList = function(typeArgCharVector) {
            parsedArgList <- try(lapply(typeArgCharVector, function(x) parse(text=x, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]))
            if(is(parsedArgList, 'try-error'))
                stop("init_types_makeArgList: problem with arguments ", paste(typeArgCharVector, collapse = ","), ". Perhaps you didn't define types for your user-defined distribution nimbleFunctions?")
            allNames <- unlist(lapply(parsedArgList, function(pa) as.character(pa[[2]])))
            if('x' %in% allNames) {
                warning("init_types_makeArgList: Found 'x' in 'types', changing to 'value'.")
                allNames[which('x' == allNames)] <- 'value'
            declExprs <- lapply(parsedArgList, function(pa) pa[[3]])
            allTypes <- unlist(lapply(parsedArgList, function(pa) as.character(pa[[3]][[1]])))
            allDims <- unlist(lapply(parsedArgList, function(pa) if(length(pa[[3]]) == 1) 0 else as.numeric(pa[[3]][[2]])))
            argList <- list()
            for(i in seq_along(allNames)) {
                argList[[allNames[i]]] <- list(type = allTypes[i], nDim = allDims[i])
        makeMatchCallFunction = function() {
            vars <- BUGSdistExpr[-1]
            functionText <- paste0('function(', paste0(vars, collapse=', '), ') { match.call() }')
            functionDef <- parse(text = functionText)[[1]]

#####  process user-supplied distributions ##########################################################

checkDistributionInput <- function(distributionInput) {
    allowedFields <- unique(unlist(sapply(distributionsInputList, names)))
    if(sum(!names(distributionInput) %in% allowedFields)) 
        stop(paste0(names(distributionInput), " has unknown field."))
    if(!sum(is.character(distributionInput$BUGSdist))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'BUGSdist' is not of type character."))
    if(exists("Rdist", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && !sum(is.character(distributionInput$Rdist))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'Rdist' is not type of character."))
    if(exists("discrete", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && !sum(is.logical(distributionInput$discrete))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'discrete' is not type logical."))
    if(exists("pqAvail", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && !sum(is.logical(distributionInput$pqAvail))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'pqAvail' is not of type logical."))
    if(exists("range", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && (!is.numeric(distributionInput$range) || length(distributionInput$range) != 2)) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'range' is not a vector of two numeric values."))
    if(exists("types", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && !sum(is.character(distributionInput$types))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'types' is not of type character."))
    if(exists("altParams", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && !sum(is.character(distributionInput$altParams))) stop(paste0(distributionInput$BUGSdist, ": field 'altParams' is not of type character."))
    if(length(distributionInput$BUGSdist) > 1 || (exists('discrete', distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && length(distributionInput$discrete) > 1) || (exists('pqAvail', distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) && length(distributionInput$pqAvail) > 1))
        stop(paste0(names(distributionInput), " field 'BUGSdist', 'discrete', 'altParams', or 'pqAvail' is not of length one."))

addDefaultDistributionInfo <- function(distributionInput, userEnv, check=TRUE) {
  ## This does the following:
  ## return distributionInput with added fields (and default values):
  ## densityName, simulateName, cdfName, quantileName
  ## objectName
  ## BUGSdist
  ## density_code, sim_code, cdf_code and quantile_code
  ## is_nestedNF
  ## simulateDummy
  ## input_isCharacter
  makeDistNamesInfo <- function(name) {
    # should we error-trap that the method or fxn name begins with "d"
    sdollar <- strsplit(name, "\\$")[[1]]
    isPlain <- length(sdollar) == 1
    if(isPlain) ans <- list(densityName = sdollar, objectName = NULL )
    else {
      if(length(sdollar)==2) ans <- list(densityName = sdollar[2], objectName = sdollar[1])
      else stop(paste0("Not sure what to do with ", name))
    ans$simulateName <- sub('^d', 'r', ans$densityName)
    ans$cdfName <- sub('^d', 'p', ans$densityName)
    ans$quantileName <- sub('^d', 'q', ans$densityName)
    ans$dummy_simulateName <- if(isPlain) ans$simulateName else paste0(ans$simulateName, "_", ans$objectName) #, "_dummy")
    ans$inputString <- name

  out <- list()
  input_isCharacter <- is.character(distributionInput)
  if(!input_isCharacter) {
    out <- distributionInput
    inputString <- if(exists('Rdist', distributionInput, inherits = FALSE))
      distributionInput$Rdist else distributionInput$BUGSdist
    densityName <- safeDeparse(parse(text = inputString)[[1]][[1]])
  } else {
    inputString <- densityName <- distributionInput
  out$inputString <- inputString
  out$input_isCharacter <- input_isCharacter
  nameInfo <- makeDistNamesInfo(densityName)
      stop(paste("addDefaultDistributionInfo: distribution name must begin with 'd'." ))
      stop(paste("addDefaultDistributionInfo: method name for distribution must begin with 'd'." ))
  densityName <- nameInfo$densityName # might be changed, so avoid bugs if I forget nameInfo$ below
  out <- c(out, nameInfo)
  out$is_nestedNF <- !is.null(nameInfo$objectName)
  if(out$is_nestedNF && !isTRUE(getNimbleOption('allowNFobjInModel')))
    stop(paste("addDefaultDistributionInfo: use of ", inputString,
               " is not allowed unless you set nimbleOptions(allowNFobjInModel = TRUE)."))
  if(out$is_nestedNF) {
    density_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(nameInfo$objectName),
                                         B = as.name(densityName)))
    sim_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(nameInfo$objectName),
                                     B = as.name(nameInfo$simulateName)))
  } else {
    density_code <- as.name(densityName)
    sim_code <- as.name(nameInfo$simulateName)
  out$density_code <- density_code
  out$sim_code <- sim_code

  cdf_code <- NULL
  quantile_code <- NULL
  # Transform the pqAvail field to a confirmed pqAvail from input list.
  out$pqAvail <- !is.null(distributionInput) && !input_isCharacter &&
    exists("pqAvail", distributionInput, inherits = FALSE) &&
  if(out$pqAvail) {
    if(out$is_nestedNF) {
      cdf_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(nameInfo$objectName),
                                       B = as.name(nameInfo$cdfName)))
      quantile_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(nameInfo$objectName),
                                            B = as.name(nameInfo$quantileName)))
    } else {
      cdf_code <- as.name(nameInfo$cdfName)
      quantile_code <- as.name(nameInfo$quantileName)
  out$cdf_code <- cdf_code
  out$quantile_code <- quantile_code

checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo <- function(DI, userEnv) {
  # This will do the following:
  # Find the dist nimbleFunction
  #  Check dist return type, required args "x" and "log", and that "x" does not have defaults
  # If input was character (not list), generate BUGSdist and type fields.
  # Check for dist simulation ("r") function
  #  If r function not found, create one
  # Check return and arg type consistency with dist function
  # If pqAvail from input list, or if input was character, look for p and q functions
  # If pqAvail from input list and p or q not found, error
  # If p and q found, check args for consistency
  # Find the dist nimbleFunction
  NFobject <- NULL
  nfMethodRC_obj <- NULL
  nofun <- FALSE
  if(DI$is_nestedNF) {
    if(exists(DI$objectName, where = userEnv))
      NFobject <- get(DI$objectName, pos = userEnv)
    if(is.null(NFobject)) stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: could not find ", DI$objectName, " to use in model.")
    if(!is.nf(NFobject)) stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: for ", DI$inputString, ", ", DI$objectName, " must be a nimbleFunction object.")
    if(!(DI$densityName %in% names(nf_getMethodList(NFobject))))
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: for ", DI$inputString, ", ", DI$densityName, " is not a method in ", DI$objectName, ".")
    nfMethodRC_obj <- nf_getMethodList(NFobject)[[DI$densityName]]
  } else {
    if(exists(DI$densityName, where = userEnv)) {
      rcf <- get(DI$densityName, pos = userEnv)
      nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
    } else nofun <- TRUE
  if(!is.rcf(nfMethodRC_obj)) { # is.rcf is TRUE for either the function of the nfMethod object
    nofun <- TRUE
  if(nofun) {
    if(DI$densityName %in% c('+','-','*','/','%%','%*%','[','[[','$','^','|','||','&','&&',':','<','<=','>','>=','!=','==')) {
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expression '", DI$densityName,
                  "' found where a density function is expected. Did you mistakenly use `~` instead of `<-`?")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: density function for", DI$densityName, # possibly this case should never be hit due to error-trapping above
                  " could not be found (or is not valid) in object ", DI$objectName)
    stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: density function for ", DI$densityName,
                " is not available.  It must be a nimbleFunction.")
  # Check dist return type and args
  if(nfMethodRC_obj$returnType != quote(double()) &&
       nfMethodRC_obj$returnType != quote(double(0)))
    stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: density function for ", DI$densityName,
                " has invalid or missing returnType, which must be 'double(0)' (or equivalently 'double()').")
  dargs <- args <- nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo #formals(rcf)
  nArgs <- length(args)
  if(nArgs < 2) stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting at least two arguments ('x', 'log') as arguments for the density function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
  if(names(args)[1] != "x") stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'x' as the first argument for the density function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
  if(names(args)[nArgs] != "log") stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'log' as the last argument for the density function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
  dargs <- dargs[-c(1,nArgs)]
  dtype <- args[['x']]
  if("default" %in% names(dtype))
    stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: `x` argument is not allowed to have a default value.")

  if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption("enableDerivs"))) {
    DI$buildDerivs <- nfMethodRC_obj[['buildDerivs']]

  # If input was character (not list), generate BUGSdist and type fields.
  if(DI$input_isCharacter) {
    DI$BUGSdist <- paste0(safeDeparse(DI$density_code), "(", paste0(names(dargs), collapse = ","), ")", collapse = '')
    typeInfo <- nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo
    DI$types <- paste0('value = ', deparse(typeInfo$x))
    typeInfo <- typeInfo[!names(typeInfo) %in% c('x', 'log')]
      DI$types <- c(DI$types, paste0(names(typeInfo), ' = ', sapply(typeInfo, deparse)))
  # Check for dist simulation ("r") function
  sim_nfMethodRC_obj <- NULL
  foundsim <- FALSE
  # sim_code may get changed. Default is A$rdist or rdist
  # It will get changed if we have to use a dummy in the case of is_nestedNF
  sim_code <- DI$sim_code
  dummy_simulateName <- DI$dummy_simulateName
  if(DI$is_nestedNF) {
    if(DI$simulateName %in% names(nf_getMethodList(NFobject))) {
      sim_nfMethodRC_obj <- nf_getMethodList(NFobject)[[DI$simulateName]]
      foundsim <- TRUE
  } else {
    if(exists(DI$simulateName, where = userEnv)) {
      sim_rcf <- get(DI$simulateName, pos = userEnv)
      sim_nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(sim_rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
      foundsim <- TRUE
  if(!foundsim) {
    # If not found yet, use the dummy name.
    # Either this exists, or we will create it below.
    sim_code <- as.name(DI$dummy_simulateName)
    if(exists(DI$dummy_simulateName, where=userEnv)) {
      sim_rcf <- get(DI$dummy_simulateName, pos = userEnv)
      sim_nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(sim_rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
      foundsim <- TRUE
  DI$sim_code <- sim_code
  sim_code_text <- safeDeparse(sim_code)
  if(!foundsim) {
    messageIfVerbose("  [Warning] Random generation function for ", DI$densityName,
                     " is not available. NIMBLE is generating a placeholder function, ",
                     DI$simulateName, ", that will invoke an error if an algorithm needs ",
                     "to simulate from this distribution. Some algorithms (such as random-walk ",
                     "Metropolis MCMC sampling) will work without the ability to simulate from ",
                     "the distribution.  If simulation is needed, provide a nimbleFunction ",
                     "(with no setup code) to do it.")
    # construct args for r function from those from d function
    rargInfo <- nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo
    returnType <- deparse(unlist(rargInfo[[1]]))
    returnDim <- 0
    if(length(rargInfo[[1]]) > 1)
      returnDim <- rargInfo[[1]][[2]]
    rargInfo <- rargInfo[-length(rargInfo)]  # remove 'log' argument
    rargInfo[[1]] <- quote(integer(0))
    names(rargInfo)[1] <- 'n'
    args <- paste(names(rargInfo), as.character(rargInfo), sep = "=", collapse = ', ')
    if(returnDim == 0)
      returnCreation <- "x <- 0"
    else if(returnDim == 1)
      returnCreation <- "x <- nimNumeric()"
      returnCreation <- "x <- nimMatrix()"
    # build nf from text as unclear how to pairlist info in rargInfo with substitute
    nfCode <- paste0("nimbleFunction(run = function(", args, ") { stop('user-defined distribution ",
                     " provided without random generation function.')\nreturnType(",
                     ")\n", returnCreation, "\nreturn(x)})")
	## Want to assign to same environmet as the 'd' function.
    ## If user does use `assign` to put in GlobalEnv, we don't
    ## do that here automatically as CRAN policy says packages should not modify the GlobalEnv.
    ## Should be ok in terms of running the model inside a function, so long as
    ## the simulate function is not called, which it shouldn't be as it is a dummy.
    assign(sim_code_text, eval(parse(text = nfCode)), userEnv)
    sim_rcf <- get(sim_code_text, pos = userEnv)
    sim_nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(sim_rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
  # Check return and arg type consistency with dist function
  # (This is a little redudnat if we just created the r function,
  #    but not harmful and could still catch an error.)
  dtype <- nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo[['x']]
  rtype <- sim_nfMethodRC_obj$returnType
  ## Deal with type() vs type(0) ambiguity.
  if(length(dtype) == 1)
    dtype <- substitute(x(0), list(x = dtype[[1]]))
  if(length(rtype) == 1)
    rtype <- substitute(x(0), list(x = rtype[[1]]))
  if(!identical(dtype, rtype)) {
    if(identical(sort(c(deparse(dtype[[1]]), deparse(rtype[[1]]))), c("double", "integer"))) {
      messageIfVerbose("  [Warning] Random generation function `", sim_code_text,
                       "` has a `returnType` that does not match the type of the `x` argument ",
                       "to the corresponding density function. NIMBLE uses the `double` type ",
                       "internally for calculations, so it is best to use `double` even in the ",
                       "case of discrete distributions.")
    } else stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: random generation function `", sim_code_text,
                "` is missing `returnType` or `returnType` does not match the type of the `x` ",
                "argument to the corresponding density function.")

  # Check return and arg type consistency with dist function
  rargs <- args <- sim_nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo # formals(get(simulateName, pos = userEnv))
  nArgs <- length(args)
  if(nArgs < 1) stop("checkDistributionFunctions: expecting at least one ",
                            "argument ('n') as arguments for the simulation function for ",
                            DI$densityName, ".")
  if(names(args)[1] != "n")
    stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'n' as the first argument ",
                "for the simulation function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
  rargs <- rargs[-1]
  if(!identical(dargs, rargs))
    messageIfVerbose("  [Warning] checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: parameter arguments ",
                     "not the same amongst density and simulation functions for ",
                     DI$densityName, ". Continuing anyway based on arguments to ",
                     "the density function; algorithms using the simulation function ",
                     "are unlikely to function properly.")

  # If pqAvail from input list, or if input was character, look for p and q functions
  cdf_nfMethodRC_obj <- quantile_nfMethodRC_obj <- NULL
  if(DI$pqAvail || DI$input_isCharacter) {
    cdf_code <- NULL # These will replace what was in defaults if we found them.
    quantile_code <- NULL
    if(DI$is_nestedNF) {
      if(DI$cdfName %in% names(nf_getMethodList(NFobject))) {
        cdf_nfMethodRC_obj <- nf_getMethodList(NFobject)[[DI$cdfName]]
        cdf_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(DI$objectName),
                                         B = as.name(DI$cdfName)))
      if(DI$quantileName %in% names(nf_getMethodList(NFobject))) {
        quantile_nfMethodRC_obj <- nf_getMethodList(NFobject)[[DI$quantileName]]
        quantile_code <- substitute(A$B, list(A = as.name(DI$objectName),
                                              B = as.name(DI$quantileName)))
    } else {
      if(exists(DI$cdfName, where = userEnv)) {
        cdf_rcf <- get(DI$cdfName, pos = userEnv)
        cdf_nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(cdf_rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
        cdf_code <- as.name(DI$cdfName)
      if(exists(DI$quantileName, where = userEnv)) {
        quantile_rcf <- get(DI$quantileName, pos = userEnv)
        quantile_nfMethodRC_obj <- environment(quantile_rcf)$nfMethodRCobject
        quantile_code <- as.name(DI$quantileName)
    DI$cdf_code <- cdf_code
    DI$quantile_code <- quantile_code
  pqFound <- !is.null(cdf_nfMethodRC_obj) && !is.null(quantile_nfMethodRC_obj)
  if(DI$pqAvail) {
    # The user directly indicated they should be available, so error out if they aren't
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: Either distribution (CDF) or quantile (inverse CDF) functions for ", DI$densityName,
                  " are not available.  If needed, they must be separate nimbleFunctions (if the 'd' function has no setup code)",
                  " or methods in the density nimbleFunction (if the 'd' function has setup code).")
  # Update pqAvail, so it is TRUE even if found based on character input
  DI$pqAvail <- pqFound
  if(pqFound) {
    # They were found (possibly based on only a text input)
    # so check their arguments
    pargs <- args <- cdf_nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo #formals(get(cdfName, pos = userEnv))
    nArgs <- length(args)
    if(nArgs < 3) stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting at least three arguments ",
                              "('q', 'lower.tail', and 'log.p') as arguments for the distribution ",
                              "function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[1] != "q") stop("checkDistributionFunctions: expecting 'q' as the first ",
                                          "argument for the distribution function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[nArgs] != "log.p")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'log.p' as the last argument ",
                  "for the distribution function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[nArgs-1] != "lower.tail")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'lower.tail' as the last ",
                  "argument for the distribution function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    pargs <- pargs[-c(1,nArgs-1,nArgs)]

    qargs <- args <- quantile_nfMethodRC_obj$argInfo #formals(get(quantileName, pos = userEnv))
    nArgs <- length(args)
    if(nArgs < 3) stop("checkDistributionFunctions: expecting at least three arguments ",
                              "('p', 'lower.tail', and 'log.p') as arguments for the quantile function ",
                              "for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[1] != "p")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'p' as the first argument ",
                  "for the quantile function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[nArgs] != "log.p")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'log.p' as the last argument ",
                  "for the quantile function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    if(names(args)[nArgs-1] != "lower.tail")
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: expecting 'lower.tail' as the ",
                  "last argument for the quantile function for ", DI$densityName, ".")
    qargs <- qargs[-c(1,nArgs-1,nArgs)]

    if(!identical(dargs, pargs) || !identical(dargs, qargs))
      stop("checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo: parameter arguments not the same amongst ",
                  "density, distribution, and quantile functions for ", DI$densityName, ".")

#' Add user-supplied distributions for use in NIMBLE BUGS models
#' Register distributional information so that NIMBLE can process
#' user-supplied distributions in BUGS model code
#' @param distributionsInput either a list or character vector specifying the user-supplied distributions. If a list, it should be a named list of lists in the form of that shown in \code{nimble:::distributionsInputList} with each list having required field \code{BUGSdist} and optional fields \code{Rdist}, \code{altParams}, \code{discrete}, \code{pqAvail}, \code{types}, and with the name of the list the same as that of the density function. Alternatively, simply a character vector providing the names of the density functions for the user-supplied distributions.
#' @param userEnv environment in which to look for the nimbleFunctions that provide the distribution; this will generally not need to be set by the user as it will default to the environment from which this function was called.
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print additional logging information
#' @author Christopher Paciorek
#' @export
#' @details
#' When \code{distributionsInput} is a list of lists, see below for more information on the structure of the list. When \code{distributionsInput} is a character vector, the distribution is assumed to be of standard form, with parameters assumed to be the arguments provided in the density nimbleFunction, no alternative parameterizations, and the distribution assumed to be continuous with range from minus infinity to infinity. The availability of distribution and quantile functions is inferred from whether appropriately-named functions exist in the global environment.
#' One usually does not need to explicitly call \code{registerDistributions} as it will be called automatically when the user-supplied distribution is used for the first time in BUGS code. However, if one wishes to provide alternative parameterizations, to provide a range, or to indicate a distribution is discrete, then one still must explicitly register the distribution using \code{registerDistributions} with the argument in the list format.
#' Format of the component lists when \code{distributionsInput} is a list of lists:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{BUGSdist}. A character string in the form of the density name (starting with 'd') followed by the names of the parameters in parentheses. When alternative parameterizations are given in \code{Rdist}, this should be an exhaustive list of the unique parameter names from all possible parameterizations, with the default parameters specified first.
#' \item \code{Rdist}. An optional character vector with one or more alternative specifications of the density; each alternative specification can be an alternative name for the density, a different ordering of the parameters, different parameter name(s), or an alternative parameterization. In the latter case, the character string in parentheses should provide a given reparameterization as comma-separated name = value pairs, one for each default parameter, where name is the name of the default parameter and value is a mathematical expression relating the default parameter to the alternative parameters or other default parameters. The default parameters should correspond to the input arguments of the nimbleFunctions provided as the density and random generation functions. The mathematical expression can use any of the math functions allowed in NIMBLE (see the \href{https://r-nimble.org/html_manual/cha-welcome-nimble.html}{User Manual}) as well as user-supplied nimbleFunctions (which must have no setup code). The names of your nimbleFunctions for the distribution functions must match the function name in the \code{Rdist} entry (or if missing, the function name in the \code{BUGSdist} entry.
#' \item \code{discrete}. An optional logical indicating if the distribution is that of a discrete random variable. If not supplied, distribution is assumed to be for a continuous random variable.
#' \item \code{pqAvail}. An optional logical indicating if distribution (CDF) and quantile (inverse CDF) functions are provided as nimbleFunctions. These are required for one to be able to use truncated versions of the distribution. Only applicable for univariate distributions. If not supplied, assumed to be FALSE.
#' \item \code{altParams}. A character vector of comma-separated 'name = value' pairs that provide the mathematical expressions relating non-canonical parameters to canonical parameters (canonical parameters are those passed as arguments to your distribution functions). These inverse functions are used for MCMC conjugacy calculations when a conjugate relationship is expressed in terms of non-default parameters (such as the precision for normal-normal conjugacy). If not supplied, the system will still function but with a possible loss of efficiency in certain algorithms.
#' \item \code{types}. A character vector of comma-separated 'name = input' pairs indicating the type and dimension of the random variable and parameters (including default and alternative parameters). 'input' should take the form 'double(d)' or 'integer(d)', where 'd' is 0 for scalars, 1 for vectors, 2 for matrices. Note that since NIMBLE uses doubles for numerical calculations and the default type  is \code{double(0)}, one should generally use 'double' and one need only specify the type for non-scalars. 'name' should be either 'value' to indicate the random variable itself or the parameter name to indicate a given parameter.  
#' \item \code{range}. A vector of two values giving the range of the distribution for possible use in future algorithms (not used currently). When the lower or upper limit involves a strict inequality (e.g., $x>0$), you should simply treat it as a non-strict inequality ($x>=0$, and set the lower value to 0). Also we do not handle ranges that are functions of parameters, so simply use the smallest/largest possible values given the possible parameter values. If not supplied this is taken to be \code{(-Inf, Inf)}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' dmyexp <- nimbleFunction(
#'    run = function(x = double(0), rate = double(0), log = integer(0)) {
#'        returnType(double(0))
#'        logProb <- log(rate) - x*rate
#'        if(log) {
#'            return(logProb)
#'        } else {
#'            return(exp(logProb))
#'        }
#'    })
#' rmyexp <- nimbleFunction(
#'    run = function(n = integer(0), rate = double(0)) {
#'        returnType(double(0))
#'        if(n != 1) nimPrint("rmyexp only allows n = 1; using n = 1.")
#'        dev <- runif(1, 0, 1)
#'        return(-log(1-dev) / rate)
#'    }
#'    )
#' registerDistributions(list(
#'     dmyexp = list(
#'               BUGSdist = "dmyexp(rate, scale)",
#'               Rdist = "dmyexp(rate = 1/scale)",
#'               altParams = "scale = 1/rate",
#'               pqAvail = FALSE)))
#' code <- nimbleCode({
#'     y ~ dmyexp(rate = r)
#'     r ~ dunif(0, 100)
#' })
#' m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(r = 1), data = list(y = 2))
#' m$calculate('y')
#' m$r <- 2
#' m$calculate('y')
#' m$resetData()
#' m$simulate('y')
#' m$y
#' # alternatively, simply specify a character vector with the
#' # name of one or more 'd' functions
#' deregisterDistributions('dmyexp')
#' registerDistributions('dmyexp')
#' # or simply use in BUGS code without registration
#' deregisterDistributions('dmyexp')
#' m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(r = 1), data = list(y = 2))
#' # example of Dirichlet-multinomial registration to illustrate
#' # use of 'types' (note that registration is not actually needed
#' # in this case)
#' ddirchmulti <- nimbleFunction(
#'     run = function(x = double(1), alpha = double(1), size = double(0), 
#'                    log = integer(0, default = 0)) {
#'         returnType(double(0))
#'         logProb <- lgamma(size) - sum(lgamma(x)) + lgamma(sum(alpha)) - 
#'             sum(lgamma(alpha)) + sum(lgamma(alpha + x)) - lgamma(sum(alpha) + 
#'                                                                  size)
#'         if(log) return(logProb)
#'         else return(exp(logProb))
#'     })
#' rdirchmulti <- nimbleFunction(
#'     run = function(n = integer(0), alpha = double(1), size = double(0)) {
#'         returnType(double(1))
#'         if(n != 1) print("rdirchmulti only allows n = 1; using n = 1.")
#'         p <- rdirch(1, alpha)
#'         return(rmulti(1, size = size, prob = p))
#'     })
#' registerDistributions(list(
#'     ddirchmulti = list(
#'         BUGSdist = "ddirchmulti(alpha, size)",
#'         types = c('value = double(1)', 'alpha = double(1)')
#'         )
#'     ))
registerDistributions <- function(distributionsInput, userEnv = parent.frame(), verbose = nimbleOptions('verbose')) {
    if(missing(distributionsInput)) {
        stop("No distribution information supplied.")
    } else {
        if(!(is.character(distributionsInput) || (is.list(distributionsInput) &&
                                                  (length(distributionsInput) == 1 || is.list(distributionsInput[[1]])))))
                                                   stop("'distributionsInput' should be a named list of lists or a character vector.")
        if(is.character(distributionsInput)) {
            nms <- distributionsInput
        } else {
            nms <- names(distributionsInput)
        dupl <- nms[nms %in% getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector', nimbleOnly = TRUE)]
        if(length(dupl)) {
            distributionsInput[dupl] <- NULL
            duplTogether <- paste0(dupl, collapse = ', ')
            messageIfVerbose("  [Warning] Ignoring the following user-supplied distributions as they have the same names as default NIMBLE distributions: ", duplTogether, ". Please rename to avoid the conflict.")
          lapply(distributionsInput, checkDistributionInput)
        distributionsInput <- lapply(distributionsInput, addDefaultDistributionInfo, userEnv = userEnv)
        distributionsInput <- lapply(distributionsInput, checkAndPrepareDistributionInfo, userEnv = userEnv)
        names(distributionsInput) <- nms

        if(exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE)) {
        } else 
            nimbleUserNamespace$distributions <- distributionsClass(distributionsInput)
        if(getNimbleOption('enableVirtualNodeFunctionDefs')) {  ## NCT issue 500. Deprecating and will remove in next release.
            virtualNodeFunctionDefinitions <- ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinitionsList(userAdded = TRUE)
            createNamedObjectsFromList(virtualNodeFunctionDefinitions, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # note don't use rFunHandler as rUserDist nimbleFunction needs n as first arg so it works on R side, therefore we have n in the C version of the nimbleFunction and don't want to strip it out in Cpp generation

#' Remove user-supplied distributions from use in NIMBLE BUGS models
#' Deregister distributional information originally supplied by the user
#' for use in BUGS model code
#' @param distributionsNames a character vector giving the names of the distributions to be deregistered.
#' @param userEnv environment in which to look for the nimbleFunctions that provide the distribution; this will generally not need to be set by the user as it will default to the environment from which this function was called.
#' @author Christopher Paciorek
#' @export
deregisterDistributions <- function(distributionsNames, userEnv = parent.frame()) {
    if(!exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE)) 
        warning("No user-supplied distributions are registered.")
    matched <- distributionsNames %in% getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector', userOnly = TRUE)
    if(sum(matched)) {
        distsMatched <- paste0(distributionsNames[matched], collapse = ', ')
        messageIfVerbose("Deregistering '", distsMatched, "' from user-registered distributions.")
        for(nm in distributionsNames[!matched]) {
            warning("Cannot deregister '", nm, "' as it is not registered as a user-defined distribution.")
    distributionsNames <- distributionsNames[matched]
    if(length(distributionsNames)) {
        ## Remove placeholder `r` function if it exists so that user could modify
        ## their `d` function (NCT issue 485).
        sapply(distributionsNames, function(distName) {
            distInfo <- getDistributionInfo(distName)
            if(is.null(distInfo)) return(NULL)
            if(length(distInfo$sim_code) > 1) return(NULL)
            rName <- safeDeparse(distInfo$sim_code)
            if(exists(rName, userEnv)) {
                rFun <- get(rName, userEnv)
                if(length(body(rFun)) >= 2 && length(grep("provided without random", deparse(body(rFun)[[2]]))))
                    eval(substitute(rm(list = rName, pos = userEnv), list(rName = rName)))
        if(sum(!nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$namesVector %in% distributionsNames)) {
            sapply(distributionsNames, function(x) nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$remove(x))
        } else {  # all distributions to be removed
              rm(distributions, envir = nimbleUserNamespace)

#####  API for accessing info about distributions ###################################################

getDistributionList <- function(dists) {
    boolNative <- dists %in% distributions$namesVector
    if(all(boolNative)) return(distributions[dists])
    missingDists <- dists[!boolNative]
    allFound <- FALSE
    if(exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE)) {
        if(all(missingDists %in% nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$namesVector))
            allFound <- TRUE
    if(allFound) {
        ans <- vector('list', length(dists))
        ans[boolNative] <- distributions[dists[boolNative]]
        ans[!boolNative] <- nimbleUserNamespace$distributions[missingDists]
    notFound <- missingDists[ !(missingDists %in% nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$namesVector) ]
    stop(paste0('In getDistributions, distributions named ', paste(notFound, sep = ',', collapse = ","), ' could not be found.')) 

# note that getDimension and isDiscrete are not included as aliases below because they have the same name as modelBaseClass methods so we are having help for them direct to help(modelBaseClass) as we expect more usage of the modelBaseClass methods by users

#' Get information about a distribution
#' Give information about each BUGS distribution
#' @name distributionInfo
#' @aliases isUserDefined pqDefined getType getParamNames getDistributionInfo
#' @param dist a character vector of length one, giving the name of the distribution (as used in BUGS code), e.g. \code{'dnorm'}
#' @param params an optional character vector of names of parameters for which dimensions are desired (possibly including \'value\' and alternate parameters)
#' @param valueOnly a logical indicating whether to only return the dimension of the value of the node
#' @param includeParams a logical indicating whether to return dimensions of parameters. If TRUE and \'params\' is NULL then dimensions of all parameters, including the dimension of the value of the node, are returned
#' @param includeValue a logical indicating whether to return the string 'value', which is the name of the node value
#' @author Christopher Paciorek
#' @details
#' NIMBLE provides various functions to give information about a BUGS distribution. In some cases, functions of the same name and similar functionality operate on the node(s) of a model as well (see \code{help(modelBaseClass)}).
#' \code{getDistributionInfo} returns an internal data structure (a reference class object) providing various information about the distribution. The output is not very user-friendly, but does contain all of the information that NIMBLE has about the distribution.
#' \code{isDiscrete} tests if a BUGS distribution is a discrete distribution.
#' \code{isUserDefined} tests if a BUGS distribution is a user-defined distribution.
#' \code{pqAvail} tests if a BUGS distribution provides distribution ('p') and quantile ('q') functions.
#' \code{getDimension} provides the dimension of the value and/or parameters of a BUGS distribution. The return value is a numeric vector with an element for each parameter/value requested.
#' \code{getType} provides the type (numeric, logical, integer) of the value and/or parameters of a BUGS distribution. The return value is a character vector with an element for each parameter/value requested. At present, all quantities are stored as numeric (double) values, so this function is of little practical use but could be exploited in the future.
#' \code{getParamNames} provides the value and/or parameter names of a BUGS distribution.
#' @examples
#' distInfo <- getDistributionInfo('dnorm')
#' distInfo
#' distInfo$range
#' isDiscrete('dbin')
#' isUserDefined('dbin')
#' pqDefined('dgamma')
#' pqDefined('dmnorm')
#' getDimension('dnorm')
#' getDimension('dnorm', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getDimension('dnorm', c('var', 'sd'))
#' getDimension('dcat', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getDimension('dwish', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getType('dnorm')
#' getType('dnorm', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getType('dnorm', c('var', 'sd'))
#' getType('dcat', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getType('dwish', includeParams = TRUE)
#' getParamNames('dnorm', includeValue = FALSE)
#' getParamNames('dmnorm')

#' @rdname distributionInfo
#' @export
getDistributionInfo <- function(dist) {
    if(is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    ans <- distributions[[dist]]
    if(!is.null(ans)) return(ans)
    ##    if(dist %in% distributions$namesVector) return(distributions[[dist]])
    ans <- nimbleUserNamespace$distributions[[dist]]
    if(!is.null(ans)) return(ans)
    ##if(exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE) && dist %in% nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$namesVector)
    ##    return(nimbleUserNamespace$distributions[[dist]])
    stop(paste0("getDistributionInfo: ", dist, " is not a distribution provided by NIMBLE or supplied by the user."))

getAllDistributionsInfo <- function(kind, nimbleOnly = FALSE, userOnly = FALSE) {
    if(kind %in% c('namesVector', 'namesExprList', 'translations')) {
        if(userOnly) out <- NULL else out <- get(kind, distributions)
        if(!nimbleOnly && exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE))
            out <- c(out, get(kind, nimbleUserNamespace$distributions))

if(kind %in% c('pqAvail', 'discrete')) {
        if(userOnly) out <- NULL else out <- sapply(distributions$distObjects, '[[', kind)
        if(!nimbleOnly && exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE))
            out <- c(out, sapply(nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$distObjects, '[[', kind))
    stop(paste0("getAllDistributionInfo: ", kind, " is not available from the distributions information."))

evalInDistsMatchCallEnv <- function(dist, expr) {
    if(dist %in% distributions$namesVector)
        return(eval(expr, distributions$matchCallEnv))
    if(exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE) &&
       dist %in% nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$namesVector) {
      # The next two returns should be equivalent if expr is simply foo(param)
      # The first one is included to minimize changes from previous behavior
      # at the time of this change.
      # The second one is to support a$foo(param)
      if(!grepl('\\$', dist))
        return(eval(expr, nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$matchCallEnv))
      return(match.call(get(dist, envir = nimbleUserNamespace$distributions$matchCallEnv),
    stop(paste0("evalInDistsMatchCallEnv: ", dist, " is not a distribution provided by NIMBLE or supplied by the user."))

stripPrefix <- function(vec, prefix = "d")
    return(gsub(paste0("^", prefix), "", vec))

BUGSdistToRdist <- function(BUGSdists, dIncluded = FALSE) {
    Rdists <- lapply(getAllDistributionsInfo('translations'), `[[`, 1)
    if(!dIncluded) names(Rdists) <- stripPrefix(names(Rdists))
    results <- unlist(Rdists[BUGSdists])
    names(results) <- NULL
    if(!dIncluded) return(stripPrefix(results)) else return(results)

#' @export
isDiscrete <- function(dist) {
    if(is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("isDiscrete: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")

#' @rdname distributionInfo
#' @export 
isUserDefined <- function(dist) {
    if(is.na(dist)) return(dist)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("isUserDistribution: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")
    if(exists('distributions', nimbleUserNamespace, inherits = FALSE) &&
       dist %in% getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector', userOnly = TRUE))
      return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)

#' @rdname distributionInfo
#' @export
pqDefined <- function(dist) {
    if(is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("pqDefined: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")

## not user-facing. only for use in model$checkBasics(),
## to avoid "same size check" for distribution parameters
isMixedSizes <- function(dist) {
    if(is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("isMixedSizes: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")

#' @export
getDimension <- function(dist, params = NULL, valueOnly = is.null(params) &&
                         !includeParams, includeParams = !is.null(params)) {
    if(length(dist) == 1 && is.na(dist)) return(NA)  # in case of passing a determ node
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
      stop("getDimension: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")
  distInfo <- getDistributionInfo(dist)
  if(!includeParams && !valueOnly)
    stop("getDimension: no parameters or value requested")
  if(valueOnly && (!is.null(params) || includeParams))
    stop("getDimension: 'valueOnly' cannot be TRUE if parameters also requested")
  if(!includeParams && !is.null(params))
    stop("getDimension: 'params' is not NULL but 'includeParams' is FALSE")
  if(valueOnly) {
    params <- 'value'
  } else {  
    if(includeParams && is.null(params)) 
      params <- getParamNames(dist, includeValue = TRUE)
  notFound <- which(! params %in% getParamNames(dist))
  if(length(notFound)) {
    if('x' %in% params[notFound]) message("getDimension: use 'value' instead of 'x'.")
    stop("getDimension: these parameter names not found: ", params[notFound])
  out <- sapply(params, function(p) distInfo$types[[p]]$nDim)

getParamID <- function(dist, params = NULL, valueOnly = is.null(params) &&
                       !includeParams, includeParams = !is.null(params)) {
    if(length(dist) == 1 && is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
    stop("getType: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")
  distInfo <- getDistributionInfo(dist)
  if(!includeParams && !valueOnly)
    stop("getDimension: no parameters or value requested")
  if(valueOnly && (!is.null(params) || includeParams))
    stop("getDimension: 'valueOnly' cannot be TRUE if parameters also requested")
  if(!includeParams && !is.null(params))
    stop("getDimension: 'params' is not NULL but 'includeParams' is FALSE")
  if(valueOnly) {
    params <- 'value'
  } else {  
    if(includeParams && is.null(params)) 
      params <- getParamNames(dist, includeValue = TRUE)
  notFound <- which(! params %in% getParamNames(dist))
  if(length(notFound)) {
    if('x' %in% params[notFound]) warning("getParamID: use 'value' instead of 'x'.")
    stop("getParamID: these parameter names not found: ", params[notFound])
  out <- distInfo$paramIDs[params]

#' @rdname distributionInfo
#' @export
getType <- function(dist, params = NULL, valueOnly = is.null(params) &&
                       !includeParams, includeParams = !is.null(params)) {
    if(length(dist) == 1 && is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("getType: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")
    distInfo <- getDistributionInfo(dist)
  if(!includeParams && !valueOnly)
    stop("getType: no parameters or value requested")
  if(valueOnly && (!is.null(params) || includeParams))
    stop("getType: 'valueOnly' cannot be TRUE if parameters also requested")
  if(!includeParams && !is.null(params))
    stop("getType: 'params' is not NULL but 'includeParams' is FALSE")
  if(valueOnly) {
    params <- 'value'
  } else {  
    if(includeParams && is.null(params)) 
      params <- getParamNames(dist, includeValue = TRUE)
    notFound <- which(! params %in% getParamNames(dist))
    if(length(notFound)) {
        if('x' %in% params[notFound]) warning("getParamID: use 'value' instead of 'x'.")
        stop("getType: these parameter names not found: ", params[notFound])
    out <- sapply(params, function(p) distInfo$types[[p]]$type)

# perhaps have args to allow only reqdArgs or only altParams?

#' @rdname distributionInfo
#' @export
getParamNames <- function(dist, includeValue = TRUE) {
    if(length(dist) == 1 && is.na(dist)) return(NA)
    if(length(dist) > 1 || !inherits(dist, 'character'))
        stop("getParamNames: 'dist' should be a character vector of length 1")
    distInfo <- getDistributionInfo(dist)
    names <- names(distInfo$paramIDs)
        names <- names[!names == 'value']

#####  executable code, creates global system variable 'distributions' and 'distribution_aliases  ###
distributions <- distributionsClass(distributionsInputList, builtin=TRUE)

# removed by CJP as getDistribution() and getDistributionsInfo() make it unneeded
# getDistributionsObject <- function() {
#   distributions
# }

processDistributionAliases <- function(distributionsInputList) {
    tmp <- sapply(distributionsInputList, function(x) if(length(x$alias)) x$alias else NULL)
    # next two lines avoid need for regex processing if we used unlist() when a dist has multiple aliases
    aliases <- rep(names(tmp), sapply(tmp, length))
    names(aliases) <- unlist(tmp, use.names = FALSE) 
distributionAliases <- processDistributionAliases(distributionsInputList) 

distribution_dFuns <- BUGSdistToRdist(getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector'), dIncluded = TRUE)
distribution_rFuns <- gsub("^d", "r", distribution_dFuns)

pqAvail <- names(which(getAllDistributionsInfo('pqAvail')))
pqDists <- BUGSdistToRdist(pqAvail, dIncluded = TRUE)

distribution_pFuns <- gsub("^d", "p", pqDists)
distribution_qFuns <- gsub("^d", "q", pqDists)

det_distributionFuns <- c(distribution_dFuns, distribution_pFuns, distribution_qFuns)
distributionFuns <- c(distribution_dFuns, distribution_rFuns, distribution_pFuns, distribution_qFuns)

## following sections are added for use in genCpp_operatorLists and other places.  Slightly different need is to have separate list of scalar distributions and to use Rdist names

## dCRP is causing warnings in 'make man' though doesn't seem to cause errors in build package, but filter out dCRP to avoid the warnings.
nms <- getAllDistributionsInfo('namesVector')
nms <- nms[nms != 'dCRP']

scalar_distribution_bool <- unlist(lapply(nms, function(x) all(unlist(lapply(getDistributionInfo(x)$types, function(y) y$nDim == 0 )))))
scalar_distribution_dFuns <- BUGSdistToRdist(nms[scalar_distribution_bool], dIncluded = TRUE)
scalar_distribution_rFuns <- gsub("^d", "r", scalar_distribution_dFuns)

scalar_pqAvail_bool <- nimble:::getAllDistributionsInfo('pqAvail')[nms] & scalar_distribution_bool
scalar_pqAvail_dFuns <- BUGSdistToRdist(nms[scalar_pqAvail_bool], dIncluded = TRUE)
scalar_distribution_pFuns <- gsub("^d", "p", scalar_pqAvail_dFuns)
scalar_distribution_qFuns <- gsub("^d", "q", scalar_pqAvail_dFuns)

rm(nms, scalar_distribution_bool, scalar_pqAvail_bool, scalar_pqAvail_dFuns)

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nimble documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:49 a.m.