

test_that("p_xxx printers", {
  expect_output(print(p_int()), "p_int\\(\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_int(1)), "p_int\\(lower = 1\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_int(lower = 1)), "p_int\\(lower = 1\\)")

  expect_output(print(p_dbl()), "p_dbl\\(\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_dbl(1)), "p_dbl\\(lower = 1\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_dbl(lower = 1)), "p_dbl\\(lower = 1\\)")

  expect_output(print(p_lgl()), "p_lgl\\(\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_uty()), "p_uty\\(\\)")

  expect_output(print(p_fct("a")), "p_fct\\(levels = \"a\"\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_fct("1")), "p_fct\\(levels = \"1\"\\)")
  expect_output(print(p_fct(list(x = 1))), "p_fct\\(levels = list\\(x = 1\\)\\)")

  expect_output(print(p_fct(list(x = 1), depends = x == 1)), "p_fct\\(levels = list\\(x = 1\\)\\, depends = x == 1)")
  reqquote = quote(x == 1)
  expect_output(print(p_fct(list(x = 1), depends = reqquote)), "p_fct\\(levels = list\\(x = 1\\)\\, depends = x == 1)")

test_that("ps(p_xxx(...)) creates ParamSets", {

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_int()), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_dbl()), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamDbl$new("x"))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_uty()), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamUty$new("x"))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_lgl()), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamLgl$new("x"))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_fct(letters)), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamFct$new("x", letters))))

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_int(upper = 1, lower = 0)), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x", 0, 1))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_dbl(upper = 1, lower = 0)), ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamDbl$new("x", 0, 1))))

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_int(special_vals = list("x"), default = 0, tags = "xx")),
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x", special_vals = list("x"), default = 0, tags = "xx"))))
  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_dbl(special_vals = list("x"), default = 0, tags = "xx")),
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamDbl$new("x", special_vals = list("x"), default = 0, tags = "xx"))))

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_lgl(special_vals = list("x"), default = TRUE, tags = "xx")),
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamLgl$new("x", special_vals = list("x"), default = TRUE, tags = "xx"))))

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_fct(letters, special_vals = list(0), default = 0, tags = "xx")),
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamFct$new("x", letters, special_vals = list(0), default = 0, tags = "xx"))))

  expect_equal_ps(ps(x = p_uty(default = 1, tags = "xx", custom_check = check_int)),
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamUty$new("x", default = 1, tags = "xx", custom_check = check_int))))

  expect_error(ps(x = p_int(), x = p_int()), "unique names")

  expect_error(p_int(id = 1), "unused argument.*id")


test_that("p_fct autotrafo", {

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c("a", "b", "c"))))$transpose(),
    list(list(x = "a"), list(x = "b"), list(x = "c")))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(1, 2, 2.5))))$transpose(),
    list(list(x = 1), list(x = 2), list(x = 2.5)))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(1, 2, 2.5))))$transpose(trafo = FALSE),
    list(list(x = "1"), list(x = "2"), list(x = "2.5")))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2.5))))$transpose(),
    list(list(x = 1), list(x = 2), list(x = 2.5)))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2.5))))$transpose(trafo = FALSE),
    list(list(x = "a"), list(x = "b"), list(x = "c")))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(list(a = log, b = exp, c = identity))))$transpose(),
    list(list(x = log), list(x = exp), list(x = identity)))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(list(a = log, b = exp, c = identity))))$transpose(trafo = FALSE),
    list(list(x = "a"), list(x = "b"), list(x = "c")))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2.5), trafo = function(x) x^2)))$transpose(),
    list(list(x = 1), list(x = 4), list(x = 100 / 16)))

  expect_equal(generate_design_grid(ps(x = p_fct(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2.5), trafo = function(x) x^2),
    .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) list(y = exp(x$x))))$transpose(),
    list(list(y = exp(1)), list(y = exp(4)), list(y = exp(100 /16))))


test_that("requirements in domains", {

  simpleps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamDbl$new("y")))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))

  # basic equality expression
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_dbl(depends = x == 1)
    ), simpleps)

  # quote() is accepted
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_dbl(depends = quote(x == 1))
    ), simpleps)

  # using a expression variable
  reqquote = quote(x == 1)
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_dbl(depends = reqquote)
    ), simpleps)

  # the same for `p_fct`, which behaves slightly differently from the rest
  simpleps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamFct$new("y", letters)))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_fct(letters, depends = x == 1)
    ), simpleps)
  reqquote = quote(x == 1)
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_fct(letters, depends = reqquote)
    ), simpleps)

  # the same for `p_fct` involving autotrafo, which behaves slightly differently from the rest
  simpleps = ps(x = p_int(), y = p_fct(list(a = 1, b = 2)))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_fct(list(a = 1, b = 2), depends = x == 1)
    ), simpleps)
  reqquote = quote(x == 1)
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_fct(list(a = 1, b = 2), depends = reqquote)
    ), simpleps)

  # `&&`
      x = p_int(),
      y = p_dbl(depends = x == 1 && x == 3)
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamDbl$new("y")))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(3)))

  # `&&`, `%in%`
      x = p_int(),
      z = p_fct(letters[1:3]),
      y = p_dbl(depends = x == 1 && z %in% c("a", "b"))
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamFct$new("z", letters[1:3]), ParamDbl$new("y")))$
      add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))$add_dep("y", "z", CondAnyOf(c("a", "b"))))

  # recursive dependencies
      x = p_int(),
      z = p_fct(letters[1:3], depends = x == 2),
      y = p_dbl(depends = x == 1 && z %in% c("a", "b"))
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamFct$new("z", letters[1:3]), ParamDbl$new("y")))$
      add_dep("z", "x", CondEqual(2))$add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))$add_dep("y", "z", CondAnyOf(c("a", "b"))))

  # `fct` with complex requirements
  complexps = ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamFct$new("z", letters[1:3]), ParamFct$new("y", letters[1:3])))$
      add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))$add_dep("y", "z", CondAnyOf(c("a", "b")))
      x = p_int(),
      z = p_fct(letters[1:3]),
      y = p_fct(letters[1:3], depends = x == 1 && z %in% c("a", "b"))
    ), complexps)

  # parentheses are ignored
      x = p_int(),
      z = p_fct(letters[1:3]),
      y = p_fct(letters[1:3], depends = ((((x == 1)) && (z %in% c("a", "b")))))
    ), complexps)

  # multiple dependencies on the same value
      x = p_int(),
      z = p_fct(letters[1:3]),
      y = p_fct(letters[1:3], depends = ((((x == 1)) && (z %in% c("a", "b") && z == "a"))))
    ParamSet_legacy$new(list(ParamInt$new("x"), ParamFct$new("z", letters[1:3]), ParamFct$new("y", letters[1:3])))$
      add_dep("y", "x", CondEqual(1))$add_dep("y", "z", CondAnyOf(c("a", "b")))$
      add_dep("y", "z", CondEqual("a")))

  expect_error(p_int(depends = 1 == x), "must be a parameter name")
  expect_error(p_int(depends = 1), "must be an expression")
  expect_error(p_int(depends = x != 1), "is broken")


test_that("trafos in domains", {

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp))$trafo(list(x = 2)), list(x = exp(2)))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = function(x) list()))$trafo(list(x = 2)), list(x = list()))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp), y = p_dbl())$trafo(list(x = 2, y = 3)), list(x = exp(2), y = 3))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp))$trafo(list(x = 2, y = 3)), list(x = exp(2), y = 3))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp), y = p_dbl(), z = p_dbl(), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x$x = sqrt(x$x)
    x$y = sqrt(x$y)
    x$n = 1
  })$trafo(list(x = 2, y = 3, z = 4)), list(x = exp(1), y = sqrt(3), z = 4, n = 1))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp), y = p_fct(c(1, 2, 3)), z = p_dbl(), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x$x = sqrt(x$x)
    x$y = sqrt(x$y)
    x$n = 1
  })$trafo(list(x = 2, y = "3", z = 4)), list(x = exp(1), y = sqrt(3), z = 4, n = 1))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp), y = p_fct(list(`alpha` = 1, `beta` = 2, `gamma` = 3)), z = p_dbl(), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x$x = sqrt(x$x)
    x$y = sqrt(x$y)
    x$n = 1
  })$trafo(list(x = 2, y = "gamma", z = 4)), list(x = exp(1), y = sqrt(3), z = 4, n = 1))

  expect_equal(ps(x = p_int(trafo = exp), y = p_fct(list(`alpha` = 1, `beta` = 2, `gamma` = 3), trafo = sqrt), z = p_dbl(), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x$x = sqrt(x$x)
    x$y = 2 * x$y
    x$n = 1
  })$trafo(list(x = 2, y = "gamma", z = 4)), list(x = exp(1), y = 2 * sqrt(3), z = 4, n = 1))


test_that("logscale in domains", {

  expect_error(p_dbl(trafo = exp, logscale = TRUE), "When a trafo is given then logscale must be FALSE")
  expect_error(p_int(trafo = exp, logscale = TRUE), "When a trafo is given then logscale must be FALSE")

  expect_error(p_int(lower = 1, upper = 2.5, logscale = TRUE), "failed.*integer.*value.*not.*double")

  expect_error(p_int(lower = -1, logscale = TRUE), "When logscale is TRUE then lower bound must be greater or equal 0")
  expect_error(p_dbl(lower = 0, logscale = TRUE), "When logscale is TRUE then lower bound must be strictly greater than 0")
  expect_error(p_int(logscale = TRUE), "When logscale is TRUE then lower bound must be greater or equal 0")
  expect_error(p_dbl(logscale = TRUE), "When logscale is TRUE then lower bound must be strictly greater than 0")

  p = ps(x = p_dbl(lower = 1, logscale = TRUE), y = p_int(lower = 1, logscale = TRUE))
  expect_equal(p$lower, c(x = 0, y = 0))
  expect_equal(p$upper, c(x = Inf, y = Inf))
  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = 0, y = log(1.5))), list(x = 1, y = 1))
  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = 0, y = log(0.001))), list(x = 1, y = 1))
  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(20.5))), list(x = 10, y = 20))

  p = ps(x = p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE), y = p_int(lower = 0, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE))

  expect_equal(p$lower, c(x = 0, y = log(.5)))
  expect_equal(p$upper, c(x = log(10), y = log(11)))

  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = 0, y = log(1.5))), list(x = 1, y = 1))
  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(11))), list(x = 10, y = 10))

  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(20))), list(x = 10, y = 10))
  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(9.99))), list(x = 10, y = 9))

  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(1.5))), list(x = 10, y = 1))

  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(0.5))), list(x = 10, y = 0))

  expect_equal(p$trafo(list(x = log(10), y = log(0.0001))), list(x = 10, y = 0))

  expect_output(print(p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE)), "^p_dbl\\(lower = 1, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE\\)$")
  expect_output(print(p_dbl(lower = 1, logscale = TRUE)), "^p_dbl\\(lower = 1, logscale = TRUE\\)$")
  expect_output(print(p_int(lower = 0, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE)), "^p_int\\(lower = 0, upper = 10, logscale = TRUE\\)$")
  expect_output(print(p_int(lower = 0, logscale = TRUE)), "^p_int\\(lower = 0, logscale = TRUE\\)$")

  expect_output(print(p_int(lower = 0, logscale = FALSE)), "^p_int\\(lower = 0, logscale = FALSE\\)$")

  params = ps(x = p_dbl(1, 100, logscale = TRUE))
  grid = generate_design_grid(params, 3)
  expect_equal(grid$transpose(), list(list(x = 1), list(x = 10), list(x = 100)))

  params = ps(x = p_int(0, 10, logscale = TRUE))
  grid = generate_design_grid(params, 4)
  expect_equal(grid$transpose(), list(list(x = 0), list(x = 1), list(x = 3), list(x = 10)))


test_that("$is_logscale flags work", {
  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, logscale = TRUE))
  expect_equal(pps$is_logscale, c(x = TRUE))

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, logscale = TRUE), y = p_int(10, 20))
  expect_equal(pps$is_logscale, c(x = TRUE, y = FALSE))

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, logscale = TRUE), y = p_int(10, 20), z = p_int(1, 2, trafo = function(x) 2^x))
  expect_equal(pps$is_logscale, c(x = TRUE, y = FALSE, z = FALSE))

test_that("$has_trafo_param flags work", {
  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, trafo = function(x) 2^x))
  expect_equal(pps$has_trafo_param, c(x = TRUE))

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, trafo = function(x) 2^x), y = p_int(10, 20))
  expect_equal(pps$has_trafo_param, c(x = TRUE, y = FALSE))

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, trafo = function(x) 2^x), y = p_int(10, 20), z =  p_int(1, 2, logscale = TRUE))
  expect_equal(pps$has_trafo_param, c(x = TRUE, y = FALSE, z = TRUE))

test_that("$extra_trafo flag works", {
  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2), .extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x = 1

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 2, logscale = TRUE))

  pps$extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {
    x = 1

  pps$extra_trafo = NULL

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 10))
  pps$values$x = to_tune()
  search_space = pps$search_space()

  pps = ps(x = p_int(1, 10))
  pps$values$x = to_tune(logscale = TRUE)
  search_space = pps$search_space()

test_that("internal", {
  expect_error(to_tune(1, internal = TRUE), "can currently")
  it = to_tune(upper = 1, internal = TRUE)
  expect_class(it, "InternalTuneToken")
  expect_class(it, "RangeTuneToken")

  it1 = to_tune(upper = 1, internal = TRUE)
  expect_equal(it1$content, it$content)

  it1 = to_tune(aggr = function(x) min(unlist(x)))
  expect_equal(it1$content$aggr(list(1, 2)), 1)
  param_set = ps(
    a = p_dbl(1, 10, aggr = function(x) mean(unlist(x)), tags = "internal_tuning", in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) domain$upper,
      disable_in_tune = list())
  param_set$set_values(a = to_tune(internal = TRUE, aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x)))))
  expect_class(param_set$values$a, "InternalTuneToken")
  expect_error(param_set$set_values(a = to_tune(internal = TRUE, logscale = TRUE)), "Cannot combine")

  expect_error(p_dbl(lower = 1, upper = 2, tags = "internal_tuning", "in_tune_fn"))

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