
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))

RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)

context("Testing of the optim() function in NIMBLE code")

               # identical to nlminb handling, but just for testing
               # that a mew method is registered and called correctly
               function(par, fn, gr, he, lower, upper, control, hessian) {
                 control_nlminb <- list(
                   abs.tol = control$abstol,
                   rel.tol = control$reltol,
                   iter.max = control$maxit,
                   trace = control$trace
                 invalid <- \(x) is.null(x) || is.na(x) || is.infinite(x)
                 if(invalid(control_nlminb$abs.tol)) control_nlminb$abs.tol <- 0
                 if(invalid(control_nlminb$rel.tol)) control_nlminb$rel.tol <- 1e-10
                 if(invalid(control_nlminb$iter.max)) control_nlminb$iter.max <- 150
                 if(invalid(control_nlminb$trace)) control_nlminb$trace <- 0
                 # NB: control$parscale and control$fnscale are applied internally
                 result <- nlminb(par, objective=fn, gradient=gr, hessian=he,
                                  lower = lower, upper = upper, control=control_nlminb)
                 result$value <- result$objective
                 result$objective <- NULL
                 result$counts <- result$evaluations
                 result$evaluations <- NULL
                 # We could do hessian here like this, but we will do it in C++
                 # if not returned from here, so we ignore it here.
                 ## if(isTRUE(hessian)) {
                 ##   # do we need to worry if control has a parscale element?
                 ##   hessian_result <- optimHess(result$par, fn=fn, gr=gr, control=control)
                 ## }

# The methods "SANN" and "Brent" are not supported.
methodsAllowingGradient <- c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "nlminb", "my_nlminb")
methodsAllowingBounds <- c("L-BFGS-B")
coreOptimMethods <- c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B")

# Test helper to verify code.
normalizeWhitespace <- function(lines) {
    line <- paste(lines, collapse = ' ')
    line <- gsub('\\s+', ' ', line)  # Shrink internal whitespace.
    line <- gsub('^\\s+', '', line)  # Remove leading whitespace.
    line <- gsub('\\s+$', '', line)  # Remove trailing whitespace.

test_that("normalizeWhiteSpace() works", {
    expect_equal(normalizeWhitespace('  a b   cde  fg hi'), 'a b cde fg hi')

# This helper checks for agreement of the results to optim() and nimOptim() modulo some type mismatch.
expect_r_and_dsl_agree <- function(result_r, result_dsl, info = NULL) {
    # The return types differ.
    expect_true(class(result_r) %in% c('list','OptimResultNimbleList'), info = info)
    expect_equal(as.character(class(result_dsl)), 'OptimResultNimbleList', info = info)
    # But the values mostly agree.
    expect_equal(result_r$par, result_dsl$par, info = info)
    expect_equal(result_r$convergence, result_dsl$convergence, info = info)
    expect_equal(result_r$value, result_dsl$value, info = info)
    expect_equal(unname(result_r$counts), result_dsl$counts, info = info)
  expect_true(length(result_r$hessian) == length(result_dsl$hessian))
    expect_equal(result_r$hessian, result_dsl$hessian)

test_that("nimOptim() behaves mostly like optim()", {
    par <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
    fn <- function(x) { sum(x ^ 2) }
    result_r <- optim(par, fn)
    result_dsl <- nimOptim(par, fn)
    expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl)

test_that("nimbleFunction() replaces optim() with nimOptim()", {
    # Note that nimCallee may be undefined, since nimCaller$run() is never called.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee))
                 'function (par) { return(nimOptim(par, nimCallee)) }')

test_that("nimbleFunction with optim() runs", {
    nimCallee <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2))
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCallee)  # Work around scoping issues.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    expect_true(is(nimCaller$run(par), "OptimResultNimbleList"))

test_that("when an RCfunction optim()izes an RCfunction, the R and DSL behavior mostly agree", {
    # Define R versions.
    callee <- function(par) { return(sum(par ^ 2)) }
    caller <- function(par, method) {
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods) return(optim(par, callee, method = method))
      else return(nimOptim(par, callee, method = method))
    # Define DSL versions.
    nimCallee <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2))
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee, method = method))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCallee)  # Work around scoping issues.
    # Test agreement.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_r <- caller(par, method)
        result_dsl <- nimCaller(par, method)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(caller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(nimCaller(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes an RCfunction, the R and DSL behavior mostly agree", {
    # Define R versions.
    callee <- function(par) { return(sum(par ^ 2)) }
    caller <- function(par, method) {
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods) return(optim(par, callee, method = method))
      else return(nimOptim(par, callee, method = method))
    # Define DSL versions.
    nimCallee <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2))
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee, method = method))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCallee)  # Work around scoping issues.
    # Test agreement.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_r <- caller(par, method)
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(caller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(nimCaller(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes an RCfunction with gradient, the R and DSL behavior mostly agree", {
    # Define R versions.
    fn <- function(par) { return(sum(par ^ 2)) }
    gr <- function(par) { return(2 * par) }
    caller <- function(par, method) {
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods) return(optim(par, fn, gr, method = method))
      else return(nimOptim(par, fn, gr, method = method))
# Define DSL versions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2))
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * par)
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = method))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimFn)  # Work around scoping issues.
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimGr)  # Work around scoping issues.
    # Test agreement.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_r <- caller(par, method)
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(caller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes a nimbleFunction, the R and DSL behavior mostly agree", {
    # Define R versions.
    callee <- function(par) { return(sum(par ^ 2)) }
    caller <- function(par, method) {
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods) return(optim(par, callee, method = method))
      else return(nimOptim(par, callee, method = method))
    # Define DSL versions.
    nimCalleeGen <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCalleeGen)  # Work around scoping issues.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = function() {
            nimCallee <- nimCalleeGen()
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee$run, method = method))
    # Test agreement.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_r <- caller(par, method)
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(caller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when an RCfunction optim()izes an RCfunction, the DSL and C++ behavior agree", {
    nimCallee <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1) # The +1 helps nlminb with abs.tol set to 0 by default
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            ans <- optim(par, nimCallee, method = method)
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCallee)  # Work around scoping issues.
    # Test agreement.
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes an RCfunction, the DSL and C++ behavior agree", {
    nimCallee <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1)
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimCallee, method = method))
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCallee)  # Work around scoping issues.
    # Test agreement.
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes a nimbleFunction, the DSL and C++ behavior agree", {
    nimCalleeGen <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1)
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimCalleeGen)  # Work around scoping issues.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = function() {
            nimCallee <- nimCalleeGen()
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            ans <- optim(par, nimCallee$run, method = method)
    # Test agreement.
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when an RCfunction optim()izes an RCfunction with gradient, the DSL and C++ behavior mostly agree", {
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1)
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * par)
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimFn)  # Work around scoping issues.
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimGr)  # Work around scoping issues.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = method))
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    # Test agreement.
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes an RCfunction with gradient, the DSL and C++ behavior mostly agree", {
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1)
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * par)
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimFn)  # Work around scoping issues.
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimGr)  # Work around scoping issues.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            return(optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = method))
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    # Test approximate agreement (i.e. that most fields agree).
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when a nimbleFunction optim()izes an RCfunction with gradient, the DSL and C++ behavior mostly agree", {
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par ^ 2)+1)
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * par)
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimFn)  # Work around scoping issues.
    temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv(nimGr)  # Work around scoping issues.
    nimCaller <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = TRUE,
        run = function(par = double(1), method = character(0)) {
            ans <- optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = method)
    compiledCaller <- compileNimble(nimCaller)
    # Test approximate agreement (i.e. that most fields agree).
    par <- c(1.2, 3.4)
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        result_dsl <- nimCaller$run(par, method)
        result_cpp <- compiledCaller$run(par, method)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = paste(' where method =', method))
    expect_error(nimCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))
    expect_error(compiledCaller$run(par, "bogus-method"))

test_that("when optim() is called with bounds, behavior is the same among R, DSL, and C++", {
    # Only method L-BFGS-B supports bounds.
    # Define R functions.
    fn <- function(par) { sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2) }
    optimizer <- function(lower, upper) {
        return(optim(c(1, 2), fn, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = lower, upper = upper))
    # Define DSL functions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2))
    nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(lower = double(1), upper = double(1)) {
            par <- c(1, 2)  # FIXME compilation fails when this is inline.
            return(optim(par, nimFn, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = lower, upper = upper))
    compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)
    expect_agreement <- function(lower, upper) {
        info <- paste(' where lower =', capture.output(dput(lower, control = c())),
                      ', upper =', capture.output(dput(upper, control = c())))
        result_r <- optimizer(lower, upper)
        result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(lower, upper)
        result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(lower, upper)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = info)
    # Test with many configurations.
    expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
    expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = 2)
    expect_agreement(lower = 6, upper = Inf)
    expect_agreement(lower = c(6, 6), upper = Inf)
    if(RUN_FAILING_TESTS) {  # TODO Fix these failing tests.
        expect_agreement(lower = 2, upper = 3)  # FAILS dsl ! = cpp only in .count field
        expect_agreement(lower = c(1, 2), upper = c(3, 4))  # FAILS dsl != cpp only in .count field
        expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = c(6, 6))  # FAILS dsl != cpp only in .count field

test_that("when optim() is called with bounds and gradient, behavior is the same among R, DSL, and C++", {
    # Only method L-BFGS-B supports bounds.
    # Define R functions.
    fn <- function(par) { sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2) }
    gr <- function(par) { 2 * (par - c(5, 7)) }
    optimizer <- function(lower, upper) {
        return(optim(c(1, 2), fn, gr, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = lower, upper = upper))
    # Define DSL functions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2))
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * (par - c(5, 7)))
    nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(lower = double(1), upper = double(1)) {
            par <- c(1, 2)
            return(optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = lower, upper = upper))
    compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)
    expect_agreement <- function(lower, upper) {
        info <- paste(' where lower =', capture.output(dput(lower, control = c())),
                      ', upper =', capture.output(dput(upper, control = c())))
        result_r <- optimizer(lower, upper)
        result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(lower, upper)
        result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(lower, upper)
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = info)
    # Test with many configurations.
    expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
    expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = 2)
    expect_agreement(lower = 6, upper = Inf)
    expect_agreement(lower = c(6, 6), upper = Inf)
    if(RUN_FAILING_TESTS) {  # TODO Fix these failing tests.
        expect_agreement(lower = 2, upper = 3)  # FAILS dsl ! = cpp only in .count field
        expect_agreement(lower = c(1, 2), upper = c(3, 4))  # FAILS dsl != cpp only in .count field
        expect_agreement(lower = -Inf, upper = c(6, 6))  # FAILS dsl != cpp only in .count field

test_that("when optim() is called with control, behavior is the same among R, DSL, and C++", {
    # Define R functions.
    fn <- function(par) { sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2) }
    gr <- function(par) { 2 * (par - c(5, 7)) }
    optimizer <- function(method, maxit, type) {
      control <- list(maxit = maxit, type = type)
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods)
        return(optim(c(1, 2), fn, gr, method = method, control = control))
        return(nimOptim(c(1, 2), fn, gr, method = method, control = control))
    # Define DSL functions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2))
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(2 * (par - c(5, 7)))
    nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(method = character(0), maxit = integer(0), type = integer(0)) {
            control <- optimDefaultControl()
            control$maxit <- maxit
            control$type <- type
            # par <- c(1, 2)  # previous problem with proving init par inline is FIXED
            return(optim(c(1,2), nimFn, nimGr, method = method, control = control))
    compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)
    expect_agreement <- function(method, ...) {
        control_nondefault <- list(...)
        control <- list(maxit = 100, type = 1)  # Defaults.
        for (name in names(control_nondefault)) {
            control[[name]] = control_nondefault[[name]]
        result_r <- optimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
        result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
        result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
        info <- capture.output(dput(list(method = method, control = control), control = c()))
        expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
        expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = info)
    # Test with many configurations.
    expect_agreement(method = "Nelder-Mead", maxit = 5)
    expect_agreement(method = "BFGS", maxit = 5)
    expect_agreement(method = "CG", maxit = 5)
    expect_agreement(method = "L-BFGS-B", maxit = 5)
    expect_agreement(method = "CG", type = 1)  # Fletcher-Reeves
    expect_agreement(method = "CG", type = 2)  # Polak-Ribiere
    expect_agreement(method = "CG", type = 3)  # Beal-Sorenson
    expect_agreement(method = "nlminb", maxit = 5)
    expect_agreement(method = "my_nlminb", maxit = 5)

test_that("optim() minimizes with fnscale = 1 and maximizes when fnscale = -1", {
    # Define R functions with exactly one global minimumm and one global maximum.
    fn <- function(par) {
        return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2))
    optimizer <- function(method, fnscale) {
      control <- list(fnscale = fnscale)
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods)
        return(optim(c(0.1, -0.1), fn, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
        return(nimOptim(c(0.1, -0.1), fn, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
    # Define DSL functions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2))
    nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(method = character(0), fnscale = double(0)) {
            control <- optimDefaultControl()
            control$fnscale <- fnscale
            par <- c(0.1, -0.1)
            return(optim(par, nimFn, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
    compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)
    # Test with many methods and fnscales.
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        for (fnscale in c(-1, 1)) {
            result_r <- optimizer(method, fnscale)
            result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(method, fnscale)
            result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(method, fnscale)
            info <- paste(' where method =', method, ', fnscale =', fnscale)
            expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
            expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = info)

test_that("optim() with gradient minimizes with fnscale = 1 and maximizes when fnscale = -1", {
    # Define R functions with exactly one global minimumm and one global maximum.
    fn <- function(par) {
        return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2))
    gr <- function(par) {
        return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2) * (rep(1, length(par)) - par))
    optimizer <- function(method, fnscale) {
      control <- list(fnscale = fnscale)
      if(method %in% coreOptimMethods)
        return(optim(c(0.1, -0.1), fn, gr, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
        return(nimOptim(c(0.1, -0.1), fn, gr, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
    # Define DSL functions.
    nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2))
    nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ 2) / 2) * (rep(1, length(par)) - par))
    nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(method = character(0), fnscale = double(0)) {
            control <- optimDefaultControl()
            control$fnscale <- fnscale
            par <- c(0.1, -0.1)  # FIXME compilation fails when this is inline.
            return(optim(par, nimFn, nimGr, method = method, control = control, hessian=TRUE))
    compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)
    # Test with many methods and fnscales.
    for (method in methodsAllowingGradient) {
        for (fnscale in c(-1, 1)) {
            result_r <- optimizer(method, fnscale)
            result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(method, fnscale)
            result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(method, fnscale)
            info <- paste(' where method =', method, ', fnscale =', fnscale)
            expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
            expect_equal(result_dsl, result_cpp, info = info)

# See test-ADoptim for a case with AD gradients
test_that("optim() respects parscale in R and C++", {
  nf <- nimbleFunction(
    setup = function() {
      first_ten_xs <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 2)
      num_calls <- 0
    run = function(x = double(1)) {
      if(num_calls < 10) {
        num_calls <<- num_calls + 1
        first_ten_xs[num_calls, 1:2] <<- x[1:2]
    methods = list(
      optRun = function(x = double(1), parscale = double(1),
                        method = character()) {
        con <- nimOptimDefaultControl()
        con$parscale <- parscale
        ans <- optim(x, run, method = method, control = con)
  nf1 <- nf()
  cnf1 <- compileNimble(nf1)
  junk <- nf1$run # needed to bring run into scope (wierd)
  for(method in c(methodsAllowingGradient, methodsAllowingBounds)) {
    nf1$num_calls <- 0
    cnf1$num_calls <- 0
    nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs, cnf1$first_ten_xs)
    nf1$num_calls <- 0
    cnf1$num_calls <- 0
    nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs, cnf1$first_ten_xs)

test_that("optim() respects parscale in R and C++ with gradient function provided", {
  nf <- nimbleFunction(
    setup = function() {
      first_ten_xs <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 2)
      num_calls <- 0
      first_ten_xs_gr <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 2)
      num_calls_gr <- 0
    run = function(x = double(1)) {
      if(num_calls < 10) {
        num_calls <<- num_calls + 1
        first_ten_xs[num_calls, 1:2] <<- x[1:2]
    methods = list(
      gr = function(x = double(1)) {
        if(num_calls_gr < 10) {
          num_calls_gr <<- num_calls_gr + 1
          first_ten_xs_gr[num_calls_gr, 1:2] <<- x[1:2]
      optRun = function(x = double(1), parscale = double(1),
                        method = character()) {
        con <- nimOptimDefaultControl()
        con$parscale <- parscale
        ans <- optim(x, run, gr = gr, method = method, control = con)
  nf1 <- nf()
  cnf1 <- compileNimble(nf1)
  junk <- nf1$run # needed to bring run into scope (wierd)
  junk <- nf1$gr
  for(method in c(methodsAllowingGradient)) {
    nf1$num_calls <- 0
    cnf1$num_calls <- 0
    nf1$num_calls_gr <- 0
    cnf1$num_calls_gr <- 0
    nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs, cnf1$first_ten_xs)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs_gr, cnf1$first_ten_xs_gr)

    nf1$num_calls <- 0
    cnf1$num_calls <- 0
    nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs, cnf1$first_ten_xs)
    expect_equal(nf1$first_ten_xs_gr, cnf1$first_ten_xs_gr)

test_that("optim() respects parscale for Hessian in R and C++", {
  nf <- nimbleFunction(
    setup = TRUE,
    run = function(x = double(1)) {
      xp <- c(x[1] / 2, x[2] / 4)
      return(sum(xp^2) + 0.5*prod(xp))
    methods = list(
      optRun = function(x = double(1), parscale = double(1),
                        method = character()) {
        con <- nimOptimDefaultControl()
        con$parscale <- parscale
        ans <- optim(x, run, method = method, control = con, hessian=TRUE)
  nf1 <- nf()
  cnf1 <- compileNimble(nf1)
  junk <- nf1$run # needed to bring run into scope (wierd)
  for(method in c(methodsAllowingGradient, methodsAllowingBounds)) {
    optR <- nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    optC <- cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), method = method)
    expect_equal(optR$par, optC$par)
    expect_equal(optR$hessian, optC$hessian)

    optR <- nf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    optC <- cnf1$optRun(c(1, 1), c(3,2), method = method)
    expect_equal(optR$par, optC$par)
    expect_equal(optR$hessian, optC$hessian)

test_that("no spurious warning about missing nimbleFunction", {
    ## This tests issue 1356.
    objectiveFunction_inner <- nimbleFunction(
         run = function(par = double(1), power = double(0), scaling = double(0)) {
             return(sum(par) * exp(-sum(par ^ power) / scaling))
    objectiveFunction <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(par = double(1)) {
            return(objectiveFunction_inner(par, 2, 3))
     optimizer <- nimbleFunction(
         run = function(method = character(0), fnscale = double(0)) {
             control <- optimDefaultControl()
             control$fnscale <- fnscale
             par <- c(0.1, -0.1)
             out <- optim(par, objectiveFunction, method = method, control = control)

     cOptimizer <- compileNimble(optimizer)
     expect_no_warning(cOptimizer <- compileNimble(optimizer))


# This is somewhat redundant because we included "nlminb" and "my_nlminb"
# in the methods tested in above tests. But we wrote this next one to
# isolate the nlminb and my_nlminb (example of user-provided optimizer).
test_that("optim works with nlminb method via custom_optim", {
  fn <- function(par) { sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2) }
  gr <- function(par) { 2 * (par - c(5, 7)) }
  optimizer <- function(method, maxit, type) {
    #control <- list(maxit = maxit, type = type)
    ans <- nlminb(c(1, 2), fn, gr)
    ans$counts <- ans$evaluations
    ans$value <- ans$objective
    ans$objective <- NULL
    ans$evaluations <- NULL
    for(v in names(ans)) attributes(ans[[v]]) <- NULL
  # Define DSL functions.
  nimFn <- nimbleFunction(
    run = function(par = double(1)) {
      return(sum((par - c(5, 7)) ^ 2))
  nimGr <- nimbleFunction(
    run = function(par = double(1)) {
      return(2 * (par - c(5, 7)))
  nimOptimizer <- nimbleFunction(
    run = function(method = character(0), maxit = integer(0), type = integer(0)) {
      control <- optimDefaultControl()
      control$maxit <- maxit
      control$type <- type
      # par <- c(1, 2)  # previous problem with proving init par inline is FIXED
      return(optim(c(1,2), nimFn, nimGr, method = method, control = control))
  compiledOptimizer <- compileNimble(nimOptimizer)

  expect_agreement <- function(method, use_r = TRUE, ...) {
    control_nondefault <- list(...)
    control <- list(maxit = 100, type = 1)  # Defaults.
    for (name in names(control_nondefault)) {
      control[[name]] = control_nondefault[[name]]
    if(use_r) result_r <- optimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
    result_dsl <- nimOptimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
    result_cpp <- compiledOptimizer(method, control$maxit, control$type)
    info <- capture.output(dput(list(method = method, control = control), control = c()))
    if(use_r) expect_r_and_dsl_agree(result_r, result_dsl, info = info)
    expect_equal(result_dsl$par, result_cpp$par, info = info)
    expect_equal(result_dsl$value, result_cpp$value, info = info)

  # Test with many configurations.
  Cans <- compiledOptimizer("nlminb", 100, 0)
  ans <- nimOptimizer("nlminb", 100, 0)
  expect_agreement(method = "nlminb", maxit = 100)
  ## We drafted some work with optimx::optimr method, retained as a comment here:
  ## nimOptimMethod("mynvm",
  ##                function(par, fn, gr, he, lower, upper, hessian, control) {
  ##                  optimx::optimr(par, fn=fn,gr=gr,he=he,method="nvm",
  ##                                 lower=lower,upper=upper,hessian=hessian)#drop control on purpose
  ##                })
                 # This is the same as nlminb defined in options.R
                 # the purpose here is to test use of nimOptimMethod to provide a new method
               function(par, fn, gr, he, lower, upper, control, hessian) {
                 control_nlminb <- list(
                   abs.tol = control$abstol,
                   rel.tol = control$reltol,
                   iter.max = control$maxit,
                   trace = control$trace
                 if(control_nlminb$abs.tol == -Inf)
                   control_nlminb$abs.tol <- 0
                 result <- nlminb(par, objective=fn, gradient=gr, hessian=he,
                                  lower = lower, upper = upper, control=control_nlminb)
                 result$value <- result$objective
                 result$objective <- NULL
                 result$counts <- result$evaluations
                 result$evaluations <- NULL

  expect_agreement(method = "my_nlminb", use_r = FALSE, maxit = 100)
  nimOptimMethod("my_nlminb", NULL)
  #  test <- compiledOptimizer("nvm", 100, 1)

nimOptimMethod("my_nlminb", NULL)

options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)

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