
Defines functions mergeStyle

#' @include class_definitions.R

Style$methods(initialize = function() {
  fontName <<- NULL
  fontColour <<- NULL
  fontSize <<- NULL
  fontFamily <<- NULL
  fontScheme <<- NULL
  fontDecoration <<- NULL

  borderTop <<- NULL
  borderLeft <<- NULL
  borderRight <<- NULL
  borderBottom <<- NULL
  borderTopColour <<- NULL
  borderLeftColour <<- NULL
  borderRightColour <<- NULL
  borderBottomColour <<- NULL
  borderDiagonal <<- NULL
  borderDiagonalColour <<- NULL
  borderDiagonalUp <<- FALSE
  borderDiagonalDown <<- FALSE

  halign <<- NULL
  valign <<- NULL
  indent <<- NULL
  textRotation <<- NULL
  numFmt <<- NULL
  fill <<- NULL
  wrapText <<- NULL
  hidden <<- NULL
  locked <<- NULL
  xfId <<- NULL

mergeStyle <- function(oldStyle, newStyle) {

  ## This function is used to merge an existing cell style with a new style to create a stacked style.
  oldStyle <- oldStyle$copy()

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fontName)) {
    oldStyle$fontName <- newStyle$fontName

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fontColour)) {
    oldStyle$fontColour <- newStyle$fontColour

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fontSize)) {
    oldStyle$fontSize <- newStyle$fontSize

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fontFamily)) {
    oldStyle$fontFamily <- newStyle$fontFamily

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fontScheme)) {
    oldStyle$fontScheme <- newStyle$fontScheme

  if (length(newStyle$fontDecoration) > 0) {
    if (length(oldStyle$fontDecoration) == 0) {
      oldStyle$fontDecoration <- newStyle$fontDecoration
    } else {
      oldStyle$fontDecoration <- c(oldStyle$fontDecoration, newStyle$fontDecoration)

  ## borders
  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderTop)) {
    oldStyle$borderTop <- newStyle$borderTop

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderLeft)) {
    oldStyle$borderLeft <- newStyle$borderLeft

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderRight)) {
    oldStyle$borderRight <- newStyle$borderRight

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderBottom)) {
    oldStyle$borderBottom <- newStyle$borderBottom

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderDiagonal)) {
    oldStyle$borderDiagonal <- newStyle$borderDiagonal

  oldStyle$borderDiagonalUp <- newStyle$borderDiagonalUp
  oldStyle$borderDiagonalDown <- newStyle$borderDiagonalDown

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderTopColour)) {
    oldStyle$borderTopColour <- newStyle$borderTopColour

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderLeftColour)) {
    oldStyle$borderLeftColour <- newStyle$borderLeftColour

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderRightColour)) {
    oldStyle$borderRightColour <- newStyle$borderRightColour

  if (!is.null(newStyle$borderBottomColour)) {
    oldStyle$borderBottomColour <- newStyle$borderBottomColour

  ## other
  if (!is.null(newStyle$halign)) {
    oldStyle$halign <- newStyle$halign

  if (!is.null(newStyle$valign)) {
    oldStyle$valign <- newStyle$valign

  if (!is.null(newStyle$indent)) {
    oldStyle$indent <- newStyle$indent

  if (!is.null(newStyle$textRotation)) {
    oldStyle$textRotation <- newStyle$textRotation

  if (!is.null(newStyle$numFmt)) {
    oldStyle$numFmt <- newStyle$numFmt

  if (!is.null(newStyle$fill)) {
    oldStyle$fill <- newStyle$fill

  if (!is.null(newStyle$wrapText)) {
    oldStyle$wrapText <- newStyle$wrapText

  if (!is.null(newStyle$locked)) {
    oldStyle$locked <- newStyle$locked

  if (!is.null(newStyle$hidden)) {
    oldStyle$hidden <- newStyle$hidden

  if (!is.null(newStyle$xfId)) {
    oldStyle$xfId <- newStyle$xfId


Style$methods(show = function(print = TRUE) {
  numFmtMapping <- list(
    list("numFmtId" = 0),
    list("numFmtId" = 2),
    list("numFmtId" = 164),
    list("numFmtId" = 44),
    list("numFmtId" = 14),
    list("numFmtId" = 167),
    list("numFmtId" = 10),
    list("numFmtId" = 11),
    list("numFmtId" = 49)


  if (!is.null(numFmt)) {
    if (as.integer(numFmt$numFmtId) %in% unlist(numFmtMapping)) {
      numFmtStr <- validNumFmt[unlist(numFmtMapping) == as.integer(numFmt$numFmtId)]
    } else {
      numFmtStr <- sprintf('"%s"', numFmt$formatCode)
  } else {
    numFmtStr <- "GENERAL"

  borders <- c(sprintf("Top: %s", borderTop), sprintf("Bottom: %s", borderBottom), sprintf("Left: %s", borderLeft), sprintf("Right: %s", borderRight))
  borderColours <- gsub("^FF", "#", c(borderTopColour, borderBottomColour, borderLeftColour, borderRightColour))

  fgFill <- fill$fillFg
  bgFill <- fill$fillBg

  styleShow <- "A custom cell style. \n\n"

  styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell formatting: %s \n", numFmtStr)) ## numFmt
  styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Font name: %s \n", fontName[[1]])) ## Font name
  styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Font size: %s \n", fontSize[[1]])) ## Font size
  styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Font colour: %s \n", gsub("^FF", "#", fontColour[[1]]))) ## Font colour

  ## Font decoration
  if (length(fontDecoration) > 0) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Font decoration: %s \n", paste(fontDecoration, collapse = ", ")))

  if (length(borders) > 0) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell borders: %s \n", paste(borders, collapse = ", "))) ## Cell borders
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell border colours: %s \n", paste(borderColours, collapse = ", "))) ## Cell borders

  if (!is.null(halign)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell horz. align: %s \n", halign))
  } ## Cell horizontal alignment

  if (!is.null(valign)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell vert. align: %s \n", valign))
  } ## Cell vertical alignment

  if (!is.null(indent)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell indent: %s \n", indent))
  } ## Cell indent

  if (!is.null(textRotation)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell text rotation: %s \n", textRotation))
  } ## Cell text rotation

  ## Cell fill colour
  if (length(fgFill) > 0) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell fill foreground: %s \n", paste(paste0(names(fgFill), ": ", sub("^FF", "#", fgFill)), collapse = ", ")))

  if (length(bgFill) > 0) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell fill background: %s \n", paste(paste0(names(bgFill), ": ", sub("^FF", "#", bgFill)), collapse = ", ")))

  if (!is.null(locked)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell protection: %s \n", locked))
  } ## Cell protection
  if (!is.null(hidden)) {
    styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("Cell formula hidden: %s \n", hidden))
  } ## Cell formula hidden

  styleShow <- append(styleShow, sprintf("wraptext: %s", wrapText)) ## wrap text

  styleShow <- c(styleShow, "\n\n")

  if (print) {


Style$methods(as.list = function() {
  l <- list(
    "fontName" = fontName,
    "fontColour" = fontColour,
    "fontSize" = fontSize,
    "fontFamily" = fontFamily,
    "fontScheme" = fontScheme,
    "fontDecoration" = fontDecoration,

    "borderTop" = borderTop,
    "borderLeft" = borderLeft,
    "borderRight" = borderRight,
    "borderBottom" = borderBottom,
    "borderTopColour" = borderTopColour,
    "borderLeftColour" = borderLeftColour,
    "borderRightColour" = borderRightColour,
    "borderBottomColour" = borderBottomColour,

    "halign" = halign,
    "valign" = valign,
    "indent" = indent,
    "textRotation" = textRotation,
    "numFmt" = numFmt,
    "fillFg" = fill$fillFg,
    "fillBg" = fill$fillBg,
    "wrapText" = wrapText,
    "locked" = locked,
    "hidden" = hidden,
    "xfId" = xfId

  l[sapply(l, length) > 0]

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openxlsx documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:47 p.m.