
Defines functions pedMarkerNames as.pped read.pped is.pped as.pedlist write.ped rem.dot.a as.ped read.ped sort.ped print.pedlist print.ped is.pedlist is.ped pedlist ped fread.ped

Documented in as.ped as.pedlist as.pped fread.ped is.ped is.pedlist is.pped pedMarkerNames read.ped read.pped sort.ped write.ped

## Thomas Hoffmann                                               #
## CREATED:   2005                                               #
## MODIFIED: 05/23/06                                            #
##                                                               #
## DESCRIPTION:                                                  #
##  'ped' class files (pedigree files)                           #

## WARNING: HARD CODED CONSTANT in this file for the maximum
##  before going pure symbolic.

## See phe.R for explanation of symbollic modification

## Provide a wrapper to load in full dataset
fread.ped <- function( filename, ... )
  return( read.ped( filename, sym=FALSE, ... ) )

## S3 Methods for 'ped' class                                   ##

## There are two different ways to store it.. as ped and a pedlist...

ped <- function( x, ... )
  UseMethod( "ped" );

pedlist <- function( x, ... )
  UseMethod( "pedlist" );

## Modified 09/07/2006 for the pped
is.ped <- function( obj, pure.ped=FALSE ) {
  if( !pure.ped ){
    if( sum( class(obj)=="ped" ) == 1 )
    return( is.ped( obj, pure.ped=FALSE ) & !is.pped(obj) );

is.pedlist <- function( obj ) {
  if( sum( class(obj)=="pedlist" ) == 1 )

## S3 methods
print.ped <- function( x, ... ) {
  if( is.sym( x ) ) {
    if( length(x)==0 ){
      catn( "( pure SYMBOLIC reference -", get.sym(x), ")" )
      cat( "Names: " );
      catn( names(x) );
      catn( "( SYMBOLIC reference -", get.sym(x), ")" )
print.pedlist <- function( x, ... ) {
  if( is.sym( x ) ) {
    if( length(x)==0 ){
      catn( "( pure SYMBOLIC reference -", get.sym(x), ")" )
      cat( "Names: " );
      catn( names(x) );
      catn( "( SYMBOLIC reference -", get.sym(x), ")" )
    for( i in 1:length(x) ){
      cat( names(x)[i], "\n\n", sep="" );
      print( x[[i]] );
sort.ped <- function( x, decreasing=FALSE, ... ) {
  if( !is.sym(x) )
    return( x[ order(x$pid, x$id, decreasing=decreasing), ] )
  stop( "Data is symbolic, i.e. data not fully read into R. Try loading in with read.ped(...,sym=FALSE)) if you really want to do this." )

# read.ped(...)   <EXTERNAL>                                       #
# DESCRIPTION: Reads in the .ped pedigree file, as described in    #
#  the pbat literature.                                            #
# PARAM: filename  filename to open; does not need .ped extension. #
#        format=="ped":      RETURN dataframe with markers         #
#                                   subscripted as .a, .b          #
#                                   (class 'ped')                  #
#        format=="pedlist":   RETURN list with markers being lists #
#                                    with members $a, $b           #
#                                    (class 'pedlist')             #
#        sym                 Toggles symbolic reading (sets attr ) #
read.ped <- function( filename, format="ped", lowercase=TRUE, sym=TRUE, max=100, ... ) {
  # http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/~clange/default.htm                -
  #  * Following the FBAT convention, PBAT pedigree files have the    -
  #    extension *.ped.                                               -
  #  * The first line of the PBAT pedigree file contains the names    -
  #    of the markers.                                                -
  #  * From the second line on, the pedigree file contains the        -
  #    pedigree data. Each line stands for one individual/subject.    -
  #    Each line of the pedigree file starts with the pedigree id,    -
  #    followed by the individual/subject id, the id of the father,   -
  #    the id of the mother, the individual's sex and affection       -
  #    status. After this information, for each marker, both marker   -
  #    alleles are listed. The order of the markers has to correspond -
  #    to the order of the marker names in the first line of the file.-
  #                                                                   -
  # * In the pedigree file, missing alleles, unknown affection status -
  #   and unknown sex are coded as 0?                                 -
  # * If an individual's mother or father is referred to in the       -
  #   pedigree file, but does not have its own entity in the pedigree -
  #   file, PBAT assumes that her/his marker alleles are missing.     -
  # (*) Missing values in the phenotype file have to be coded either as
  #    '.' or '-'.  Coding missing phenotypes as 0 will lead          -
  #     to incorrect results.                                         -


  filename <- str.file.extension( filename, ".ped" );
  if( spaceInFilename(filename) & sym==TRUE )  ## sym==TRUE added 01/14/2008
    stop( spaceInFilenameError(filename) ) ## added 05/17/2007
  ped <- read.badheader( filename, na.strings="", lowercase=lowercase, onlyHeader=sym, max=max, ... ); # 0 is NA only for censor & sex
  firstNames <- c( "pid", "id", "idfath", "idmoth", "sex", "AffectionStatus" );

  if( sym ){
    ## overrides other settings
    if( length(ped$header) < max ){
      pedlist <- data.frame( matrix( 0, nrow=1, ncol=length(firstNames)+length(ped$header) ) );
      names( pedlist ) <- c( firstNames, ped$header );
      class( pedlist ) <- "pedlist";
      return( set.sym( pedlist, filename ) );
      ## We hit the max on the load.. it needs to be pure symbolic
      pedlist <- data.frame(); ## make it empty
      class( pedlist ) <- 'pedlist';
      return( set.sym( pedlist, filename ) );

  if( format=="ped" ) {
    # Then we tack on extensions to each of the markers, so, for example,
    #  suppose we had marker m7, then the dataframe would have m7.a, m7.b;
    #  note, however, that these are unphased.

    tack.extension <- function( strvec, extension ) {
      for( i in 1:length(strvec) ){
        strvec[i] <- paste( strvec[i], extension, sep="" );
      return( strvec );
    alt.vecs <- function( v1, v2 ) {
      if( length(v1)!=length(v2) ) stop("alt.vecs: length must be the same!");
      v <- rep(0,2*length(v1));
      v[seq(1,2*length(v1),by=2)] <- v1;
      v[seq(2,2*length(v1),by=2)] <- v2;

    markerNames <- alt.vecs( tack.extension(ped$header,".a"),
                             tack.extension(ped$header,".b")    );
    names( ped$table ) <- make.names(  c( firstNames, markerNames )  );
    class(ped$table) <- c("ped","data.frame");
    return( ped$table );

  # keep each of the markers the same, but each marker will be a
  #  list of 'a' and 'b' for the two.
  pedlist <- list();
  for( i in 1:length(firstNames) )
    pedlist[[i]] <- ped$table[[i]];
  names( pedlist ) <- firstNames;

  ENTRYPOINT <- length(firstNames)+1;
  for( i in 1:length(ped$header) ) {
    newMarker <- list( a=ped$table[[idx1]], b=ped$table[[idx2]] );
    pedlist[[length(pedlist)+1]] <- newMarker;
    names(pedlist)[length(pedlist)] <- ped$header[i];
  class(pedlist) <- c("pedlist","list"); #OUCH!
} ## VERIFIED ## (with 'total' dataset)

as.ped <- function( x,
                    pid="pid", id="id", idfath="idfath",
                    idmoth="idmoth", sex="sex", affection="AffectionStatus",
                    clearSym=FALSE )
  if( is.sym(x) ){
    if( clearSym==TRUE )
      return( read.ped( get.sym(x), sym=FALSE ) );
    return( x );

  if( is.ped(x) )

  if( is.pedlist(x) ) {
    # convert it
    tmpdf = x;
    remList <- c();
    for( i in 1:length(x) ) {
      if( is.list(x[[i]]) ){
        remList <- c(remList, i); # to be removed later...
        tmpdf[[length(tmpdf)+1]] <- x[[i]][[1]];
        tmpdf[[length(tmpdf)+1]] <- x[[i]][[2]];
        name1 <- paste( names(x)[i], ".a", sep="" );
        name2 <- paste( names(x)[i], ".b", sep="" );
        jj <- length(tmpdf);
        names(tmpdf)[(jj-1):jj] <- c(name1,name2);
    df <- data.frame( tmpdf[-remList] );
    class(df) <- c("ped", "data.frame");
    return( df )

  if( is.data.frame(x) ) {
    # The we just need to ensure the proper ordering...

    # ensure proper ordering
    idpedCol <- x[pid];
    idsubCol <- x[id];
    idfathCol <- x[idfath];
    idmothCol <- x[idmoth];
    idsexCol <- x[sex];
    idAffectionCol <- x[affection];
    df <- dfr.r( x, c(pid,id,idfath,idmoth,sex,affection) );
    df <- cbind( idpedCol, idsubCol, idfathCol, idmothCol,
                 idsexCol, idAffectionCol, df );
    names(df)[1:6] <- c("pid","id","idfath","idmoth","sex","AffectionStatus");
    class(df) <- c("ped", "data.frame" );
    return( df );
  stop( "parameter 'x' must be of class 'ped', 'pedlist', or 'data.frame'." );

rem.dot.a <- function( strVec ){
  for( i in 1:length(strVec) ){
    dotloc <- strlen(strVec[i])-1;
    if( substring( strVec[i], dotloc, dotloc )!="." ) #@$%!!!
      stop( "write.ped: malformed header" );
    strVec[i] <- substring( strVec[i], 1, strlen(strVec[i])-2 ); #@$%!!!

    #if( substring( strVec[i], dotloc, dotloc )=="." ) #@$%!!!
    #  strVec[i] <- substring( strVec[i], 1, strlen(strVec[i])-2 ); #@$%!!!
  return( strVec );

# write.ped(...)  <EXTERNAL>                                       #
# Writes a pedigree file out from the proper data format.          #
# PARAM file  string or connection for file output                 #
write.ped <- function( file, ped ) {
  # assuming its in a dataframe format...
  # also assuming that "marker.a" and "marker.b" are next to each
  #  other in the data frame...

  if( is.character(file) ){
    file <- str.file.extension(file,".ped");

  if( is.sym(cped) )
    stop( "ped object is symbolic -- it was not really read into R. Thus you did not modify it, and so there is no point to doing this." )

  if( is.pedlist(ped) )
    ped <- as.ped(ped); # convert to 'ped' instead of 'pedlist'

  if( !is.ped(ped) )
    stop( "Can only write objects of class 'ped'.  See as.ped(...)" );

  #markerNames <- unique( rem.dot.a( names()[7:length(
  header <- unique( rem.dot.a( names(ped)[7:length(ped)] ) );

  # and dump it to file!
  write.badheader( file, ped, header );

as.pedlist <- function( x,
                        pid="pid", id="id", idfath="idfath",
                        idmoth="idmoth", sex="sex", affection="AffectionStatus",
                        clearSym=FALSE ) {
  if( is.sym(x) ){
    if( clearSym==TRUE )
      return( read.ped( get.sym(x), sym=FALSE, format="pedlist" ) );
    return( x );

  if( is.pedlist(x) )

  if( is.data.frame(x) )
    x <- as.ped( x, pid, id, idfath, idmoth, sex, affection );

  if( !is.ped(x) )
    stop( "'x' must be of class 'ped' or 'data.frame'." );

  header <- unique( rem.dot.a( names(x)[-c(1:6)] ) );
  firstNames <- c( "pid", "id", "idfath", "idmoth", "sex", "AffectionStatus" );

  # keep each of the markers the same, but each marker will be a
  #  list of 'a' and 'b' for the two.
  pedlist <- list();
  for( i in 1:length(firstNames) )
    pedlist[[i]] <- x[[i]];
  names( pedlist ) <- firstNames;

  ENTRYPOINT <- length(firstNames)+1;
  for( i in 1:length(header) ) {
    newMarker <- list( a=x[[idx1]], b=x[[idx2]] );
    pedlist[[length(pedlist)+1]] <- newMarker;
    names(pedlist)[length(pedlist)] <- header[i];
  class(pedlist) <- c("pedlist","list");


## pped stuff
is.pped <- function( obj ){
  if( is.sym(obj) & file.extension(get.sym(obj))=="pped" )
read.pped <- function( filename, max=100 ){
  ## mirrors the symbolic piece of read.ped
  filename <- str.file.extension( filename, "pped" );
  if( !file.exists(filename) )
    stop( paste( "Cannot open '", filename, "' - file does not exist.", sep="" ) );

  ## addition to load in the names of the compressed format if possible
  file <- file( filename, open="r" );
  numNames <- as.numeric( readLines( file, n=1 ) );
  if( numNames < max ) {
    firstNames <- c( "pid", "id", "idfath", "idmoth", "sex", "AffectionStatus" );
    new.names <- readLines( file, n=numNames );
    close( file );
    pedlist <- data.frame( matrix( 0, nrow=1, ncol=length(firstNames)+length(new.names) ) );
    names( pedlist ) <- c( firstNames, new.names );
    class( pedlist ) <- "pedlist";
    return( set.sym( pedlist, filename ) );
  close( file );

  ## otherwise back to being pure symbolic...
  pedlist <- data.frame();
  class( pedlist ) <- 'pedlist';
  return( set.sym( pedlist, filename ) );
as.pped <- function( ped, ppedname="" ){
  ## Get the filename
  kill <- FALSE;

  ## we _do_ need the 'pbatdata.txt' file, despite it doing
  ##  absolutely nothing!  ah well, probably need it later anyway

  pedname <- "killme.ped";
  if( is.sym(ped) ) {
    pedname <- get.sym( ped );
    if( ppedname=="" ){
      ppedname <- file.strip.extension( pedname ); ## get rid of the .ped
      ppedname <- paste( ppedname, ".pped", sep="" );
    kill <- TRUE;
    ## pedname is set
    if( ppedname=="" )
      ppedname <- "pped.pped";

  ## make sure the file doesn't exist
  if( file.exists(ppedname) )
    stop( paste( "The file '", ppedname, "' already exists.", sep="" ) );

  ## do we need to write a temporary pedigree file?
  if( kill )
    write.ped( pedname, ped );

  ## create the batchfile to convert
  pbatfile <- file( "killme.txt", open="w" );
  cat( "pedfile ", pedname, "\n", sep="", file=pbatfile );
  cat( "xwriteped ", ppedname, "\n", sep="", file=pbatfile );
  close( pbatfile );
  #print( paste( pbat.get(), "killme.txt" ) ); ## debug only

  ##if( isWindows() ) {
  ##  system( paste( "\"", pbat.get(), "\" killme.txt", sep="") ); ## assuming don't need pbatdata.txt?
  ##  system( paste( pbat.get(), "killme.txt" ) );
  ## 09/25/2007 update
  wineStr <- pbat.getwine();
  if( wineStr != "" ) wineStr <- paste( wineStr, " ", sep="" );
  system( paste( wineStr, pbat.get(), " ", "killme.txt", sep="" ) );

  ## and kill the temp files
  file.remove( "killme.txt" );
  ## important to be very safe with this
  if( pedname == "killme.ped" & kill==TRUE )
    file.remove( "killme.ped" );

  print( pedname );
  print( ppedname );

  return( read.pped( ppedname ) );

## DEPRECATED: see plot.pedigree.R for an awesome rewrite
## NEW! Plotting routines
# plotPed <- function( ped, sink=NULL ) {
#   require( kinship ) ## replaced from 'library' for codetools...
#   ## is it symbolic? it can't be for these routines...
#   if( is.sym(ped) )
#     ped <- as.ped( ped, clearSym=TRUE )
#   ## move it to their format
#   if( any( ped$sex==0 ) )
#     ped$sex[ped$sex==0] <- 3;
#   ## Huh? the documentation on this package doesn't make much sense...
#   #ped$affection <- 0
#   #ped$affection[ped$AffectionStatus==2] <- 1
#   ped$affection <- ped$AffectionStatus
#   ## If sink = filename, sink each plot to a file!
#   ## See if we should sink it to file
#   if( !is.null(sink) ) {
#     pdf( sink );
#   }else{
#     par(ask=TRUE);
#   }
#   for( pid in unique(ped$pid) ) {
#     ## pull out the pedigree piece
#     subPed <- ped[ ped$pid==pid, ]
#     ## fix it so it's their program happy
#     pedigr <- pedigree(id = subPed$id, dadid=subPed$idfath, momid=subPed$idmoth, sex=subPed$sex, affected=subPed$affection)
#     print( pedigr )
#     print( str(pedigr) )
#     SUCCESS <- FALSE;  ## sometimes it fails...
#     try( {
#       plot( pedigr );
#       title( pid );
#       SUCCESS <- TRUE;
#     } );
#     if( !SUCCESS )
#       print( paste( "Plotting pedigree", pid, "failed." ) );
#   }
#   ## Close off the filename if necessary
#   if( !is.null(sink) )
#     dev.off()
# }

## 12/07/2008
pedMarkerNames <- function( ped ) {
  if( is.sym(ped) ) {
    if( length(ped)==0 )
      stop( "Pedigree is completely symbolic, try reading it in with 'fread.ped' instead of 'read.ped'.")
    return( names(ped)[7:length(ped)] )
  n <- names(ped)[seq(from=7, to=ncol(ped), by=2)]
  return(  substring( n, 1, nchar(n)-2 )  )

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