
Defines functions calendarPlot

Documented in calendarPlot

#' Plot time series values in a conventional calendar format
#' This function will plot data by month laid out in a conventional calendar
#' format. The main purpose is to help rapidly visualise potentially complex
#' data in a familiar way. Users can also choose to show daily mean wind vectors
#' if wind speed and direction are available.
#' [calendarPlot()] will plot data in a conventional calendar format, i.e., by
#' month and day of the week. Daily statistics are calculated using
#' [timeAverage()], which by default will calculate the daily mean
#' concentration.
#' If wind direction is available it is then possible to plot the wind direction
#' vector on each day. This is very useful for getting a feel for the
#' meteorological conditions that affect pollutant concentrations. Note that if
#' hourly or higher time resolution are supplied, then [calendarPlot()] will
#' calculate daily averages using [timeAverage()], which ensures that wind
#' directions are vector-averaged.
#' If wind speed is also available, then setting the option `annotate = "ws"`
#' will plot the wind vectors whose length is scaled to the wind speed. Thus
#' information on the daily mean wind speed and direction are available.
#' It is also possible to plot categorical scales. This is useful where, for
#' example, an air quality index defines concentrations as bands, e.g., "good",
#' "poor". In these cases users must supply `labels` and corresponding `breaks`.
#' Note that is is possible to pre-calculate concentrations in some way before
#' passing the data to [calendarPlot()]. For example [rollingMean()] could be
#' used to calculate rolling 8-hour mean concentrations. The data can then be
#' passed to [calendarPlot()] and `statistic = "max"` chosen, which will plot
#' maximum daily 8-hour mean concentrations.
#' @param mydata A data frame minimally containing `date` and at least one other
#'   numeric variable. The date should be in either `Date` format or class
#'   `POSIXct`.
#' @param pollutant Mandatory. A pollutant name corresponding to a variable in a
#'   data frame should be supplied e.g. `pollutant = "nox". `
#' @param year Year to plot e.g. `year = 2003`. If not supplied all data
#'   potentially spanning several years will be plotted.
#' @param month If only certain month are required. By default the function will
#'   plot an entire year even if months are missing. To only plot certain months
#'   use the `month` option where month is a numeric 1:12 e.g. `month = c(1,
#'   12)` to only plot January and December.
#' @param type Not yet implemented.
#' @param annotate This option controls what appears on each day of the
#'   calendar. Can be: "date" --- shows day of the month; "wd"
#'   --- shows vector-averaged wind direction, or "ws" --- shows
#'   vector-averaged wind direction scaled by wind speed. Finally it can be
#'   \dQuote{value} which shows the daily mean value.
#' @param statistic Statistic passed to [timeAverage()]. Note that if `statistic
#'   = "max"` and `annotate` is "ws" or "wd", the hour corresponding to the
#'   maximum concentration of `polluant` is used to provide the associated `ws`
#'   or `wd` and not the maximum daily `ws` or `wd`.
#' @param cols Colours to be used for plotting. See [openColours()] for more
#'   details.
#' @param limits Use this option to manually set the colour scale limits. This
#'   is useful in the case when there is a need for two or more plots and a
#'   consistent scale is needed on each. Set the limits to cover the maximum
#'   range of the data for all plots of interest. For example, if one plot had
#'   data covering 0--60 and another 0--100, then set `limits = c(0, 100)`. Note
#'   that data will be ignored if outside the limits range.
#' @param lim A threshold value to help differentiate values above and below
#'   `lim`. It is used when `annotate = "value"`. See next few options for
#'   control over the labels used.
#' @param col.lim For the annotation of concentration labels on each day. The
#'   first sets the colour of the text below `lim` and the second sets the
#'   colour of the text above `lim`.
#' @param col.arrow The colour of the annotated wind direction / wind speed
#'   arrows.
#' @param font.lim For the annotation of concentration labels on each day. The
#'   first sets the font of the text below `lim` and the second sets the font of
#'   the text above `lim`. Note that font = 1 is normal text and font = 2 is
#'   bold text.
#' @param cex.lim For the annotation of concentration labels on each day. The
#'   first sets the size of the text below `lim` and the second sets the size of
#'   the text above `lim`.
#' @param digits The number of digits used to display concentration values when
#'   `annotate = "value"`.
#' @param data.thresh Data capture threshold passed to [timeAverage()]. For
#'   example, `data.thresh = 75` means that at least 75\% of the data must be
#'   available in a day for the value to be calculate, else the data is removed.
#' @param breaks If a categorical scale is required then these breaks will be
#'   used. For example, `breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 1000)`. In this case
#'   \dQuote{good} corresponds to values between 0 and 50 and so on. Users
#'   should set the maximum value of `breaks` to exceed the maximum data value
#'   to ensure it is within the maximum final range e.g. 100--1000 in this case.
#' @param labels If a categorical scale is defined using `breaks`, then `labels`
#'   can be used to override the default category labels, e.g., `labels =
#'   c("good", "bad", "very bad")`. Note there is one less label than break.
#' @param main The plot title; default is pollutant and year.
#' @param w.shift Controls the order of the days of the week. By default the
#'   plot shows Saturday first (`w.shift = 0`). To change this so that it starts
#'   on a Monday for example, set `w.shift = 2`, and so on.
#' @param w.abbr.len The default (`1`) abbreviates the days of the week to a
#'   single letter (e.g., in English, S/S/M/T/W/T/F). `w.abbr.len` defines the
#'   number of letters to abbreviate until. For example, `w.abbr.len = 3` will
#'   abbreviate "Monday" to "Mon".
#' @param remove.empty Should months with no data present be removed? Default is
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @param key.header Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example,
#'   passing `calendarPlot(mydata, key.header = "header", key.footer =
#'   "footer")` adds addition text above and below the scale key. These
#'   arguments are passed to [drawOpenKey()] via [quickText()], applying the
#'   `auto.text` argument, to handle formatting.
#' @param key.footer see `key.header`.
#' @param key.position Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed
#'   arguments currently include `"top"`, `"right"`, `"bottom"` and `"left"`.
#' @param key Fine control of the scale key via [drawOpenKey()]. See
#'   [drawOpenKey()] for further details.
#' @param auto.text Either `TRUE` (default) or `FALSE`. If `TRUE` titles and
#'   axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names and units
#'   properly e.g.  by subscripting the `2' in NO2.
#' @param plot Should a plot be produced? `FALSE` can be useful when analysing
#'   data to extract calendar plot components and plotting them in other ways.
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters are passed onto the `lattice` function
#'   [lattice::levelplot()], with common axis and title labelling options (such
#'   as `xlab`, `ylab`, `main`) being passed to via [quickText()] to handle
#'   routine formatting.
#' @export
#' @import grid
#' @return an [openair][openair-package] object
#' @author David Carslaw
#' @family time series and trend functions
#' @examples
#' # basic plot
#' calendarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "o3", year = 2003)
#' # show wind vectors
#' calendarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "o3", year = 2003, annotate = "wd")
#' \dontrun{
#' # show wind vectors scaled by wind speed and different colours
#' calendarPlot(mydata,
#'   pollutant = "o3", year = 2003, annotate = "ws",
#'   cols = "heat"
#' )
#' # show only specific months with selectByDate
#' calendarPlot(selectByDate(mydata, month = c(3, 6, 10), year = 2003),
#'   pollutant = "o3", year = 2003, annotate = "ws", cols = "heat"
#' )
#' # categorical scale example
#' calendarPlot(mydata,
#'   pollutant = "no2", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 1000),
#'   labels = c("Very low", "Low", "High", "Very High"),
#'   cols = c("lightblue", "green", "yellow", "red"), statistic = "max"
#' )
#' # UK daily air quality index
#' pm10.breaks <- c(0, 17, 34, 50, 59, 67, 75, 84, 92, 100, 1000)
#' calendarPlot(mydata, "pm10",
#'   year = 1999, breaks = pm10.breaks,
#'   labels = c(1:10), cols = "daqi", statistic = "mean", key.header = "DAQI"
#' )
#' }
calendarPlot <-
           pollutant = "nox",
           year = 2003,
           month = 1:12,
           type = "default",
           annotate = "date",
           statistic = "mean",
           cols = "heat",
           limits = c(0, 100),
           lim = NULL,
           col.lim = c("grey30", "black"),
           col.arrow = "black",
           font.lim = c(1, 2),
           cex.lim = c(0.6, 1),
           digits = 0,
           data.thresh = 0,
           labels = NA,
           breaks = NA,
           w.shift = 0,
           w.abbr.len = 1,
           remove.empty = TRUE,
           main = NULL,
           key.header = "",
           key.footer = "",
           key.position = "right",
           key = TRUE,
           auto.text = TRUE,
           plot = TRUE,
           ...) {
    conc.mat <- NULL ## keep R check quiet

    ## international keyboard
    ## first letter and ordered Sun to Sat

    if (w.shift < 0 || w.shift > 6) {
      warning("w.shift should be between 0 and 6")

    weekday.abb <-
      substr(format(ISOdate(2000, 1, 2:8), "%A"), 1, w.abbr.len)[((6:12) +
        w.shift) %% 7 + 1]

    ## extra args
    extra.args <- list(...)

    ## set graphics
    current.strip <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
    current.font <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")

    ## reset graphic parameters
    on.exit(trellis.par.set(fontsize = current.font))

    ## label controls
    ## (main currently handled in formals)
    extra.args$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      quickText(extra.args$xlab, auto.text)
    } else {
      quickText("", auto.text)

    extra.args$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      quickText(extra.args$ylab, auto.text)
    } else {
      quickText("", auto.text)

    if ("fontsize" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      trellis.par.set(fontsize = list(text = extra.args$fontsize))

    ## extract variables of interest
    if (annotate %in% c("date", "value")) {
      vars <- c("date", pollutant)
    if (annotate == "wd") {
      vars <- c("wd", "ws", "date", pollutant)
    if (annotate == "ws") {
      vars <- c("wd", "ws", "date", pollutant)

    ## select year first, then check variables
    if (!missing(year)) {
      mydata <- selectByDate(mydata, year = year)

    if (!missing(month)) {
      mydata <- selectByDate(mydata, month = month)

    # mydata <- selectByDate(mydata, year = year)
    if (nrow(mydata) == 0) {
      stop("No data to plot - check year chosen")
    mydata <-
      checkPrep(mydata, vars, "default", remove.calm = FALSE)

    main <- quickText(main, auto.text)

    ## themes for calendarPlot
    def.theme <- list(
      strip.background = list(col = "#ffe5cc"),
      strip.border = list(col = "black"),
      axis.line = list(col = "black"),
      par.strip.text = list(cex = 1)

    cal.theme <- list(
      strip.background = list(col = "grey90"),
      strip.border = list(col = "transparent"),
      axis.line = list(col = "transparent"),
      par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8)

    lattice.options(default.theme = cal.theme)

    ## all the days in the year
    all.dates <- seq(as_date(floor_date(min(mydata$date), "month")),
      as_date(ceiling_date(max(mydata$date), "month")) - 1,
      by = "day"

    prepare.grid <- function(mydata, pollutant) {
      firstDay <- format(mydata$date[1], "%A")
      lastDay <-
        as.numeric(format(mydata$date[length(mydata$date)], "%d"))

      ## number of blank cells at beginning to get calendar format
      pad.start <-
        (as.numeric(format(mydata$date[1], "%w")) - w.shift) %% 7 + 1

      ## need to do in reverse to plot easily
      conc <- rev(mydata[[pollutant]])
      actual_date <- rev(mydata$date)

      ## day of the month
      theDates <- as.numeric(format(mydata$date, "%d"))
      theDates <- rev(theDates)

      daysAtEnd <- 42 - pad.start - nrow(mydata) ## 7x6 regular grid
      conc <- c(rep(NA, daysAtEnd), conc)

      actual_date <- c(rep(NA, daysAtEnd), actual_date)

      ## get relevant days in previous and next month, like a real calendar
      endDates <- mydata$date[nrow(mydata)] + (1:daysAtEnd)
      endDates <- rev(as.numeric(format(endDates, "%d")))

      theDates <- c(endDates, theDates)

      beginDates <- -1 * (1:pad.start) + mydata$date[1]
      beginDates <- as.numeric(format(beginDates, "%d"))

      conc <- c(conc, rep(NA, pad.start))

      actual_date <- c(actual_date, rep(NA, pad.start))

      if (pad.start != 0) {
        theDates <- c(theDates, beginDates)

      ## colurs for dates
      dateColour <- c(
        rep("grey70", daysAtEnd),
        rep("black", nrow(mydata)),
        rep("grey70", pad.start)

      ## convert to matrix
      conc.mat <- matrix(conc, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
      date.mat <- matrix(theDates, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
      actual_date.mat <- matrix(actual_date, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
      colour.mat <- matrix(dateColour, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)

      ## need to reverse each row for calendar format
      conc.mat <- as.vector(apply(conc.mat, 1, rev))
      date.mat <- as.vector(apply(date.mat, 1, rev))
      actual_date.mat <- as.vector(apply(actual_date.mat, 1, rev))
      colour.mat <- as.vector(apply(colour.mat, 1, rev))

      grid <- data.frame(expand.grid(x = 1:7, y = 1:6))
      results <- tibble(
        x = grid$x,
        y = grid$y,
        date.mat = date.mat,
        dateColour = colour.mat,
        date = lubridate::as_date(actual_date.mat)


    # if statistic = "max" we want the corresponding ws/wd for the pollutant, not
    # simply the max ws/wd

    if (statistic == "max") {
      vars <- c("ws", "wd")

      # max ws/wd for hour with max pollutant value
      maxes <- mydata %>%
        mutate(date = as_date(date)) %>%
        group_by(date) %>%

      # averaged data
      mydata <- timeAverage(mydata,
        statistic = statistic,
        data.thresh = data.thresh
      # replace with parallel max
      mydata <- left_join(
        mydata %>%
        maxes %>%
        by = join_by(date)
    } else {
      ## calculate daily means

      mydata <- timeAverage(mydata,
        statistic = statistic,
        data.thresh = data.thresh

      mydata$date <- as_date(mydata$date)

    type <- "cuts"

    # make sure all days are available
    mydata <-
      left_join(data.frame(date = all.dates), mydata, by = "date")

    # split by year-month
    mydata <- mutate(mydata,
      cuts = format(date, "%B-%Y"),
      cuts = ordered(cuts, levels = unique(cuts))

    if (remove.empty) {
      mydata <- group_by(mydata, cuts) %>%
        mutate(empty = all(is.na(across(pollutant)))) %>%
        filter(empty == FALSE) %>%

    baseData <- mydata # for use later
    original_data <- mydata

    # timeAverage will pad-out missing months
    if (!missing(month)) {
      mydata <- selectByDate(mydata, month = month)

    mydata <- mydata %>%
      group_by(across(type)) %>%
      do(prepare.grid(., pollutant)) %>%

    mydata$value <-
      mydata$conc.mat ## actual numerical value (retain for categorical scales)

    strip.dat <- strip.fun(mydata, type, auto.text)
    strip <- strip.dat[[1]]

    category <- FALSE ## assume pollutant is not a categorical value

    if (!anyNA(breaks)) {
      # assign labels if no labels are given
      if (anyNA(labels)) {
        labels <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(breaks)) {
          lhs <- breaks[i]
          rhs <- breaks[i + 1]
          str <- paste(lhs, rhs, sep = " - ")
          labels <- append(labels, str)
        labels <- labels[-i]

      category <- TRUE
      mydata <- mutate(mydata,
        conc.mat = cut(conc.mat,
          breaks = breaks,
          labels = labels

    if (annotate == "wd") {
      baseData$wd <- baseData$wd * 2 * pi / 360

      wd <- baseData %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        do(prepare.grid(., "wd")) %>%

      wd$value <-
        wd$conc.mat ## actual numerical value (retain for categorical scales)

    if (annotate == "ws") {
      baseData$wd <- baseData$wd * 2 * pi / 360

      ws <- baseData %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        do(prepare.grid(., "ws")) %>%

      wd <- baseData %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        do(prepare.grid(., "wd")) %>%

      ## normalise wind speeds to highest daily mean
      ws$conc.mat <- ws$conc.mat / max(ws$conc.mat, na.rm = TRUE)
      ws$value <-
        ws$conc.mat ## actual numerical value (retain for categorical scales)
      wd$value <-
        wd$conc.mat ## actual numerical value (retain for categorical scales)

    ## set up scales

    ## categorical scales required
    if (category) {
      ## check the breaks and labels are consistent
      if (length(labels) + 1 != length(breaks)) {
        stop("Need one more break than labels")
      n <- length(levels(mydata$conc.mat))

      col <- openColours(cols, n)
      legend <- list(
        col = col,
        space = key.position,
        auto.text = auto.text,
        labels = levels(mydata$conc.mat),
        footer = key.footer,
        header = key.header,
        height = 0.8,
        width = 1.5,
        fit = "scale",
        plot.style = "other"

      col.scale <- breaks
      legend <- makeOpenKeyLegend(key, legend, "windRose")
    } else {
      ## continuous colour scale
      nlev <- 200

      ## handle missing breaks arguments

      if (missing(limits)) {
        breaks <- pretty(mydata$value, n = nlev)
        labs <- pretty(breaks, 7)
        labs <- labs[labs >= min(breaks) & labs <= max(breaks)]
      } else {
        breaks <- pretty(limits, n = nlev)
        labs <- pretty(breaks, 7)
        labs <- labs[labs >= min(breaks) & labs <= max(breaks)]

        if (max(limits) < max(mydata$value, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          ## if clipping highest, then annotate differently
          id <- which(mydata$value > max(limits))
          mydata$value[id] <- max(limits)
          labs <- pretty(breaks, 7)
          labs <- labs[labs >= min(breaks) & labs <= max(breaks)]
          labs[length(labs)] <- paste(">", labs[length(labs)])

      nlev2 <- length(breaks)
      col <- openColours(cols, (nlev2 - 1))
      col.scale <- breaks

      legend <- list(
        col = col,
        at = col.scale,
        labels = list(labels = labs),
        space = key.position,
        auto.text = auto.text,
        footer = key.footer,
        header = key.header,
        height = 1,
        width = 1.5,
        fit = "all"

      legend <- makeOpenKeyLegend(key, legend, "calendarPlot")

    lv.args <- list(
      x = value ~ x * y | cuts,
      data = mydata,
      par.settings = cal.theme,
      main = main,
      strip = strip,
      par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.9),
      at = col.scale,
      col.regions = col,
      as.table = TRUE,
      scales = list(
        y = list(draw = FALSE),
        x = list(
          at = 1:7,
          labels = weekday.abb,
          tck = 0
        par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8),
        alternating = 1,
        relation = "free"
      aspect = 6 / 7,
      between = list(x = 1),
      colorkey = FALSE,
      legend = legend,
      panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
        panel.levelplot(x, y, subscripts, ...)
        panel.abline(v = c(0.5:7.5), col = "grey90")
        panel.abline(h = c(0.5:7.5), col = "grey90")

        if (annotate == "date") {
            labels = mydata$date.mat[subscripts],
            cex = 0.6,
            col = as.character(mydata$dateColour[subscripts])

        if (annotate == "value") {
          ## add some dates for navigation
          date.col <- as.character(mydata$dateColour[subscripts])
          ids <- which(date.col == "black")
          date.col[ids] <- "transparent"
            labels = mydata$date.mat[subscripts],
            cex = 0.6,
            col = date.col

          concs <- mydata$value[subscripts]

          ## deal with values above/below threshold
          ids <- seq_along(concs)
          the.cols <- rep(col.lim[1], length(ids))
          the.font <- rep(font.lim[1], length(ids))
          the.cex <- rep(cex.lim[1], length(ids))
          if (!is.null(lim)) {
            ## ids where conc is >= lim
            ids <- which(concs >= lim)
            the.cols[ids] <- col.lim[2]
            the.font[ids] <- font.lim[2]
            the.cex[ids] <- cex.lim[2]

          the.labs <- round(concs, digits = digits)
          id <- which(is.na(the.labs))
          if (length(id) > 0) {
            the.labs <- as.character(the.labs)
            the.labs[id] <- ""
            labels = the.labs,
            cex = the.cex,
            font = the.font,
            col = the.cols

        if (annotate == "wd") {
            x + 0.5 * sin(wd$value[subscripts]),
            y + 0.5 * cos(wd$value[subscripts]),
            x + -0.5 * sin(wd$value[subscripts]),
            y + -0.5 * cos(wd$value[subscripts]),
            angle = 20,
            length = 0.07,
            lwd = 0.5,
            col = col.arrow

        if (annotate == "ws") {
            x + (0.5 * sin(wd$value[subscripts]) *
            y + (0.5 * cos(wd$value[subscripts]) *
            x + (-0.5 * sin(wd$value[subscripts]) *
            y + (-0.5 * cos(wd$value[subscripts]) *
            angle = 20,
            length = 0.07,
            lwd = 0.5,
            col = col.arrow

    ## reset for extra.args
    lv.args <- listUpdate(lv.args, extra.args)

    ## plot
    if (plot) {
      print(do.call(levelplot, lv.args))

    ## reset theme
    lattice.options(default.theme = def.theme)

    # output

    plt <- do.call(levelplot, lv.args)

    # add in ws and wd if there
    newdata <-
      left_join(mydata, original_data %>% select(any_of(c("date", "ws", "wd"))),
                by = "date")

    output <- list(
      plot = plt,
      data = newdata,
      call = match.call()
    class(output) <- "openair"

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