#' @name roary_2_pagoo
#' @title Read roary's output into a pagoo's R6 class object
#' @description This function handle conversion of \href{}{roary}'s output files into
#' a pagoo R6 class object. It takes the "gene_presence_absence.csv" file and
#' (optionally but recommended) gff input file paths, and returns an object of
#' class \code{\link[pagoo]{PgR6MS}} (or \code{\link[pagoo]{PgR6M}} if left
#' empty the \code{gffs} argument).
#' @param gene_presence_absence_csv \code{character}, path to the
#' "gene_presence_absence.csv" file. (Do not confuse with the file with the
#' same name but with \code{.Rtab} extension).
#' @param gffs A \code{character} vector with paths to original gff files used
#' as roary's input. Typically the return value of \code{list.files()} function.
#' This parameter is optional but highly recommended if you want to manipulate
#' sequences.
#' @param sep \code{character}. Default: \code{"__"} (two underscores). See
#' \link[pagoo]{PgR6MS} for a more detail argument description.
#' @param paralog_sep \code{character}. A gene separator for cases where the
#' clusters have in-paralogs. (Default: "\\t" - tab).
#' @return A pagoo's R6 class object. Either \link[pagoo]{PgR6M}, if \code{gffs}
#' argument is left empty, or \link[pagoo]{PgR6MS} if path to gff files is
#' provided.
#' @references
#' Andrew J. Page, Carla A. Cummins, Martin Hunt, Vanessa K. Wong, Sandra Reuter,
#' Matthew T. G. Holden, Maria Fookes, Daniel Falush, Jacqueline A. Keane, Julian
#' Parkhill, "Roary: Rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis",
#' Bioinformatics, 2015;31(22):3691-3693
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gffs <- list.files(path = "path/to/gffs/",
#' pattern = "[.]gff$",
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' gpa_csv <- "path/to/gene_presence_absence.csv"
#' library(pagoo)
#' pg <- roary_2_pagoo(gene_presence_absence_csv = gpa_csv,
#' gffs = gffs)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSetList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
roary_2_pagoo <- function(gene_presence_absence_csv, gffs, sep = '__', paralog_sep = "\t"){
message('Reading csv file (roary).')
df <- read.csv(gene_presence_absence_csv,
header = TRUE,
sep = ',',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
message('Processing csv file.')
cluster_meta <- df[, c('Gene', 'Annotation')]
colnames(cluster_meta) <- c('cluster', 'Annotation')
dims <- dim(df)
df <- df[, 15:dims[2]]
lp <- lapply(df, strsplit, paralog_sep)
lp <- lapply(lp, setNames, cluster_meta$cluster)
lths <- lapply(lp, sapply, length)
sums <- sapply(lths, sum)
mm <- cbind(
unlist(lp, use.names = FALSE),
unlist(lapply(lths, function(x){
unlist(rep(names(x), x), use.names = FALSE)
}), use.names = FALSE),
rep(names(sums), sums)
mm <-
colnames(mm) <- c('gene', 'cluster', 'org')
message('Loading PgR6M class object.')
pg <- PgR6M$new(data = mm,
cluster_meta = cluster_meta,
sep = sep)
names(gffs) <- sub('[.]gff$', '', basename(gffs))
seqs <- lapply(gffs, function(x){
message(paste('Reading gff file', x))
sq <- read_gff(x)
#There are some tRNAs genes that are not listed in
# the gene_presence_absence.csv file
sq <- sq[which(names(sq) %in% mm$gene)]
# Get gene information from gffs
mcls <- lapply(seqs, mcols)
mcls <- lapply(names(mcls), function(x){
mcls[[x]]$org <- x
# names(mcls) <- names(seqs)
# Just common columns
# cols <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(mcls, colnames))
# Selected columns
cols <- c('seqid', 'type', 'start', 'end', 'strand', 'product', 'org', 'locus_tag')
mcls <- lapply(mcls, function(x) x[ , cols])
# Match !
mcls <-, mcls)
ma <- match(paste(mm$org, mm$gene, sep=sep), paste(mcls$org, mcls$locus_tag, sep = sep))
mm <- cbind(mm, mcls[ma, c('seqid', 'type', 'start', 'end', 'strand', 'product')])
message('Loading PgR6MS class object.')
pg <- PgR6MS$new(data = mm,
cluster_meta = cluster_meta,
sequences = DNAStringSetList(seqs),
sep = sep)
# gffs <- list.files('../../pewit2_dataset/', pattern = 'gff$', full.names = T)
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet subseq reverseComplement
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols<-
read_gff <- function(in_gff){
rl <- readLines(in_gff)
gp_cm <- grep('^#', rl)
gp_fa <- grep("^##FASTA", rl)
co_fa <- (gp_fa + 1L):length(rl)
rl_fa <- rl[co_fa]
rl_tb <- rl[-c(co_fa, gp_cm)]
# table
m <- strsplit(rl_tb, '\t')
df <-, m), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m2 <- strsplit(df$V9, ';')
lp <- lapply(m2, function(x){
spl <- strsplit(x, '=')
val <- vapply(spl, '[', 2, FUN.VALUE = NA_character_)
nam <- vapply(spl, '[', 1, FUN.VALUE = NA_character_)
setNames(val, nam)
retain <- vapply(lp, function(x) "locus_tag" %in% names(x), FUN.VALUE = NA)
lp <- lp[retain]
una <- unique(names(unlist(lp, use.names = T)))
df2 <-, lapply(lp, '[', una)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mcls <- cbind(df[retain, -9], df2)
colnames(mcls)[1:8] <- c('seqid', 'source', 'type', 'start',
'end', 'score', 'strand', 'phase')
mcls$start <- as.integer(mcls$start)
mcls$end <- as.integer(mcls$end)
# sequence
he <- grep('>', rl_fa)
st <- he + 1L
lst <- rev(st)[1]
en <- c((he - 1)[-1], length(rl_fa))
toapl <- cbind(st, en)
# dna <- DNAStringSet(paste0(rl_fa[ toapl[, 1]:toapl[, 2] ],collapse=''))
dna <- DNAStringSet(apply(toapl, 1, function(x){
paste0(rl_fa[x[1]:x[2]], collapse = '')
names(dna) <- sub('>', '', rl_fa[he])
sequences <- subseq(dna[mcls$seqid], start = mcls$start, end = mcls$end)
sequences[mcls$strand=='-'] <- reverseComplement(sequences[mcls$strand=='-'])
names(sequences) <- mcls$locus_tag
mcols(sequences) <- mcls
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