
Defines functions printFile2FileQuotesAppend printFile pbat.logrank.replot pbat.obj affectionPhe pbat.concatenate pbat.load is.finished pbat.files writePbatstatus pbatFilesFixNamesExtra pbatFilesFixNamesExtraSub write.pbat.csv write.pbat print.pbat plot.pbat summary.pbat pbat

Documented in affectionPhe is.finished pbat pbat.concatenate pbat.files pbat.load pbat.obj plot.pbat print.pbat summary.pbat write.pbat write.pbat.csv

# Thomas Hoffmann                                                  #
# CREATED:     06/21/2005                                          #
# MODIFIED:    07/08/2005                                          #
#                                                                  #
# DESCRIPTION:                                                     #
#  The major pbat-interface commands.                              #
#   ( pbat.files, pbat.obj, all of the S4 methods )                #

#                                                                  #
# Making pbat be a class....                                       #
#                                                                  #
pbat <- function( x, ... )
  UseMethod( "pbat" );

summary.pbat <- function( object, ... ) {
  x <- object; ## need for R CMD check

  # print out the pretty call
  if( !is.null(x$call) ) {
    print( "Call:" );
    print( x$call );

  # now, print out the results?
  catn( "Results:" );
  print( x$results );

plot.pbat <- function( x, ... ) {
  if( x$fbat=="logrank" && !is.null(x$rcode) && x$rcode!="" ) {
  } else {
    stop( "No plot available (only for logrank)." );

print.pbat <- function( x, ... ) {
  catn( "Class members:" );
  catn( " $call             The formula used." );
  catn( " $pbat.call        The batch-file commands sent to pbat." );
  catn( " $results          ** The results of pbat execution in a data.frame object. **" );
  catn( " $results.logfile  Filename of the raw results of pbat (may also have extension .hdr & .dat); esp. useful if pbat outputs an unknown format that fails to be read in (in case this happens in later releases of PBAT). Note this is _in the current working directory_." );
  catn( " $rcode            Name of the file containing plots for logrank." );
  catn( " $fbat             'pc','gee', or 'logrank'" );
  catn( " $commandfile      Name of the file cantaining pbat batchfile." );
  catn( "Type '?pbat' for more details." );

write.pbat <- function(x, filename, resultsOnly=FALSE) {
  if( str.file.extension(filename,extension='csv')==filename ) {
    write.pbat.csv(x, filename, resultsOnly);

  ## update 05/14/2006
  if( resultsOnly ) {
    write.table( x$results, filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE );

  ## updates 01/20/2006
  f <- file( filename, "w" );
  #cat( paste("PBAT ",as.character(x$fbat),"\n",sep=""), file=f );
  if( !is.null(x$call) ) {
    cat( "** FORMULA **\n", file=f );
    write( x$call, file=f );
    cat( "\n\n", file=f );
  if( !is.null(x$pbat.call) ) {
    cat( "** PBAT BATCH FILE: **\n", file=f );
    write( x$pbat.call, file=f );
    cat( "\n\n", file=f );
  if( !is.null(x$results) ) {
    cat( "** PBAT RESULTS **:\n", file=f );
    write.table( x$results, file=f, sep=" & ", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE );  ## sep consistent with Christoph
    cat( "\n\n", file=f );

  if( !is.null(x$rcode) && x$rcode!="") {
    cat( "** R SOURCE CODE (all that follows): **\n", file=f );
    ##write( x$rcode, file=f );
    ##cat( "\n\n", file=f );
    file.append( filename, x$rcode );

write.pbat.csv <- function(x, filename, resultsOnly=FALSE) {
  filename <- str.file.extension(filename,extension='csv');

  quotify <- function( strList ) {
    for( i in 1:length(strList) )
      strList[i] <- paste("\"",strList[i],"\"");
    return( strList );

  ## update 05/14/2006
  if( resultsOnly ) {
    write.csv( x$results, filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE );
    return( invisible() );

  ## updates 01/20/2006
  f <- file( filename, "w" );
  #cat( paste("PBAT ",as.character(x$fbat),"\n",sep=""), file=f );
  if( !is.null(x$call) ) {
    cat( "** FORMULA **\n", file=f );
    write( x$call, file=f );
    cat( "\n\n", file=f ); ## all fine
  if( !is.null(x$pbat.call) ) {
    cat( "** PBAT BATCH FILE: **\n", file=f );
    write( quotify(x$pbat.call), file=f );
    cat( "\n\n", file=f );
  if( !is.null(x$results) ) {
    cat( "** PBAT RESULTS **:\n", file=f );
    write.table( x$results, file=f, sep=",", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE );
    cat( "\n\n", file=f );

  if( !is.null(x$rcode) && x$rcode!="") {## major changes here
    cat( "** R SOURCE CODE (all that follows; in quotes for csv format): **\n", file=f );
    ##printFile2FileQuotesAppend( filename, x$rcode );
    printFile2FileQuotesAppend( x$rcode, filename );  ## syntax backwards!


#                                                                  #
# Functions that work on the files.                                #
#                                                                  #

## a few little extras...
pbatFilesFixNamesExtraSub <- function( mName )
  paste( unlist( strsplit( mName, " |\\.|\t" ) ), sep="", collapse="" )
pbatFilesFixNamesExtra <- function( names ) {
  res <- mapply( pbatFilesFixNamesExtraSub, names )
  names( res ) <- NULL
  return( res )

writePbatstatus <- function( str ) {
  f <- file("pbatstatus.txt", open="a")

## 05/23/06 - MASSIVE alterations in this coding!
# \name{pbat.files}                                                        #
# \description{                                                            #
#   Typically this function will not be run by the user, and instead,      #
#   you will use the related \code{\link{pbat.pc.files}},                  #
#   \code{\link{pbat.gee.files}}, \code{\link{pbat.logrank.files}}         #
#   functions.                                                             #
#                                                                          #
#   This is mostly included for future expansion.                          #
# }                                                                        #
# \arguments{                                                              #
#   \item{pedfile}{Name of the pedigree file, as a string.  Extension is   #
#     not needed, and the phenotype file is assumed to have similar        #
#     filename unless otherwise specified (by setting                      #
#     'phefile="othername.phe"'). }                                        #
#   \item{tempPbatCommand.txt}{Name of the command file for pbat to read   #
#     in.}                                                                 #
#   \item{...}{Pbat options, as described in the function                  #
#     \code{\link{pbat.create.commandfile}}. }                             #
pbat.files <- function( pedfile, phefile,
                        preds="", preds.order="",
                        max.pheno=1,  ## relevant to output loading!
                        ... )
  cat( "pbat.files pedfile", pedfile, "\n" );

  curTimeStamp = getTimeStamp();
  if( isTimeStamped(pedfile) ) {
    curTimeStamp = extractTimeStamp( pedfile );
  }else if( isTimeStamped(phefile) ) {
    curTimeStamp = extractTimeStamp( phefile );
  ##print( "curTimeStamp" );
  ##print( curTimeStamp );
  ## It time-stamps correctly, even with symbolic

  if( commandfile=="" )
    commandfile <- paste("pbat",curTimeStamp,"cmd.txt",sep="");

  # Create the command file
  logfile <- pbat.create.commandfile( pedfile=pedfile, phefile=phefile, fbat=fbat, ## 05/31/06 fix
                                      preds=preds, preds.order=preds.order,
                                      ... );
  ##print( logfile ); ## DEBUG ONLY

  if( logrank.outfile=="" & fbat=="logrank" ) { # so we get the same timestamp :)
    logrank.outfile <- paste( "pbat",curTimeStamp,".R", sep="" );

  # Kill the 'spluscode.txt' file
  if( file.exists( "spluscode.txt" ) )
    file.remove( "spluscode.txt" );

  # call the system 'pbat' command
  #TMPOUT <- paste( "pbat", curTimeStamp, "output.txt", sep="" );
  ## 01/09/2006 rewrite for multiple processes
  ## 01/18/2006 fix to allow spaces in windows
  ## 01/24/2006 Windows version of system spin-locks!! removing completely
  ## 05/23/2006 Altering for potential new clustering method...
  ## 09/20/2007 Altering for wine with Macs, deleting all possibility of spaces in filename
  mode <- pbat.getmode()
  numProcesses <- mode$jobs;
  CLUSTER.TIME <- mode$refresh;

  ## 09/20/2007 addition
  if( spaceInFilename(mode$wine) || spaceInFilename(mode$executable) || spaceInFilename(pedfile) || spaceInFilename(phefile) ) {
    msg <- paste("There can be no spaces (i.e. ' ') in the filename for 1) the pbat executable [",mode$executable,"] 2) the pedigree filename [",pedfile,"] 3) the phenotype filename [",phefile,"] or (4) the wine executable (mac/32-bit linux only) [",mode$wine,"]", sep="" )
    writePbatstatus(msg) ## neat! we can fool the GUI!!!

  wineStr <- pbat.getwine();
  if( wineStr!="" ) wineStr <- paste( wineStr, " ", sep="" );

  ## now go through the modes
  if( mode$mode == "single" ){
    ## The original
    #if( isWindows() ) {
    #  addCommandR( paste( "\"", pbat.get(), "\" \"", commandfile, "\"", sep="" ) #);
    #  ##print( "SINGLE Command" );
    #  ##print( paste( pbat.get(), commandfile ) );
    #  addCommandR( paste( pbat.get(), commandfile ) );

    addCommandR( paste( wineStr, pbat.get(), " ", commandfile, sep="" ) );
  }else if( mode$mode != "cluster" ){
    ## The original multiple spawning method
    for( i in 1:numProcesses ) {
      #if( isWindows() ) {
      #  addCommandR( paste( "\"", pbat.get(), "\" \"", commandfile, "\"",
      #                    " ", i, " ", numProcesses, sep="" ) );
      #  ##print( "MULTIPLE Command" );
      #  ##print( paste( pbat.get(), commandfile, i, numProcesses ) );
      #  addCommandR( paste( pbat.get(), commandfile, i, numProcesses ) );

      addCommandR( paste( wineStr, pbat.get(), " ", commandfile, " ", i, " ", numProcesses,  sep="" ) );
    ## The bsub method for clusters... rather inefficient, but it's for clusters that don't support the above.

    clearCommandsR(); ## remember otherwise it spin-locks

    filenameSH <- rep( "", numProcesses );
    filenameTouch <- rep( "", numProcesses );
    finished <- 0;

    for( i in 1:numProcesses ) {
      ## set the filenames
      filenameSH[i] <- paste( 'pbatCluster', curTimeStamp, '.', i, '.sh', sep="" );
      filenameTouch[i] <- paste( 'pbatCluster', curTimeStamp, '.', i, '.touch', sep="" );

      ## create the shell file
      file <- file( filenameSH[i], 'w' );
      ##print( "CLUSTER Command" );
      ##print( paste( pbat.get(), commandfile, i, numProcesses ) );
      #catn( pbat.get(), commandfile, i, numProcesses, file=file );
      catn( pbat.getwine(), pbat.get(), commandfile, i, numProcesses, file=file );
      catn( 'touch', filenameTouch[i], file=file );  ## add an is.finished() command for some people?

      ## run the shell file (well, add it to the queue)
      addCommandR( paste( mode$cluster, " ", wineStr, filenameSH[i], sep="" ) );

    ## now run all of the shell files

    ## wait for all the files to have been 'touched'
    if( CLUSTER.TIME>0 ){
      while( finished != numProcesses ) {
        if( file.exists(filenameTouch[finished+1]) ){
          ## The next file in line finished
          finished <- finished+1;
          ## It isn't finished, so sleep so it doesn't eat up CPU time
          Sys.sleep( CLUSTER.TIME );
      print( "Commands have been batched. When you quit, save your workspace [q(save='yes')], and restore it later. Check whether it has finished with is.finished(res) to be sure." );

    ## Delete all the .sh and .touch files
    for( i in 1:numProcesses ) {
      file.remove( filenameSH[i] );
      file.remove( filenameTouch[i] );

  ##if( !file.exists( TMPOUT ) )
  ##  stop( "Either pbat execution was terminated, or pbat executable couldn't be found.  In the latter case, you need the 'pbat' software - see set.pbat() for more details and a web-link to download." ); # this might not work... seems to so far though :)
  ##printFile( TMPOUT ); # So we can see the pbat output... anyway to tell if erred?

  # if logrank, plot the picture
  if( fbat=="logrank" )

  # future expansion, maybe load in some of the results (if gee/pc),
  #  and sort them by conditional power...

  # Get the getPbatlog()
  ##print( "loading logfile" );
  ##print( logfile );
  ##res <- loadPbatlog( logfile );
    res <- loadPbatlogExtended( logfile ); ## 01/09/2006
    res <- NULL;

  pbatObj <- list();
  pbatObj$call <- NULL; # set by upper function
  pbatObj$pbat.call <- res$call; ## This isn't as good anymore...
  pbatObj$results <- res$data;
  pbatObj$rcode <- logrank.outfile;
  pbatObj$results.logfile <- logfile;
  if( fbat!="logrank" ) pbatObj$rcode <- "";
  pbatObj$fbat <- fbat;
  pbatObj$commandfile <- commandfile; ## Addition so it can be cleaned
  ##print( names(pbatObj) );
  class(pbatObj) <- c("pbat", "list");
  ##print( names(pbatObj) );

  if( CLUSTER.TIME==0 && mode$mode=='cluster' ){
    ## new additions for is.finished
    pbatObj$filenameTouch <- filenameTouch;
    pbatObj$filenameSH <- filenameSH;

  ## New 06/10/2006 - addendum
  ## res$call isn't very good, so load in the `logfile' instead?
  cfile <- file( commandfile )
  pbatObj$pbat.call <- readLines( cfile )
  close( cfile ) ## wow, causes huge problems if we forget to close...
  ## End of new 06/10/2006

  ## New 09/11/2006 - another PBAT hack to try; this time we try to header
  ##  the data that comes out of PBAT
  ###if( !is.null( pbatObj$results ) &&
  ###   ncol(pbatObj$results)==14 && names(pbatObj$results)[1]=="C0" ){
  ###  ## at least this get's the defaults, but it's really not the best
  ###  names(pbatObj$results) <-
  ###    c( "Group", "snps", "haplotype",  "hap.freq", "model",
  ###      "X..info.fam",  "FBAT.Wilcoxon", "power", "FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.1",
  ###      "weighted.FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.2", "optimal.FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.3" );
  ###  warning( "Miscommunication with PBAT - column headers guessed." );

  ## further modified 01/19/2006
  if( !is.na( pbatObj$results ) &&
      !is.null( pbatObj$results ) && names(pbatObj$results)[1]=="C0" ){
    if( fbat=="logrank" && ncol(pbatObj$results)==14 ){
      names(pbatObj$results) <-
        c( "Group", "snps", "haplotype",  "hap.freq", "model",
           "X..info.fam",  "FBAT.Wilcoxon", "power", "FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.1",
           "weighted.FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.2", "optimal.FBAT.LOGRANK", "power.3" );
    }else if( fbat=="gee" || fbat=="pc" ){
      ## The typical name guessing
      pre.names <- c("group","snps","haplotype","hap.freq","model","X..info.fam","FBAT","FBAT.GxE","power.FBAT","power.FBAT.GxE", "WALD.main", "WALD.GxE");
      ##post.names <- c("heritability")  ## Alteration 7/7/7
      post.names <- paste( "heritability", 1:max.pheno, sep="" )
      if( fbat=="pc" ) post.names <- c( post.names, paste( "fbatpcWeight", 1:max.pheno, sep="" ) )

      phe <- NULL; mid.names <- c("AffectionStatus");
      if( phefile!="" ) {
        phe <- read.phe( phefile );
        mid.names <- c( names(phe)[-c(1,2)], "AffectionStatus");
      ## now we go further, for predictors of higher order...
      ## - the next three lines come into play depending on Christoph's answer
      if( !is.null(preds.order) &&
          length(preds.order)>=1 &&
          !( is.character(preds.order[1]) && preds.order[1]=="" ) ){
        new.order <- order( match(preds,names(phe)) );
        preds <- preds[new.order];
        preds.order <- preds.order[new.order];
        for( i in length(preds.order):1 )
          if( as.integer(preds.order[i]) > 1 )
            for( o in as.integer(preds.order[i]):2 )
              post.names <- c( paste(preds[i],".",o,sep=""), post.names );
      ## and paste together the names!
      guessed.names <- c( pre.names, mid.names, post.names );
      if( length(guessed.names) == ncol(pbatObj$results) ){
        names(pbatObj$results) <- guessed.names;
      }else if( length(guessed.names) > ncol(pbatObj$results) ){
        ## try again -- short output is bloody different
        post.names <- c("formula","heritability");
        guessed.names <- c( pre.names, post.names ); ## leave out the middles
        if( length(guessed.names) == ncol(pbatObj$results) ){
          names(pbatObj$results) <- guessed.names;
          warning("Guessed names length did not match actual column width.");
        ## indicates the guessed names fall short of the number
        ##  of columns that are actually there

        ## Generally this means that there is something here with
        ##  the mi(...), but I don't yet understand then how this
        ##  is titled...
        ## Also tends to have a column of 1's at the end of the
        ##  analysis sometimes.. haven't figured out that either

        if( length(guessed.names) + 9 <= ncol(pbatObj$results) ) {
          mi.names <- c("GxE.DAG.main.effect",
          names(pbatObj$results) <- c(guessed.names,
                                      rep("NA", ncol(pbatObj$results)-length(guessed.names)-length(mi.names)),

          names(pbatObj$results) <- c(guessed.names,
                                      rep("NA", ncol(pbatObj$results)-length(guessed.names)) );

      ## New addition 05/07/2007
      if( all(names(pbatObj$results)[(ncol(pbatObj$results)-2):ncol(pbatObj$results)] == "NA" ) ) {
        print( "Newest input fix." );
        newNames <- names(pbatObj$results);
        newNames <- c( newNames[1:4], "HW","freqParent","HWParents", newNames[5:(length(newNames)-3)] );
        names(pbatObj$results) <- newNames;
    warning( "Miscommunication with PBAT - column headers guessed." );

  ## weN 09/11/2006

  if( is.na(pbatObj$results)
     || is.null(pbatObj$results)
     || nrow(pbatObj$results)==0 ){
    cat( "There are no results.  If you see anything to the effect of 'pbat: command not found', use pbat.set() and set the location of pbat if you have X or windows, otherwise use pbat.set('<full path to pbat>').  Note that the pbat you have will probably have a version number on it.\n" );
    cat( "Additionally try setting min.info=0, although note that these may be numerically unstable.\n" );
    ## 5/17/07
    try( names( pbatObj$results ) <- pbatFilesFixNamesExtra( names( pbatObj$results ) ) )

    ## 6/03/08
    modelCol <- which( names(pbatObj$results) == "model" )
    if( length( modelCol ) > 0 )
      pbatObj$results[[modelCol]] <- factor( pbatObj$results[[modelCol]], levels=0:3, labels=c("a","d","r","h" ) )

  return( pbatObj );

## CLUSTER mode alteration 1
## Check to see if the cluster mode has finished
is.finished <- function( pbatObj=NULL, clean=TRUE ){
  if( is.null(pbatObj) ) pbatObj <- pbat.last();

  if( is.null(pbatObj$filenameTouch) || length(pbatObj)==0 )
    return( NA );

  ## see if all the filenames have been touched
  for( i in 1:length(pbatObj$filenameTouch) ){
    if( !file.exists(pbatObj$filenameTouch[i]) )

  ## and clean up if they've finished
  if( clean ){
    for( i in 1:length(pbatObj$filenameTouch) ){
      file.remove( pbatObj$filenameSH[i] );
      file.remove( pbatObj$filenameTouch[i] );
  return( TRUE );

## CLUSTER mode alteration 2
## Reloading in the output file
pbat.load <- function( pbatObj=NULL ){
  if( is.null(pbatObj) ) pbatObj <- pbat.last();

  pbatObj$results <- loadPbatlogExtended( pbatObj$results.logfile );
  return( pbatObj );

## CLUSTER mode alteration 3
pbat.concatenate <- function( pbatObj=NULL, filename="myResults.txt", clean=FALSE ){
  if( is.null(pbatObj) ) pbatObj <- pbat.last();

  loadPbatlogConcatenate( pbatObj$results.logfile, filename, clean );

#                                                                  #
# Functions on the 'phe' and 'ped' objects.                        #
#                                                                  #

## Kludge for affection status ##
affectionPhe <- function( ped, trait="affected", offset=0.0 ) {
  ## load the dataset into memory potentially
  if( is.sym(ped) ) {
    if( !is.cped(ped) ) {
      ped <- as.ped( ped, clearSym=TRUE )
      ped <- as.cped( ped, clearSym=TRUE )
  ped$AffectionStatus[ped$AffectionStatus==0] <- NA

  ## create a phe file with the affectionStatus
  phe <- as.phe( data.frame( pid=ped$pid, id=ped$id, affected=as.integer(ped$AffectionStatus==2) ) )
  names(phe)[3] <- trait
  phe[[3]] <- phe[[3]] - offset

  return( phe )

## Ordering on phe and ped here is opposite to that of
##  pbat.files! Not so good! But we potentially break
##  others coding if we change it now.
# pbat.obj(..)           <EXTERNAL>                                #
# DESCRIPTION: takes a phe object and a ped "object" {not          #
#   explicitly defined classes, but as described in write.phe()    #
#   and write.ped() }                                              #
# PARAM phe         phe "object" as described in write.phe()       #
#       ped         ped "object" as described in write.ped()       #
#       fileprefix  prefix of the output datafile (phe & ped must  #
#                                                  match)          #
# (PARAM) ...  pbat options, as referenced to in the function      #
#                pbat.files().                                     #
pbat.obj <- function( phe, ped, file.prefix, phenos="", offset="gee", LOAD.OUTPUT=TRUE, ... ) {
  #cat("entered pbat.obj") ## debug hell

  #write.phe( paste( file.prefix, ".phe", sep="" ), phe );
  #write.ped( paste( file.prefix, ".ped", sep="" ), ped );
  #return( pbat.files( file.prefix, ... ) );

  ## Common error by people - check for it and more helpful message
  ##if( !(is.ped(ped) || is.pedlist(ped) ) || !is.phe(phe) ){
  ##  stop( "`phe' must be a phenotype object, and `ped' must be a pedigree object.  A common mistake is to pass the pedigree as the phenotype and vice versa." );
  ## Update 02/25/2007 - phe can be empty
  if( !( is.ped(ped) || is.pedlist(ped) || is.cped(ped) ) )
    stop( "'ped' must be a pedigree object or cnv pedigree object. A common mistake is to switch the order of the phenotype and pedigree object when passing them to the function." );
  if( !is.phe(phe) )
    warning( "'phe' object is either of a wrong class, or unspecified (when you are just using AffectionStatus safe to ignore)." );

  ## Write out files to disk if necessary
  if( !is.sym(ped) ) {
    if( !is.cped(ped) ) {
      write.ped( paste( file.prefix, ".ped", sep="" ), ped );
      pedname <- file.prefix;
      ## ??? WHAT ???
      write.cped( paste( file.prefix, ".cped", sep="" ), ped );
      pedname <- paste( file.prefix, ".cped", sep="" )
    pedname <- get.sym( ped );
  ##cat( "pbatObj pedname", pedname, "\n" );

  ## new, nasty little kludge begin
  if( is.element("AffectionStatus",phenos) ){
    if( is.pped(ped) )
      stop( "AffectionStatus does not currently work with compressed pedigree files (pped files)." )

    ## we'll let the user specify an offset if they like
    newOffset = 0.0
    if( is.numeric( offset ) ) {
      newOffset = offset ## we do it manually
      offset="none"  ## and then tell pbat not to do it

    if( is.null(phe) ) {
      ## sweet, then we can just do it
      phe <- affectionPhe( ped, offset=newOffset )
      ## ugh... we're going to have to merge...
      if( is.element("affected",names(phe)) )
        stop( "You cannot use 'AffectionStatus' when the phenotype file has an element called 'affected'. Try renaming it." )

      ## make sure the phe is in memory
      if( is.sym(phe) )
        phe <- read.phe( get.sym(phe), sym=FALSE )

      phe2 <- affectionPhe( ped, offset=newOffset )
      phe <- as.phe( merge( phe, phe2, by.x=c("pid","id"), by.y=c("pid","id"), all.y=TRUE ) )

    ## and replace it in the call
    phenos[phenos=="AffectionStatus"] <- "affected"
  ## new, nasty little kludge end

  phename <- "";  ## don't always need a phefile
  #if( !is.null(phe) && class(phe)=="phe" ) {
  if( !is.null(phe) && inherits(phe,"phe") ) {
    if( !is.sym(phe) ) {
      write.phe( paste( file.prefix, ".phe", sep="" ), phe );
      phename <- file.prefix;
      phename <- get.sym( phe );

  ##cat( "pbatObj (about to go pbat.files) pedname", pedname, "\n" );
  ## run the command
  res <- pbat.files( pedname, phename, phenos=phenos, offset=offset, LOAD.OUTPUT=LOAD.OUTPUT, ... );

  ## take note of what was symbollic (for the clean routine)
  ##  Nevermind - the clean routine doesn't need this!
  #if( is.sym(ped) )
  #  res$pedSym <- TRUE;
  #if( is.sym(phe) )
  #  res$pheSym <- TRUE;

  #  pbat.clean( res ); ## doesn't delete the logrank stuff

  ## and return the result
  return( res );

# pbat.logrank.replot()                                            #
# DESCRIPTION: (Re)plots the survival graphs from running either   #
#   pbat.logrank(...) or pbat.logrank.files(...)                   #
# PARAM  save  filename to copy the current plotting commands to   #
# PARAM  load  filename to load previously 'save'd plots           #
#               [ or just call source(load) ]                      #
pbat.logrank.replot <- function( save="", load="" ) {
  if( save!="" && load!="" )
    stop( "You can only save or load at a time!" );

  if( save!="" ) {
    file.copy( "spluscode.txt", str.file.extension(save,extension=".R") );
  }else if(load!="" ) {
    source( str.file.extension(load,extension="R") );
    source( "spluscode.txt" ); # call on load or otherwise

# printFile(...)                                                   #
# DESCRIPTION: Like running cat <filename> from unix prompt,       #
#   but from within R.                                             #
# PARAM filename  Name of the file to print out.                   #
printFile <- function( filename ) {
  file = file(filename, "rt", blocking=FALSE );
  ##print( readLines(file) ); ## Alteration 11/15/2005
  lines <- readLines(file);
  if( length(lines)>=1 ) {
    for( i in 1:length(lines) )
      cat( lines[i], "\n" );

# printFile(...)                                                   #
# DESCRIPTION: Like running cat <filename> from unix prompt,       #
#   but from within R.                                             #
# PARAM filename  Name of the file to print out.                   #
printFile2FileQuotesAppend <- function( filename, filenameAppend ) {
  file = file(filename, "rt", blocking=FALSE );
  fileA = file(filenameAppend, "at", blocking=FALSE );
  ##print( readLines(file) ); ## Alteration 11/15/2005
  lines <- readLines(file);
  if( length(lines)>=1 ) {
    for( i in 1:length(lines) )
      cat( "\"", lines[i], "\"", "\n", sep="", file=fileA );
  close(file); ## should fix

#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #
#                                                                  #

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pbatR documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:59 p.m.