
Defines functions acf.ext1 .PAR.MV PAR.MVrepr plotpredpiar predictpiar LRurpar.test Fpari.piar.test fit.piar Fsh.test Fpar.test Fnextp.test fit.ar.par SeasDummy Dummy ysooys ret

Documented in acf.ext1 fit.ar.par fit.piar Fnextp.test Fpari.piar.test Fpar.test Fsh.test LRurpar.test PAR.MVrepr plotpredpiar predictpiar

## Auxiliary functions.

ret <- function(vari, k)
  N <- length(vari)
  vret <- matrix(c(1:k*N),N,k)
  vret[,1] <- vari
  i <- 1
  while(i < k){
   vret[1:i,(i+1)] <- NA
   vret[(i+1):N, (i+1)] <- vari[1:(N-i)]
   i <- i+1

ysooys <- function(yso, t0, N, s)
  index <- matrix(-9999, ncol=3, nrow=N)
  index[,3] <- c(1:N)
  index[,2] <- c(c(t0[2]:s), rep(1:s,N/s))[1:N]
  index[1:length(t0[2]:s),1] <- rep(t0[1], length(t0[2]:s))
  i <- 1
  while(index[N,1] == -9999)
     iaux <- which(index[,1] == -9999)
     reps <- ifelse(length(iaux) >= s, reps <- s, reps <- length(iaux))
     index[iaux[1]:(iaux[1]+(reps-1)),1] <- rep(t0[1]+i, reps)
     i <- i+1

# year and season to observation
    quest1 <- which(c(index[,1] == yso[1]) == TRUE)
    quest2 <- which(c(index[,2] == yso[2]) == TRUE)
     i <- 1; out <- quest1[1]
    while(length(which(quest2 == quest1[i])) != 1){
      i <- i+1
      out <- quest1[i]

# observation to year and season
    out <- index[which(index[,3]==yso),1:2]

  list(out, index)

Dummy <- function(wts, y0, s0, yN, sN)
   aux   <- ysooys(1, start(wts), length(wts), frequency(wts))[[2]][,1]
   years <- seq(aux[1], aux[length(aux)])
   Mdum  <- rep(0, wts$N)
   obs0  <- (which(years==y0)-1) * frequency(wts) + s0
   obsN  <- (which(years==yN)-1) * frequency(wts) + sN
   Mdum[obs0:obsN] <- 1
   Mdum <- matrix(Mdum, ncol=1)

SeasDummy <- function(wts, s, t0, type)
  N <- length(wts)

  if(type == "alg"){        # Empleada en Barsky & Miron (1989)
   auxD <- matrix(0,nrow=N, ncol=s)
   sq   <- seq(1,N,s)
   k    <- 0

   for(j in 1:s){
     ifelse(sq[length(sq)] + k > N, n <- length(sq)-1, n <- N)
     for(i in 1:n)
       auxD[sq[i]+k,j] <- 1
     k <- k+1
   VFE <- auxD
   if(t0[2] != 1){
      VFE <- matrix(nrow=N, ncol=s)
      VFE[,1:(t0[2]-1)] <- auxD[,(s-t0[2]+2):s]; VFE[,t0[2]:s] <- auxD[,1:(s-t0[2]+1)]
   if(t0[2] == 1){ VFE <- auxD }

  if(type == "trg"){        # Empleada en Granger & Newbold (1986)
   qq  <- s/2
   VFE <- matrix(nrow=N, ncol=(s-1))

   sq1 <- seq(1,qq*2,2)
   sq2 <- seq(2,qq*2,2)
   j   <- c(1:(qq-1))

   for(i in 1:N){
     for(k in 1:(s-qq-1)){
         VFE[i,sq1[k]] <- cos((j[k]*pi/qq)*i)
         VFE[i,sq2[k]] <- sin((j[k]*pi/qq)*i)
     VFE[i,(s-1)] <- (-1)^i

## partsm functions.

fit.ar.par <- function(wts, type, detcomp, p)
  s <- frequency(wts)
  t0 <- start(wts)
  N <- length(wts)
  MLag <- ret(wts, (p+1))

  Interc <- rep(detcomp$regular[1], N)
  Trnd <- c(1:N)
  SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, s, t0, "alg")
  STrnd <- Trnd*SDum

  Mdetreg <- data.frame(Interc, Trnd, SeasDum=SDum)
  ref1 <- which(detcomp$regular != 0)
  aux1 <- Mdetreg[,ref1]

  Mdetreg <- data.frame(SeasDum=SDum, SeasTrnd=STrnd)
  ref2 <- c(detcomp$seasonal[1] * c(1:s), detcomp$seasonal[2] * c((s+1):(2*s)))
  aux2 <- Mdetreg[,ref2]

  if(length(detcomp$regvar) == 1)
    MDT <- as.matrix(data.frame(.=aux1, .=aux2))
  if(length(detcomp$regvar) > 1)
    MDT <- as.matrix(data.frame(.=aux1, .=aux2, RegVar=detcomp$regvar))

    "AR" = {
            if(p == 0){
              lm.ar <- lm(MLag[,1] ~ 0+MDT)
              lm.par <- par.coeffs <- ar.coeffs <- NULL
              #out <- list(lm=lm1, sumlm=summary(lm1))
            if(p > 0){
              lm.ar <- lm(MLag[,1] ~ 0+MLag[,2:(p+1)] + MDT)
              ar.coeffs <- matrix(lm.ar$coef[1:p], nrow=1, byrow=TRUE)
              lm.par <- par.coeffs <- NULL
              #out <- list(lm=lm1, sumlm=summary(lm1), ar.coeffs=lm.ar$coef[1:p])
            } },

    "PAR" = {
             if(p == 0){
               lm.par <- lm(MLag[,1] ~ 0+MDT); par.coeffs <- NULL
               lm.ar <- par.coeffs <- ar.coeffs <- NULL
               #out <- list(lm=lm1, sumlm=summary(lm1))
             if(p > 0){
               Yperlag <- matrix(nrow=length(wts), ncol=(p*s))
               j <- 2; for(i in seq(1,(p*s),s)){
                 Yperlag[,i:(i+s-1)] <- MLag[,j]*SDum
                 j <- j+1
               lm.par <- lm(MLag[,1] ~ 0+Yperlag + MDT)
               par.coeffs <- matrix(lm.par$coef[1:(p*s)], nrow=p, byrow=TRUE)
               lm.ar <- ar.coeffs <- NULL
               #out <- list(lm=lm1, sumlm=summary(lm1),
               #            ar.coeffs=matrix(lm.par$coef[1:(p*s)], nrow=p, byrow=TRUE))
             } }
  ##~ out
  new("fit.partsm", type=type, p=p, lm.ar=lm.ar, lm.par=lm.par, ar.coeffs=ar.coeffs, par.coeffs=par.coeffs)

Fnextp.test <- function(wts, detcomp, p, type)
    test.name <- "Test for the significance of the p+1 autoregressive parameters"
    lm1 <- fit.ar.par(wts, detcomp=detcomp, type=type, p=p)@lm.ar
    lm2 <- fit.ar.par(wts, detcomp=detcomp, type=type, p=p+1)@lm.ar
    test.name <- "Test for the significance of the p+1 periodic autoregressive parameters"
    lm1 <- fit.ar.par(wts, detcomp=detcomp, type=type, p=p)@lm.par
    lm2 <- fit.ar.par(wts, detcomp=detcomp, type=type, p=p+1)@lm.par

  RSS0 <- sum(lm1$residuals^2)
  RSS1 <- sum(lm2$residuals^2)

  df   <- c(frequency(wts), length(wts) - length(coef(lm2)) - p)
  Fnextp <- ((RSS0-RSS1)/df[1]) / (RSS1/(df[2]-df[1]))
  pval <- 1 - pf(q=Fnextp, df1=df[1], df2=df[2], log.p=FALSE)

  ref1 <- c(1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  ref2 <- c(" ", ".", "*", "**", "***")
  pvl <- ref2[length(which(pval <= ref1) == TRUE)]

  new("Ftest.partsm", test.label="Fnextp", test.name=test.name, p=p,
      Fstat=Fnextp, df=df, pval=pval, pvl=pvl, h0md=lm1, hamd=lm2)
  ##~list(Fnextp=Fnextp, df=df, pvalue=pval, lm1=summary(lm1), lm2=summary(lm2))

Fpar.test <- function(wts, detcomp, p)
  urmd <- fit.ar.par(wts, type="PAR", detcomp, p)@lm.par
  rmd  <- fit.ar.par(wts, type="AR", detcomp, p)@lm.ar

  RSS0 <- sum(rmd$residuals^2)
  RSS1 <- sum(urmd$residuals^2)

  df   <- c((frequency(wts)-1)*p, length(wts) - length(coef(rmd)) - p)
  Fpar <- ((RSS0-RSS1)/df[1]) / (RSS1/(df[2]-df[1]))
  pval <- 1 - pf(q=Fpar, df1=df[1], df2=df[2], log.p=FALSE)

  ref1 <- c(1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  ref2 <- c(" ", ".", "*", "**", "***")
  pvl <- ref2[length(which(pval <= ref1) == TRUE)]

  new("Ftest.partsm", test.label="Fpar", test.name="Test for periodicity in the autoregressive parameters",
      p=p, Fstat=Fpar, df=df, pval=pval, pvl=pvl, h0md=rmd, hamd=urmd)
  ##~list(Fpar=Fpar, df=df, pvalue=pval, urmd=summary(urmd), rmd=summary(rmd))

Fsh.test <- function(res, s)
  res2 <- res^2
  SDum <- SeasDummy(res2, s, c(1,1), "alg")

  lm1 <- lm(res2 ~ 1)
  lm2 <- update(lm1, . ~ . + SDum[,1:(s-1)])

  RSS0 <- sum(residuals(lm1)^2)
  RSS1 <- sum(residuals(lm2)^2)

  df <- c((s-1), length(res) - length(coef(lm1)))
  Fsh <- ((RSS0-RSS1)/df[1]) / (RSS1/(df[2]-df[1]))
  pval <- 1 - pf(q=Fsh, df1=df[1], df2=df[2], log.p=FALSE)

  ref1 <- c(1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  ref2 <- c(" ", ".", "*", "**", "***")
  pvl <- ref2[length(which(pval <= ref1) == TRUE)]

  new("Ftest.partsm", test.label="Fsh", test.name="Test for seasonal heteroskedasticity",
      Fstat=Fsh, df=df, pval=pval, pvl=pvl, h0md=lm1, hamd=lm2)

##~ Representaci?n posible si las ra?ces del modelo en forma VQ son reales (ver).
fit.piar <- function(wts, detcomp, p, initvalues=NULL)
  if(p > 2)
    stop("This function is implemented only for PAR models up to order 2.\n")

# Create the matrix with all the possible regressors.

  s <- frequency(wts)
  N <- length(wts)
  ML <- ret(wts, (p+1))

  Interc <- rep(detcomp$regular[1], N)
  Trnd <- c(1:N)
  SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, s, start(wts), "alg")
  STrnd <- Trnd*SDum

  Mdetreg <- data.frame(Interc, Trnd, SeasDum=SDum)
  ref1 <- which(detcomp$regular != 0)
  aux1 <- Mdetreg[,ref1]

  Mdetreg <- data.frame(SeasDum=SDum, SeasTrnd=STrnd)
  ref2 <- c(detcomp$seasonal[1] * c(1:s), detcomp$seasonal[2] * c((s+1):(2*s)))
  aux2 <- Mdetreg[,ref2]

  if(length(detcomp$regvar) == 1)
    Mreg <- as.matrix(data.frame(.=aux1, .=aux2))
  if(length(detcomp$regvar) > 1)
    Mreg <- as.matrix(data.frame(.=aux1, .=aux2, RegVar=detcomp$regvar))

  Yperlag <- matrix(nrow=length(wts), ncol=(p*s))
  j <- 2
  for(i in seq(1,(p*s),s)){
    Yperlag[,i:(i+s-1)] <- ML[,j]*SDum
    j <- j+1

  Mreg <- as.matrix(data.frame(Yperlag=Yperlag, Mreg=Mreg))

# Define the nls model for p=1 and p=2.

  aux.anlr <- paste("coef", 1:s, "*Mreg[,", 1:s, "]", sep="")
  nlr <- paste("(1/(", paste(paste("coef", 1:(s-1), sep=""), collapse="*"), "))", sep="")
  aux.anlr[s] <- paste(nlr, "*Mreg[,", s, "]", sep="")

  anlr <- paste(aux.anlr, collapse=" + ")

    aux.b <- paste("coef", s:(p*s-1), "*Mreg[,", 1:s, "]", sep="")
    b <- paste(aux.b, collapse=" + ")

    ref <- paste("coef", s:(p*s-1), "*coef", 0:(s-1), sep="")
    ref[1] <- paste("coef", s, "*", nlr, sep="")
    aux.ab <- paste(ref[1:s], "*Mreg[,", (s+1):(p*s), "]", sep="")
    ab <- paste(aux.ab, collapse=" - ")

  if(ncol(Mreg) > (p*s))
    aux.det <- paste("coef", (s*p):(ncol(Mreg)-1), "*Mreg[,", (s*p+1):ncol(Mreg), "]", sep="")
  det <- paste(aux.det, collapse=" + ")

    form.rpar <- as.formula(paste("ML[,1] ~ ", paste(anlr, det, sep=" + ")))
    form.rpar <- as.formula(paste("ML[,1] ~ ", paste(anlr, b, sep=" + "), "-", paste(ab, det, sep=" + ")))

# Compute initial values for the nls model.

  if(class(initvalues) == "NULL")
    init <- lm(ML[,1] ~ 0+Mreg)$coef[-s]

  #nlsinit <- list(init[1])
  #for(i in 2:length(init))
  #  nlsinit <- c(nlsinit, list(init[i]), recursive=FALSE)
  #names(nlsinit) <- paste("coef", 1:length(init), sep="")

    lmaux <- lm(ML[,1] ~ 0+Mreg[,-c((s+1):(s*2))])
    initalpha <- coef(lmaux)[1:s]

    filc <- rowSums(initalpha*SDum)
    regaux <- SDum*ML[,2] - filc*SDum*ML[,3]

    lmbeta <- lm((ML[2:N,1]-residuals(lmaux)) ~ 0+regaux[2:N,])
    initbeta <- coef(lmbeta)

    init <- c(initalpha[1:(s-1)], initbeta, coef(lmaux)[(s+1):length(coef(lmaux))])

  nlsinit <- list(init[1])
  for(i in 2:length(init))
    nlsinit <- c(nlsinit, list(init[i]), recursive=FALSE)
  names(nlsinit) <- paste("coef", 1:length(nlsinit), sep="")

# nls.

  nlsrpar <- summary(nls(form.rpar, start=nlsinit, trace=FALSE))

# Periodic differences of the original series.

  pdiff.coeffs <- c(coef(nlsrpar)[1:(s-1),1], (1/prod(coef(nlsrpar)[1:(s-1),1])))
  pdfilc <- rowSums(pdiff.coeffs*SDum)
  pdiff.data <- ts(ML[,1] - pdfilc * ML[,2], frequency=s, start=start(wts))

    par.coeffs <- matrix(pdiff.coeffs, nrow=p, byrow=TRUE)
  if(p>1 && p<=4)
    par.coeffs <- matrix(c(pdiff.coeffs, coef(nlsrpar)[((p-1)*s):(p*s-1),1]), nrow=p, byrow=TRUE)

  new("fit.piartsm", p=p, nls.parameters=nlsrpar$parameters, nls.res=nlsrpar$residuals, par.coeffs=par.coeffs,
  ## pdiff.coeffs=matrix(pdiff.coeffs, nrow=1)
  ##~list(nls.rpar=nlsrpar, parcoeffs=parcoeffs, pdiff.coeffs=matrix(pdiff.coeffs, nrow=1), pddata=pddata)

Fpari.piar.test <- function(wts, detcomp, p, type)
  ML  <- ret(wts, 3)
  SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, frequency(wts), start(wts), "alg")
  Y1  <- ML[,2]*SDum
  Y2  <- ML[,3]*SDum

    "PARI1"  = MLh0d <- ts(ML[,1]-ML[,2], frequency=frequency(wts), start=start(wts)),
    "PARI-1" = MLh0d <- ts(ML[,1]+ML[,2], frequency=frequency(wts), start=start(wts))

    h0md <- fit.ar.par(wts=MLh0d, detcomp=detcomp, type="AR", p=0)@lm.ar
    hamd <- fit.piar(wts=wts, detcomp=detcomp, p=1)
      "PARI1"  = MLr <- (ML[,2]-ML[,3])*SDum,
      "PARI-1" = MLr <- (ML[,2]+ML[,3])*SDum)

    ifelse(detcomp$regvar == 0,
      dch0 <- list(regular=detcomp$regular, seasonal=detcomp$seasonal, regvar=MLr),
      dch0 <- list(regular=detcomp$regular, seasonal=detcomp$seasonal,
                   regvar=as.matrix(data.frame(detcomp$regvar, MLr)))
    h0md <- fit.ar.par(wts=MLh0d, detcomp=dch0, type="AR", p=0)@lm.ar
    hamd <- fit.piar(wts=wts, detcomp=detcomp, p=2)

  RSS0 <- sum(residuals(h0md)^2)
  RSS1 <- sum(hamd@nls.res^2)

  df <- c((frequency(wts)-1), length(wts) - length(coef(h0md)) - p)
  Fstat <- ((RSS0-RSS1)/df[1]) / (RSS1/(df[2]-df[1]))
  pval <- 1 - pf(q=Fstat, df1=df[1], df2=df[2], log.p=FALSE)

  ref1 <- c(1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  ref2 <- c(" ", ".", "*", "**", "***")
  pvl <- ref2[length(which(pval <= ref1) == TRUE)]

  new("Ftest.partsm", test.label=paste("F", type, sep="-"),
      test.name="Test for a parameter restriction in a PAR model", p=p,
      Fstat=Fstat, df=df, pval=pval, pvl=pvl, h0md=h0md, hamd=hamd@nls.parameters)
  ##~list(Fstat=Fstat, df=df, pvalue=pval, h0md=summary(h0md), hamd=summary(hamd))

LRurpar.test <- function(wts, detcomp, p)
  if(p > 2)
    stop("This function is implemented only for PAR models up to order 2.\n")

  lmpar <- fit.ar.par(wts, type="PAR", detcomp=detcomp, p=p)
  par.phis <- lmpar@par.coeffs
  RSS1 <- sum(residuals(lmpar@lm.par)^2)

  nlsrpar <- fit.piar(wts=wts, detcomp=detcomp, p=p)
  RSS0 <- sum(nlsrpar@nls.res^2)

  n <- length(residuals(lmpar@lm.par))
  LR <- n * log(RSS0/RSS1, base = exp(1))
  LRtau <- sign(prod(par.phis[1,]) - 1) * sqrt(LR)
  ##~ poner output de fit.ar.par como lista en la que se nombre a alpha y beta, en lugar de coger la primera fila de una matriz para hacer prod(par.phis[1,]).

  new("LRur.partsm", test.label="LRurpar",
      test.name="Likelihood ratio test for a single unit root in a PAR model", p=p,
      LR=LR, LRtau=LRtau, h0nls=nlsrpar@nls.parameters, halm=lmpar@lm.par)
  ##~ list(LR=LR, LRtau=LRtau)

##~ Hacer predictpiar usando m?todos para cada parte, PAR.MVrepr, Omegas,...
predictpiar <- function(wts, p, hpred)
  t0 <- start(wts)
  N <- length(wts)
  s <- frequency(wts)

  sdetcomp <- list(regular=c(0,0,0), seasonal=c(1,0), regvar=0)
  nlspiar <- fit.piar(wts=wts, detcomp=sdetcomp, p=p)
  nlscoef <- nlspiar@nls.parameters[,1]

  pred.se <- matrix(nrow=as.integer(hpred/s), ncol=s)
  sigma <- sd(nlspiar@nls.res)

  #phi <- matrix(nlspiar@par.coeffs[1,], nrow=1)
  #MPhi <- PAR.MVrepr(phi=phi, s=s)
  MV.out <- PAR.MVrepr(nlspiar)
  Phi0 <- MV.out@Phi0
  Phi1 <- MV.out@Phi1

  # Forecast standard error for h=1.

    pred.se[1,] <- sqrt( sigma^2 * diag(solve(Phi0) %*% t(solve(Phi0))) )

  # Forecast standard error for h=2,3,...,hpred/s.

    Gamma <- solve(Phi0) %*% Phi1
    for(h in 2:(hpred/s))
      pred.se[h,] <- sqrt( sigma^2 * diag(
                       (solve(Phi0) %*% t(solve(Phi0)) +
                        (h-1) * (Gamma %*% solve(Phi0)) %*% t(Gamma %*% solve(Phi0)))) )

  # Forecast.

    mus <- matrix(nlscoef[(p*s):((p+1)*s-1)], ncol=1)
    pred <- matrix(nrow=as.integer(hpred/s), ncol=s)
    Yret1 <- matrix(wts[(N-s+1):N], ncol=1)

    for(i in 1:as.integer(hpred/s)){
      #pred[i,] <- solve(Phi0) %*% mus + solve(Phi0) %*% Phi1 %*% Yret1
      pred[i,] <- solve(Phi0) %*% mus + Gamma %*% Yret1
      Yret1 <- matrix(pred[i,], ncol=1)

    albe <- nlspiar@par.coeffs
    Omega0 <- MV.out@Omega0
    Omega1 <- MV.out@Omega1
    Pi0 <- MV.out@Pi0
    Pi1 <- MV.out@Pi1

    Gamma <- solve(Phi0) %*% Phi1

    Xi <- list()
    Xi[[1]] <- Pi0
    for(i in 2:(hpred/s)){
      Xi[[i]] <- Gamma %*% Xi[[i-1]] + prod(albe[2,])^(i-2) * Pi1

  # Forecast standard error for h=1.

    pred.se[1,] <- sqrt(sigma^2 * diag(Xi[[1]] %*% t(Xi[[1]])))

  # Forecast standard error for h=2,3,...,hpred/s.

    aux1 <- Xi[[1]] %*% t(Xi[[1]])
    for(h in 2:(hpred/s)){
      aux2 <- 0
      for(i in 2:h)
        aux2 <- aux2 + Xi[[i]] %*% t(Xi[[i]])
      pred.se[h,] <- sqrt(sigma^2 * diag(aux1 + aux2))

  # Forecast.

    mus <- matrix(nlscoef[(p*s):((p+1)*s-1)], ncol=1)
    pred <- matrix(nrow=as.integer(hpred/s), ncol=s)
    Yret1 <- matrix(wts[(N-s+1):N], ncol=1)
    musx <- (1-prod(albe[2,]))^(-1) * (Omega0 + Omega1) %*% mus
    for(i in 1:as.integer(hpred/s)){
      #pred[i,] <- solve(Phi0) %*% mus + solve(Phi0) %*% Phi1 %*% Yret1
      pred[i,] <- solve(Phi0) %*% musx + Gamma %*% Yret1
      Yret1 <- matrix(pred[i,], ncol=1)

# Confidence intervals.

  #tl <- tu <- rep(NA, hpred); k <- 1
  tl <- tu <- matrix(NA, nrow=(hpred/s), ncol=s)
  for(i in 1:nrow(pred.se)){
    for(j in 1:s)
      #tl[k] <- pred[k] - 1.96 * pred.se[i,j]
      #tu[k] <- pred[k] + 1.96 * pred.se[i,j]
      #k <- k+1
      tl[i,j] <- pred[i,j] - 1.96 * pred.se[i,j]
      tu[i,j] <- pred[i,j] + 1.96 * pred.se[i,j]

  t0aux <- ysooys(N, t0, N+1, s)
  t0p <- t0aux[[2]][(N+1),1:2]
  fcast <- ts(matrix(t(pred), ncol=1), frequency=s, start=t0p)
  fse <- ts(matrix(t(pred.se), ncol=1), frequency=s, start=t0p)
  ucb <- ts(matrix(t(tu)), frequency=s, start=t0p)
  lcb <- ts(matrix(t(tl)), frequency=s, start=t0p)

  new("pred.piartsm", wts=wts, p=p, hpred=hpred, fcast=fcast, fse=fse, ucb=ucb, lcb=lcb)
  ##~list(output, sigma=sigma, pred.se=pred.se)

plotpredpiar <- function(x){
  if (!(class(x) == "pred.piartsm"))
    stop("\n Object is not of class 'pred.piartsm'.\n")

  opar <- par(las=1)
  ts.plot(x@wts, x@lcb, x@ucb, x@fcast, lty = c(1,2,2,1), xlab="",
          col=c("black","red","red","blue"), main="Forecast and confidence intervals")

## Set classes.

setClass("fit.partsm", representation(type="character", p="numeric", lm.ar="ANY", lm.par="ANY",
         ar.coeffs="ANY", par.coeffs="ANY"))

setClass("fit.piartsm", representation(p="numeric", nls.parameters="matrix", nls.res="numeric",
         par.coeffs="matrix", pdiff.data="ts"))

setClass("Ftest.partsm", representation(test.label="character", test.name="character", p="numeric",
         Fstat="numeric", df="numeric", pval="numeric", pvl="character", h0md="lm", hamd="ANY"))

setClass("LRur.partsm", representation(test.label="character", test.name="character", p="numeric",
         LR="numeric", LRtau="numeric", h0nls="matrix", halm="lm"))

setClass("pred.piartsm", representation(wts="ts", hpred="numeric", p="numeric", fcast="ts", fse="ts",
         ucb="ts", lcb="ts"))

setClass("MVPAR", representation(Phi0="matrix", Phi1="matrix", Gamma.eigenvalues="numeric",

setClass("MVPIAR", representation(Phi0="matrix", Phi1="matrix", Gamma.eigenvalues="numeric",
         tvias="matrix", Omega0="ANY", Omega1="ANY", Pi0="ANY", Pi1="ANY"))

## Set methods for classes.

setMethod("show", "fit.partsm",
    if(object@type == "AR"){
      ar.coeffs <- object@ar.coeffs
      model <- paste("  y_t = phi_1*y_{t-1} + phi_2*y_{t-2} + ... + phi_p*y_{t-p} + coeffs*detcomp + epsilon_t \n")
      dimnames(ar.coeffs) <- list("phi_p", paste("p=", 1:ncol(ar.coeffs), sep=""))
    if(object@type == "PAR"){
      par.coeffs <- object@par.coeffs
      model <- paste("  y_t = alpha_{1,s}*y_{t-1} + alpha_{2,s}*y_{t-2} + ... + alpha_{p,s}*y_{t-p} + coeffs*detcomp + epsilon_t,  for s=1,2,...,", ncol(par.coeffs), "\n", sep="")

      dimnames(par.coeffs) <- list(paste("alpha_", 1:nrow(par.coeffs), "s", sep=""),
                                   paste("s=", 1:ncol(par.coeffs), sep=""))

    cat("----\n ", paste(object@type, "model of order", object@p, ".\n\n"))

    if(object@type == "AR"){
      if(object@p == 0)
        cat("----\n  None autoregressive lags (p=0). \n\n")
      if(object@p > 0){
        cat("----\n  Autoregressive coefficients. \n\n")
        print(round(ar.coeffs, 2)); cat("\n")
    if(object@type == "PAR"){
      if(object@p == 0)
        cat("----\n  None periodic autoregressive lags (p=0). \n\n")
      if(object@p > 0){
        cat("----\n  Autoregressive coefficients. \n\n")
        print(round(par.coeffs, 2)); cat("\n")

setMethod("summary", "fit.partsm",
    if(object@type == "AR")
    if(object@type == "PAR")

##~ A?adir slot con detcomp (.Rd), y poner en la primera l?nea de cat.
setMethod("show", "fit.piartsm",
    model <- c(paste("  y_t - alpha_s*y_{t-1} = beta_s*(y_{t-1} - alpha_{s-1}*y_{t-2}) + \n"),
               paste("                         coeffs*detcomp + epsilon_t,  with prod(alpha_s=1) for s=1,2,...,",  ncol(object@par.coeffs), ".\n", sep=""))

    if(nrow(object@par.coeffs) == 1)
      dimnames(object@par.coeffs) <- list(c("  alpha_s"),
                                          paste("s=", 1:ncol(object@par.coeffs), sep=""))
    if(nrow(object@par.coeffs) == 2)
      dimnames(object@par.coeffs) <- list(c("  alpha_s", "  beta_s"),
                                          paste("s=", 1:ncol(object@par.coeffs), sep=""))

    cat("----\n ", paste("PIAR model of order", object@p, ".\n\n"))

    cat("\n  Periodic autoregressive coefficients: \n\n")
    print(round(object@par.coeffs, 3)); cat("\n")

setMethod("summary", "fit.piartsm",
  function(object, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
           signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"))
    cat("----\n  Estimates of the non-linear model.\n")
    printCoefmat(object@nls.parameters, digits=digits, signif.stars=signif.stars)
    cat("\n----\n  Periodically differenced data.\n")
    print(round(object@pdiff.data, digits=digits)); cat("\n")

#setMethod("plot", signature(x="fit.piartsm", y="missing"),
#  function(x){
#    opar <- par(las=1)
#    layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 3), 2 , 2, byrow=TRUE))
#    plot(x@pdiff.data, main="Periodically differenced data", ylab="", xlab="")
#    bbplot(x@pdiff.data)
#    monthplot(x@pdiff.data, ylab="")
#    ##acf(x@pdiff.data, main="Autocorrelations", ylab="", na.action=na.pass)
#    ##pacf(x@pdiff.data, main="Partial autocorrelations", ylab="", na.action=na.pass)
#    par(opar)
#  }
##~ monthplot, main="Seasonal subseries"

setMethod("show", "Ftest.partsm",
    cat("----\n ", object@test.name, ".\n\n")

      cat("  Null hypothesis: AR(", object@p, ") with the selected deterministic components.\n")
      cat("  Alternative hypothesis: PAR(", object@p, ") with the selected deterministic components.\n\n")

      ##~ HACER.

      ifelse(substr(object@test.name, 38, 45) == "periodic", type <- "PAR", type <- "AR")
      cat("  Null hypothesis:", type, "(", object@p, ") with the selected deterministic components.\n")
      cat("  Alternative hypothesis:", type, "(", object@p+1, ") with the selected deterministic components.\n\n")

    if(object@test.label=="F-PARI1" && object@test.label=="F-PARI-1"){
        "F-PARI1"  = H0cat <- "long run unit root 1",
        "F-PARI-1" = H0cat <- "seasonal unit root -1")
      cat("  Null hypothesis: PAR(", object@p, ") for a series with the", H0cat, "\n")
      cat("  Alternative hypothesis: Periodically integrated AR(", object@p, "). \n\n")

    cat("  F-statistic:", round(object@Fstat, 2), "on", object@df[1], "and", object@df[2], "DF,", "p-value:", object@pval, object@pvl, "\n\n")
    cat("  Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 \n\n")

setMethod("summary", "Ftest.partsm",
    cat("----\n----\n## Fitted model for the null hypothesis.\n")
    cat("----\n----\n## Fitted model for the alternative hypothesis.\n")

setMethod("show", "LRur.partsm",
    cat("----\n ", c(object@test.name, "of order", object@p, ".\n\n"))

    cat("  Null hypothesis: PAR(", object@p, ") restricted to a unit root. \n")
    cat("  Alternative hypothesis: PAR(", object@p, "). \n\n")

    cat("  LR-statistic:", round(object@LR, 2), "\n  ---\n")
    cat("  5 and 10 per cent asymptotic critical values:\n")
    cat("    when seasonal intercepts are included: 9.24, 7.52. \n")
    cat("    when seasonal intercepts and trends are included: 12.96, 10.50. \n\n")

    cat("  LRtau-statistic:", round(object@LRtau, 2), "\n  ---\n")
    cat("  5 and 10 per cent asymptotic critical values:\n")
    cat("    when seasonal intercepts are included: -2.86, -2.57. \n")
    cat("    when seasonal intercepts and trends are included: -3.41, -3.12. \n\n")

setMethod("summary", "LRur.partsm",
    cat("----\n----\n## Fitted model for the null hypothesis.\n")
    cat("----\n----\n## Fitted model for the alternative hypothesis.\n")

setMethod("show", "pred.piartsm",
    yd <- as.integer(time(object@fcast))
    sd <- cycle(object@fcast)

    ysd <- rep(NA, object@hpred)
    for(i in 1:object@hpred){
      ifelse(nchar(sd[i]) == 1, sdi <- paste("0", sd[i], sep=""), sdi <- sd[i])
      ysd[i] <- paste(yd[i], sdi, sep=".")

    out <- data.frame(object@fcast, object@fse, object@ucb, object@lcb)
    dimnames(out) <- list(ysd, c("fcast", "fse", "ucb", "lcb"))

    cat("----\n ", paste("  Forecasts for a PIAR model of order", object@p, ".\n\n"))
    cat("\n  'fcast': Forecast; 'fse': Forecast standard error; \n")
    cat("  'ucb': Upper confidence bound; 'lcb': Lower condidence bound. \n\n")

PAR.MVrepr <- function(object)
   if(class(object) != "fit.partsm" || class(object) != "fit.piartms")
     stop("Object is not of class 'fit.partsm' or 'fit.piartsm'.\n")

setMethod("PAR.MVrepr", "fit.partsm",
      stop("Object is related to an AR model. A PAR model must be provided.\n")

    phi <- object@par.coeffs; s <- ncol(phi)
    Phi01 <- .PAR.MV(phi=phi, s=s)

    new("MVPAR", Phi0=Phi01$Phi0, Phi1=Phi01$Phi1, Gamma.eigenvalues=Phi01$Phi01ev, tvias=Phi01$tvias)

setMethod("PAR.MVrepr", "fit.piartsm",
    phi <- matrix(object@par.coeffs[1,], nrow=1)
    s <- ncol(phi); p <- nrow(object@par.coeffs)

    Phi01 <- .PAR.MV(phi=phi, s=s)
    Phi0 <- Phi01$Phi0
    Phi1 <- Phi01$Phi1

      Omega0 <- Omega1 <- Pi0 <- Pi1 <- NULL
      albe <- object@par.coeffs

      Omega0 <- diag(1, s)
      for(i in 2:s)
        Omega0[i,(i-1)] <- albe[2,i]
      Omega0[3,1] <- albe[2,2]*albe[2,3]
      Omega0[4,1] <- albe[2,2]*albe[2,3]*albe[2,4]
      Omega0[4,2] <- albe[2,3]*albe[2,4]

      Omega1 <- diag(0, s)
      Omega1[1,4] <- albe[2,1]
      Omega1[1,2] <- albe[2,1]*albe[2,3]*albe[2,4]
      Omega1[1,3] <- albe[2,1]*albe[2,4]
      Omega1[2,3] <- albe[2,1]*albe[2,2]*albe[2,4]
      Omega1[2,4] <- albe[2,1]*albe[2,2]
      Omega1[3,4] <- albe[2,1]*albe[2,2]*albe[2,3]

      Pi0 <- solve(Phi0) %*% Omega0
      Pi1 <- solve(Phi0) %*% Omega1 + prod(albe[2,]) * Pi0

    new("MVPIAR", Phi0=Phi01$Phi0, Phi1=Phi01$Phi1, Gamma.eigenvalues=Phi01$Phi01ev, tvias=Phi01$tvias,
        Omega0=Omega0, Omega1=Omega1, Pi0=Pi0, Pi1=Pi1)

setMethod("show", "MVPAR",
    Phi0 <- round(object@Phi0, 3)
    Phi1 <- round(object@Phi1, 3)
    tvias <- round(object@tvias, 3)
    Gev <- round(object@Gamma.eigenvalues, 3)

    dimnames(Phi0) <- list(rep("", nrow(Phi0)), rep("", nrow(Phi0)))
    dimnames(Phi1) <- list(rep("", nrow(Phi1)), rep("", nrow(Phi1)))
    dimnames(tvias) <- list(rep("", nrow(tvias)), rep("", nrow(tvias)))

    cat("----\n ", paste("  Multivariate representation of a PAR model.\n\n"))

    cat("\n  Phi0:\n")
    print(Phi0); cat("\n")
    cat("\n  Phi1:\n")
    print(Phi1); cat("\n")
    cat("\n  Eigen values of Gamma = Phi0^{-1} %*% Phi1:\n")
    cat(Gev, "\n")
    cat("\n  Time varying accumulation of shocks:\n")
    print(tvias); cat("\n")

setMethod("show", "MVPIAR",
    Phi0 <- round(object@Phi0, 3)
    Phi1 <- round(object@Phi1, 3)
    tvias <- round(object@tvias, 3)
    Gev <- round(object@Gamma.eigenvalues, 3)

    dimnames(Phi0) <- list(rep("", nrow(Phi0)), rep("", nrow(Phi0)))
    dimnames(Phi1) <- list(rep("", nrow(Phi1)), rep("", nrow(Phi1)))
    dimnames(tvias) <- list(rep("", nrow(tvias)), rep("", nrow(tvias)))

    cat("----\n ", paste("  Multivariate representation of a PIAR model.\n\n"))

    cat("\n  Phi0:\n")
    print(Phi0); cat("\n")
    cat("\n  Phi1:\n")
    print(Phi1); cat("\n")
    cat("\n  Eigen values of Gamma = Phi0^{-1} %*% Phi1:\n")
    cat(Gev, "\n")
    cat("\n  Time varying accumulation of shocks:\n")
    print(tvias); cat("\n")

##~ Internal functions.

.PAR.MV <- function(phi, s)
  paux <- length(phi)/s
  P <- 1 + as.integer((paux-1)/s)

  Phi0 <- matrix(0, nrow=s, ncol=s) # ver elemento (s,1)
  for(i in 1:s){
    for(j in 1:s){
      if(i==j){ Phi0[i,j] <- 1 }
      if(j>i) { Phi0[i,j] <- 0 }
      if(j<i && (i-j) <= paux) { Phi0[i,j] <- -phi[i-j,i] }

  for(k in 1:P){
    #Phik <- matrix(0, nrow=s, ncol=s*P)
    Phik <- matrix(0, nrow=s, ncol=s)
    for(i in 1:s){
      for(j in 1:s)
        if(i+s*k-j <= paux) Phik[i,j] <- phi[i+s*k-j,i]
    MPhi <- as.matrix(data.frame(Phi0, Phik))

  Phi0 <- MPhi[,1:s]
  Phi1 <- MPhi[,(s+1):(2*s)]

  Gamma <- solve(Phi0) %*% Phi1
  Phi01ev <- eigen(Gamma, only.values = TRUE)$values
  tvias <- Gamma %*% solve(Phi0)  # Time-varying impact of accumulation of shocks

  list(Phi0=Phi0, Phi1=Phi1, Phi01ev=Phi01ev, tvias=tvias)

##~ monthplot, main="Seasonal subseries"

acf.ext1 <- function(wts, transf.type, perdiff.coeffs, type, lag.max, showcat, plot)

    orig    = out <- acf(wts, type=type, lag.max=lag.max,
                         plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude),
    fdiff   = out <- acf(diff(wts, lag=1), type=type, lag.max=lag.max,
                         plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude),
    sdiff   = out <- acf(diff(wts, lag=frequency(wts)), type=type, lag.max=lag.max,
                         plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude),
    fsdiff  = out <- acf(diff(diff(wts, lag=1), lag=frequency(wts)), type=type,
                         lag.max=lag.max, plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude),
    fdiffsd = { MLd <- c(NA, diff(wts, lag=1))
                SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, frequency(wts), start(wts), "alg")
                res <- lm(MLd ~ 0+SDum[,1:frequency(wts)])$residuals
                out <- acf(res, type=type, lag.max=lag.max, plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude) },

    perdiff = { ML <- ret(wts, 2)
                SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, frequency(wts), start(wts), "alg")
                filc <- rowSums(perdiff.coeffs*SDum)
                MLd <- ML[,1] - filc * ML[,2]
                out <- acf(MLd, type=type, lag.max=lag.max, plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude) },

    perdiffsd = { ML <- ret(wts, 2)
                  SDum <- SeasDummy(wts, frequency(wts), start(wts), "alg")
                  filc <- rowSums(perdiff.coeffs*SDum)
                  MLd <- ML[,1] - filc * ML[,2]
                  res <- lm(MLd ~ 0+SDum[,1:frequency(wts)])$residuals
                  out <- acf(res, type=type, lag.max=lag.max, plot=plot, na.action=na.exclude) }


  se  <- 1/sqrt(out$n.used)
  tst <- out$acf/se

  ref1 <- c(1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
  ref2 <- c(" ", ".", "*", "**", "***")

  pval <- pvl <- rep(NA, length(tst))
  for(i in 1:length(tst)){
    pval[i] <- (1-pnorm(q=abs(tst[i]), mean=0, sd=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)) * 2
    pvl[i] <- ref2[length(which(ref1 >= pval[i]) == TRUE)]

  if(showcat == TRUE){
    sout <- data.frame(Lag=c(0:(length(tst)-1)), acf=round(out$acf,3), pvalue=round(pval,3), pvl)
    cat("----\n  Estimated autocorrelation function for the\n")
      orig    = cat("  original series.\n\n"),
      fdiff   = cat("  first differences of the original series.\n\n"),
      sdiff   = cat("  seasonal differences of the original series.\n\n"),
      fsdiff  = cat("  fisrt and seasonal differences of the original series.\n\n"),
      fdiffsd = cat("  residuals of the first differences on four seasonal dummy variables.\n\n"),
      perdiff = cat("  periodic differences of the original series.\n\n"),
      perdiffsd = cat("  residuals of the periodic differences on four seasonal dummy variables.\n\n")

    cat("\n  s.e.=", round(se, 2), "\n")
    cat("  Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 \n")

  out <- data.frame(Lag=c(0:(length(tst)-1)), acf=out$acf, pvalue=pval, pvl)
  list(acf=out, se=se)

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