
Defines functions .makeClassificationRegressionModel .make3Nodes .make3Tree .makeXgSegment pmml.xgb.Booster

Documented in pmml.xgb.Booster

# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
# #############################################################################

#' Generate PMML for a xgb.Booster object from the package \pkg{xgboost}.
#' @param model An object created by the 'xgboost' function.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @param input_feature_names Input variable names used in training the model.
#' @param output_label_name Name of the predicted field.
#' @param output_categories Possible values of the predicted field, for classification models.
#' @param xgb_dump_file Name of file saved using 'xgb.dump' function.
#' @param parent_invalid_value_treatment Invalid value treatment at the top MiningField level.
#' @param child_invalid_value_treatment Invalid value treatment at the model segment MiningField level.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @return PMML representation of the xgb.Booster object.
#' @details The \code{xgboost} function takes as its input either an \code{xgb.DMatrix} object or
#' a numeric matrix. The input field information is not stored in the R model object,
#' hence the field information must be passed on as inputs. This enables the PMML
#' to specify field names in its model representation. The R model object does not store
#' information about the fitted tree structure either. However, this information can
#' be extracted from the \code{xgb.model.dt.tree} function and the file saved using the
#' \code{xgb.dump} function. The xgboost library is therefore needed in the environment and this
#' saved file is needed as an input as well.
#' The following objectives are currently supported: \code{multi:softprob},
#' \code{multi:softmax}, \code{binary:logistic}.
#' The pmml exporter will throw an error if the xgboost model model only has one tree.
#' The exporter only works with numeric matrices. Sparse matrices must be converted to
#' \code{matrix} objects before training an xgboost model for the export to work correctly.
#' @author Tridivesh Jena
#' @seealso \code{\link[pmml]{pmml}},
#' \href{http://dmg.org/pmml/v4-4-1/GeneralStructure.html}{PMML schema}
#' @references
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xgboost}{xgboost: Extreme Gradient Boosting}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example using the xgboost package example model.
#' library(xgboost)
#' data(agaricus.train, package = "xgboost")
#' data(agaricus.test, package = "xgboost")
#' train <- agaricus.train
#' test <- agaricus.test
#' model1 <- xgboost(
#'   data = train$data, label = train$label,
#'   max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2,
#'   nrounds = 2, objective = "binary:logistic"
#' )
#' # Save the tree information in an external file:
#' xgb.dump(model1, "model1.dumped.trees")
#' # Convert to PMML:
#' model1_pmml <- pmml(model1,
#'   input_feature_names = colnames(train$data),
#'   output_label_name = "prediction1",
#'   output_categories = c("0", "1"),
#'   xgb_dump_file = "model1.dumped.trees"
#' )
#' # Multinomial model using iris data:
#' model2 <- xgboost(
#'   data = as.matrix(iris[, 1:4]),
#'   label = as.numeric(iris[, 5]) - 1,
#'   max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 2,
#'   objective = "multi:softprob", num_class = 3
#' )
#' # Save the tree information in an external file:
#' xgb.dump(model2, "model2.dumped.trees")
#' # Convert to PMML:
#' model2_pmml <- pmml(model2,
#'   input_feature_names = colnames(as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])),
#'   output_label_name = "Species",
#'   output_categories = c(1, 2, 3), xgb_dump_file = "model2.dumped.trees"
#' )
#' }
#' @export pmml.xgb.Booster
#' @export
pmml.xgb.Booster <- function(model,
                             model_name = "xboost_Model",
                             app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
                             description = "Extreme Gradient Boosting Model",
                             copyright = NULL,
                             model_version = NULL,
                             transforms = NULL,
                             missing_value_replacement = NULL,
                             input_feature_names = NULL,
                             output_label_name = NULL,
                             output_categories = NULL,
                             xgb_dump_file = NULL,
                             parent_invalid_value_treatment = "returnInvalid",
                             child_invalid_value_treatment = "asIs",
                             ...) {
  if (!inherits(model, "xgb.Booster")) {
    stop("Not a legitimate xgboost object")

  # All inputs are either numeric or have to be one-hot-encoded before
  # reading in to the xgboost function. The input data also has to be
  # in Matrix or xgb.DMatrix format, so cannot use a data frame with
  # discretization. Therefore just use the built in tree parser to get
  # feture inputs and assume that they are the inputs. This might imply
  # that the model will miss some inputs which were not used or some
  # factor levels which were not used. These feature names are in the
  # shape of 'VariableCategory' and so we need the variable name to
  # split and get category names. We therefore require the input field
  # names as an input parameter. This can be in the example format of
  # colnames(iris) or colnames(dtrain$data) where dtrain is a xgb.DMatrix.

  if (!(model$params$objective %in% c("multi:softprob", "multi:softmax", "binary:logistic"))) {
    stop("Only the following objectives are supported: multi:softprob, multi:softmax, binary:logistic.")

  if (is.null(input_feature_names)) {
    stop("Input feature names required at present version. Try using colnames function on Matrix, matrix or xgb.DMatrix$data")
  if (is.null(xgb_dump_file)) {
    stop("Must Provide file name of text file where xgb model was saved.")
  functionName <- "classification"
  if (is.null(output_categories)) {
    warning("No output categories given; regression model assumed.")
    functionName <- "regression"

  invalidValueTreatment_values <- c("returnInvalid", "asIs", "asMissing")
  if (!(parent_invalid_value_treatment %in% invalidValueTreatment_values)) {
      "\"", parent_invalid_value_treatment, "\" is not a valid enumeration value for parent_invalid_value_treatment. Use one of the following: ",
      paste(invalidValueTreatment_values, sep = ",", collapse = ", ")
    )), ".")

  if (!(child_invalid_value_treatment %in% invalidValueTreatment_values)) {
      "\"", child_invalid_value_treatment, "\" is not a valid enumeration value for child_invalid_value_treatment. Use one of the following: ",
      paste(invalidValueTreatment_values, sep = ",", collapse = ", ")
    )), ".")

  # get tree split information
  dtable <- xgboost::xgb.model.dt.tree(input_feature_names, model)
  # get all features used
  used_features <- unique(unlist(dtable[, 4], use.names = F))
  # get rid of leaves
  used_features <- used_features[!str_detect(used_features, "[lL]eaf")]
  # deal with fields with = and others separately
  usedFieldswithEq <- used_features[str_detect(used_features, "=")]
  usedFieldsOthers <- used_features[!str_detect(used_features, "=")]
  # get rid of leaves from all input fields
  input_feature_names <- input_feature_names[!str_detect(input_feature_names, "[lL]eaf")]
  # get rid of inputs with =, these will be taken care of via splitFieldswithEq
  input_feature_names <- input_feature_names[!str_detect(input_feature_names, "=")]
  # if given, remove output field name
  if (!is.null(output_label_name)) {
    input_feature_names <- input_feature_names[!str_detect(input_feature_names, paste0("^", output_label_name, "$"))]
    usedFieldsOthers <- usedFieldsOthers[!str_detect(usedFieldsOthers, paste0("^", output_label_name, "$"))]

  # make vector of field names used by model. Go through the used features
  fields1 <- unique(sapply(str_split(usedFieldswithEq, "="), function(x) {
  f <- vector()
  fields2 <- unique(unlist(lapply(input_feature_names, function(x) {
    if (length(str_subset(usedFieldsOthers, x)) > 0) {
      f <- c(f, x)

  target <- output_label_name
  field <- list()
  if (length(fields1) > 0) {
    field$name <- c(fields1, fields2, output_label_name)
  } else {
    field$name <- c(fields2, output_label_name)

  maxLevels <- 0
  if (length(fields1) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(fields1)) {
      leqs <- unlist(unique(sapply(str_split(usedFieldswithEq, "="), function(x) {
        if (x[1] == fields1[i]) {
      if (length(leqs) > maxLevels) {
        maxLevels <- length(leqs)
      field$levels[[fields1[i]]] <- list(leqs)
      field$levels[[fields1[i]]] <- field$levels[[fields1[i]]][[1]]
      field$class[[fields1[i]]] <- "factor"

  if (length(fields2) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(fields2)) {
      field$class[[fields2[i]]] <- "numeric"

  if (functionName == "regression") {
    field$class[output_label_name] <- "numeric"
  } else {
    field$class[output_label_name] <- "factor"
    field$levels[[output_label_name]] <- output_categories

  if (maxLevels > 0) {
    dt <- data.frame(tmp = rep(NA, maxLevels), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    for (fname in field$name) {
      if (fname != output_label_name) {
        l <- rep(field$levels[[fname]][1], maxLevels)
        l[1:length(field$levels[[fname]])] <- field$levels[[fname]]
        dt[, fname] <- l
      dt[, "tmp"] <- NULL
    xbox <- xform_wrap(dt)
    for (i in 1:ncol(dt)) {
      xbox <- xform_norm_discrete(xbox, xform_info = colnames(dt)[i], levelSeparator = "=", ignoreOperatorSigns = T)

  # Read in xgb dump file.
  dumpFile <- file(xgb_dump_file)
  treelines <- readLines(dumpFile)

  dtable[, "prediction"] <- as.double(NA)
  for (lin in treelines) {
    if (str_detect(lin, "^booster")) {
      boostNum <- str_extract(lin, "[0-9]+")
    if (str_detect(lin, "leaf=")) {
      leafInfo <- str_split(lin, ":leaf=")
      nodeId <- paste0(boostNum, "-", str_replace(leafInfo[[1]][1], "\t+", ""))
      pred <- leafInfo[[1]][2]
      pick <- which(dtable[, "ID"] == nodeId)
      suppressWarnings(dtable[pick, "prediction"] <- as.numeric(pred))

  # PMML
  pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()

  # PMML -> Header
  pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(
    description, copyright, model_version,

  # PMML -> DataDictionary
  pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(field, transformed = transforms))
  if (maxLevels > 0) {
    pmml <- append.xmlNode(pmml, pmml(, transforms = xbox, transformationDictionary = T))
  mmodel <- xmlNode("MiningModel", attrs = c(modelName = model_name, algorithmName = "xgboost", functionName = functionName))
  mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlMiningSchema(field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement,
    invalidValueTreatment = parent_invalid_value_treatment

  objective <- model$params$objective
  if (objective %in% c("binary:logistic", "multi:softprob", "multi:softmax")) {
    type <- "classification"
  } else {
    type <- "regression"
  if (type == "classification") {
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlOutput(field, target, "categorical"))

  # If interaction terms do exist, define a product in LocalTransformations and use
  # it as a model variable. This step is rare.
  interact <- FALSE
  number.of.fields <- length(field$name)
  for (fld in 1:number.of.fields)
    if (length(grep(":", field$name[fld])) == 1) {
      interact <- TRUE
      ltNode <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
      drvnode <- xmlNode("DerivedField", attrs = c(
        name = field$name[fld], optype = "continuous",
        dataType = "double"
      applyNode <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "*"))
      for (fac in 1:length(strsplit(field$name[fld], ":")[[1]]))
        fldNode <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = strsplit(field$name[fld], ":")[[1]][fac]))
        if (length(grep("as\\.factor\\(", fldNode)) == 1) {
          fldNode <- gsub("as.factor\\((\\w*)\\)", "\\1", fldNode, perl = TRUE)
        applyNode <- append.XMLNode(applyNode, fldNode)
      drvnode <- append.XMLNode(drvnode, applyNode)
    if (interact) {
      ltNode <- append.XMLNode(ltNode, drvnode)
  if (interact && is.null(transforms)) {
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, ltNode)

  if (interact && !is.null(transforms)) {
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, ltNode)

  if (!interact && !is.null(transforms)) {
    ltNode <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
    mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, .pmmlLocalTransformations(field, transforms, ltNode, target))

  segmentation <- xmlNode("Segmentation", attrs = c(multipleModelMethod = "modelChain"))

  numTrees <- as.numeric(dtable[nrow(dtable), 1] + 1)

  if (functionName == "classification" && objective != "binary:logistic") {
    if ((numTrees / length(output_categories)) != floor(numTrees / length(output_categories))) {
      stop("Number of trees not a multiple of number of categories provided.")

  segments <- lapply(1:numTrees, function(x) {
    .makeXgSegment(x, dtable, model_name, field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement, child_invalid_value_treatment)

  segmentation <- append.XMLNode(segmentation, segments)
  if (type == "classification") {
    lastSegment <- append.xmlNode(xmlNode("Segment", attrs = c(id = numTrees)), xmlNode("True"))
    lastModel <- .makeClassificationRegressionModel(field, target, output_categories, numTrees, type, objective, child_invalid_value_treatment)
    lastSegment <- append.xmlNode(lastSegment, lastModel)
    segmentation <- append.xmlNode(segmentation, lastSegment)

  mmodel <- append.XMLNode(mmodel, segmentation)
  pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, mmodel)


.makeXgSegment <- function(treeNum, dtable, model_name, field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement = NULL, child_invalid_value_treatment) {
  treeNum <- treeNum - 1
  message(paste("Now converting tree ", treeNum, " to PMML"))
  treeBeginRow <- min(which(dtable[, "Tree"] == treeNum))
  treeEndRow <- max(which(dtable[, "Tree"] == treeNum))
  # objective=="binary:logistic"|"multi:softprob"
  tinf <- data.frame(
    Node = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 2], Feature = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 4],
    Split = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 5], Yes = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 6],
    No = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 7], Missing = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 8],
    prediction = dtable[treeBeginRow:treeEndRow, 11], stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  tinf[, "Yes"] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(
    1:(treeEndRow - treeBeginRow + 1),
    function(x) {
      str_replace(tinf[x, "Yes"], paste0(treeNum, "-"), "")
  tinf[, "No"] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(
    1:(treeEndRow - treeBeginRow + 1),
    function(x) {
      str_replace(tinf[x, "No"], paste0(treeNum, "-"), "")
  tinf[, "Missing"] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(
    1:(treeEndRow - treeBeginRow + 1),
    function(x) {
      str_replace(tinf[x, "Missing"], paste0(treeNum, "-"), "")

  if (is.na(tinf[1, "Split"])) {
    nodeF <- append.xmlNode(xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(score = tinf[1, "prediction"])), xmlNode("True"))
  } else {
    nodeList <- .make3Nodes(tinf)
    nodeF <- .make3Tree(nodeList, tinf)
  # PMML -> TreeModel
  tree.model <- xmlNode("TreeModel",
    attrs = c(
      modelName = model_name, functionName = "regression", algorithmName = "xgboost",
      splitCharacteristic = "multiSplit"
  # PMML -> TreeModel -> MiningSchema
  tree.model <- append.XMLNode(tree.model, .pmmlMiningSchema(field, target,
    missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement,
    invalidValueTreatment = child_invalid_value_treatment
  treeOutput <- xmlNode("Output")
  treeOutputField <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(name = paste0("predictedValueTree", treeNum), dataType = "double", optype = "continuous", feature = "predictedValue"))
  treeOutput <- append.xmlNode(treeOutput, treeOutputField)
  tree.model <- append.XMLNode(tree.model, treeOutput)

  # Add to the top level structure.
  segment <- xmlNode("Segment", attrs = c(id = treeNum))
  tru <- xmlNode("True")
  segment <- append.XMLNode(segment, tru)

  tree.model <- append.XMLNode(tree.model, nodeF)
  segment <- append.XMLNode(segment, tree.model)


.make3Tree <- function(nodeList, splitInfo) {
  listLength <- as.integer(length(nodeList) / 3)
  nodeListL <- nodeList[1:listLength]
  nodeListR <- nodeList[(listLength + 1):(2 * listLength)]
  nodeListM <- nodeList[(2 * listLength + 1):length(nodeList)]

  while (listLength > 0) {
    if (splitInfo[listLength, 2] == "Leaf") {
      listLength <- listLength - 1
    pickL <- which(splitInfo[, 4] == splitInfo[listLength, 1])
    if (length(pickL) != 0) {
      nodeListL[[pickL]] <- append.xmlNode(nodeListL[[pickL]], list(nodeListL[[listLength]], nodeListR[[listLength]], nodeListM[[listLength]]))
    pickR <- which(splitInfo[, 5] == splitInfo[listLength, 1])
    if (length(pickR) != 0) {
      nodeListR[[pickR]] <- append.xmlNode(nodeListR[[pickR]], list(nodeListL[[listLength]], nodeListR[[listLength]], nodeListM[[listLength]]))
    pickM <- which(splitInfo[, 6] == splitInfo[listLength, 1])
    if (length(pickM) != 0) {
      nodeListM[[pickM]] <- append.xmlNode(nodeListM[[pickM]], list(nodeListL[[listLength]], nodeListR[[listLength]], nodeListM[[listLength]]))
    listLength <- listLength - 1

  nodeT <- append.xmlNode(xmlNode("Node"), xmlNode("True"))
  nodeT <- append.xmlNode(nodeT, list(nodeListL[[1]], nodeListR[[1]], nodeListM[[1]]))

.make3Nodes <- function(tinf) {
  # listLength <- min(which(is.na(tinf[,4])))-1
  listLength <- max(which(!is.na(tinf[, 4])))
  nodeListLeft <- vector(mode = "list", length = listLength)
  nodeListRight <- vector(mode = "list", length = listLength)
  nodeListMissing <- vector(mode = "list", length = listLength)
  for (i in 1:nrow(tinf)) {
    if (tinf[i, 2] == "Leaf") {

    YesId <- tinf[i, 4]
    NoId <- tinf[i, 5]
    MissingId <- tinf[i, 6]
    YesRow <- which(tinf[, 1] == YesId)
    NoRow <- which(tinf[, 1] == NoId)
    MissingRow <- which(tinf[, 1] == MissingId)

    if (!is.na(tinf[YesRow, 7])) {
      node <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(score = tinf[YesRow, 7]))
    } else {
      node <- xmlNode("Node")
    predL <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(field = as.character(tinf[i, 2]), operator = "lessThan", value = as.character(tinf[i, 3])))
    nodeListLeft[[i]] <- append.xmlNode(node, predL)

    if (!is.na(tinf[NoRow, 7])) {
      node <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(score = tinf[NoRow, 7]))
    } else {
      node <- xmlNode("Node")
    predR <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(field = as.character(tinf[i, 2]), operator = "greaterOrEqual", value = as.character(tinf[i, 3])))
    nodeListRight[[i]] <- append.xmlNode(node, predR)

    if (!is.na(tinf[MissingRow, 7])) {
      node <- xmlNode("Node", attrs = c(score = tinf[MissingRow, 7]))
    } else {
      node <- xmlNode("Node")
    predM <- xmlNode("SimplePredicate", attrs = c(field = as.character(tinf[i, 2]), operator = "isMissing"))
    nodeListMissing[[i]] <- append.xmlNode(node, predM)

  return(c(nodeListLeft, nodeListRight, nodeListMissing))

.makeClassificationRegressionModel <- function(field, target, output_categories, numTrees, type, objective, child_invalid_value_treatment) {
  numCategories <- length(output_categories)
  numTreesPerCategories <- as.integer(numTrees / numCategories)

  regrSegment <- append.xmlNode(xmlNode("Segment"), xmlNode("True"))
  if (type == "regression") {
    regrModel <- xmlNode("RegressionModel", attrs = c(functionName = "regression", modelName = "CollectingModel"))
  } else {
    regrModel <- xmlNode("RegressionModel", attrs = c(functionName = "classification", normalizationMethod = "softmax", modelName = "CollectingModel"))
  ms <- xmlNode("MiningSchema")
  mfs <- lapply(1:numTrees, function(x) {
    xmlNode("MiningField", attrs = c(
      name = paste0("predictedValueTree", x - 1),
      usageType = "active", optype = "continuous",
      invalidValueTreatment = child_invalid_value_treatment
  ms <- append.xmlNode(ms, mfs)
  regrModel <- append.xmlNode(regrModel, ms)

  ltNode <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
  if (objective == "binary:logistic") {
    dfNode <- xmlNode("DerivedField", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[1]), dataType = "double", optype = "continuous"))
    applyNode <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "sum"))
    summedNodes <- lapply(seq(1, numTrees, 1), function(x) {
      xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = paste0("predictedValueTree", x - 1)))
    applyNode <- append.xmlNode(applyNode, summedNodes)
    dfNode <- append.xmlNode(dfNode, applyNode)
    ltNode <- append.xmlNode(ltNode, dfNode)

    regrModel <- append.XMLNode(regrModel, ltNode)

    tableElement <- xmlNode("RegressionTable", attrs = c(intercept = "0", targetCategory = output_categories[1]))
    numericElement <- xmlNode("NumericPredictor", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[1]), coefficient = "0.0"))
    tableElement <- append.xmlNode(tableElement, numericElement)
    regrModel <- append.xmlNode(regrModel, tableElement)
    tableElement <- xmlNode("RegressionTable", attrs = c(intercept = "0", targetCategory = output_categories[2]))
    # numericElement <- xmlNode("NumericPredictor", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[1]), coefficient = "-1.0"))
    numericElement <- xmlNode("NumericPredictor", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[1]), coefficient = "1.0"))
    tableElement <- append.xmlNode(tableElement, numericElement)
    regrModel <- append.xmlNode(regrModel, tableElement)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:numCategories) {
      dfNode <- xmlNode("DerivedField", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[i]), dataType = "double", optype = "continuous"))
      applyNode <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "sum"))
      summedNodes <- lapply(seq(i, numTrees, numCategories), function(x) {
        xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = paste0("predictedValueTree", x - 1)))
      applyNode <- append.xmlNode(applyNode, summedNodes)
      dfNode <- append.xmlNode(dfNode, applyNode)
      ltNode <- append.xmlNode(ltNode, dfNode)
    regrModel <- append.XMLNode(regrModel, ltNode)
    for (i in 1:numCategories) {
      tableElement <- xmlNode("RegressionTable", attrs = c(intercept = "0", targetCategory = output_categories[i]))
      numericElement <- xmlNode("NumericPredictor", attrs = c(name = paste0("SumCat", output_categories[i]), coefficient = "1.0"))
      tableElement <- append.xmlNode(tableElement, numericElement)
      regrModel <- append.xmlNode(regrModel, tableElement)

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pmml documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:49 p.m.