#' Adaptive Multi-Wave Sampling
#' Determines the adaptive optimum sampling allocation for a new sampling
#' wave based on results from previous waves. Using Neyman or
#' Wright (2014) allocation, \code{allocate_wave} calculates the
#' optimum allocation for the \emph{total} number of samples
#' across waves, determines how many were allocated to each strata
#' in previous waves, and allocates the remaining samples to make
#' up the difference.
#' If the optimum sample size in a stratum is smaller than the
#' amount it was allocated in previous waves, that strata has been
#' \emph{oversampled}. When oversampling occurs,
#' \code{allocate_wave} "closes" the oversampled strata and
#' re-allocates the remaining samples optimally among the open
#' strata. Under these circumstances, the total sampling
#' allocation is no longer optimal, but \code{optimall} will
#' output the \emph{most} optimal allocation possible for the next wave.
#' @param data A data frame or matrix with one row for each
#' sampling unit, one column specifying each unit's stratum,
#' one column holding the value of the continuous variable for
#' which the variance should be minimized, and one column
#' containing a binary indicator, \code{already_sampled},
#' specifying whether each unit has already been sampled.
#' @param strata A character string or vector of character strings
#' specifying the name of columns that indicate the stratum that
#' each unit belongs to.
#' @param y A character string specifying the name of the
#' continuous variable for which the variance should be minimized.
#' @param already_sampled A character string specifying the name of a
#' column that contains a binary (\code{Y}/\code{N} or \code{1}
#' /\code{0}) indicator specifying whether each unit has already
#' been sampled in a previous wave.
#' @param nsample The desired sample size of the next wave.
#' @param allocation_method A character string specifying the method of
#' optimum sample allocation to use. For details see
#' \code{optimum_allocation()}. Defaults to \code{WrightII} which is more exact
#' than \code{Neyman} but may run slower.
#' @param method A character string specifying the method to be
#' used if at least one group was oversampled. Must be one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"iterative"}, the default, will require a longer
#' runtime but may be a more precise method of handling oversampled
#' strata. If there are multiple oversampled strata, this method
#' closes strata and re-calculates optimum allocation one by one.
#' \item \code{"simple"} closes all oversampled together and
#' re-calculates optimum allocation on the rest of the strata only
#' once. In certain cases where many strata have been oversampled
#' in prior waves, it is possible that this method will output a
#' negative value in n_to_sample. When this occurs, the function
#' will print a warning, and it is recommended that the user
#' re-runs the allocation with the 'iterative' method.
#' }
#' @param detailed A logical value indicating whether the output
#' dataframe should include details about each stratum including
#' the true optimum allocation without the constraint of
#' previous waves of sampling
#' and stratum standard deviations. Defaults to FALSE, unless called within
#' \code{apply_multiwave()}.
#' These details are all available from
#' \code{optimum_allocation()}.
#' @examples
#' # Create dataframe with a column specifying strata, a variable of interest
#' # and an indicator for whether each unit was already sampled
#' set.seed(234)
#' mydata <- data.frame(Strata = c(rep(1, times = 20),
#' rep(2, times = 20),
#' rep(3, times = 20)),
#' Var = c(rnorm(20, 1, 0.5),
#' rnorm(20, 1, 0.9),
#' rnorm(20, 1.5, 0.9)),
#' AlreadySampled = rep(c(rep(1, times = 5),
#' rep(0, times = 15)),
#' times = 3))
#' x <- allocate_wave(
#' data = mydata, strata = "Strata",
#' y = "Var", already_sampled = "AlreadySampled",
#' nsample = 20, method = "simple"
#' )
#' @export
#' @references McIsaac MA, Cook RJ. Adaptive sampling in two-phase designs:
#' a biomarker study for progression in arthritis. Statistics in medicine.
#' 2015 Sep 20;34(21):2899-912.
#' @references Reilly, M., & Pepe, M. S. (1995). A mean score method for
#' missing and auxiliary covariate data in regression models.
#' Biometrika, 82(2), 299-314.
#' @references Wright, T. (2014). A Simple Method of Exact Optimal
#' Sample Allocation under Stratification with any Mixed
#' Constraint Patterns, Research Report Series (Statistics #2014-07),
#' Center for Statistical Research and Methodology, U.S. Bureau
#' of the Census, Washington, D.C.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with one row for each stratum and
#' columns specifying the stratum name ("strata"), population stratum size
#' (\code{"npop"}), cumulative sample in that strata
#' (\code{"nsample_actual"}), prior number sampled in that
#' strata (\code{"nsample_prior"}), and the optimally allocated
#' number of units in each strata for the next wave (\code{"n_to_sample"}).
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
allocate_wave <- function(data,
y, already_sampled,
allocation_method = c("WrightII", "WrightI",
method = c("iterative","simple"),
detailed = FALSE) {
key <- stratum_size <- wave1_size <- npop <- difference <-
nsample_prior <- n_to_sample <- nsample_actual <-
nsample_optimal <- sd <- NULL # bind global vars as necessary
if (is.matrix(data)) {
data <- data.frame(data)
if ( == FALSE) {
stop("Input data must be a dataframe or matrix with named columns.")
if (all(strata %in% names(data)) == FALSE) {
stop("'strata' must be a character string or vector of
strings matching column names of data.")
if (y %in% names(data) == FALSE) {
stop("'y' must be a character string matching a column name of data.")
if (already_sampled %in% names(data) == FALSE) {
stop("'already_sampled' must be a character string matching a column name of
if (inherits(detailed, "logical") == FALSE) {
stop("'detailed' must be a logical value.")
if (length(table(data[, already_sampled])) != 2) {
stop("'already_sampled' must be a character string matching a column in
'data' that has a binary indicator for whether each unit
was already sampled. If no units have been sampled yet,
use 'optimum_allocation'.")
if (("Y" %in% data[, already_sampled] == FALSE & 1 %in%
data[, already_sampled] == FALSE) | anyNA(data[, already_sampled])) {
stop("'already_sampled' column must contain '1' (numeric) or 'Y'
(character) as indicators that a unit was sampled in a
previous wave and cannot contain NAs. If no units have
been sample, use 'optimum_allocation.")
if (nsample + sum(data[, already_sampled] == "Y") +
sum(data[, already_sampled] == 1) > length(data[, y])) {
stop("Total sample size across waves, taken as nsampled in
already_sampled + nsample, is larger than the population size.")
allocation_method <- match.arg(allocation_method)
method <- match.arg(method)
# Find the total sample size and optimally allocate that
nsampled <- sum(data[, already_sampled] == "Y" | data[, already_sampled] == 1)
output1 <- optimall::optimum_allocation(
data = data,
strata = strata,
y = y,
nsample = nsample + nsampled,
method = allocation_method, = TRUE
# Optimal for total sample size
# Create groups from strata argument and determine the prior
# sample size for each
y <- enquo(y)
strata <- enquo(strata)
key_q <- enquo(already_sampled)
wave1_df <- data %>%
dplyr::select(!!strata, !!y, !!key_q)
group <- interaction(dplyr::select(wave1_df, !!strata))
wave1_df <- cbind(group, wave1_df)
wave1_df <- dplyr::select(wave1_df, 1, !!y, !!key_q)
# Only columns of interest
names(wave1_df) <- c("group", "y", "key")
wave1_summary <- wave1_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::summarize(wave1_size = sum(key == 1 | key == "Y"))
names(output1)[1] <- "group"
comp_df <- dplyr::inner_join(output1, wave1_summary, by = "group")
comp_df <- dplyr::mutate(comp_df,
difference = stratum_size - wave1_size,
n_avail = npop - wave1_size
# For the simple case in which no strata have been oversampled
if (all(comp_df$difference >= 0)) {
comp_df <- comp_df %>%
nsample_optimal = stratum_size,
nsample_prior = wave1_size,
n_to_sample = difference
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(nsample_actual = nsample_prior + n_to_sample)
if (detailed == FALSE) {
comp_df <- comp_df %>%
"strata" = group, npop, nsample_actual,
nsample_prior, n_to_sample
} else if (detailed == TRUE) {
comp_df <- comp_df %>%
"strata" = group, npop, nsample_optimal,
nsample_actual, nsample_prior,
n_to_sample, sd
# If some Strata have been oversampled. Basic, non-iterative method.
if (any(comp_df$difference < 0) & method == "simple") {
temp <- dplyr::filter(comp_df, difference <= 0)
n_oversampled <- -sum(temp$difference)
closed_groups <- (temp$group)
nsampled_in_closed_groups <- sum(temp$wave1_size)
open_groups <- dplyr::filter(comp_df, difference > 0)$group
open_df <- wave1_df %>%
dplyr::filter(group %in% open_groups)
open_output <- optimall::optimum_allocation(
data = open_df,
strata = "group",
y = "y",
nsample = nsample + nsampled - nsampled_in_closed_groups,
method = allocation_method, = TRUE
names(open_output)[1] <- "group"
open_output <- dplyr::inner_join(open_output, wave1_summary, by = "group")
open_output <- dplyr::mutate(
difference = stratum_size - wave1_size,
n_avail = npop - wave1_size
open_output <- open_output %>%
nsample_optimal = stratum_size,
nsample_prior = wave1_size
) %>%
n_to_sample = difference,
nsample_actual = nsample_prior + n_to_sample
) %>%
"strata" = group,
closed_output <- temp %>%
nsample_optimal = stratum_size,
nsample_prior = wave1_size
) %>%
n_to_sample = 0,
nsample_actual = nsample_prior
) %>%
"strata" = group,
output_df <- rbind(closed_output, open_output)
if (detailed == TRUE) {
output_df <- dplyr::inner_join(
"nsample_optimal" = stratum_size,
"strata" = group
by = "strata"
output_df <- dplyr::select(
output_df, strata, npop, nsample_optimal,
nsample_actual, nsample_prior, n_to_sample, sd
output_df <- dplyr::arrange(output_df, strata)
if (any(output_df$n_to_sample < 0)) {
warning("The simple method yielded strata with negative
n_to_sample values due to many groups being
oversampled in prior waves. Switching to
method = 'iterative'.")
did_simple_work <- FALSE
method <- "iterative"
rm(output_df, closed_output, open_output, closed_groups, open_groups)
} else {
# Now, iterative method
if (any(comp_df$difference < 0) & method == "iterative") {
closed_groups_df <- data.frame()
while (any(comp_df$difference < 0)) {
# Find most oversampled group. Add that group to the closed strata.
closed_groups_df <- rbind(
difference ==
nsampled_in_closed_groups <- sum(closed_groups_df$wave1_size)
closed_groups <- (closed_groups_df$group)
# Filter comp_df, remove the smallest group
open_groups_names <- dplyr::filter(
difference !=
open_df <- wave1_df %>%
dplyr::filter(group %in% open_groups_names)
# Run optimal allocation on this filtered df of open groups
outputn <- optimall::optimum_allocation(
data = open_df, strata = "group", y = "y",
nsample = nsample + nsampled - nsampled_in_closed_groups,
method = allocation_method, = TRUE
# Re-join with (cleaned) input data to get new differences
names(outputn)[1] <- "group"
comp_df <- dplyr::inner_join(outputn, wave1_summary, by = "group")
comp_df <- dplyr::mutate(comp_df,
difference = stratum_size - wave1_size,
n_avail = npop - wave1_size
open_output <- comp_df %>%
nsample_optimal = stratum_size,
nsample_prior = wave1_size
) %>%
n_to_sample = difference,
nsample_actual = nsample_prior + n_to_sample
) %>%
"strata" = group, npop, nsample_actual, nsample_prior,
closed_output <- closed_groups_df %>%
nsample_optimal = stratum_size,
nsample_prior = wave1_size
) %>%
n_to_sample = 0,
nsample_actual = nsample_prior
) %>%
"strata" = group, npop, nsample_actual, nsample_prior,
output_df <- rbind(closed_output, open_output)
if (detailed == TRUE) {
output_df <- dplyr::inner_join(
"nsample_optimal" = stratum_size,
"strata" = group
by = "strata"
output_df <- dplyr::select(
output_df, strata, npop, nsample_optimal,
nsample_actual, nsample_prior, n_to_sample, sd
output_df <- dplyr::arrange(output_df, strata)
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