
Defines functions compatible_2 compatible3 compatible as.splits.bitsplits as.bitsplits.splits compatibleSplits splits2phylo as.phylo.splits as.prop.part.splits as.splits.networx as.splits.prop.part as.splits.multiPhylo as.splits.phylo distinct.splits unique.splits c.splits countCycles matchSplits changeOrder print.splits as.Matrix.splits as.matrix.splits as.Matrix as.splits

Documented in as.bitsplits.splits as.Matrix as.matrix.splits as.Matrix.splits as.phylo.splits as.prop.part.splits as.splits as.splits.bitsplits as.splits.multiPhylo as.splits.networx as.splits.phylo compatible c.splits distinct.splits matchSplits print.splits unique.splits

#' Splits representation of graphs and trees.
#' \code{as.splits} produces a list of splits or bipartitions.
#' @aliases splits as.Matrix distinct.splits as.phylo.splits
#' addTrivialSplits removeTrivialSplits matchSplits
#' @param x An object of class phylo or multiPhylo.
#' @param maxp integer, default from \code{options(max.print)}, influences how
#' many entries of large matrices are printed at all.
#' @param zero.print character which should be printed for zeros.
#' @param one.print character which should be printed for ones.
#' @param incomparables	only for compatibility so far.
#' @param unrooted todo.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @param recursive	logical. If recursive = TRUE, the function recursively
#' descends through lists (and pairlists) combining all their elements into a
#' vector.
#' @param obj1,obj2 an object of class splits.
#' @param k number of taxa.
#' @param labels names of taxa.
#' @return \code{as.splits} returns an object of class splits, which is mainly
#' a list of splits and some attributes. Often a \code{splits} object will
#' contain attributes \code{confidences} for bootstrap or Bayesian support
#' values and \code{weight} storing edge weights.
#' \code{compatible} return a lower triangular matrix where an 1 indicates that
#' two splits are incompatible.
#' @note The internal representation is likely to change.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{prop.part}}, \code{\link{lento}},
#' \code{\link{as.networx}}, \code{\link{distanceHadamard}},
#' \code{\link{read.nexus.splits}}
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' (sp <- as.splits(rtree(5)))
#' write.nexus.splits(sp)
#' spl <- allCircularSplits(5)
#' plot(as.networx(spl))
#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
as.splits <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "splits")) return(x)

#' @export
as.Matrix <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "Matrix")) return(x)

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.matrix splits
#' @export
as.matrix.splits <- function(x, zero.print = 0L, one.print = 1L, ...) {
  m <- length(x)
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  n <- length(labels)
  res <- matrix(zero.print, m, n)
  for (i in 1:m) res[i, x[[i]]] <- one.print
  dimnames(res) <- list(names(x), labels)

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @method as.Matrix splits
#' @export
as.Matrix.splits <- function(x, ...) {
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  l <- length(x)
  j <- unlist(x)
  i <- rep(1:l, lengths(x))
  sparseMatrix(i, j, x = rep(1L, length(i)), dimnames = list(NULL, labels))
  # included x und labels

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
print.splits <- function(x, maxp = getOption("max.print"),
                         zero.print = ".", one.print = "|", ...) {
  x.orig <- x
  cx <- as.matrix(x, zero.print = zero.print, one.print = one.print)
  print(cx, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, max = maxp)

#' @export
"[.splits" <- function(x, i) {
  tmp <- attributes(x)
  result <- unclass(x)[i]
  if (!is.null(tmp$weights)) tmp$weights <- tmp$weights[i]
  if (!is.null(tmp$confidences)) tmp$confidences <- tmp$confidences[i]
  if (!is.null(tmp$intervals)) tmp$intervals <- tmp$intervals[i]
  if (!is.null(tmp$data)) tmp$data <- tmp$data[i, , drop = FALSE]
  attributes(result) <- tmp

changeOrder <- function(x, labels) {
  oldL <- attr(x, "labels")
  if(identical(oldL, labels)) return(x)
  ind <- match(oldL, labels)
  for (i in seq_along(x))
    x[[i]] <- sort(ind[x[[i]]])
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "cycle")))
    attr(x, "cycle") <- ind[attr(x, "cycle")]
  attr(x, "labels") <- labels

## @rdname as.splits
#' @export
matchSplits <- function(x, y, as.in = TRUE) {
  tiplabel <- attr(x, "labels")
  if (any(is.na(match(tiplabel, attr(y, "labels")))))
    stop("x and y have different labels!")
  nTips <- length(tiplabel)
  y <- changeOrder(y, tiplabel)
  y <- SHORTwise(y) #, nTips)
  if (as.in) return(match(SHORTwise(x), y, nomatch = 0L) > 0L)
  match(SHORTwise(x), y)

countCycles <- function(splits, ord = NULL) {
  M <- as.matrix(splits)
    ord <- attr(splits, "cycle")
    if(is.null(ord)) ord <- seq_along(attr(splits, "labels"))
  res <- countCycle2_cpp(M[, ord])

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method c splits
#' @export
c.splits <- function(..., recursive = FALSE) {
  x <- list(...)
  if (length(x) == 1 && !inherits(x[[1]], "splits")) x <- x[[1]]
  n <- length(x)
  match.names <- function(a, b) {
    if (any(!(a %in% b)))
      stop("names do not match previous names")
  if (n == 1)

  labels <- attr(x[[1]], "labels")
  cycle <- attr(x[[1]], "cycle")
  for (i in 2:n) {
    match.names(labels, attr(x[[i]], "labels"))
    x[[i]] <- changeOrder(x[[i]], labels)
  w <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(x, attr, "weights")))
  x <- lapply(x, unclass)
  res <- structure(do.call("c", x), class = c("splits", "prop.part"))
  names(res) <- NULL
  attr(res, "labels") <- labels
  attr(res, "weights") <- w
  attr(res, "cycle") <- cycle

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method unique splits
#' @export
unique.splits <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, unrooted = TRUE, ...) {
  nTips <- length(attr(x, "labels"))
  x <- SHORTwise(x)

#' @export distinct.splits
distinct.splits <- function(...) {
  tmp <- c(...)
  res <- unique(tmp)
  attributes(res) <-  attributes(tmp)
  attr(res, "weights") <- tabulate(match(tmp, res))

# computes splits from phylo
#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.splits phylo
#' @export
as.splits.phylo <- function(x, ...) {
  if (hasArg(as.is))
    as.is <- list(...)$as.is
  else as.is <- TRUE
  result <- bip(x)
  if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) {
    edge.weights <- numeric(max(x$edge))
    edge.weights[x$edge[, 2]] <- x$edge.length
    attr(result, "weights") <- edge.weights
  if (!is.null(x$node.label)) {
    conf <- x$node.label
    if (is.character(conf)) as.is <- TRUE
      #conf <- as.numeric(conf)
    if (!as.is) if (max(na.omit(conf)) > (1 + 1e-8)) conf <- conf / 100
    attr(result, "confidences") <- c(rep(NA_real_, length(x$tip.label)), conf)
  attr(result, "labels") <- x$tip.label
  class(result) <- c("splits", "prop.part")

# computes splits from multiPhylo object (e.g. bootstrap, MCMC etc.)
#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.splits multiPhylo
#' @export
as.splits.multiPhylo <- function(x, ...) {
  if (hasArg(trivial))
    trivial <- list(...)$trivial
  else trivial <- TRUE
  lx <-  length(x)
  x <- .uncompressTipLabel(x)
  x <- unroot(x)
  splits <- prop.part(x)
  splits <- postprocess.prop.part(splits, method="SHORTwise")
  class(splits) <- "list"
  weights <- attr(splits, "number")
  lab <- attr(splits, "labels")
  attr(splits, "labels") <- attr(splits, "number") <- NULL
  l <- length(lab)
    splitTips <- vector("list", l)
    for (i in 1:l) splitTips[[i]] <- i
    result <- c(splitTips, splits)
    attr(result, "weights") <- c(rep(lx, l), weights)
  else attr(result, "weights") <- weights
  attr(result, "confidences") <- attr(result, "weights") / lx
  attr(result, "summary") <- list(confidences = "ratio", ntrees = lx,
                                  clades = FALSE)
  attr(result, "labels") <- lab
  class(result) <- c("splits", "prop.part")

#' @export
as.splits.prop.part <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(attr(x, "number")))
    attr(x, "weights") <- rep(1, length(x))
  else {
    attr(x, "weights") <- attr(x, "number")
    if( is.integer(attr(x, "number")) )
      attr(x, "confidences") <- attr(x, "number") / attr(x, "number")[1]
  class(x) <- c("splits", "prop.part")

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.splits networx
#' @export
as.splits.networx <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x$splits)) x$splits
  else warning("No split object included!")

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.prop.part splits
#' @export
as.prop.part.splits <- function(x, ...) {
  attr(x, "number") <- attr(x, "weights")
  attr(x, "weights") <- NULL
  attr(x, "confidences") <- NULL
  class(x) <- c("prop.part")

## as.splits.phylo
## @rdname as.splits
## @method as.phylo splits
#' @export
as.phylo.splits <- function(x, check=TRUE, rooted=FALSE, ...){
  if(check) x <- compatibleSplits(x)
  phy <- splits2phylo(x, rooted=rooted)
  spl <- as.splits(phy)[phy$edge[,2]]
  ind <- matchSplits(spl, x, FALSE)
  phy$edge.length <- attr(x, "weights")[ind]

splits2phylo <- function(x, rooted=FALSE){
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  nTips <- length(labels)
  if(!rooted) x <- SHORTwise(x)
  x <- x[lengths(x) > 1]
  x <- x[lengths(x) < nTips]
  # unique?
  l <- lengths(x)
  x <- x[order(l)]
  nNodes <- length(x) + 1L
  node_i <- as.integer( nNodes + nTips )
  edge <- matrix(0L, node_i - 1L, 2L)
  y <- seq_len(nTips)
  x <- unclass(x)
  m <- 0
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    tmp <- x[[i]]
    kids <- unique( y[ tmp ] )
    k <- length(kids)
    y[ tmp ] <- node_i
    edge[m + 1:k ,1] <- node_i
    edge[m + 1:k ,2] <- kids
    m <- m + k
    node_i <- node_i - 1L
  kids <- unique( y )
  k <- length(kids)
  edge[m + 1:k ,1] <- node_i
  edge[m + 1:k ,2] <- kids
  phy <- structure(list(edge, labels, nNodes),
                   .Names = c("edge", "tip.label", "Nnode"),
                   class = "phylo", order = "postorder")

compatibleSplits <- function(x) {
  x <- postprocess.splits(x)
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  nTips <- length(labels)
  x <- SHORTwise(x)
#  x <- x[lengths(x)>1]
  dm <- as.matrix(compatible(x))
  rs <- rowSums(dm)
  ind <- which(rs == 0)
  if (any(rs > 0)) {
    tmp <- which(rs > 0)
    candidates <- tmp[order(rs[tmp])]
    for (i in candidates) {
      if (sum(dm[ind, i]) == 0)
        ind <- c(ind, i)

postprocess.splits <- function (x)
  #  w <- attr(x, "number")
  tmp <- attributes(x)
  labels <- attr(x, "labels")
  x <- SHORTwise(x)
  drop <- duplicated(x)
  if (any(drop)) {
    W <- ifelse (is.null(tmp$weights), FALSE, TRUE)
    CONF <- ifelse (is.null(tmp$confidences), FALSE, TRUE)
    if(W) w <- tmp$weights
    if (CONF) conf <- tmp$confidences
    class(x) <- NULL
    attributes(x) <- NULL
    y <- x[drop]
    ind1 <- match(y, x)
    ind2 <- which(drop)
    for (i in seq_along(ind2)) {
      if(W) w[ind1[i]] <- w[ind1[i]] + w[ind2[i]]
      if(CONF) conf[ind1[i]] <- conf[ind1[i]] + conf[ind2[i]]
    x <- x[!drop]
    w <- w[!drop]
    if(CONF) conf <- conf[!drop]
    attr(x, "weights") <- w
    if(CONF) attr(x, "confidences") <- conf
    attr(x, "labels") <- labels
    class(x) <- c("splits", "prop.part")

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.bitsplits splits
#' @export
as.bitsplits.splits <- function(x) {
  foo <- function(vect, RAWVECT) {
    res <- RAWVECT
    for (y in vect) {
      i <- ceiling(y / 8)
      res[i] <- res[i] | as.raw(2^(8 - ((y - 1) %% 8) - 1))
  N <- length(x)
  n <- length(attr(x, "labels"))
  nr <- ceiling(n / 8)
  mat <- raw(N * nr)
  dim(mat) <- c(nr, N)
  RAWVECT <- raw(nr)
  for (i in 1:N) mat[, i] <- foo(x[[i]], RAWVECT)
  freq <- attr(x, "weights")
  if (is.null(freq)) freq <- rep(1, N)
  structure(list(matsplit = mat, labels = attr(x, "labels"),
    freq = freq), class = "bitsplits")

#' @rdname as.splits
#' @method as.splits bitsplits
#' @export
as.splits.bitsplits <- function(x, ...){

# computes compatible splits
#' @rdname as.splits
#' @export
compatible <- function(obj1, obj2 = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(obj1, "splits"))
    stop("obj must be of class splits")
  labels <- attr(obj1, "labels")
  l <- length(labels)
  n <- length(obj1)
  bp1 <- as.matrix(obj1)
  bp1[bp1[, 1] == 0L, ] <- 1L - bp1[bp1[, 1] == 0L, ]
  if (!is.null(obj2)) {
    m <- length(obj2)
    bp2 <- as.matrix(obj2)
    labels2 <- attr(obj2, "labels")
    bp2 <- bp2[, match(labels2, labels), drop = FALSE]
    bp2[bp2[, 1] == 0L, ] <- 1L - bp2[bp2[, 1] == 0L, ]
  else bp2 <- bp1

  if (is.null(obj2)) res <- matrix(0L, n, n)
  else res <- matrix(0L, n, m)

  tmp1 <- tcrossprod(bp1, bp2)
  tmp2 <- tcrossprod(1L - bp1, 1L - bp2)
  tmp3 <- tcrossprod(bp1, 1L - bp2)
  tmp4 <- tcrossprod(1L - bp1, bp2)
  res[(tmp1 * tmp2 * tmp3 * tmp4) > 0] <- 1L
  if (is.null(obj2)) {
    res <- res[lower.tri(res)]
    attr(res, "Size") <- n
    attr(res, "Diag") <- FALSE
    attr(res, "Upper") <- FALSE
    class(res) <- "dist"

# in clanistic.R ??
compatible3 <- function(x, y = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(x, "splits"))
    stop("x must be of class splits")
  if (is.null(y)) y <- x
  if (!inherits(y, "splits"))
    stop("y must be of class splits")
  xlabels <- attr(x, "labels")
  ylabels <- attr(y, "labels")
  if (identical(xlabels, ylabels)) labels <- xlabels
  else labels <- intersect(xlabels, ylabels)
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  bp1 <- as.matrix(x)[, labels, drop = FALSE]
  bp2 <- as.matrix(y)[, labels, drop = FALSE]
  rs1 <- rowSums(bp1)
  rs2 <- rowSums(bp2)
  res <- matrix(0L, nx, ny)
  tmp1 <- tcrossprod(bp1, bp2)
  res <- matrix(0L, nx, ny)
  for (i in 1:nx) {
    for (j in 1:ny) {
      if (tmp1[i, j] == rs1[i]) res[i, j] <- 1
      if (tmp1[i, j] == rs2[j]) res[i, j] <- 2
      if (tmp1[i, j] == rs1[i] & tmp1[i, j] == rs2[j]) res[i, j] <- 3
  if (is.null(y)) {
    res <- res[lower.tri(res)]
    attr(res, "Size") <- length(x)
    attr(res, "Diag") <- FALSE
    attr(res, "Upper") <- FALSE
    class(res) <- "dist"

compatible_2 <- function(obj1, obj2) {
  ntaxa <- length(obj1$labels)
  m1 <- obj1$matsplit
  m2 <- obj2$matsplit
  n1 <- ncol(m1)
  n2 <- ncol(m2)
  res <- rep(TRUE, n1)
  for (i in 1:n1) {
    j <- 1
    while (j <= n2) {
      if (!ape::arecompatible(m1[, i], m2[, j], ntaxa)) {
        res[i] <- FALSE
      j <- j + 1L

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