
Defines functions phyplot add_grid plot_nodes_phylo plot_points plot_grid plot.nodiv_data plot_node plot_richness plot.distrib_data identify.distrib_data plot_sitestat

Documented in identify.distrib_data phyplot plot.distrib_data plot_grid plot_node plot_nodes_phylo plot.nodiv_data plot_points plot_richness plot_sitestat

plot_sitestat <- function(distrib_data, x, shape = NULL, type = c("auto", "points","grid"), ...)
  coords = NULL
  type = match.arg(type)
  if (inherits(distrib_data, "distrib_data"))
    coords = distrib_data$coords
    if (!is.null(distrib_data$shape)) {
      if (is.null(shape))
        shape <- distrib_data$shape else
          warning("overriding the shape file associated with distrib_data")
    if (is.character(x))
      if (length(x) == 1)
        x <- sitestat(distrib_data, x) 
      if (type == "auto")
        type <- distrib_data$type
      if (!type == distrib_data$type)
        warning(paste("Argument type has value",type,"but distrib_data is of type", distrib_data$type,"; this can cause problems or crashes"))
      nsit = Nsites(distrib_data)
  if (inherits(distrib_data, "SpatialPoints")){
    coords <- distrib_data
    nsit <- nrow(coordinates(coords))
  if (is.matrix(distrib_data))
    distrib_data <- data.frame(distrib_data)
  if (is.data.frame(distrib_data))
    if (ncol(distrib_data) == 2){
      coords <- distrib_data
      nsit <- nrow(coords)
  if (is.null(coords))
    stop("Wrong argument type for distrib_data - should be a distrib_data objects, spatial points or a two-column matrix of x and y values")
  if (type == "auto") type <- ifelse(isGrid(coords), "grid", "points")
  if (!length(x) == nsit)
    stop(paste("x must be a numeric vector of length", nsit, "or the name of a site variable in distrib_data"))
  if (type == "grid")
    plot_grid(x, coords, shape = shape, ...) else
      plot_points(x, coords, shape = shape, ...)

identify.distrib_data <- function(x, ...)
  identify(coordinates(x$coords),  ...)

plot.distrib_data <- function(x, ...)
  if (is.null(x$shape)) shape <- NULL else shape <- x$shape
  if (x$type == "grid")
    plot_grid(richness(x), x$coords, shape = shape, ...) else
      plot_points(richness(x), x$coords, shape = shape, ...)

plot_richness <- function(distrib_data, ...)
  if (!inherits(distrib_data, "distrib_data"))
    stop("argument must be an object of type distrib_data, nodiv_data or nodiv_results")
  plot.distrib_data(distrib_data, ...)

plot_node <- function(nodiv_data, node = basal_node(nodiv_data), sites = NULL, ...)
  if (!inherits(nodiv_data, "nodiv_data"))
    stop("argument must be an object of type nodiv_data or nodiv_result")
  node <- identify_node(node, nodiv_data)
  plot_richness(subsample.distrib_data(nodiv_data, species = Node_species(nodiv_data, node), sites = sites), ...)

plot.nodiv_data <- function(x,  ...)
  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot.distrib_data(x, ...)
  plot(x$phylo, show.tip.label = isTRUE(Nspecies(x) < 40), cex = 0.7) #need to specify explicitly which
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))

plot_grid <- function(x, coords, col, shape = NULL, shapefill = "grey", shapeborder = NA, zlim = NULL, zoom_to_points = FALSE, legend = TRUE, gridcol, gridlwd, gridsites, overlay_shape = FALSE, colscale = c("equal_interval", "quantiles"), legendlabels = NULL, ...)
  if (inherits(x, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"))
    rast <- raster(x) else
    if (missing(coords)) stop("coords must be defined if x is not a SpatialPixelsDataFrame") else
      if (inherits(coords, "SpatialPoints"))
        if (!inherits(coords, "SpatialPixels"))
          if (!isGrid(coords)) 
            stop("this function is only suitable for gridded data")

        coords <- SpatialPoints(coords)
        suppressWarnings(rast <- raster(SpatialPixelsDataFrame( coords, as.data.frame(x)))) #TODO NB
      } else {
        if (is.matrix(coords)) 
          coords <- as.data.frame(coords)
        if (is.data.frame(coords))
          if (!is.vector(x)) stop("x must be a vector or a SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
          if (!nrow(coords) == length(x)) stop("x and coords must have the same number of elements")
          if (!ncol(coords) == 2) stop("coords must have exactly two columns, for the x and y coordinates of data")
          if (!isGrid(coords)) stop("this function is only suitable for gridded data")
          coords <- SpatialPoints(coords)
          suppressWarnings(rast <- raster(SpatialPixelsDataFrame(coords, as.data.frame(x)))) #TODO NB
        } else stop("Undefined arguments")

  rawvalues <- getValues(rast)  
  if (!is.null(zlim))
    realzlim <- zlim else
      realzlim <- range(rawvalues, na.rm = T)
  colscale = match.arg(colscale)
  if (colscale == "quantiles")
      suppressWarnings(rast[!is.na(rast[])] <- rank(rast[!is.na(rast[])]))
  if (missing(col)){
    if (is.character(x)) x <- as.factor(x)
    if (is.factor(x))
      coltype <- "individual" else coltype <- "auto"      
    col <- choose.colors(getValues(rast), zlim, coltype = coltype)
    zlim <- attr(col, "zlim")
  if (is.character(col) & length(col) == 1){
    if (col %in% c("auto", "ramp", "monochrome", "divergent", "individual")){
      val <- getValues(rast)
      if (col == "individual")
        val <- as.factor(as.character(val))
      col <- choose.colors(val, zlim, coltype = col)
      zlim <- attr(col, "zlim")
    if (is.character(col))
    if (length(col) == 1)
      if (!substr(col, 1, 1) == "#")
        if (!col %in% colors())
          col <- custom_palette(col)
  if (is.null(zlim)) zlim <- c(min(getValues(rast),na.rm = T),max(getValues(rast),na.rm = T))
  if (min(zlim) == 0 & identical(getValues(rast), floor(getValues(rast))) & length(col) > 1) col[1] <- "grey" #TODO an experimental hack
  mylegend <- FALSE
  if (colscale == "quantiles"){
    if (legend){
      oldpar <- par(plt = c(0.04,0.84,0.01,1), err = -1)
    mylegend <- legend
    legend <-  FALSE
    if (is.null(legendlabels))
      legendlabels <- signif(quantile(rawvalues, (0:length(col))/length(col), na.rm = T), 3)

  if (is.null(shape)) plot(rast, zlim = zlim, col = col, legend = legend, axes = F, ...) else
    if (!inherits(shape, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
      shapeborder <- NULL
    if (zoom_to_points){
      if (inherits(shape, "Raster"))
        plot(shape, col = shapefill, border = shapeborder, xlim = bbox(coords)[1,], ylim = bbox(coords)[2,], legend = FALSE, ...) else 
          plot(shape, col = shapefill, border = shapeborder, xlim = bbox(coords)[1,], ylim = bbox(coords)[2,], ...)
    } else {
      if (inherits(shape, "Raster"))
        plot(shape, col = shapefill, border = shapeborder, legend = FALSE) else plot(shape, col = shapefill, border = shapeborder, ...)
    plot(rast, add = T, zlim = zlim, col = col, legend = legend)
  if (!missing(gridcol) || !missing(gridlwd) || !missing(gridsites)){
    if (missing(gridcol))
      gridcol <- "lightgrey"
    if (missing(gridlwd))
      gridlwd <- 0.4
    if (missing(gridsites))
      gridsites <- 1:length(x)
    add_grid(coords, sites = gridsites, border = gridcol, lwd = gridlwd)
  if (overlay_shape){
    if (is.null(shape))
      stop("No shape to overlay in the data set")
    if (!inherits(shape, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
      stop("Can only overlay objects of type SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
    if (is.na(shapeborder))
      shapeborder = "white"
    plot(shape, border = shapeborder, add = TRUE, lwd = 0.15, ...) 
  if (mylegend) {
    #par <- oldpar
    add_legend(col = col, zlim = zlim, realzlim = realzlim, lab = legendlabels)


plot_points <- function(x, coords, col , shape = NULL, shapefill = "grey", zlim= NULL,  zoom_to_points = FALSE, pch = 16, bg = par("bg"), legend = TRUE, ...)
  if (inherits(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
    coords <- SpatialPoints(x)
    x <- as.numeric(x@data[,1])
  } else {
      if (missing(coords)) stop("coords must be defined if x is not a SpatialPixelsDataFrame") else {
        if (!inherits(coords, "SpatialPoints"))
          if (is.matrix(coords)) coords <- as.data.frame(coords) 
          if (is.data.frame(coords))
            if (!is.vector(x)) stop("x must be a vector or a SpatialPointsDataFrame")
            if (!nrow(coords) == length(x)) stop("x and coords must have the same number of elements")
            if (!ncol(coords) == 2) stop("coords must have exactly two columns, for the x and y coordinates of data")
            coords <- SpatialPoints(coords)
          } else stop("Undefined arguments")

  if (missing(col)){
    col <- choose.colors(x, zlim)
    zlim <- attr(col, "zlim")
  if (is.null(zlim)) zlim <- c(min(x,na.rm = T),max(x,na.rm = T))
  coords <- SpatialPoints(coords)

  #split.screen( rbind(c(0, .8,0,1), c(.8,1,0,1)))
  #par(plt = c(0,0.8,0,1))
  oldpar <- par(mar = c(5,4,4,6) + 0.1)
  if (is.character(col))
    if (length(col) == 1)
      if (!substr(col, 1, 1) == "#")
        if (!col %in% colors())
          col <- custom_palette(col)
  plotcol <- create.cols(x, col, zlim = zlim)
  if (pch %in% 21:25)
    bg <- plotcol
    plotcol <- 1
  if (is.null(shape)) plot(coords, col = plotcol, pch = pch, bg = bg, ...) else
    if (inherits(shape, "Raster")) loc_legend <- FALSE else loc_legend <- NULL
    if (inherits(shape, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
      border <- shapefill else border <- NULL
    if (zoom_to_points)
      plot(shape, col = shapefill,  xlim = bbox(coords)[1,], ylim = bbox(coords)[2,], legend = loc_legend, border = border, ...) else  plot(shape, col = shapefill, legend = loc_legend, border = border, ...)
    plot(coords, col = plotcol, pch = pch, bg = bg, add = T)

  par <- oldpar

  if (legend)  add_legend(col = col, zlim = zlim)
  #image.plot( zlim = zlim,legend.only=TRUE, smallplot=c(.85,.87, .38,.65), col=col)
  ret <- data.frame(x)
  names(ret) <- deparse(substitute(x))
  invisible(SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords, ret))

plot_nodes_phylo <- function(variable, tree, label = variable, main = deparse(substitute(variable)), zlim = NULL, col , show.legend = TRUE, sig.cutoff, nodes, roundoff= TRUE, show.tip.label = NULL, cex = NULL, ...)
    if (!length(variable) == Nnode(tree))
    stop("The length of the variable vector must be the same length as the number of nodes on the tree")
  if (is.null(show.tip.label)) show.tip.label <- isTRUE(Ntip(tree) < 50)
  plotvar <- variable
  if (roundoff & is.numeric(label)) label = round(label,2)

  if (missing(col)){
    col <- choose.colors(plotvar, zlim)
    zlim <- attr(col, "zlim")
  if (is.character(col))
    if (length(col) == 1)
      if (!substr(col, 1, 1) == "#")
        if (!col %in% colors())
          col <- custom_palette(col)
  if (is.null(zlim)) zlim <- c(min(plotvar, na.rm = T), max(plotvar, na.rm = T))
  if (is.null(cex)) cex <- par("cex")
  sizes <- cex * 4 * sqrt((plotvar - zlim[1])/zlim[2])
  if (missing(nodes)) node_index = rep(TRUE, Nnode(tree)) else {
    node_index <- rep(FALSE, Nnode(tree))
    node_index[nodes] <- TRUE
  node_index[is.na(variable)] <- FALSE
  if (!missing(sig.cutoff))
    node_index[variable <= sig.cutoff] <- FALSE
  nodes <- nodenumbers(tree)[node_index]
  plotvar <- plotvar[node_index]
  label <- label[node_index]
  sizes <- sizes[node_index]
  if (show.legend)
  #  split.screen( rbind(c(0, .9,0,1), c(.9,1,0,1)))
  #  screen(1)
    oldpar <- par(mar = c(5,4,4,6) + 0.1)
  plot(tree, show.tip.label = show.tip.label, ...)
  nodelabels(pch = 16, node = nodes, col = create.cols(plotvar, col, zlim), cex = sizes)
  nodelabels(text = as.character(label), node = nodes, cex = 0.6, frame = "none") 
  if (show.legend)
    par(oldpar) #screen(2)
    add_legend(col = col, zlim = zlim)

add_legend <- function (zlim, smallplot=c(.85,.866, .38,.65), col, realzlim, lab)
  if (!missing(lab))
    realzlim <- range(lab)
  if (missing(realzlim))
    realzlim <- zlim
  if ((smallplot[2] < smallplot[1]) | (smallplot[4] < smallplot[3])) {
    stop("plot region too small to add legend\n")
  ix <- 1
  minz <- zlim[1]
  maxz <- zlim[2]
  nlevel <- length(col)
  binwidth <- (maxz - minz)/nlevel
  midpoints <- seq(minz + binwidth/2, maxz - binwidth/2, by = binwidth)
  iy <- midpoints
  iz <- matrix(iy, nrow = 1, ncol = length(iy))
  oldpar <- par(new = TRUE, pty = "m", plt = smallplot, err = -1)

  image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col)
      if (length(col) > 9){
      axis.args <- list(side =  4, mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 2, label = NA) 
      ats <- do.call("axis", axis.args)
      lab <- signif((ats - min(zlim))/diff(zlim) * diff(realzlim) + min(realzlim), 3)
      axis.args <- list(side =  4, mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 2, label = lab, at = ats)     
      do.call("axis", axis.args)
    } else {
      ats <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length = length(col)+1)
      if (missing(lab)) lab = signif((ats - min(zlim))/diff(zlim) * diff(realzlim) + min(realzlim), 2)
      axis.args <- list(side =  4, mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 2, label = lab, at = ats) 
      do.call("axis", axis.args)


add_grid <- function(coords, sites = 1:nrow(coords), border = "lightgrey", lwd = 0.4, ...){
  cd <- SpatialPixels(SpatialPoints(coords))[sites]
  lon <- coordinates(cd)[,1]
  lat <- coordinates(cd)[,2]	
  cellsize_x <- cd@grid@cellsize[1]/2
  cellsize_y <- cd@grid@cellsize[2]/2
  rect(lon - cellsize_x, lat - cellsize_y, lon + cellsize_x, lat + cellsize_y, col = NA, border = border, lwd = lwd, ...)

phyplot <- function(x, type = "phylogram", use.edge.length = TRUE, node.pos = NULL, 
          show.tip.label = TRUE, show.node.label = FALSE, edge.color = "black", 
          edge.width = 1, edge.lty = 1, font = 3, cex = par("cex"), 
          adj = NULL, srt = 0, no.margin = FALSE, root.edge = FALSE, 
          label.offset = 0, underscore = FALSE, x.lim = NULL, y.lim = NULL, 
          direction = "rightwards", lab4ut = NULL, tip.color = "black", 
          plot = TRUE, rotate.tree = 0, open.angle = 0, node.depth = 1, 
          align.tip.label = FALSE, ...) 
  plot(x, type, use.edge.length, node.pos, 
       show.tip.label, show.node.label, edge.color, 
       edge.width, edge.lty, font, cex, 
       adj, srt, no.margin, root.edge, 
       label.offset, underscore, x.lim, y.lim, 
       direction, lab4ut, tip.color, 
       plot, rotate.tree, open.angle, node.depth, 
       align.tip.label, ...) 

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nodiv documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:10 a.m.