
Defines functions .SNPsim

.SNPsim <- function(x, N = 1, partialmarker = NULL, available = x$available, afreq = c(0.5, 
    0.5), loop_breakers = NULL, unique = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(x$model)) {
        if (all(x$pedigree[, "AFF"] == 1)) {
            x = setModel(x, 1)
            if (verbose) 
                cat("Unaffected pedigree. Simulating autosomal markers.\n")
        } else stop("No model set. Use setModel().")
    if (length(afreq) > 2) 
        stop("Sorry - only diallelic markers allowed in SNP simulation.")
    nInd = x$nInd
    chrom = x$model$chrom
    .TRzero <- .TRmatr(0, chrom)
    .TRhalf <- .TRmatr(0.5, chrom)
    if (is.null(partialmarker)) 
        partialmarker = matrix(0, nrow = nInd, ncol = 2) else if (ncol(partialmarker) != 2 || nrow(partialmarker) != nInd) 
        stop("Wrong dimensions of marker matrix.")
    x = setMarkers(x, partialmarker, missing = 0)
    if (length(available) == 0) 
        available = x$orig.ids
    x$available = available  #this must be reset because of setMarkers()
    m = x$markerdata[[1]]
    if (length(attr(m, "alleles")) > 2) 
        stop("Partial marker is not diallelic. Only diallelic markers allowed.")
    if (verbose && any(m != 0)) {
        cat("Simulating markers conditional on existing genotypes:\n")
        print(data.frame(ID = x$orig.ids, GENO = .prettyMarkers(m, missing = "-", singleCol = TRUE, 
            sex = x$pedigree[, "SEX"])), row.names = FALSE)
    if (loops <- x$hasLoops) {
        x = breakLoops(x, loop_breakers = loop_breakers, verbose = verbose)
        m = x$markerdata[[1]]
        nInd = x$nInd
    zgeno = .diallel2geno(m)
    preexisting = zgeno != 0
    # create initial marker matrix: one column per marker (single-numerically coded)
    markers = matrix(rep(zgeno, N), ncol = N)
    avail = x$orig.ids %in% x$available
    if (!is.null(seed)) 
    # simulate only indivs i) with no given genotype, ii) that are available or have available
    # descendants. Duplicated individuals are not simulated.
    sim_indivs = seq_len(nInd)[sapply(seq_len(nInd), function(i) zgeno[i] == 0 && (avail[i] || 
        any(avail[descendants(x, x$orig.ids[i])])))]
    if (length(sim_indivs) == 0) 
        stop("Something is wrong: No individuals available for simulation.")
    if (verbose) 
        cat("Simulating genotypes for the following individuals:", .prettycat(x$orig.ids[avail & 
            !preexisting], "and"), "\n")
    genoprobs <- function(x, partialgeno, id, values) {
        # values are 1:3 for autosomal models, and either 1:2 (males) or 1:3 (females) for X-linked
        # models outputs vector of length |values| with genotype probs for indiv id given pedigree
        # og partial genotype information
        probs <- sapply(values, function(g) {
            partialgeno[id] <- g
            .likelihoodSNP(x, afreq = afreq, singleNum.geno = partialgeno, TR.MATR = .TRzero)
        if (sum(probs) == 0) {
            print(cbind(x$pedigree, partialgeno))
            stop("\nIndividual ", id, ": All genotype probabilities zero. Mendelian error?")
    switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = {
        # simulation order: founders first (speeds up the likelihoods).
        sim_indivs <- sim_indivs[order(sim_indivs %in% x$nonfounders)]
        # pre-calculate probabilities for the first 'init' individuals (big time saver!)
        init <- which.min(3^seq_along(sim_indivs) + 3 * N * (length(sim_indivs) - seq_along(sim_indivs)))  #optimal 'init' minimizes the number of likelihood() calls
        initg <- t.default(fast.grid(rep(list(1:3), init)))
        initp <- apply(initg, 2, function(g) {
            zgeno[sim_indivs[1:init]] <- g
            .likelihoodSNP(x, afreq = afreq, singleNum.geno = zgeno, TR.MATR = .TRzero)
        if (identical(sum(initp), 0)) stop("All genotype probabilities zero. Wrong model?")
        # pre-fill the rows of the 'init' individuals (i.e. sim_indivs[1:init])
        markers[sim_indivs[1:init], ] <- initg[, suppressWarnings(sample.int(ncol(initg), size = N, 
            replace = TRUE, prob = initp))]
        # do the rest of the individuals (only those present in sim_indivs)
        for (i in sim_indivs[-(1:init)]) markers[i, ] <- apply(markers, 2, function(partgeno) sample.int(3, 
            size = 1, prob = genoprobs(x, partgeno, id = i, values = 1:3)))
    }, X = {
        ped = x$pedigree
        males = sim_indivs[ped[, "SEX"][sim_indivs] == 1]
        females = sim_indivs[ped[, "SEX"][sim_indivs] == 2]
        males = males[order(males %in% x$nonfounders)]
        females = females[order(females %in% x$nonfounders)]  #quicker with this?
        n_males = length(males)
        n_females = length(females)
        # find optimal 'init' values for males/females
        calls = outer(0:n_males, 0:n_females, function(ma, fe) 2^ma * 3^fe + 2 * (n_males - 
            ma) * N + 3 * (n_females - fe) * N)  # = number of times likelihood() is called.
        calls.min = arrayInd(which.min(calls), dim(calls))
        init_m = calls.min[1] - 1
        init_f = calls.min[2] - 1
        init_indivs = c(males[seq_len(init_m)], females[seq_len(init_f)])
        # pre-calculate probabilities for the first 'init' individuals
        initg <- t.default(fast.grid(list(1:2, 1:3)[rep(1:2, c(init_m, init_f))]))
        initp <- apply(initg, 2, function(g) {
            zgeno[init_indivs] <- g
            .likelihoodSNP(x, afreq = afreq, singleNum.geno = zgeno, TR.MATR = .TRzero)
        # pre-fill the rows of the 'init_indivs'
        markers[init_indivs, ] <- initg[, suppressWarnings(sample.int(ncol(initg), size = N, 
            replace = TRUE, prob = initp))]
        # do the rest of the males (only those present in sim_indivs)
        for (i in setdiff(males, males[seq_len(init_m)])) markers[i, ] <- apply(markers, 2, 
            function(partgeno) sample.int(2, size = 1, prob = genoprobs(x, partgeno, id = i, 
                values = 1:2)))
        for (i in setdiff(females, females[seq_len(init_f)])) markers[i, ] <- apply(markers, 
            2, function(partgeno) sample.int(3, size = 1, prob = genoprobs(x, partgeno, id = i, 
                values = 1:3)))
    markers[!avail & !preexisting, ] <- 0
    if (unique) 
        markers = unique(markers, MARGIN = 2)
    markers2 = .geno2diallel(markers)
    mlist = lapply(2 * seq_len(ncol(markers)), function(i) .createMarkerObject(markers2[, (i - 
        1):i], alleles = 1:2, afreq = afreq, missing = 0))
    x = setMarkers(x, structure(mlist, class = "markerdata"))
    if (loops) 
        x = tieLoops(x)

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