
Defines functions plot.nspmix print.snpmle collapse.snpmle valid.snpmle dll.snpmle initial.snpmle plotgrad grad maxgrad pll density.snpmle logLik.snpmle lsch.pll lsch bfgs cnmap cnmpl cnmms hcnm cnm llexdb.default llex.default suppspace.default valid.default weight llexdb llex logd initial gridpoints suppspace valid

Documented in cnm cnmap cnmms cnmpl plotgrad plot.nspmix

# ==================================================== #
# Maximum likelihood computation for nonparametric and #
# semiparametric mixture model                         # 
# ==================================================== #

valid = function(x, beta, mix) UseMethod("valid")
suppspace = function(x, beta) UseMethod("suppspace")
gridpoints = function(x, beta, grid) UseMethod("gridpoints")
initial = function(x, beta, mix, kmax) UseMethod("initial")
logd = function(x, beta, pt, which) UseMethod("logd")
llex = function(x, beta, mix) UseMethod("llex")
llexdb = function(x, beta, mix) UseMethod("llexdb")
weight = function(x, beta) UseMethod("weight")

# Other generic functions needed: length
# print?

valid.default = function(x, beta, mix) TRUE
suppspace.default = function(x, beta) c(-Inf, Inf)
llex.default = function(x, beta, mix) 0
llexdb.default = function(x, beta, mix) 0

# Compute the NPMLE or mixing proportions only

# model   = prop,    computes the mixing proportions
#         = npmle,   computes the NPMLE

##'Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Nonparametric Mixture Model
##'Function \code{cnm} can be used to compute the maximum likelihood estimate
##'of a nonparametric mixing distribution (NPMLE) that has a one-dimensional
##'mixing parameter. or simply the mixing proportions with support points held
##'A finite mixture model has a density of the form
##'\deqn{f(x; \pi, \theta, \beta) = \sum_{j=1}^k \pi_j f(x; \theta_j,
##'\beta).}{f(x; pi, theta, beta) = sum_{j=1}^k pi_j f(x; theta_j, beta),}
##'where \eqn{\pi_j \ge 0}{pi_j >= 0} and \eqn{\sum_{j=1}^k \pi_j }{sum_{j=1}^k
##'pi_j =1}\eqn{ =1}{sum_{j=1}^k pi_j =1}.
##'A nonparametric mixture model has a density of the form
##'\deqn{f(x; G) = \int f(x; \theta) d G(\theta),}{f(x; G) = Integral f(x;
##'theta) d G(theta),} where \eqn{G} is a mixing distribution that is
##'completely unspecified. The maximum likelihood estimate of the nonparametric
##'\eqn{G}, or the NPMLE of \eqn{G}, is known to be a discrete distribution
##'Function \code{cnm} implements the CNM algorithm that is proposed in Wang
##'(2007) and the hierarchical CNM algorithm of Wang and Taylor (2013). The
##'implementation is generic using S3 object-oriented programming, in the sense
##'that it works for an arbitrary family of mixture models defined by the user.
##'The user, however, needs to supply the implementations of the following
##'functions for their self-defined family of mixture models, as they are
##'needed internally by function \code{cnm}:
##'\code{initial(x, beta, mix, kmax)}
##'\code{valid(x, beta)}
##'\code{logd(x, beta, pt, which)}
##'\code{gridpoints(x, beta, grid)}
##'\code{suppspace(x, beta)}
##'\code{print(x, ...)}
##'\code{weight(x, ...)}
##'While not needed by the algorithm for finding the solution, one may also
##'\code{plot(x, mix, beta, ...)}
##'so that the fitted model can be shown graphically in a user-defined way.
##'Inside \code{cnm}, it is used when \code{plot="probability"} so that the
##'convergence of the algorithm can be graphically monitored.
##'For creating a new class, the user may consult the implementations of these
##'functions for the families of mixture models included in the package, e.g.,
##'\code{npnorm} and \code{nppois}.
##'@param x a data object of some class that is fully defined by the user. The
##'user needs to supply certain functions as described below.
##'@param init list of user-provided initial values for the mixing distribution
##'\code{mix} and the structural parameter \code{beta}.
##'@param model the type of model that is to estimated: the non-parametric MLE
##'(if \code{npmle}), or mixing proportions only (if \code{proportions}).
##'@param maxit maximum number of iterations.
##'@param tol a tolerance value needed to terminate an algorithm. Specifically,
##'the algorithm is terminated, if the increase of the log-likelihood value
##'after an iteration is less than \code{tol}.
##'@param grid number of grid points that are used by the algorithm to locate
##'all the local maxima of the gradient function. A larger number increases the
##'chance of locating all local maxima, at the expense of an increased
##'computational cost. The locations of the grid points are determined by the
##'function \code{gridpoints} provided by each individual mixture family, and
##'they do not have to be equally spaced. If needed, a \code{gridpoints}
##'function may choose to return a different number of grid points than
##'specified by \code{grid}.
##'@param plot whether a plot is produced at each iteration. Useful for
##'monitoring the convergence of the algorithm. If \code{="null"}, no plot is
##'produced. If \code{="gradient"}, it plots the gradient curves and if
##'\code{="probability"}, the \code{plot} function defined by the user for the
##'class is used.
##'@param verbose verbosity level for printing intermediate results in each
##'iteration, including none (= 0), the log-likelihood value (= 1), the maximum
##'gradient (= 2), the support points of the mixing distribution (= 3), the
##'mixing proportions (= 4), and if available, the value of the structural
##'parameter beta (= 5).
##'\item{family}{the name of the mixture family that is used to fit to the
##'\item{num.iterations}{number of iterations required by the algorithm}
##'\item{max.gradient}{maximum value of the gradient function, evaluated at the
##'beginning of the final iteration}
##'\item{convergence}{convergence code. \code{=0} means a success, and
##'\code{=1} reaching the maximum number of iterations}
##'\item{ll}{log-likelihood value at convergence}
##'\item{mix}{MLE of the mixing distribution, being an object of the class
##'\code{disc} for discrete distributions.}
##'\item{beta}{value of the structural parameter, that is held fixed throughout
##'the computation.}
##'@author Yong Wang <yongwang@@auckland.ac.nz>
##'@seealso \code{\link{nnls}}, \code{\link{npnorm}}, \code{\link{nppois}},
##'Wang, Y. (2007). On fast computation of the non-parametric maximum
##'likelihood estimate of a mixing distribution. \emph{Journal of the Royal
##'Statistical Society, Ser. B}, \bold{69}, 185-198.
##'Wang, Y. (2010). Maximum likelihood computation for fitting semiparametric
##'mixture models. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, \bold{20}, 75-86
##'Wang, Y. and Taylor, S. M. (2013). Efficient computation of nonparametric
##'survival functions via a hierarchical mixture formulation. \emph{Statistics
##'and Computing}, \bold{23}, 713-725.
##'@keywords function
##'## Simulated data
##'x = rnppois(1000, disc(c(1,4), c(0.7,0.3))) # Poisson mixture
##'(r = cnm(x))
##'plot(r, x)
##'x = rnpnorm(1000, disc(c(0,4), c(0.3,0.7)), sd=1) # Normal mixture
##'plot(cnm(x), x)                        # sd = 1
##'plot(cnm(x, init=list(beta=0.5)), x)   # sd = 0.5
##'mix0 = disc(seq(min(x$v),max(x$v), len=100)) # over a finite grid
##'plot(cnm(x, init=list(beta=0.5, mix=mix0), model="p"),
##'     x, add=TRUE, col="blue")          # An approximate NPMLE
##'## Real-world data
##'plot(cnm(x <- nppois(thai)), x)     # Poisson mixture
##'plot(cnm(x <- npnorm(brca)), x)     # Normal mixture
##'@export cnm

cnm = function(x, init=NULL, model=c("npmle","proportions"), maxit=100, tol=1e-6,
               grid=100, plot=c("null", "gradient", "probability"),
               verbose=0) {
  if(is.null(class(x))) stop("Data belongs to no class")
  plot = match.arg(plot)
  model = match.arg(model)
  k = length(x)
  if(model == "proportions") {
      stop("init$mix must be provided for model=='proportions'")
    pt0 = sort(unique(init$mix$pt))
    m0 = length(pt0)
    ind = unique(round(seq(1, length(pt0), len=100)))
    init$mix = disc(pt0[ind])
  init = initial.snpmle(x, init)
  beta = init$beta
  nb = length(beta)
  mix = init$mix
  attr(mix, "ll") = init$ll
  convergence = 1
  gp = gridpoints(x, beta, grid)          # does not depend on beta
  w = weight(x, beta)
  wr = sqrt(w)
  if(maxit == 0) 
    return( structure(list(family=class(x)[1], mix=mix, beta=beta,
                           num.iterations=0, ll=ll[1],
                           max.gradient=max(maxgrad(x, beta, mix, tol=-5)$grad),
                      class = "nspmix")  )
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    ll = attr(mix, "ll")
    dmix = attr(ll, "dmix")
    ma = attr(ll, "logd") - log(dmix)
           "gradient" = plotgrad(x, mix, beta, pch=1), 
           "probability" = plot(x, mix, beta) )
    mix1 = mix
    if(model == "npmle") {
      g = maxgrad(x, beta, mix, grid=gp, tol=-5)
      if(plot=="gradient") points(g$pt, g$grad, col="red", pch=20)
      gmax = g$gmax
      mix = disc(c(mix$pt,g$pt), c(mix$pr,rep(0,length(g$pt))))
    else {
      gpt0 = grad(pt0, x, beta, mix)$d0
      ind = indx(pt0, mix$pt)
      ind[ind == 0] = 1
      s = split(gpt0, ind)
      imax = sapply(s, which.max)
      gmax = max(gpt0[imax])
      imax = imax[imax > 1]
      csum = c(0,cumsum(sapply(s, length)))
      ipt = csum[as.numeric(names(imax))] + imax
      mix = disc(c(mix$pt, pt0[ipt]), c(mix$pr, double(length(ipt))))
    lpt = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,0,0))$ld
    D = pmin(exp(lpt - ma), 1e100)
    if(verbose > 0) 
      print.snpmle(verbose, attr(mix1, "ll")[1], mix1, beta, gmax, i-1)
    r = hcnm(D, mix$pr, w=w, maxit=3)
    mix$pr = r$pf
    # attr(mix, "ll") = r$ll + sum(w * ma)
    mix = collapse.snpmle(mix, beta, x, tol=0)
    if( attr(mix, "ll")[1] <= attr(mix1, "ll")[1] + tol )
      {convergence = 0; break}
  if(model == "npmle")
    mix = collapse.snpmle(mix, beta, x,
                          tol=max(tol*.1, abs(attr(mix, "ll")[1])*1e-16))
  ll = attr(mix,"ll")[1]
  attr(mix,"ll") = NULL
  structure(list(family=class(x)[1], num.iterations=i, max.gradient=gmax,
                 convergence=convergence, ll=ll, mix=mix, beta=beta),

## Hierarchical CNM

## S = D / P

hcnm = function(D, p0, w=1, maxit=3, tol=1e-6,
                blockpar=NULL, recurs.maxit=2, depth=1) {
  nx = nrow(D)
  w = rep(w, length=nx)
  wr = sqrt(w)
  n = sum(w)
  converge = FALSE
  m = ncol(D)
  j = 1:m
  nblocks = 1
  ## maxdepth = depth
  if(length(p <- p0) != m) stop("Argument 'p0' is the wrong length.")
  p = p / sum(p)
  P = drop(D %*% p)
  ll = sum(w * log(P))     # log-likelihood relative to D
  evenstep = FALSE
  for(iter in 1:maxit) {
    p.old = p
    ll.old = ll
    S = D / pmax(P, 1e-100)
    g = colSums(w * S)
    dmax = max(g) - n
    sj = m
    if(is.null(blockpar) || is.na(blockpar))
      iter.blockpar = ifelse(sj < 30, 0,
                             1 - log(max(20,10*log(sj/100)))/log(sj))
    else iter.blockpar = blockpar
    if(iter.blockpar==0 | sj < 30) {
      nblocks = 1
      BW = matrix(1, nrow=sj, ncol=1)
    else {
      nblocks = max(1, if(iter.blockpar>1) round(sj/iter.blockpar)
                       else floor(min(sj/2, sj^iter.blockpar)))
      i = seq(0, nblocks, length=sj+1)[-1]
      if(evenstep) {
        nblocks = nblocks + 1
        BW = outer(round(i)+1, 1:nblocks, "==")
      else BW = outer(ceiling(i), 1:nblocks, "==")
      storage.mode(BW) = "numeric"

    for(block in 1:nblocks) {
      jj = logical(m)
      jj[j] = BW[,block] > 0
      sjj = sum(jj)
      if (sjj > 1 && (delta <- sum(p.old[jj])) > 0) {
        Sj = S[,jj,drop=FALSE]
        res = pnnls(wr * Sj, wr * drop(Sj %*% p.old[jj]) + wr, sum=delta)
        ## if (res$mode > 1) warning("Problem in pnnls(a,b)")
        p[jj] = p[jj] +  BW[jj[j],block] *
          (res$x * (delta / sum(res$x)) - p.old[jj])
    p.gap = p - p.old 
    ll.rise.gap = sum(g * p.gap) 
    alpha = 1
    p.alpha = p
    ll.rise.alpha = ll.rise.gap
    repeat {
      P = drop(D %*% p.alpha)
      ll = sum(w * log(P))
      if(ll >= ll.old && ll + ll.rise.alpha <= ll.old) {
        p = p.alpha
        converge = TRUE
      if(ll > ll.old && ll >= ll.old + ll.rise.alpha * .33) {
        p = p.alpha 
      if((alpha <- alpha * 0.5) < 1e-10) {
        p = p.old
        P = drop(D %*% p)
        ll = ll.old
        converge = TRUE
      p.alpha = p.old + alpha * p.gap
      ll.rise.alpha = alpha * ll.rise.gap
    if(converge) break

    if (nblocks > 1) {
      Q = sweep(BW,1,p[j],"*")
      q = colSums(Q) 
      Q = sweep(D[,j] %*% Q, 2, q, "/")  
      if( any(q == 0) ) {
        ## warning("A block has zero probability!")
      else {
        res = hcnm(D=Q, p0=q, w=w, blockpar=iter.blockpar,
                   maxit=recurs.maxit, recurs.maxit=recurs.maxit,
        ## maxdepth = max(maxdepth, res$maxdepth)
        if (res$ll > ll) {
          p[j] = p[j] * (BW %*% (res$pf / q))
          P = drop(D %*% p)
          ll = sum(w * log(P))
    if(iter > 2) if( ll <= ll.old + tol ) {converge=TRUE; break}
    evenstep = !evenstep
  list(pf=p, convergence=converge, method="hcnm", ll=ll,
       maxgrad=max(crossprod(w/P, D))-n, numiter=iter)

# Updates mix using CNM and then (pi, theta, beta) using BFGS.

# Modifying the support set

##'Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Semiparametric Mixture Model
##'Functions \code{cnmms}, \code{cnmpl} and \code{cnmap} can be used to compute
##'the maximum likelihood estimate of a semiparametric mixture model that has a
##'one-dimensional mixing parameter. The types of mixture models that can be
##'computed include finite, nonparametric and semiparametric ones.
##'Function \code{cnmms} can also be used to compute the maximum likelihood
##'estimate of a finite or nonparametric mixture model.
##'A finite mixture model has a density of the form
##'\deqn{f(x; \pi, \theta, \beta) = \sum_{j=1}^k \pi_j f(x; \theta_j,
##'\beta).}{f(x; pi, theta, beta) = sum_{j=1}^k pi_j f(x; theta_j, beta),}
##'where \eqn{pi_j \ge 0}{pi_j >= 0} and \eqn{\sum_{j=1}^k pi_j }{sum_{j=1}^k
##'pi_j =1}\eqn{ =1}{sum_{j=1}^k pi_j =1}.
##'A nonparametric mixture model has a density of the form
##'\deqn{f(x; G) = \int f(x; \theta) d G(\theta),}{f(x; G) = Integral f(x;
##'theta) d G(theta),} where \eqn{G} is a mixing distribution that is
##'completely unspecified. The maximum likelihood estimate of the nonparametric
##'\eqn{G}, or the NPMLE of $\eqn{G}, is known to be a discrete distribution
##'A semiparametric mixture model has a density of the form
##'\deqn{f(x; G, \beta) = \int f(x; \theta, \beta) d G(\theta),}{f(x; G, beta)
##'= Int f(x; theta, beta) d G(theta),}
##'where \eqn{G} is a mixing distribution that is completely unspecified and
##'\eqn{\beta}{beta} is the structural parameter.
##'Of the three functions, \code{cnmms} is recommended for most problems; see
##'Wang (2010).
##'Functions \code{cnmms}, \code{cnmpl} and \code{cnmap} implement the
##'algorithms CNM-MS, CNM-PL and CNM-AP that are described in Wang (2010).
##'Their implementations are generic using S3 object-oriented programming, in
##'the sense that they can work for an arbitrary family of mixture models that
##'is defined by the user. The user, however, needs to supply the
##'implementations of the following functions for their self-defined family of
##'mixture models, as they are needed internally by the functions above:
##'\code{initial(x, beta, mix, kmax)}
##'\code{valid(x, beta)}
##'\code{logd(x, beta, pt, which)}
##'\code{gridpoints(x, beta, grid)}
##'\code{suppspace(x, beta)}
##'\code{print(x, ...)}
##'\code{weight(x, ...)}
##'While not needed by the algorithms, one may also implement
##'\code{plot(x, mix, beta, ...)}
##'so that the fitted model can be shown graphically in a way that the user
##'For creating a new class, the user may consult the implementations of these
##'functions for the families of mixture models included in the package, e.g.,
##'\code{cvp} and \code{mlogit}.
##'@aliases cnmms cnmpl cnmap
##'@param x a data object of some class that can be defined fully by the user
##'@param init list of user-provided initial values for the mixing distribution
##'\code{mix} and the structural parameter \code{beta}
##'@param model the type of model that is to estimated: non-parametric MLE
##'(\code{npmle}) or semi-parametric MLE (\code{spmle}).
##'@param maxit maximum number of iterations
##'@param tol a tolerance value that is used to terminate an algorithm.
##'Specifically, the algorithm is terminated, if the relative increase of the
##'log-likelihood value after an iteration is less than \code{tol}. If an
##'algorithm converges rapidly enough, then \code{-log10(tol)} is roughly the
##'number of accurate digits in log-likelihood.
##'@param tol.npmle a tolerance value that is used to terminate the computing
##'of the NPMLE internally.
##'@param grid number of grid points that are used by the algorithm to locate
##'all the local maxima of the gradient function. A larger number increases the
##'chance of locating all local maxima, at the expense of an increased
##'computational cost. The locations of the grid points are determined by the
##'function \code{gridpoints} provided by each individual mixture family, and
##'they do not have to be equally spaced. If needed, an individual
##'\code{gridpoints} function may return a different number of grid points than
##'specified by \code{grid}.
##'@param kmax upper bound on the number of support points. This is
##'particularly useful for fitting a finite mixture model.
##'@param plot whether a plot is produced at each iteration. Useful for
##'monitoring the convergence of the algorithm. If \code{null}, no plot is
##'produced. If \code{gradient}, it plots the gradient curves and if
##'\code{probability}, the \code{plot} function defined by the user of the
##'class is used.
##'@param verbose verbosity level for printing intermediate results in each
##'iteration, including none (= 0), the log-likelihood value (= 1), the maximum
##'gradient (= 2), the support points of the mixing distribution (= 3), the
##'mixing proportions (= 4), and if available, the value of the structural
##'parameter beta (= 5).
##'\item{family}{the class of the mixture family that is used to fit to the
##'\item{num.iterations}{Number of iterations required by the algorithm}
##'\item{grad}{For \code{cnmms}, it contains the values of the gradient
##'function at the support points and the first derivatives of the
##'log-likelihood with respect to theta and beta. For \code{cnmpl}, it contains
##'only the first derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect to beta. For
##'\code{cnmap}, it contains only the gradient of \code{beta}.}
##'\item{max.gradient}{Maximum value of the gradient function, evaluated at the
##'beginning of the final iteration. It is only given by function
##'\item{convergence}{convergence code. \code{=0} means a success, and
##'\code{=1} reaching the maximum number of iterations}
##'\item{ll}{log-likelihood value at convergence}
##'\item{mix}{MLE of the mixing distribution, being an object of the class
##'\code{disc} for discrete distributions}
##'\item{beta}{MLE of the structural parameter}
##'@author Yong Wang <yongwang@@auckland.ac.nz>
##'@seealso \code{\link{nnls}}, \code{\link{cnm}}, \code{\link{cvp}},
##'\code{\link{cvps}}, \code{\link{mlogit}}.
##'Wang, Y. (2007). On fast computation of the non-parametric maximum
##'likelihood estimate of a mixing distribution. \emph{Journal of the Royal
##'Statistical Society, Ser. B}, \bold{69}, 185-198.
##'Wang, Y. (2010). Maximum likelihood computation for fitting semiparametric
##'mixture models. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, \bold{20}, 75-86
##'@keywords function
##'## Compute the MLE of a finite mixture
##'x = rnpnorm(100, disc(c(0,4), c(0.7,0.3)), sd=1)
##'for(k in 1:6) plot(cnmms(x, kmax=k), x, add=(k>1), comp="null", col=k+1,
##'                   main="Finite Normal Mixtures")
##'legend("topright", 0.3, leg=paste0("k = ",1:6), lty=1, lwd=2, col=2:7)
##'## Compute a semiparametric MLE
##'# Common variance problem 
##'x = rcvps(k=50, ni=5:10, mu=c(0,4), pr=c(0.7,0.3), sd=3)
##'cnmms(x)              # CNM-MS algorithm
##'cnmpl(x)              # CNM-PL algorithm
##'cnmap(x)              # CNM-AP algorithm
##'# Logistic regression with a random intercept
##'x = rmlogit(k=30, gi=3:5, ni=6:10, pt=c(0,4), pr=c(0.7,0.3),
##'            beta=c(0,3))
##'data(toxo)            # k = 136
##'cnmms(x, init=NULL, maxit=1000, model=c("spmle","npmle"), tol=1e-6,
##'      grid=100, kmax=Inf, plot=c("null", "gradient", "probability"),
##'      verbose=0)
##'cnmpl(x, init=NULL, tol=1e-6, tol.npmle=tol*1e-4, grid=100, maxit=1000,
##'      plot=c("null", "gradient", "probability"), verbose=0)
##'cnmap(x, init=NULL, maxit=1000, tol=1e-6, grid=100, plot=c("null",
##'      "gradient"), verbose=0)
##'@export cnmms
##'@export cnmpl
##'@export cnmap

cnmms = function(x, init=NULL, maxit=1000,
      model=c("spmle","npmle"), tol=1e-6, grid=100, kmax=Inf,
      plot=c("null", "gradient", "probability"), verbose=0) {
  if(is.null(class(x))) stop("Data belongs to no class")
  plot = match.arg(plot)
  model = match.arg(model)
  init = initial.snpmle(x, init, kmax=kmax)
  beta = init$beta
  if(is.null(beta) || any(is.na(beta))) model = "npmle"
  nb = length(beta)
  mix = init$mix
  attr(mix, "ll") = init$ll
  gradient = "Not computed"
         "gradient" = plotgrad(x, mix, beta, pch=1),
         "probability" = plot(x, mix, beta) )
  ## ll = -Inf       # logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix, attr=FALSE)
  if(maxit == 0) 
    return( structure(list(family=class(x)[1], mix=mix, beta=beta,
                           num.iterations=0, ll=attr(mix, "ll")[1],
                           max.gradient=max(maxgrad(x, beta, mix, tol=-5)$grad),
                      class="nspmix") )
  convergence = 1
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    mix1 = mix
    if(length(mix$pt) < kmax) {
      gp = gridpoints(x, beta, grid)
      g = maxgrad(x, beta, mix, grid=gp, tol=-Inf)
      gmax = g$gmax
      kpt = min(kmax - length(mix$pt), length(g$pt))
      jpt = order(g$grad, decreasing=TRUE)
      mix = disc(c(mix$pt,g$pt[jpt][1:kpt]), c(mix$pr,rep(0,kpt)))
      if(plot=="gradient") points(g$pt, g$grad, col="red", pch=20)
    if(verbose > 0)
      print.snpmle(verbose, attr(mix1, "ll")[1], mix1, beta, gmax, i-1)
    lpt = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,0,0))$ld
    S = pmin(exp(lpt - attr(attr(mix1,"ll"),"logd")), 1e100)
    w = weight(x, beta)
    wr = sqrt(w)
    grad.support = colSums(w * (S - 1))
    r = pnnls(wr * S, wr * 2, sum=1)
    sol = r$x / sum(r$x)
    r = lsch(mix, beta, disc(mix$pt,sol), beta, x, which=c(1,0,0))
    mix = r$mix
    attr(mix, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix)
    mix = collapse.snpmle(mix, beta, x, tol=0)
    if(max(grad.support) < 1e10) {    # 1e20
      r = switch(model,
        spmle = bfgs(mix, beta, x, which=c(1,1,1)),
        npmle = bfgs(mix, beta, x, which=c(1,1,0))   )
      beta = r$beta
      mix = collapse.snpmle(r$mix, beta, x, tol=0)
           "gradient" = plotgrad(x, mix, beta, pch=1),
           "probability" = plot(x, mix, beta) )
    if(attr(mix,"ll")[1] <= attr(mix1,"ll")[1] + tol) {convergence = 0; break}
  mix = collapse.snpmle(mix, beta, x,
                        tol=max(tol*.1, abs(attr(mix, "ll")[1])*1e-16))
  m = length(mix$pt)
  if(m < length(r$mix$pt)) {
    d = dll.snpmle(x, mix, beta, which=c(0,1,1,1))
    grad = c(d$dp, d$dt, d$db)
    names(grad) = c(paste0("pr",1:m), paste0("pt",1:m), 
           if(is.null(d$db)) NULL else paste0("beta",1:length(beta)) )
  else grad = r$grad
  grad[1:m] = grad[1:m] - sum(rep(weight(x, beta), len=length(x)))
  ll = attr(mix,"ll")[1]
  attr(mix,"ll") = NULL
  structure(list(family=class(x)[1], num.iterations=i, grad=grad,
                 convergence=convergence, ll=ll, mix=mix, beta=beta),

# Use the BFGS method to maximize the profile likelihood function

cnmpl = function(x, init=NULL, tol=1e-6,
         tol.npmle=tol*1e-4, grid=100, maxit=1000,
         plot=c("null", "gradient", "probability"), verbose=0) {
  if(is.null(class(x))) stop("Data belongs to no class")
  plot = match.arg(plot)
  init = initial.snpmle(x, init)
  beta = init$beta
  mix = init$mix
  nb = length(beta)
  if(is.null(beta) || any(is.na(beta)))
    stop("No proper initial value for beta. Use cnm() for NPMLE problems.")
         "gradient" = plotgrad(x, mix, beta, pch=1),
         "probability" = plot(x, mix, beta) )
  r = pll(beta, mix, x, tol=tol.npmle, grid=grid)
  D = diag(-1, nrow=nb)
  convergence = 1
  num.npmle = 1
  if(maxit == 0) {
    r = list(family=class(x)[1], mix=mix, beta=beta, num.iterations=0,
        ll=logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix),
        max.gradient=max(maxgrad(x, beta, mix, tol=-5)$grad), convergence=1)
    class(r) = "nspmix"
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    old.r = r
    beta2 = drop(r$beta - D %*% r$grad)
    r = lsch.pll(old.r, beta2, x, tol=tol, tol.npmle=tol.npmle, 
      grid=grid, brkt=TRUE)
           "gradient" = plotgrad(x, r$mix, r$beta, pch=1),
           "probability" = plot(x, r$mix, r$beta) )
    num.npmle = num.npmle + r$num.npmle
    if( r$ll <= old.r$ll + tol ) {convergence = 0; break}
    g = r$grad - old.r$grad
    d = r$beta - old.r$beta
    dg = sum(d * g)
    if( dg < 0 ) {
      nd = length(d)
      dod = d * rep(d, rep(nd, nd))
      dim(dod) = c(nd,nd)
      dog = d * rep(g, rep(nd, nd))
      dim(dog) = c(nd,nd)
      dogD = dog %*% D
      D = D + (1 + drop(t(g) %*% D %*% g) / dg) * dod / dg -
        (dogD + t(dogD)) / dg
    if(verbose > 0) print.snpmle(verbose, r$ll[1], r$mix, r$beta, r$max.grad, i)
  structure(list(family=class(x)[1], num.iterations=i, grad=r$grad,
                  max.gradient=r$max.gradient, # num.cnm.calls=num.npmle,
                  convergence=convergence, ll=r$ll, mix=r$mix, beta=r$beta),

# Updates mix using one iteration of CNM and then updates beta usin BFGS.
# It is almost the standard cyclic method, except only one iteration of CNM
# is used.

cnmap = function(x, init=NULL, maxit=1000, tol=1e-6, grid=100, 
      plot=c("null", "gradient"), verbose=0) {
  if(is.null(class(x))) stop("Data belongs to no class")
  plot = match.arg(plot)
  k = length(x)
  init = initial.snpmle(x, init)
  beta = init$beta
  if(is.null(beta) || any(is.na(beta)))
    stop("No initial value for beta. Use cnm() for NPMLE problems.")
  nb = length(beta)
  mix = init$mix
  attr(mix, "ll") = init$ll
  convergence = 1
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    mix1 = mix
    switch(plot, "gradient" = plotgrad(x, mix, beta) )
    gp = gridpoints(x, beta, grid)
    g = maxgrad(x, beta, mix, grid=gp, tol=-Inf)
    gmax = g$gmax
    if(verbose > 0)
      print.snpmle(verbose, attr(mix, "ll")[1], mix, beta, gmax, i-1)
    mix = disc(c(mix$pt,g$pt), c(mix$pr,rep(0,length(g$pt))))
    lpt = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,0,0))$ld
    ## ll1 = attr(mix1, "ll")
    # logd.mix1 = log(attr(ll1,"dmix")) + attr(ll1,"ma")
    ## S = pmin(exp(lpt - logd.mix1), 1e100)
    S = pmin(exp(lpt - attr(attr(mix1,"ll"),"logd")), 1e100)
    wr = sqrt(weight(x, beta))
    r = pnnls(wr * S, wr * 2, sum=1)
    sol = r$x / sum(r$x)
    r = lsch(mix, beta, disc(mix$pt,sol), beta, x, which=c(1,0,0))
    mix = collapse.snpmle(r$mix, beta, x, tol=0)
    r = bfgs(mix, beta, x, which=c(0,0,1))
    beta = r$beta
    mix = collapse.snpmle(r$mix, beta, x, tol=0)
    if( attr(mix, "ll")[1] <= attr(mix1, "ll")[1] + tol ) {convergence = 0; break} 
  mix = collapse.snpmle(mix, beta, x,
                        tol=max(tol*.1, abs(attr(mix, "ll")[1])*1e-16))
  m = length(mix$pt)
  d = dll.snpmle(x, mix, beta, which=c(0,1,1,1))
  grad = c(d$dp, d$dt, d$db)
  names(grad) = c(paste0("pr",1:m), paste0("pt",1:m), 
                  if(is.null(d$db)) NULL else paste0("beta",1:length(beta)) )
  grad[1:m] = grad[1:m] - sum(rep(weight(x, beta), len=length(x)))
  ll = attr(mix,"ll")[1]
  attr(mix,"ll") = NULL
  structure(list(family=class(x)[1], num.iterations=i, grad=grad,
                 max.gradient=gmax, convergence=convergence,
                 ll=ll, mix=r$mix, beta=r$beta),

# The BFGS quasi-Newton method for updating pi, theta and beta

# The default negative identity matrix for D may be badly scaled for a
# given problem. It can result in failures to convergence. 
# In such a case, it'd better use cnmpl().

# beta      a real- or vector-valued parameter that has no constraints 

# which     which of pi, theta and beta are to be updated

bfgs = function(mix, beta, x, tol=1e-15, maxit=1000, which=c(1,1,1), D=NULL) {
  k1 = if(which[1]) length(mix$pr) else 0
  k2 = if(which[2]) length(mix$pt) else 0
  k3 = if(which[3]) length(beta) else 0
  if( sum(which) == 0 ) stop("No parameter specified for updating in bfgs()")
  dl = dll.snpmle(x, mix, beta, which=c(1,which), ind=TRUE)
  w = weight(x, beta)
  ll = llex(x, beta, mix) + sum(w * dl$ll)
  grad = c(if(which[1]) colSums(w * dl$dp) else NULL,
    if(which[2]) colSums(w * dl$dt) else NULL,
    if(which[3]) llexdb(x,beta,mix) + colSums(w * dl$db) else NULL)
  r = list(mix=mix, beta=beta, ll=ll, grad=grad, convergence=1)
  par = c(if(which[1]) r$mix$pr else NULL,
    if(which[2]) r$mix$pt else NULL,
    if(which[3]) r$beta else NULL)
  # if(is.null(D)) D = diag(c(rep(-1,k1+k2),rep(-1,k3)))
  if(is.null(D)) D = diag(-1, nrow=k1+k2+k3)
  else if(nrow(D) != k1+k2+k3) stop("D provided has incompatible dimensions")
  # D = - solve(crossprod(sqrt(w) * cbind(dl$dp, dl$dt, dl$db)))   # Gauss-Newton
  # D = - diag(1/colSums(w * cbind(dl$dp, dl$dt, dl$db)^2), nrow=k1+k2+k3)
  # Note: it may also depend on llexdb
  bs = suppspace(x, beta)
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    old.r = r
    old.par = par
    d1 = - drop(D %*% r$grad)
    if(which[1]) {      # correction for unity restriction (Wu, 1978)
      D1 = D[,1:k1,drop=FALSE]
      D11 = D1[1:k1,,drop=FALSE]
      lambda = - sum(r$grad * rowSums(D1)) / sum(D11)
      d1 = d1 - lambda * rowSums(D1)
    par2 = par + d1

    if(which[2]) {
      theta1 = par[k1+1:k2]
      theta2 = par2[k1+1:k2]
      dtheta = d1[k1+1:k2]
      if(any(theta2 < bs[1], theta2 > bs[2])) { # New support points outside
        out = pmax(c(bs[1]-theta2, theta2-bs[2]), 0)
        j = out > 0 & (theta1 == bs[1] | theta1 == bs[2])
        if(any(j)) {      # When old ones on boundary
          jj = (which(j)-1) %% k2 + 1
          D[k1+jj,] = D[,k1+jj] = 0    # Remove new ones outside 
          d1 = - drop(D %*% r$grad)    # Re-calculate
          if(which[1]) {
            D1 = D[,1:k1,drop=FALSE]
            D11 = D1[1:k1,,drop=FALSE]
            lambda = - sum(r$grad * rowSums(D1)) / sum(D11)
            d1 = d1 - lambda * rowSums(D1)
          par2 = par + d1
        else {         # Backtrack to boundary when all old ones inside
          ratio = out / abs(dtheta)
          ratio[dtheta==0] = 0
          jmax = which.max(ratio)
          alpha = 1 - ratio[jmax]
          d1 = alpha * d1
          par2 = par + d1
          if(jmax <= k2) par2[k1 + jmax] = bs[1]
          else par2[k1 + jmax - k2] = bs[2]
    if(which[1]) {
      if(any(par2[1:k1] < 0)) {
        step = d1[1:k1]
        ratio = pmax(-par2[1:k1], 0) / abs(step)
        jmax = which.max(ratio)
        alpha = 1 - ratio[jmax]
        d1 = alpha * d1
        par2 = par + d1
        par2[jmax] = 0

    mix2 = disc(if(which[2]) par2[k1+1:k2] else r$mix$pt,
      if(which[1]) par2[1:k1] else r$mix$pr)
    beta2 = if(which[3]) par2[k1+k2+1:k3] else r$beta
    r = lsch(r$mix, r$beta, mix2, beta2, x, which=which, brkt=TRUE)
    if( any(r$mix$pr == 0) ) {
      j = r$mix$pr == 0
      r$mix = disc(r$mix$pt[!j], r$mix$pr[!j])
      j2 = which(j)
      if(which[2]) j2 = c(j2,k1+j2)
      D = D[-j2,-j2]
      return( bfgs(r$mix, r$beta, x, tol, maxit, which, D=D) )
    if( r$conv != 0 ) {
      # cat("lsch() failed in bfgs(): convergence =", r$conv, "\n");
    # if(r$ll >= old.r$ll - tol * abs(r$ll) && r$ll <= old.r$ll + tol * abs(r$ll))
    if(r$ll >= old.r$ll - tol && r$ll <= old.r$ll + tol)
      {convergence = 0; break}
    g = r$grad - old.r$grad
    par = c(if(which[1]) r$mix$pr else NULL,
      if(which[2]) r$mix$pt else NULL,
      if(which[3]) r$beta else NULL)
    d = par - old.par
    dg = sum(d * g)
    if( dg < 0 ) {
      nd = length(d)
      dod = d * rep(d, rep(nd, nd))
      dim(dod) = c(nd,nd)
      dog = d * rep(g, rep(nd, nd))
      dim(dog) = c(nd,nd)
      dogD = dog %*% D
      D = D + (1 + drop(t(g) %*% D %*% g) / dg) * dod / dg -
        (dogD + t(dogD)) / dg
  r$num.iterations = i

# Line search for beta and mix

# If brkt is TRUE, (mix1, beta1) must be an interior point

# Two conditions must be satisfied at termination: (a) the Armijo rule; (b) 

# mix1       Current disc object
# beta1      Current structural parameters
# mix2       Next disc object, of the same size as mix1
# beta2      Next structural parameters
# x          Data
# maxit      Maximum number of iterations
# which      Indicators for pi, theta, beta, which their first derivatives
#            of the log-likelihood should be computed and examined
# brkt       Bracketing first?

# Output:

# mix          Estimated mixing distribution
# beta         Estimated beta
# ll           Log-likelihood value at the estimate
# convergence  = 0, converged successfully; = 1, failed

lsch = function(mix1, beta1, mix2, beta2, x, 
          maxit=100, which=c(1,1,1), brkt=FALSE ) {
  k = length(mix1$pt)
  je = (mix1$pt == mix2$pt) | (mix1$pt == mix2$pt)
  convergence = 1
  dl1 = dll.snpmle(x, mix1, beta1, which=c(1,which))
  lla = ll1 = dl1$ll
  names.grad = c(if(which[1]) paste0("pr",1:k) else NULL,
    if(which[2]) paste0("pt",1:k) else NULL,
    if(which[3]) paste0("beta",1:length(beta1)) else NULL)
  grad1 = c(if(which[1]) dl1$dp else NULL,
    if(which[2]) dl1$dt else NULL,
    if(which[3]) dl1$db else NULL)
  names(grad1) = names.grad
  d1 = c(if(which[1]) mix2$pr - mix1$pr else NULL,
      if(which[2]) mix2$pt - mix1$pt else NULL,
      if(which[3]) beta2 - beta1 else NULL)
  d1.norm = sqrt(sum(d1*d1))
  s = d1 / d1.norm
  g1d1 = sum(grad1 * d1)
  dla = g1s = g1d1 / d1.norm
  if(d1.norm == 0 || g1s <= 0) {
    # cat("Warning in lsch(): d1.norm =", d1.norm, " g1s =", g1s, "\n")
    return( list(mix=mix1, beta=beta1, grad=grad1, ll=ll1, convergence=3) )
  a = 0
  b = 1
  if(which[1] && any(mix2$pr == 0)) brkt = FALSE
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    for(j in 1:1000) {
      m = disc( (1-b) * mix1$pt + b * mix2$pt, (1-b) * mix1$pr + b * mix2$pr)
      m$pt[je] = mix1$pt[je]
      # beta = if(is.null(beta1)) NULL else (1-b) * beta1 + b * beta2
      beta = if(which[3]) (1-b) * beta1 + b * beta2 else beta1
      if( valid.snpmle(x, beta, m) ) break
      brkt = FALSE
      b = 0.5 * a + 0.5 * b
    if(j == 1000) stop("Can not produce valid interior point in lsch()")
    dl = dll.snpmle(x, m, beta, which=c(1,which))
    ll = dl$ll
    grad = c(if(which[1]) dl$dp else NULL,
      if(which[2]) dl$dt else NULL,
      if(which[3]) dl$db else NULL)
    gs = sum(grad * s)
    # With the following condition, "ll(a)" stays above the Armijo line and
    # "ll(b)" either fails to meet the gradient condition or falls below
    # the Armijo line.  Therefore, bracketing must have succeeded
    if( brkt && gs > g1s * .5 && ll >= ll1 + g1d1 * b * .33 )
      {a = b; b = 2 * b; lla = ll; dla = gs}
    else break
  if(i == maxit) brkt = FALSE
  alpha = b; llb = ll; dlb = gs
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    g1d = g1d1 * alpha
    if(is.na(ll)) ll = -Inf
    if( ll >= ll1 - 1e-15 * abs(ll1) && g1d <= 1e-15 * abs(ll))   # Flat land
      { # cat("Warning in lsch(): flat land reached.\n");
        convergence=2; break} 
    if( brkt ) {          # Armijo rule + slope test
      if( ll >= ll1 + g1d * .33 && abs(gs) <= g1s * .5)
        {convergence=0; break}
      if( ll >= ll1 + g1d * .33 && gs > g1s * .5 )
        { a = alpha; lla = ll; dla = gs }
      else { b = alpha; llb = ll; dlb = gs }
    else {                  # Armijo rule
      if( ll >= ll1 + g1d * .33 ) {convergence=0; break}
      else { b = alpha; llb = ll; dlb = gs }
    alpha = (a + b) * .5
    m = disc( (1-alpha) * mix1$pt + alpha * mix2$pt,
      (1-alpha) * mix1$pr + alpha * mix2$pr)
    m$pt[je] = mix1$pt[je]
    beta = if(which[3]) (1-alpha) * beta1 + alpha * beta2 else beta1
#     beta = if(is.null(beta1)) NULL else (1-alpha) * beta1 + alpha * beta2
    dl = dll.snpmle(x, m, beta, which=c(1,which))
    ll = dl$ll
    grad = c(if(which[1]) dl$dp else NULL,
      if(which[2]) dl$dt else NULL,
      if(which[3]) dl$db else NULL)
    gs = sum(grad * s)
  # if(i == 100) { print("i = 100 in lsch()"); stop() }   # should never happen
  names(grad) = names.grad
  beta = if(which[3]) (1-alpha) * beta1 + alpha * beta2 else beta1
  mix = disc((1-alpha)*mix1$pt+alpha*mix2$pt, (1-alpha)*mix1$pr+alpha*mix2$pr)
  mix$pt[je] = mix1$pt[je]
  list(mix=mix, beta=beta, grad=grad,
       ll=ll, convergence=convergence, num.iterations=i)

# The Wolfe-Powell conditions are satisfied after line search.

# An exact line search is perhaps unnecessary, since BFGS has superlinear
# convergence

# Input:
# r       A list containing "mix" and "beta", for the current estimates
#         of th mixing distribution and beta, respectively 
# beta2   Tentative new beta
# x       Data
# tol     Tolerance level 
# ...     Arguments passed to pll

# Output:
# outputs from function pll, plus
# convergence     0, converged successfully;
#                 1, failed (likely due to precision limit reached)
# num.npmle       0, number of the NPMLEs computed

lsch.pll = function(r, beta2, x, tol=1e-15, maxit=100, tol.npmle=tol*1e-4,
          brkt=FALSE, ...) {
  convergence = 0
  num.npmle = 0
  lla = ll1 = r$ll
  d1 = beta2 - r$beta
  d1.norm = sqrt(sum(d1*d1))
  s = d1 / d1.norm
  dla = g1s = sum(r$grad * s)
  g1d1 = sum(r$grad * d1)
  # if(d1.norm == 0 || g1s <= 0) return(r)
  a = 0
  alpha = 1
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    repeat {
      beta = (1-alpha) * r$beta + alpha * beta2
      if( valid.snpmle(x, beta, r$mix) ) break
      alpha = a + 0.9 * (alpha - a)
      brkt = FALSE
    r.alpha = pll(beta, r$mix, x, tol=tol.npmle, ...)
    num.npmle = num.npmle + 1
    d = beta - r$beta
    gs = sum(r.alpha$grad * s)
    if( brkt && gs > g1s * .5 && r.alpha$ll >= ll1 + g1d1 * alpha * .33)
      {a = alpha; alpha = 2 * alpha; lla = r.alpha$ll; dla = gs}
    else break
    # if( sum(r.alpha$grad * r.alpha$grad) < 1e-12 ) {brkt=FALSE; break}
  if(i == maxit) brkt = FALSE
  b = alpha; llb = r.alpha$ll; dlb = gs
  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    if(b - a <= 1e-10) {convergence=1; break}
#    if(r.alpha$ll >= r$ll - tol * abs(r.alpha$ll) &&
#       r.alpha$ll <= r$ll  + tol * abs(r.alpha$ll)) break
    if(r.alpha$ll >= r$ll - tol && r.alpha$ll <= r$ll  + tol) break
    g1d = g1d1 * alpha
    if( brkt ) {
      if( r.alpha$ll >= r$ll + g1d * .33 & abs(gs) <= g1s * .5 ) break
      if( r.alpha$ll >= r$ll + g1d * .33 & gs > g1s  * .5 )
        {a = alpha; lla = r.alpha$ll; dla = gs}
      else {b = alpha; llb = r.alpha$ll; dlb = gs}
    else {
      if( r.alpha$ll >= r$ll + g1d * .33 ) {convergence=0; break}
      else {b = alpha; llb = r.alpha$ll; dlb = gs}
    alpha = (a + b) * .5
    beta = (1-alpha) * r$beta + alpha * beta2
    r.alpha = pll(beta, r$mix, x, tol=tol.npmle, ...)
    num.npmle = num.npmle + 1
    d = beta - r$beta
    gs = sum(r.alpha$grad * s)
  r.alpha$convergence = convergence
  r.alpha$num.npmle = num.npmle

logLik.snpmle = function(x, beta, mix) {
  ld = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,0,0))$ld
  ma = matMaxs(ld)
  dmix = drop(exp(ld - ma) %*% mix$pr) + 1e-100
  logd = log(dmix) + ma
  ll = llex(x, beta, mix) + sum( weight(x, beta) * logd )
  attr(ll, "dmix") = dmix
  attr(ll, "logd") = logd    # log(mixture density)

density.snpmle = function(x, beta, mix) {
  rowSums(exp(logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,0,0))$ld +
      rep(log(mix$pr), rep(length(x), length(mix$pr)))))

# Profile log-likelihood

pll = function(beta, mix0, x, tol=1e-15, grid=100, ...) {
  r = cnm(x, init=list(beta=beta, mix=mix0), tol=tol, grid=grid, maxit=50, ...)
  mix = r$mix
  dl = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,1,0))
  lpt = dl$ld
  ma = matMaxs(lpt)
  dmix = drop(exp(lpt - ma) %*% mix$pr) + 1e-100
  D = pmin(exp(lpt - ma), 1e100)
  p = weight(x, beta) * D/dmix * rep(mix$pr, rep(nrow(D), length(mix$pr)))
  db = apply(sweep(dl$db, c(1,2), p, "*"), c(1,3), sum)
  g = llexdb(x,beta,mix) + colSums(db)
  list(ll=r$ll, beta=r$beta, mix=mix, grad=g, max.gradient=r$max.gradient,

## Compute all local maxima of the gradient function using a hybrid
## secant-bisection method. No need for the second derivative of the
## gradient function.

## O(n*m) + #iteration * O(n*mhat)
## n - sample size
## m - grid points
## mhat - number of local maxima

maxgrad = function(x, beta, mix, grid=100, tol=-Inf, maxit=100) {
  if( length(grid) == 1 ) grid = gridpoints(x, beta, grid)
  dg = grad(grid, x, beta, mix, order=1)$d1
  j = is.na(dg)
  grid = grid[!j]
  tol.pt = 1e-14 * diff(range(grid))
  dg = dg[!j]
  np = length(grid)
  jmax = which(dg[-np] > 0 & dg[-1] < 0)
  if( length(jmax) < 1 )
    return( list(pt=NULL, grad=NULL, num.iterations=0, gmax=NULL) )
  left = grid[jmax]
  right = grid[jmax+1]
  pt = (left + right) * .5
  if(length(pt) != 0) {
    pt.old = left
    d1.old = dg[jmax]
    d2 = rep(-1, length(pt))
    for(i in 1:maxit) {
      d1 = grad(pt, x, beta, mix, order=1)$d1
      d2t = (d1 - d1.old) / (pt - pt.old)
      jd = !is.na(d2t) & d2t < 0
      d2[jd] = d2t[jd]
      left[d1>0] = pt[d1>0]
      right[d1<0] = pt[d1<0]
      pt.old = pt
      d1.old = d1
      pt = pt - d1 / d2
      j = is.na(pt) | pt < left | pt > right     # those out of brackets
      pt[j] = (left[j] + right[j]) * .5
      if( max(abs(pt - pt.old)) <= tol.pt) break
  else i = 0
  if(dg[np] >= 0) pt = c(pt, grid[np])
  if(dg[1] <= 0) pt = c(grid[1], pt)
  if(length(pt) == 0) stop("no new support point found") # should never happen
  g = grad(pt, x, beta, mix, order=0)$d0
  gmax = max(g)
  names(pt) = names(g) = NULL
  j = g >= tol
  list(pt=pt[j], grad=g[j], num.iterations=i, gmax=gmax)

# gradient function, with O(n*m)

grad = function(pt, x, beta, mix, order=0) {
  w = weight(x, beta)
  if(length(w) != length(x)) w = rep(w, length=length(x))
  if(is.null(attr(mix, "ll")) || is.null(attr(attr(mix, "ll"), "dmix")))
    attr(mix, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix)
  logd.mix = attr(attr(mix, "ll"), "logd")
  g = vector("list", length(order))
  names(g) = paste0("d", order)
  which = c(1,0,0)
  if(any(order >= 1)) which[3:max(order+2)] = 1
  dl = logd(x, beta, pt, which=which)
  ws = pmin(exp(dl$ld + (log(w) - logd.mix)), 1e100)
  if(0 %in% order) g$d0 = colSums(ws) - sum(w)
  if(1 %in% order) g$d1 = colSums(ws * dl$dt)

##'Plot the Gradient Function
##'Function \code{plotgrad} plots the gradient function or its first derivative
##'of a nonparametric mixture.
##'\code{data} must belong to a mixture family, as specified by its class.
##'The support points are shown on the horizontal line of gradient 0. The
##'vertical lines going downwards at the support points are proportional to the
##'mixing proportions at these points.
##'@param x a data object of a mixture model class.
##'@param mix an object of class 'disc', for a discrete mixing distribution.
##'@param beta the structural parameter.
##'@param len number of points used to plot the smooth curve.
##'@param order the order of the derivative of the gradient function to be
##'plotted. If 0, it is the gradient function itself.
##'@param col color for the curve.
##'@param col2 color for the support points.
##'@param add if \code{FALSE}, create a new plot; if \code{TRUE}, add the curve
##'and points to the current one.
##'@param main,xlab,ylab,cex,pch,lwd,xlim,ylim arguments for graphical
##'parameters (see \code{par}).
##'@param ... arguments passed on to function \code{plot}.
##'@author Yong Wang <yongwang@@auckland.ac.nz>
##'@seealso \code{\link{plot.nspmix}}, \code{\link{nnls}}, \code{\link{cnm}},
##'\code{\link{cnmms}}, \code{\link{npnorm}}, \code{\link{nppois}}.
##'Wang, Y. (2007). On fast computation of the non-parametric maximum
##'likelihood estimate of a mixing distribution. \emph{Journal of the Royal
##'Statistical Society, Ser. B}, \bold{69}, 185-198.
##'Wang, Y. (2010). Maximum likelihood computation for fitting semiparametric
##'mixture models. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, \bold{20}, 75-86
##'@keywords function
##'## Poisson mixture
##'x = rnppois(200, disc(c(1,4), c(0.7,0.3)))
##'r = cnm(x)
##'plotgrad(x, r$mix)
##'## Normal mixture
##'x = rnpnorm(200, disc(c(0,4), c(0.3,0.7)), sd=1)
##'r = cnm(x, init=list(beta=0.5))   # sd = 0.5
##'plotgrad(x, r$mix, r$beta)
##'@export plotgrad

plotgrad = function(x, mix, beta, len=500, order=0, col="blue",
                    col2="red", add=FALSE,
                    main=paste0("Class: ",class(x)),
                    ylab=paste0("Gradient (order = ",order,")"), cex=1,
                    pch=1, lwd=1, xlim, ylim, ...) {
  if(order > 1) stop("order > 1")
  if( missing(xlim) ) xlim = range(gridpoints(x, beta, grid=5))
  pt = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len=len)
  if(class(mix) == "disc") pt = sort(c(mix$pt, pt))
  g = grad(pt, x, beta, mix, order=order)[[1]]
  if(missing(ylim)) ylim = range(0,g,na.rm=TRUE)
  if(!add) plot(xlim, c(0,0), type="l", col="black", ylim=ylim, main=main,
       xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex = cex, cex.axis = cex, cex.lab = cex, ...)
  lines(pt, g, col=col, lwd=lwd)
  if(class(mix) == "disc") {
    j = mix$pr > 0
    points(mix$pt[j], rep(0,length(mix$pt[j])), pch=pch, col=col2)
    lines(mix$pt[j], mix$pr[j]*min(g), type="h", col=col2)

# The functions examines whether the initial values are proper. If not,
# proper ones are provided, by employing the user's function "initial."

initial.snpmle = function(x, init=NULL, kmax=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(kmax) && kmax == Inf) kmax = NULL
  init = initial(x, init$beta, init$mix, kmax=kmax)
  init$ll = logLik.snpmle(x, init$beta, init$mix)
    # ll = logLik.snpmle(x, init0$beta, init$mix)
#     if(ll > init0$ll) init = list(beta=init0$beta, mix=init$mix, ll=ll)
#    else init = init0
  if(! valid.snpmle(x, init$beta, init$mix)) stop("Invalid initial values!")

# Compute the first derivatives of the log-likelihood function of pi,
# theta and beta

# which     A 4-vector having values either 0 and 1, indicating which
#           derivatives to be computed, in the order of pi, theta and beta
# ind       = TRUE, return the derivatives with respect to individual
#                   observations (with weight)
#           = FALSE, return the derivatives
# OUTPUT:   a list with ll, dp, dt, db, as specified by which

dll.snpmle = function(x, mix, beta, which=c(1,0,0,0), ind=FALSE) {
  w = weight(x, beta)
  r = list()
  dl = logd(x, beta, mix$pt, which=c(1,which[4:3]))
  lpt = dl$ld
  ma = matMaxs(lpt)
  if(which[1] == 1) {
    r$ll = log(drop(exp(lpt - ma) %*% mix$pr)) + ma
    if(!ind) r$ll = llex(x, beta, mix) + sum(w * r$ll)
  if(sum(which[2:4]) == 0) return(r)
  dmix = drop(exp(lpt - ma) %*% mix$pr) + 1e-100
  S = pmin(exp(lpt - (ma + log(dmix))), 1e100)
  # dp = D / dmix
  if(which[2] == 1) {
    if(ind) r$dp = S
    else r$dp = colSums(w * S)
  if(sum(which[3:4]) == 0) return(r)
  p = S * rep(mix$pr, rep(nrow(S), length(mix$pr)))
  if(which[3] == 1) {
    r$dt = p * dl$dt
    if(!ind) r$dt = colSums(w * r$dt)
  if(which[4] == 0) return(r)
  dl1 = dl$db
  if(is.null(dl1)) r$db = NULL
  else {
    r$db = apply(sweep(dl1, c(1,2), p, "*"), c(1,3), sum)
    if(!ind) r$db = llexdb(x, beta, mix) + colSums(w * r$db)

valid.snpmle = function(x, beta, mix) {
  bs = suppspace(x, beta)
  bs = bs + 1e-14 * c(-1,1) * abs(bs)             # tolerance
  valid(x, beta, mix) && all(mix$pr >= 0, mix$pt >= bs[1], mix$pt <= bs[2])

collapse.snpmle = function(mix, beta, x, tol=1e-15) {
  j = mix$pr == 0
  if(any(j)) {
    mix = disc(mix$pt[!j], mix$pr[!j])
    attr(mix, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix)
  else { if( is.null(attr(mix, "ll")) || is.null(attr(attr(mix, "ll"), "dmix")) )
           attr(mix, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix) }
##   if( any(mix$pr < tol.p) ) {
##     j = mix$pr >= tol.p
##     mixt = mix
##     mixt$pt = mixt$pt[j]
##     mixt$pr = mixt$pr[j] / sum(mix$pr[j])
##     attr(mixt, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mixt)
##     if(attr(mixt,"ll")[1] >= attr(mix,"ll")[1] - tol) mix = mixt
##   }
##   p = attr(attr(mix, "ll"), "p")
##   pj = colSums(weight(x, beta) * p)
##   if( any(pj == 0) ) {
##     j = pj != 0
##     mix$pt = mix$pt[j]
##     mix$pr = mix$pr[j] / sum(mix$pr[j])
##     attr(mix, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mix)
##   }
  if(tol > 0) {
    repeat {
      if(length(mix$pt) <= 1) break
      prec = 10 * min(diff(mix$pt))   ## one digit at a time
      ## if(prec > diff(range(gridpoints(x, beta, grid=2))) * .01) break
      mixt = unique(mix, prec=c(prec,0))
      attr(mixt, "ll") = logLik.snpmle(x, beta, mixt)
      # if(attr(mixt,"ll")[1] >= attr(mix,"ll")[1] - tol * abs(attr(mix,"ll")[1]))
      if(attr(mixt,"ll")[1] >= attr(mix,"ll")[1] - tol) mix = mixt  
      else break

print.snpmle = function(verbose, ll, mix, beta, maxdg, i) {
  if(verbose > 0)
    cat("## Iteration ", i, ":\n   Log-likelihood = ", as.character(ll), "\n", sep="")
  if(verbose > 1) cat("   Max gradient =", maxdg, "\n")
  if(verbose > 2) cat("   theta =", signif(mix$pt,6), "\n")
  if(verbose > 3) cat("   Proportions =", signif(mix$pr,6), "\n")
  if(verbose > 4)
    cat("   beta =", if(is.null(beta)) "NULL" else signif(beta,6), "\n")

plot.nspmix = function(x, data, type=c("probability","gradient"), ...) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  if(missing(data)) data = NULL
  else {
    if(is.null(class(data))) stop("Data belongs to no class")
    if(class(data)[1] != x$family)
      stop(paste0("Class of data does not match the mixture family: ",
                 class(data)[1], " != ", x$family))
  plotf = getFunction(paste0("plot.",x$family))
         "probability" = plotf(data, x$mix, x$beta, ...),
         "gradient" = plotgrad(data, x$mix, x$beta, pch=1, ...) )

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