
Defines functions .IBDsuspects examineKinships

Documented in examineKinships

#' Check pedigree for relationship errors
#' This function provides a convenient way to check for pedigree errors in a
#' linkage project or other situations where marker data is available for
#' several members. The function calls \code{\link{IBDestimate}} to estimate IBD
#' coefficients for all indicated pairs of pedigree members and produces a
#' colour-coded plot where wrong relationships are easy to spot.
#' @param x A \code{\link{linkdat}} object, or a list of such.
#' @param who A character vector of one or more of the words 'parents',
#'   'siblings', 'hugs' (= halfsibs/uncles/grandparents), 'cousins' and
#'   'unrelated'. Two additional single-word values are possible: 'all' (all of
#'   the above, plus 'other') and 'close' (= 'parents', 'siblings', 'hugs',
#'   'cousins').
#' @param interfam A character; either 'founders', 'none' or 'all', indicating
#'   which interfamiliar pairs of individuals should be included. Only relevant
#'   if \code{x} is a list of several \code{linkdat} objects.
#' @param makeplot A logical.
#' @param pch Plotting symbol (default: cross).
#' @param \dots Other plot arguments passed on to \code{\link{showInTriangle}}.
#' @return A list of data.frames (one for each relation category) with IBD
#'   estimates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{IBDestimate}}, \code{\link{IBDtriangle}},
#'   \code{\link{showInTriangle}}
#' @examples
#' x = cousinsPed(1)
#' x = simpleSim(x, 500, alleles=1:2)
#' examineKinships(x)
#' # Pretend we didn't know the brothers (3 and 6) were related
#' x1 = branch(x, 3)
#' x2 = branch(x, 6)
#' x2$famid = 2
#' # Notice the error: An 'unrelated' dot close to the sibling point
#' examineKinships(list(x1, x2))
#' @export
examineKinships = function(x, who = "all", interfam = c("founders", "none", "all"), makeplot = T, pch=4, ...) {

    linkdatList = is.linkdat.list(x)

    groups = c("parents", "siblings", "hugs", "cousins", "other", "unrelated")
    group_txt = c("Parent-offspring", "Siblings", "Halfsib/Uncle/Grand", "1st cousins", "Other", "Unrelated")
    group_col = c("red", "blue", "green3", "magenta", "orange", "brown")
    names(group_txt) = names(group_col) = groups

    if (identical(who, "all")) {
        use_groups = groups
        if (linkdatList)
            use_groups = groups[groups != "other"]
    else if (identical(who, "close"))
        use_groups = groups[1:4]
        use_groups = sapply(who, match.arg, groups[-6])

    if (makeplot) {

        if (is.linkdat(x)) {
            g = .generations(x)
            marg = max(1, 12 - 2 * g)
            layout(rbind(1:2), widths = c(0.4, 0.6))
            plot(x, av = T, cex = 0.8, title = "", margins = c(marg, 1, marg, 1))
        else if (is.linkdat.list(x))
            cat("Warning: Automatic plotting is not implemented when 'x' is a list of linkdat objects. Use plotPedList().\n")

        op = par(xpd = NA)
        op$mfrow = c(1,1)

        IBDtriangle(relationships = c("UN", "PO", "MZ", "S", "H,U,G", "FC", "SC"))
        legend("topright", title=" According to pedigree:", title.adj=0, pch=pch, lwd=2, lty=NA,
            legend=group_txt[use_groups], col=group_col[use_groups])

    P = CO = S = G = U = D = NULL
    p = s = g = co = d = u = NULL

    if ("parents" %in% use_groups) {
        P = related.pairs(x, "parents", available = T)
        p = IBDestimate(x, P)
        showInTriangle(p$k0, p$k2, new=F, col=group_col["parents"], pch=pch, ...)
    if ("siblings" %in% use_groups) {
        S = rbind(related.pairs(x, "siblings", half = F, available = T))
        s = IBDestimate(x, S)
        showInTriangle(s$k0, s$k2, new=F, col=group_col["siblings"], pch=pch, ...)
    if ("cousins" %in% use_groups) {
        CO = rbind(related.pairs(x, "cousins", half = F, available = T),
                   related.pairs(x, "grandparents", degree = 3, available = T),
                   related.pairs(x, "nephews_nieces", half = T, available = T),
                   related.pairs(x, "nephews_nieces", removal = 2, half = F, available = T))
        co = IBDestimate(x, CO)
        showInTriangle(co$k0, co$k2, new=F, col=group_col["cousins"], pch=pch, ...)
    if ("hugs" %in% use_groups) {
        G = rbind(related.pairs(x, "siblings", half = T, available = T),
                  related.pairs(x, "grandparents", available = T),
                  related.pairs(x, "nephews_nieces", half = F, available = T))
        g = IBDestimate(x, G)
        showInTriangle(g$k0, g$k2, new=F, col=group_col["hugs"], pch=pch, ...)
    if ("unrelated" %in% use_groups) {
        interfam = match.arg(interfam)
        U = rbind(related.pairs(x, "unrelated", available = T, interfam = interfam))
        u = IBDestimate(x, U)
        showInTriangle(u$k0, u$k2, new=F, col=group_col["unrelated"], pch=pch, ...)
    if ("other" %in% use_groups) {
        rest = t(combn(x$available, 2))
        taken = rbind(P, U, S, G, CO)
        D = rest[!(rest[, 1] * 1000 + rest[, 2]) %in% (taken[, 1] * 1000 + taken[, 2]), , drop = F]
        d = IBDestimate(x, D)
        showInTriangle(d$k0, d$k2, new=F, col=group_col["other"], pch=pch, ...)
    res = list(parents = p, siblings = s, halfsibs_uncles_grandparents = g,
        cousins = co, other = d, unrelated = u)
    res = res[!sapply(res, is.null)]

.IBDsuspects = function(x, radius) {
    # x output from examineKinships, radius=tolerated distance

    extract_distant = function(df, x0, y0, rad) {
        if (is.null(df))
        subs = subset(df, sqrt((df$k0 - x0)^2 + (df$k2 - y0)^2) > rad)
        if (nrow(subs) > 0)
            subs else NULL

    susp = list(`suspects-parents` = extract_distant(x$parents, 0, 0, radius),
        `suspects-siblings` = extract_distant(x$siblings, 0.25, 0.25, radius),
        `suspects-halfsibs/grandparents/uncles` = extract_distant(x$halfsibs, 0.5, 0, radius),
        `suspects-cousins/halfuncles/granduncles` = extract_distant(x$cousins, 0.75, 0, radius),
        `suspects-other` = extract_distant(x$other, 0.9, 0, radius),
        `suspects-unrelated` = extract_distant(x$unrelated, 1, 0, radius))
    susp = susp[!sapply(susp, is.null)]
    if (length(susp) == 0)
        susp = NULL

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