## Checks if a given worker is the same as the localhost. It is, iff:
## * worker == "localhost"
## * worker == ""
## * worker == hostname
## * worker and hostname appears on the same line in /etc/hosts
## This should cover cases such as:
## * Calling is_localhost("n3") from machine n3
## * Calling is_localhost("") from machine n3[]
## References:
## *
#' @importFrom utils file_test
is_localhost <- local({
localhosts <- c("localhost", "")
non_localhosts <- character(0L)
function(worker, hostname =[["nodename"]], pathnames = "/etc/hosts") {
## INTERNAL: Clear list of known local hosts?
if (is.null(worker) && is.null(hostname)) {
localhosts <<- c("localhost", "")
non_localhosts <<- character(0L)
stop_if_not(length(worker) == 1, length(hostname) == 1)
## Already known to a localhost or not to one?
if (worker %in% localhosts) return(TRUE)
if (worker %in% non_localhosts) return(FALSE)
if (worker == hostname) {
## Add worker to the list of known local hosts.
localhosts <<- unique(c(localhosts, worker))
alias <- getOption2("parallelly.localhost.hostname")
if (is.character(alias) && worker == alias) {
## Add worker to the list of known local hosts.
localhosts <<- unique(c(localhosts, worker))
## Scan known "hosts" files
pathnames <- pathnames[file_test("-f", pathnames)]
if (length(pathnames) == 0L) return(FALSE)
## Search for (hostname, worker) and (worker, hostname)
## occuring on the same line and are separates by one or
## more whitespace symbols (but nothing else).
pattern <- sprintf("^((|.*[[:space:]])%s[[:space:]]+%s([[:space:]]+|)|(|.*[[:space:]])%s[[:space:]]+%s([[:space:]]+|))$", hostname, worker, worker, hostname)
for (pathname in pathnames) {
bfr <- readLines(pathname, warn = FALSE)
if (any(grepl(pattern, bfr, = TRUE))) {
## Add worker to the list of known local hosts.
localhosts <<- unique(c(localhosts, worker))
## Add worker to the list of known non-local hosts.
non_localhosts <<- unique(c(non_localhosts, worker))
}) ## is_localhost()
## Checks if a worker is specified by its IP number.
is_ip_number <- function(worker) {
if (!grepl("^([[:digit:]]+[.]){3}[[:digit:]]+$", worker)) return(FALSE)
ip <- strsplit(worker, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
ip <- as.integer(ip)
all(0 <= ip & ip <= 255)
## Checks if a worker is specified as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
is_fqdn <- function(worker) {
grepl(".", worker, fixed = TRUE)
#' Search for SSH clients on the current system
#' @param which A character vector specifying which types of SSH clients
#' to search for. If NULL, a default set of clients supported by the
#' current platform is searched for.
#' @param first If TRUE, the first client found is returned, otherwise
#' all located clients are returned.
#' @param must_work If TRUE and no clients was found, then an error
#' is produced, otherwise only a warning.
#' @return A named list of pathnames to all located SSH clients.
#' The pathnames may be followed by zero or more command-line options,
#' i.e. the elements of the returned list are character vectors of length
#' one or more.
#' If `first = TRUE`, only the first one is returned.
#' Attribute `version` contains the output from querying the
#' executable for its version (via command-line option `-V`).
#' @keywords internal
find_rshcmd <- function(which = NULL, first = FALSE, must_work = TRUE) {
query_version <- function(bin, args = "-V") {
v <- suppressWarnings(system2(bin, args = args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))
v <- paste(v, collapse = "; ")
stop_if_not(length(v) == 1L)
find_rstudio_ssh <- function() {
path <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_MSYS_SSH")
if (!file_test("-d", path)) return(NULL)
path <- normalizePath(path)
path_org <- Sys.getenv("PATH")
on.exit(Sys.setenv(PATH = path_org))
## Set PATH to only look in RSTUDIO_MSYS_SSH to avoid
## picking up other clients with the same name
## Comment: In RStudio, RSTUDIO_MSYS_SSH is appended
## to the PATH, see PATH in 'Tools -> Shell ...'.
Sys.setenv(PATH = path)
bin <- Sys.which("ssh")
if (!nzchar(bin)) return(NULL)
attr(bin, "type") <- "rstudio-ssh"
attr(bin, "version") <- query_version(bin, args = "-V")
find_putty_plink <- function() {
bin <- Sys.which("plink")
if (!nzchar(bin)) return(NULL)
res <- c(bin, "-ssh")
attr(res, "type") <- "putty-plink"
attr(res, "version") <- query_version(bin, args = "-V")
find_ssh <- function() {
bin <- Sys.which("ssh")
if (!nzchar(bin)) return(NULL)
attr(bin, "type") <- "ssh"
v <- query_version(bin, args = "-V")
attr(bin, "version") <- v
if (any(grepl("OpenSSH_for_Windows", v)))
attr(bin, "OpenSSH_for_Windows") <- TRUE
if (!is.null(which)) stop_if_not(is.character(which), length(which) >= 1L, !anyNA(which))
stop_if_not(is.logical(first), length(first) == 1L, !
stop_if_not(is.logical(must_work), length(must_work) == 1L, !
if (is.null(which)) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
which <- c("ssh", "putty-plink", "rstudio-ssh")
} else {
which <- c("ssh")
res <- list()
for (name in which) {
pathname <- switch(name,
"ssh" = find_ssh(),
"putty-plink" = find_putty_plink(),
"rstudio-ssh" = find_rstudio_ssh(),
stopf("Unknown 'rshcmd' type: %s", sQuote(name))
if (!is.null(pathname)) {
if (first) return(pathname)
res[[name]] <- pathname
if (length(res) > 0) return(res)
msg <- sprintf("Failed to locate a default SSH client (checked: %s). Please specify one via argument 'rshcmd'.", paste(sQuote(which), collapse = ", ")) #nolint
if (must_work) stop(msg)
pathname <- "ssh"
msg <- sprintf("%s Will still try with %s.", msg, sQuote(paste(pathname, collapse = " ")))
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
session_info <- function(pkgs = getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.sessionInfo.pkgs", FALSE)) {
libs <- .libPaths()
info <- list(
r = c(R.version, os.type = .Platform$OS.type),
system = as.list(,
libs = libs,
pkgs = if (isTRUE(pkgs)) {
structure(lapply(libs, FUN = function(lib.loc) {
pkgs <- installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc)
if (length(pkgs) == 0) return(NULL)
paste0(pkgs[, "Package"], "_", pkgs[, "Version"])
}), names = libs)
pwd = getwd(),
process = list(pid = Sys.getpid())
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom parallel clusterCall
add_cluster_session_info <- local({
get_session_info <- session_info
formals(get_session_info)$pkgs <- FALSE
environment(get_session_info) <- getNamespace("utils")
function(cl) {
is_node <- inherits(cl, c("SOCKnode", "SOCK0node"))
if (is_node) cl <- as.cluster(cl)
stop_if_not(inherits(cl, "cluster"))
for (ii in seq_along(cl)) {
node <- cl[[ii]]
if (is.null(node)) next ## Happens with dryrun = TRUE
## Session information already collected?
if (!is.null(node$session_info)) next
pkgs <- getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.sessionInfo.pkgs", FALSE)
node$session_info <- clusterCall(cl[ii], fun = get_session_info, pkgs = pkgs)[[1]]
cl[[ii]] <- node
if (is_node) cl <- cl[[1]]
}) ## add_cluster_session_info()
## Gets the Windows build version, e.g. '10.0.17134.523' (Windows 10 v1803)
## and '10.0.17763.253' (Windows 10 v1809).
windows_build_version <- local({
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") return(function() NULL)
function() {
res <- shell("ver", intern = TRUE)
if (length(res) == 0) return(NULL)
res <- grep("Microsoft", res, value = TRUE)
if (length(res) == 0) return(NULL)
res <- gsub(".*Version ([0-9.]+).*", "\\1", res)
}, error = function(ex) NULL)
useWorkerPID <- local({
parent_pid <- NULL
.cache <- list()
makeResult <- function(rank, rscript_sh) {
if (is.null(parent_pid)) parent_pid <<- Sys.getpid()
pidfile <- tempfile(pattern = sprintf("worker.rank=%d.parallelly.parent=%d.",
rank, parent_pid), fileext = ".pid")
pidfile <- normalizePath(pidfile, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
pidcode <- sprintf('try(suppressWarnings(cat(Sys.getpid(),file="%s")), silent = TRUE)', pidfile)
rscript_pid_args <- c("-e", shQuote(pidcode, type = rscript_sh))
list(pidfile = pidfile, rscript_pid_args = rscript_pid_args)
function(rscript, rank, rscript_sh, force = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
autoKill <- getOption2("parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.autoKill", TRUE)
if (!isTRUE(as.logical(autoKill))) return(list())
result <- makeResult(rank, rscript_sh = rscript_sh)
## Already cached?
key <- paste(rscript, collapse = "\t")
if (!force && isTRUE(.cache[[key]])) return(result)
test_cmd <- paste(c(
"-e", shQuote(sprintf('file.exists("%s")', result$pidfile), type = rscript_sh)
), collapse = " ")
if (verbose) {
mdebugf("Testing if worker's PID can be inferred: %s", sQuote(test_cmd))
input <- NULL
## AD HOC: 'singularity exec ... Rscript' requires input="". If not,
## they will be terminated because they try to read from non-existing
## standard input. /HB 2019-02-14
## I cannot reproduce this with Singularity 3.7.1 or Apptainer 1.1.3-1.
## Note sure when it was fixed and for what version the issue was
## confirmed; Singularity 3.0.3 was released on 2019-01-21, and
## Singularity 3.0.2 on 2019-01-04, and Singularity 2.6.1 on 2018-12-08,
## so probably somewhere around those versions.
## It's not related to the "closed stdin" bug in R (<= 4.2.1), cf.
## The problem does not appear with Singularity 3.7.1, host R 4.2.1,
## and R 3.6.1 in the container.
## Thus, I'll assume this is not a problem for Apptainer, so I will
## not check for 'apptainer' here. /HB 2022-12-03
if (any(grepl("singularity", rscript, = TRUE))) input <- ""
res <- system(test_cmd, intern = TRUE, input = input)
status <- attr(res, "status")
.cache[[key]] <<- (is.null(status) || status == 0L) && any(grepl("TRUE", res))
if (verbose) mdebugf("- Possible to infer worker's PID: %s", .cache[[key]])
readWorkerPID <- function(pidfile, wait = 0.5, maxTries = 8L, verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.null(pidfile)) return(NULL)
if (verbose) mdebug("Attempting to infer PID for worker process ...")
pid <- NULL
## Wait for PID file
tries <- 0L
while (!file.exists(pidfile) && tries <= maxTries) {
tries <- tries + 1L
if (file.exists(pidfile)) {
pid0 <- NULL
for (tries in 1:maxTries) {
pid0 <- tryCatch(readLines(pidfile, warn = FALSE), error = identity)
if (!inherits(pid0, "error")) break
pid0 <- NULL
if (length(pid0) > 0L) {
## Use last one, if more than one ("should not happend")
pid <- as.integer(pid0[length(pid0)])
if (verbose) mdebugf(" - pid: %s", pid)
if ( {
warnf("Worker PID is a non-integer: %s", pid0)
pid <- NULL
} else if (pid == Sys.getpid()) {
warnf("Hmm... worker PID and parent PID are the same: %s", pid)
pid <- NULL
if (verbose) mdebug("Attempting to infer PID for worker process ... done")
} ## readWorkerPID()
# shQuote() that also accepts type = "none"
shQuote <- local({
known_types <- eval(formals(base::shQuote)[["type"]])
known_types <- c(known_types, "none")
function(string, type = NULL) {
if (is.null(type)) type <- known_types
type <- match.arg(type, choices = known_types, several.ok = FALSE)
if (type == "none") return(string)
base::shQuote(string, type = type)
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