
Defines functions identify.networx closest.node closest.edge plot2D plotRGL plot.networx edgeLabels kugel2kart kreis2kart kart2kreis kart2kugel coords coords.equal.angle spl2angle circ.mean deg2rad rad2deg reorder.networx consensusNet as.networx.phylo as.networx.splits removeTrivialSplits addTrivialSplits as.networx circNetwork addEdge splits2design degree allCircularSplits allSplits

Documented in addTrivialSplits allCircularSplits allSplits as.networx as.networx.phylo as.networx.splits consensusNet coords identify.networx plot.networx removeTrivialSplits

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
allSplits <- function(k, labels = NULL) {
  result <- lapply(1:(2^(k - 1) - 1), dec2Bin)
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- (as.character(1:k))
  attr(result, "labels") <- labels
  class(result) <- "splits"

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
allCircularSplits <- function(k, labels = NULL) {
  fun <- function(x, y) {
    tmp <- (1L:y) + x
    tmp %% (k + 1L) + tmp %/% (k + 1L)

  k <- as.integer(k)
  l <- (k - 1L) %/% 2L
  res <- vector("list", k * (k - 1L) / 2)
  res[1:k] <- 1L:k
  ind <- k
  if (k > 3) {
    if (k > 4L) {
      for (i in 2:l) {
        res[(ind + 1):(ind + k)] <- lapply(0L:(k - 1L), fun, i)
        ind <- ind + k
    if ( (k %% 2L) == 0) {
      m <- k %/% 2
      res[(ind + 1):(ind + m)] <- lapply(0L:(m - 1L), fun, m)
  res <- lapply(res, sort)
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:k)
  attr(res, "labels") <- labels
  attr(res, "cycle") <- 1:k
  class(res) <- "splits"

degree <- function(x){

splits2design <- function(obj, weight = NULL, x=TRUE) {
  labels <- attr(obj, "labels")
  m <- length(labels)
  n <- length(obj)
  l <- 1:m
  sl <- lengths(obj)
  p0 <- sl * (m - sl)
  p <- c(0, cumsum(p0))
  i <- numeric(max(p))
  for (k in 1:n) {
    sp <- obj[[k]]
    if (p0[k] != 0) i[(p[k] + 1):p[k + 1]] <- getIndex(sp, l[-sp], m)
  dims <- c(m * (m - 1) / 2, n)
  if(x) return(sparseMatrix(i = i, p = p, x=1, dims = dims) )
  sparseMatrix(i = i, p = p, dims = dims)

addEdge <- function(network, desc, spl) {
  edge <- network$edge
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  nTips <- length(network$tip.label)

  desc2 <- SHORTwise(desc) #, nTips)
  split <- desc2[spl]

  index <- network$splitIndex
  ind <- which(compatible(split, desc2[index]) == 1)
  if (is.null(ind) | (length(ind) == 0)) return(network)
  add <- TRUE

  v <- sort(match(split[[1]], edge[,2]))

  fromTo <- intersect(attr(desc, "cycle"), split[[1]])
  fromTo <- parent[match(fromTo, child)]
  g <- graph(t(edge), directed = FALSE)
  ind <- NULL
  for (i in 2:length(fromTo)) {
    d <- all_shortest_paths(g, fromTo[i - 1], fromTo[i])$res
    sptmp <- unlist( lapply(d, \(d) E(g, path=d)) )
    ind <- c(ind, sptmp) # [-c(1, length(sptmp))])
  ind <- unique(ind)

  oldNodes <- unique(as.vector(edge[ind, ]))
  mNodes <- max(network$edge)
  newNodes <- (mNodes + 1L):(mNodes + length(oldNodes))

  # duplicated splits
  dSpl <- edge[ind, ]
  edge2 <- edge[v, ]
  for (i in seq_along(oldNodes)) {
    edge2[edge2 == oldNodes[i]] <- newNodes[i]
  edge[v, ] <- edge2

  # alle Splits verdoppeln
  for (i in seq_along(oldNodes)) dSpl[dSpl == oldNodes[i]] <- newNodes[i]
  edge <- rbind(edge, dSpl, deparse.level = 0) # experimental: no labels
  index <- c(index, index[ind])
  # neu zu alt verbinden
  edge <- rbind(edge, cbind(oldNodes, newNodes), deparse.level = 0)
  index <- c(index, rep(spl, length(oldNodes)))
  network$edge <- edge
  network$Nnode <- max(edge) - nTips
  network$splitIndex <- index

## as.splits.phylo
circNetwork <- function(x, ord = NULL) {
  if (is.null(ord)) ord <- attr(x, "cycle")

  weight <- attr(x, "weights")
  if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(x))
  nTips <- length(ord)
  tmp <- which(ord == 1)
  if (tmp != 1) ord <- c(ord[tmp:nTips], ord[1:(tmp - 1)])
  res <- stree(nTips, tip.label = attr(x, "labels"))
  res$edge[, 2] <- ord
  res$edge.length <- NULL
  x <- SHORTwise(x) #, nTips)
  spRes <- as.splits(res)[res$edge[, 2]]
  index <- match(spRes, x)

  if (any(is.na(index))) {
    l.na <- sum(is.na(index))
    x <- c(x, spRes[is.na(index)])
    weight <- c(weight, rep(0, l.na))
    index <- match(spRes, x)

  l <- lengths(ONEwise(x))
  l2 <- lengths(x)

  tmp <- countCycles(x, ord = ord)
  ind <- which(tmp == 2 & l2 > 1) # & l<nTips changed with ordering

  #    ind = ind[order(l[ind])]
  ind <- ind[order(l2[ind], decreasing = TRUE)]

  dm2 <- as.matrix(compatible(x, x[ind]))

  X <- as.matrix(x)[, ord]
  Y <- X
  rsY <- rowSums(Y)
  X <- X[ind, ]

  for (k in seq_along(ind)) {
    Vstart <- ord[1]
    Vstop <- ord[nTips]
    ordStart <- 1
    ordStop <- nTips
    for (j in 2:nTips) {

      if (X[k, j - 1] < X[k, j]) {
        Vstart <- ord[j]
        ordStart <- j
      if (X[k, j - 1] > X[k, j]) {
        Vstop <- ord[j - 1]
        ordStop <- j - 1
    fromTo <- ordStart:ordStop
    if (ordStart > ordStop) fromTo <- c(ordStart:nTips, 1:ordStop)
    fromTo <- ord[fromTo]
    g <- graph(t(res$edge), directed = FALSE)

    isChild <- (rsY == (Y %*% X[k, ]))[index]
    sp2 <- NULL
    sp0 <- NULL

    for (i in 2:length(fromTo)) {
      sptmp <- shortest_paths(g, fromTo[i - 1], fromTo[i],
        output = c("epath"))$epath[[1]]
      sp2 <- c(sp2, sptmp[-c(1, length(sptmp))])
      sp0 <- c(sp0, sptmp)
    sp0 <- unique(sp0)

    if (length(sp2) > 0) {
      #            blub = which(dm[index[sp2], ind[k]]>0)
      TMP <- rowSums(dm2[index[sp2], 1:k, drop = FALSE])
      blub <- which(TMP > 0)
      sp2 <- sp2[blub]
    if (length(sp2) == 0) {
      isChild <- (rsY == (Y %*% X[k, ]))[index]
      sp0 <- which(isChild == TRUE)
      edge1 <- unique(as.vector(res$edge[sp0, ]))
      edge2 <- as.vector(res$edge[-sp0, ])
      asdf <- edge1 %in% edge2
      sp <- edge1[asdf]
    if (length(sp2) > 0) sp <- unique(as.vector(t(res$edge[sp2, ])))
    parent <- res$edge[, 1]
    child <- res$edge[, 2]

    j <- ord[which(X[k, ] == 1)]
    anc <- unique(parent[match(j, child)])

    maxVert <- max(parent)
    l <- length(sp)

    newVert <- (maxVert + 1):(maxVert + l)
    sp01 <- setdiff(sp0, sp2)
    for (i in 1:l) res$edge[sp01, ][res$edge[sp01, ] == sp[i]] <- newVert[i]

    newindex <- rep(ind[k], l)
    if (length(sp) > 1) newindex <- c(index[sp2], newindex)
    index <- c(index, newindex)
    # connect new and old vertices
    newEdge <- matrix(cbind(sp, newVert), ncol = 2)
    if (length(sp) > 1) {
      # copy edges
      qwer <- match(as.vector(res$edge[sp2, ]), sp)
      newEdge <- rbind(matrix(newVert[qwer], ncol = 2), newEdge)

    res$edge <- rbind(res$edge, newEdge)
    res$Nnode <-  max(res$edge) - nTips

    res$splitIndex <- index
    res$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(res$edge))
    class(res) <- c("networx", "phylo")
    attr(res, "order") <- NULL
  res$edge.length <- weight[index]  # ausserhalb
  res$Nnode <-  max(res$edge) - nTips
  res$splitIndex <- index
  res$splits <- x
  class(res) <- c("networx", "phylo")
  attr(res, "order") <- NULL

#' Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
#' \code{as.networx} convert \code{splits} objects into a \code{networx}
#' object. And most important there exists a generic \code{plot} function to
#' plot phylogenetic network or split graphs.
#' @details A \code{networx} object hold the information for a phylogenetic
#' network and extends the \code{phylo} object. Therefore some generic function
#' for \code{phylo} objects will also work for \code{networx} objects.  The
#' argument \code{planar = TRUE} will create a planar split graph based on a
#' cyclic ordering. These objects can be nicely plotted in \code{"2D"}.
#' @aliases networx
#' @param x an object of class \code{"splits"} or \code{"phylo"}
#' @param planar logical whether to produce a planar graph from only cyclic
#' splits (may excludes splits).
#' @param coord add coordinates of the nodes, allows to reproduce the plot.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @note The internal representation is likely to change.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{consensusNet}}, \code{\link{neighborNet}},
#' \code{\link{splitsNetwork}}, \code{\link{hadamard}},
#' \code{\link{distanceHadamard}}, \code{\link{plot.networx}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{evonet}}, \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}}
#' @references
#' Schliep, K., Potts, A. J., Morrison, D. A. and Grimm, G. W. (2017),
#' Intertwining phylogenetic trees and networks. \emph{Methods Ecol Evol}.
#' \bold{8}, 1212--1220. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12760
#' @keywords plot
#' @importFrom igraph graph
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' tree1 <- rtree(20, rooted=FALSE)
#' sp <- as.splits(rNNI(tree1, n=10))
#' net <- as.networx(sp)
#' plot(net)
#' \dontrun{
#' # also see example in consensusNet
#' example(consensusNet)
#' }
#' @rdname as.networx
#' @export as.networx
as.networx <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "networx"))

#' @export
addTrivialSplits <- function(obj) {
  label <- attr(obj, "labels")
  nTips <- length(label)
  weight <- attr(obj, "weights")
  if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(obj))
  STree <- stree(nTips, tip.label = attr(obj, "labels"))
  STree$edge.length <- NULL
  spRes <- as.splits(STree)[STree$edge[, 2]]
  tmpIndex <- match(spRes, SHORTwise(obj))
  if (any(is.na(tmpIndex))) {
    l.na <- sum(is.na(tmpIndex))
    obj <- c(obj, spRes[is.na(tmpIndex)])
    weight <- c(weight, rep(0, l.na))
    attr(obj, "weights") <- weight

#' @export
removeTrivialSplits <- function(obj) {
  nTips <- length(attr(obj, "labels"))
  l <- lengths(obj)
  ind <- which( (l == 0L) | (l == 1L) | (l == nTips) | (l == (nTips - 1L)))

#' @rdname as.networx
#' @importFrom igraph shortest_paths all_shortest_paths decompose E
#' @importFrom Matrix spMatrix
#' @method as.networx splits
#' @export
as.networx.splits <- function(x, planar = FALSE, coord = "none", ...) {
  label <- attr(x, "labels")
  coord <- match.arg(coord, c("none", "equal angle", "3D", "2D"))
  x <- addTrivialSplits(x)
  nTips <- length(label)
  x <- ONEwise(x)
  l <- lengths(x)
  if (any(l == nTips)) x <- x[l != nTips] # get rid of trivial splits
  l <- lengths(x)

  weight <- attr(x, "weights")
  if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1, length(x))
  attr(x, "weights") <- weight

  ext <- sum(l == 1 | l == (nTips - 1))
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "cycle"))) {
    c.ord <- attr(x, "cycle")
  else c.ord <- cophenetic(x) |> getOrderingNN()

  attr(x, "cycle") <- c.ord
  # check for star tree
  if(length(x)==nTips) return(as.phylo(x))
  # which splits are in circular ordering
  circSplits <- which(countCycles(x, ord = c.ord) == 2)
  if (length(circSplits) == length(x)) planar <- TRUE
  tmp <- circNetwork(x, c.ord)
  attr(tmp, "order") <- NULL
  if (planar) {

  dm <- as.matrix(compatible(x))
  ll <- lengths(x)
  ind <- tmp$splitIndex     # match(sp, x)
  ind2 <- union(ind, which(ll == 0)) # which(duplicated(x))
  ind2 <- union(ind2, which(ll == nTips))
  ord <- order(colSums(dm))
  ord <- setdiff(ord, ind2)
  if (length(ord) > 0) {
    for (i in seq_along(ord)) {
      tmp <- addEdge(tmp, x, ord[i])
      tmp$edge.length <- weight[tmp$splitIndex]
      tmp$Nnode <- max(tmp$edge) - nTips
      class(tmp) <- c("networx", "phylo")
  tmp$edge.length <- weight[tmp$splitIndex]
  tmp$Nnode <- max(tmp$edge) - nTips
  attr(x, "cycle") <- c.ord
  tmp$splits <- x
  class(tmp) <- c("networx", "phylo")
  tmp <- reorder(tmp)
  coord <- match.arg(coord)
  vert <- switch(coord,
    "none" = NULL,
    "equal angle" = coords.equal.angle(tmp),
    "2D" = coords(tmp, dim = "2D"),
    "3D" = coords(tmp, dim = "3D"))
  #    attr(tmp, "coords") <- coordinates
  tmp$plot <- list(vertices = vert)

#' @rdname as.networx
#' @method as.networx phylo
#' @export
as.networx.phylo <- function(x, ...) {
  spl <- as.splits(x)
  spl <- spl[x$tree[, 2]]
  x$splitIndex <- seq_len( nrow(x$edge) )
  x$splits <- spl
  class(x) <- c("networx", "phylo")

# as.igraph.networx <- function(x, directed=FALSE){
#    graph(t(x$edge), directed=directed)
# }

#' Computes a consensusNetwork from a list of trees Computes a \code{networx}
#' object from a collection of splits.
#' Computes a consensusNetwork, i.e. an object of class \code{networx} from a
#' list of trees, i.e. an class of class \code{multiPhylo}. Computes a
#' \code{networx} object from a collection of splits.
#' @param obj An object of class multiPhylo.
#' @param prob the proportion a split has to be present in all trees to be
#' represented in the network.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{consensusNet} returns an object of class networx.  This is
#' just an intermediate to plot phylogenetic networks with igraph.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{splitsNetwork}}, \code{\link{neighborNet}},
#' \code{\link{lento}}, \code{\link{distanceHadamard}},
#' \code{\link{plot.networx}}, \code{\link{maxCladeCred}}
#' @references Holland B.R., Huber K.T., Moulton V., Lockhart P.J. (2004) Using
#' consensus networks to visualize contradictory evidence for species
#' phylogeny. \emph{Molecular Biology and Evolution}, \bold{21}, 1459--61
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' data(Laurasiatherian)
#' set.seed(1)
#' bs <- bootstrap.phyDat(Laurasiatherian, FUN = function(x)nj(dist.hamming(x)),
#'     bs=50)
#' cnet <- consensusNet(bs, .3)
#' plot(cnet)
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgl)
#' open3d()
#' plot(cnet, type = "3D", show.tip.label=FALSE, show.nodes=TRUE)
#' plot(cnet, type = "equal angle", show.edge.label=TRUE)
#' tmpfile <- normalizePath(system.file(
#'               "extdata/trees/RAxML_bootstrap.woodmouse", package="phangorn"))
#' trees <- read.tree(tmpfile)
#' cnet_woodmouse <- consensusNet(trees, .3)
#' plot(cnet_woodmouse, type = "equal angle", show.edge.label=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export consensusNet
consensusNet <- function(obj, prob = 0.3, ...) {
  l <- length(obj)
  spl <- as.splits(obj)
  w <- attr(spl, "weights")
  ind <- (w / l) > prob
  spl <- spl[ind]
  attr(spl, "confidences") <- (w / l)[ind]
  #    attr(spl, "weights") = w[ind]
  res <- as.networx(spl)
  res$edge.labels <- as.character(res$edge.length / l * 100)
  res$edge.labels[res$edge[, 2] <= length(res$tip.label)] <- ""

#' @export
reorder.networx <- function(x, order =  "cladewise", index.only = FALSE, ...) {
  order <- match.arg(order, c("cladewise", "postorder"))
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "order")))
    if (attr(x, "order") == order)
  g <- graph(t(x$edge))
  if (order == "cladewise") neword <- topo_sort(g, "out")
  else neword <- topo_sort(g, "in")
  neworder <- order(match(x$edge[, 1], neword))
  if (index.only) return(neworder)
  x$edge <- x$edge[neworder, ]
  if (!is.null(x$edge.length))
    x$edge.length <- x$edge.length[neworder]
  if (!is.null(x$edge.labels))
    x$edge.labels <- x$edge.labels[neworder]
  if (!is.null(x$splitIndex)) x$splitIndex <- x$splitIndex[neworder]
  attr(x, "order") <- order

# some trigonemetric functions
rad2deg <- function(rad) (rad * 180) / (pi)
deg2rad <- function(deg) (deg * pi) / (180)

# circular mean
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_of_circular_quantities
circ.mean <- function(deg) {
  rad.m <- (deg * pi) / (180)
  mean.cos <- mean(cos(rad.m))
  mean.sin <- mean(sin(rad.m))

  theta <- rad2deg(atan(mean.sin / mean.cos))
  if (mean.cos < 0) theta <- theta + 180
  if ((mean.sin < 0) & (mean.cos > 0)) theta <- theta + 360

spl2angle <- function(x) {
  l <- length(attr(x, "labels"))
  ord <- 1:l
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "cycle"))) ord <- attr(x, "cycle")
  x <- changeOrder(x, attr(x, "labels")[ord])
  y <- lapply(x, function(x, l) (x - 1) / l * 360, l = l)
  angle <- vapply(y, circ.mean, 0) |> deg2rad()
  # angle <- ((vapply(x, sum, 0) / lengths(x) - 1) / l ) * 2*pi
  # kreis2kart(attr(x, "weight"), angle)

coords.equal.angle <- function(obj) {
  if (is.null(attr(obj, "order")) || (attr(obj, "order") == "postorder"))
    obj <- reorder.networx(obj)
  spl <- obj$splits
  spl <- SHORTwise(spl) #, length(obj$tip.label))
  l <- length(obj$edge.length)
#  ind1 <- which(!duplicated(obj$splitIndex))
  n <- max(obj$edge)
  angle <- spl2angle(spl)
  weight <- attr(spl, "weight")
  k <- matrix(0, max(obj$splitIndex), 2)

  res <- matrix(0, max(obj$edge), 2)
  for (i in 1:l) { # unique(obj$splitIndex)
    j <- obj$edge[i, 1]
    m <- obj$edge[i, 2]
    p <- obj$splitIndex[i]
    res[m, ] <- res[j, ] + kreis2kart(weight[p], angle[p])

#' @rdname phangorn-internal
#' @export
coords <- function(obj, dim = "3D") {
  #    if(is.null(attr(obj,"order")) || (attr(obj, "order")=="postorder") )
  #        obj = reorder.networx(obj)

  if (dim == "equal_angle") return(coords.equal.angle(obj))

  l <- length(obj$edge.length)
  ind1 <- which(!duplicated(obj$splitIndex))

  n <- max(obj$edge)
  adj <- spMatrix(n, n, i = obj$edge[, 2], j = obj$edge[, 1],
                  x = rep(1, length(obj$edge.length)))
  g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, "undirected")
  #    add this
  #    g2 <- graph(t(obj$edge), directed=FALSE)
  #    g2 <- set.edge.attribute(g, "weight", value=rep(1, nrow(obj$edge))
  if (dim == "3D") {
    coord <- layout_nicely(g, dim = 3)
    k <- matrix(0, max(obj$splitIndex), 3)
    for (i in ind1) {
      tmp <- coord[obj$edge[i, 2], ] - coord[obj$edge[i, 1], ]
      k[obj$splitIndex[i], ] <- kart2kugel(tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3])
    k[obj$splitIndex[ind1], 1] <- obj$edge.length[ind1]

    res <- matrix(0, vcount(g), 3)
    for (i in 1:l) {
      j <- obj$edge[i, 1]
      m <- obj$edge[i, 2]
      p <- obj$splitIndex[i]
      res[m, ] <- res[j, ] + kugel2kart(k[p, 1], k[p, 2], k[p, 3])
  else {
    coord <- layout_nicely(g, dim = 2)
    k <- matrix(0, max(obj$splitIndex), 2)
    for (i in ind1) {
      tmp <- coord[obj$edge[i, 2], ] - coord[obj$edge[i, 1], ]
      k[obj$splitIndex[i], ] <- kart2kreis(tmp[1], tmp[2])
    k[obj$splitIndex[ind1], 1] <- obj$edge.length[ind1]
    res <- matrix(0, vcount(g), 2)
    for (i in 1:l) {
      j <- obj$edge[i, 1]
      m <- obj$edge[i, 2]
      p <- obj$splitIndex[i]
      res[m, ] <- res[j, ] + kreis2kart(k[p, 1], k[p, 2])

kart2kugel <- function(x, y, z) {
  r <- sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
  alpha <- atan(sqrt(x * x + y * y) / z)
  if (z < 0) alpha <- alpha + pi
  beta <- atan(y / x)
  if (x < 0) beta <- beta + pi
  c(r, alpha, beta)

kart2kreis <- function(x, y) {
  r <- sqrt(x * x + y * y)
  alpha <- atan(y / x)
  if (x < 0) alpha <- alpha + pi
  c(r, alpha)

kreis2kart <- function(r, alpha) {
  c(r * cos(alpha), r * sin(alpha))
  #    if(length(r)>1) return(matrix(c(r*cos(alpha), r*sin(alpha)), ncol=2))
  # 	else return(c(r*cos(alpha), r*sin(alpha)))

kugel2kart <- function(r, alpha, beta) {
  x <- r * sin(alpha) * cos(beta)
  y <- r * sin(alpha) * sin(beta)
  z <- r * cos(alpha)
  c(x, y, z)

edgeLabels <- function(xx, yy, zz = NULL, edge) {
  XX <- (xx[edge[, 1]] + xx[edge[, 2]]) / 2
  YY <- (yy[edge[, 1]] + yy[edge[, 2]]) / 2
  if (!is.null(zz)) {
    ZZ <- (zz[edge[, 1]] + zz[edge[, 2]]) / 2
    return(cbind(XX, YY, ZZ))
  cbind(XX, YY)

#' plot phylogenetic networks
#' So far not all parameters behave the same on the the \code{rgl} \code{"3D"}
#' and basic graphic \code{"2D"} device.
#' Often it is easier and safer to supply vectors of graphical parameters for
#' splits (e.g. splits.color) than for edges. These overwrite values edge.color.
#' @param x an object of class \code{"networx"}
#' @param type "3D" to plot using rgl or "equal angle" and "2D" in the normal
#' device.
#' @param use.edge.length a logical indicating whether to use the edge weights
#' of the network to draw the branches (the default) or not.
#' @param show.tip.label a logical indicating whether to show the tip labels on
#' the graph (defaults to \code{TRUE}, i.e. the labels are shown).
#' @param show.edge.label a logical indicating whether to show the tip labels
#' on the graph.
#' @param edge.label an additional vector of edge labels (normally not needed).
#' @param show.node.label a logical indicating whether to show the node labels
#' (see example).
#' @param node.label an additional vector of node labels (normally not needed).
#' @param show.nodes a logical indicating whether to show the nodes (see
#' example).
#' @param tip.color the colors used for the tip labels.
#' @param edge.color the colors used to draw edges.
#' @param edge.width the width used to draw edges.
#' @param edge.lty a vector of line types.
#' @param split.color the colors used to draw edges.
#' @param split.width the width used to draw edges.
#' @param split.lty a vector of line types.
#' @param font an integer specifying the type of font for the labels: 1 (plain
#' text), 2 (bold), 3 (italic, the default), or 4 (bold italic).
#' @param cex a numeric value giving the factor scaling of the labels.
#' @param cex.node.label a numeric value giving the factor scaling of the node
#' labels.
#' @param cex.edge.label a numeric value giving the factor scaling of the edge
#' labels.
#' @param col.node.label the colors used for the node labels.
#' @param col.edge.label the colors used for the edge labels.
#' @param font.node.label the font used for the node labels.
#' @param font.edge.label the font used for the edge labels.
#' @param underscore a logical specifying whether the underscores in tip labels
#' should be written as spaces (the default) or left as are (if TRUE).
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @rdname plot.networx
#' @note The internal representation is likely to change.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{consensusNet}}, \code{\link{neighborNet}},
#' \code{\link{splitsNetwork}}, \code{\link{hadamard}},
#' \code{\link{distanceHadamard}}, \code{\link{as.networx}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{evonet}}, \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}},
#' \code{\link{densiTree}}, \code{\link[ape]{nodelabels}}
#' @references Dress, A.W.M. and Huson, D.H. (2004) Constructing Splits Graphs
#' \emph{IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
#' (TCBB)}, \bold{1(3)}, 109--115
#' Schliep, K., Potts, A. J., Morrison, D. A. and Grimm, G. W. (2017),
#' Intertwining phylogenetic trees and networks. \emph{Methods Ecol Evol}.
#' \bold{8}, 1212--1220. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12760
#' @keywords plot
#' @importFrom igraph graph
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' tree1 <- rtree(20, rooted=FALSE)
#' sp <- as.splits(rNNI(tree1, n=10))
#' net <- as.networx(sp)
#' plot(net)
#' \dontrun{
#' # also see example in consensusNet
#' example(consensusNet)
#' }
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix vcount topo_sort layout_nicely
#' @method plot networx
#' @export
plot.networx <- function(x, type = "equal angle", use.edge.length = TRUE,
                         show.tip.label = TRUE, show.edge.label = FALSE,
                         edge.label = NULL, show.node.label = FALSE,
                         node.label = NULL, show.nodes = FALSE,
                         tip.color = "black", edge.color = "black",
                         edge.width = 3, edge.lty = 1, split.color = NULL,
                         split.width = NULL, split.lty = NULL, font = 3,
                         cex = par("cex"), cex.node.label = cex,
                         cex.edge.label = cex, col.node.label = tip.color,
                         col.edge.label = tip.color, font.node.label = font,
                         font.edge.label = font, underscore = FALSE, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("equal angle", "3D", "2D"))
  if (use.edge.length == FALSE){
    x$edge.length[] <- 1
    attr(x$splits, "weight") <- rep(1, length(x$splits))
  nTips <- length(x$tip.label)
  conf <- attr(x$splits, "confidences")
  index <- x$splitIndex
  if (is.null(edge.label) & !is.null(conf)) {
    conf <- conf[index]
    if (!is.null(x$translate)) conf[match(x$translate$node, x$edge[, 2])] <- ""
    else conf[x$edge[, 2] <= nTips] <- ""
    edge.label <- conf
  if (is.null(node.label)) node.label <- as.character(1:max(x$edge))
  if (show.tip.label) node.label[1:nTips] <- ""
  if (show.tip.label){
    if (is.expression(x$tip.label)) underscore <- TRUE
    if (!underscore) x$tip.label <- gsub("_", " ", x$tip.label)

  lspl <- max(x$splitIndex)
  if (!is.null(split.color)) {
    if (length(split.color) != lspl)
      stop("split.color must be same length as splits")
    else edge.color <- split.color[x$splitIndex]
  if (!is.null(split.width)) {
    if (length(split.width) != lspl)
      stop("split.color must be same length as splits")
    else edge.width <- split.width[x$splitIndex]
  if (!is.null(split.lty)) {
    if (length(split.lty) != lspl)
      stop("split.color must be same length as splits")
    else edge.lty <- split.lty[x$splitIndex]

  chk <- FALSE

  if (type == "3D") chk <- requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)
  if (!chk && type == "3D") {
    warning("type='3D' requires the package 'rgl', plotting in '2D' instead!\n")
    type <- "2D"
  # use precomputed vertices when available
  coord <- NULL
  if (!is.null(x$.plot)) coord <- x$.plot$vertices

  if (type == "3D") {
    if (is.null(coord) || ncol(coord) != 3)
      coord <- coords(x, dim = "3D")
    plotRGL(coord, x, show.tip.label = show.tip.label,
      show.edge.label = show.edge.label, edge.label = edge.label,
      show.node.label = show.node.label, node.label = node.label,
      show.nodes = show.nodes, tip.color = tip.color, edge.color = edge.color,
      edge.width = edge.width, font = font, cex = cex,
      cex.node.label = cex.node.label, cex.edge.label = cex.edge.label,
      col.node.label = col.node.label, col.edge.label = col.edge.label,
      font.node.label = font.node.label, font.edge.label = font.edge.label)
  else {
    if (is.null(coord) || ncol(coord) != 2) {
      if (type == "equal angle") coord <- coords.equal.angle(x)
      else coord <- coords(x, dim = "2D")
    plot2D(coord, x, show.tip.label = show.tip.label,
      show.edge.label = show.edge.label, edge.label = edge.label,
      show.node.label = show.node.label, node.label = node.label,
      show.nodes = show.nodes, tip.color = tip.color, edge.color = edge.color,
      edge.width = edge.width, edge.lty = edge.lty, font = font, cex = cex,
      cex.node.label = cex.node.label, cex.edge.label = cex.edge.label,
      col.node.label = col.node.label, col.edge.label = col.edge.label,
      font.node.label = font.node.label, font.edge.label = font.edge.label,
      add = FALSE)
  x$.plot <- list(vertices = coord, edge.color = edge.color,
    edge.width = edge.width, edge.lty = edge.lty)
  L <- list(Ntip = nTips, type = "networx")
  assign("last_plot.phylo", c(L, list(edge = x$edge, xx = coord[, 1],
    yy = coord[, 2])), envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)

plotRGL <- function(coords, net, show.tip.label = TRUE, show.edge.label = FALSE,
                    edge.label = NULL, show.node.label = FALSE,
                    node.label = NULL, show.nodes = FALSE, tip.color = "blue",
                    edge.color = "grey", edge.width = 3, font = 3,
                    cex = par("cex"), cex.node.label = cex,
                    cex.edge.label = cex, col.node.label = tip.color,
                    col.edge.label = tip.color, font.node.label = font,
                    font.edge.label = font, ...) {
  open3d <- rgl::open3d
  segments3d  <- rgl::segments3d
  spheres3d <- rgl::spheres3d
  texts3d <- rgl::texts3d

  edge <- net$edge

  x <- coords[, 1]
  y <- coords[, 2]
  z <- coords[, 3]

  nTips <- length(net$tip.label)

  segments3d(x[t(edge)], y[t(edge)], z[t(edge)],
             col = rep(edge.color, each = 2), lwd = edge.width)
  radius <- 0
  if (show.nodes) {
    radius <- sqrt( (max(x) - min(x))^2 + (max(y) - min(y))^2 +
                      (max(z) - min(z))^2) / 200
    spheres3d(x[1:nTips], y[1:nTips], z[1:nTips], radius = 2 * radius,
              color = "cyan")
    spheres3d(x[-c(1:nTips)], y[-c(1:nTips)], z[-c(1:nTips)], radius = radius,
              color = "magenta")
  if (show.tip.label) {
    if (is.null(net$translate))
      texts3d(x[1:nTips] + 2.05 * radius, y[1:nTips], z[1:nTips],
                net$tip.label, color = tip.color, cex = cex, font = font)
      texts3d(x[net$translate$node] + 2.05 * radius, y[net$translate$node],
        z[net$translate$node], net$tip.label, color = tip.color, cex = cex,
        font = font)
  if (show.edge.label) {
    ec <- edgeLabels(x, y, z, edge)
    if (is.null(edge.label)) edge.label <- net$splitIndex
    # else edge.label = net$splitIndex
    texts3d(ec[, 1], ec[, 2], ec[, 3], edge.label, color = col.edge.label,
      cex = cex.edge.label, font = font.edge.label)
  if (show.node.label) {
    texts3d(x, y, z, node.label, color = col.node.label, cex = cex.node.label,
      font = font.node.label)

plot2D <- function(coords, net, show.tip.label = TRUE, show.edge.label = FALSE,
                   edge.label = NULL, show.node.label = FALSE,
                   node.label = NULL, tip.color = "blue", edge.color = "grey",
                   edge.width = 3, edge.lty = 1, font = 3, cex = par("cex"),
                   cex.node.label = cex,  cex.edge.label = cex,
                   col.node.label = tip.color, col.edge.label = tip.color,
                   font.node.label = font, font.edge.label = font,
                   add = FALSE, ...) {
  edge <- net$edge
  label <- net$tip.label
  xx <- coords[, 1]
  yy <- coords[, 2]
  nTips <- length(label)

  xlim <- range(xx)
  ylim <- range(yy)

  if (show.tip.label) {
    offset <- max(nchar(label)) * 0.018 * cex * diff(xlim)
    xlim <- c(xlim[1] - offset, xlim[2] + offset)
    ylim <- c(ylim[1] - 0.03 * cex * diff(ylim), ylim[2] +
                0.03 * cex * diff(ylim))
  if (!add) {
    plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp = 1)
  cladogram.plot(edge, xx, yy, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty)
  if (show.tip.label) {
    if (is.null(net$translate)) ind <- match(1:nTips, edge[, 2])
    else ind <- match(net$translate$node, edge[, 2])
    pos <- rep(4, nTips)
    XX <- xx[edge[ind, 1]] - xx[edge[ind, 2]]
    pos[XX > 0] <- 2
    YY <- yy[edge[ind, 1]] - yy[edge[ind, 2]]
    pos2 <- rep(3, nTips)
    pos2[YY > 0] <- 1
    # needed if tiplabels are not at internal nodes
    XX[is.na(XX)] <- 0
    YY[is.na(YY)] <- 0
    pos[abs(YY) > abs(XX)] <- pos2[abs(YY) > abs(XX)]
    if (is.null(net$translate)) text(xx[1:nTips], yy[1:nTips], labels = label,
        pos = pos, col = tip.color, cex = cex, font = font)
    else text(xx[net$translate$node], yy[net$translate$node], labels = label,
        pos = pos, col = tip.color, cex = cex, font = font)
  if (show.edge.label) {
    ec <- edgeLabels(xx, yy, edge = edge)
    if (is.null(edge.label)) edge.label <- net$splitIndex

    # show only one edge label
    em <- apply(ec, 1, function(x) max(abs(x)))
    si <- net$splitIndex
    for (i in unique(si)) {
      tmp <- si == i
      if (sum(tmp) > 1) {
        w <- which(tmp)
        wm <- which.max(em[w])
        edge.label[w[-wm]] <- ""

    text(ec[, 1], ec[, 2], labels = edge.label, col = col.edge.label,
      cex = cex.edge.label, font = font.edge.label)
  if (show.node.label) {
    text(xx, yy, labels = node.label, col = col.node.label,
         cex = cex.node.label, font = font.node.label)

closest.edge <- function(x, y, P1, P2) {
  x1 <- P1[, 1]
  x2 <- P2[, 1]
  y1 <- P1[, 2]
  y2 <- P2[, 2]

  A <- sqrt( (x2 - x)^2 + (y2 - y)^2)    # d_BC
  B <- sqrt( (x1 - x)^2 + (y1 - y)^2)    # d_AC
  C <- sqrt( (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)  # d_AB
  # Kosinussatz
  alpha <- acos( (B^2 + C^2 - A^2) / (2 * B * C))
  beta <- acos( (A^2 + C^2 - B^2) / (2 * A * C))

  d <- abs( (y2 - y1) * x - (x2 - x1) * y + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) /
    sqrt( (y2 - y1)^2 + (x2 - x1)^2)
  d[alpha > (pi / 2)] <- B[alpha > (pi / 2)]
  d[beta > (pi / 2)] <- A[beta > (pi / 2)]

closest.node <- function(x, y, P) {
  x1 <- P[, 1]
  y1 <- P[, 2]
  d <- sqrt((x1 - x)^2 + (y1 - y)^2)

#' Identify splits in a network
#' \code{identify.networx} reads the position of the graphics pointer when the
#' mouse button is pressed. It then returns the split belonging to the edge
#' closest to the pointer. The network must be plotted beforehand.
#' @param x an object of class \code{networx}
#' @param quiet a logical controlling whether to print a message inviting the
#' user to click on the tree.
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{identify.networx} returns a splits object.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[phangorn]{plot.networx}},
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{identify}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(yeast)
#' dm <- dist.ml(yeast)
#' nnet <- neighborNet(dm)
#' plot(nnet)
#' identify(nnet) # click close to an edge
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics identify
#' @method identify networx
#' @export
identify.networx <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!quiet)
    cat("Click close to a node or edge of the tree...\n")
  xy <- locator(1)
  if (is.null(xy))
  if (is.null(x$.plot)) {
    lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
    edge <- lastPP$edge
    xx <- lastPP$xx
    yy <- lastPP$yy
    vertices <- cbind(xx, yy)
  else {
    lastPP <- x$.plot
    edge <- x$edge
    vertices <- lastPP$vertices
  P1 <- vertices[edge[, 1], , drop = FALSE]
  P2 <- vertices[edge[, 2], , drop = FALSE]
  d <- closest.edge(xy$x, xy$y, P1, P2)
  split <- x$splitIndex[which.min(d)]

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