
Defines functions cluster_enriched_terms cluster_graph_vis fuzzy_term_clustering hierarchical_term_clustering create_kappa_matrix

Documented in cluster_enriched_terms cluster_graph_vis create_kappa_matrix fuzzy_term_clustering hierarchical_term_clustering

#' Create Kappa Statistics Matrix
#' @param enrichment_res data frame of pathfindR enrichment results. Must-have
#' columns are 'Term_Description' (if \code{use_description = TRUE}) or 'ID'
#' (if \code{use_description = FALSE}), 'Down_regulated', and 'Up_regulated'.
#' If \code{use_active_snw_genes = TRUE}, 'non_Signif_Snw_Genes' must also be
#' provided.
#' @param use_description Boolean argument to indicate whether term descriptions
#'  (in the 'Term_Description' column) should be used. (default = \code{FALSE})
#' @param use_active_snw_genes boolean to indicate whether or not to use
#' non-input active subnetwork genes in the calculation of kappa statistics
#' (default = FALSE, i.e. only use affected genes)
#' @return a matrix of kappa statistics between each term in the
#' enrichment results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sub_df <- example_pathfindR_output[1:3, ]
#' create_kappa_matrix(sub_df)
create_kappa_matrix <- function(enrichment_res, use_description = FALSE, use_active_snw_genes = FALSE) {
    ### Argument checks
    if (!is.logical(use_description)) {
        stop("`use_description` should be TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.logical(use_active_snw_genes)) {
        stop("`use_active_snw_genes` should be TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.data.frame(enrichment_res)) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should be a data frame of enrichment results")
    if (nrow(enrichment_res) < 2) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should contain at least 2 rows")

    nec_cols <- c("Down_regulated", "Up_regulated")
    if (use_description) {
        nec_cols <- c("Term_Description", nec_cols)
    } else {
        nec_cols <- c("ID", nec_cols)
    if (use_active_snw_genes) {
        nec_cols <- c(nec_cols, "non_Signif_Snw_Genes")

    if (!all(nec_cols %in% colnames(enrichment_res))) {
        stop("`enrichment_res` should contain all of ", paste(dQuote(nec_cols), collapse = ", "))

    ### Initial steps Column to use for gene set names
    chosen_id <- ifelse(use_description, which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Term_Description"),
        which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "ID"))

    # list of genes
    down_idx <- which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Down_regulated")
    up_idx <- which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Up_regulated")

    genes_lists <- apply(enrichment_res, 1, function(x) {
        base::toupper(c(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x[up_idx]), ", ")), unlist(strsplit(as.character(x[down_idx]),
            ", "))))

    if (use_active_snw_genes) {
        active_idx <- which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "non_Signif_Snw_Genes")

        genes_lists <- mapply(function(x, y) {
            c(x, unlist(strsplit(as.character(y), ", ")))
        }, genes_lists, enrichment_res[, active_idx])

    # Exclude zero-length gene sets
    excluded_idx <- which(vapply(genes_lists, length, 1) == 0)
    if (length(excluded_idx) != 0) {
        genes_lists <- genes_lists[-excluded_idx]
        enrichment_res <- enrichment_res[-excluded_idx, ]

    ### Create Kappa Matrix
    all_genes <- unique(unlist(genes_lists, use.names = FALSE))
    N <- nrow(enrichment_res)
    term_names <- enrichment_res[, chosen_id]

    kappa_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N, dimnames = list(term_names, term_names))
    diag(kappa_mat) <- 1

    total <- length(all_genes)
    for (i in 1:(N - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):N) {
            genes_i <- genes_lists[[i]]
            genes_j <- genes_lists[[j]]

            both <- length(intersect(genes_i, genes_j))
            term_i <- length(base::setdiff(genes_i, genes_j))
            term_j <- length(base::setdiff(genes_j, genes_i))
            no_terms <- total - sum(both, term_i, term_j)

            observed <- (both + no_terms)/total
            chance <- (both + term_i) * (both + term_j)
            chance <- chance + (term_j + no_terms) * (term_i + no_terms)
            chance <- chance/total^2
            kappa_mat[j, i] <- kappa_mat[i, j] <- (observed - chance)/(1 - chance)


#' Hierarchical Clustering of Enriched Terms
#' @param kappa_mat matrix of kappa statistics (output of \code{\link{create_kappa_matrix}})
#' @inheritParams create_kappa_matrix
#' @param num_clusters number of clusters to be formed (default = \code{NULL}).
#' If \code{NULL}, the optimal number of clusters is determined as the number
#' which yields the highest average silhouette width.
#' @param clu_method the agglomeration method to be used
#' (default = 'average', see \code{\link[stats]{hclust}})
#' @param plot_hmap boolean to indicate whether to plot the kappa statistics
#' clustering heatmap or not (default = FALSE)
#' @param plot_dend boolean to indicate whether to plot the clustering
#' dendrogram partitioned into the optimal number of clusters (default = TRUE)
#' @details The function initially performs hierarchical clustering
#' of the enriched terms in \code{enrichment_res} using the kappa statistics
#' (defining the distance as \code{1 - kappa_statistic}). Next,
#' the clustering dendrogram is cut into k = 2, 3, ..., n - 1 clusters
#' (where n is the number of terms). The optimal number of clusters is
#' determined as the k value which yields the highest average silhouette width.
#' (if \code{num_clusters} not specified)
#' @return a vector of clusters for each enriched term in the enrichment results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hierarchical_term_clustering(kappa_mat, enrichment_res)
#' hierarchical_term_clustering(kappa_mat, enrichment_res, method = 'complete')
#' }
hierarchical_term_clustering <- function(kappa_mat, enrichment_res, num_clusters = NULL,
    use_description = FALSE, clu_method = "average", plot_hmap = FALSE, plot_dend = TRUE) {
    ### Set ID/Name index
    chosen_id <- ifelse(use_description, which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Term_Description"),
        which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "ID"))

    ### Argument checks
    if (!isSymmetric.matrix(kappa_mat)) {
        stop("`kappa_mat` should be a symmetric matrix")

    if (!all(colnames(kappa_mat) %in% enrichment_res[, chosen_id])) {
        stop("All terms in `kappa_mat` should be present in `enrichment_res`")

    if (!is.logical(plot_hmap)) {
        stop("`plot_hmap` should be TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.logical(plot_dend)) {
        stop("`plot_dend` should be TRUE or FALSE")

    ### Add excluded (zero-length) genes
    kappa_mat2 <- kappa_mat
    cond <- !enrichment_res[, chosen_id] %in% rownames(kappa_mat2)
    outliers <- enrichment_res[cond, chosen_id]
    outliers_mat <- matrix(-1, nrow = nrow(kappa_mat2), ncol = length(outliers),
        dimnames = list(rownames(kappa_mat2), outliers))
    kappa_mat2 <- cbind(kappa_mat2, outliers_mat)
    outliers_mat <- matrix(-1, nrow = length(outliers), ncol = ncol(kappa_mat2),
        dimnames = list(outliers, colnames(kappa_mat2)))
    kappa_mat2 <- rbind(kappa_mat2, outliers_mat)

    ### Perform hierarchical clustering
    clu <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(1 - kappa_mat2), method = clu_method)

    if (plot_hmap) {
        stats::heatmap(kappa_mat2, distfun = function(x) stats::as.dist(1 - x), hclustfun = function(x) stats::hclust(x,
            method = clu_method))

    ### Choose optimal k (if not specified)
    if (is.null(num_clusters)) {
        kmax <- max(nrow(kappa_mat2)%/%2, 2)

        # sequence of k (number of clusters) to try
        if (kmax <= 20) {
            kseq <- 2:kmax
        } else if (kmax <= 100) {
            kseq <- c(2:19, seq(20, kmax%/%10 * 10, 10))
        } else {
            kseq <- c(2:19, seq(20, 99, 10), seq(100, kmax%/%50 * 50, 50))

        # calculate average silhouette width per k in sequence
        avg_sils <- c()
        for (k in kseq) {
            avg_sils <- c(avg_sils, fpc::cluster.stats(stats::as.dist(1 - kappa_mat2),
                stats::cutree(clu, k = k), silhouette = TRUE)$avg.silwidth)

        k_opt <- kseq[which.max(avg_sils)]

        message(paste("The maximum average silhouette width was", round(max(avg_sils),
            2), "for k =", k_opt, "\n\n"))
    } else {
        k_opt <- num_clusters

    if (plot_dend) {
        stats::rect.hclust(clu, k = k_opt)

    clusters <- stats::cutree(clu, k = k_opt)


#' Heuristic Fuzzy Multiple-linkage Partitioning of Enriched Terms
#' @inheritParams hierarchical_term_clustering
#' @inheritParams create_kappa_matrix
#' @param kappa_threshold threshold for kappa statistics, defining strong
#' relation (default = 0.35)
#' @details The fuzzy clustering algorithm was implemented based on:
#' Huang DW, Sherman BT, Tan Q, et al. The DAVID Gene Functional
#' Classification Tool: a novel biological module-centric algorithm to
#' functionally analyze large gene lists. Genome Biol. 2007;8(9):R183.
#' @return a boolean matrix of cluster assignments. Each row corresponds to an
#' enriched term, each column corresponds to a cluster.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fuzzy_term_clustering(kappa_mat, enrichment_res)
#' fuzzy_term_clustering(kappa_mat, enrichment_res, kappa_threshold = 0.45)
#' }
fuzzy_term_clustering <- function(kappa_mat, enrichment_res, kappa_threshold = 0.35,
    use_description = FALSE) {
    ### Set ID/Name index
    chosen_id <- ifelse(use_description, which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Term_Description"),
        which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "ID"))

    ### Argument checks
    if (!isSymmetric.matrix(kappa_mat)) {
        stop("`kappa_mat` should be a symmetric matrix")

    if (!all(colnames(kappa_mat) %in% enrichment_res[, chosen_id])) {
        stop("All terms in `kappa_mat` should be present in `enrichment_res`")

    if (!is.numeric(kappa_threshold)) {
        stop("`kappa_threshold` should be numeric")

    if (kappa_threshold > 1) {
        stop("`kappa_threshold` should be at most 1 as kappa statistic is always <= 1")

    ### Find Qualified Seeds
    qualified_seeds <- list()
    j <- 1
    for (i in base::seq_len(nrow(kappa_mat))) {
        current_term <- rownames(kappa_mat)[i]
        current_term_kappa <- kappa_mat[i, ]

        init_membership_cond <- current_term_kappa >= kappa_threshold
        if (sum(init_membership_cond) > 3) {
            related_terms <- names(current_term_kappa)[init_membership_cond]
            terms <- c(current_term, related_terms)
            related_kappa <- kappa_mat[rownames(kappa_mat) %in% terms, colnames(kappa_mat) %in%
            diag(related_kappa) <- 0
            tight_relationship_cond <- sum(related_kappa >= kappa_threshold)/(nrow(related_kappa)^2) >=

            if (tight_relationship_cond) {
                qualified_seeds[[j]] <- related_terms
                names(qualified_seeds)[j] <- current_term
                j <- j + 1

    ### Fuzzy Clustering
    clusters <- unique(qualified_seeds)
    i <- 1
    j <- i + 1
    while (i < length(clusters)) {
        common_terms <- intersect(clusters[[i]], clusters[[j]])
        all_terms <- union(clusters[[i]], clusters[[j]])

        if (length(common_terms)/length(all_terms) > 0.5 & i != j) {
            clusters[[i]] <- all_terms
            clusters[[j]] <- NULL
            i <- 1
            j <- i + 1
        } else if (j < length(clusters)) {
            j <- j + 1
        } else {
            i <- i + 1
            j <- 1

    ### Find Outliers
    cond <- !enrichment_res[, chosen_id] %in% c(names(clusters), unlist(clusters))
    outliers <- enrichment_res[cond, chosen_id]
    for (outlier in outliers) {
        clusters[[outlier]] <- outlier
    ### Return Cluster Matrix
    names(clusters) <- base::seq_len(length(clusters))

    cluster_mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(enrichment_res), ncol = length(clusters),
        dimnames = list(enrichment_res[, chosen_id], names(clusters)))
    for (clu in names(clusters)) {
        clu_terms <- clusters[[clu]]
        cluster_mat[clu_terms, clu] <- TRUE


#' Graph Visualization of Clustered Enriched Terms
#' @param clu_obj clustering result (either a matrix obtained via
#' \code{\link{hierarchical_term_clustering}} or \code{\link{fuzzy_term_clustering}}
#' `fuzzy_term_clustering` or a vector obtained via `hierarchical_term_clustering`)
#' @inheritParams fuzzy_term_clustering
#' @param vertex.label.cex font size for vertex labels; it is interpreted as a multiplication factor of some device-dependent base font size (default = 0.7)
#' @param vertex.size.scaling scaling factor for the node size (default = 2.5)
#' @return Plots a graph diagram of clustering results. Each node is an enriched term
#' from `enrichment_res`. Size of node corresponds to -log(lowest_p). Thickness
#' of the edges between nodes correspond to the kappa statistic between the two
#' terms. Color of each node corresponds to distinct clusters. For fuzzy
#' clustering, if a term is in multiple clusters, multiple colors are utilized.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cluster_graph_vis(clu_obj, kappa_mat, enrichment_res)
#' }
cluster_graph_vis <- function(clu_obj, kappa_mat, enrichment_res, kappa_threshold = 0.35,
    use_description = FALSE, vertex.label.cex = 0.7, vertex.size.scaling = 2.5) {
    ### Set ID/Name index
    chosen_id <- ifelse(use_description, which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Term_Description"),
        which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "ID"))

    ### For coloring nodes
    all_cols <- c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00", "#FFFF33",
        "#A65628", "#F781BF", "#999999", "#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3",
        "#A6D854", "#FFD92F", "#E5C494", "#B3B3B3", "#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA",
        "#FB8072", "#80B1D3", "#FDB462", "#B3DE69", "#FCCDE5", "#D9D9D9", "#BC80BD",
        "#CCEBC5", "#FFED6F", "#A6CEE3", "#1F78B4", "#B2DF8A", "#33A02C", "#FB9A99",
        "#E31A1C", "#FDBF6F", "#FF7F00", "#CAB2D6", "#6A3D9A", "#FFFF99", "#B15928")

    if (is.matrix(clu_obj)) {
        ### Argument checks
        if (!all(rownames(clu_obj) %in% colnames(kappa_mat))) {
            stop("Not all terms in `clu_obj` present in `kappa_mat`!")

        ### Prep data Remove weak links
        kappa_mat2 <- kappa_mat
        diag(kappa_mat2) <- 0
        kappa_mat2 <- ifelse(kappa_mat2 < kappa_threshold, 0, kappa_mat2)

        # Add missing terms
        missing <- rownames(clu_obj)[!rownames(clu_obj) %in% colnames(kappa_mat2)]
        missing_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(kappa_mat2), ncol = length(missing),
            dimnames = list(rownames(kappa_mat2), missing))
        kappa_mat2 <- cbind(kappa_mat2, missing_mat)
        missing <- rownames(clu_obj)[!rownames(clu_obj) %in% rownames(kappa_mat2)]
        missing_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(missing), ncol = ncol(kappa_mat2),
            dimnames = list(missing, colnames(kappa_mat2)))
        kappa_mat2 <- rbind(kappa_mat2, missing_mat)

        ### Create Graph, Set Color, Size and Percentages
        values <- apply(clu_obj, 1, function(x) which(x))
        percs <- list()
        for (i in base::seq_len(length(values))) {
            percs[[i]] <- rep(1/length(values[[i]]), length(values[[i]]))

        g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(kappa_mat2, weighted = TRUE)

        if (length(all_cols) < max(as.integer(colnames(clu_obj)))) {
            num_extra <- max(as.integer(colnames(clu_obj))) - length(all_cols)
            extra_colors <- grDevices::rainbow(num_extra)
            all_cols <- c(all_cols, extra_colors)

        # Node shapes are either circle (single cluster) or pie (multiple
        # clusters)
        igraph::V(g)$shape <- ifelse(vapply(percs, length, 1) > 1, "pie", "circle")

        # Node colors are cluster memberships
        cols <- lapply(values, function(x) all_cols[x])
        igraph::V(g)$color <- vapply(cols, function(x) x[1], "")

        # Node sizes are -log(lowest_p)
        p_idx <- match(names(igraph::V(g)), enrichment_res[, chosen_id])
        transformed_p <- -log10(enrichment_res$lowest_p[p_idx])
        igraph::V(g)$size <- transformed_p * vertex.size.scaling

        ### Plot Graph
        igraph::plot.igraph(g, vertex.pie = percs, vertex.pie.color = cols, layout = igraph::layout_nicely(g),
            edge.curved = FALSE, vertex.label.dist = 0, vertex.label.color = "black",
            asp = 1, vertex.label.cex = vertex.label.cex, edge.width = igraph::E(g)$weight,
            edge.arrow.mode = 0)
    } else if (is.integer(clu_obj)) {
        ### Argument checks
        if (!all(names(clu_obj) %in% colnames(kappa_mat))) {
            stop("Not all terms in `clu_obj` present in `kappa_mat`!")

        ### Prep data Remove weak links
        kappa_mat2 <- kappa_mat
        diag(kappa_mat2) <- 0
        kappa_mat2 <- ifelse(kappa_mat2 > kappa_threshold, kappa_mat2, 0)

        # Add missing terms
        missing <- names(clu_obj)[!names(clu_obj) %in% colnames(kappa_mat2)]
        missing_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(kappa_mat2), ncol = length(missing),
            dimnames = list(rownames(kappa_mat2), missing))
        kappa_mat2 <- cbind(kappa_mat2, missing_mat)
        missing <- names(clu_obj)[!names(clu_obj) %in% rownames(kappa_mat2)]
        missing_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(missing), ncol = ncol(kappa_mat2),
            dimnames = list(missing, colnames(kappa_mat2)))
        kappa_mat2 <- rbind(kappa_mat2, missing_mat)

        ### Create Graph, Set Colors and Sizes
        g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(kappa_mat2, weighted = TRUE)

        igraph::V(g)$Clu <- clu_obj[match(igraph::V(g)$name, names(clu_obj))]

        if (length(all_cols) < max(as.integer(igraph::V(g)$Clu))) {
            num_extra <- max(clu_obj) - length(all_cols)
            extra_colors <- grDevices::rainbow(num_extra)
            all_cols <- c(all_cols, extra_colors)

        # Node colors are cluster memberships
        igraph::V(g)$color <- all_cols[as.integer(igraph::V(g)$Clu)]

        # Node sizes are -log(lowest_p)
        p_idx <- match(names(igraph::V(g)), enrichment_res[, chosen_id])
        transformed_p <- -log10(enrichment_res$lowest_p[p_idx])
        igraph::V(g)$size <- transformed_p * vertex.size.scaling

        ### Plot graph
        igraph::plot.igraph(g, layout = igraph::layout_nicely(g), edge.curved = FALSE,
            vertex.label.dist = 0, vertex.label.color = "black", asp = 0, vertex.label.cex = vertex.label.cex,
            edge.width = igraph::E(g)$weight, edge.arrow.mode = 0)
    } else {
        stop("Invalid class for `clu_obj`!")

#' Cluster Enriched Terms
#' @inheritParams create_kappa_matrix
#' @param method Either 'hierarchical' or 'fuzzy'. Details of clustering are
#' provided in the corresponding functions \code{\link{hierarchical_term_clustering}},
#' and \code{\link{fuzzy_term_clustering}}
#' @param plot_clusters_graph boolean value indicate whether or not to plot
#' the graph diagram of clustering results (default = TRUE)
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link{hierarchical_term_clustering}},
#' \code{\link{fuzzy_term_clustering}} and \code{\link{cluster_graph_vis}}.
#' See documentation of these functions for more details.
#' @return a data frame of clustering results. For 'hierarchical', the cluster
#' assignments (Cluster) and whether the term is representative of its cluster
#' (Status) is added as columns. For 'fuzzy', terms that are in multiple
#' clusters are provided for each cluster. The cluster assignments (Cluster)
#' and whether the term is representative of its cluster (Status) is
#' added as columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example_clustered <- cluster_enriched_terms(
#'   example_pathfindR_output[1:3, ],
#'   plot_clusters_graph = FALSE
#' )
#' example_clustered <- cluster_enriched_terms(
#'   example_pathfindR_output[1:3, ],
#'   method = 'fuzzy', plot_clusters_graph = FALSE
#' )
#' @seealso See \code{\link{hierarchical_term_clustering}} for hierarchical
#' clustering of enriched terms.
#' See \code{\link{fuzzy_term_clustering}} for fuzzy clustering of enriched terms.
#' See \code{\link{cluster_graph_vis}} for graph visualization of clustering.
cluster_enriched_terms <- function(enrichment_res, method = "hierarchical", plot_clusters_graph = TRUE,
    use_description = FALSE, use_active_snw_genes = FALSE, ...) {
    ### Argument Checks
    if (!method %in% c("hierarchical", "fuzzy")) {
        stop("the clustering `method` must either be \"hierarchical\" or \"fuzzy\"")

    if (!is.logical(plot_clusters_graph)) {
        stop("`plot_clusters_graph` must be logical!")

    ### Create Kappa Matrix
    kappa_mat <- create_kappa_matrix(enrichment_res = enrichment_res, use_description = use_description,
        use_active_snw_genes = use_active_snw_genes)
    kappa_mat[is.na(kappa_mat)] <- 0

    ### Cluster Terms
    if (method == "hierarchical") {
        clu_obj <- R.utils::doCall("hierarchical_term_clustering", kappa_mat = kappa_mat,
            enrichment_res = enrichment_res, use_description = use_description, ...)
    } else {
        clu_obj <- R.utils::doCall("fuzzy_term_clustering", kappa_mat = kappa_mat,
            enrichment_res = enrichment_res, use_description = use_description, ...)

    ### Graph Visualization of Clusters
    if (plot_clusters_graph) {
        R.utils::doCall("cluster_graph_vis", clu_obj = clu_obj, kappa_mat = kappa_mat,
            enrichment_res = enrichment_res, use_description = use_description, ...)

    ### Returned Data Frame with Cluster Information
    clustered_df <- enrichment_res

    ### Set ID/Name index
    chosen_id <- ifelse(use_description, which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "Term_Description"),
        which(colnames(enrichment_res) == "ID"))

    if (method == "hierarchical") {
        ### Assign Clusters and Representatives
        clu_idx <- match(clustered_df[, chosen_id], names(clu_obj))
        clustered_df$Cluster <- clu_obj[clu_idx]
        clustered_df <- clustered_df[order(clustered_df$Cluster, clustered_df$lowest_p,
            decreasing = FALSE), ]

        tmp <- tapply(clustered_df[, chosen_id], clustered_df$Cluster, function(x) x[1])
        stat_cond <- clustered_df[, chosen_id] %in% tmp
        clustered_df$Status <- ifelse(stat_cond, "Representative", "Member")
    } else {
        term_list <- list()
        for (term in rownames(clu_obj)) {
            term_list[[term]] <- which(clu_obj[term, ])
        ### Assign Clusters and Representatives
        clustered_df2 <- c()
        for (i in base::seq_len(nrow(clustered_df))) {
            current_row <- clustered_df[i, ]
            current_clusters <- term_list[[current_row[, chosen_id]]]
            for (clu in current_clusters) {
                clustered_df2 <- rbind(clustered_df2, data.frame(current_row, Cluster = clu))

        clustered_df <- clustered_df2
        clustered_df <- clustered_df[order(clustered_df$Cluster, clustered_df$lowest_p,
            decreasing = FALSE), ]

        tmp <- tapply(clustered_df[, chosen_id], clustered_df$Cluster, function(x) x[1])
        stat_cond <- clustered_df[, chosen_id] %in% tmp
        clustered_df$Status <- ifelse(stat_cond, "Representative", "Member")


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