## ## adds explicit indexing to variables (using symtab), then expands indexing present on any variables
## nl_expandNodeNames <- function(nodeNames, symtab, env) {
## nodeNames <- nl_addIndicesToVariables(nodeNames, symtab)
## nodeNames <- unlist(lapply(nodeNames, function(node) if(is.indexed(node)) nl_expandNodeIndex(node, env) else node))
## if(is.null(nodeNames)) return(character(0))
## return(nodeNames)
## }
## ## Expands variables into their fully indexed form, e.g., 'y' is expanded to 'y[1:10]', using information in the symbolTable
## nl_addIndicesToVariables <- function(nodeNames, symtab) {
## scipen <- options("scipen")[[1]]
## options(scipen = 1000000)
## on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
## for(i in seq_along(nodeNames)) {
## nodeName <- nodeNames[i]
## varName <- nl_getVarNameFromNodeName(nodeName)
## if(!(varName %in% symtab$getSymbolNames())) stop('variable not in symbol table')
## if(!is.indexed(nodeName) && (symtab$getSymbolField(varName, 'nDim') > 0)) { ## nodeName has no indexing, and has dimension > 0
## maxs <- symtab$getSymbolField(varName, 'size')
## mins <- rep(1, length(maxs))
## indexStuff <- paste(mins, maxs, sep=':', collapse = ', ')
## nodeNames[i] <- paste0(varName, '[', indexStuff, ']')
## }
## }
## return(nodeNames)
## }
## This is the same as nl_ExpandNodeIndex, except it takes a nodeExpr instead of a node char string
nl_expandNodeIndexExpr <- function(nodeExpr, env = parent.frame()) {
scipen <- options("scipen")[[1]]
options(scipen = 1000000)
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
if(length(nodeExpr)==1) if( return(as.character(nodeExpr)) else stop('node expression with only one element, but not a variable name')
indexExprs <- nodeExpr[-c(1,2)]
indexStrs <- lapply(indexExprs, function(ind) as.character(eval(ind, envir=env)))
numInd <- length(indexStrs)
indexStrsCombined <- indexStrs[[numInd]]
if(numInd > 1) for(i in seq(numInd-1, 1, by = -1)) {
indexStrsCombined <- outer(indexStrs[[i]], indexStrsCombined, paste, sep=', ') }
nodeStr <- as.character(nodeExpr[[2]])
expandedNodes <- paste0(nodeStr, paste0('[',indexStrsCombined,']'))
## same as nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndex but takes nodeExprs instead of nodes
nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndexExprs <- function(nodeExprs, env = parent.frame()) {
return(unlist(lapply(nodeExprs, function(n) nl_expandNodeIndexExpr(n, env))))
## Expands the indexing of a single node name string, e.g., 'x[1:3]' is expanded to c('x[1]', 'x[2]', 'x[3]')
nl_expandNodeIndex <- function(node, env = parent.frame()) {
scipen <- options("scipen")[[1]]
options(scipen = 1000000)
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
nodeExpr <- parse(text=node, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
if(length(nodeExpr)==1) if( return(as.character(nodeExpr)) else stop('node expression with only one element, but not a variable name')
indexExprs <- nodeExpr[-c(1,2)]
indexStrs <- lapply(indexExprs, function(ind) as.character(eval(ind, envir=env)))
numInd <- length(indexStrs)
indexStrsCombined <- indexStrs[[numInd]]
if(numInd > 1) for(i in seq(numInd-1, 1, by = -1)) {
indexStrsCombined <- outer(indexStrs[[i]], indexStrsCombined, paste, sep=', ') }
nodeStr <- as.character(nodeExpr[[2]])
expandedNodes <- paste0(nodeStr, paste0('[',indexStrsCombined,']'))
nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndex <- function(nodes, env = parent.frame()) {
return(unlist(lapply(nodes, function(n) nl_expandNodeIndex(n, env))))
## checks that all nodeNames are present in model
nl_checkNodeNamesInModel <- function(model, nodeNames, determOnly = FALSE, stochOnly = FALSE) {
# this function not used in package, but if it were, would be good to have error messages indicate which nodes are the issue; see below for analogous situation for nl_checkVarNamesInModel
if(!all(nodeNames %in% model$getNodeNames())) stop('all node names not in model')
if(determOnly) if(!all(nodeNames %in% model$getNodeNames(determOnly = TRUE))) stop('all node names are not deterministic')
if(stochOnly) if(!all(nodeNames %in% model$getNodeNames(stochOnly = TRUE))) stop('all node names are not stochastic')
## checks that all varNames are present in model
nl_checkVarNamesInModel <- function(model, varNames) {
found <- varNames %in% model$getVarNames(includeLogProb = TRUE)
stop('These variables are not in model: ', paste(varNames[!found], collapse = ','), '.')
nl_nodeVectorReadyNodes <- function(model, nodeNames, includeData = TRUE){
GIDs <- model$modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodeNames)
sortedIDs <- sort(GIDs)
if(includeData == FALSE)
sortedIDs = sortedIDs[!model$isDataFromGraphID(GIDs)]
## returns a list of variable names, and flat index ranges
nl_createVarsAndFlatIndexRanges <- function(nodeNames, symtab) {
varAndIndexes <- lapply(nodeNames, function(nn) list(var = nl_getVarNameFromNodeName(nn), ind = if(is.indexed(nn)) unlist(as.list(parse(text=nn, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]][-c(1,2)])) else numeric(0)))
varAndFlatIndexes <- lapply(varAndIndexes, function(vai) list(var = vai$var, flatIndex = nl_determineFlatIndex(ind=vai$ind, maxs=symtab$getSymbolField(vai$var, 'size'))))
listsOfIndexes <- list()
for(vafi in varAndFlatIndexes) listsOfIndexes[[vafi$var]] <- list(var = vafi$var, inds = c(listsOfIndexes[[vafi$var]]$inds, vafi$flatIndex))
listsOfAggIndexes <- lapply(listsOfIndexes, function(loi) list(var=loi$var, agInd=nl_aggregateConsecutiveBlocks(loi$inds)))
separatedListsOfAggIndexes <- list()
for(loai in listsOfAggIndexes) for(ind in loai$agInd) separatedListsOfAggIndexes <- c(separatedListsOfAggIndexes, list(list(var=loai$var, ind=ind)))
## determines the (scalar) flatIndex, from numeric vectors of indicies, and max_indicies
nl_determineFlatIndex = function(ind, maxs) {
if(length(ind) != length(maxs)) stop('number of indices and dimensions are different')
if(any(ind > maxs)) stop('some indices exceed dimensions')
if(any(ind < 1)) stop('non-positive index')
nDim <- length(ind)
if(nDim==0) return(1)
if(nDim==1) return(ind)
max_prods <- 1
for(iDim in 2:nDim) max_prods[iDim] <- prod(maxs[1:(iDim-1)])
indShifted <- c(ind[1], ind[-1]-1)
flatIndex <- sum(indShifted * max_prods)
## takes a vector of flat indices, e.g. c(1,2,3,6,7,100),
## returns a list of pairs: (index_start, index_finish), e.g. [[1]] c(1,3) [[2]] c(6,7) [[3]] c(100,100)
## If anyone has an implementation which beats O(n) linear time, then let's use it.
nl_aggregateConsecutiveBlocks <- function(ind) {
if(length(ind) == 0) return(list())
indDiffLogical <- c(TRUE, diff(ind) != 1)
aggregated <- list()
for(i in seq_along(indDiffLogical)) {
if(indDiffLogical[i]) aggregated[[length(aggregated)+1]] <- c(ind[i], ind[i])
if(!indDiffLogical[i]) aggregated[[length(aggregated)]][2] <- ind[i]
nl_removeNodeNamesNotInSymbolTable <- function(nodeNames, st) {
return(nodeNames[nl_getVarNameFromNodeName(nodeNames) %in% st$getSymbolNames()])
nl_getVarNameFromNodeName <- function(nodeName) gsub('\\[.*', '', nodeName)
expandMVNames <- function(mv, varNames){
scipen <- options("scipen")[[1]]
options(scipen = 1000000)
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
sizeList = mv$sizes
nodeNames = NA
nodeIndex = 0
for(i in seq_along(varNames) ){
baseName = varNames[i]
dims = mv$symTab$getSymbolObject(baseName)$size
if(length(dims) == 0){
nodeNames[nodeIndex+1] = baseName
nodeIndex <- nodeIndex + 1
mins <- rep(1, length(dims))
indexStuff <- paste(mins, dims, sep=':', collapse = ', ')
compactNodeNames <- paste0(baseName, '[', indexStuff, ']')
expandedNodeNames <- nl_expandNodeIndex(compactNodeNames)
nodeNames[nodeIndex + 1:length(expandedNodeNames)] <- expandedNodeNames
nodeIndex = nodeIndex + length(expandedNodeNames)
as.matrix.modelValuesBaseClass <- function(x, varNames, ...){
varNames <- x$varNames
nrows = getsize(x)
flatNames = expandMVNames(x, varNames)
ans <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = nrows, ncol = length(flatNames))
colIndex = 1
for(i in seq_along(varNames)){
.Call(fastMatrixInsert, ans, modelValuesElement2Matrix(x, varNames[i]) , as.integer(1), as.integer(colIndex) )
colIndex = colIndex + prod(x$sizes[[varNames[i] ]])
colnames(ans) <- flatNames
as.matrix.CmodelValues <- function(x, varNames, ...){
varNames <- x$varNames
nrows = getsize(x)
flatNames = expandMVNames(x, varNames)
ans <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = nrows, ncol = length(flatNames))
colIndex = 1
for(i in seq_along(varNames)){
.Call(fastMatrixInsert, ans, modelValuesElement2Matrix(x, varNames[i]) , as.integer(1), as.integer(colIndex) )
colIndex = colIndex + prod(x$sizes[[varNames[i] ]])
colnames(ans) <- flatNames
as.list.modelValuesBaseClass <- function(x, varNames, iterationAsLastIndex = FALSE, ...) {
varNames <- x$varNames
nrows <- getsize(x)
results <- list()
for(v in varNames) {
samples <- x[[v]]
dims <- dimOrLength(samples[[1]])
matrixVersion <-"c", lapply(samples, as.numeric))
ansDims <- c(dims, nrows)
results[[v]] <- array(matrixVersion, dim = ansDims)
if(!iterationAsLastIndex) {
nDim <- length(ansDims)
results[[v]] <- aperm(results[[v]], c(nDim, 1:(nDim-1)))
as.list.CmodelValues <- function(x, varNames, iterationAsLastIndex = FALSE, ...) {
varNames <- x$varNames
nrows <- getsize(x)
results <- list()
for(v in varNames) {
samples <- x[[v]]
if(!is.list(samples)) # 1-row result (issue #1476)
samples <- list(samples)
dims <- dimOrLength(samples[[1]])
matrixVersion <-"c", lapply(samples, as.numeric))
ansDims <- c(dims, nrows)
results[[v]] <- array(matrixVersion, dim = ansDims)
if(!iterationAsLastIndex) {
nDim <- length(ansDims)
results[[v]] <- aperm(results[[v]], c(nDim, 1:(nDim-1)))
modelValuesElement2Matrix <- function(mv, varName){
if(length(varName) != 1)
stop('modelValuesElement2Matrix is a call for a single variable. For multiple variables, use modelValues2Matrix')
matrix( as.numeric(unlist(mv[[varName]]) ), ncol = prod(mv$sizes[[varName]]), byrow = TRUE )
Cmatrix2mvOneVar <- function(mat, mv, varName, k){
ptr <- mv$componentExtptrs[[varName]]
if(inherits(ptr, 'externalptr')) {
eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$matrix2VecNimArr, ptr, mat, rowStart = as.integer(1), rowEnd = k ))
} else
stop('varName not found in modelValues')
#' Set values of one variable of a modelValues object from an R matrix
#' Normally a modelValues object is accessed one "row" at a time. This function allows all rows for one variable to set from a matrix with one dimension more than the variable to be set.
#' @param mat Input matrix
#' @param mv modelValues object to be modified.
#' @param varName Character string giving the name of the variable on \code{mv} to be set
#' @param k Number of rows to use
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function may be deprecated in the future when a more natural system for interacting with modelValues objects is developed.
Rmatrix2mvOneVar <- function(mat, mv, varName, k){
if( mv$symTab$symbols[[varName]][['type']] == 'double'){
storage.mode(mat) <- 'double'
len <- ncol(mat)
.Call(matrix2ListDouble, mat, mv[[varName]], listStartIndex = as.integer(1), RnRows = k, Rlength = as.integer(mv$sizes[[varName]]) )
if( mv$symTab$symbols[[varName]][['type']] == 'int'){
storage.mode(mat) <- 'integer'
len <- ncol(mat)
.Call(matrix2ListInt, mat, mv[[varName]], listStartIndex = as.integer(1), RnRows = k, Rlength = as.integer(mv$sizes[[varName]]) )
matrix2mv <- function(mat, mv){
k <- nrow(mat)
if(mv$getSize() < k)
mvVarNames <- mv$varNames
mvSizes <- mv$sizes
colNames <- colnames(mat)
colNames <- removeIndexing(colNames)
uniqueColNames <- unique(colNames)
if(inherits(mv, 'CmodelValues') ){
for(vN in uniqueColNames){
totVals <- prod(mvSizes[[vN]])
varInds <- colNames == vN
if(totVals != sum(varInds) )
stop('matrix2mv halted because dimensions of variables do not match')
subMatrix <- as.matrix(mat[, varInds, drop = FALSE])
Cmatrix2mvOneVar(subMatrix, mv, vN, k)
else if(inherits(mv, 'modelValuesBaseClass') ){
for(vN in uniqueColNames){
totVals <- prod(mvSizes[[vN]])
varInds <- colNames == vN
if(totVals != sum(varInds) )
stop('matrix2mv halted because dimensions of variables do not match')
subMatrix <- as.matrix(mat[, varInds, drop = FALSE])
Rmatrix2mvOneVar(subMatrix, mv, vN, k)
stop('argument mv is neither a CmodelValues or RmodelValues object')
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