
Defines functions findmin.ConstGP alc.const.adapt ieci.const.adapt data.ConstGP.improv addpall.ConstGP data.ConstGP params.ConstGP alc.ConstGP ieci.ConstGP pred.ConstGP init.ConstGP draw.ConstGP prior.ConstGP propagate.ConstGP lpredprob.ConstGP

Documented in addpall.ConstGP alc.const.adapt alc.ConstGP data.ConstGP data.ConstGP.improv draw.ConstGP findmin.ConstGP ieci.const.adapt ieci.ConstGP init.ConstGP lpredprob.ConstGP params.ConstGP pred.ConstGP prior.ConstGP propagate.ConstGP

# Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes
# Copyright (C) 2010, University of Cambridge
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (bobby@statslab.cam.ac.uk)

## lpredprob.ConstGP:
## for the PL resample step -- combining lpredprob for
## CGP and GP components

lpredprob.ConstGP <- function(z, Zt, prior)
    ## error for hidden constraints
    if(is.na(z$y)) stop("hidden constraints not handled yet")
    ## first calculate the GP part as long as z$y is real-valued
    lp <- lpredprob.GP(z, Zt[[1]], prior$GP)

    ## then calculate the CGP part
    lp <- lp + log(pred.CGP(z$x, Zt, prior$CGP, mcreps=1000, cs=z$c))

    ## checks and return
    if(!is.finite(lp)) stop("bad weight")    

## propagate.ConstGP:
## for the PL propagate step -- combining propagate for
## CGP and GP components

propagate.ConstGP <- function(z, Zt, prior)
    ## error for hidden constraints
    if(is.na(z$y)) stop("hidden constraints not handled yet")
    ## propagate GP normally if z$y is real-valued, otherwise draw
    Zt[[1]] <- propagate.GP(z, Zt[[1]], prior$GP)

    ## use draw if hidden constraints -- not implemented yet
    ### Zt[[1]] <- draw.GP(Zt[[1]], l=3, h=4, thin=1)

    ## propagate CGP
    Zt <- propagate.CGP(z, Zt, prior$CGP)

    ## return the propagated particle

## prior.ConstGP:
## default prior specifications for the CGP model and
## the GP model

prior.ConstGP <- function(m, cov.GP=c("isotropic", "separable", "sim"), cov.CGP=cov.GP)
    prior <- list(GP=prior.GP(m, cov.GP), CGP=prior.CGP(m, cov.CGP))

## draw.ConstGP:
## combining draw for CGP and GP components

draw.ConstGP <- function(Zt, prior, l=3, h=4, thin=10)
    ## check if init instead
    if(is.null(Zt)) return(init.ConstGP(prior))

    ## draw for the GP part
    Zt[[1]] <- draw.GP(Zt[[1]], prior$GP, l=l, h=h, thin=thin)

    ## draw for the CGP part
    Zt <- draw.CGP(Zt, prior$CGP, l=l, h=h, thin=thin)

    ## return the fully drawn particle

## init.CconstGP:
## create a new particle by combining the init functions
## for the CGP and GP

init.ConstGP <- function(prior) 
    Zt <- init.CGP(prior$CGP)
    Zt[[1]] <- init.GP(prior$GP)

## pred.ConstGP:
## combining the predict functions of GP and CGP

pred.ConstGP <- function(XX, Zt, prior, quants=TRUE)
    GPp <- pred.GP(XX, Zt[[1]], prior$GP, Y=PL.env$pall$Y, quants=quants)
    CGPp <- pred.CGP(XX, Zt, prior$CGP)
    return(cbind(GPp, CGPp))

## ieci.ConstGP:
## combining the predict functions of GP and CGP

ieci.ConstGP <- function(Xcand, Zt, prior, Y=NULL, verb=1)
    ## calculate the predictive probably of the constraint
    ## violation at Xcand under the CGP
    pc2 <- pred.CGP(XX=Xcand, Zt=Zt, prior=prior$CGP, cs=2)

    ## and then caluclate ieci adjusting for pc2
    ieci <- ieci.GP(Xcand=Xcand, Xref=Xcand, Zt[[1]], prior$GP, Y, w=pc2, verb)

    ## calculate in the EI part
    outp <- pred.GP(XX=Xcand, Zt=Zt[[1]], prior=prior$GP, Y=PL.env$pall$Y, quants=FALSE)

    ## add in the EI part
    ieci <- mean(calc.eis(outp[,1:3], min(outp$m), pc2)) - ieci

    ## zero out any negative ones (could be -Inf if numerical problems in C)
    ieci[ieci < 0] <- 0

    ## sanity check
    ## if(any(is.nan(ieci))) stop("NaN in ieci")
    ## return the EI adjusted IECI

## alc.ConstGP:
## combining the predict functions of GP and CGP

alc.ConstGP <- function(Xcand, Zt, prior, Y=NULL, verb=1)
    ## calculate the predictive probably of the constraint
    ## violation at Xcand under the CGP
    pc2 <- pred.CGP(XX=Xcand, Zt=Zt, prior=prior$CGP, cs=2)

    ## and then caluclate ieci adjusting for pc2
    alc <- alc.GP(Xcand=Xcand, Xref=Xcand, Zt[[1]], prior$GP, Y, w=pc2, verb)

    ## calculate in the EI part
    outp <- pred.GP(XX=Xcand, Zt=Zt[[1]], prior=prior$GP, Y=PL.env$pall$Y, quants=FALSE)

    ## add in the ALC part
    alc <- mean(calc.vars(outp, pc2)) - alc

    ## zero out any negative ones (could be -Inf if numerical problems in C)
    alc[alc < 0] <- 0

    ## return the VAR adjusted ALC

## params.ConstGP:
## extracts the params from each GP and each CGP

params.ConstGP <- function()
    ## extract dimensions
    P <- length(PL.env$peach)
    numGP <- length(PL.env$peach[[1]])

    ## allocate data frame (DF) to hold parameters
    params <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=P, ncol=3*numGP))

    ## get the names of the parameters, and set them in the DF
    nam <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(PL.env$peach[[1]])) {
      nam <- c(nam, paste(c("d.", "g.", "lpost."), i, sep=""))
    names(params) <- nam

    ## collect the parameters from the particles
    for(p in 1:P) {
      for(i in 1:numGP) {
        params[p,(i-1)*3+1] <- mean(PL.env$peach[[p]][[i]]$d)
        params[p,(i-1)*3+2] <- PL.env$peach[[p]][[i]]$g
        params[p,(i-1)*3+3] <- PL.env$peach[[p]][[i]]$lpost

    ## return the particles

## data.ConstGP:
## extract the appropriate columns from the X matrix, Y vector
## and C vector -- designed to be generic for other cases
## where we would want to get the next observation (end=NULL)
## or a range of observations from begin to end

data.ConstGP <- function(begin, end=NULL, X, Y, C)
    if(is.null(end) || begin == end)
      return(list(x=X[begin,], c=C[begin], y=Y[begin]))
    else if(begin > end) stop("must have begin <= end")
    else return(list(x=as.matrix(X[begin:end,]), y=Y[begin:end], c=C[begin:end]))

## addpall.CGP:
## add data to the pall data structure used as utility
## by all particles, combining GP and CGP routines

addpall.ConstGP <- function(Z)
    PL.env$pall$X <- rbind(PL.env$pall$X, Z$x)
    PL.env$pall$C <- c(PL.env$pall$C, Z$c)
    PL.env$pall$Y <- c(PL.env$pall$Y, Z$y)
    PL.env$pall$D <- NULL

## data.ConstGP.improv:
## use the current state of the particales to calculate
## the next adaptive sample from the posterior predictive
## distribution based on the integrated expected conditional
## improvement (IECI) and the probability that the point
## satisfies the constraint

data.ConstGP.improv <- function(begin, end=NULL, f, rect, prior,
                                adapt=ieci.const.adapt, cands=40, save=TRUE, 
                                oracle=TRUE, verb=2, interp=interp.loess)
    if(!is.null(end) && begin > end) stop("must have begin <= end")
    else if(is.null(end) || begin == end) { ## adaptive sample

      ## choose some adaptive sampling candidates
      PL.env$Xcand <- lhs(cands, rect)

      ## add a cleverly chosen candidate
      if(oracle) {
        xstars <- findmin.ConstGP(PL.env$pall$X[nrow(PL.env$pall$X),], prior)
        xstar <- drop(rectunscale(rbind(xstars), rect))
        PL.env$Xcand <- rbind(PL.env$Xcand, xstar)
      ## calculate the index with the best IECI
      as <- adapt(PL.env$Xcand, rect, prior, verb)
      indx <- which.max(as)
      ## return the new adaptive sample
      x <- matrix(PL.env$Xcand[indx,], nrow=1)
      xs <- rectscale(x, rect)

      ## maybe plot something
      if(verb > 1) {
        if(ncol(PL.env$Xcand) > 1) { ## 2-d+ data
          image(interp(PL.env$Xcand[,1], PL.env$Xcand[,2], as))
          points(rectunscale(PL.env$pall$X, rect))
          points(PL.env$Xcand, pch=18)
          if(oracle) points(xstar[1], xstar[2], pch=17, col="blue")
          points(x[,1], x[,2], pch=18, col="green")
        } else { ## 1-d data
          o <- order(drop(PL.env$Xcand))
          plot(drop(PL.env$Xcand[o,]), as[o], type="l", lwd=2,
               xlab="x", ylab="constrained IECI")
          points(drop(rectunscale(PL.env$pall$X, rect)), rep(min(as), nrow(PL.env$pall$X)))
          points(x, min(as), pch=18, col="green")
          if(oracle) points(xstar, min(as), pch=17, col="blue")
          legend("topright", c("chosen point", "oracle candidate"),
                 pch=c(18,17), col=c("green", "blue"), bty="n")

      ## maybe save the max log IECI and xstar
      if(save) {
        if(oracle) PL.env$psave$xstar <- rbind(PL.env$psave$xstar, xstar)
        PL.env$psave$max.as <- c(PL.env$psave$max.as, max(as))

      ## return the adaptively chosen location
      yc <- f(x)
      return(list(x=xs, y=yc$y, c=yc$c))

    } else {  ## create an initial design

      ## calculate a LHS 
      if(verb > 0) cat("initializing with size", end-begin+1, "LHS\n")
      X <- lhs(end-begin+1, rect)
      ## get the class labels
      YC <- f(X)
      return(list(x=rectscale(X, rect), y=YC$y, c=YC$c))

## icei.const.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that has the most potential to
## improve the estimate of the minimum via integrated expected
## conitional with constraint probabilities

ieci.const.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by constained IECI\n", sep="")

    ## adjust the candidates (X) and reference locations (Xref)
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)

    ## get predictive distribution information
    iecis <- papply(Xcand=Xcands, fun=ieci.ConstGP, prior=prior,
                             verb=verb, pre="   IECI")

    ## gather the entropy info for each x averaged over
    ieci <- rep(0, nrow(Xcands))
    for(p in 1:length(iecis)) ieci <- ieci + iecis[[p]]

    ## return the candidate with the most potential
    ## ieci is negated inside ieci.ConstGP

## alc.const.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that has the most potential to
## improve reduce the variance via ALC with constraint probabilities

alc.const.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by constained ALC\n", sep="")

    ## adjust the candidates (X) and reference locations (Xref)
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)

    ## get predictive distribution information
    alcs <- papply(Xcand=Xcands, fun=alc.ConstGP, prior=prior,
                             verb=verb, pre="   ALC")

    ## gather the entropy info for each x averaged over
    alc <- rep(0, nrow(Xcands))
    for(p in 1:length(alcs)) alc <- alc + alcs[[p]]

    ## return the candidate with the most potential
    ## ALC is negated inside alc.ConstGP

## findmin.ConstGP:
## find the minimum of the predictive surface for the MAP particle

findmin.ConstGP <- function(xstart, prior)
    m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)

    ## calculate the MAP particule
    mi <- 1
    for(p in 2:length(PL.env$peach))
      if(PL.env$peach[[p]][[1]]$lpost > PL.env$peach[[mi]][[1]]$lpost) mi <- p
    Zt <- PL.env$peach[[mi]][[1]]
    ## utility for calculations below
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior$GP, PL.env$pall$Y, retKi=TRUE)

    ## call the optim function
    xstar <- optim(xstart, pred.mean.GP, method="L-BFGS-B",
                   lower=rep(0,m), upper=rep(1,m), util=util,
                   cov=prior$GP$cov, dparam=Zt$d, gparam=Zt$g)$par

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