##* This is the function that calls the solver
##* Also handles pair matching, 1:k matching and matching
##* with between k>1 and l>k controls. (If you want matching
##* with between k>1 and l>k members of the treatment group
##* per matched set, then you have to transpose the (virtual)
##* distance matrix before feeding the problem to this function.)
##* Distances should be integer and **positive** (no 0s). There
##* can be NAs: these will be converted to the minimum of provided
##* distances, unless all provided distances are NA, in which case
##* they'll be interpreted as 1L's.
##* Units to be matched are those mentioned in the node_info argument.
##* If any of these are without eligible matches according to distance,
##* then the problem will be found infeasible. To avoid this behavior,
##* identify and remove these units from the node_info before passing it
##* to fmatch.
##* @title Full matching via RELAX-IV min cost flow solver
##* @param distance EdgeList; see details
##* @param max.row.units numeric, upper limit on num treated units per matched set
##* @param max.col.units numeric, upper limit on num control units per matched set
##* @param min.col.units numeric, lower limit on num control units per matched set
##* @param f double, fraction of all row units to be matched
##* @param node_info NodeInfo object for this subproblem
##* @return data frame with columns `dist`, `i`, `j`, `solution`.
##* The `dist` column holds values of the integer distance that `intSolve()` saw.
##* @author Ben Hansen, Mark Fredrickson, Adam Rauh
##* @keywords internal
fmatch <- function(distance,
min.col.units = 1,
f = 1,
solver) {
# checks solver and evaluates LEMON() if neccessary
solver <- handleSolver(solver)
stopifnot(is(distance, "EdgeList"), is(node_info, "NodeInfo"),
if (solver == "RELAX-IV") {
} else {
# some variation of LEMON, see #229
mxc <- as.integer(round(max.col.units))
mnc <- as.integer(round(min.col.units))
mxr <- as.integer(round(max.row.units))
if (mnc > 1) {
mxr <- 1L
# Check that matching problem is well-specified
if (mxc < mnc) {
stop("min.col.units may not exceed max.col.units")
if (any(c(mxc, mnc, mxr) < 1)) {
stop("max and min constraints must be 1 or greater")
thenodes <- node_info[['name']]
row.units <- subset(thenodes, node_info[['upstream_not_down']])
col.units <- subset(thenodes, !node_info[['upstream_not_down']])
distance <-
c(row.units,# NB: solver prep below assumes row.units come
col.units)# before col.units in levels(distance$i/j)
)# This also removes arcs to/from nodes not in subproblem.
if (!is.integer(distance[['dist']])) {
tdist <- as.integer(distance[['dist']])
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(distance[['dist']],tdist))) stop("distance should be integer")
distance <- edgelist(tibble::tibble(i=distance[['i']],
if (any(nadists <-[['dist']])))
replacement <- if (all(nadists)) { #occurs if
1L #user passed ISM
} else { #produced by exactMatch()`
min(distance[['dist']], na.rm=TRUE)
distance[['dist']][nadists] <- replacement
if (mxr > 1) # i.e. many-one matches permissible
if (any(distance[['dist']] <= 0))
stop("Nonpositive discrepancies not compatible with full matching\n (see Hansen & Klopfer, 2006 JCGS, sec.4.1).")
} else if (any(distance[['dist']] < 0)) stop("distance should be nonnegative")
if (!is.numeric(f) | f > 1 | f < 0) {
stop("f must be a number in [0,1]")
## distance is an EdgeList rep'n of a "canonical" matching, with
## columns, 'j', 'i' and 'dist', the first two
## being factors and the last being a numeric. Typically
## 'j' and 'i' are interpretable as control (Z=0)
## and treated (Z=1) in the matching problem as it was presented
## to fullmatch(), pairmatch() or match_on(), but in full
## matching the subproblem may have been "flipped" prior
## to its delivery to this function. In that case, what's
## "treated" here would be control in the originating problem,
## and vice versa. To eliminate ambiguities in such instances,
## we'll prefer "i', "row.units" or "upstream" to "treated",
## and also "j", "col.units" or "downstream" over "control".
nt <- length(row.units)
nc <- length(col.units) <- as.integer(round(nc * f)) # no. downstream (usu., control) units to be matched
narcs <- nrow(distance)
## Ok, let's see how a big a problem we are working on
problem.size <- narcs + nt + 2L*nc # no. arcs in MCF rep'n of problem
if (problem.size > getMaxProblemSize()) {
stop(paste('Maximum matching problem may have only',
signif(getMaxProblemSize(), 2), "- (nrows + 2*ncols) finite entries;",
problem.size + 1L - getMaxProblemSize(), 'too many.',
"Set 'options(\"optmatch_max_problem_size\" = Inf)' to disable this check."),
call. = FALSE)
if (mnc > 1 & mxr > 1) {
stop("since min.col.units > 1, max.row.units can be at most 1.")
#prohibit use of names reserved for the two terminal nodes
if (any(c(row.units, col.units) == '(_Sink_)'))
stop('Cannot choose "(_Sink_)" as unit name.')
if (any(c(row.units, col.units) == '(_End_)'))
stop('Cannot choose "(_End_)" as unit name')
## Bypass solver if problem is recognizably infeasible
if ( (mxr >1 & nt/mxr > | #max.row.units too low
(mxr==1L & nt * mnc > | #min.col.units too high
(nt * mxc < { #max.col.units too low
out <-, row.names = NULL)
out$solution <- rep(-1L, narcs)
list(maxerr = 0),
list(MCFSolution = NULL)
## Min-Cost-Flow representation of problem ####
## Each node has a integer ID number, implicitly pointing
## to corresponding row of this data frame.
## nodes 1:nt are the upstream matchable units in the flow diagram
## nodes (nt + 1):nc are the downstream matchable units, etc.
nodes <- new("NodeInfo",
data.frame(name=c(row.units, col.units,
"(_End_)", "(_Sink_)"),# note that `factor()` would put these at start not end of levels
upstream_not_down=c(rep(TRUE, nt), rep(FALSE, nc), NA, NA),
supply=c(rep(mxc, nt), rep(0L, nc),
-(mxc * nt -,,
groups=factor(rep(NA_character_, nt+nc+2L)),
endID <- nt + nc + 1L
sinkID <- endID + 1L
node.labels(nodes) <- nodes[['name']] # new convention per i166
if ( !all(node_info[['price']]==0) )
nodes[,'price'] <- node_info[match(c(row.units, col.units,
"(_End_)", "(_Sink_)"),
## if a col unit doesn't have a match w/in node_info$name, then
## its nodes row now has a 0 for its price. Replace that w/ min of
## bookkeeping node prices may preserve CS in some cases.
if (length(col.noprice <- setdiff(col.units, node_info[['name']])))
nodes[nodes[['name']] %in% col.noprice, 'price'] <-
min(node_info[match(c("(_End_)", "(_Sink_)"), node_info$name),
'price', drop=TRUE]
# ID numbers implicitly point to corresp. row of nodes
#### Arcs involving End or Sink nodes ####
bookkeeping <-
data.frame(groups=factor(rep(NA_character_, nt +2L*nc)),
start=c(1L:(nt + nc), # ~ c(row.units, col.units)
nt + 1L:nc), # ~ col.units
end=c(rep(endID, nc + nt),
rep(sinkID, nc) ),
capacity=c(rep(mxc - mnc, nt), rep(mxr - 1L, nc), rep(1L, nc))
## set up the problem for the Fortran algorithm ##
## startn indicates where each arc starts (using ID num)
## endn indicates where each arc ends (using ID num)
## "End"/"Overflow" is node nt+nc+1; "Sink" is node nt+nc+2
#################### All arcs ###################
### Arcs rep'ing potential matches Arcs involving End or Sink
startn<- c(as.integer(distance[['i']]), bookkeeping$start )
endn <- c(as.integer(distance[['j']]), bookkeeping$end )
ucap <- c(rep(1L, narcs), bookkeeping$capacity )
redcost<-c(distance[['dist']], rep(0L, nrow(bookkeeping)) ) +
nodes[endn, "price"] - nodes[startn, "price"]
## Everything headed for the solver ought currently to be cast as integer,
## but passing a double by mistake will cause a difficult-to-diagnose
## infeasibility. So let's just be sure:
if (!is.integer(problem.size)) problem.size <- as.integer(problem.size)
if (!is.integer(startn)) startn <- as.integer(startn)
if (!is.integer(endn)) endn <- as.integer(endn)
if (!is.integer(ucap)) ucap <- as.integer(ucap)
if (!is.integer(nodes$supply)) nodes$supply <- as.integer(nodes$supply)
if (!is.integer(redcost)) redcost <- as.integer(redcost)
if (grepl("^LEMON", solver)) {
algorithm <- gsub("^LEMON\\.", "", solver)
lout <- rlemon::MinCostFlow(arcSources = startn,
arcTargets = endn,
arcCapacities = ucap,
arcCosts = c(distance[['dist']],
rep(0L, nrow(bookkeeping))),
nodeSupplies = nodes$supply,
numNodes = nrow(nodes),
algorithm = algorithm)
x <- as.numeric(lout[[1]])
nodes[, "price"] <- lout[[2]]
nodes[, "price"] <- (nodes[, "price"] - nodes[, "price"][endID]) * -1
if (lout[[4]] != "OPTIMAL" || all(x == -1)) {
x <- integer(length(x)) # fill a vector with zeros
if (solver == "RELAX-IV") {
fop <- rrelaxiv::.RELAX_IV(n1=as.integer(nc + nt + 2L),
rep(0L, nrow(bookkeeping))),
rc1 = redcost,
## Material used to create s3 optmatch object:
feas <- fop$feasible1
x <- feas * fop$x1
#### Recover node prices, store in nodes table ##
## In full matching, each upstream (row) or downstream (column) node starts
## an arc ending at End, and these are also the only arcs ending there. End
## being at the bottom of the canonical diagram, call these "downarcs".
## Downarcs' costs are 0, so their reduced costs are simply the price of the
## End node minus the price of the upstream or downstream node they started
## from. Imposing a convention that the price of End is 0, the prices of
## these upstream and downstream nodes are just the opposites of the reduced
## costs of the arcs they begin.
End_rownum_in_nodes_table <- endID
is_downarc <- ( bookkeeping[['end']] == endID )
downarc_redcosts <- fop$rc1[c(rep(FALSE, narcs), is_downarc )]
nodes[bookkeeping[['start']][ is_downarc ], "price"] <-
-1L * downarc_redcosts
## It remains to recover the price of the Sink node. There are arcs to it
## from every downstream (column) node, and these are the only arcs
## involving it. First we extract these arcs' reduced costs.
Sink_rownum_in_nodes_table <- which(nodes$name=="(_Sink_)")
is_arctosink <- ( bookkeeping[['end']] == Sink_rownum_in_nodes_table )
arctosink_redcosts <- fop$rc1[c(rep(FALSE, narcs), is_arctosink )]
sinkprice <- arctosink_redcosts +
nodes[ bookkeeping[['start']][ is_arctosink ] , "price" ]
if (!all(sinkprice==sinkprice[1])) {
stop("Mutually inconsistent inferred sink prices.")
nodes[nodes$name=="(_Sink_)", "price"] <- sinkprice[1]
obj <-, row.names = NULL)
obj$solution <- x[, narcs), to=narcs)]
### Recover arc flow info, store in `arcs` ###
## info extracted from problem solution:
matches <- distance[as.logical(x[1L:narcs]), c("i", "j")]
bookkeeping[1L:(problem.size-narcs), "flow"] <- as.integer(x)[(narcs+1L):problem.size]
## reshape `matches`, `bookkeeping` to match ArcInfo object spec:
matches <- data.frame(groups=factor(rep(NA_integer_, nrow(matches))),
bookkeeping[['start']] <- factor(bookkeeping[['start']],
levels=1L:(nt + nc + 2),
bookkeeping[['end']] <- factor(bookkeeping[['end']],
levels=1L:(nt + nc + 2),
arcs <- new("ArcInfo", matches=matches, bookkeeping=bookkeeping)
sp <- new("SubProbInfo")
sp[1L, "feasible"] <- TRUE
fmcfs <- new("FullmatchMCFSolutions", subproblems=sp,
nodes=nodes, arcs=arcs)
list(maxerr=0), # if we were called from doubleSolve(), this will be re-set there
list(MCFSolution=fmcfs) ))
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