
Defines functions rf_graph_table

Documented in rf_graph_table

##                                                                                 ##
## Package: onemap                                                                 ##
##                                                                                 ##
## File: rf_graph_table.R                                                          ##
## Contains: rf_graph_table                                                        ##
##                                                                                 ##
## Written by Marcelo Mollinari                                                    ##
## Upgraded to ggplot2/plotly by Rodrigo Amadeu and Cristiane Taniguti             ##
## copyright (c) 2018, Marcelo Mollinari and Rodrigo Amadeu and Cristiane Taniguti ##
##                                                                                 ##
## First version: 2009/05/03                                                       ##
## Last update: 2018/05/15                                                         ##
## Description was modified by Augusto Garcia on 2015/07/25                        ##
## Upgrade to ggplot2/plotly by Rodrigo Amadeu on 2018/02/15                       ##
## License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later             ##
##                                                                                 ##

globalVariables(c("x", "y", "x.type", "rf"))
globalVariables(c("y.type", "x.missing"))
globalVariables(c("y.missing", "LOD.CC"))
globalVariables(c("LOD.CR", "LOD.RC", "LOD.RR"))

##' Plots pairwise recombination fractions and LOD Scores in a heatmap
##' Plots a matrix of pairwise recombination fraction or
##' LOD Scores using a color scale. Any value of the
##' matrix can be easily accessed using an interactive plotly-html interface,
##' helping users to check for possible problems.
##' The color scale varies from red (small distances or big LODs) to purple.
##' When hover on a cell, a dialog box is displayed with some information
##' about corresponding markers for that cell (line (y) \eqn{\times} column (x)). They are:
##' \eqn{i}) the name of the markers; \eqn{ii}) the number of
##' the markers on the data set; \eqn{iii}) the segregation types; \eqn{iv})
##' the recombination fraction between the markers and \eqn{v}) the LOD-Score
##' for each possible linkage phase calculated via two-point analysis. For
##' neighbor markers, the multipoint recombination fraction is printed;
##' otherwise, the two-point recombination fraction is printed. For markers of
##' type \code{D1} and \code{D2}, it is impossible to calculate recombination
##' fraction via two-point analysis and, therefore, the corresponding cell will
##' be empty (white color). For cells on the diagonal of the matrix, the name, the number and
##' the type of the marker are printed, as well as the percentage of missing
##' data for that marker.
##' @import ggplot2 
##' @importFrom reshape2 melt
##' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
##' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
##' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
##' @importFrom utils browseURL
##' @param input.seq an object of class \code{sequence} with a predefined
##' order.
##' @param graph.LOD logical. If \code{TRUE}, displays the LOD heatmap, otherwise,
##' displays the recombination fraction heatmap.
##' @param main character. The title of the plot.
##' @param inter logical. If \code{TRUE}, an interactive HTML graphic is plotted.
##' Otherwise, a default graphic device is used.
##' @param html.file character naming the html file with interative graphic.
##' @param mrk.axis character, "names" to display marker names in the axis, "numbers" to display
##' marker numbers and "none" to display axis free of labels.
##' @param lab.xy character vector with length 2, first component is the label of x axis and second of the y axis.
##' @param n.colors integer. Number of colors in the pallete.
##' @param display logical. If inter \code{TRUE} and display \code{TRUE} interactive graphic is plotted in browser automatically when run the function
##' @return a ggplot graphic
##' @author Rodrigo Amadeu, \email{rramadeu@@gmail.com}
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' ##outcross example
##'   data(onemap_example_out)
##'   twopt <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
##'   all_mark <- make_seq(twopt,"all")
##'   groups <- group(all_mark)
##'   LG1 <- make_seq(groups,1)
##'   LG1.rcd <- rcd(LG1)
##'   rf_graph_table(LG1.rcd, inter=FALSE)
##'   ##F2 example
##'   data(onemap_example_f2)
##'   twopt <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_f2)
##'   all_mark <- make_seq(twopt,"all")
##'   groups <- group(all_mark)
##'   ##"pre-allocate" an empty list of length groups$n.groups (3, in this case)
##'   maps.list<-vector("list", groups$n.groups)
##'   for(i in 1:groups$n.groups){
##'     ##create linkage group i
##'     LG.cur <- make_seq(groups,i)
##'     ##ordering
##'     map.cur<-order_seq(LG.cur, subset.search = "sample")
##'     ##assign the map of the i-th group to the maps.list
##'     maps.list[[i]]<-make_seq(map.cur, "force")
##'   }
##' }
rf_graph_table <- function(input.seq,
                           html.file = NULL,
  ## checking for correct objects
    stop(deparse(substitute(input.seq))," is not an object of class 'sequence'")
  if(!(mrk.axis=="names" | mrk.axis=="numbers" | mrk.axis=="none"))
    stop("This mrk.axis argument is not defined, choose 'names', 'numbers' or 'none'")
  ## extracting data
  if(inherits(input.seq$data.name, c("outcross", "f2")))
    ## making a list with necessary information
    n.mrk <- length(input.seq$seq.num)
      LOD <- lapply(input.seq$twopt$analysis,
                    function(x, w){
                      m <- matrix(0,nrow = length(w), ncol = length(w))
                      k <- matrix(c(rep(w[1:(length(w))], each = length(w)), 
                                    rep(w[1:(length(w))], length(w))), ncol = 2)
                      k <- k[-which(k[,1] == k[,2]),]
                      k <- t(apply(k, 1, sort))
                      k <- k[-which(duplicated(k)),]
                      LOD.temp<- x[k[,c(1,2)]]
                      m[lower.tri((m))] <- LOD.temp
                      m[upper.tri(m)] <- t(m)[upper.tri(m)]
                    }, input.seq$seq.num
    mat<-t(get_mat_rf_out(input.seq, LOD=TRUE,  max.rf = 0.501, min.LOD = -0.1))
  } else {
    ## making a list with necessary information
    n.mrk <- length(input.seq$seq.num) 
      LOD<-matrix(0, length(input.seq$seq.num), length(input.seq$seq.num))
      k <- matrix(c(rep(input.seq$seq.num[1:(length(input.seq$seq.num))], each = length(input.seq$seq.num)), 
                    rep(input.seq$seq.num[1:(length(input.seq$seq.num))], length(input.seq$seq.num))), ncol = 2)
      k <- k[-which(k[,1] == k[,2]),]
      k <- t(apply(k, 1, sort))
      k <- k[-which(duplicated(k)),]
      LOD.temp<- input.seq$twopt$analysis[k[,c(1,2)]]
      LOD[lower.tri((LOD))] <- LOD.temp
      LOD[upper.tri(LOD)] <- t(LOD)[upper.tri(LOD)]
    mat<-t(get_mat_rf_in(input.seq, LOD=TRUE,  max.rf = 0.501, min.LOD = -0.1))
  ##Scaling the LODs to print them properly
  ## range.LOD<-range(as.dist(t(mat)), na.rm=TRUE)
  ## range.rf<-range(as.dist(mat), na.rm=TRUE)
  mat[row(mat) > col(mat) & mat > 0.5] <- 0.5 ## if there are recombinations greater than 0.5 (for numerical convergence problems), assuming 0.5
  mat[row(mat) < col(mat)][mat[row(mat) < col(mat)] < 10E-2]<-10E-2
  colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat)<- colnames(input.seq$data.name$geno)[input.seq$seq.num]
  if (mrk.axis == "numbers")
    colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat)<- input.seq$seq.num
  # Be compatible with older versions
  # if(all(is.na(input.seq$data.name$segr.type.num))){
  #   if(inherits(input.seq$data.name, "backcross")){
  #     segr.type.num <- rep(8, length(input.seq$data.name$segr.type))
  #   } else {
  #     segr.type.num <- rep(9, length(input.seq$data.name$segr.type))
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   segr.type.num <- input.seq$data.name$segr.type.num
  # }
  ##Write NAs in two-point recombination fractions between markers of type D1 and D2
  if(inherits(input.seq$data.name, c("outcross", "f2"))){
    types <- input.seq$data.name$segr.type.num[input.seq$seq.num]
    for(i in 1:length(types))
      for(j in 1:(length(types)-1))
        if((types[i] == 7 & types[j] == 6) | (types[i] == 6 & types[j] == 7)){
          mat[i,j] <- mat[j,i] <- NA
  ## Marker types
  types <- input.seq$data.name$segr.type[input.seq$seq.num]
  ##Write multipoint estimates
  if(length(input.seq$seq.rf) > 1){
    for (i in 1:(n.mrk-1)){
      mat[i+1,i] <- input.seq$seq.rf[i]
  missing<-100*apply(input.seq$data.name$geno[,input.seq$seq.num],2, function(x) sum(x==0))/input.seq$data.name$n.ind
  ## Building the data.frame to plot
  mat.LOD <- mat.rf <- mat
  mat.LOD[lower.tri(mat.LOD)] <- t(mat.LOD)[lower.tri(mat.LOD)]
  mat.rf[upper.tri(mat.rf)] <- t(mat.rf)[upper.tri(mat.LOD)]
  if(inherits(input.seq$data.name, c("outcross", "f2"))){
      colnames(LOD$CC) <- rownames(LOD$CC) <- colnames(mat.rf)
      colnames(LOD$CR) <- rownames(LOD$CR) <- colnames(mat.rf)
      colnames(LOD$RC) <- rownames(LOD$RC) <- colnames(mat.rf)
      colnames(LOD$RR) <- rownames(LOD$RR) <- colnames(mat.rf)
      ## Merging all the matrices into one df
      df.graph <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE),
                         list(melt(round(mat.rf,2), value.name="rf"),
                              melt(round(mat.LOD,2), value.name="LOD"),
                              melt(round(LOD$CC,2), value.name="CC"),
                              melt(round(LOD$CR,2), value.name="CR"),
                              melt(round(LOD$RC,2), value.name="RC"),
                              melt(round(LOD$RR,2), value.name="RR")))
      colnames(df.graph)[5:8] <- paste0("LOD.",c("CC","CR","RC","RR"))
    } else {
      df.graph <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE),
                         list(melt(round(mat.rf,2), value.name="rf"),
                              melt(round(mat.LOD,2), value.name="LOD")))
    df.graph <- merge(melt(round(mat.rf,2), value.name="rf"),
                      melt(round(mat.LOD,2), value.name="LOD"))
  colnames(df.graph)[c(1,2)] <- c("x", "y")
    df.graph$x <- factor(df.graph$x, levels = as.character(input.seq$seq.num))
    df.graph$y <- factor(df.graph$y, levels = as.character(input.seq$seq.num))
  missing <- paste0(round(missing,2),"%")
  mrk.type.x <- data.frame(x=colnames(mat.rf),x.type=types)
  mrk.type.y <- data.frame(y=colnames(mat.rf),y.type=types)
  missing.x <- data.frame(x=colnames(mat.rf),x.missing=missing)
  missing.y <- data.frame(y=colnames(mat.rf),y.missing=missing)
  df.graph <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE),
  ## Within the df.graph dataframe we plot based on the arguments and data.type
  ## Additional aesthetical (aes) arguments are to be passed to the mouse hover in the interactive plot.
  ## ggplot() just depends on the 'x', 'y', and 'fill' aes arguments
  ## If outcross:
  if(inherits(input.seq$data.name, c("outcross", "f2"))){
        p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.type = x.type, y.type = y.type, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, fill = rf, LOD.CC=LOD.CC, LOD.CR=LOD.CR, LOD.RC=LOD.RC, LOD.RR=LOD.RR), data=df.graph) +
          geom_tile() +
          scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(n.colors), na.value = "white") +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
      } else {
        p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.type = x.type, y.type = y.type, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, fill = rf), data=df.graph) +
          geom_tile() +
          scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(n.colors), na.value = "white") +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
        p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.type = x.type, y.type = y.type, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, rf=rf, fill = LOD, LOD.CC=LOD.CC, LOD.CR=LOD.CR, LOD.RC=LOD.RC, LOD.RR=LOD.RR), data=df.graph) +
          geom_tile() +
          scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(rainbow(n.colors)), na.value = "white") +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
      } else {
        p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.type = x.type, y.type = y.type, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, rf=rf, fill = LOD), data=df.graph) +
          geom_tile() +
          scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(rainbow(n.colors)), na.value = "white") +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
    ## If inbred:
      p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, fill=rf, LOD=LOD), data=df.graph) +
        geom_tile() +
        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(n.colors), na.value = "white") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
      p <- ggplot(aes(x, y, x.missing = x.missing, y.missing = y.missing, rf=rf, fill=LOD), data=df.graph) +
        geom_tile() +
        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(rainbow(n.colors)), na.value = "white") +
        theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
  ## Disable lab names:
    p <- p + labs(x = " ", y = " ")
  } else {
      warning("You should give a character vector with two components to axis labels")
      p <- p + labs(x = lab.xy[1], y = lab.xy[2])
  ## Disable markers names:
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
  ## Write main
    p <- p + ggtitle(main)
  ## Interactive    
      stop("For interactive mode you must define a name for the outputted html file in 'html.file' argument.")
      p <- ggplotly(p)
        saveWidget(p, file = html.file)
      } else {
    p #it is a ggplot which can be expanded (+).

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onemap documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 9:05 a.m.