#' Build Inputs from Script Metadata for Phuse Web Framework
#' @description Build R shiny code for Phuse Web Apps
#' @param fn a file name or URL pointing to script metadata file
#' @return R shiny code for providing inputs to the script
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- ""
#' b <- "development/R/scripts"
#' c <- "Draw_Dist2_R.yml"
#' f1 <- paste(a,b,c, sep = '/')
#' r1 <- build_inputs(f1)
#' @author Hanming Tu
#' @name build_inputs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HISTORY MM/DD/YYYY (developer) - explanation
# 09/13/2017 (htu) - initial creation
build_inputs <- function(fn = NULL) {
# 1. check inputs
if (is.null(fn)) { return(NULL) }
cfg <- read_yml(fn)
if (is.null(cfg$Inputs)) {return(NULL) }
# 2. extract input parameters
# p1: rnorm - radioButtons(...)
# p2: 50 - sliderInput(...)
ps <- cfg$Inputs;
r <- ''
for (i in 1:length(ps)) {
k <- names(ps[i])
if (substr(k,1,1) != "p") { next; }
v <- gsub('\\w+\\s+-','', ps[i])
r <- ifelse(r=='', v, paste0(r, ",\n", v))
# r <- gsub("[\\]",'',r)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.