#' Create documents in a database
#' A message is emitted if the container `key` already exists.
#' An error is raised for document(s) in `value` when their
#' `_id` already exist(s) in the collection `key`;
#' use [docdb_update()] to update such document(s).
#' @section Identifiers:
#' If `value` is a data.frame that has a column `_id`,
#' or is a JSON string having a key `_id` at root level,
#' or is a list having an item `_id` at its top level,
#' this will be used as `_id`'s and primary index
#' in the database. If there are no such `_id`'s in `value`,
#' row names (if any exist) of `value` will be used as `_id`'s,
#' otherwise random `_id`'s will be created (using
#' [uuid::UUIDgenerate()] with \code{use.time = TRUE} for
#' SQLite and PostgreSQL, or using DuckDB's built-in `uuid()`).
#' @param src Source object, result of call to any of functions
#' [src_mongo()], [src_sqlite()], [src_elastic()], [src_couchdb()]
#' [src_duckdb()] or [src_postgres()]
#' @param key (character) The name of the container in the
#' database backend (corresponds to `collection` for MongoDB,
#' `dbname` for CouchDB, `index` for Elasticsearch, and to
#' a table name for DuckDB, SQLite and PostgreSQL)
#' @param value The data to be created in the database:
#' a single data.frame, a JSON string, a list, or a
#' file name or URL that points to NDJSON documents
#' @param ... Passed to functions [sofa::db_bulk_create()],
#' [elastic::docs_bulk()], and [mongolite::mongo()]$insert()
#' @return (integer) Number of successfully created documents
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' src <- src_sqlite()
#' docdb_create(src,
#' key = "diamonds_small",
#' value =[1:3000L, ])
#' )
#' head(docdb_get(src, "diamonds_small"))
#' docdb_create(src, key = "contacts", value = contacts)
#' docdb_get(src, "contacts")[["friends"]]
#' }
docdb_create <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
assert(src, "docdb_src")
assert(key, "character")
assert(value, c("data.frame", "list", "character"))
UseMethod("docdb_create", src)
#' @export
docdb_create.src_couchdb <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
# create database if not yet existing
result <- try(sofa::db_create(src$con, dbname = key, delifexists = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
if (grepl("already exists", result))
existsMessage(key) else stop(result, call. = FALSE)}
# convert into target list
# data frame
if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if ("_id", names(value)))) {
# if no _id column
if (!identical(rownames(value),
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
value[["_id"]] <- row.names(value)
row.names(value) <- NULL
row.names(value) <- NULL
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
jsonlite::toJSON(value, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = NA),
simplifyVector = FALSE)
} # if data.frame
# convert JSON string to list
if (inherits(value, "character")) {
if (all(class(value) %in% "character") && (length(value) == 1L) &&
(isUrl(value) || isFile(value))) {
# read ndjson file or url
if (isFile(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = file(value), simplifyVector = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
} else if (isUrl(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = url(value), simplifyVector = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
} else {
# read json string
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value, simplifyVector = FALSE)
# mangle lists
if (inherits(value, "list")) {
if (all(sapply(lapply(value, "[[", "_id"), is.null))) {
# add canonical _id's
value <- lapply(value, function(i) c(
"_id" = uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE), i))
# insert data but do not use docid because
# this is not used by sofa. however, sofa
# does use _id's that are in the doc
result <- sofa::db_bulk_create(
# using list as canonical input format
cushion = src$con,
dbname = key,
doc = value,
# prepare return value
result <- unlist(result)
errors <- result[names(result) == "error"]
oks <- result[names(result) == "ok"] == "TRUE"
if (length(errors)) {
warning("Could not create ", length(errors),
" documents, reason: ", unique(errors),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
# return
#' @export
docdb_create.src_elastic <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
result <- try(elastic::index_create(src$con, index = key, verbose = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
if (grepl("already exists", result))
existsMessage(key) else stop(result, call. = FALSE)}
# Loading the fielddata on the _id field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
# If you require sorting or aggregating on this field you should also include the id in the
# body of your documents, and map this field as a keyword field that has [doc_values] enabled
# data frame
if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if ("_id", names(value)))) {
# if no _id column
if (!identical(rownames(value),
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
docids <- row.names(value)
row.names(value) <- NULL
} else {
# add canonical _id's
docids <- uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE, n = nrow(value))
} else {
# use _id column as _id's and remove it
docids <- value[["_id"]]
value <- value[, -match("_id", names(value))]
} # _id column
} # if data.frame
# convert JSON string to list
if (inherits(value, c("character", "json"))) {
# convert ndjson file or json string to list
if (all(class(value) %in% "character") && (length(value) == 1L) &&
(isUrl(value) || isFile(value))) {
# since document IDs cannot be passed in
# with files, create list from file
if (isFile(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = file(value), simplifyVector = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
} else if (isUrl(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = url(value), simplifyVector = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
} else {
if (length(value) == 1L) {
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value, simplifyVector = FALSE)
} else {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(textConnection(value), simplifyVector = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# mangle lists
if (all(class(value) %in% "list")) {
if (all(sapply(lapply(value, "[[", "_id"), is.null))) {
# add canonical _id's
docids <- uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE, n = length(value))
} else {
docids <- sapply(value, "[[", "_id", USE.NAMES = FALSE, simplify = TRUE)
# remove _id's from list
value <- lapply(value, function(i) {i[["_id"]] <- NULL; i})
# create using rownames as _id's
result <- elastic::docs_bulk(
conn = src$con,
x = value,
index = key,
doc_ids = docids,
es_ids = FALSE,
quiet = TRUE,
query = list(refresh = TRUE),
# prepare return value
if (inherits(result, "try-error") || any(sapply(result, "[[", "errors"))) {
error <- unlist(result, use.names = TRUE)
error <- error[grepl("caused_by[.]reason$", names(error))]
"Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(error), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- unlist(result, use.names = TRUE)
result <- result[names(result) == "items.index.result"]
if (any(result != "created")) {
warning("Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(result[result != "created"]), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- sum(result == "created")
#' @export
docdb_create.src_mongo <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
# special check for mongo
chkSrcMongo(src, key)
if (docdb_exists(src, key, value, ...)) existsMessage(key)
# directly import ndjson file
if ((all(class(value) %in% "character")) &&
(length(value) == 1L) &&
(isUrl(value) || isFile(value))) {
# turn into connection
if (isFile(value)) {
value <- file(value)
} else if (isUrl(value)) {
value <- url(value)
# import
result <- try(
# Stream import data in jsonlines format from a
# connection, similar to the mongoimport utility.
con = value
silent = TRUE)
} else {
# since mongolite does not accept valid JSON strings
# that come as an one-element array, convert to list
if (inherits(value, "character")) {
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value, simplifyVector = FALSE)
# mongolite uses _id columns in dataframes as object _id's:
if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if ("_id", names(value)))) {
# if no _id column
if (!identical(rownames(value),
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
value[["_id"]] <- row.names(value)
# row.names(value) <- NULL
} else {
# add canonical _id's
value[["_id"]] <- uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE, n = nrow(value))
} # if no _id column
# early return if no data
if (!nrow(value)) return(0L)
# convert to ndjson which is the format in which errors are raised
# if names (keys) had problematic characters such as . or $
value <- items2ndjson(value, mergeIdCol = TRUE)
} # if data.frame
# convert lists (incl. from previous step) to NDJSON
if (inherits(value, "list")) {
# add canonical _id's
if (((!is.null(names(value)) && !any(names(value) == "_id")) &&
!any(sapply(value, function(i) any(names(i) == "_id")))) ||
!any(names(unlist(value)) == "_id")
) {
value <- lapply(value, function(i) c(
"_id" = uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE), i))
# split list into vector of ndjson records
value <- items2ndjson(value, mergeIdCol = TRUE)
# insert data.frame or JSON
result <- try(
# loading either a dataframe or
# vector of NDJSON (!) strings
data = value,
auto_unbox = TRUE,
digits = NA, ...))[["nInserted"]],
silent = TRUE)
} # if file access directly import ndjson file
# generate user info
if (inherits(result, "try-error") ||
any(grepl("error", result))) {
error <- result[grepl("rror", result)]
error <- trimws(sub(".+E[0-9]+(.*?):.+", "\\1", error))
"Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(error), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- result[!grepl("rror", result)]
result <- min(0, as.integer(result))
#' @export
docdb_create.src_sqlite <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
# reference:
# if table does not exist, create one
if (!docdb_exists(src, key, ...)) {
# standard for a nodbi json table in sqlite
# standard: columns _id and json
out <- try(
conn = src$con,
code = {
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE TABLE \"", key, "\"",
" json JSONB);"))
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ",
"\"", key, "_index\" ON ",
"\"", key, "\" ( _id );"))
}), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(out, "try-error") &&
!grepl(" already exists", out)) stop(out)
} else {
# convert lists to json
if (inherits(value, "list")) {
value <- jsonlite::toJSON(value, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = NA)
# convert JSON string to data frame
if (inherits(value, c("character", "json"))) {
# target is data frame for next section
# convert ndjson file or json string to data frame
if (all(class(value) %in% "character") && (length(value) == 1L) &&
(isUrl(value) || isFile(value))) {
if (isFile(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = file(value), verbose = FALSE)
} else if (isUrl(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = url(value), verbose = FALSE)
} else {
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value)
# data frame
if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if ("_id", names(value)))) {
# if no _id column
if (!identical(rownames(value),
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
value[["_id"]] <- row.names(value)
# row.names(value) <- NULL
} else {
# add canonical _id's
value[["_id"]] <- uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE, n = nrow(value))
} # if no _id column
if (ncol(value) > 2L || (ncol(value) == 2L &&
!all(sort(names(value)) == c("_id", "json")))) {
# no json column, thus convert to df with ndjson in json column
value <- items2ndjson(value)
if (all(class(value[["_id"]]) %in% "list")) {
# in case fromJSON created the _id column as list
value[["_id"]] <- unlist(value[["_id"]])
} # if data.frame
# insert data
result <- try(
# dbAppendTable() uses transactions
# since RSQLite 2.2.2 (2021-01-04)
conn = src$con,
name = key,
# canonical value: a data frame
# with 2 columns, _id and json
value = value),
silent = TRUE)
# prepare returns
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
error <- trimws(sub(".+: (.*?):.+", "\\1", result))
"Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(error), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- 0L
#' @export
docdb_create.src_postgres <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
# reference:
# if table does not exist, create one
if (!docdb_exists(src, key, ...)) {
# standard for a nodbi json table in PostgreSQL
# standard: columns _id and json
out <- try({
# dbiWithTransaction does not work
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE TABLE \"", key, "\"",
" json JSONB);"))
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ",
"\"", key, "_index\" ON ",
"\"", key, "\" ( _id );"))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(out, "try-error") &&
!grepl(" already exists", out)) stop(out)
} else {
# convert lists to json
if (inherits(value, "list")) {
value <- jsonlite::toJSON(value, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = NA)
# convert JSON string to data frame
if (inherits(value, c("character", "json"))) {
# target is data frame for next section
# convert ndjson file or json string to data frame
if (all(class(value) %in% "character") && (length(value) == 1L) &&
(isUrl(value) || isFile(value))) {
if (isFile(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = file(value), verbose = FALSE)
} else if (isUrl(value)) {
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(con = url(value), verbose = FALSE)
} else {
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value)
# data frame
if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
if ("_id", names(value)))) {
# if no _id column
if (!identical(rownames(value),
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
value[["_id"]] <- row.names(value)
# row.names(value) <- NULL
} else {
# add canonical _id's
value[["_id"]] <- uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE, n = nrow(value))
} # if no _id column
if (ncol(value) > 2L ||
(ncol(value) == 2L &&
!all(sort(names(value)) == c("_id", "json")))) {
# no json column, thus convert to df with ndjson in json column
value <- items2ndjson(value)
if (all(class(value[["_id"]]) %in% "list")) {
# in case fromJSON created the _id column as list
value[["_id"]] <- unlist(value[["_id"]])
} # if data.frame
# insert data
result <- try(
conn = src$con,
code = {
conn = src$con,
name = key,
# canonical value: a data frame
# with 2 columns, _id and json
value = value)
silent = TRUE)
# prepare returns
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
error <- trimws(sub(".+: (.*?):.+", "\\1", result))
"Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(error), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- 0L
#' @export
docdb_create.src_duckdb <- function(src, key, value, ...) {
# if table does not exist, create one
if (!docdb_exists(src, key, ...)) {
# standard for a nodbi json table in duckdb
# columns _id and json
out <- try(
conn = src$con,
code = {
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE TABLE \"", key, "\"",
" json JSON);"))
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ",
"\"", key, "_index\" ON ",
"\"", key, "\" ( _id );"))
}), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(out, "try-error") &&
!grepl(" already exists", out)) stop(out)
} else {
# Read-only mode is required if multiple R processes
# want to access the same database file at the same time.
# if value is not a file name, convert value
# into ndjson and keep filename in value
if (!isFile(value)) {
# temporary file and connection
tfname <- tempfile()
tfnameCon <- file(tfname, open = "wt")
# register to close and remove file after used for streaming
on.exit(try(close(tfnameCon), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
on.exit(try(unlink(tfname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
# if json in character vector
if ((all(class(value) %in% "character")) &&
(length(value) == 1L) && jsonlite::validate(value)
) {
# convert to list
value <- jsonlite::fromJSON(value, simplifyVector = TRUE)
# handle url
if (isUrl(value)) {
# converts to list
value <- jsonlite::stream_in(url(value), verbose = FALSE)
# handle data frame
if (inherits(value, "data.frame") &&"_id", names(value))) &&
as.character(seq_len(nrow(value))))) {
# use rownames as _id's and remove rownames
value[["_id"]] <- row.names(value)
row.names(value) <- NULL
# handle ready-made data frames
if (inherits(value, "data.frame") &&
identical(names(value),"json") &&
all(vapply(value[["json"]], jsonlite::validate,
logical(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
if (!nrow(value)) return(0L)
text = stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
str = value[["json"]], pattern = "\n", replacement = "\\n"),
con = tfnameCon,
sep = "\n",
useBytes = TRUE)
} else
# handle ready-made data frames with _id's
if (inherits(value, "data.frame") &&
identical(names(value), c("_id", "json")) &&
all(vapply(value[["json"]], jsonlite::validate,
logical(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
if (!nrow(value)) return(0L)
text = sprintf(
'{"_id":%s, %s',
# remove any _id's from json
gsub("(\"_id\":[^,]+?[,}])|(^[{])", "", value[["json"]])),
con = tfnameCon,
sep = "\n",
useBytes = TRUE)
} else {
if (!length(value) || # testing list
(is.character(value) && !nchar(value)) ||
( && !nrow(value)) return(0L)
jsonlite::toJSON(value, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = NA)),
con = tfnameCon,
verbose = FALSE,
pagesize = 5000L,
auto_unbox = TRUE)
} # handle ready-made data frames
# close
# make value the file name
value <- tfname
} # !isFile(value)
# import from ndjson file
result <- try(
conn = src$con,
statement = paste0(
"INSERT INTO \"", key, "\"",
" SELECT CASE WHEN len(json->>'$._id') > 0 THEN",
" json->>'$._id' ELSE format('{}', uuid()) END AS _id,",
" json_merge_patch(json, '{\"_id\": null}') AS json ",
" FROM read_ndjson_objects('",
value, "');")
), silent = TRUE)
# prepare returns
if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
error <- trimws(sub(".+: (.*?):.+", "\\1", result))
"Could not create some documents, reason: ",
unique(error), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
result <- 0L
## helpers --------------------------------------
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
existsMessage <- function(k) {
message(paste0("Note: container '", k, "' already exists"))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
isUrl <- function(x) {
# check if x is may be an url
if (length(x) != 1L || !is.atomic(x) || !inherits(x, "character")) return(FALSE)
return(grepl("^https?://", x))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
isFile <- function(x) {
# check if x is the name of a readable file
if (length(x) != 1L || !is.atomic(x) || !inherits(x, "character")) return(FALSE)
out <- try(
file.access(x, mode = 4)) == 0L,
silent = TRUE)
return(!inherits(out, "try-error") && out)
items2ndjson <- function(df, mergeIdCol = FALSE) {
# - function takes a data frame or list
# - if mergeIdCol, builds ndjson vector from df items
# - if not, builds ndjson from columns except _id
# returns data frame with columns _id and json
if (!inherits(df, "data.frame") && !inherits(df, "list")) stop()
if (inherits(df, "data.frame")) row.names(df) <- NULL
if (inherits(df, "list")) df <-
jsonlite::toJSON(df, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = NA))
# temporary file and connection
tfname <- tempfile()
on.exit(try(unlink(tfname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
tfnameCon <- file(tfname, open = "wt")
on.exit(try(close(tfnameCon), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
if (mergeIdCol) {
x = df,
con = tfnameCon,
verbose = FALSE,
auto_unbox = TRUE,
pagesize = 5000L,
digits = NA)
tfnameCon <- file(tfname, open = "rt")
on.exit(try(close(tfnameCon), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
} else {
x = df[, -match("_id", names(df)), drop = FALSE],
con = tfnameCon,
verbose = FALSE,
auto_unbox = TRUE,
pagesize = 5000L,
digits = NA)
tfnameCon <- file(tfname, open = "rt")
on.exit(try(close(tfnameCon), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
"_id" = df[["_id"]],
"json" = readLines(tfnameCon),
check.names = FALSE
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.