
Defines functions print.customFilterSummary summary.customFilt print.cvFilterSummary summary.cvFilt print.rmdFilterSummary summary.rmdFilt print.imdanovaFilterSummary summary.imdanovaFilt print.proteomicsFilterSummary summary.proteomicsFilt print.totalCountFiltSummary summary.totalCountFilt print.RNAFiltSummary summary.RNAFilt print.moleculeFilterSummary summary.moleculeFilt

Documented in print.customFilterSummary print.cvFilterSummary print.imdanovaFilterSummary print.moleculeFilterSummary print.proteomicsFilterSummary print.rmdFilterSummary print.RNAFiltSummary print.totalCountFiltSummary summary.customFilt summary.cvFilt summary.imdanovaFilt summary.moleculeFilt summary.proteomicsFilt summary.rmdFilt summary.RNAFilt summary.totalCountFilt

#' Molecule Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a moleculeFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'moleculeFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{molecule_filter}}
#' @param min_num integer value specifying the minimum number of times each
#'   feature must be observed across all samples. Default value is NULL.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary table giving the number of biomolecules by number of
#'   observed values across all samples. If min_num is specified, the numbers of
#'   biomolecules to be filtered and to be retained based on the specified
#'   threshold are reported. If, upon creation of moleculeFilt object,
#'   \code{use_groups = TRUE} or \code{use_batches = TRUE} were specified, the
#'   numbers reported by the summary are based on groups and/or batches.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myfilter <- molecule_filter(omicsData = pep_object)
#' summary(myfilter)
#' summary(myfilter, min_num = 2)
#' @seealso \code{\link{molecule_filter}}
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.moleculeFilt
#' @name summary.moleculeFilt

summary.moleculeFilt <- function(object, min_num = NULL, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  if (!is.null(min_num)) {
    # check that min_num is not a vector #
    if (length(min_num) > 1) stop("min_num must be of length 1")
    # check that min_num is numeric >= 0 #
    if (!is.numeric(min_num) | min_num < 0) stop("min_num must be an integer >= 0")
    # check that min_num is an integer #
    if (min_num %% 1 != 0) stop("min_num must be an integer >= 0")
    # check that min_num is less than the max number of observations #
    if (min_num > max(filter_object$Num_Observations)) stop("min_num cannot be greater than the number of samples")

  # return the numeric version of plot, the threshold used, the number that would be tested and the number that would not be tested

  # how many peptides appear in the dataset once, twice, 3 times, etc.
  cut_data <- table(cut(filter_object$Num_Observations, breaks = -1:max(filter_object$Num_Observations)))
  cumcounts <- cumsum(cut_data)
  pep_observation_counts <- data.frame(num_observations = 0:(length(cumcounts) - 1), frequency_counts = cumcounts)

  if (!is.null(min_num)) {
    # get number molecules tested
    num_not_tested <- pep_observation_counts$frequency_counts[pep_observation_counts$num_observations == (min_num - 1)]

    # get number molecules not tested
    num_tested <- pep_observation_counts$frequency_counts[nrow(pep_observation_counts)] - num_not_tested
  } else {
    num_tested = NULL
    num_not_tested = NULL
    min_num = NULL

  res <- list(pep_observation_counts = pep_observation_counts[-1, ], min_num = min_num, num_not_filtered = num_tested, num_filtered = num_not_tested)

  class(res) = c("moleculeFilterSummary", "list")

  attr(res, "use_batch") <- attr(filter_object, "use_batch")
  attr(res, "use_groups") <- attr(filter_object, "use_groups")


#' Molecule Filter Print Method
#' Print method for moleculeFilt S3 object
#' @param x the moleculeFilt summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.moleculeFilterSummary

print.moleculeFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  cat("\nSummary of Molecule Filter \n----------------------------------\n")
  if (attr(object, "use_batch") & !attr(object, "use_groups")) {
    cat("\nMinimum Number is Minimum Number per Batch \n----------------------------------\n")
  if (!attr(object, "use_batch") & attr(object, "use_groups")) {
    cat("\nMinimum Number is Minimum Number per Group \n----------------------------------\n")
  if (attr(object, "use_batch") & attr(object, "use_groups")) {
    cat("\nMinimum Number is Minimum Number per Batch and Group \n----------------------------------\n")

  if (!is.null(object$min_num)) {
    cat(sprintf("Minimum Number:%d\nFiltered:%d\nNot Filtered:%d\n\n", object$min_num, object$num_filtered, object$num_not_filtered))
  print(object$pep_observation_counts, row.names = FALSE)

#' RNA Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a RNAFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'RNAFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{RNA_filter}}.
#' @param min_nonzero integer or float between 0 and 1. Cut-off for number of
#'   unique biomolecules with non-zero counts or as a proportion of total
#'   biomolecules. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param size_library integer cut-off for sample library size (i.e. number of
#'   reads). Defaults to NULL.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary table giving the minimum, maximum, 1st and 3rd quartiles,
#'   mean and standard deviation for library size (the number of unique
#'   biomolecules with non-zero observations per sample), and the proportion of
#'   non-zero observations over the total number of biomolecules.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myfilter <- RNA_filter(omicsData = rnaseq_object)
#' summary(myfilter)
#' summary(myfilter, min_nonzero = 2)
#' @author Rachel Richardson
#' @seealso \code{\link{RNA_filter}}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.RNAFilt
#' @name summary.RNAFilt

summary.RNAFilt <- function(object,
                            size_library = NULL,
                            min_nonzero = NULL,
                            ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Have a looksie at the class of the filter object.
  if (!inherits(filter_object, "RNAFilt")) {
    # Fezzik, tear his arms off.
    stop("filter_object must be of class RNAFilt")

  ## Checks for size_library as single integer
  if (!is.null(size_library) &&
    (length(size_library) > 1 ||
      size_library %% 1 != 0 ||
      size_library > max(filter_object$LibrarySize)
  ) stop(
      "size_library must be integer of length 1 less than max library size (",

  ## Checks for min_nonzero as single numeric
  if (!is.null(min_nonzero)) {
    ## Length
    if (length(min_nonzero) > 1) stop("min_nonzero must be length 1")

    ## proportion or int
    if (!(min_nonzero %% 1 == 0 || (min_nonzero > 0 && min_nonzero < 1))) stop(
      "min_nonzero must be integer or numeric between 0 and 1."

    ## Within appropriate bounds
    if (min_nonzero %% 1 == 0 && min_nonzero > max(filter_object$NonZero)) stop(
        "min_nonzero exceeds maximum number of non-zero biomolecules (",

    if (min_nonzero %% 1 != 0 &&
      min_nonzero > max(filter_object$ProportionNonZero)) stop(
        "min_nonzero exceeds maximum proportion of non-zero biomolecules (",

  temp_obj <- filter_object
  if (!is.null(min_nonzero)) {
    column_use <- ifelse(min_nonzero %% 1 == 0,
      "NonZero", "ProportionNonZero"
    temp_obj <- temp_obj[temp_obj[[column_use]] >= min_nonzero, ]

  if (!is.null(size_library)) {
    temp_obj <- temp_obj[temp_obj[["LibrarySize"]] >= size_library, ]

  ## Pre-filter
  df <- as.data.frame(apply(temp_obj[-1], 2, summary))
  df["SD", ] <- apply(temp_obj[-1], 2, sd)

  rmved <- !(filter_object[[colnames(filter_object)[[1]]]] %in% temp_obj[[colnames(filter_object)[[1]]]])

  res <- list(
    Summary = df,
    samples_filtered = filter_object[[colnames(filter_object)[[1]]]][rmved],
    num_filtered = sum(rmved),
    num_not_filtered = sum(!rmved),
    nonzero_thresh = min_nonzero,
    library_thresh = size_library

  class(res) = c("RNAFiltSummary", class(res))


#' RNA Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of RNAFilt
#' @param x the RNAFilt summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.RNAFiltSummary
print.RNAFiltSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  cat("\nSummary of RNA Filter \n----------------------------------\n")

  if (!is.null(object$library_thresh)) {
      "Library size cut-off: %d\n\n",

  if (!is.null(object$nonzero_thresh)) {
    if (object$nonzero_thresh %% 1 == 0) {
        "N Non-zero biomolecule cut-off: %d\n\n",
    } else {
        "Proportion Non-zero biomolecule cut-off: %f\n\n",

  if (length(object$samples_filtered) > 0) {
      "Samples Filtered:%d\n Samples Not Filtered:%d\n\n",


#' Total Count Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a totalCountFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'totalCountFilt' created by
#' \code{\link{total_count_filter}}.
#' @param min_count numeric value greater than 1 and less than the value
#' given by filter_object$Total_Count. Values below min_count are filtered out.
#' Default value is NULL.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary of the Total Count values, number of zero values, and
#' non-zero values. If a min_count is provided the biomolecules that would be
#' filtered at this threshold are reported.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myfilt <- total_count_filter(omicsData = rnaseq_object)
#' summary(myfilt, min_count = 15)
#' }
#' @author Rachel Richardson
#' @seealso \code{\link{total_count_filter}}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.totalCountFilt
#' @name summary.totalCountFilt
summary.totalCountFilt <- function(object, min_count = NULL, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # checks for cv_threshold if not null #
  if (!is.null(min_count)) {
    # check that cv_threshold is numeric
    if (!is.numeric(min_count)) stop("cv_threshold must be numeric of length 1")
    # chack that cv_threshold is of length 1
    if (length(min_count) > 1) stop("cv_threshold must be numeric of length 1")
    # check that cv_threshold is more than 1 and less than max CV value
    if (min_count <= 1 | min_count >= max(filter_object$Total_Counts, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("cv_threshold must be greater than 1 and less than the maximum CV value")

  # get summary of Total_Counts #
  count_sum <- summary(filter_object$Total_Counts)

  # get biomolecules to filter if min_count is not NULL #
  if (!is.null(min_count)) {
    filt <- as.character(filter_object[filter_object$Total_Counts < min_count, 1])
    if (length(filt) == 0) filt <- NULL
  } else filt <- NULL

  res <- list(
    Summary_all = count_sum,
    filtered_biomolecules = length(filt)

  class(res) = c("totalCountFiltSummary", "list")


#' Total Count Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of Total Count filter
#' @param x the Total Count filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.totalCountFiltSummary
print.totalCountFiltSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # create output #
    "\nSummary of Total Count Filter\n----------------------\nCounts:\n",
  ), sep = "\n")
  cat(c("\nNumber Filtered Biomolecules:", paste(object$filtered_biomolecules, collapse = ", "), "\n\n"))

#' Proteomics Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a proteomicsFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'proteomicsFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{proteomics_filter}}.
#' @param min_num_peps optional integer value between 1 and the maximum
#'   number of peptides that map to a protein in the data. The value specifies
#'   the minimum number of peptides that must map to a protein. Any protein with
#'   less than \code{min_num_peps} mapping to it will be returned as a protein
#'   that should be filtered. Default value is NULL.
#' @param degen_peps logical indicator of whether to filter out 'degenerate' or 'redundant'
#'   peptides (i.e. peptides mapping to multiple proteins) (TRUE) or not
#'   (FALSE). Default value is FALSE.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary table giving the number of Observed Proteins per Peptide
#'   and number of Observed Peptides per Protein. If min_num_peps is specified
#'   and/or degen_peps is TRUE, the number of biomolecules to be filtered with
#'   the specified threshold(s) are reported.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myfilt <- proteomics_filter(omicsData = pep_object)
#' summary(myfilt, degen_peps = TRUE) # there are no degenerate peptides to filter out
#' summary(myfilt, min_num_peps = 2)
#' @author Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{proteomics_filter}}
#' @rdname summary.proteomicsFilt
#' @name summary.proteomicsFilt
#' @export
summary.proteomicsFilt <- function(object, min_num_peps = NULL, degen_peps = FALSE,
                                   ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # error checks for min_num_peps, if not NULL #
  if (!is.null(min_num_peps)) {
    # check that min_num_peps is not a vector #
    if (length(min_num_peps) > 1) stop("min_num_peps must be of length 1")
    # check that min_num_peps is numeric and >=1 #
    if (!is.numeric(min_num_peps) | min_num_peps < 1) stop("min_num_peps must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
    # check that min_num_peps is an integer #
    if (min_num_peps %% 1 != 0) stop("min_num_peps must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
    # check that min_num_peps is of length 1 #
    if (length(min_num_peps) != 1) stop("min_num_peps must be of length 1")
    # check that min_num_peps is less than the total number of peptides #
    if (min_num_peps > max(max(filter_object$counts_by_pep$n), max(filter_object$counts_by_pro$n))) stop("min_num_peps cannot be greater than the total number of peptides")
  # check that degen_peps is logical #
  if (!is.logical(degen_peps)) stop("degen_peps must be either TRUE or FALSE")

  pep_sum <- summary(filter_object$counts_by_pep$n)
  pro_sum <- summary(filter_object$counts_by_pro$n)

  if (!is.null(min_num_peps)) {
    count_bypro <- filter_object$counts_by_pro
    count_bypep <- filter_object$counts_by_pep

    pro_id <- names(count_bypro)[names(count_bypro) != "n"]
    pep_id <- names(count_bypep)[names(count_bypep) != "n"]
    pro_filt <- as.character(data.frame(count_bypro[which(count_bypro$n < min_num_peps), ])[, pro_id])

    # determine which peptides no longer have a protein to map to  #
    ## find rows in peptide.info that correspond to proteins to be filtered ##
    protfilt.ids <- which(attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[, pro_id] %in% pro_filt)

    ## find the peptides that are in the filter list but are not in the unfiltered lists ##
    pep_filt <- as.character(setdiff(attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[protfilt.ids, pep_id], attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[-protfilt.ids, pep_id]))

    if (length(pep_filt) == 0) {
      pep_filt = NULL
    if (length(pro_filt) == 0) {
      pro_filt = NULL

    filter_object_new2 <- list(proteins_filt = pro_filt, peptides_filt = pep_filt)
  } else {
    filter_object_new2 <- list(peptides_filt = c(), proteins_filt = c())

  if (degen_peps) {
    count_bypro <- filter_object$counts_by_pro
    count_bypep <- filter_object$counts_by_pep

    pro_id <- names(count_bypro)[names(count_bypro) != "n"]
    pep_id <- names(count_bypep)[names(count_bypep) != "n"]
    degen_peptides <- as.character(data.frame(count_bypep[which(count_bypep$n > 1), ])[, pep_id])

    ## identify any proteins that now will not have peptides mapping to them ##
    ## find rows in e_meta that correspond to peptides to be filtered ##
    pepfilt.ids <- which(attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[, pep_id] %in% degen_peptides)

    ## find the proteins that are in the filter list but are not in the unfiltered lists ##
    add_prots <- as.character(setdiff(attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[pepfilt.ids, pro_id], attr(filter_object, "e_meta")[-pepfilt.ids, pro_id]))

    if (length(add_prots) == 0) {
      add_prots = NULL
    if (length(degen_peptides) == 0) {
      degen_peptides = NULL
    filter_object_new1 <- list(peptides_filt = degen_peptides, proteins_filt = add_prots)
  } else {
    filter_object_new1 <- list(peptides_filt = c(), proteins_filt = c())

  ## consolidate filter_object_new1 and filter_object_new2 ##
  filter_object_new <- list(proteins_filt = unique(c(filter_object_new1$proteins_filt, filter_object_new2$proteins_filt)), peptides_filt = unique(c(filter_object_new1$peptides_filt, filter_object_new2$peptides_filt)))

  num_filtered <- lapply(filter_object_new, length)
  # return the 5 number summary for both parts of the filter, give total number of peps and/or prots filtered
  res <- list(num_per_pep = pep_sum, num_per_pro = pro_sum, num_pep_filtered = num_filtered$peptides_filt, num_pro_filtered = num_filtered$proteins_filt)
  res$num_pro_notfiltered = nrow(filter_object$counts_by_pro) - res$num_pro_filtered
  res$num_pep_notfiltered = nrow(filter_object$counts_by_pep) - res$num_pep_filtered
  class(res) = c("proteomicsFilterSummary", "list")


#' Proteomics Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of proteomics filter
#' @param x the proteomics filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.proteomicsFilterSummary
print.proteomicsFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  catmat <- data.frame(
    c(object$num_per_pep, " ", object$num_pep_filtered, object$num_pep_notfiltered),
    c(object$num_per_pro, " ", object$num_pro_filtered, object$num_pro_notfiltered)
  colnames(catmat) <- c("Obs Proteins Per Peptide", "Obs Peptides Per Protein")
  rownames(catmat) <- c(names(object$num_per_pep), " ", "Filtered", "Not Filtered")

  cat("\nSummary of Proteomics Filter \n\n")
  cat(capture.output(catmat), sep = "\n")

#' IMD-ANOVA Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a imdanovaFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'imdanovaFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{imdanova_filter}}.
#' @param min_nonmiss_gtest integer value specifying the minimum number of
#'   non-missing feature values allowed per group for \code{gtest_filter}.
#'   Defaults to NULL. Suggested value is 3.
#' @param min_nonmiss_anova integer value specifying the minimum number of
#'   non-missing feature values allowed per group for \code{anova_filter}.
#'   Defaults to NULL. Suggested value is 2.
#' @param comparisons data frame with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control (e.g. Control is the
#'   reference group).
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return If min_nonmiss_gtest or min_nonmiss_anova is specified, the number of
#'   biomolecules to be filtered with the specified threshold are reported.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mypep <- group_designation(omicsData = pep_object, main_effects = "Phenotype")
#' myfilt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = mypep)
#' summary(myfilt, min_nonmiss_anova = 2, min_nonmiss_gtest = 3)
#' @seealso \code{\link{imdanova_filter}}
#' @author Lisa Bramer
#' @rdname summary.imdanovaFilt
#' @name summary.imdanovaFilt
#' @export
summary.imdanovaFilt <- function(object, min_nonmiss_anova = NULL,
                                 min_nonmiss_gtest = NULL, comparisons = NULL, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  ## initial checks ##

  # it is fine if both min_nonmiss_anova and min_nonmiss_gtest are NULL in the summary function #

  # check that if they aren't NULL, min_nonmiss_anova and min_nonmiss_gtest are numeric, >=2 and >=3, respectively,
  # and neither are bigger than the minimum group size (group_sizes in an attribute of the filter_object, see below) #
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova)) {
    # check that min_nonmiss_anova is not a vector #
    if (length(min_nonmiss_anova) > 1) stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be of length 1")
    # check that min_nonmiss_anova is numeric >= 2 #
    if (!is.numeric(min_nonmiss_anova) | min_nonmiss_anova < 2) stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be an integer >= 2")
    # check that min_nonmiss_anova is an integer #
    if (min_nonmiss_anova %% 1 != 0) stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be an integer >= 2")
    # check that min_nonmiss_anova is less than the minimum group size among non-singleton groups #
    nonsingleton_groups <- attributes(filter_object)$nonsingleton_groups
    if (min_nonmiss_anova > min(attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes$n_group[which(attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes$Group %in% nonsingleton_groups)])) stop("min_nonmiss_anova cannot be greater than the minimum group size")
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # check that min_nonmiss_gtest is not a vector #
    if (length(min_nonmiss_gtest) > 1) stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be of length 1")
    # check that min_nonmiss_gtest is numeric >= 3 #
    if (!is.numeric(min_nonmiss_gtest) | min_nonmiss_gtest < 3) stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be an integer >= 3")
    # check that min_nonmiss_gtest is an integer #
    if (min_nonmiss_gtest %% 1 != 0) stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be an integer >= 3")
    # check that min_nonmiss_gtest is less than the minimum group size #
    nonsingleton_groups <- attributes(filter_object)$nonsingleton_groups
    if (min_nonmiss_gtest > min(attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes$n_group[which(attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes$Group %in% nonsingleton_groups)])) stop("min_nonmiss_gtest cannot be greater than the minimum group size")

  ## end of initial checks ##

  # Check if data are paired. If they are we will filter biomolecules on paired
  # differences.
  if (!is.null(
    attr(attr(attr(filter_object, "omicsData"), "group_DF"), "pair_id")
  )) {
    # Create an omicsData object on the differences.
    diff_omicsData <- as.diffData(attr(filter_object, "omicsData"))

    # Create a new filter object with the differenced data. (For future readers:
    # I meant to use the word "differenced". I hope it made you chuckle.) We
    # need this object for the counts based on differences instead of pairs
    # because later we will filter and perform statistics on the differences.
    filter_object <- imdanova_filter(diff_omicsData)

  my_names <- as.character(attr(filter_object, "group_sizes")$Group)

  # if min_nonmiss_anova is not provided, the vector of zeros will indicate nothing needs removing
  inds_rm_anova <- rep(0, nrow(filter_object))

  # if min_nonmiss_gtest is not provided, the vector of zeros will indicate nothing needs removing
  inds_rm_gtest <- rep(0, nrow(filter_object))

  # Determine what will be filtered: ANOVA -------------------------------------

  # if min_nonmiss_anova is provided
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova)) {
    # Check if there are no main effects. This can occur when data are paired.
    if ("paired_diff" %in% my_names) {
      inds_rm_anova <- filter_object$paired_diff < min_nonmiss_anova
    } else {
      # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
      # Determine which groups meet the min_nonmiss_anova criterion.
      inds_rm_anova <- filter_object %>%
        # Determine which groups have non-missing counts above the cutoff.
          dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(my_names), ~ . >= min_nonmiss_anova)
        ) %>%
        # Count the number of groups above the cutoff.
          n_groups = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(my_names)))

      # Determine what will be filtered when comparisons is NULL.
      if (is.null(comparisons)) {
        # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
        # When comparisons are NULL we need at least two groups (across all
        # groups) that have counts above the min_nonmiss_anova threshold.
        inds_rm_anova <- inds_rm_anova %>%
          # Count the number of groups above the cutoff.
          dplyr::mutate(insufficient = n_groups < 2) %>%
      } else {
        # Grab the groups in the Test and Control columns.
        testers <- unique(comparisons$Test)
        controllers <- unique(comparisons$Control)
        combiners <- unique(c(testers, controllers))

        # Sum across the unique groups in test, control, and combined (the
        # unique set of groups from both test and control). This will be used to
        # determine which rows need to be filtered depending on which scenario
        # we are in.
        inds_rm_anova <- inds_rm_anova %>%
            n_test = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(testers))),
            n_control = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(controllers))),
            n_combine = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(combiners)))

        # Scenario 1: one group is compared to multiple other groups.
        if (length(controllers) == 1) {
          inds_rm_anova <- inds_rm_anova %>%
            # Count the number of groups above the cutoff.
            dplyr::mutate(insufficient = n_groups < 2) %>%
            # We can't filter the rows like the code does in applyFilt because
            # the length of inds_rm_anova and inds_rm_gest need to be the same.
            # Filtering either inds_rm_anova or inds_rm_gtest would break the
            # code at the end that counts the number of biomolecules that are
            # either filtered or not filtered.
            # Change values in insufficient according to the values in n_test
            # and n_control. Rows in insufficient without any groups above the
            # cutoff in test or control must be TRUE (the corresponding
            # biomolecule is removed).
            # We can't test one thing against nothing :)
              insufficient = dplyr::case_when(
                n_test == 0 | n_control == 0 ~ TRUE,
                TRUE ~ insufficient
            ) %>%

          # Scenario 2: Some groups are compared to some other groups. In this
          # scenario a group can be in both test and control.
        } else {
          inds_rm_anova <- inds_rm_anova %>%
            # Count the number of groups above the cutoff.
            dplyr::mutate(insufficient = n_groups < 2) %>%
            # We can't filter the rows like the code does in applyFilt because
            # the length of inds_rm_anova and inds_rm_gest need to be the same.
            # Filtering either inds_rm_anova or inds_rm_gtest would break the
            # code at the end that counts the number of biomolecules that are
            # either filtered or not filtered.
            # Change values in insufficient according to the values in n_test,
            # n_control and n_combine. Rows in insufficient without any groups
            # above the cutoff in control or test and rows where there is at
            # least one group in test or control but the count of combined
            # groups is less than two need to be TRUE (the corresponding
            # biomolecule is removed).
            # We can't test one thing against nothing nor can we test one thing
            # against itself :)
              insufficient = dplyr::case_when(
                (n_test == 0 | n_control == 0) |
                  (n_test > 0 & n_control > 0 & n_combine < 2) ~ TRUE,
                TRUE ~ insufficient
            ) %>%

  # Determine what will be filtered: G-Test ------------------------------------

  # if min_nonmiss_gtest is provided
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # Check if there are no main effects. This can occur when data are paired.
    if ("paired_diff" %in% my_names) {
      # We cannot run a gtest when there are no main effects. Create a vector of
      # zeros so the gtest will not affect the counting below.
      inds_rm_gtest <- rep(0, dim(filter_object)[[1]])
    } else {
      # Determine what will be filtered when comparisons is NULL.
      if (is.null(comparisons)) {
        # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
        # When comparisons are NULL we need at least one group (across all
        # groups) that has a count above min_nonmiss_gtest.
        inds_rm_gtest <- filter_object %>%
          # Determine which groups have non-missing counts above the cutoff.
            # Find groups above G-Test criterion.
            dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(my_names), ~ . >= min_nonmiss_gtest),
            # Count number of groups above G-Test criterion.
            n_groups = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(my_names))),
            # Determine which biomolecules have insufficient data.
            insufficient = n_groups == 0
          ) %>%

        # Determine what will be filtered when custom comparisons are provided.
      } else {
        # Grab the groups in both the Test and Control columns.
        combiners <- unique(c(comparisons$Test, comparisons$Control))

        # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
        inds_rm_gtest <- filter_object %>%
            # Find groups specified in comparisons above G-Test criterion.
            dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(combiners), ~ . >= min_nonmiss_gtest),
            # Count number of groups above G-Test criterion.
            n_groups = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(combiners))),
            # Determine which biomolecules have insufficient data.
            insufficient = n_groups == 0
          ) %>%

  # Count number of things that will be filtered -------------------------------

  # if-statement for the case where both min_nonmiss_anova and min_nonmiss_gtest
  # are non-NULL. Note: num_not_tested will be the count of (inds_rm_anova +
  # inds_rm_gtest) that sum to 2. That is the intersection of both filters.
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) & !is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # We will count differently if the data are paired and there are no main
    # effects. In this case we only need the sum of inds_rm_anova and
    # inds_rm_gtest to be greater than zero.
    if ("paired_diff" %in% my_names) {
      # get number molecules not tested
      num_filtered <- sum((inds_rm_anova + inds_rm_gtest) > 0)
    } else {
      # get number molecules not tested
      num_filtered <- sum((inds_rm_anova + inds_rm_gtest) > 1)

    # get number molecules tested
    num_not_filtered <- nrow(filter_object) - num_filtered
  } else if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) | !is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # get number molecules not tested
    num_filtered <- sum((inds_rm_anova + inds_rm_gtest) > 0)

    # get number molecules tested
    num_not_filtered <- nrow(filter_object) - num_filtered
  } else {
    num_not_filtered = NULL
    num_filtered = NULL

  res <- list(
    pep_observation_counts = nrow(filter_object),
    num_filtered = num_filtered,
    num_not_filtered = num_not_filtered

  class(res) = c("imdanovaFilterSummary", "list")


#' IMD-ANOVA Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of imdanova filter
#' @param x the imdanova filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.imdanovaFilterSummary
print.imdanovaFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  if (is.null(object$num_filtered)) {
    object$num_filtered <- NA

  if (is.null(object$num_not_filtered)) {
    object$num_not_filtered <- NA

  catmat <- data.frame(c(object$pep_observation_counts, object$num_filtered, object$num_not_filtered))
  rownames(catmat) <- c("Total Observations: ", "Filtered: ", "Not Filtered: ")

  colnames(catmat) <- NULL

  cat("\nSummary of IMD-ANOVA Filter\n")
  cat(capture.output(catmat), sep = "\n")

#' RMD Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a rmdFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'rmdFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{rmd_filter}}.
#' @param pvalue_threshold A threshold for the Robust Mahalanobis Distance (RMD)
#'   p-value. All samples with p-values below the threshold will be filtered
#'   out. Default value is NULL. Suggested value is 0.0001
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary of the p-values associated with running RMD-PAV across all
#'   samples. If a p-value threshold is provided the samples that would be
#'   filtered at this threshold are reported.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mymetab <- group_designation(omicsData = metab_object, main_effects = "Phenotype")
#' mymetab <- edata_transform(omicsData = mymetab, data_scale = "log2")
#' myfilt <- rmd_filter(omicsData = mymetab)
#' summary(myfilt, pvalue_threshold = 0.001)
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @seealso \code{\link{rmd_filter}}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.rmdFilt
#' @name summary.rmdFilt
summary.rmdFilt <- function(object, pvalue_threshold = NULL, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # check that pvalue_threshold is numeric [0,1] #
  if (!is.null(pvalue_threshold)) {
    if (!is.numeric(pvalue_threshold)) stop("pvalue_threshold must be numeric between 0 and 1")
    if (pvalue_threshold < 0 | pvalue_threshold > 1) stop("pvalue_threshold must be numeric between 0 and 1")

  # get metrics used #
  samp_id <- names(attr(filter_object, "group_DF"))[1]
  metrics <- attributes(filter_object)$metrics

  # get samples filtered out, if pvalue_threshold is specified #
  filt <- NULL
  if (!is.null(pvalue_threshold)) {
    filt <- as.character(filter_object[filter_object$pvalue < pvalue_threshold, samp_id])
    if (length(filt) == 0) filt <- NULL

  # Check if data are paired. If they are we will make sure no pairs are split
  # (e.g., one sample in a pair will be filtered but the other sample will not).
  if (!is.null(attr(attr(filter_object, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    # Snatch the sample name and pair name as they will be used in multiple
    # places. It will save some typing. ... However, all the typing I just saved
    # has probably been undone by writing this comment.
    sample_name <- attr(filter_object, "fdata_cname")
    pair_name <- attr(attr(filter_object, "group_DF"), "pair_id")

    # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!
    # The following code checks if the samples in a pair will be split. For
    # example, one sample in a pair will be filtered and another sample in the
    # pair will not be filtered. If a pair is split remove ALL samples
    # associated with that pair.
    # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!

    # Snag the associated pair IDs for the samples that will be filtered.
    filtered_pairs <- attr(filter_object, "fdata") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name) %in% filt) %>%

    # Go back to f_data and nab all the sample names corresponding to the pair
    # IDs associated with the original samples that were selected for removal.
    # These sample names will be used to filter the data. This vector will not
    # be the same as the original vector if any pairs were split. If there
    # were no pairs split the two vectors will be the same.
    filt <- attr(filter_object, "fdata") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(pair_name) %in% filtered_pairs) %>%
      dplyr::pull(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name)) %>%

  # for display #
  if (is.null(filt)) {
    filt <- "NULL"

  res <- list(pvalue = summary(filter_object$pvalue), metrics = metrics, filtered_samples = filt)

  class(res) = c("rmdFilterSummary", "list")


#' RMD Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of RMD filter
#' @param x the RMD filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.rmdFilterSummary
print.rmdFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  cat(c("\nSummary of RMD Filter\n----------------------\nP-values:\n", capture.output(object$pvalue)), sep = "\n")
  cat(c("\nMetrics Used:", paste(object$metrics, collapse = ", "), "\n"))
  cat(c("\nFiltered Samples:", paste(object$filtered_samples, collapse = ", "), "\n\n"))

#' Coefficient of Variation (CV) Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a cvFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'cvFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{cv_filter}}.
#' @param cv_threshold numeric value greater than 1 and less than the value
#'   given by filter_object$CV. CV values above cv_threshold are filtered out.
#'   Default value is NULL.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary of the CV values, number of NA values, and non-NA values.
#'   If a CV threshold is provided, the biomolecules that would be filtered
#'   based on this threshold are reported.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mypep <- group_designation(omicsData = pep_object, main_effects = "Phenotype")
#' to_filter <- cv_filter(omicsData = mypep, use_groups = TRUE)
#' summary(to_filter, cv_threshold = 30)
#' @author Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv_filter}}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cvFilt
#' @name summary.cvFilt
summary.cvFilt <- function(object, cv_threshold = NULL, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # checks for cv_threshold if not null #
  if (!is.null(cv_threshold)) {
    # check that cv_threshold is numeric
    if (!is.numeric(cv_threshold)) stop("cv_threshold must be numeric of length 1")
    # chack that cv_threshold is of length 1
    if (length(cv_threshold) > 1) stop("cv_threshold must be numeric of length 1")
    # check that cv_threshold is more than 1 and less than max CV value
    if (cv_threshold <= 1 | cv_threshold >= max(filter_object$CV, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("cv_threshold must be greater than 1 and less than the maximum CV value")

  # get rid of NAs #
  new_object <- filter_object[!is.na(filter_object$CV), ]

  # get summary of CVs #
  CVs <- summary(new_object$CV)

  if (!is.null(attributes(filter_object)$tot_nas)) {
    # get total NAs, total non-NAs #
    tot_NAs <- attributes(filter_object)$tot_nas
    tot_non_NAs <- nrow(filter_object) - tot_NAs
  } else {
    # get total zeros, total non-zeros #
    tot_zeros <- attributes(filter_object)$tot_zeros
    tot_non_zeros <- nrow(filter_object) - tot_zeros

  # get biomolecules to filter if cv_threshold is not NULL #
  filt <- NULL
  if (!is.null(cv_threshold)) {
    filt <- as.character(new_object[new_object$CV > cv_threshold, 1])
    if (length(filt) == 0) filt <- NULL

  if (!is.null(attributes(filter_object)$tot_nas)) {
    res <- list(
      CVs = CVs,
      tot_NAs = tot_NAs,
      tot_non_NAs = tot_non_NAs,
      filtered_biomolecules = length(filt)
  } else {
    res <- list(
      CVs = CVs,
      tot_zeros = tot_zeros,
      tot_non_zeros = tot_non_zeros,
      filtered_biomolecules = length(filt)

  class(res) = c("cvFilterSummary", "list")


#' CV Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of CV filter
#' @param x the CV filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.cvFilterSummary
print.cvFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # create output #
  cat(c("\nSummary of Coefficient of Variation (CV) ",
      sep = "\n")
  if (!is.null(object$tot_NAs)) {
    cat(c("\nTotal NAs:", object$tot_NAs))
    cat(c("\nTotal Non-NAs:", object$tot_non_NAs, "\n"))
  } else {
    cat(c("\nTotal zeros:", object$tot_zeros))
    cat(c("\nTotal Non-zeros:", object$tot_non_zeros, "\n"))
  cat(c("\nNumber Filtered Biomolecules:", 
        paste(object$filtered_biomolecules, collapse = ", "), "\n\n"))

#' Custom Filter Summary
#' Provide summary of a customFilt S3 object
#' @param object S3 object of class 'customFilt' created by
#'   \code{\link{custom_filter}}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return a summary of the items in e_data, f_data, and e_meta that will be
#'   removed as a result of applying the custom filter.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' to_filter <- custom_filter(omicsData = metab_object, e_data_remove = "fumaric acid",
#'                            f_data_remove = "Sample_1_Phenotype2_B")
#' summary(to_filter)
#' to_filter2 <- custom_filter(omicsData = metab_object, 
#'                             f_data_keep = metab_object$f_data$SampleID[1:10])
#' summary(to_filter2)
#' @author Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{custom_filter}}
#' @export
#' @rdname summary.customFilt
#' @name summary.customFilt
summary.customFilt <- function(object, ...) {
  filter_object <- object

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # get omicsData object #
  omicsData <- attr(filter_object, "omicsData")
  summary_orig <- summary(omicsData)

  # get names #
  edata_id <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)
  emeta_id <- get_emeta_cname(omicsData)
  samp_id <- get_fdata_cname(omicsData)

  # get counts #
  num_samples <- attr(filter_object, "num_samples")
  num_edata <- attr(filter_object, "num_edata")
  num_emeta <- attr(filter_object, "num_emeta") ## is null where not used

  # apply the filter #
  filtered_data <- applyFilt(filter_object, omicsData)
  summary_filt <- summary(filtered_data)

  mode_rmv <- !is.null(filter_object$e_data_remove) |
    !is.null(filter_object$f_data_remove) |

  mode_kp <- !is.null(filter_object$e_data_keep) |
    !is.null(filter_object$f_data_keep) |

  # if filter_object contains removes
  if (mode_rmv) {
    # samples #
    if (!is.null(filter_object$f_data_remove)) {
      samps_filt <- length(filter_object$f_data_remove)
      samps_left <- num_samples - samps_filt
    } else {
      samps_filt <- 0
      samps_left <- num_samples

    # e_data #
    if (!is.null(filter_object$e_data_remove)) {
      edata_filt <- length(filter_object$e_data_remove)
      edata_left <- num_edata - edata_filt
    } else {
      edata_filt <- num_edata - nrow(filtered_data$e_data)
      edata_left <- nrow(filtered_data$e_data)

    # e_meta #
    if (!is.null(num_emeta)) {
      if (!is.null(filter_object$e_meta_remove)) {
        emeta_filt <- length(filter_object$e_meta_remove)
        emeta_left <- num_emeta - emeta_filt
      } else {
        emeta_filt <- num_emeta - length(
          unique(filtered_data$e_meta[, emeta_id])
        emeta_left <- length(unique(filtered_data$e_meta[, emeta_id]))

    disp_colnames <- c("Filtered", "Remaining", "Total")

  # if filter_object contains keeps
  # tags of `_left` and `_filt` correspond to items kept and items not kept
  if (mode_kp) {
    # samples #
    if (!is.null(filter_object$f_data_keep)) {
      samps_left <- length(filter_object$f_data_keep)
      samps_filt <- num_samples - samps_left
    } else {
      samps_left <- num_samples
      samps_filt <- 0

    # e_data #
    if (!is.null(filter_object$e_data_keep)) {
      edata_left <- length(filter_object$e_data_keep)
      edata_filt <- num_edata - edata_left
    } else {
      edata_left <- nrow(filtered_data$e_data)
      edata_filt <- num_edata - nrow(filtered_data$e_data)

    # e_meta #
    if (!is.null(num_emeta)) {
      if (!is.null(filter_object$e_meta_keep)) {
        emeta_left <- length(filter_object$e_meta_keep)
        emeta_filt <- num_emeta - emeta_left
      } else {
        emeta_left <- length(unique(filtered_data$e_meta[, emeta_id]))
        emeta_filt <- num_emeta - length(
          unique(filtered_data$e_meta[, emeta_id])

    disp_colnames <- c("Discarded", "Kept", "Total")

  # Display #

  ## Display text ##
  edata_plural_text <- ifelse(length(grep("s$", edata_id)) > 0, " ", "s ")
  emeta_plural_text <- ifelse(length(grep("s$", emeta_id)) > 0, " ", "s ")
  samp_plural_text <- ifelse(length(grep("s$", samp_id)) > 0, " ", "s ")
  samp_id <- paste(samp_id, samp_plural_text, "(f_data)", sep = "")
  edata_id <- paste(edata_id, edata_plural_text, "(e_data)", sep = "")
  display_emeta_id <- paste(emeta_id, emeta_plural_text, "(e_meta)", sep = "")

  ## construct data frame ##
  if (is.null(emeta_id)) {
    disp <- data.frame(
      c(samps_filt, edata_filt),
      c(samps_left, edata_left),
      c(num_samples, num_edata)
    rownames(disp) <- c(samp_id, edata_id)
  } else {
    disp <- data.frame(
      c(samps_filt, edata_filt, emeta_filt),
      c(samps_left, edata_left, emeta_left),
      c(num_samples, num_edata, num_emeta)
    rownames(disp) <- c(samp_id, edata_id, display_emeta_id)

  colnames(disp) <- disp_colnames

  class(disp) = c("customFilterSummary", "data.frame")


#' Custom Filter Print Method
#' Print method for summary of custom filter
#' @param x the custom filter summary to print
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return No return value, prints details about x
#' @export
#' @name print.customFilterSummary
print.customFilterSummary <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x

  # Make sure we only have valid arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  ## Display output ##
  cat("\nSummary of Custom Filter\n\n")

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