# useable ranges for constants
checklim <- function(lim) {
if (diff(lim) == 0)
lim <- lim * c(0.8, 1.2)
if (diff(lim) == 0)
lim <- lim + c(-0.1, 0.1)
# ==============================================================================
# Box around a perspective plot, x, y matrix or vector; z = matrix
# ==============================================================================
perspbox <- function(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)), z,
bty = c("b", "b2", "f", "g", "bl", "bl2", "u", "n"), # predefined types
..., col.axis = "black",
col.panel = NULL, lwd.panel = 1,
col.grid = NULL, lwd.grid = 1,
phi = 40, theta = 40, col = NULL,
colkey = NULL, plot = TRUE){
dot <- list(...)
plist <- list(type = "3D", plt = NULL, persp = NULL, alpha = dot$alpha)
dot$alpha <- NULL
dot$clog <- NULL
# which ranges are imposed...
plist$setlim <- c(dot$setlim1, dot$setlim2, dot$setlim3)
dot$setlim1 <- dot$setlim2 <- dot$setlim3 <- NULL
if (plot)
plist$plt$ori <- par("plt")
plist$persp$box <- FALSE
plist$persp$expand <- ifelse (is.null(dot$expand), 1, dot$expand)
# check inputs
if (! is.matrix(z))
z <- diag(nrow = length(z), x = z)
if (is.null (x))
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z))
if (is.null (y))
y <- seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z))
if (is.null(dot$xlim))
plist$xlim <- range(x)
plist$xlim <- dot$xlim
if (is.null(dot$ylim))
plist$ylim <- range(y)
plist$ylim <- dot$ylim
if (is.null(dot$zlim))
plist$zlim <- range(z)
plist$zlim <- dot$zlim
plist$xlim <- checklim(plist$xlim)
plist$ylim <- checklim(plist$ylim)
plist$zlim <- checklim(plist$zlim)
lim <- setlim (plist$xlim, plist$ylim, plist$zlim,
dot[["scale"]], dot[["expand"]])
plist$scalefac <- lim
dot$xlim <- dot$ylim <- dot$zlim <- NULL
dot$scalefac <- NULL
plist$mat <- transmat (phi, theta, plist$scalefac, dot$r, dot$d)
if (is.null(dot$xlab)) dot$xlab <- "x"
if (is.null(dot$ylab)) dot$ylab <- "y"
if (is.null(dot$zlab)) dot$zlab <- "z"
bty <- match.arg(bty)#, c("b", "b2", "f", "g", "bl", "bl2", "u"))
if (bty == "n")
dot$box <- FALSE
plist$persp$bty <- bty
plist$persp$drawbox <- TRUE
if (! is.null(dot$box))
if (!dot$box)
plist$persp$drawbox <- FALSE
if (plist$persp$drawbox) {
if (bty != "u") {
col.axis <- "black"; col.panel <- NULL
lwd.panel <- 1; col.grid <- NULL; lwd.grid <- 1
back <- bty %in% c("b", "b2", "u")
if (bty == "b2")
col.grid <- "grey"
else if (bty == "g") {
col.panel <- grey(0.925)
col.axis <- "grey"
lwd.grid <- 2
col.grid <- "white"
} else if (bty == "bl") {
col.panel <- "black"
} else if (bty == "bl2") {
col.panel <- "black"
col.axis <- "grey"
lwd.grid <- 2
col.grid <- "grey"
if (back & is.null(col.panel)) {
col.panel <- "white" #par("bg") toggled off as this opens a window...
# if (col.panel == "transparent")
# col.panel <- "white"
} # drawbox
plist$persp$panel <- list(col.axis = col.axis,
col.panel = col.panel, lwd.panel = lwd.panel,
col.grid = col.grid, lwd.grid = lwd.grid)
if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(100)
iscolkey <- is.colkey(colkey, col = col)
if (plot)
plist$plt$main <- par("plt")
if (iscolkey) {
colkey <- check.colkey(colkey)
plist$plt$main <- colkey$parplt
dot$col <- dot$border <- NULL
plist$dot <- dot
plist$persp$theta <- theta
plist$persp$phi <- phi
if (plot) {
plist <- plotbox(plist)
par(plt = plist$plt$ori)
class(plist) <- c("plist", "list")
## =============================================================================
## plot box based on plist
## =============================================================================
plotbox <- function (plist) {
par(plt = plist$plt$main)
plist$persp$box <- TRUE
plist$mat <-"persp", c(alist(plist$xlim, plist$ylim,
z = matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, data = plist$zlim),
phi = plist$persp$phi, theta = plist$persp$theta, border = NA, col = NA),
if (plist$persp$drawbox) {
P <- !visibility(plist$xlim, plist$ylim, plist$zlim, plist$mat)
# e.g for theta <90 P <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
with (plist$persp$panel, {
panels <- (!is.null(col.panel) | lwd.panel != 1)
if (panels)
color.panels(P, plist$xlim, plist$ylim, plist$zlim,
plist$mat, col.panel, lwd.panel, col.axis)
if (!is.null(col.grid))
grid.panels(P, plist$xlim, plist$ylim, plist$zlim,
plist$mat, col.grid, plist$dot$nticks, lwd.grid)
## =============================================================================
## Set background color to backward panels
## =============================================================================
color.panels <- function(P, xlim, ylim, zlim, pmat, col, lwd, border) {
if (is.null(border))
border <- NA
if (is.null(col))
col <- "white"
panelcol <- function(linex, liney, linez, col, border = NA) {
XX <- trans3D(x = linex, y = liney, z = linez, pmat = pmat)
polygon(XX$x, y = XX$y, col = col, lwd = lwd, border = NA, lty = 1)
lines(XX$x, y = XX$y, col = border, lwd = lwd, lty = 1)
for (ii in 1:6) {
if (P[ii]) { # panel is visible
p <- Face[ii, ]
pts <- Vertex[p, ]
pts <- rbind(pts, pts[1,]) # to make sure that box is closed
panelcol(linex = xlim[pts[,1]],
liney = ylim[pts[,2]],
linez = zlim[pts[,3]],
col = col, border = border)
## =============================================================================
## gridlines on panels - maybe this can be shorter??
## =============================================================================
grid.panels <- function(P, xlim, ylim, zlim, pmat, gcol, nticks, lwd) {
addsegments <- function(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, col) {
# trans3D projects and converts XX$x- and XX$y to a matrix
XY0 <- trans3D(x = x0, y = y0, z = z0, pmat = pmat)
XY1 <- trans3D(x = x1, y = y1, z = z1, pmat = pmat)
segments(XY1$x, XY1$y, XY0$x, XY0$y, col = col, lwd = lwd)
if (is.null(nticks))
nticks <- 5
xseq <- pretty(xlim, nticks)
yseq <- pretty(ylim, nticks)
zseq <- pretty(zlim, nticks)
xseq <- xseq [ -c(1, length(xseq))]
yseq <- yseq [ -c(1, length(yseq))]
zseq <- zseq [ -c(1, length(zseq))]
npx <- length(xseq)
npy <- length(yseq)
npz <- length(zseq)
if (P[1])
addsegments(xseq, xseq,
rep(ylim[1], npx), rep(ylim[1], npx),
rep(zlim[1], npx), rep(zlim[2], npx),
col = gcol)
if (P[1])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npz), rep(xlim[2], npz),
rep(ylim[1], npz), rep(ylim[1], npz),
zseq, zseq,
col = gcol)
if (P[3])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npz), rep(xlim[1], npz),
rep(ylim[1], npz), rep(ylim[2], npz),
zseq, zseq,
col = gcol)
if (P[3])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npy), rep(xlim[1], npy),
yseq, yseq,
rep(zlim[1], npy), rep(zlim[2], npy),
col = gcol)
if (P[2])
addsegments(xseq, xseq,
rep(ylim[2], npx), rep(ylim[2], npx),
rep(zlim[1], npx), rep(zlim[2], npx),
col = gcol)
if (P[2])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npz), rep(xlim[2], npz),
rep(ylim[2], npz), rep(ylim[2], npz),
zseq, zseq,
col = gcol)
if (P[4])
addsegments(rep(xlim[2], npy), rep(xlim[2], npy),
yseq, yseq,
rep(zlim[1], npy), rep(zlim[2], npy),
col = gcol)
if (P[4])
addsegments(rep(xlim[2], npz), rep(xlim[2], npz),
rep(ylim[1], npz), rep(ylim[2], npz),
zseq, zseq,
col = gcol)
if (P[5])
addsegments(xseq, xseq,
rep(ylim[1], npx), rep(ylim[2], npx),
rep(zlim[1], npx), rep(zlim[1], npx),
col = gcol)
if (P[5])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npy), rep(xlim[2], npy),
yseq, yseq,
rep(zlim[1], npy), rep(zlim[1], npy),
col = gcol)
if (P[6])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], npy), rep(xlim[2], npy),
yseq, yseq,
rep(zlim[2], npy), rep(zlim[2], npy),
col = gcol)
if (P[6])
addsegments(xseq, xseq,
rep(ylim[1], npx), rep(ylim[2], npx),
rep(zlim[2], npx), rep(zlim[2], npx),
col = gcol)
# code based on plot3d.c
# points on edges (x,y,z)
Vertex <- matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
1, 1, 1, #xlim[1], ylim[1], zlim[1]
1, 1, 2, #xlim[1], ylim[1], zlim[2]
1, 2, 1,
1, 2, 2,
2, 1, 1,
2, 1, 2,
2, 2, 1,
2, 2, 2))
# the points of Vertex belonging to a face
Face <- matrix (ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
1, 2, 6, 5,
3, 7, 8, 4,
1, 3, 4, 2,
5, 6, 8, 7,
1, 5, 7, 3,
2, 4, 8, 6 ))
visibility <- function(xlim, ylim, zlim, pmat) {
Near <- vector(length = 6)
for (ii in 1:6) {
p <- Face[ii, ]
pt <- Vertex[p[1], ]
u0 <- c(xlim[pt[1]] , ylim[pt[2]], zlim[pt[3]], 1)
pt <- Vertex[p[2], ]
u1 <- c(xlim[pt[1]] , ylim[pt[2]], zlim[pt[3]], 1)
pt <- Vertex[p[3], ]
u2 <- c(xlim[pt[1]] , ylim[pt[2]], zlim[pt[3]], 1)
pt <- Vertex[p[4], ]
u3 <- c(xlim[pt[1]] , ylim[pt[2]], zlim[pt[3]], 1)
v0 <- u0 %*% pmat
v1 <- u1 %*% pmat
v2 <- u2 %*% pmat
v3 <- u3 %*% pmat
# Visibility test. */
# Determine whether the surface normal is toward the eye. */
d <- v1/v1[4] - v0/v0[4]
e <- v2/v2[4] - v1/v1[4]
Near[ii] <- (d[1]*e[2] - d[2]*e[1]) < 0
## =============================================================================
## Transformation matrix - see plot.c (R-core)
## =============================================================================
transmat <- function (phi, theta, scalefac, r, d) {
if (is.null(r))
r <- sqrt(3)
if (is.null(d))
d <- 1
ph <- phi / 180 * pi
th <- theta / 180 * pi
# center at origin
M <- diag(nrow = 4)
M[4, 1:3] <- c(-scalefac$xc, -scalefac$yc, -scalefac$zc)
VT <- diag(nrow = 4) %*% M
# scale to -1,1
M <- diag(nrow = 4, x = c(scalefac$x, scalefac$y, scalefac$z, 1))
VT <- VT %*% M
# rotation in x-direction, x-y plane to horizontal (-90)
cosp <- cos(-0.5*pi)
sinp <- sin(-0.5*pi)
rotX <- matrix(nrow = 4, data = c(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, cosp, -sinp, 0,
0, sinp, cosp, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1))
VT <- VT %*% rotX
# azimuthal rotation in y-direction
cosp <- cos(-th)
sinp <- sin(-th)
rotY <- matrix(nrow = 4, data = c(cosp, 0, sinp, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
-sinp, 0, cosp, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1))
VT <- VT %*% rotY
# elevation rotation in x-direction
cosp <- cos(ph)
sinp <- sin(ph)
rotX <- matrix(nrow = 4, data = c(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, cosp, -sinp, 0,
0, sinp, cosp, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1))
VT <- VT %*% rotX
# translate to origin
M <- diag(nrow = 4)
M[4, 3] <- -r - d
VT <- VT %*% M
# perspective
M <- diag(nrow = 4)
M[3, 4] <- -1/d
VT <- VT %*% M
## =============================================================================
## Draw visible edges of box
## =============================================================================
drawfullbox <- function(plist) {
P <- visibility(plist$xlim, plist$ylim, plist$zlim, plist$mat)
addsegments <- function(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) {
XY0 <- trans3D(x = x0, y = y0, z = z0, pmat = plist$mat)
XY1 <- trans3D(x = x1, y = y1, z = z1, pmat = plist$mat)
segments(XY1$x, XY1$y, XY0$x, XY0$y, col = "black")
xlim <- plist$xlim
ylim <- plist$ylim
zlim <- plist$zlim
if (P[1])
addsegments(xlim, xlim,
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[1], 2),
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
if (P[1])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[1], 2),
zlim, zlim)
if (P[3])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[1], 2),
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
zlim, zlim)
if (P[3])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[1], 2),
ylim, ylim,
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
if (P[2])
addsegments(xlim, xlim,
rep(ylim[2], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
if (P[2])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
rep(ylim[2], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
zlim, zlim)
if (P[4])
addsegments(rep(xlim[2], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
ylim, ylim,
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
if (P[4])
addsegments(rep(xlim[2], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
zlim, zlim)
if (P[5])
addsegments(xlim, xlim,
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[1], 2))
if (P[5])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
ylim, ylim,
rep(zlim[1], 2), rep(zlim[1], 2))
if (P[6])
addsegments(rep(xlim[1], 2), rep(xlim[2], 2),
ylim, ylim,
rep(zlim[2], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
if (P[6])
addsegments(xlim, xlim,
rep(ylim[1], 2), rep(ylim[2], 2),
rep(zlim[2], 2), rep(zlim[2], 2))
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