
Defines functions annotate_plot min2offset plot_fn_helper render_piece

Documented in render_piece

#' Render image of game pieces
#' `render_piece()` renders an image of game pieces to a file or graphics device.
#' It is a wrapper around `pmap_piece()` that can auto-size files and graphic devices,
#' apply axes offsets, annotate coordinates, and set up `rayrender` / `rayvertex` scenes.
#' @inheritParams aabb_piece
#' @param file Filename to save image unless `NULL`
#'             in which case it either uses the current graphics device or opens a new device
#'             (depending on `new_device` argument).
#' @param ... Arguments to [pmap_piece()]
#' @param .f Low level graphics function to use e.g. [grid.piece()], [piece3d()], [piece_mesh()], or [piece()].
#' @param cfg A piecepackr configuration list
#' @param envir Environment (or named list) of piecepackr configuration lists
#' @param width Width of image (in inches).  Inferred by default.
#' @param height Height of image (in inches).  Inferred by default.
#' @param ppi Resolution of image in pixels per inch.
#' @param bg Background color (use `"transparent"` for transparent)
#' @param xoffset Number to add to the `x` column in `df`.  Inferred by default.
#' @param yoffset Number to add to the `y` column in `df`.  Inferred by default.
#' @param new_device If `file` is `NULL` should we open up a new graphics device?
#' @param dev Graphics device function to use.  If `NULL` infer a reasonable choice.
#' @param dev.args Additional arguments to pass to `dev` (besides `filename`, `width`, and `height`).
#'                 Will filter out any names that aren't in `formals(dev)`.
#' @param annotate If `TRUE` or `"algebraic"` annotate the plot
#'                  with \dQuote{algrebraic} coordinates,
#'                 if `FALSE` or `"none"` don't annotate,
#'                 if `"cartesian"` annotate the plot with \dQuote{cartesian} coordinates.
#' @param annotation_scale Multiplicative factor that scales (stretches) any annotation coordinates.
#'                         By default uses `attr(df, "scale_factor") %||% 1`.
#' @return An invisible list of the dimensions of the image, as a side effect saves a graphic
#' @seealso This function is a wrapper around [pmap_piece()].
#' @examples
#'  df_board <- data.frame(piece_side = "board_face", suit = 3, rank = 5,
#'                         x = 3.0, y = 3.0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'  df_w <- data.frame(piece_side = "bit_face", suit = 6, rank = 1,
#'                     x = rep(1:5, 2), y = rep(1:2, each=5),
#'                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'  df_b <- data.frame(piece_side = "bit_face", suit = 1, rank = 1,
#'                     x = rep(1:5, 2), y = rep(4:5, each=5),
#'                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'  df <- rbind(df_board, df_w, df_b)
#'  df$cfg <- "checkers1"
#'  if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'    render_piece(df, new_device = FALSE)
#'  }
#'  if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'    grid::grid.newpage()
#'    render_piece(df, new_device = FALSE,
#'                 op_scale = 0.5, trans = op_transform,
#'                 annotate = "algrebraic")
#'  }
#'  \dontrun{# May take more than 5 seconds on CRAN servers
#'  if (require(rayvertex)) {
#'    envir3d <- game_systems("sans3d")
#'    render_piece(df, .f = piece_mesh, envir = envir3d,
#'                 op_scale = 0.5, trans = op_transform)
#'  }
#'  }
#' @export
render_piece <- function(df, file = NULL, ...,
                    .f = piecepackr::grid.piece,
                    cfg = getOption("piecepackr.cfg", NULL),
                    envir = getOption("piecepackr.envir", game_systems("sans")),
                    width = NULL, height = NULL, ppi = 72, bg = "white",
                    xoffset = NULL, yoffset = NULL,
                    new_device = TRUE, dev = NULL,
                    dev.args = list(res = ppi, bg = bg, units = "in"),
                    annotate = FALSE, annotation_scale = NULL) {
    ce <- default_cfg_envir(cfg, envir)
    cfg <- ce$cfg
    envir <- ce$envir

    dfr <- aabb_piece(df, cfg = cfg, envir = envir, ...)
    xmax <- dfr$x[2]
    ymax <- dfr$y[2]
    xoffset <- xoffset %||% min2offset(dfr$x_op[1])
    yoffset <- yoffset %||% min2offset(dfr$y_op[1])
    if (is.null(width)) width <- dfr$x_op[2] + xoffset + 0.50
    if (is.null(height)) height <- dfr$y_op[2] + yoffset + 0.50
    if (is.na(width)) width <- 1
    if (is.na(height)) height <- 1
    m <- max(width, height)
    if (is.null(file)) {
        if (new_device) grDevices::dev.new(width = width, height = height, noRstudioGD = TRUE)
    } else {
        stopifnot(is.null(dev) || is.function(dev))
        if (is.null(dev))
            dev <- pp_device_fn(file)
        args <- list(filename = file, width = width, height = height)
        args <- c(args, dev.args)
        args <- args[names(args) %in% names(formals(dev))]
        do.call(dev, args)
    # plot_fn_helper expected width and height in pixels
    width <- ppi * width
    height <- ppi * height
    fn <- plot_fn_helper(.f, xmax, ymax, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, m, ppi, envir,
                         annotate, annotation_scale)
    fn(df, ...)
    if (!is.null(file)) grDevices::dev.off()
    invisible(list(width=width, height=height))

plot_fn_helper <- function(.f = grid.piece, xmax, ymax, xoffset, yoffset,
                           width, height, m, ppi, envir, annotate, annotation_scale) {
    if (identical(.f, grid.piece)) {
        function(df, ..., scale = 1) {
            annotation_scale <- annotation_scale %||% attr(df, "scale_factor") %||% 1
            df$x <- df$x + xoffset
            df$y <- df$y + yoffset
            df$scale <- if (hasName(df, "scale")) scale * df$scale else scale
            pmap_piece(df, default.units = "in", ..., envir = envir)
            annotate_plot(annotate, xmax, ymax, xoffset, yoffset, annotation_scale)
    } else if (identical(.f, piece3d)) {
        if (Sys.which("wmctrl") != "") {
            cmd <- paste0("wmctrl -r RGL -e 0,-1,-1,", ceiling(width), ",", ceiling(height))
        f <- tempfile(fileext=".png")
        function(df, ..., scale = 1) {
            df$scale <- if (hasName(df, "scale")) scale * df$scale else scale
            rgl::points3d(x = rep(c(0, xmax), 2), y = rep(c(0, ymax), each = 2), z = 0, alpha = 0)
            pmap_piece(df, piece3d, ..., envir = envir)
            rgl::snapshot3d(f, top = FALSE, webshot = FALSE)
    } else if (identical(.f, piece)) {
        function(df, ..., scale = 1,
                 fov = 20, samples=100, lookat = NULL, lookfrom = NULL, clamp_value = Inf,
                 table = NA, interactive = TRUE) {
            df$scale <- if (hasName(df, "scale")) scale * df$scale else scale
            df$x <- df$x + xoffset
            df$y <- df$y + yoffset
            l <- pmap_piece(df, piece, ..., envir = envir)
            if (all(is.na(table))) {
                table <- rayrender::sphere(z=-1e3, radius=1e3, material=rayrender::diffuse(color="green"))
                light <- rayrender::sphere(x=0.5*width/ppi, y=-4, z=max(2.0*m+1, 20),
                table <- rayrender::add_object(table, light)
            scene <- Reduce(rayrender::add_object, l, init=table)
            if (is.null(lookat)) lookat <- c(0.5*width/ppi, 0.5*height/ppi, 0)
            if (is.null(lookfrom)) lookfrom <- c(0.5*width/ppi, -2.0*m, 2.0*m)
                                    fov = fov, samples = samples,
                                    lookat = lookat, lookfrom = lookfrom, clamp_value = clamp_value,
                                    width = width, height = height, interactive = interactive)
    } else if (identical(.f, piece_mesh)) {
        function(df, ..., scale = 1,
                 fov = 20, lookat = NULL, lookfrom = NULL,
                 table = NA, light_info = NA) {
            df$scale <- if (hasName(df, "scale")) scale * df$scale else scale
            df$x <- df$x + xoffset
            df$y <- df$y + yoffset
            l <- pmap_piece(df, piece_mesh, ..., envir = envir)
            if (all(is.na(table))) {
                table <- rayvertex::sphere_mesh(c(0, 0, -1e3), radius=1e3,
            if (all(is.na(light_info))) {
                light_info <- rayvertex::directional_light(c(0.5*width/ppi, -4, max(2.0*m+1, 20)), intensity = 2.5)
            scene <- Reduce(rayvertex::add_shape, l, init=table)
            if (is.null(lookat)) lookat <- c(0.5*width/ppi, 0.5*height/ppi, 0)
            if (is.null(lookfrom)) lookfrom <- c(0.5*width/ppi, -2.0*m, 2.0*m)
            rayvertex::rasterize_scene(scene, width = width, height = height,
                                       fov = fov, lookat = lookat, lookfrom = lookfrom,
                                       light_info = light_info)
    } else {

min2offset <- function(min, lbound = 0.5) {
    if (is.na(min)) {
    } else if (min < lbound) {
        lbound - min
    } else {

annotate_plot <- function(annotate, xmax, ymax, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, annotation_scale = 1) {
        if (isFALSE(annotate) || annotate == "none" || is.na(xmax) || is.na(ymax))
        gp <- gpar(fontsize = 18, fontface = "bold")
        x_coords <- seq(annotation_scale, floor(xmax), by = annotation_scale)
        if (annotate == "cartesian")
            l <- as.character(seq_along(x_coords))
            l <- letters[seq_along(x_coords)]
        l <- stringr::str_pad(l, max(stringr::str_count(l)))
        grid.text(l, x = x_coords + xoffset, y = 0.25, default.units = "in", gp = gp)
        y_coords <- seq(annotation_scale, floor(ymax), by = annotation_scale)
        n <- as.character(seq_along(y_coords))
        n <- stringr::str_pad(n, max(stringr::str_count(n)))
        grid.text(n, x = 0.25, y = y_coords + yoffset, default.units = "in", gp = gp)

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piecepackr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:09 p.m.