
# source(system.file(file.path('tests/testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = "nimbleSMC"))
# source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
## These make it clear that error messages are expected.
if(FALSE) {
expect_failure <- function(...) {
    cat('BEGIN expected failure:\n', file = stderr())
    argList <- list(...)
    cat('\nEND expected failure.\n', file = stderr())
## Mark tests that are know to fail with `if(RUN_FAILING_TESTS)`.
## By default these tests will not be run, but we will occasionally clean up by running them with
## At the moment only used in test-optim.R; otherwise we have
## mechanisms in various test files for wrapping failing tests
## in expect_failure.
## $ RUN_FAILING_TESTS=1 Rscript test-my-stuff.R
RUN_FAILING_TESTS <- (nchar(Sys.getenv('RUN_FAILING_TESTS')) != 0)

## We can get problems on Windows with system(cmd) if cmd contains
## paths with spaces in directory names.  Solution is to make a cmd
## string with only local names (to avoid spaces) and indicate what
## directory it should be done in.  setwd(dir) should handle dir with
## paths with spaces ok.
system.in.dir <- function(cmd, dir = '.') {
    curDir <- getwd()
    on.exit(setwd(curDir), add = TRUE)
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")

## This sets up sink to also capture messages (in particular warnings).
sink_with_messages <- function(file, ...) {
    sinkfile <- file(file, open = 'wt')
    sink(sinkfile, type = 'message')

## This is useful for working around scoping issues with nimbleFunctions using other nimbleFunctions.
temporarilyAssignInGlobalEnv <- function(value) {
    name <- deparse(substitute(value))
    assign(name, value, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rmCommand <- substitute(remove(name, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    do.call('on.exit', list(rmCommand, add = TRUE), envir = parent.frame())

withTempProject <- function(code) {
    code <- substitute(code)
    project <- nimble:::nimbleProjectClass()
    nimbleOptions(nimbleProjectForTesting = project)
        ## messages are suppressed by test_that, so "assign('.check', 1, globalenv())" can be used as a way to verify this code was called
        .project <- nimbleOptions('nimbleProjectForTesting')
        nimbleOptions(nimbleProject = NULL) ## clear this before clearCompiled step, in case clearCompiled() itself fails
    }, add = TRUE)

expect_compiles <- function(..., info = NULL, link = FALSE, force01 = TRUE) {
    oldSCBL <- nimbleOptions('stopCompilationBeforeLinking')
    nimbleOptions(stopCompilationBeforeLinking = !link)
    oldForce01 <- nimbleOptions('force01')
    nimbleOptions(forceO1 = force01)
        assign('.check', 1, globalenv())
        nimbleOptions(stopCompilationBeforeLinking = oldSCBL)
        nimbleOptions(forceO1 = oldForce01)
    }, add = TRUE)
    if(!link) {
        ans <- try(compileNimble(...)) ## expecting a thrown error
        expect_identical(as.character(ans), 'Error : safely stopping before linking\n', info = info)
    } else {
        ans <- compileNimble(...)

gen_runFunCore <- function(input) {
    runFun <- function() {}
    formalsList <- input$args
    if(is.null(formalsList)) formalsList <- list()
        if(length(formalsList) > 0)
            names(formalsList) <- paste0('arg', seq_along(input$args))
    formals(runFun) <- formalsList
    tmp <- quote({})
    tmp[[2]] <- input$expr
    tmp[[3]] <- if(is.null(input[['return']]))
    tmp[[4]] <- substitute(returnType(OUT), list(OUT = input$outputType))
    body(runFun) <- tmp

## Indexes the names of a list of input lists for test_coreRfeature
indexNames <- function(x) {
    i <- 1
    lapply(x, function(z) {z$name <- paste(i, z$name); i <<- i + 1; z})

make_input <- function(dim, size = 3, logicalArg) {
  if(!logicalArg) rfun <- rnorm else rfun <- function(n) { rbinom(n, 1, .5) }
  if(dim == 0) return(rfun(1))
  if(dim == 1) return(rfun(size))
  if(dim == 2) return(matrix(rfun(size^2), size))
  stop("not set for dimension greater than 2")

wrap_if_matches <- function(pattern, string, wrapper, expr) {
    if (!is.null(pattern) && any(grepl(paste0('^', pattern, '$'), string))) {
    } else {

weightedMetricFunc <- function(index, samples, weights, metric, samplesToWeightsMatch){
  samples <- samples[,index]
  weights <- exp(weights[,samplesToWeightsMatch[index]])/sum(exp(weights[,samplesToWeightsMatch[index]]))
  if(metric == "median"){
    ord <- order(samples)
    weights <- weights[ord]
    samples <- samples[ord]
    sumWts <- 0
    while(sumWts < .5){
      sumWts <- sumWts + weights[1]
      weights <- weights[-1]
  wtMean <- weighted.mean(samples, weights)
  if(metric == "mean"){
  wtVar <- sum(weights*(samples - wtMean)^2)
  if(metric == "var"){
  if(metric == "sd"){

compareFilesByLine <- function(trialResults, correctResults, main = "") {
    trialResults <- stripTestPlacementWarning(trialResults)
    correctResults <- stripTestPlacementWarning(correctResults)
    expect_equal(length(trialResults), length(correctResults))
    linesToTest <- min(length(trialResults), length(correctResults))
    mapply(function(lineno, trialLine, correctLine) {
        expect_identical(trialLine, correctLine)
    }, 1:linesToTest, trialResults, correctResults)

compareFilesUsingDiff <- function(trialFile, correctFile, main = "") {
    if(main == "") main <- paste0(trialFile, ' and ', correctFile, ' do not match\n')
    diffOutput <- system2('diff', c(trialFile, correctFile), stdout = TRUE)
    test_that(paste0(main, paste0(diffOutput, collapse = '\n')),
              expect_true(length(diffOutput) == 0)

stripTestPlacementWarning <- function(lines) {
    ## deal with Placing tests in `inst/tests/` is deprecated warning
    ## as it doesn't seem entirely predictable when/where it appears 
    coreLines <- grep("^Placing tests in", lines)
    addedLines <- lines[coreLines-1] == "In addition: Warning message:"
    totalLines <- c(coreLines-addedLines, coreLines)
        return(lines[-totalLines]) else return(lines)

test_filter <- function(example, model, data = list(), inits = list(),
                        verbose = nimbleOptions('verbose'), numItsR = 3, numItsC = 10000,
                        basic = TRUE, exactSample = NULL, results = NULL, resultsTolerance = NULL,
                        numItsC_results = numItsC,
                        seed = 0, filterType = NULL, latentNodes = NULL, filterControl = NULL,
                        doubleCompare = FALSE, filterType2 = NULL,
                        doR = TRUE, doCpp = TRUE, returnSamples = FALSE, name = NULL, dirName = NULL, 
                        knownFailures = list()) {
    ## There are two modes of testing:
    ## 1) basic = TRUE: compares R and C Particle Filter likelihoods and sampled states
    ## 2) if you pass 'results', it will compare Filter output to known latent state posterior summaries, top-level parameter posterior summaries,
    ##    and likelihoods within tolerance specified in resultsTolerance.  Results are compared for both weighted and unweighted samples.
    ## filterType determines which filter to use for the model.  Valid options are: "bootstrap", "auxiliary", "LiuWest", "ensembleKF"
    ## filterControl specifies options to filter function, such as saveAll = TRUE/FALSE.

    if(is.null(name)) {
        if(!missing(example)) {
            name <- example
        } else {
            if(is.character(model)) {
                name <- model
            } else {
                name <- 'unnamed case'

    ## keep this outside of test_that as use of missing within test_that triggers error with "'missing' can
    ## only be used for arguments"
    if(!missing(example)) {
        ## classic-bugs example specified by name
        dir <- getBUGSexampleDir(example)
        if(missing(model)) model <- example
    } else {
        ## code, data and inits specified directly where 'model' contains the code
        example = deparse(substitute(model))
        if(missing(model)) stop("Neither BUGS example nor model code supplied.")
        dir <- ""
    returnVal <- NULL
    cat("===== Starting Filter test for ", name, " using ", filterType, ". =====\n", sep = "")

    test_that(name, {
        Rmodel <- readBUGSmodel(model, dir = dir, data = data, inits = inits, useInits = TRUE, check = FALSE)
        if(doCpp) {
            Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel, dirName = dirName)
            if(verbose) cat('done compiling model\n')
        if(verbose) cat("Building filter\n")
        if(filterType == "bootstrap"){
            if(!is.null(filterControl))  Rfilter <- buildBootstrapFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = filterControl) # THIS IS THE FIRST LINE WHERE AN ERROR IS THROWN under the current namespace issue mystery
            else Rfilter <- buildBootstrapFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = list(saveAll = TRUE, thresh = 0))
        if(filterType == "auxiliary"){
            if(!is.null(filterControl))  Rfilter <- buildAuxiliaryFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = filterControl)
            else Rfilter <- buildAuxiliaryFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = list(saveAll = TRUE))
        if(filterType == "LiuWest"){
            if(!is.null(filterControl))  Rfilter <- buildLiuWestFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = filterControl)
            else Rfilter <- buildLiuWestFilter(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = list(saveAll = TRUE))
        if(filterType == "ensembleKF"){
            if(!is.null(filterControl))  Rfilter <- buildEnsembleKF(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = filterControl)
            else Rfilter <- buildEnsembleKF(Rmodel, nodes = latentNodes, control = list(saveAll = TRUE))
        saveAll <- TRUE 
        if(!is.null(filterControl) && exists('saveAll', filterControl))
            saveAll <- filterControl$saveAll
        if(doCpp) {
            Cfilter <- compileNimble(Rfilter, project = Rmodel, dirName = dirName)

        if(basic) {
            ## do short runs and compare R and C filter output
            if(doR) {
                RfilterOut <- Rfilter$run(numItsR)
                if(filterType == "ensembleKF"){
                    RmvSample  <- nfVar(Rfilter, 'mvSamples')
                    R_samples <- as.matrix(RmvSample)
                    RmvSample  <- nfVar(Rfilter, 'mvWSamples')
                    RmvSample2 <- nfVar(Rfilter, 'mvEWSamples')
                    R_samples <- as.matrix(RmvSample)
                    R_samples2 <- as.matrix(RmvSample2)
                    if(filterType != 'LiuWest'){
                        R_ESS <- Rfilter$returnESS()
            if(doCpp) {
                CfilterOut <- Cfilter$run(numItsR)
                if(filterType == "ensembleKF"){
                    CmvSample <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvSamples')
                    C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)
                    C_subSamples <- C_samples[, attributes(R_samples)$dimnames[[2]], drop = FALSE]
                    CmvSample <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvWSamples')
                    CmvSample2 <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvEWSamples')
                    C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)
                    C_samples2 <- as.matrix(CmvSample2)
                    C_subSamples <- C_samples[, attributes(R_samples)$dimnames[[2]], drop = FALSE]
                    C_subSamples2 <- C_samples2[, attributes(R_samples2)$dimnames[[2]], drop = FALSE]
                    if(filterType != 'LiuWest'){
                        C_ESS <- Rfilter$returnESS()
                        for(i in seq_along(length(C_ESS))){
                            wrap_if_matches('C ESS >= 0', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                                expect_gte(C_ESS[i], 0)
                            wrap_if_matches('C ESS <= numIts', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                                expect_lte(C_ESS[i], numItsR)
                ## for some reason columns in different order in CmvSample...
            if(doR && doCpp && !is.null(R_samples)) {
                ## context(paste0("testing ", example," ", filterType, " filter"))
                if(filterType == "ensembleKF"){
                    expect_equal(R_samples, C_subSamples, info = paste("R and C posterior samples are not equal"))
                    expect_equal(R_samples, C_subSamples, info = paste("R and C weighted posterior samples are not equal"))
                    expect_equal(R_samples2, C_subSamples2, info = paste("R and C equally weighted posterior samples are not equal"))
                    expect_equal(RfilterOut, CfilterOut, info = paste("R and C log likelihood estimates are not equal"))
                    if(filterType != 'LiuWest'){
                        wrap_if_matches('R C ESS match', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                            expect_equal(R_ESS, C_ESS, info = paste("R and C ESS are not equal"))

            if(doCpp) {
                if(!is.null(exactSample)) {
                    for(varName in names(exactSample))
                        expect_equal(round(C_samples[seq_along(exactSample[[varName]]), varName], 8), round(exactSample[[varName]], 8), info = paste0("filter result does not match known samples for: ", varName))

            summarize_posterior <- function(vals)
                return(c(mean = mean(vals), sd = sd(vals), quantile(vals, .025), quantile(vals, .975)))

            if(doCpp) {
                ## if(verbose) {
                ##   try(print(apply(C_samples[, , drop = FALSE], 2, summarize_posterior)))
                ## }

        ## assume doR and doCpp from here down
        if(!is.null(results)) {
            ## do (potentially) longer run and compare results to inputs given
            Cll <- Cfilter$run(numItsC_results)
            for(wMetric in c(TRUE, FALSE)){
                weightedOutput <- 'unweighted'
                if(filterType == "ensembleKF")
                    CfilterSample <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvSamples')
                        CfilterSample <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvWSamples')
                        weightedOutput <-"weighted"
                        CfilterSample <- nfVar(Cfilter, 'mvEWSamples')

                C_samples <- as.matrix(CfilterSample)[, , drop = FALSE]
                if(weightedOutput == "weighted"){
                    wtIndices <- grep("^wts\\[", dimnames(C_samples)[[2]])
                    C_weights <- as.matrix(C_samples[,wtIndices, drop = FALSE])
                    C_samples <- as.matrix(C_samples[,-wtIndices, drop = FALSE])
                latentNames <- Rmodel$expandNodeNames(latentNodes, sort = TRUE, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
                if(weightedOutput == "weighted"){
                    samplesToWeightsMatch <- rep(dim(C_weights)[2], dim(C_samples)[2])
                    latentIndices <- match(latentNames, dimnames(C_samples)[[2]])
                    latentSampLength <- length(latentNames)
                    if(!saveAll) {  ## added without careful checking; may not be robust
                        latentIndices <- latentIndices[!is.na(latentIndices)]
                        latentSampLength <- 1
                    latentDim <- latentSampLength/dim(C_weights)[2]
                    samplesToWeightsMatch[latentIndices] <- rep(1:dim(C_weights)[2], each = latentDim )
                for(metric in names(results)) {
                    if(!metric %in% c('mean', 'median', 'sd', 'var', 'cov', 'll'))
                        stop("Results input should be named list with the names indicating the summary metrics to be assessed, from amongst 'mean', 'median', 'sd', 'var', 'cov', and 'll'.")
                    if(!(metric %in% c('cov', 'll'))) {
                        if(weightedOutput == "weighted"){
                            postResult <- sapply(1:dim(C_samples)[2], weightedMetricFunc, metric = metric, weights = C_weights, samples = C_samples, samplesToWeightsMatch)
                            postResult <- apply(C_samples, 2, metric)
                        for(varName in names(results[[metric]])) {
                            samplesNames <- dimnames(C_samples)[[2]]
                            if(!grepl(varName, "[", fixed = TRUE))
                                samplesNames <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", samplesNames)
                            matched <- which(varName == samplesNames)
                            if(!saveAll) {  ## added without careful checking; may not be robust
                                diff <- abs(postResult[matched] - results[[metric]][[varName]][length(results[[metric]][[varName]])])
                            } else {
                                diff <- abs(postResult[matched] - results[[metric]][[varName]])
                            for(ind in seq_along(diff)) {
                                strInfo <- ifelse(length(diff) > 1, paste0("[", ind, "]"), "")
                                expect_lt(diff[ind], resultsTolerance[[metric]][[varName]][ind],
                                          label = paste0("filter posterior result against known posterior for:", weightedOutput,  metric, "(", varName, strInfo, ")"))
                    } else if (metric == 'cov' ) {
                        for(varName in names(results[[metric]])) {
                            matched <- grep(varName, dimnames(C_samples)[[2]], fixed = TRUE)
                            ##             if(weightedOutput == "weighted")
                            ##               postResult <- cov.wt(C_samples[, matched], wt = )  #weighted covariance not currently implemented
                            ##             else
                            postResult <- cov(C_samples[ , matched])
                            ## next bit is on vectorized form of matrix so a bit awkward
                            diff <- c(abs(postResult - results[[metric]][[varName]]))
                            for(ind in seq_along(diff)) {
                                strInfo <- ifelse(length(diff) > 1, paste0("[", ind, "]"), "")
                                expect_lt(diff[ind], resultsTolerance[[metric]][[varName]][ind],
                                          label = paste0("filter posterior result against known posterior for", example, ":",  metric, "(", varName, ")", strInfo))
                    else {  # ll (log likelihood)
                        diff <- abs(Cll - results[[metric]][[1]][1])
                        expect_lt(diff, resultsTolerance[[metric]][[1]][1], label = paste0("filter log-likelihood result against known log-likelihood for", example, ":",  metric))
        try(print(apply(as.matrix(C_samples), 2, summarize_posterior)))  ## print summaries of equally weighted samples
        if(returnSamples) {
                returnVal <- as.matrix(CmvSample)
        if(doCpp) {
            if(.Platform$OS.type != 'windows') 

    cat("===== Finished ", filterType, " filter test for ", name, ". =====\n", sep = "")

test_mcmc <- function(example, model, data = NULL, inits = NULL, ..., name = NULL, knownFailures = list(), expectWarnings = list(), avoidNestedTest = FALSE) {
    ## imitate processing test_mcmc_internal just to get a name for the test_that description
    if(is.null(name)) {
        if(!missing(example)) {
            name <- example
        } else {
            if(is.character(model)) {
                name <- model
            } else {
                name <- 'unnamed case'
    name <- basename(name) ## name could be a pathed directory including tempdir(), which would change every time and hence appear as errors in line-by-line comparison with the gold file. So for futher purposes we use only the file name
    ## `missing(example)` does not work inside the test_that
    if(!missing(example)) {
        ## classic-bugs example specified by name
        dir = nimble:::getBUGSexampleDir(example)
        if(missing(model)) model <- example
        modelKnown <- TRUE
    } else {
        dir = ""
        modelKnown <- !missing(model)

    if(avoidNestedTest) {  ## sometimes test_mcmc is called from within a test_that; this avoids report of empty test as of testthat v2.0.0
        expect_true(modelKnown, 'Neither BUGS example nor model code supplied.')
        Rmodel <- readBUGSmodel(model, data = data, inits = inits, dir = dir, useInits = TRUE,
                                check = FALSE)
        test_mcmc_internal(Rmodel, ..., name = name, knownFailures = knownFailures, expectWarnings = expectWarnings)
    } else {
        test_that(name, {
            expect_true(modelKnown, 'Neither BUGS example nor model code supplied.')
            Rmodel <- readBUGSmodel(model, data = data, inits = inits, dir = dir, useInits = TRUE,
                                    check = FALSE)
            test_mcmc_internal(Rmodel, ..., name = name, knownFailures = knownFailures, expectWarnings = expectWarnings)

test_mcmc_internal <- function(Rmodel, ##data = NULL, inits = NULL,
                      verbose = nimbleOptions('verbose'), numItsR = 5, numItsC = 1000,
                      basic = TRUE, exactSample = NULL, results = NULL, resultsTolerance = NULL,
                      numItsC_results = numItsC,
                      resampleData = FALSE,
                      topLevelValues = NULL, seed = 0, mcmcControl = NULL, samplers = NULL, removeAllDefaultSamplers = FALSE,
                      doR = TRUE, doCpp = TRUE, returnSamples = FALSE, name = NULL, knownFailures = list(), expectWarnings = list()) {
  # There are three modes of testing:
  # 1) basic = TRUE: compares R and C MCMC values and, if requested by passing values in 'exactSample', will compare results to actual samples (you'll need to make sure the seed matches what was used to generate those samples)
  # 2) if you pass 'results', it will compare MCMC output to known posterior summaries within tolerance specified in resultsTolerance
  # 3) resampleData = TRUE: runs initial MCMC to get top level nodes then simulates from the rest of the model, including data, to get known parameter values, and fits to the new data, comparing parameter estimates from MCMC with the known parameter values

    # samplers can be given individually for each node of interest or as a vector of nodes for univariate samplers or list of vectors of nodes for multivariate samplers
    # e.g.,
    # multiple univar samplers: samplers(type = 'RW', target = c('mu', 'x'))
    # single multivar sampler: samplers(type = "RW_block", target = c('x[1]', 'x[2]'))
    # single multivar sampler: samplers(type = "RW_block", target = 'x')
    # multiple multivar samplers: samplers(type = "RW_block", target = list('x', c('theta', 'mu')))

    setSampler <- function(var, conf) {
        currentTargets <- sapply(conf$samplerConfs, function(x) x$target)
                                        # remove already defined scalar samplers
        inds <- which(unlist(var$target) %in% currentTargets)
        conf$removeSamplers(inds, print = FALSE)
                                        # look for cases where one is adding a blocked sampler specified on a variable and should remove scalar samplers for constituent nodes
        currentTargets <- sapply(conf$samplerConfs, function(x) x$target)
        inds <- which(sapply(unlist(var$target), function(x) Rmodel$expandNodeNames(x)) %in% currentTargets)
        conf$removeSamplers(inds, print = FALSE)

        if(is.list(var$target) && length(var$target) == 1) var$target <- var$target[[1]]
        if(length(var$target) == 1 || (var$type %in% c("RW_block", "RW_PF_block", "RW_llFunction_block") && !is.list(var$target)))
            tmp <- conf$addSampler(type = var$type, target = var$target, control = var$control, print = FALSE) else tmp <- sapply(var$target, function(x) conf$addSampler(type = var$type, target = x, control = var$control, print = FALSE))
    wrap_if_matches('nameOK', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
        expect_false(is.null(name), info = 'name argument NULL')
    ## leaving this message permanently on for now
    cat("===== Starting MCMC test for ", name, ". =====\n", sep = "") ## for log file, for comparison to gold file
    system(paste0("echo \"===== Starting MCMC test for ", name, ". =====\n\"", sep = "")) ## for travis log file, so it knows the process is not dead after 10 minutes of silence (message() does not work)
    if(doCpp) {
        Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
        if(verbose) cat('done compiling model\n')
    if(!is.null(mcmcControl)) mcmcConf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, control = mcmcControl) else mcmcConf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
    if(removeAllDefaultSamplers) mcmcConf$removeSamplers()
    if(!is.null(samplers)) {
        sapply(samplers, setSampler, mcmcConf)
            cat("Setting samplers to:\n")
    vars <- Rmodel$getDependencies(Rmodel$getNodeNames(topOnly = TRUE, stochOnly = TRUE), stochOnly = TRUE, includeData = FALSE, downstream = TRUE)
    vars <- unique(nimble:::removeIndexing(vars))
    mcmcConf$addMonitors(vars, print = FALSE)
    Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(mcmcConf)
    if(doCpp) {
        Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
    if(basic) {
        ## do short runs and compare R and C MCMC output
        if(doR) {
            R_samples <- NULL
            ## need expect_error not expect_failure(expect_something()) because otherwise
            ## R error will stop execution
            wrap_if_matches('R MCMC', names(knownFailures), expect_error, {
                RmcmcOut <- Rmcmc$run(numItsR)
                RmvSample  <- nfVar(Rmcmc, 'mvSamples')
                R_samples <- as.matrix(RmvSample)
        if(doCpp) {
            CmvSample <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'mvSamples')
            C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)
            ## for some reason columns in different order in CmvSample...
                C_subSamples <- C_samples[seq_len(numItsR), attributes(R_samples)$dimnames[[2]], drop = FALSE]
        if(doR && doCpp && !is.null(R_samples)) {
            wrap_if_matches('R C samples match', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                expect_equal(R_samples, C_subSamples, info = paste("R and C posterior samples are not equal"))

        if(doCpp) {
            if(!is.null(exactSample)) {
                for(varName in names(exactSample))
                    wrap_if_matches('C samples match known samples', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                        expect_equal(round(C_samples[seq_along(exactSample[[varName]]), varName], 8),
                                     round(exactSample[[varName]], 8),
                                     info = paste0("Equality of compiled MCMC samples and known exact samples for variable ", varName))})
        summarize_posterior <- function(vals)
            return(c(mean = mean(vals), sd = sd(vals), quantile(vals, .025), quantile(vals, .975)))
        if(doCpp) {
                start <- round(numItsC / 2) + 1
                try(print(apply(C_samples[start:numItsC, , drop = FALSE], 2, summarize_posterior)))
    ## assume doR and doCpp from here down
    if(!is.null(results)) {
        ## do (potentially) longer run and compare results to inputs given
        CmvSample <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'mvSamples')
        postBurnin <- (round(numItsC_results/2)+1):numItsC_results
        C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)[postBurnin, , drop = FALSE]
        for(metric in names(results)) {
            if(!metric %in% c('mean', 'median', 'sd', 'var', 'cov'))
                stop("Results input should be named list with the names indicating the summary metrics to be assessed, from amongst 'mean', 'median', 'sd', 'var', and 'cov'.")
            if(metric != 'cov') {
                postResult <- apply(C_samples, 2, metric)
                for(varName in names(results[[metric]])) {
                    samplesNames <- dimnames(C_samples)[[2]]
                    if(!grepl("[", varName, fixed = TRUE))
                        samplesNames <- gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", samplesNames)
                    matched <- which(varName == samplesNames)
                    diff <- abs(postResult[matched] - results[[metric]][[varName]])
                    for(ind in seq_along(diff)) {
                        strInfo <- ifelse(length(diff) > 1, paste0("[", ind, "]"), "")
                        wrap_if_matches(paste('MCMC match to known posterior:', varName, metric, ind), names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                            expect_true(diff[ind] < resultsTolerance[[metric]][[varName]][ind],
                                        info = paste("Test of MCMC result against known posterior for :",  metric, "(", varName, strInfo, ")"))
            } else  { # 'cov'
                for(varName in names(results[[metric]])) {
                    matched <- grep(varName, dimnames(C_samples)[[2]], fixed = TRUE)
                    postResult <- cov(C_samples[ , matched])
                                        # next bit is on vectorized form of matrix so a bit awkward
                    diff <- c(abs(postResult - results[[metric]][[varName]]))
                    for(ind in seq_along(diff)) {
                        strInfo <- ifelse(length(diff) > 1, paste0("[", ind, "]"), "")
                        wrap_if_matches(paste('MCMC match to known posterior:', varName, 'cov', ind), names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
                            expect_true(diff[ind] < resultsTolerance[[metric]][[varName]][ind],
                                        info = paste("Test of MCMC result against known posterior for:",  metric, "(", varName, ")", strInfo))
    if(returnSamples) {
            returnVal <- as.matrix(CmvSample)
    } else returnVal <- NULL
    if(resampleData) {
        topNodes <- Rmodel$getNodeNames(topOnly = TRUE, stochOnly = TRUE)
        topNodesElements <- Rmodel$getNodeNames(topOnly = TRUE, stochOnly = TRUE,
                                                returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        if(is.null(topLevelValues)) {
            postBurnin <- (round(numItsC/2)):numItsC
            if(is.null(results) && !basic) {
                                        # need to generate top-level node values so do a basic run
                CmvSample <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'mvSamples')
                C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)[postBurnin, ]
            topLevelValues <- as.list(apply(C_samples[ , topNodesElements, drop = FALSE], 2, mean))
        if(!is.list(topLevelValues)) {
            topLevelValues <- as.list(topLevelValues)
            if(sort(names(topLevelValues)) != sort(topNodesElements))
                stop("Values not provided for all top level nodes; possible name mismatch")
        sapply(topNodesElements, function(x) Cmodel[[x]] <- topLevelValues[[x]])
                                        # check this works as side effect
        nontopNodes <- Rmodel$getDependencies(topNodes, self = FALSE, includeData = TRUE, downstream = TRUE, stochOnly = FALSE)
        nonDataNodesElements <- Rmodel$getDependencies(topNodes, self = TRUE, includeData = FALSE, downstream = TRUE, stochOnly = TRUE, returnScalarComponents = TRUE)
        dataVars <- unique(nimble:::removeIndexing(Rmodel$getDependencies(topNodes, dataOnly = TRUE, downstream = TRUE)))
        simulate(Cmodel, nontopNodes)
        dataList <- list()
        for(var in dataVars) {
            dataList[[var]] <- values(Cmodel, var)
            if(Cmodel$modelDef$varInfo[[var]]$nDim > 1)
                dim(dataList[[var]]) <- Cmodel$modelDef$varInfo[[var]]$maxs
        trueVals <- values(Cmodel, nonDataNodesElements)
        names(trueVals) <- nonDataNodesElements
        CmvSample <- nfVar(Cmcmc, 'mvSamples')
        postBurnin <- (round(numItsC_results/2)):numItsC
        C_samples <- as.matrix(CmvSample)[postBurnin, nonDataNodesElements, drop = FALSE]
        interval <- apply(C_samples, 2, quantile, c(.025, .975))
        interval <- interval[ , names(trueVals)]
        covered <- trueVals <= interval[2, ] & trueVals >= interval[1, ]
        coverage <- sum(covered) / length(nonDataNodesElements)
        tolerance <- 0.15
        cat("Coverage for ", name, " is", coverage*100, "%.\n")
        miscoverage <- abs(coverage - 0.95)
        ## always print for purpose of goldfile
        # if(miscoverage > tolerance || verbose) {
            cat("True values with 95% posterior interval:\n")
            print(cbind(trueVals, t(interval), covered))
        # }
        wrap_if_matches('coverage', names(knownFailures), expect_failure, {
            expect_true(miscoverage < tolerance,
                        info = paste("Test of MCMC coverage on known parameter values for:", name))

    cat("===== Finished MCMC test for ", name, ". =====\n", sep = "")
    if(doCpp) {
        if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {

test_resampler <- function(samplerName, wtsList, reps = 500, creps = reps){
  n <- sapply(wtsList, function(x){return(length(x))})
  output <- lapply(n, function(x){return(numeric(x))})
  avgCounts <- output
  samplerFunction <- getFromNamespace(samplerName, 'nimble')()
  for(rep in 1:reps){
    counts <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(wtsList)){
      output[[i]] <-    samplerFunction$run(wtsList[[i]])
      counts[[i]] <- numeric(length(output[[i]]))
      for(j in 1:n[i]){
        counts[[i]][j] <- length(which(output[[i]] == j))
      avgCounts[[i]] <- avgCounts[[i]] + counts[[i]]
  expectedValue <- list(length(wtsList))
  for(i in 1:length(wtsList)){
    avgCounts[[i]] <- avgCounts[[i]]/reps
    expectedValue[[i]] <- n[i]*(wtsList[[i]]/sum(wtsList[[i]]))
    diffVec <- abs(expectedValue[[i]] - avgCounts[[i]])
    for(j in 1:n[i]){
      test_that(paste0("Test of accurate samples for uncompiled resampling
                      method ", samplerName, ", weight set ", i,
                       ", weight number ", j), 
                expect_lt(diffVec[j], sqrt(expectedValue[[i]][j]) + .01))
  avgCounts <- lapply(n, function(x){return(numeric(x))})
  compiledSamplerFunction <-  compileNimble(samplerFunction)
  for(rep in 1:reps){
    counts <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(wtsList)){
      output[[i]] <-    compiledSamplerFunction$run(wtsList[[i]])
      counts[[i]] <- numeric(length(output[[i]]))
      for(j in 1:n[i]){
        counts[[i]][j] <- length(which(output[[i]] == j))
      avgCounts[[i]] <- avgCounts[[i]] + counts[[i]]
  expectedValue <- list(length(wtsList))
  for(i in 1:length(wtsList)){
    avgCounts[[i]] <- avgCounts[[i]]/reps
    expectedValue[[i]] <- n[i]*(wtsList[[i]]/sum(wtsList[[i]]))
    diffVec <- abs(expectedValue[[i]] - avgCounts[[i]])
    for(j in 1:n[i]){
      test_that(paste0("Test of accurate samples for compiled resampling
                       method ", samplerName, ", weight set ", i,
                       ", weight number ", j), 
                expect_lt(diffVec[j], sqrt(expectedValue[[i]][j]) + .01))

##### SET PARAMETERS #####
context("Testing of different Filtering Algorithms")

### particle filter testing follows similar steps to MCMC testing.
### for each example, we comapare filter output between R and C.  We also (where applicable) compare:
### 1) estimated values for latent states to true values for both weighted and equally weighted samples
### 2) estimated top level parameter values to known values (Liu-West filter, PMCMC)
### 3) estimated log-likelihood values to known values (for normal transition - observation
###    models where LL can be calculated analytically via KF)

RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)

oldWidth <- getOption("width")
options(width = 1000)

goldFileName <- 'filteringTestLog_Correct.Rout'
tempFileName <- 'filteringTestLog.Rout'
generatingGoldFile <- !is.null(nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForFilteringTesting'))
outputFile <- if (generatingGoldFile) file.path(nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForFilteringTesting'), goldFileName) else tempFileName


nimbleProgressBarSetting <- nimbleOptions('MCMCprogressBar')
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = FALSE)

### basic scalar latent node example, no top-level params

##### BEGIN TESTING #####
code <- nimbleCode({
  x0 ~ dnorm(0,1)
  x[1] ~ dnorm(a + b*x0, 1)
  y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], var = 2)
    for(i in 2:3) {
        x[i] ~ dnorm(a + b*x[i-1], 1)
        y[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], var = 2)
testdata = list(y = c(0,1,2))
inits = list(x0 = 0, a = 0, b = 1)

### ll, means, vars calculated from FKF R packgae
ActualLL <- -5.08

test_filter(model = code, name = 'basic bootstrap, always resamp', data = testdata, filterType = "bootstrap", latentNodes = "x",
             filterControl = list(thresh = 1, saveAll = TRUE),
             inits = inits,
             results = list(mean = list(x = c(0,0.454,1.209)),
                            var = list(x = c(.667, .909, .977)),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     var = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     ll = list(2)))

test_filter(model = code, name = 'basic auxiliary', data = testdata, filterType = "auxiliary", latentNodes = "x",
             inits = inits,
             results = list(mean = list(x = c(0,0.454,1.209)),
                            var = list(x = c(.667, .909, .977)),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     var = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     ll = list(2)))

test_filter(model = code, name = 'basic auxiliary, saveAll = FALSE', data = testdata, filterType = "auxiliary", latentNodes = "x", filterControl = list(saveAll = FALSE), 
             inits = inits,
             results = list(mean = list(x = c(0,0.454,1.209)),
                            var = list(x = c(.667, .909, .977)),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     var = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     ll = list(2)))

test_filter(model = code, name = 'basic auxiliary w/ mean lookahead', data = testdata, filterType = "auxiliary",
             latentNodes = "x", filterControl = list(lookahead = "mean", saveAll = TRUE),
             inits = inits,
             results = list(mean = list(x = c(0,0.454,1.209)),
                            var = list(x = c(.667, .909, .977)),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     var = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     ll = list(2)))

test_filter(model = code, name = 'basic ensembleKF', data = testdata, filterType = "ensembleKF", latentNodes = "x",
             inits = inits,
             results = list(mean = list(x = c(0,0.454,1.209)),
                            var = list(x = c(.667, .909, .977))),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(.2,3)),
                                     var = list(x = rep(.2,3))))

### multivariate latent node and data node example, no top-level params

code <- nimbleCode({
  x[1,1:3] ~ dmnorm(x0[1:3], cov = xCov[1:3, 1:3])
  yMean[1,1:2] <- obsMat[1:2,1:3]%*%x[1,1:3]
  y[1,1:2] ~ dmnorm(yMean[1,1:2], cov = yCov[1:2,1:2])
  for(i in 2:3) {
    prevX[i,1:3] <- a[1:3] + b * x[i-1,1:3]
    x[i,1:3] ~ dmnorm(prevX[i,1:3] , cov = xCov[1:3, 1:3])
    yMean[i,1:2] <- obsMat[1:2,1:3]%*%x[i,1:3]
    y[i,1:2] ~  dmnorm(yMean[i,1:2], cov = yCov[1:2,1:2])
testdata = list(y = matrix(c(0, 1,
                         1, 2,
                         2, 3), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
            obsMat = matrix(c(1,0,0,
                           0,1,1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
              x0 = c(1,1,1),
              xCov = matrix(c(1,0,0,
                              0,1,4), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              yCov = matrix(c(.5, .1,
                            .1, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))

xFilter <- matrix(c(.323,1.02,1.03,
                       .819, .991, .985,
                       .946, 1.333, 1.556), nrow = 3, byrow = T)

xFilterTol <- matrix(1.2, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)

ActualLL <- -10.235

test_filter(model = code, name = 'multivariate bootstrap, always resamp', data = testdata, filterType = "bootstrap", latentNodes = "x", inits = list(a = rep(0,3), b = 1), 
             filterControl = list(thresh = 1, saveAll = TRUE, timeIndex = 1),
             results = list(mean = list(x = xFilter),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = xFilterTol),
                                      ll = list(2)))
test_filter(model = code, name = 'multivariate auxiliary', data = testdata, filterType = "auxiliary", latentNodes = "x", inits = list(a = rep(0,3), b = 1), 
             filterControl = list(saveAll = TRUE, timeIndex = 1),
             results = list(mean = list(x = xFilter),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = xFilterTol),
                                     ll = list(2)))

## On Windows the next test can create a DLL name conflict and look
## up the wrong C++ class, from a previous DLL.  Hence this will be the break
## into two windows test units
## Update (2021-12-04): all tests seem to pass on Windows now, so commenting out.
## if(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
##     message("Stopping filtering test here on Windows to avoid multiple DLL problems. Run test-filtering2 to continue")
##     stop()
## }

test_filter(model = code, name = 'multivariate auxiliary mean lookahead', data = testdata, filterType = "auxiliary", latentNodes = "x", inits = list(a = rep(0,3), b = 1),
             filterControl = list(saveAll = TRUE, timeIndex = 1, lookahead = "mean"),
             results = list(mean = list(x = xFilter),
                            ll = list(ActualLL)),
             resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = xFilterTol),
                                     ll = list(2)))

test_filter(model = code, name = 'multivariate ensembleKF', data = testdata, filterType = "ensembleKF", latentNodes = "x", inits = list(a = rep(0,3), b = 1),
            filterControl = list(timeIndex = 1, saveAll = F),
            results = list(mean = list(x = xFilter[3,])),
            resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = xFilterTol[3,])))

### scalar latent node and data node example, two top-level params

code <- nimbleCode({
  x[1] ~ dnorm(mean = mu0, sd = sigma_x);
  y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], sd=sigma_y);
  for(i in 2:N){
    x[i] ~ dnorm(mean = a + b*x[i-1], sd = sigma_x);
    y[i] ~ dnorm(mean = x[i], sd=sigma_y);
  sigma_x ~ T(dnorm(1, sd = .5), 0,);
  sigma_y ~ T(dnorm(.1, sd = .5), 0,);
  mu0 <- 0


a <- 0
b <- 1
N <- 5
sigma_x <- 1
sigma_y <- .1
x <- rep(NA, N)
y <- x
x[1] <- rnorm(1,0,sigma_x)
y[1] <- rnorm(1,x[1], sigma_y)
for(i in 2:N){
  x[i] <- rnorm(1,a+b*x[i-1], sigma_x)
  y[i] <- rnorm(1,x[i], sigma_y)

consts <- list(N=N)

testdata <- list(y=y)

inits <- list(sigma_x=sigma_x, sigma_y=sigma_y, x = x, a = a, b = b)

##  this now fails with a+b*x offset because of issue #955
test_filter(model = code, name = 'scalar lwf', inits = inits, data = c(testdata, consts), filterType = "LiuWest", latentNodes = "x", results = list(
  mean = list(x = x,
              sigma_x = sigma_x,
              sigma_y = sigma_y)),
  resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(x = rep(1,N),
                                      sigma_x = .5,
                                      sigma_y = .5)))

test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'scalar pmcmc', inits = inits, data = c(testdata, consts),  samplers = list(
  list(type = 'RW_PF', target = 'sigma_x', control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000)),
  list(type = 'RW_PF', target = 'sigma_y', control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000))),
  removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, numItsC = 1000, results = list(
  mean = list( sigma_x = sigma_x,
              sigma_y = sigma_y)),
  resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(sigma_x = .5,
                                      sigma_y = .5)))

test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'block pmcmc', inits = inits, data = c(testdata, consts),
          seed = 2, # This avoids warnings because of NAs from proposing negative sigma_y values.
          samplers = list(
  list(type = 'RW_PF_block', target = c('sigma_x', 'sigma_y'), control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000, resample = FALSE))),
  removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, numItsC = 1000, results = list(
    mean = list(sigma_x = sigma_x,
                sigma_y = sigma_y)),
  resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(sigma_x = .5,
                                      sigma_y = .5)))
# , expectWarnings = list("C MCMC" = "NaNs produced"))

## Let's stop here to save testing time
## # test MCMC with longer runs and lower tolerance
## set.seed(0)
## N <- 50
## sigma_x <- 1
## sigma_y <- .1
## x <- rep(NA, N)
## y <- x
## x[1] <- rnorm(1,0,sigma_x)
## y[1] <- rnorm(1,x[1], sigma_y)
## for(i in 2:N){
##   x[i] <- rnorm(1,x[i-1], sigma_x)
##   y[i] <- rnorm(1,x[i], sigma_y)
## }

## consts <- list(N=N)

## testdata <- list(y=y)

## inits <- list(sigma_x=1, sigma_y=.1, x = x)

## test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'scalar pmcmc, more data', inits = inits, data = c(testdata, consts),  basic = FALSE, samplers = list(
##   list(type = 'RW_PF', target = 'sigma_x', control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000, resample = FALSE)),
##   list(type = 'RW_PF', target = 'sigma_y', control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000, resample = FALSE))),
##   removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, numItsC = 1000, numItsC_results = 5000, results = list(
##   mean = list( sigma_x = sigma_x,
##               sigma_y = sigma_y)),
##   resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(sigma_x = .1,
##                                       sigma_y = .1)))

## test_mcmc(model = code, name = 'block pmcmc, more data', inits = inits, data = c(testdata, consts), basic = FALSE, samplers = list(
##   list(type = 'RW_PF_block', target = c('sigma_x', 'sigma_y'), control = list(latents = 'x', m = 1000, resample = FALSE))),
##   removeAllDefaultSamplers = TRUE, numItsC = 1000, numItsC_results = 5000, results = list(
##     mean = list(sigma_x = sigma_x,
##                 sigma_y = sigma_y)),
##   resultsTolerance = list(mean = list(sigma_x = .1,
##                                       sigma_y = .1)))

test_that("IF2", {
    Nile <- c(1120,1160,963,1210,1160,1160,813,1230,1370,1140,995,935,1110,994,1020,960,1180,799,958,1140,1100,1210,1150,1250,1260,1220,1030,1100,774,840,874,694,940,833,701,916,692,1020,1050,969,831,726,456,824,702,1120,1100,832,764,821,768,845,864,862,698,845,744,796,1040,759,781,865,845,944,984,897,822,1010,771,676,649,846,812,742,801,1040,860,874,848,890,744,749,838,1050,918,986,797,923,975,815,1020,906,901,1170,912,746,919,718,714,740)  # avoid FKF suggests dependency
    flowCode <- nimbleCode({
        for(t in 1:n)
            y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t], sd = sigmaMeasurements)
        x[1] ~ dnorm(x0, sd = sigmaInnovations)    
        for(t in 2:n)
            x[t] ~ dnorm((t-1==28)*meanShift1899 + x[t-1], sd = sigmaInnovations)
        logSigmaInnovations ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
        logSigmaMeasurements ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
        sigmaInnovations <- exp(logSigmaInnovations)
        sigmaMeasurements <- exp(logSigmaMeasurements)
        x0 ~ dnorm(1120, var = 100)
        meanShift1899 ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
    flowModel <- nimbleModel(flowCode, data = list(y = Nile),
                             constants = list(n = length(Nile)),
                             inits = list(logSigmaInnovations = log(sd(Nile)),
                                          logSigmaMeasurements = log(sd(Nile)),
                                          meanShift1899 = -100))
    filter <- buildIteratedFilter2(model = flowModel,
                                   nodes = 'x',
                                   params = c('logSigmaInnovations',
                                   baselineNode = 'x0',
                                   control = list(sigma = c(0.1, 0.1, 5),
                                                  initParamSigma = c(0.1, 0.1, 5)))
    cFlowModel <- compileNimble(flowModel)
    cFilter  <- compileNimble(filter, project = flowModel)
    niter <- 100
    est <- cFilter$run(m = 1000, niter = niter, alpha = 0.2)

    ## Expect values similar to what obtained in version 0.9.0.
    expect_gt(cFilter$logLik[niter], -627.5, ) 
    expect_lt(exp(est[1]), 10)
    expect_lt(abs(exp(est[2]) - 126), 10)
    expect_lt(abs(est[3] + 271), 10)

test_that("Test findLatentNodes", {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        for(j in 1:p)
            x[j, 1] ~ dnorm(0,1)
        for(i in 2:n)
            for(j in 1:p)
                x[j,i] ~ dnorm(x[j,i-1], 1)
    model <- nimbleModel(code,constants = list(n = 6, p = 4))
                     paste0('x[1:4, ', 1:6, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[2:3,3:5]'),
                     paste0('x[2:3, ', 3:5, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[,2:6]'),
                     paste0('x[1:4, ', 2:6, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[,2:4]'),
                     paste0('x[', 1:4, ', 2:4]'))

    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, c('x[1:3,1]', 'x[1:3,2]', 'x[1:3,3]', 'x[1:3,4]')),
                     paste0('x[1:3, ', 1:4, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, c('x[,1]', 'x[,2]', 'x[,3]', 'x[,4]', 'x[,5]')), 
                     paste0('x[1:4, ', 1:5, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, c('x[ ,1]', 'x[ ,2]', 'x[ ,3]', 'x[ ,4]', 'x[,5]')),
                     paste0('x[1:4, ', 1:5, ']'))
    expect_error(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[ ,1:4]'),
                 "unable to determine which dimension")

    code = nimbleCode({
        for (j in 1:p)
            x[j, 1, 3] ~ dnorm(0,1)
        for (i in 2:n)
            for (j in 1:p)
                x[j,i, 3] ~ dnorm(x[j,i-1, 3], 1)
    model = nimbleModel(code,constants = list(n=10, p =5))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[2:4, 3:8, 3]'),
                     paste0('x[2:4, ', 3:8, ', 3]'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x'),
                     paste0('x[1:5, ', 1:10, ', 3]'))

    code = nimbleCode({
        x[1] ~ dnorm(0,1)
        for(i in 2:6)
            x[i] ~ dnorm(x[i-1], 1)
    model = nimbleModel(code)
    nodes = 'x[2:6]'
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x[2:6]'),
                     paste0('x[', 2:6, ']'))
    expect_identical(nimbleSMC:::findLatentNodes(model, 'x'),
                     paste0('x[', 1:6, ']'))    


if (!generatingGoldFile) {
    test_that("Log file matches gold file", {
        trialResults <- readLines(tempFileName)
        correctResults <- readLines(system.file(file.path('test-utils', goldFileName), package = 'nimbleSMC'))
        compareFilesByLine(trialResults, correctResults)

test_that('initializeModel works correctly for state space models', {
    relCue[1]=sample(opt,size = 1)
    for (t in 2:nTrials){
        if (max(t==changeT)==1) {
            if (length(opt)>1) {relCue[t]=sample(opt,size = 1)} else {relCue[t]=opt}
        if (valid<=validity){genCues[t,relCue[t]]<-genTarget[t]} else {genCues[t,relCue[t]]<--1*genTarget[t]}
        for (t in 2:nTrials){
    inits<-list(gamma=0.75, tau=0.9)
    Rmodel<-nimbleModel(code = stateSpaceCode,data = datalist,constants=constants,inits = inits, calculate = FALSE)
    Rinit <- initializeModel(Rmodel)
    Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
    Cinit <- compileNimble(Rinit, project = Rmodel)
    expect_lt(abs(Rmodel$calculate() + 77.49817), 0.00001)
    expect_lt(abs(Cmodel$calculate() + 77.49817), 0.00001)
    stateSpaceModel<-nimbleModel(code = stateSpaceCode,data = datalist,constants=constants,inits = inits, calculate = FALSE)

    ## If set m=10, get threshNum = 8 exactly and weird floating point diffs between R and C
    ## that cause whether resampling in done in some time steps to change. Very weird.
    expect_lt(abs(bootstrapFilter$run(12) + 51.38703), 0.00001)
    expect_lt(abs(compiledList$bootstrapFilter$run(12) + 51.38703), 0.00001)

options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = nimbleProgressBarSetting)
options(width = oldWidth)

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nimbleSMC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 1:07 a.m.