
#' Outbreaker: disease outbreak reconstruction using genetic data
#' \code{outbreaker} is a tool for the reconstruction of disease outbreaks
#' using pathogens genome sequences. It relies on a probabilistic model of
#' disease transmission which takes the genetic diversity, collection dates,
#' duration of pathogen colonization and time interval between cases into
#' account. It is embedded in a Bayesian framework which allows to estimate the
#' distributions of parameters of interest. It currently allows to estimate:
#' \itemize{ \item transmission trees \item dates of infection \item missing
#' cases in a chain of transmission \item mutation rates \item imported cases
#' \item (indirectly) effective reproduction numbers }
#' The function \code{outbreaker} is the basic implementation of the model.
#' \code{outbreaker.parallel} allows to run several independent MCMC in
#' parallel across different cores / processors of the same computer. This
#' requires the base package \code{parallel}.
#' The spatial module implemented in outbreaker is currently under development.
#' Please contact the author before using it.
#' For more resources including tutorials, forums, etc., see:
#' \url{http://sites.google.com/site/therepiproject/r-pac/outbreaker}
#' @export
#' @aliases outbreaker outbreaker.parallel
#' @rdname outbreaker
#' @param dna the DNA sequences in \code{DNAbin} format (see
#' \code{\link[ape]{read.dna}} in the ape package); this can be imported from a
#' fasta file (extension .fa, .fas, or .fasta) using \code{adegenet}'s function
#' \link[adegenet]{fasta2DNAbin}; alternatively, a matrix of single characters strings,
#' in which case only the mutation model 1 is available.
#' @param dates a vector indicating the collection dates, provided either as
#' integer numbers or in a usual date format such as \code{Date} or
#' \code{POSIXct} format. By convention, zero will indicate the oldest date.
#' @param idx.dna an optional integer vector indicating to which case each dna
#' sequence in \code{dna} corresponds. Not required if each case has a
#' sequence, and the order of the sequences matches that of the cases.
#' @param mut.model an integer indicating the mutational model to be used; 1:
#' one single mutation rate; 2: two rates, transitions (mu1) / transversions
#' (mu2); if 'dna' is a sequence of character strings (not a DNAbin object), only
#' the model 1 is available.
#' @param spa.model an integer indicating the spatial model to be used. 0: no
#' spatial model (default). 1: exponential kernel (under development).
#' @param w.dens a vector of numeric values indicating the generation time
#' distribution, reflecting the infectious potential of a case t=0, 1, 2, ...
#' time steps after infection. By convention, w.dens[1]=0, meaning that an
#' newly infected patient cannot be instantaneously infectious. If not
#' standardized, this distribution is rescaled to sum to 1.
#' @param f.dens similar to \code{w.dens}, except that this is the distribution
#' of the colonization time, i.e. time interval during which the pathogen can
#' be sampled from the patient.
#' @param dist.mat a matrix of pairwise spatial distances between the cases.
#' @param init.tree the tree used to initialize the MCMC. Can be either a
#' character string indicating how this tree should be computed, or a vector of
#' integers corresponding to the tree itself, where the i-th value corresponds
#' to the index of the ancestor of 'i' (i.e., \code{init.tree[i]} is the
#' ancestor of case \code{i}). Accepted character strings are "seqTrack" (uses
#' seqTrack output as initialize tree), "random" (ancestor randomly selected
#' from preceding cases), and "star" (all cases coalesce to the first case).
#' Note that for SeqTrack, all cases should have been sequenced.
#' @param init.kappa as \code{init.tree}, but values indicate the number of
#' generations between each case and its most recent sampled ancestor.
#' @param n.iter an integer indicating the number of iterations in the MCMC,
#' including the burnin period; defaults to \code{100,000}.
#' @param sample.every an integer indicating the frequency at which to sample
#' from the MCMC, defaulting to 500 (i.e., output to file every 500
#' iterations).
#' @param tune.every an integer indicating the frequency at which proposal
#' distributions are tuned, defaulting to 500 (i.e., tune proposal distribution
#' every 500 iterations).
#' @param burnin an integer indicating the number of iterations for the burnin
#' period, after which the chains are supposed to have mixed; estimated values
#' of parameter are only relevant after the burnin period. Used only when
#' imported cases are automatically detected.
#' @param import.method a character string indicating which method to use for
#' detecting imported cases; available choices are 'gen' (based on genetic
#' likelihood), 'full' (based on full likelihood), and 'none' (no imported case
#' detection).
#' @param find.import.n an integer indicating how many chains should be used to
#' determine imported cases; note that this corresponds to chains that are
#' output after the burnin, so that a total of (burnin +
#' output.every*find.import.n) chains will be used in the prior run to
#' determine imported cases. Defaults to \code{50}.
#' @param pi.prior1,pi.prior2 two numeric values being the parameters of the
#' Beta distribution used as a prior for \eqn{\pi}. This prior is Beta(10,1) by
#' default, indicating that a majority of cases are likely to have been
#' observed. Use Beta(1,1) for a flat prior.
#' @param init.mu1,init.mu2 initial values for the mutation rates (mu1:
#' transitions; mu2: transversions).
#' @param init.spa1 initial values of the spatial parameter.
#' @param spa1.prior parameters of the prior distribution for the spatial
#' parameters. In the spatial model 1, \code{spa1.prior} is the mean of an
#' exponential distribution.
#' @param move.mut,move.pi,move.spa logicals indicating whether the named items
#' should be estimated ('moved' in the MCMC), or not, all defaulting to TRUE.
#' \code{move.mut} handles both mutation rates.
#' @param move.ances,move.kappa,move.Tinf vectors of logicals of length 'n'
#' indicating for which cases different components should be moved during the
#' MCMC.
#' @param outlier.threshold a numeric value indicating the threshold for
#' detecting low likelihood values corresponding to imported cases. Outliers
#' have a likelihood \code{outlier.threshold} smaller than the average.
#' @param max.kappa an integer indicating the maximum number of generations
#' between a case and its most recent sampled ancestor; defaults to 10.
#' @param quiet a logical indicating whether messages should be displayed on
#' the screen.
#' @param res.file.name a character string indicating the name of the file used
#' to store MCMC outputs.
#' @param tune.file.name a character string indicating the name of the file
#' used to store MCMC tuning outputs.
#' @param seed an integer used to set the random seed of the C procedures.
#' @param n.runs an integer indicating the number of independent chains to run,
#' either in parallel (if \code{parallel} is used), or serially (otherwise).
#' @param parallel a logical indicating whether the package \code{parallel}
#' should be used to run parallelized computations; by default, it is used if
#' available.
#' @param n.cores an integer indicating the number of cores to be used for
#' parallelized computations; if NULL (default value), then up to 6 cores are
#' used, depending on availability.
#' @return Both procedures return a list with the following components:
#' \itemize{ \item chains: a data.frame containing MCMC outputs (which are also
#' stored in the file indicated in \code{res.file.name}).
#' \item collec.dates: (data) the collection dates.
#' \item w: (data) the generation time distribution (argument \code{w.dens})
#' \item f: (data) the distribution of the time to collection (argument
#' \code{f.dens})
#' \item D: a matrix of genetic distances (in number of mutations) between all
#' pairs of sequences.
#' \item idx.dna: (data) the index of the case each dna sequence corresponds to
#' \item tune.end: an integer indicating at which iteration the proposal
#' auto-tuning procedures all stopped.
#' \item find.import: a logical indicating if imported cases were to be
#' automatically detected.
#' \item burnin: an integer indicating the pre-defined burnin, used when
#' detecting imported cases.
#' \item find.import.at: an integer indicating at which iteration of the
#' preliminary MCMC imported cases were detected.
#' \item n.runs: the number of independent runs used.
#' \item call: the matched call.  }
#' @author Thibaut Jombart (\email{t.jombart@@imperial.ac.uk})
#' @seealso \itemize{ \item \link{plotChains} to visualize MCMC chains.
#' \item \link{transGraph} and \link{get.tTree} to represent transmission
#' trees.
#' \item \link{get.R} and \link{get.Rt} to get reproduction numbers
#' distributions.
#' \item \link{get.incid} to get estimates of incidence.
#' \item \link{get.mu} to get the mutation rate distribution.
#' \item \link{simOutbreak} to simulate outbreaks.
#' \item \link{selectChains} to select chains from parallel runs which
#' converged towards different posterior modes.
#' \item \link{fakeOutbreak}, a toy dataset used to illustrate the method.
#' \item For more resources including tutorials, forums, etc., see:
#' \url{http://sites.google.com/site/therepiproject/r-pac/outbreaker}
#' }
#' @references Jombart T, Cori A, Didelot X, Cauchemez S, Fraser C and Ferguson
#' N (accepted).  Bayesian reconstruction of disease outbreaks by combining
#' epidemiologic and genomic data. PLoS Computational Biology.
#' @examples
#' data(fakeOutbreak)
#' attach(fakeOutbreak)
#' matplot(dat$dynam, type="o", pch=20, lty=1,
#'    main="Outbreak dynamics", xlim=c(0,28))
#' legend("topright", legend=c("S","I","R"), lty=1, col=1:3)
#' plot(dat, annot="dist", main="Data - transmission tree")
#' mtext(side=3, "arrow annotations are numbers of mutations")
#' \dontrun{
#' ## (takes < 1 min))
#' set.seed(1)
#' res <-  outbreaker.parallel(n.runs=4, dna=dat$dna,
#'    dates=collecDates,w.dens=w, n.iter=5e4)
#' }
#' plotChains(res)
#' plotChains(res, burnin=2e4)
#' transGraph(res, annot="", main="Posterior ancestries", thres=.01)
#' tre <- get.tTree(res)
#' plot(tre, annot="", main="Consensus ancestries")
#' col <- rep("lightgrey", 30)
#' col[which(dat$ances != tre$ances)] <- "pink"
#' plot(tre, annot="", vertex.color=col, main="Consensus ancestries")
#' mtext(side=3, text="cases with erroneous ancestries in pink")
#' get.Rt(res)
#' head(get.R(res))
#' boxplot(get.R(res), col="grey", xlab="Case",
#'         ylab="Effective reproduction number")
#' ## per genome
#' head(get.mu(res))
#' ## per nucleotide
#' mu <- get.mu(res, genome.size=1e4)
#' head(mu)
#' summary(mu)
#' hist(mu, border="lightgrey", col="grey", xlab="Mutation per day and nucleotide",
#'      main="Posterior distribution of mutation rate")
#' detach(fakeOutbreak)
outbreaker <- function(dna=NULL, dates, idx.dna=NULL,
                       mut.model=1, spa.model=0,
                       w.dens, f.dens=w.dens,
                       init.kappa=NULL, init.mu1=NULL, init.mu2=init.mu1, init.spa1=NULL,
                       n.iter=1e5, sample.every=500, tune.every=500,
                       burnin=2e4, import.method=c("genetic","full","none"),
                       pi.prior1=10, pi.prior2=1, spa1.prior=1,
                       move.mut=TRUE, move.ances=TRUE, move.kappa=TRUE,
                       move.Tinf=TRUE, move.pi=TRUE, move.spa=TRUE,
                       outlier.threshold = 5, max.kappa=10,
                       quiet=TRUE, res.file.name="chains.txt",
                       tune.file.name="tuning.txt", seed=NULL){

    ## CHECKS ##
    ## if(!require(ape)) stop("the ape package is required but not installed")
    ## none:0L
    ## genetic: 1L
    ## full: 2L
    import.method <- match.arg(import.method)
    import.method <- as.integer(match(import.method, c("none", "genetic","full")))-1L

    useDna <- !is.null(dna)
        dna <- as.DNAbin(matrix('a',ncol=10,nrow=length(dates)))
        move.mut <- FALSE
        mut.model <- 0L
        if(is.character(init.tree) && match.arg(init.tree)=="seqTrack") init.tree <- "star"
        init.mu1 <- init.mu2 <-0
        init.gamma <- 1

    if(inherits(dna, "DNAbin") && !is.matrix(dna)) dna <- as.matrix(dna)
    if(!inherits(dna, "DNAbin") && !(is.matrix(dna) && mode(dna)=="character")) stop("dna must be a DNAbin object or a character matrix.")
    if(!inherits(dna, "DNAbin") && mut.model > 1L){
        warning("Character sequences provided - forcing mutation model to 1 (Hamming)")
        mut.model <- 1L
    if(is.character(dates)) stop("dates are characters; they must be integers or dates with POSIXct format (see ?as.POSIXct)")
    if(is.character(init.tree)) {
        init.tree <- match.arg(init.tree)
    } else {
        if(length(init.tree) != length(dates)) stop("inconvenient length for init.tree")
        init.tree[is.na(init.tree)|init.tree<1] <- 0
        if(max(init.tree)>length(dates)) stop("inconvenient values in init.tree (some indices > n)")
        ances <- as.integer(init.tree-1) # translate indices on C scale (0:(n-1))
    w.dens[1] <- 0 # force w_0 = 0
    w.dens[w.dens<0] <- 0
    if(sum(w.dens) <= 1e-14) stop("w.dens is zero everywhere")
    if(!is.null(init.mu1) && init.mu1<0) stop("init.mu1 < 0")
    if(!is.null(init.mu2) && init.mu2<0) stop("init.mu2 < 0")

    ## dna ##
    n.seq <- as.integer(nrow(dna))
    n.ind <- as.integer(length(dates))
    n.nucl <- as.integer(ncol(dna))
    dnaraw <- unlist(as.list(as.character(dna)),use.names=FALSE)
    ## if(n.ind != length(dates)) stop(paste("dna and dates have different number of individuals -",n.ind,"versus",length(dates)))

    ## handle dates ##
        if(sum(abs(dates-round(dates))>1e-15)) warning("dates have been rounded to nearest integers")
        dates <- as.integer(round(dates))

    if(inherits(dates, "POSIXct")){
        dates <- difftime(dates, min(dates), units="days")
    dates <- as.integer(dates)

    ## complete w.dens ##
    max.range <- diff(range(dates))
    ## add an exponential tail summing to 1e-4 to 'w'
    ## to cover the span of the outbreak
    ## (avoids starting with -Inf temporal loglike)
    if(length(w.dens)<max.range) {
        length.to.add <- (max.range-length(w.dens)) + 10 # +10 to be on the safe side
        val.to.add <- dexp(1:length.to.add, 1)
        val.to.add <- 1e-4*(val.to.add/sum(val.to.add))
        w.dens <- c(w.dens, val.to.add)
        w.dens <- w.dens/sum(w.dens)

    ## w.trunc and f.trunc ##
    w.trunc <- length(w.dens)
    f.trunc <- length(f.dens)

    ## handle idx.dna ##
    ## need to go from: id of case for each sequence (idx.dna)
    ## to: position of the sequence in DNA matrix for each case
    ## -1 is used for missing sequences
    if(is.null(idx.dna)) {
        idx.dna <- 1:nrow(dna)

    if(any(!idx.dna %in% 1:n.ind)) stop("DNA sequences provided for unknown cases (some idx.dna not in 1:n.ind)")
    if(length(idx.dna)!=nrow(dna)) stop("length of idx.dna does not match the number of DNA sequences")

    idx.dna.for.cases <- match(1:n.ind, idx.dna)
    idx.dna.for.cases[is.na(idx.dna.for.cases)] <- 0
    idx.dna.for.cases <- as.integer(idx.dna.for.cases-1) # for C

    ## check mutational model ##
    ## check model
    mut.model <- as.integer(mut.model)
    if(!mut.model %in% c(0L,1L,2L)) stop("unknown mutational model requested; accepted values are: 0, 1, 2")
    ## model 0: no evolution model
        init.gamma <- 1
        init.mu1 <- 1
        move.mut <- FALSE
    ## determine gamma
    if(!is.null(init.mu1) && !is.null(init.mu2)){
        init.gamma <- init.mu2/init.mu1
        if(is.na(init.gamma) || is.infinite(init.gamma)) init.gamma <- 1 # in case rates are both 0
    } else{
        init.gamma <- 1
    ## force gamma to 1 for model 1
        init.gamma <- 1

    ## check generation time function ##
    w.dens <- as.double(w.dens)
    w.dens <- w.dens/sum(w.dens)
    if(any(is.na(w.dens))) stop("NAs in w.dens after normalization")
    w.trunc <- as.integer(w.trunc)

    ## check collection time function ##
    f.dens <- as.double(f.dens)
    f.dens <- f.dens/sum(f.dens)
    if(any(is.na(f.dens))) stop("NAs in f.dens after normalization")
    f.trunc <- as.integer(f.trunc)

    ## check spatial distances ##
        if(!inherits(dist.mat,"matrix")) dist.mat <- as.matrix(dist.mat)
        if(nrow(dist.mat) != ncol(dist.mat)) stop("matrix of distances (dist.mat) is not square")
        if(nrow(dist.mat) != length(dates)) stop("wrong dimension for the matrix of distances")
        if(any(is.na(dist.mat))) stop("NAs in the distance matrix")
    } else {
        if(spa.model>0) stop("spatial model requested but dist.mat not provided")
        dist.mat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(dates), nrow=length(dates))
        spa.model <- 0L

    ## check spatial model ##
    spa.model <- as.integer(spa.model)
    if(!spa.model %in% c(0L, 1L, 2L)) stop("unknown spatial model requested; accepted values are: 0, 1, 2")
    ## model 0: no spatial info
    if(spa.model == 0L) {
        dist.mat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(dates), nrow=length(dates))
        init.spa1 <- init.spa2 <- 0
    ## model 1: normal dispersal
    if(spa.model > 0L) {
        if(is.null(init.spa1)) init.spa1 <- 1
        ## if(is.null(init.spa2)) init.spa2 <- 0
        init.spa2 <- 0
        spa1.prior <- max(0.0, spa1.prior)
    ## model 2: stratified dispersal
    if(spa.model == 2L){
        stop("Only available spatial models are 0 (none) and 1 (exponential diffusion)")
        ## if(is.null(locations)) stop("Spatial model 2 needs locations for stratified dispersal")
        ## if(length(locations)!=length(dates)) stop("wrong length for argument 'locations'")
        ## if(is.character(locations)) locations <- factor(locations)
        ## locations <- as.integer(locations)

    ## init.kappa ##
    ## if NULL, will be ML assigned (code is kappa_i<0)
    if(is.null(init.kappa)) init.kappa <- rep(0L,n.ind)
    init.kappa <- as.integer(rep(init.kappa, length=n.ind)) #recycle

    ## find initial tree ##
    ## get temporal ordering constraint:
    ## canBeAnces[i,j] is 'i' can be ancestor of 'j'
    canBeAnces <- outer(dates,dates,FUN="<") # strict < is needed as we impose w(0)=0
    diag(canBeAnces) <- FALSE

        ## check no missing sequences for seqTrack
        if(init.tree=="seqTrack" && !all(1:n.ind %in% idx.dna)) {
            warning("Can't use seqTrack initialization with missing DNA sequences - using a star-like tree")
            init.tree <- "star"

        ## check 'dna' is DNAbin for seqTrack
        if(init.tree=="seqTrack" && !inherits(dna,"DNAbin")) {
            warning("Can't use seqTrack initialization with character (non-DNAbin) sequences - using a star-like tree")
            init.tree <- "star"

        ## seqTrack init
            D <- as.matrix(dist.dna(dna, model="raw"))
            D[!canBeAnces] <- 1e15
            ances <- apply(D,2,which.min)-1 # -1 for compatibility with C
            ances[dates==min(dates)] <- -1 # unknown ancestor
            ances <- as.integer(ances)

        ## random init
            ances <- apply(canBeAnces, 2, function(e) ifelse(length(which(e))>0, sample(which(e),1), NA) )
            ances <- ances-1
            ances[is.na(ances)] <- -1L
            ances <- as.integer(ances)

        ## star-shape init
            ances <- rep(which.min(dates), length(dates))
            ances[dates==min(dates)] <- 0
            ances <- as.integer(ances-1) # put on C scale

        ## ## no ancestry init
        ## if(init.tree=="none"){
        ##     ances <- as.integer(rep(-1,length(dates)))
        ## }

    ## handle seed ##
        seed <- as.integer(runif(1,min=0,max=2e9))

    ## handle import.method ##
    if(mut.model==0L && import.method==1L) import.method <- 2L

    ## handle find.import ##
    find.import <- import.method > 0L
        find.import.n <- max(find.import.n,30) # import at least based on 30 values
        find.import.at <- as.integer(round(burnin + find.import.n*sample.every))
        if(find.import.at>=n.iter) stop(paste("n.iter (", n.iter, ") is less than find.import.at (", find.import.at,")", sep=""))
    } else {
        find.import.at <- as.integer(0)

    ## coerce type for remaining arguments ##
    n.iter <- as.integer(n.iter)
    sample.every <- as.integer(sample.every)
    tune.every <- as.integer(tune.every)
    pi.prior1 <- as.double(pi.prior1)
    pi.prior2 <- as.double(pi.prior2)
    ## phi.param1 <- as.double(phi.param1)
    ## phi.param2 <- as.double(phi.param2)
    phi.param1 <- phi.param2 <- as.double(1)
    if(is.null(init.mu1)) {
        init.mu1 <- 0.5/ncol(dna)
    init.mu1 <- as.double(init.mu1)
    init.gamma <- as.double(init.gamma)
    init.spa1 <- as.double(init.spa1)
    ## init.spa2 <- as.double(init.spa2)
    init.spa2 <- as.double(1)
    spa1.prior <- as.double(spa1.prior)
    ## spa2.prior <- as.double(spa2.prior)
    spa2.prior <- as.double(1)
    move.mut <- as.integer(move.mut)
    move.ances <- as.integer(rep(move.ances, length=n.ind))
    move.kappa <- as.integer(rep(move.kappa, length=n.ind))
    move.Tinf <- as.integer(move.Tinf)
    move.pi <- as.integer(move.pi)
    ## move.phi <- as.integer(move.phi)
    move.phi <- 0L
    move.spa <- as.integer(move.spa)
    quiet <- as.integer(quiet)
    res.file.name <- as.character(res.file.name)[1]
    tune.file.name <- as.character(tune.file.name)[1]
    burnin <- as.integer(burnin)
    outlier.threshold <- as.double(outlier.threshold)
    max.kappa <- as.integer(max.kappa)
    ##locations <- as.integer(locations)
    locations <- rep(0L, length(dates))

    ## create empty output vector for genetic distances ##
    dna.dist <- integer(n.ind*(n.ind-1)/2)
    stopTuneAt <- integer(1)

    temp <- .C("R_outbreaker",
               dnaraw, dates, n.ind, n.seq, n.nucl,  idx.dna.for.cases, mut.model,
               w.dens, w.trunc, f.dens, f.trunc,
               dist.mat, locations, spa.model,
               ances, init.kappa, n.iter, sample.every, tune.every,
               pi.prior1, pi.prior2, phi.param1, phi.param2, init.mu1, init.gamma,
               init.spa1, init.spa2, spa1.prior, spa2.prior,
               move.mut, move.ances, move.kappa, move.Tinf,
               move.pi, move.phi, move.spa,
               import.method, find.import.at, burnin, outlier.threshold,
               max.kappa, quiet,
               dna.dist, stopTuneAt, res.file.name, tune.file.name, seed,

    D <- temp[[43]]
    D[D<0] <- NA
    stopTuneAt <- temp[[44]]

    cat("\nComputations finished.\n\n")

    ## make D a 'dist' object ##
    attr(D,"Size") <- n.ind
    attr(D,"Diag") <- FALSE
    attr(D,"Upper") <- FALSE
    class(D) <- "dist"

    ## BUILD OUTPUT ##
    ## read table
    chains <- read.table(res.file.name, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                         colClasses=c("integer", rep("numeric",7+n.ind*2)))

    chains$run <- rep(1, nrow(chains))
    call <- match.call()
    res <- list(chains=chains, collec.dates=dates, w=w.dens[1:w.trunc], f=f.dens[1:f.trunc], D=D, idx.dna=idx.dna, tune.end=stopTuneAt,
                burnin=burnin, import.method=import.method, find.import.at=find.import.at, n.runs=1, call=call)

} # end outbreaker

#' @rdname outbreaker
#' @export
outbreaker.parallel <- function(n.runs, parallel=TRUE, n.cores=NULL,
                                dna=NULL, dates, idx.dna=NULL, mut.model=1, spa.model=0,
                                w.dens, f.dens=w.dens,
                                init.mu1=NULL, init.mu2=init.mu1, init.spa1=NULL,
                                n.iter=1e5, sample.every=500, tune.every=500,
                                burnin=2e4, import.method=c("genetic","full","none"),
                                pi.prior1=10, pi.prior2=1, spa1.prior=1,
                                move.mut=TRUE, move.ances=TRUE, move.kappa=TRUE,
                                move.Tinf=TRUE, move.pi=TRUE, move.spa=TRUE,
                                outlier.threshold = 5, max.kappa=10,
                                quiet=TRUE, res.file.name="chains.txt", tune.file.name="tuning.txt", seed=NULL){

    ## SOME CHECKS ##
    if(parallel && is.null(n.cores)){
        n.cores <- detectCores()
        n.cores <- min(n.cores, 6)

    ## GET FILE NAMES ##
    res.file.names <- paste("run", 1:n.runs, "-", res.file.name, sep="")
    tune.file.names <- paste("run", 1:n.runs, "-", tune.file.name, sep="")

    ## HANDLE SEED ##
        seed <- as.integer(runif(n.runs,min=0,max=2e9))
    } else {
        seed <- rep(seed, length=n.runs)

        ## create cluster ##
        clust <- makeCluster(n.cores)

        ## load outbreaker for each child ##
        clusterEvalQ(clust, library(outbreaker))

        ## transfer data onto each child ##
        listArgs <- c("dna", "dates", "idx.dna", "mut.model", "spa.model", "w.dens", "f.dens", "dist.mat", "init.tree", "init.kappa", "n.iter",
                      "sample.every", "tune.every", "burnin", "import.method", "find.import.n", "pi.prior1", "pi.prior2", "init.mu1", "init.mu2",
                      "init.spa1", "move.mut", "spa1.prior", "move.mut", "move.ances", "move.kappa", "move.Tinf", "move.pi", "move.spa",
                      "outlier.threshold", "max.kappa", "res.file.names", "tune.file.names", "seed")

        clusterExport(clust, listArgs, envir=environment())

        ## set calls to outbreaker on each child ##
        res <- parLapply(clust, 1:n.runs, function(i)  outbreaker(dna=dna, dates=dates, idx.dna=idx.dna,
                                                                  mut.model=mut.model, spa.model=spa.model,
                                                                  dist.mat=dist.mat, ## locations=locations,
                                                                  init.tree=init.tree, init.kappa=init.kappa,
                                                                  n.iter=n.iter, sample.every=sample.every,
                                                                  tune.every=tune.every, burnin=burnin,
                                                                  pi.prior1=pi.prior1, pi.prior2=pi.prior2,
                                                                  init.mu1=init.mu1, init.mu2=init.mu2, init.spa1=init.spa1,
                                                                  move.mut=move.mut, move.ances=move.ances, move.kappa=move.kappa,
                                                                  move.Tinf=move.Tinf, move.pi=move.pi, move.spa=move.spa,
                                                                  outlier.threshold = outlier.threshold, max.kappa=max.kappa,
                                                                  quiet=TRUE, res.file.name=res.file.names[i],
                                                                  tune.file.name=tune.file.names[i], seed=seed[i]))

        ## close parallel processes ##

        ## Version with mclapply - doesn't work on windows ##
        ## res <- mclapply(1:n.runs, function(i)  outbreaker(dna=dna, dates=dates, idx.dna=idx.dna, w.dens=w.dens, w.trunc=w.trunc,
        ##                                                     init.tree=init.tree, init.kappa=init.kappa,
        ##                                                     n.iter=n.iter, sample.every=sample.every,
        ##                                                     tune.every=tune.every, burnin=burnin,
        ##                                                     find.import=find.import, find.import.n=find.import.n,
        ##                                                     pi.prior1=pi.prior1, pi.prior2=pi.prior2,
        ##                                                     init.mu1=init.mu1, init.mu2=init.mu2,
        ##                                                     move.mut=move.mut, move.ances=move.ances, move.kappa=move.kappa,
        ##                                                     move.Tinf=move.Tinf, move.pi=move.pi,
        ##                                                     quiet=TRUE, res.file.name=res.file.names[i],
        ##                                                     tune.file.name=tune.file.names[i], seed=seed[i]),
        ##                   mc.cores=n.cores, mc.silent=FALSE, mc.cleanup=TRUE, mc.preschedule=TRUE, mc.set.seed=TRUE)
    } else {
        res <- lapply(1:n.runs, function(i)  outbreaker(dna=dna, dates=dates, idx.dna=idx.dna,
                                                        mut.model=mut.model, spa.model=spa.model,
                                                        init.tree=init.tree, init.kappa=init.kappa,
                                                        n.iter=n.iter, sample.every=sample.every,
                                                        tune.every=tune.every, burnin=burnin,
                                                        pi.prior1=pi.prior1, pi.prior2=pi.prior2,
                                                        init.mu1=init.mu1, init.mu2=init.mu2, init.spa1=init.spa1,
                                                        move.mut=move.mut, move.ances=move.ances, move.kappa=move.kappa,
                                                        move.Tinf=move.Tinf, move.pi=move.pi, move.spa=move.spa,
                                                        outlier.threshold = outlier.threshold, max.kappa=max.kappa,
                                                        quiet=TRUE, res.file.name=res.file.names[i],
                                                        tune.file.name=tune.file.names[i], seed=seed[i]))

    res.old <- res
    res <- res[[1]]
    res$tune.end <- max(sapply(res.old, function(e) e$tune.end))
    res$chains <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(res.old, function(e) e$chains))
    res$chains$run <- factor(rep(1:n.runs, each=nrow(res.old[[1]]$chains)))
    res$n.runs <- n.runs
    res$call <- match.call()

} # end outbreaker.parallel

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outbreaker documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:23 p.m.