

level.values <- list(
	forward = c("Good", "Poor"),
	reversed = c("Poor", "Good")

expected.algorithm <- list()
expected.algorithm[["wfns"]] <- list(
	pROC:::rocUtilsPerfsAllC, # 6 thresholds
	pROC:::rocUtilsPerfsAllC # ordered
expected.algorithm[["ndka"]] <- list(
	pROC:::roc_utils_perfs_all_fast, # 110 thresholds
	pROC:::roc_utils_perfs_all_fast # numeric
expected.algorithm[["s100b"]] <-list(
	pROC:::rocUtilsPerfsAllC, # 51 thresholds
	pROC:::roc_utils_perfs_all_fast # numeric

smooth.methods <- c("binormal", "density", "fitdistr", "logcondens", "logcondens.smooth")

for (marker in c("ndka", "wfns", "s100b")) {
	for (levels.direction in names(level.values)) {
		for (percent in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
			for (direction in c("auto", "<", ">")) {
				for (algorithm in 1:5) {
					context(sprintf("'roc' function works with percent = %s, marker = %s, levels.direction = %s, direction = %s and algorithm = %s", percent, marker, levels.direction, direction, algorithm))
					expected.direction <- ifelse(direction == "auto", ifelse(levels.direction == "forward", "<", ">"), direction)
					r <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH[[marker]], levels = level.values[[levels.direction]], direction = direction, percent = percent, algorithm = algorithm, quiet = TRUE)
					test_that("roc.formula produces the same results as roc.default", {
						rf <- roc(as.formula(sprintf("outcome ~ %s", marker)), data = aSAH, levels = level.values[[levels.direction]], direction = direction, percent = percent, algorithm = algorithm, quiet = TRUE)
						expect_is(rf, "roc")
						expect_equal(as.numeric(rf$auc), as.numeric(r$auc))
						for (item in c("percent", "sensitivities", "specificities", "thresholds", "direction", "cases", "controls", "fun.sesp")) {
							expect_identical(rf[[item]], r[[item]], label = sprintf("roc(outcome ~ %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)[[\"%s\"]]", marker, levels.direction, percent, direction, algorithm, item))
						for (item in c("original.predictor", "original.response", "predictor", "response", "levels")) {
							expect_identical(unname(rf[[item]]), unname(r[[item]]), label = sprintf("roc(outcome ~ %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)[[\"%s\"]]", marker, levels.direction, percent, direction, algorithm, item))
						expect_identical(rf$fun.sesp, expected.algorithm[[marker]][[algorithm]])
					test_that("roc.default works with control/cases as well", {
						rcs <- roc(controls = r$controls, cases = r$cases, levels = level.values[[levels.direction]], direction = direction, percent = percent, algorithm = algorithm, quiet = TRUE)
						expect_is(rcs, "roc")
						expect_equal(as.numeric(rcs$auc), as.numeric(r$auc))
						for (item in c("percent", "sensitivities", "specificities", "thresholds", "direction", "cases", "controls", "fun.sesp")) {
							expect_identical(rcs[[item]], r[[item]])
						expect_identical(rcs$fun.sesp, expected.algorithm[[marker]][[algorithm]])
					test_that("roc.default produces the expected results", {
						expect_is(r, "roc")
						expect_identical(r$percent, percent)
						expect_identical(r$fun.sesp, expected.algorithm[[marker]][[algorithm]])
						expect_identical(r$direction, expected.direction)
						expect_identical(r$levels, level.values[[levels.direction]])
						expect_equal(r$thresholds, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["thresholds"]])
						expect_equal(r$sensitivities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["sensitivities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))
						expect_equal(r$specificities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["specificities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))
					if (algorithm == 3) {
						if (marker == "wfns") {
							available.smooth.methods <- "binormal"
						else {
							available.smooth.methods <- smooth.methods
						for (smooth.method in available.smooth.methods) {
							context(sprintf("smooth(roc(...)) works with percent = %s, marker = %s, levels.direction = %s, direction = %s and smooth.method = %s", percent, marker, levels.direction, direction, smooth.method))
							test_that("smoothing a ROC curve produces expected results", {
								skip_if(getRversion() < "4.4.0")
								if (smooth.method == "logcondens" || smooth.method == "logcondens.smooth") {
								s <- smooth(r, method=smooth.method, 10)
								expect_is(s, "smooth.roc")
								expect_identical(s$percent, percent)
								expect_identical(s$direction, expected.direction)
								expect_equal(s$sensitivities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["sensitivities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))
								expect_equal(s$specificities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["specificities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))
							test_that("building curve with smooth=TRUE produces expected results", {
								skip_if(getRversion() < "4.4.0")
								context(sprintf("roc(..., smooth=TRUE) works with percent = %s, marker = %s, levels.direction = %s, direction = %s and smooth.method = %s", percent, marker, levels.direction, direction, smooth.method))
								if (smooth.method == "logcondens" || smooth.method == "logcondens.smooth") {
								s2 <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH[[marker]], levels = level.values[[levels.direction]], direction = direction, percent = percent, algorithm = algorithm, quiet = TRUE, 
										  smooth = TRUE, smooth.n = 10, smooth.method=smooth.method)
								expect_is(s2, "smooth.roc")
								expect_identical(s2$percent, percent)
								expect_identical(s2$direction, expected.direction)
								expect_equal(s2$sensitivities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["sensitivities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))
								expect_equal(s2$specificities, expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["specificities"]] * ifelse(percent, 100, 1))

#dump("expected.roc", file="helper-roc-expected.R")

test_that("roc.default handles NAs", {
	# Generate missing values
	aSAH.missing <- aSAH
	aSAH.missing$ndka[1:20] <- NA
	aSAH.missing$wfns[1:20] <- NA
	# na.rm=FALSE works
	# With NDKA
	expect_true(is.na(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$ndka, na.rm = FALSE)))
	expect_false(is.na(auc(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$ndka, na.rm = TRUE))))
	# With WFNS
	expect_true(is.na(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$wfns, na.rm = FALSE)))
	expect_false(is.na(auc(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$wfns, na.rm = TRUE))))
	# Same as subset
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$ndka, na.rm = TRUE))),
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome, aSAH.missing[21:113,]$ndka))))
	# With ordered
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH.missing$outcome, aSAH.missing$wfns, na.rm = TRUE))),
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome, aSAH.missing[21:113,]$wfns))))
	# Also with case/controls
		as.numeric(auc(roc(controls = aSAH.missing$ndka[aSAH.missing$outcome == "Good"], cases = aSAH.missing$ndka[aSAH.missing$outcome == "Poor"]))),
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome, aSAH.missing[21:113,]$ndka))))
	# With ordered
		as.numeric(auc(roc(controls = aSAH.missing$wfns[aSAH.missing$outcome == "Good"], cases = aSAH.missing$wfns[aSAH.missing$outcome == "Poor"]))),
		as.numeric(auc(roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome, aSAH.missing[21:113,]$wfns))))

test_that("roc.formula behaves", {
	# By this point we've tested the main stuff, so just check a few basic elements
	roc.check.only.items <- c("sensitivities", "specificities", "thresholds", "cases", "controls")
		roc(outcome ~ wfns, data = aSAH)[roc.check.only.items],
		roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$wfns)[roc.check.only.items]
	# formula without data
		roc(aSAH$outcome ~ aSAH$wfns)[roc.check.only.items],
		roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$wfns)[roc.check.only.items]
	# formula with data from parent env
	outcome <- aSAH$outcome
	wfns <- aSAH$wfns
		roc(outcome ~ wfns)[roc.check.only.items],
		roc(outcome, wfns)[roc.check.only.items]
		roc(outcome ~ wfns, data = aSAH, subset = (gender == "Female"))[roc.check.only.items],
		roc(aSAH$outcome[aSAH$gender == "Female"], aSAH$wfns[aSAH$gender == "Female"])[roc.check.only.items]
	# Generate missing values
	aSAH.missing <- aSAH
	aSAH.missing$ndka[1:20] <- NA
	expect_warning(roc1 <- roc(outcome ~ ndka, data = aSAH.missing, na.action = na.omit), "na.omit")
	roc2 <- roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome, aSAH[21:113,]$ndka)[roc.check.only.items]
	#na.fail should fail
	expect_error(roc(outcome ~ ndka, data = aSAH.missing, na.action = na.fail))
	#weights should fail too
	expect_error(roc(outcome ~ ndka, data = aSAH, weights = seq_len(nrow(aSAH)), quiet = TRUE), regexp = "weights are not supported")
	# invalid formula should fail
	expect_error(roc(~ndka, data=aSAH))
	# Both na.action and subset
	expect_warning(roc1 <- roc(outcome ~ ndka, data = aSAH.missing, na.action = na.omit, subset = (gender == "Female")), "na.omit")
	roc2 <- roc(aSAH[21:113,]$outcome[aSAH[21:113,]$gender == "Female"], aSAH[21:113,]$ndka[aSAH[21:113,]$gender == "Female"])

test_that("roc can't take both response/predictor and case/control", {
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$ndka, controls = aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Good"], cases = aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"]))

test_that("microbenchmark works", {
	skip("Not enough difference any longer, randomly selecting algorithm 2.")
	# Algorithm 3 (C) should be selected with small low number of thresholds like aSAH$wfns
	expect_output(r <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$wfns, algorithm = 0), "Selecting algorithm 3")
	# Algorithm 2 (R cumsum) should be selected with large datasets with many thresholds
	# This is going to be slow, so skip unless we're running slow tests
	expect_output(r <- roc(round(runif(10000)), rnorm(10000), algorithm = 0), "Selecting algorithm 2")

test_that("roc with multiple predictors returns expected ROC curves", {
	roclist <- roc(outcome ~ wfns + ndka + s100b, data = aSAH, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_is(roclist, "list")
	expect_type(roclist, "list")
	expect_length(roclist, 3)
	expect_identical(names(roclist), c("wfns", "ndka", "s100b"))
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$wfns, r.wfns)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$ndka, r.ndka)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$s100b, r.s100b)
	roclist <- roc(outcome ~ wfns + ndka + s100b, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$wfns, r.wfns)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$ndka, r.ndka)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$s100b, r.s100b)

test_that("extra arguments passed to roc with multiple predictors", {
	roclist <- roc(outcome ~ wfns + ndka + s100b, data = aSAH, quiet=TRUE,
				   percent = TRUE, partial.auc = c(90, 99))
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$wfns, r.wfns.percent.partial1)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$ndka, r.ndka.percent.partial1)
	expect_equal_roc_formula(roclist$s100b, r.s100b.percent.partial1)

test_that("roc works with densitites", {
	range.ndka <- range(aSAH$ndka)
	bw <- bw.nrd0(aSAH$ndka)
	from <- min(aSAH$ndka) - (3 * bw)
	to <- max(aSAH$ndka) + (3 * bw)
	density.controls <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Good"], from = from, to = to, bw = bw)
	density.cases <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"], from = from, to = to, bw = bw)
	density.roc <- roc(density.cases = density.cases$y, density.controls = density.controls$y)
	smoothed.roc <- smooth(r.ndka, method="density")
	expect_is(density.roc, "smooth.roc")
	expect_equal(density.roc$sensitivities, smoothed.roc$sensitivities)
	expect_equal(density.roc$specificities, smoothed.roc$specificities)
	expect_equal(as.numeric(density.roc$auc), as.numeric(smoothed.roc$auc))

test_that("roc.density works with extra arguments", {
	skip_if(getRversion() < "4.4.0")
	range.ndka <- range(aSAH$ndka)
	bw <- bw.nrd0(aSAH$ndka)
	from <- min(aSAH$ndka) - (3 * bw)
	to <- max(aSAH$ndka) + (3 * bw)
	density.controls <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Good"], from = from, to = to, bw = bw)
	density.cases <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"], from = from, to = to, bw = bw)

	density.roc.partial <- roc(density.cases = density.cases$y, 
							   density.controls = density.controls$y,
							   partial.auc = c(1, .9), partial.auc.focus = "se", 
							   partial.auc.correct = TRUE)
	expect_equal(as.numeric(density.roc.partial$auc), 0.506196226093)
	density.roc.percent <- roc(density.cases = density.cases$y, 
							   density.controls = density.controls$y,
							   percent = TRUE)
	expect_equal(as.numeric(density.roc.percent$auc), 60.44728041)

test_that("roc doesn't accept density with other arguments", {
	density.controls <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Good"])
	density.cases <- density(aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"])
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$ndka, density.cases = density.controls, density.controls = density.cases),
	expect_error(roc(cases = aSAH$ndka, controls = aSAH$ndka, density.cases = density.controls, density.controls = density.cases),

test_that("roc.data.frame works", {
	r <- roc(aSAH, outcome, s100b, ret="roc")
	expect_is(r, "roc")
	co <- roc(aSAH, outcome, s100b, ret="coords")
	expect_equal(dim(co), c(51, 3))
	co <- roc(aSAH, outcome, s100b, ret="all_coords")
	expect_equal(nrow(co), 51)
	expect_true(nrow(co) >= 22)

test_that("roc.data.frame works with quoted names", {
	r <- roc(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="roc")
	expect_is(r, "roc")
	co <- roc(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="coords")
	expect_equal(dim(co), c(51, 3))
	co <- roc(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="all_coords")
	expect_equal(nrow(co), 51)
	expect_true(nrow(co) >= 22)

test_that("roc_ works", {
	r <- roc_(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="roc")
	expect_is(r, "roc")
	co <- roc_(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="coords")
	expect_equal(dim(co), c(51, 3))
	co <- roc_(aSAH, "outcome", "s100b", ret="all_coords")
	expect_equal(nrow(co), 51)
	expect_true(nrow(co) >= 22)

test_that("roc.data.frame reject invalid columns", {
	outcomes <- aSAH$outcome
	suppressWarnings(expect_error(roc(aSAH, outcomes, s100b), "Column")) # Warning about NSE
	suppressWarnings(expect_error(roc(aSAH, "outcomes", "s100b"), "Column")) # Warning about NSE
	expect_error(roc_(aSAH, "outcomes", "s100b"), "Column")
	s100c <- aSAH$s100b
	suppressWarnings(expect_error(roc(aSAH, outcome, s100c), "Column")) # Warning about NSE
	suppressWarnings(expect_error(roc(aSAH, "outcome", "s100c"), "Column")) # Warning about NSE
	expect_error(roc_(aSAH, "outcome", "s100c"), "Column")

test_that("roc reject and warns for invalid levels", {
	expect_warning(expect_error(roc(aSAH$gos6, aSAH$s100b), "No case observation"), "levels")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$gos6, aSAH$s100b, levels = levels(aSAH$gos6)), "levels")
	expect_warning(roc(factor(aSAH$gos6), aSAH$s100b, quiet = TRUE), "levels")
	expect_warning(expect_error(roc(aSAH, gos6, s100b), "No case observation"), "levels")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH, gos6, s100b, levels = levels(aSAH$gos6)), "levels")
	dat <- aSAH
	dat$gos6 <- factor(aSAH$gos6)
	expect_warning(roc(dat, gos6, s100b, quiet = TRUE), "levels")

test_that("roc reject and warns for invalid predictors", {
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome, as.character(aSAH$wfns)), "Predictor")
	expect_warning(roc(aSAH$outcome, as.matrix(aSAH$ndka)), "Deprecated")
	expect_warning(roc(as.matrix(aSAH$outcome), aSAH$ndka), "Deprecated")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome[1:100], aSAH$ndka), "length")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome[1:100], aSAH$ndka[1:50]), "length")
test_that("roc reject requires cases & controls", {
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome[aSAH$outcome == "Good"], aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Good"]), "case")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH$outcome[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"], aSAH$ndka[aSAH$outcome == "Poor"]), "control")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH[aSAH$outcome == "Good",], outcome, ndka), "case")
	expect_error(roc(aSAH[aSAH$outcome == "Poor",], outcome, ndka), "control")

test_that("roc works with ordered predictor", {
	wfns2 <- ordered(as.numeric(aSAH$wfns) + 2)
	r <- roc(aSAH$outcome, wfns2)
	expect_equal(r$thresholds, c(-Inf, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, Inf))
	levels(wfns2) <- letters[1:5]
	# TODO: this behavior should be fixed, see issue #63.
	# For now ensure basic behavior with warning is at least consistent.
	expect_warning(r <- roc(aSAH$outcome, wfns2))
	expect_equal(r$thresholds, c(-Inf, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, Inf))
	# In reality we want to say something like  c(-Inf, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", Inf)

test_that("roc works with spaces in formula", {
	test_dat <- aSAH[c("outcome", "wfns", "age", "ndka")]
	colnames(test_dat)[3] <- "A ge"
	# All data
	r <- roc(outcome ~ ., data=test_dat, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_equal(length(r), 3)
	expect_equal(names(r), c("wfns", "A ge", "ndka"))
	expect_equal(r$`A ge`$predictor, aSAH$age)
	# One column
	r <- roc(outcome ~ `A ge`, data=test_dat, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_equal(r$predictor, aSAH$age)
	# Two columns
	r <- roc(outcome ~ `A ge` + ndka, data=test_dat, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_equal(names(r), c("A ge", "ndka"))
	expect_equal(r$`A ge`$predictor, aSAH$age)
	# Two columns, different order
	r <- roc(outcome ~ ndka + `A ge`, data=test_dat, quiet=TRUE)
	expect_equal(names(r), c("ndka", "A ge"))
	expect_equal(r$`A ge`$predictor, aSAH$age)

test_that("roc works with `with` and formula", {
	# This is the correct way to do things... with on the formula
	formW <- with(aSAH, as.formula("outcome ~ wfns"))
	# This must fail gracefully
	form <- as.formula("outcome ~ wfns")
	expect_error(roc(form), "outcome")
	# Now this can work with #111
	with(aSAH, roc(form))
	# Wrapping functinos can mess things up...
	wrap_roc <- function(formula) {
	with(aSAH, wrap_roc(form))
	wrap_roc2 <- function(formula) {
		with(aSAH, roc(formula))

# The code below can be used to refresh the "expected.roc" data, just in case...
# expected.roc <- list()
# for (marker in c("ndka", "wfns", "s100b")) {
# 	expected.roc[[marker]] <- list()
# 	for (levels.direction in names(level.values)) {
# 		expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]] <- list()
# 		for (direction in c("<", ">")) {
# 			r <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH[[marker]], levels = level.values[[levels.direction]], direction = direction, percent = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
# 			if (!isTRUE(percent) && direction != "auto") {
# 				expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[direction]] <- r[c("sensitivities", "specificities", "thresholds")]
# 				expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[direction]][["auc"]] <- as.numeric(r$auc)
# 			}
# 			for (smooth.method in available.smooth.methods) {
# 				s <- smooth(r, method=smooth.method, 10)
# 				expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["sensitivities"]] <- s$sensitivities
# 				expected.roc[[marker]][[levels.direction]][[expected.direction]][["smooth"]][[smooth.method]][["specificities"]] <- s$specificities
# 			}
# 		}
# 	}
# }
# save("expected.roc", system.file("extdata", "test-roc-expected.R", package="pROC"), file = "dump_roc_expected.R")

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