
Defines functions .convert_data_frame_columns .collapse_array_columns_map .build_query_string .make_data_frame .parse_raw_data .extract_response_body .get_data_from_uri .build_uri

#' Generate a URI conforming to the scheme documented in the
#' paleobioDB API
#' @param endpoint Name of an endpoint.
#' @param query URI parameters for the query string passed as a named
#'   list.
#' @param api_base The server to be contacted.
#' @param format Format in which results will be returned.  For now,
#'   json is the only supported format.
#' @param data_serv The data service version.  Could be either
#'   "data1.1" or "data1.2"
#' @returns A URL to perform an HTTP GET request.
#' @noRd
.build_uri <- function(endpoint,
                       query = list(),
                       api_base = "https://paleobiodb.org",
                       format = "json",
                       data_serv = "data1.2") {
  uri <- paste(api_base, data_serv, endpoint, sep = "/")
  uri <- paste(uri, format, sep = ".")
  query_str <- .build_query_string(query)
  uri <- paste(uri, query_str, sep = "?")

#' .get_data_from_uri
#' Grabs data as data frame from a URI. Expects the response data to be
#' in JSON format
#' @param uri Public internet address of the data
#' @returns data frame with rows of data
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' .get_data_from_uri("http://api.example.com/ecologydata")
#' }
#' @noRd
.get_data_from_uri <- function(uri) {
  response <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(uri)
  raw_data <- .extract_response_body(response)
  df <- .parse_raw_data(raw_data)

#' .extract_response_body
#' Extracts the body from a HTTP response or throws error if not 200 status
#' @param response Raw http response
#' @returns character
#' @noRd
.extract_response_body <- function(response) {
  body <- rawToChar(response$content)

  if (response$status_code != 200) {
    err_msg <- strwrap(
        "Error in API response. The server returned a status ",
        ", which indicates that something went wrong with your request. ",
        "In order to debug the problem you may find useful information ",
        "in the following server response:\n\n",
    stop(paste(err_msg, collapse = "\n"))


#' .parse_raw_data
#' Parse raw json string as a data frame
#' @param raw_data json encoded data
#' @returns data frame
#' @noRd
.parse_raw_data <- function(raw_data) {
  data_list <- rjson::fromJSON(raw_data)

  if ("warnings" %in% names(data_list)) {
    # Enumerate warnings that were returned by the PBDB API
    warn_list <- paste(
      paste(paste0(seq_along(data_list$warnings), "."), data_list$warnings),
      collapse = "\n"
        "Your query to the PBDB API generated the following warnings:\n",
      call. = FALSE

  df <- .make_data_frame(data_list$records)

#' .make_data_frame
#' Makes a data frame from a list of lists
#' @param reg_list data rows as a list of lists
#' @returns data frame
#' @noRd
.make_data_frame <- function(reg_list) {
  if (length(reg_list) == 0) {
    warning("The PBDB API returned no records for this query.", call. = FALSE)

  dfr_rows <- lapply(reg_list, function(reg) {
    as.data.frame(lapply(reg, .collapse_array_columns_map))

  dfr <- do.call(gtools::smartbind, dfr_rows)
  dfr <- .convert_data_frame_columns(dfr)

#' .build_query_string
#' Builds a query string ready for been added to a url, from a list of
#' name/value parameters
#' @param args list of parameters
#' @returns character
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   .build_query_string(list(name = "Bob", city = "Berlin"))
#' }
#' @noRd
.build_query_string <- function(args) {
  qs <- ""

  for (arg_name in names(args)) {
    str_arg_value <- as.character(args[arg_name][[1]])
    encoded_arg_value <- utils::URLencode(str_arg_value)
    qs <- paste0(qs, arg_name, "=", encoded_arg_value, "&")
  qs <- substr(qs, 0, nchar(qs) - 1)


#' .collapse_array_columns_map
#' Maps multivalue elements to semicolon separated strings
#' @param element a vector representing some data field
#' @returns a string with the elements of the provided vector separated
#'   by semicolons if it has more than one element or the vector as it
#'   was passed to the function if it has length one
#' @noRd
.collapse_array_columns_map <- function(element) {
  if (length(element) > 1) {
    mapped <- paste(element, collapse = ";")
  } else {
    mapped <- element


#' .convert_data_frame_columns
#' Converts some columns (lng, lat) from character to numeric.  This
#' conversion is needed because the paleobiodb API returns these
#' fields as strings, but the map plotting functions in this package
#' expect longitude and latitude to be numeric.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @returns a data frame with its "lng" and "lat" columns converted to
#'   numeric
#' @noRd
.convert_data_frame_columns <- function(df) {
  column_conversion_funs <- c("lng" = as.numeric, "lat" = as.numeric)

  columns_to_convert <- colnames(df)[
    colnames(df) %in% names(column_conversion_funs)

  for (column in columns_to_convert) {
    df[[column]] <- column_conversion_funs[[column]](df[[column]])


Try the paleobioDB package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

paleobioDB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.