
Defines functions patchDVI setDVIspecials DVIspecials readDVI SweaveDVI renderDVI knitDVI SweaveMiktex renderMiktex knitMiktex

Documented in DVIspecials knitDVI knitMiktex patchDVI readDVI renderDVI renderMiktex setDVIspecials SweaveDVI SweaveMiktex

knitMiktex <- function(Rnw,
                       weave = knitr::knit,
  SweaveMiktex(Rnw = Rnw,
             main = main,
             weave = weave,

renderMiktex <- function(Rmd,
                       weave = rmarkdown::render,
                       ...) {
  if (!test_packages())
  SweaveMiktex(Rnw = Rmd,
             main = main,
             weave = weave,
             output_options = list(run_latex = FALSE),
             envir = parent.frame(),

SweaveMiktex <- function(Rnw,
                         options="--tex-option=-src-specials --tex-option=-interaction=nonstopmode",
                         preview='yap "%s"',
                         patchLog = TRUE,
                         sleep = 0,
                         ...) {
  if (!is.null(source.code))
    try(source(source.code, local=TRUE))
  if (sub(".*\\.tex$", "TeX", Rnw, ignore.case = TRUE) == "TeX")
    outputname <- Rnw
    outputname <- SweaveAll(Rnw, make=make, stylepath=stylepath, ...)[1]
  if (missing(main)) main <- outputname
  cmd <- paste(cmd, " ", options, " ", includedir, Rtexinputs(),
               " ", main, sep="")
  cat(cmd, "\n")
  consoleLog <- try(system(cmd, intern = TRUE))
  status <- attr(consoleLog, "status")
  if (patchLog && !inherits(consoleLog, "try-error")) {
    tempLog <- tempfile(fileext = ".log")
    writeLines(consoleLog, tempLog)
    consoleLog <- readLines(tempLog)
  cat(consoleLog, sep = "\n")
  if (!is.null(status) && status) Sys.sleep(sleep)
  dvi <- sub("\\.tex$", ".dvi", main, ignore.case = TRUE)
  message(patchDVI(dvi, patchLog = patchLog))
  if (!is.null(preview)) {
    cmd <- sprintf(preview, dvi)
    cat(cmd, "\n")
    system(cmd, wait=FALSE, invisible=FALSE)

knitDVI <- function( Rnw, main,
                     weave = knitr::knit,
                     ... )
  SweaveDVI( Rnw = Rnw,
             main = main,
             weave = weave,

renderDVI <- function( Rmd, main,
                     weave = rmarkdown::render,
                     ... ) {
  if (!test_packages())
  SweaveDVI( Rnw = Rmd,
             main = main,
             weave = weave,
             output_options = list(run_latex = FALSE),
             envir = parent.frame(),

SweaveDVI <- function( Rnw, main,
                       patchLog = TRUE,
                       ... ) {
  if (!is.null(source.code) && file.exists(source.code))
    try(source(source.code, local=TRUE))
  if (sub(".*\\.tex$", "TeX", Rnw, ignore.case = TRUE) == "TeX")
    outputname <- Rnw
    outputname <- SweaveAll(Rnw, make=make, ...)[1]
  if (missing(main)) main <- outputname
  consoleLog <- try(tools::texi2dvi(main, pdf=FALSE, texinputs=texinputs, links=links))
  if (patchLog && !inherits(consoleLog, "try-error")) {
    tempLog <- tempfile(fileext = ".log")
    writeLines(consoleLog, tempLog)
    consoleLog <- readLines(tempLog)
  cat(consoleLog, sep = "\n")
  dvi <- sub("\\.tex$", ".dvi", main, ignore.case=TRUE)
  message(patchDVI(dvi, patchLog = patchLog))
  if (!is.null(preview)) {
    cmd <- sprintf(preview, dvi)
    cat(cmd, "\n")
    system(cmd, wait=FALSE, invisible=FALSE)

readDVI <- function(f, show=c("bop", "special", "fntdef", "preamble")) {
  size <- file.info(f)$size
  con <- file(f, "rb")
  bytes <- readBin(con, "raw", size)

  parmsizes <- c( rep(0, 128), 1:4, 8, 1:4, 8,   # 0 to 137
                  0, 44, 0,0,0, 1:4, 0, 1:4, 0,  # 138 to 152
                  1:4, 1:4, 0, 1:4, 0, 1:4, 	   # 153 to 170
                  rep(0, 64), 1:4, 1:4, 15:18,   # 171 to 246
                  14, 28, 5, 9, rep(NA, 5))      # 247 to 255

  pos <- 0
  opcode <- 0
  while (pos < size) {
    pos <- pos+1
    opcode <- as.integer(bytes[pos])
    parmsize <- parmsizes[opcode + 1]

    if (opcode < 139L) { # do nothing
    } else if (opcode == 139L && "bop" %in% show) {  # bop
      counters <- readBin(bytes[pos + 1:(parmsize-4)], "integer", n= 10, size=4, endian="big")
      prev <- readBin(bytes[pos + 40 + 1:4], "integer", size=4, endian="big")
      cat("bop at pos=", pos, ": counters=", paste(counters, collapse=" "), " prev=", prev, "\n")
    } else if (opcode < 239L) { # do nothing
    } else if (opcode < 243L) {   # xxxi
      k <- readBin(bytes[pos + (1:parmsize)], "integer", size=parmsize, endian="big")
      if ("special" %in% show) {
        special <- readChar(bytes[(pos + parmsize + 1):(pos + parmsize + k)], k)
        cat("special at pos=", pos," is ", special, "\n")
      parmsize <- parmsize + k
    } else if (opcode < 247L) { # fnt def i
      a <- as.integer(bytes[pos + parmsize ])
      if ("fntdef" %in% show) {
        fntname <- readChar(bytes[(pos + parmsize + 1):(pos + parmsize + a)], a)
        cat("fnt def at pos=", pos, " is ", fntname, "\n")
      parmsize <- parmsize + a
    } else if (opcode == 247L) {       # pre
      k <- as.integer(bytes[pos + parmsize])
      if ("preamble" %in% show) {
        comment <- readChar(bytes[(pos + parmsize + 1):(pos + parmsize + k)], k)
        cat("preamble at pos=", pos, " with comment ", comment, "\n")
      parmsize <- parmsize + k
    } else if (opcode == 249L) break
    pos <- pos + parmsize

DVIspecials <- function(f) {
  size <- file.info(f)$size
  con <- file(f, "rb")
  bytes <- readBin(con, "raw", size)
  .Call(C_dviSpecials, bytes)

setDVIspecials <- function(f, newspecials, newname=f) {
  size <- file.info(f)$size
  con <- file(f, "r+b")
  bytes <- readBin(con, "raw", size)
  bytes <- .Call(C_setDviSpecials, bytes, as.character(newspecials))
  con <- file(newname, "wb")
  writeBin(bytes, con)

patchDVI <- function(f, newname=f, patchLog = TRUE) {
  specials <- DVIspecials(f)

  concordind <- grep("^concordance:", specials)
  concords <- specials[concordind]

  parseConcord <- function(split) {
    oldname <- split[2]
    newname <- split[3]
    if (length(split) == 4) {
      ofs <- 0
      vi <- 4
    } else {
      ofs <- as.integer(sub("^ofs ([0-9]+)", "\\1", split[4]))
      vi <- 5
    values <- as.integer(strsplit(split[vi], " ")[[1]])
    firstline <- values[1]
    rledata <- matrix(values[-1], nrow=2)
    rle <- structure(list(lengths=rledata[1,], values=rledata[2,]), class="rle")
    diffs <- inverse.rle(rle)
    concord <- c(firstline, firstline + cumsum(diffs))
    list(oldname=oldname, newname=newname, concord=concord, ofs=ofs)
  concords <- strsplit(concords, ":")
  concords <- lapply(concords, parseConcord)
  names(concords) <- sapply(concords, function(x) x$oldname)

  if (patchLog)
    patchLog(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(f), ".log"), concords = concords)

  srcrefind <- grep("^src:", specials)
  srcrefs <- specials[srcrefind]

  linenums <- sub("^src:([0-9]+).*$", "\\1", srcrefs)
  filenames <- substr(srcrefs, 5+nchar(linenums), 10000)
  # \input{file} doesn't put .tex on it
  noext <- !grepl("\\.", filenames)
  filenames[noext] <- paste(filenames[noext], ".tex", sep="")
  filenames <- myNormalizePath(filenames)
  linenums <- as.integer(linenums)

  changed <- rep(FALSE, length(filenames))
  for (i in seq_along(concords)) {
    n <- names(concords)[i]
    ofs <- concords[[i]]$ofs
    concord <- concords[[i]]$concord
    subset <- (filenames == myNormalizePath(n)) & (linenums > ofs) & (linenums <= ofs + length(concord))
    linenums[subset] <- concord[linenums[subset] - ofs]
    filenames[subset] <- concords[[i]]$newname
    changed[subset] <- TRUE

  newrefs <- ifelse(changed, paste("src:", linenums, filenames, sep=""), srcrefs)

  specials[srcrefind] <- newrefs
  specials[concordind] <- NA

  if (any(changed) || length(concordind))
    setDVIspecials(f, specials, newname)

  changes <- sum(changed) + length(concordind)
  msg <- paste(changes, "patches made.")
  if (!changes)
    msg <- paste(msg, "Did you set \\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}?")

Try the patchDVI package in your browser

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patchDVI documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:34 p.m.