
Defines functions .build.matches .scale.weights .calc.scaling.factor .matching.scale.weights .summary.prep.df

## $Id: portfolioBasic.R 1311 2008-10-31 17:38:03Z enos $
## Basic portfolio class.
## This portfolio class represents a portfolio in weight space only,
## and so does not rely on the presence of prices in the object's data
## slot.  Slots specifying type and size specify instructions for
## delegating to the 'weight' method for creation.

          signature(.Object = "portfolioBasic"),
          function(.Object, ...){

            if(nrow(.Object@data) == 0){
              row.names(.Object@data) <- integer(0)
            if(nrow(.Object@weights) == 0){
              row.names(.Object@data) <- integer(0)
            .Object <- callNextMethod()

## Populate the weights slot using the slots in.var, weight.var, size,
## and type specified in this object.  Use the 'data' slot to grab
## in.var and weight.var as input.

          function(object, ...){
            if(length(object@in.var) == 0){
            else if(length(object@in.var) > 1){
              stop("Only one in.var is allowed.")

            ## Both id and in.var must be present in the data slot.

            if(object@id.var != "id"){
              if("id" %in% names(object@data)){
                object@data$id.bak <- object@data$id
              object@data$id <- as.character(object@data[[object@id.var]])
            input <- object@data

            stopifnot("id"          %in% names(input))
            stopifnot(object@in.var %in% names(input))

            ## Delegate to the 'weight' function.
            input$weight   <- weight(input, object@in.var, object@type,
                                     object@size, object@sides,

            input <- input[!is.na(input$weight), c("id", "weight")]

            ## Apply min/max weights from the weight.range slot.

            min.weight <- object@weight.range[1]
            max.weight <- object@weight.range[2]
            input$weight[abs(input$weight) < min.weight] <-
              sign(input$weight[abs(input$weight) < min.weight]) * min.weight

              input$weight[abs(input$weight) > max.weight] <-
                sign(input$weight[abs(input$weight) > max.weight]) * max.weight

            object@weights <- input
            object@weights$id <- as.character(object@weights$id)
            ## I don't know why we were always calling show here.
            ## show(object)

## Scale weights to the long/short weight sum targets given in the
## 'target' parameter.  Specifying 'condition' will restrict operation
## to a subset of weights.  It must be possible to evaluate the
## expression 'condition' in the environment of this object's data
## slot.

          function(object, target = c(1,-1), condition){

            if(length(target) != 2){
              stop("Must supply both long and short weight sums")

              stop("Invalid target parameter")

            x <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)

            ## Work within the set of weights + data as defined by the
            ## condition parameter, if any.

              r <- TRUE
              e <- substitute(condition)
              r <- eval(e, x, parent.frame())
              r <- r & !is.na(r)
            x <- x[r,]

            ## Compute positive and negative sums, then move existing
            ## weights to their new targets.
            sum.pos <- sum(x$weight[x$weight > 0])
            sum.neg <- sum(x$weight[x$weight < 0])

            x$weight <- ifelse(x$weight > 0, target[1], target[2]) *
              (x$weight / ifelse(x$weight > 0, sum.pos, sum.neg))

            ## Because we may have only worked on a subset of weights,
            ## use match to update the weights slot.  Note that the
            ## id's of x are matched into the id's of the weight
            ## slot's data frame.
            object@weights$weight[match(x$id, object@weights$id)] <-


## Balance weights by category as defined by in.var.  Weights with NA
## in.var are left untouched.

          signature("portfolioBasic", "character"),
          function(object, in.var){

            if(!setequal(object@sides, c("long", "short"))){
              stop("balance method only available for long-short portfolios")
            stopifnot(in.var %in% names(object@data))

            ## Hack right now for numeric in.vars: destructively
            ## modify the data slot by adding a new variable with the
            ## levels of in.var.

              in.var.lvl <- paste(in.var, ".levels", sep = "")

              object@data[[in.var.lvl]] <-
                                 breaks = c(-Inf,-1,1,Inf)))

              in.var <- in.var.lvl
            } else if(!is.character(object@data[[in.var]])) {
              in.var.char <- paste(in.var, ".char", sep = "")
              object@data[[in.var.char]] <- as.character(object@data[[in.var]])
              in.var <- in.var.char

            x <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
            ## Since scaleWeights does not return a vector, we
            ## interate through all possible values of in.var.
            for(v in unique(x[[in.var]])){

              ## Calculate the target weights by first summing weights
              ## on both sides for this value of in.var, then by
              ## moving each to the average.
              target <- c(sum(x$weight[x$weight > 0 & x[[in.var]] == v]),
                          sum(x$weight[x$weight < 0 & x[[in.var]] == v]))
              target <- sign(target) * mean(abs(target))

              object <- eval(parse(text = paste("scaleWeights(object, target = target, condition = ",
                                     in.var, " == \"" , v, "\")",
                                     sep = "")))


## Display/analysis methods.

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic"),
            cat(paste("An object of class \"", class(object), "\" with ",
                      nrow(object@weights)," positions\n\n", sep = ""))
            cat("Selected slots:\n")
            for(v in c("name","instant","symbol.var","in.var","weight.var","ret.var","type","size")){
              if(length(slot(object, v)) > 0){
                cat(paste(v, ": ", slot(object, v), "\n",sep = ""))

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic"),

            weight.col <- ifelse(nrow(object@weights) > 200, "bps", "pct")
            x <- .summary.prep.df(object, weight.col)
            columns  <- c("id", weight.col)
            disp.num <- 5
            long  <- x[x$weight > 0, ]
            short <- x[x$weight < 0, ]

            cat("Portfolio: ", object@name, "\n\n",
                sprintf("       %6s %12s", "count", "weight"), "\n",

                ifelse("long" %in% object@sides,
                             sprintf("Long:  %6s %12s",
                                     prettyNum(nrow(long), big.mark = ","),
                                     prettyNum(sum(long$weight), big.mark = ",")), "\n"),
                ifelse("short" %in% object@sides,
                             sprintf("Short: %6s %12s",
                                     prettyNum(nrow(short), big.mark = ","),
                                     prettyNum(sum(short$weight), big.mark = ",")), "\n"),
                "Top/bottom positions by weight:\n",
                sep = "")

            ## The following section will be expanded to include
            ## more top/bottom summaries akin to our perl portfolio
            ## summary.  Currently, the only data frame we show is
            ## sorted by weight.

            by.weight <- x[order(-x$weight, na.last = NA),]
            if(disp.num * 2 > nrow(by.weight)){
              show(rbind(head(by.weight, n = disp.num),
                         tail(by.weight, n = disp.num))[columns])
            if(nrow(x[is.na(x$weight),]) > 0){
              cat("\nNA weight:\n")

## Summary helper function that returns the data frame from which
## summary information is displayed.  Abstracted in this way because
## of the similarity between the summary methods for 'portfolioBasic'
## and 'portfolio', but the right answer here is that these methods
## should return summary _object_ that can be saved and re-displayed.
## The resulting data.frame will have all columns in the data slot.

.summary.prep.df <- function(object, weight.col){

  stopifnot(is(object, "portfolioBasic") ||
            is(object, "portfolio"))

  ## Don't go around merging and reporting if there aren't
  ## any weights.

  if(nrow(object@weights) == 0){
    cat("Empty portfolio\n")

  x <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
  ## Create the weight.col column to be something useful to
  ## the user, based on the number of positions in this
  ## portfolio.

  x[[weight.col]] <- x$weight * ifelse(weight.col == "bps",
                                       100 * 100,

  ## Try to set row.names to something useful if symbol.var
  ## is present.

  if(length(object@symbol.var > 1) &&
     object@symbol.var %in% names(x)){
    rn <- ifelse(is.na(x[[object@symbol.var]]), x$id, as.character(x[[object@symbol.var]]))
    if(length(unique(rn)) == length(rn)){
      row.names(x) <- rn

## Returns a list of data frames containing exposures to the factors
## specified in exp.var.  All numeric exposures are collected into the
## named list element 'numeric' and placed first in the list.
## Exposures to all other variables appear sorted by variable name.

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic", exp.var = "character"),
          function(object, exp.var){

            ## Return NULL if there are no weights for this portfolio.
            if(nrow(object@weights) == 0) return(NULL)

            ## All exp.var's must be present in this object's data
            ## slot.
            x <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id")
            if(! all(exp.var %in% names(x))){
              stop("Cannot find all exp.var's")
            x.long    <- x[x$weight > 0, ]
            x.short   <- x[x$weight < 0, ]

            ## Completed exposure data frames are collected in
            ## all.exp.
            all.exp <- list()

            for(ev in exp.var){

              ## For exp.var's of all types, construct a data frame
              ## with long exposure, short exposure, with factor value
              ## or numeric exp.var name as row.names.
              if(is.character(x[[ev]]) || is.factor(x[[ev]])){

                ## For character and factor exp.var's, sum the weights
                ## within each factor value for each side.

                long  <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(tapply(x.long$weight,
                                                        as.character(x.long[[ev]]), sum,
                                                        na.rm = TRUE)),
                names(long) <- "long"
                long$variable <- row.names(long)
                short <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(tapply(x.short$weight,
                                                        as.character(x.short[[ev]]), sum,
                                                        na.rm = TRUE)),
                names(short) <- "short"
                short$variable <- row.names(short)
              else if(is.numeric(x[[ev]])){

                ## For numeric exp.var's, sum the product of weights
                ## and exp.var.
                long  <- data.frame(variable  = ev,
                                    long  =
                                    sum(x.long$weight * x.long[[ev]],
                                        na.rm = TRUE),
                short <- data.frame(variable  = ev,
                                    short =
                                    sum(x.short$weight * x.short[[ev]],
                                        na.rm = TRUE),

              ## We might not have any rows in long or short,
              ## so don't use merge here.
              exp       <- data.frame(variable = union(as.character(long$variable),
              exp$long  <- long$long[match(exp$variable, long$variable)]
              exp$short <- short$short[match(exp$variable, short$variable)]
              ## We will need to include a way to supply counts.
              ## Right now we turn NA exposures into 0's, regardless
              ## of whether the NA comes from lack of securities or an
              ## inablility to compute weight.
              exp$long[is.na(exp$long)]   <- 0
              exp$short[is.na(exp$short)] <- 0

              exp$exposure <- exp$long + exp$short

              ## Extract desired columns from the result and sort by
              ## exposure.
              this.exp <- exp[c("variable","long","short","exposure")]
              this.exp <- this.exp[order(this.exp$exposure, decreasing = TRUE),]

              ## Add numeric exposures to the 'numeric' list element.
                numeric.exp <- all.exp$numeric
                  all.exp$numeric <- this.exp
                  all.exp$numeric <- rbind(numeric.exp, this.exp)
                all.exp$numeric <- all.exp$numeric[order(all.exp$numeric$exposure,
                                                         decreasing = TRUE),]
                all.exp[[ev]] <- this.exp

            ## If there are numeric exposures, put them at the front
            ## of the list.  Sort the rest afterwards by name.

              all.exp <- all.exp[sort(names(all.exp))]
              all.exp <- all.exp[c("numeric",
                                   sort(names(all.exp)[- grep("numeric", names(all.exp))]))]

            ## If we're long or short only, include just the exposure
            ## column.

            if(length(unique(object@sides)) == 1){

              ## Should we include row.names that are more meaningful?
              ## We could potentially omit 'variable' and include in
              ## row.names instead.

              all.exp <- lapply(all.exp, function(x) { x[c("variable", "exposure")] })

            exp.obj <- new("exposure", data = all.exp)

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic"),

            perf <- new("performance")
            x <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
            ret.var <- object@ret.var
            stopifnot(length(ret.var) == 1)

            stopifnot(all(c("id", ret.var) %in% names(x)))

            x$ret         <- x[[ret.var]]
            x$contrib     <- x$weight * x[[ret.var]]

            perf@ret        <- sum(x$contrib,     na.rm = TRUE)
            perf@ret.detail <- x[c("id", "weight", "ret", "contrib")]

            perf@missing.price   <- as.numeric(NA)
            perf@missing.return  <- sum(is.na(x$ret))

            if(length(object@symbol.var) > 0 &&
               object@symbol.var %in% names(object@data)){
              row.names(perf@ret.detail) <-
            ## Now expose the portfolio wrt the returns in the column
            ## specified in this object as ret.var.

            x$weight.new <- x$weight * (1 + x[[ret.var]])

            ## Don't change a weight to NA just because its ret.var
            ## was NA.

            x$weight.new <- ifelse(is.na(x$weight.new), x$weight, x$weight.new)
            x$weight     <- x$weight.new

            ## Don't require all weights to be non-NA.
            ## stopifnot(all(!is.na(x$weight)))
            object@weights <- x[c("id","weight")]
            perf@t.plus.one <- object


## Perform contribution on this portfolio by means of the performance
## function.

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic", contrib.var = "character"),
          function(object, contrib.var, buckets = 5){

            x <- object@data

            stopifnot(all(contrib.var %in% names(x)))

            ## Call the performance method and merge results into our
            ## data.frame. 

            ## I should probably add a check here to see if there is
            ## anything in the object 'perf'.

            perf <- performance(object)
            x <- merge(x, perf@ret.detail, by = "id")
            x$weight <- abs(x$weight)
            result <- list()
            for(att in contrib.var){

              att.cut <- att
                att.cut <- paste(att, "levels", sep = ".")

                ## Note that numeric category quantiles are computed
                ## over the universe, or securities in the 'data'
                ## slot, not just the values for contrib.var among
                ## this portfolio's positions.

                quantiles <- quantile(object@data[[att]],
                                      seq(0, 1, 1/buckets), na.rm = TRUE)
                x[[att.cut]] <- cut(x[[att]], quantiles, na.rm = TRUE)
              a <- stats::aggregate(list(x[c("weight","contrib")]),
                             list(variable = x[[att.cut]]), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
              ## Make sure that all levels in the universe-based
              ## intervals are present in this aggregate, and that
              ## they appear in the correct order.

              all.levels <- levels(x[[att.cut]])

              if(any(! all.levels %in% a$variable)){
                a <- rbind(a, data.frame(variable = all.levels[! all.levels %in% a$variable],
                                         weight = 0, contrib = 0))
                a <- a[match(all.levels, a$variable),]
              ## To compute roic, return on invested capital, divide
              ## contribution by weight scaled to [0,1].

              ## ** Should I leave roic as NaN (instead of 0) for
              ## those categories with 0 weight?

              a$weight   <- a$weight / sum(a$weight)
              a$roic     <- ifelse(a$weight == 0, 0, a$contrib / a$weight)


                a$rank <- 1:nrow(a)

                ## Don't use high/low if only one category.
                if(nrow(a) != 1){
                  a$rank[1] <- "1 - low"
                  a$rank[nrow(a)] <- paste(nrow(a), "high", sep = " - ")

                ## Put rank first.
                a <- a[c(which("rank" == names(a)),
                         which("rank" != names(a)))]


              result[[att]] <- a

            contrib.obj <- new("contribution", data = result)

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic", x = "portfolioBasic"),
          function(object, x){

            ## Right now, only deal with the case where we have the
            ## same columns in both portfolios' data slots.
            stopifnot(setequal(names(object@data), names(x@data)))
            p.diff.data <- rbind(
              x@data[!x@data$id %in% object@data$id, ,drop=FALSE])

            p.diff <- new("portfolioBasic",
                          name = "Portfolio diff", data = p.diff.data)

            w.diff    <- merge(object@weights, x@weights, by = "id", all = TRUE)
            w.diff.na <- NULL

            ## If a stock enters with an NA weight, it should have an
            ## NA weight in the diff.  (This is different from having
            ## a zero weight).

            if(any(is.na(object@weights$weight)) || any(is.na(x@weights$weight))){

              ## Populate w.diff.na if there are stocks in either
              ## portfolio with an na weight.

              all.ids <- union(object@weights$id[is.na(object@weights$weight)],
              w.diff.na <- w.diff[w.diff$id %in% all.ids, ]

              w.diff.na$weight <- NA
              w.diff.na <- w.diff.na[c("id","weight")]
              w.diff <- w.diff[!w.diff$id %in% w.diff.na$id, ]
            ## Make NA weights 0 for those stocks that were in one
            ## portfolio but not in the other.

              w.diff$weight.x[is.na(w.diff$weight.x)] <- 0
              w.diff$weight.y[is.na(w.diff$weight.y)] <- 0
            w.diff$weight <- w.diff$weight.y - w.diff$weight.x

            ## Those securities that have the same weight in both
            ## portfolios should not be included in the diff
            ## portfolio.
            w.diff <- w.diff[w.diff$weight != 0, ]
            p.diff@weights <- rbind(w.diff[c("id","weight")], w.diff.na)


          signature(x = "portfolioBasic", y = "missing"),
            stopifnot(length(x@in.var) == 1 && x@in.var %in% names(x@data))

            pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 1)))
            pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1))

            y <- merge(x@data, x@weights, by = "id")
            ## Plot weight vs. in.var values.

            print(xyplot(y$weight ~ y[[x@in.var]],
                         main = "Weight vs. in.var",
                         xlab = paste(x@in.var, "(in.var)"),
                         ylab = "weight"), newpage = FALSE)
            pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 2))

            ## Plot a histogram of weights.
            print(histogram(~ y$weight,
                            main = "Weight distribution",
                            xlab = "weight",
                            ylab = "count"), newpage = FALSE)


          signature(object    = "portfolioBasic"),
                   universe   = NULL,
                   covariates = NULL,
                   method     = "greedy",
                   n.matches  = 1,
                   exact      = character()){

            if(nrow(object@weights) == 0){
              stop("Cannot calling matching on a portfolio with no positions")

            ## Construct formula based on supplied parameters.

            f <- NULL
            treat.var <- "treatment"
              f <- formula(paste("treatment ~", paste(covariates, collapse = "+")))
              treat.var <- NULL

            ## At this point, all securities in the original portfolio
            ## should be in its data slot.  This is a good sanity
            ## check, because we're about to restrict what's allowed
            ## in the original portfolio (treatment) and data slot
            ## (treatment + controls).
            stopifnot(all(object@weights$id %in% object@data$id))

            ## Originally I accidentally had names(data) here, before
            ## that was a symbol in this environment.  But it didn't
            ## cause an error because I could call 'names' on the
            ## 'data' function, which would return NULL.  Hence
            ## perhaps we should be more careful about variables named
            ## like existing objects.

            data <- object@data
            data.cols.orig <- names(data)

            data <- merge(object@data, object@weights, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
            data$treatment <- !is.na(data$weight)

            omitted.treatment <- 0
            omitted.control   <- 0

            ## Remove stocks from the original portfolio that
            ## have an NA weight.  We don't care how they got to be
            ## NA, and they might still be good controls.

              omitted.treatment <- omitted.treatment + sum(is.na(object@weights$weight))
              object@weights <- object@weights[is.na(object@weights$weight), ]

            ## Now all omissions go into data.nok.

            data.nok <- data.frame()

            ## Process the universe directive.  That directive will
            ## also exclude stocks from being in the original
            ## portfolio to match.
            ## Note that 'weight' is a column in the data frame upon
            ## which we're applying the universe restriction.  Since
            ## it's unambiguous, 'weight' may be used in the universe
            ## parameter's condition.
            if(missing(universe) || is.null(universe)){
              r <- TRUE
              e <- parse(text = universe)
              r <- eval(e, data, parent.frame())
              r <- r & !is.na(r)

            if(any(data$treatment & !r)){
              warning("Universe does not include all elements of the original portfolio")

            data.nok <- rbind(data.nok, data[!r,])
            data     <- data[r,]

            for(i in c(object@ret.var, covariates, exact)){
              data.nok <- rbind(data.nok, data[is.na(data[[i]]),])
              data     <- data[!data$id %in% data.nok$id, ]
            omitted.treatment <- omitted.treatment + sum(data.nok$treatment)
            omitted.control   <- omitted.control + sum(!data.nok$treatment)

            ## Update the original portfolio to reflect these
            ## omissions.  We store this portfolio in the result
            ## object, so it's handy to see which portfolio we're
            ## _actually_ matching against.

            object@data <- data[data.cols.orig]
            object@weights <- object@weights[!object@weights$id %in% data.nok$id, ]
            cols <- c("id","treatment", covariates, exact)

            ## ".matchit" returns a matrix, "m".  The row names of "m"
            ## are the "id" values for "object".  The cell values are
            ## the "id" values for the matched portfolios.  Moving
            ## across rows, this is a mapping of original ids to
            ## matched ids.

            row.names(data) <- data$id

            id.map <- portfolio:::.matchit(f,
                                           data      = data[cols],
                                           treat.var = treat.var,
                                           method    = method,
                                           n.matches = n.matches,
                                           exact     = exact)

            ## Use the set of non-na weights that were _passed to
            ## .matchit_ to compute what matched weights should be.

            ## Probably can do away with new.weights 
            # new.weights <- .matching.scale.weights(data[!is.na(data$weight), c("id","weight")], id.map)

            #matches <- .build.matches(object@data$id,
            #                          id.map,
            #                          new.weights$weight)

                          formula  = f,
                          method   = method,
                          original = object,
                          omitted.treatment  = omitted.treatment,
                          omitted.control    = omitted.control,
                          matches  = id.map))


## The matching code needs to be refactored, which means tidying up
## these dot functions.

.matching.scale.weights <- function(weights, id.map){

  ## Subroutine of "matching" method.  "weights" is a data frame with
  ## columns "id" and "weight".  "id.map" is a matrix where the row
  ## labels are the identifiers for the "original portfolio"
  res <- weights[match(dimnames(id.map)[[1]], weights$id),]

  ## Determines by how much we should scale the weights on
  ## each side, then scales them

  scaling.factor <- .calc.scaling.factor(weights$weight,

  res$weight <- .scale.weights(res$weight, scaling.factor)



.calc.scaling.factor <- function(orig.weights, matched.weights){

  ## "orig.weights" and "matched.weights" are vectors of weights for
  ## the original and matched portfolio.  Calculates the sums of the
  ## weights for each side of the original portfolio and the matched
  ## portfolio.  Returns the scaling factor for each side for the
  ## matched portfolio

  ## calculates the sum within each side for both sets of weights

  side.sums.orig <- tapply(orig.weights, sign(orig.weights), sum)
  side.sums.matched <- tapply(matched.weights, sign(matched.weights), sum)

  ## calculates and returns the scaling factor

  res <- as.vector(side.sums.orig/side.sums.matched)
  names(res) <- names(side.sums.orig)


.scale.weights <- function(x, scaling.factors){
  ## "x" is a vector of weights for a single side of a portfolio.  All
  ## the values must have the same sign.  "scaling.factors" is a named
  ## vector of length 1 or 2.  The names are "-1", or "1" or both, and
  ## the values are the scaling factors for the short and long sides
  ## respectively. Returns a vector of length(x) with the values
  ## scaled by the scaling factor that corresponds to their side

  ## chooses the correct scaling factor for the side

  if(sum(x) > 0){
    index = "1"
    index = "-1"

  x * scaling.factors[index]

.build.matches <- function(universe, id.map, weights){

  ## "universe" is a vector of the unique identifiers for each stock
  ## in the universe, the union of the treated and control groups.
  ## "id.map" is a matrix of the ids of the stocks used in the
  ## matched portfolios.  Each row is a stock and each column is a
  ## matched portfolio.  "weights" is a vector of the weights for the
  ## stocks in "id.map".  Its length is equal to the number of rows
  ## in "id.map".  Returns a matrix of length equal to "universe".
  ## The row names are specified by universe.  Each column is a
  ## matched portfolio, and the value of a cell is the weight of that
  ## stock in the matched portfolio.

  res <- matrix(0,
                nrow = length(universe),
                ncol = dim(id.map)[2],
                dimnames = list(universe, 1:dim(id.map)[2])
  ## Iterates through each column of the id.map

  for(i in 1:dim(res)[2]){

    ## If there is more than one entry for the same stock in a
    ## single portfolio combine the weights for multiple entries
    ## into a single weight.

    x <- tapply(weights, id.map[,i], sum)

    res[match(dimnames(x)[[1]], dimnames(res)[[1]]), i] <- x




          signature(target = "portfolioBasic", current = "portfolioBasic"),
          function(target, current){


            ## Again, we need to be careful and very clear about what
            ## we mean by portfolio equality, particularly since we
            ## allow NA weights in the weights slot.

            ## For now, two portfolioBasic objects are all.equal iff
            ## their 'weights' data frames contain the same set of
            ## stocks and their weights are all.equal.  That means
            ## they have to have the same NA weights, too.

            ## Should we keep the weights slot sorted by id?  That
            ## would make things like this easier.
            w1 <- target@weights
            w2 <- current@weights

            w1 <- w1[order(w1$id),]
            w2 <- w2[order(w2$id),]

            if(!isTRUE(all.equal(w1$id, w2$id))){
              return(paste("Identifiers:", all.equal(w1$id, w2$id)))
            else if(!isTRUE(all.equal(w1$weight, w2$weight))){
              return(paste("Weights:", all.equal(w1$weight, w2$weight)))
            else TRUE

          signature(e1 = "portfolioBasic", e2 = "portfolioBasic"),
          function(e1, e2){

            ## We could spend a lot of time figuring out the correct
            ## value for each slot in the sum.  For now, though,
            ## arithmetic operators will return a portfolio object of
            ## the simplest form.
            r <- new("portfolioBasic", type = "unknown", size = "unknown")

            stopifnot(e1@id.var == e2@id.var)
            r@id.var <- e1@id.var

            stopifnot(e1@symbol.var == e2@symbol.var)
            r@symbol.var <- e1@symbol.var

            stopifnot(e1@ret.var == e2@ret.var)
            r@ret.var <- e1@ret.var
            if(nrow(e1@weights) == 0 && nrow(e2@weights) == 0){
            else if(nrow(e1@weights) == 0){
              r@data    <- e2@data
              r@weights <- e2@weights
            else if(nrow(e2@weights) == 0){
              r@data    <- e1@data
              r@weights <- e1@weights

              ## Currently, we allow NA weights in the weights slot of
              ## portfolioBasic.  To make matters simpler here, the
              ## portfolio sum includes a weight for a security iff
              ## the security has a non-na weight in at least one of
              ## the addends.
              dropna.wt <- function(x) {
                x@weights[!is.na(x@weights$weight), ]
              w <- merge(dropna.wt(e1), dropna.wt(e2),
                         suffixes = c(".e1", ".e2"), by = "id", all = TRUE)

              w$weight.e1[is.na(w$weight.e1)] <- 0
              w$weight.e2[is.na(w$weight.e2)] <- 0
              w$weight <- w$weight.e1 + w$weight.e2
              r@weights <- w[c("id","weight")]

              ## Remove entries that now have zero weight.
              remove_idx = is.na(r@weights$weight) | r@weights$weight != 0
              r@weights <- r@weights[remove_idx, ,drop=FALSE]
              ## The data slot in the sum portfolio needs to include a
              ## row for each security in the set union of securities
              ## in the two argument portfolios' data slots.

              ## At some point I should devise a way of performing
              ## validity checks for all arithmetic operators.  For
              ## instance, for binary operators that take two
              ## portfolioBasic objects, the data slots must contain
              ## data frames with the same columns.

              if(!setequal(names(e1@data), names(e2@data))){
                stop("portfolioBasic object must contain data slots with the same columns")
              d <- rbind(e1@data, e2@data[! e2@data$id %in% e1@data$id,])
              r@data <- d

          signature(object = "portfolioBasic"),
                   area.var  = "weight",
                   group.var = "sector",
                   color.var = object@ret.var,
                   label     = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                   scale     = NULL){

            stopifnot(nrow(object@weights) > 0)
            stopifnot(all(object@weights$weight > 0))
            data <- merge(object@weights, object@data, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)

            if(!all(sapply(list(area.var, group.var, color.var),
                           function(x){ is.character(x) &&
                                        isTRUE(length(x) == 1) } ))){
              stop(paste("area.var, group.var, and color.var must be character",
                         "vectors of length 1"))
            if(!all(c(area.var, group.var, color.var) %in% names(data))){
              stop(paste("area.var, group.var, and color.var must be set to",
                         "\"weight\" or a column in object's data slot"))
            id    <- data$id
            area  <- data[[area.var]]
            group <- data[[group.var]]
            color <- data[[color.var]]

            map.market(id    = id,
                       area  = area,
                       group = group,
                       color = color,
                       lab   = label,
                       scale = scale)

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portfolio documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:17 p.m.