# pROC: Tools Receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves) with
# (partial) area under the curve, confidence intervals and comparison.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Xavier Robin, Alexandre Hainard, Natacha Turck,
# Natalia Tiberti, Frédérique Lisacek, Jean-Charles Sanchez
# and Markus Müller
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
auc <- function(...) {
auc.formula <- function(formula, data, ...) {
data.missing <- missing(data) <- roc_utils_extract_formula(formula, data, ...,
data.missing = data.missing,
call =
if (length($ > 1) {
stop("Only one predictor supported in 'auc'.")
response <-$response
predictor <-$predictors[, 1]
roc(response, predictor, auc = TRUE, ...)$auc
auc.default <- function(response, predictor, ...) {
roc.default(response, predictor, auc=TRUE, ...)$auc
auc.smooth.roc <- function(smooth.roc, ...) {
auc.roc(smooth.roc, ...) # force usage of auc.roc: compatible
auc.multiclass.roc <- function(multiclass.roc, ...) {
sum <- sum(sapply(multiclass.roc$rocs, auc, ...))
count <- length(multiclass.roc$levels)
# Hand & Till formula:
auc <- (2 * sum) / (count * (count - 1))
# Prepare auc object
auc <- as.vector(auc) # remove potential pre-existing attributes
attr(auc, "percent") <- multiclass.roc$percent
attr(auc, "roc") <- multiclass.roc
# Get partial auc details from first computed auc
# TODO: find a better way to recover partial.auc!
aucs <- lapply(multiclass.roc$rocs, auc, ...) # keep individual AUCs in a list for later
attr(auc, "partial.auc") <- attr(aucs[[1]], "partial.auc")
if (!identical(attr(aucs[[1]], "partial.auc"), FALSE)) {
attr(auc, "partial.auc.focus") <- attr(aucs[[1]], "partial.auc.focus")
attr(auc, "partial.auc.correct") <- attr(aucs[[1]], "partial.auc.correct")
class(auc) <- c("multiclass.auc", "numeric")
} <- function(mv.multiclass.roc, ...) {
aucs <- lapply(mv.multiclass.roc$rocs, function(x) list(auc(x[[1]], ...), auc(x[[2]], ...))) <- sum(sapply(aucs, function(x) mean(unlist(x))))
c <- length(mv.multiclass.roc$levels)
auc <- 2 / (c * (c-1)) *
# Prepare auc object
auc <- as.vector(auc) # remove potential pre-existing attributes
attr(auc, "percent") <- mv.multiclass.roc$percent
attr(auc, "roc") <- mv.multiclass.roc
# Get partial auc details from first computed auc
attr(auc, "partial.auc") <- attr(aucs[[1]][[1]], "partial.auc")
if (!identical(attr(aucs[[1]], "partial.auc"), FALSE)) {
attr(auc, "partial.auc.focus") <- attr(aucs[[1]][[1]], "partial.auc.focus")
attr(auc, "partial.auc.correct") <- attr(aucs[[1]][[1]], "partial.auc.correct")
class(auc) <- c("mv.multiclass.auc", "numeric")
auc.roc <- function(roc,
# Partial auc definition
partial.auc=FALSE, # false (consider total area) or numeric length 2: boundaries of the AUC to consider, between 0 and 1, or 0 and 100 if percent is TRUE
partial.auc.focus=c("specificity", "sensitivity"), # if partial.auc is not FALSE: do the boundaries
allow.invalid.partial.auc.correct = FALSE,
... # unused required to allow roc passing arguments to plot or ci.
) {
if (!identical(partial.auc, FALSE)) {
partial.auc.focus <- match.arg(partial.auc.focus)
percent <- roc$percent
# Validate partial.auc
if (! identical(partial.auc, FALSE) & !(is.numeric(partial.auc) && length(partial.auc)==2))
stop("partial.auc must be either FALSE or a numeric vector of length 2")
# Ensure partial.auc is sorted with partial.auc[1] >= partial.auc[2]
partial.auc <- sort(partial.auc, decreasing=TRUE)
# Get and sort the sensitivities and specificities
roc <- sort_roc(roc)
se <- roc$sensitivities
sp <- roc$specificities
# Full area if partial.auc is FALSE
if (identical(partial.auc, FALSE)) {
if (methods::is(roc, "smooth.roc") && ! is.null(roc$smoothing.args) && roc$smoothing.args$method == "binormal") {
coefs <- coefficients(roc$model)
auc <- unname(pnorm(coefs[1] / sqrt(1+coefs[2]^2)) * ifelse(percent, 100^2, 1))
else {
diffs.x <- sp[-1] - sp[-length(sp)]
means.vert <- (se[-1] + se[-length(se)])/2
auc <- sum(means.vert * diffs.x)
# Partial area
else {
if (partial.auc.focus == "sensitivity") {
# if we focus on SE, just swap and invert x and y and the computations for SP will work
x <- rev(se)
y <- rev(sp)
else {
x <- sp
y <- se
# find the SEs and SPs in the interval <- x[x <= partial.auc[1] & x >= partial.auc[2]] <- y[x <= partial.auc[1] & x >= partial.auc[2]]
# compute the AUC strictly in the interval
diffs.x <-[-1] -[-length(]
means.vert <- ([-1] +[-length(])/2
auc <- sum(means.vert * diffs.x)
# add the borders:
if (length( == 0) { # special case: the whole AUC is between 2 se/sp points. Need to interpolate from both
diff.horiz <- partial.auc[1] - partial.auc[2]
# determine indices
idx.hi <- match(FALSE, x < partial.auc[1])
idx.lo <- idx.hi - 1
# proportions
proportion.hi <- (x[idx.hi] - partial.auc[1]) / (x[idx.hi] - x[idx.lo])
proportion.lo <- (partial.auc[2] - x[idx.lo]) / (x[idx.hi] - x[idx.lo])
# interpolated y's
y.hi <- y[idx.hi] + proportion.hi * (y[idx.lo] - y[idx.hi])
y.lo <- y[idx.lo] - proportion.lo * (y[idx.lo] - y[idx.hi])
# compute AUC
mean.vert <- (y.hi + y.lo)/2
auc <- mean.vert*diff.horiz
else { # if the upper limit is not exactly present in SPs, interpolate
if (!(partial.auc[1] %in% {
# find the limit indices
idx.out <- match(FALSE, x < partial.auc[1]) <- idx.out - 1
# interpolate y
proportion <- (partial.auc[1] - x[idx.out]) / (x[] - x[idx.out])
y.interpolated <- y[idx.out] + proportion * (y[] - y[idx.out])
# add to AUC
auc <- auc + (partial.auc[1] - x[]) * (y[] + y.interpolated)/2
if (!(partial.auc[2] %in% { # if the lower limit is not exactly present in SPs, interpolate
# find the limit indices in and out
#idx.out <- length(x) - match(TRUE, rev(x) < partial.auc[2]) + 1
idx.out <- match(TRUE, x > partial.auc[2]) - 1 <- idx.out + 1
# interpolate y
proportion <- (x[] - partial.auc[2]) / (x[] - x[idx.out])
y.interpolated <- y[] + proportion * (y[idx.out] - y[])
# add to AUC
auc <- auc + (x[] - partial.auc[2]) * (y[] + y.interpolated)/2
# In percent, we have 100*100 = 10,000 as maximum area, so we need to divide by a factor 100
if (percent)
auc <- auc/100
# Correction according to McClish DC, 1989
if (all(!identical(partial.auc, FALSE), partial.auc.correct)) { # only for pAUC
min <- roc_utils_min_partial_auc(partial.auc, percent)
max <- roc_utils_max_partial_auc(partial.auc, percent)
# The correction is defined only when auc >= min
if (!allow.invalid.partial.auc.correct && auc < min) {
warning("Partial AUC correction not defined for ROC curves below the diagonal.")
auc <- NA
else if (percent) {
auc <- (100+((auc-min)*100/(max-min)))/2 # McClish formula adapted for %
else {
auc <- (1+((auc-min)/(max-min)))/2 # original formula by McClish
# Prepare the AUC to return with attributes
auc <- as.vector(auc) # remove potential pre-existing attributes
attr(auc, "partial.auc") <- partial.auc
attr(auc, "percent") <- percent
attr(auc, "roc") <- roc
if (!identical(partial.auc, FALSE)) {
attr(auc, "partial.auc.focus") <- partial.auc.focus
attr(auc, "partial.auc.correct") <- partial.auc.correct
class(auc) <- c("auc", class(auc))
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