
Defines functions infer_species match_speciesnames infer_sites infer_sites_intern add_species_stat add_sitestat

Documented in add_sitestat add_species_stat

# I made some major changes here and to infer_sites, that also need to be done for species!
add_sitestat <- function(distrib_data, site_stat, site = NULL){
  if (!inherits(distrib_data, "distrib_data"))
    stop("distrib_data must be an object of type distrib_data, nodiv_data or nodiv_result")

  if (is.matrix(site_stat))
    site_stat <- as.data.frame(site_stat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (is.vector(site_stat)) {
    nam <- deparse(substitute(site_stat))
    if (is.null(names(site_stat)) & length(site_stat) == Nsites(distrib_data)) {
      if (nam %in% names(distrib_data$coords@data))
        warning(paste("Overwriting the contents of", nam))
      distrib_data$coords@data[[nam]] <- site_stat
    rownam <- names(site_stat)
    site_stat <- as.data.frame(site_stat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(site_stat) <- nam
    rownames(site_stat) <- rownam

  temp <- infer_sites(distrib_data, site_stat, site)
  site <- temp$site
  site_stat <- temp$site_stat
  site <- suppressWarnings(identify_sites(as.character(site), distrib_data))

 # if (length(site) < Nsites(distrib_data))
  #  message(paste(Nsites(distrib_data)- length(site), "sites from site_stat were not found in", deparse(substitute(distrib_data))))

  mergeframe <- as.data.frame(lapply(site_stat, function(column) {
    ret <- vector(mode = typeof(column), length = Nsites(distrib_data))
    ret[] <- NA
    if (is.factor(column))
      ret <- factor(ret, levels = levels(column))
    ret[site] <- column
  }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (sum(names(mergeframe) %in% names(distrib_data$coords@data)) > 0) {
    matches <- which(names(distrib_data$coords@data) %in% names(mergeframe))
    deleted <- names(distrib_data$coords@data)[matches]
    distrib_data$coords <- distrib_data$coords[, -matches]
    warning(paste("Some data in the original distrib_data overwritten:\n"), paste(deleted, collapse = "\t"))

  distrib_data$coords@data <- cbind(distrib_data$coords@data, mergeframe)

add_species_stat <- function(distrib_data, species_stat, specs = NULL){

  if (!inherits(distrib_data, "distrib_data"))
    stop("distrib_data must be an object of type distrib_data, nodiv_data or nodiv_result")
  if (is.null(distrib_data$species_stats))
    stop("The distrib_data object is from an earlier version of nodiv. Please run update_object on the object before proceeding")

  if (is.matrix(species_stat))
    species_stat <- as.data.frame(species_stat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (is.vector(species_stat)) {
    nam <- deparse(substitute(species_stat))
    species_stat <- as.data.frame(species_stat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(species_stat) <- nam

  num <- nrow(species_stat)

  if (is.null(specs))
    temp <- infer_species(distrib_data, species_stat)
    specs <- temp$species
    species_stat <- temp$species_stat

  specs <- identify_species(specs, distrib_data)

  if (length(specs) < Nspecies(distrib_data))
    message(paste(num - length(specs), "species were not found in", deparse(substitute(distrib_data))))

  mergeframe <- as.data.frame(lapply(species_stat, function(column) {
    ret <- vector(mode = typeof(column), length = Nspecies(distrib_data))
    ret[] <- NA
    if (is.factor(column)) ret <- factor(ret, levels = levels(column))
    ret[specs] <- column
  }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (sum(names(mergeframe) %in% names(distrib_data$species_stats)) > 0) {
    matches <- which(names(distrib_data$species_stats) %in% names(mergeframe))
    deleted <- names(distrib_data$species_stats)[matches]
    distrib_data$species_stats[,matches] <- NULL
    warning(paste("Some data in the original distrib_data overwritten:\n"), paste(deleted, sep = "\t"))

  distrib_data$species_stats <- cbind(distrib_data$species_stats, mergeframe)

infer_sites_intern <- function(sites, site_stat, name = "", site = NULL) # a non-exported convenience function
#   suppressWarnings(numsites <- as.numeric(sites)) #I removed this as it caused trouble
#   if (sum(is.na(numsites)) < 0.2*length(sites)){
#     if (all.equal(numsites, floor(numsites))) {      # if site names are just integers, matching is not attempted
#       if (nrow(site_stat) == length(sites))
#         return(list(site = sites, site_stat = site_stat)) else
#           warning("Site matching was done based on name matching, which is tricky when site names are integer values")
#     }
#   }
  continue <- FALSE
  temp <- 0
  potnams <- c("sites", "site","Sites", "Site", "plot", "Plot", "cell", "Cell", "ID", "id", "Centroid", "centroid") 
  potid <- which(names(site_stat) %in% potnams)
  if (name == "" && !is.null(site)) {
    name <- "sites"
  } else {
    if (name != "") {
      site <- site_stat[[name]]
    } else {
      if (is.null(rownames(site_stat)))
        continue <- TRUE else {
        if (length(potid) == 0) {
          potentials <- as.list(as.data.frame(rownames(site_stat)))
          names(potentials) <- "rownames"
        } else {
          potentials <- as.list(as.data.frame(site_stat[[potid]]))
          names(potentials) <- names(site_stat)[potid]    
          potentials[["rownames"]] <- rownames(site_stat)
        temp <- sapply(1:length(potentials), function(index){
          matches <- sum(unique(potentials[[index]]) %in% sites)
        res <- which(temp == max(temp))
        if (length(res) > 1) {
          res <- res[1]
          warning(paste(length(res), "variables had an equally good correspondence to the sitenames:", max(temp), ". Using the first of these,", names(potentials)[res], "to align"))
        name <- names(potentials)[res]
        site <- potentials[[res]]
        if (temp[res] < 0.8) continue <- TRUE
      if (continue) {
        temp2 <- sapply(1:length(site_stat), function(index){
          matches <- sum(unique(site_stat[[index]]) %in% sites)
        if (max(temp2) > max(temp)) {
          temp <- temp2
          res <- which(temp == max(temp))[1]
          name <- names(site_stat)[res]
          site <- site_stat[[res]]      

  ##### We need a matching function here to do the actual matching!

  site_stat <- site_stat[!is.na(site),,drop = FALSE]
  site <- site[!is.na(site)]

  site_stat_ret <- site_stat[match(sites, as.character(site)),,drop = FALSE]

  message(paste("Matching sites by", name))
  hits = sum(site %in% sites)
  if (hits == length(site) & hits == length(site))
    message("All sites matched") else
    message(paste(hits, " sites were matched:\n\t", floor(hits/length(site) * 100), "% of ", length(site), " sites in site_stat\n\t", floor(hits/length(sites) * 100), "% of ", length(sites), " sites in distrib_data", sep = ""))

  if (name == "rownames"){
    site_stat_ret$sites <- as.character(site)[match(sites, as.character(site))]
    name <- "sites"

  index <- which(sapply(site_stat_ret, function(x) identical(x, site_stat_ret[[name]])))[1]

  names(site_stat_ret)[index] <- "sites"

  if (sum(names(site_stat_ret) == "sites") > 1)
    stop(paste("Could not match on the variable called sites, as", name, "had a greater correspondence. Please rename"))

  site_stat_ret$sites <- as.character(site_stat_ret$sites)


infer_sites <- function(distrib_data, site_stat, site = NULL) # a non-exported convenience function
  if (is.null(site)){
    name = ""
  } else {
    if (length(site) == 1 && is.character(site))
      name = site
  ret <- infer_sites_intern(sites(distrib_data), site_stat, name, site)

  suppressWarnings(sitenames <- identify_sites(ret$sites, distrib_data, as.name = TRUE))
  matchsite <- match(ret$sites, sitenames)

  site_stat <- ret[!is.na(matchsite),,drop = FALSE]
  site <- site_stat$sites
  site_stat$sites <- NULL

  return(list(site = site, site_stat = site_stat))

match_speciesnames <- function(reference_name, new_name, do_not_match = FALSE){
  chars <- c(" ", ".", "_")
  ref_ll <- sapply(chars, function(x) length(grep(x, reference_name, fixed = TRUE)))
  ref_char <- chars[which(ref_ll == max(ref_ll))[1]]
  new_ll <- sapply(chars, function(x) length(grep(x, new_name, fixed = TRUE)))
  new_char <- chars[which(new_ll == max(new_ll))[1]]
  new_name <- gsub(new_char, ref_char, new_name, fixed = TRUE)
  if (do_not_match)

  ret <- match(new_name, reference_name)

infer_species <- function(distrib_data, species_stat) # a non-exported convenience function
    species_stat$rownames <- rownames(species_stat)
    temp <- sapply(1:length(species_stat), function(index){
      matches <- match_speciesnames(species(distrib_data), species_stat[[index]])
    res <- which(temp == max(temp))[1]
    name <- names(species_stat)[res]
    spec <- species(distrib_data)[match_speciesnames(species(distrib_data), species_stat[[res]])]

  if (temp[res] < 0.5 & sum(spec %in% species(distrib_data)) < 0.5 * Nspecies(distrib_data))
    stop("Species could not be matched automatically, please supply the species argument explicitly")

  if (!name == "rownames")
    species_stat[[name]] <- NULL

  species_stat$rownames <- NULL

  species_stat <- species_stat[!is.na(spec),, drop = FALSE]
  spec <- spec[!is.na(spec)]

  suppressWarnings(specnames <- identify_species(spec, distrib_data, as.name = TRUE))
  matchspec <- match(spec, specnames)

  species_stat <- species_stat[!is.na(matchspec),, drop = FALSE]
  spec <- spec[!is.na(matchspec)]

  message(paste("Matching species by", name))

  return(list(species = spec, species_stat = species_stat))

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nodiv documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:10 a.m.